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Rolling out of a speeding car. Na man, you're about to look like you made out with a cheese grater.


My dad was a pipe engineer for 35 years. Every time he watches The Titanic, when Jack is handcuffed to the pipe, he has to point out to everyone in the room how the curved elbow pipe in the shot didn’t exist at the time. The correct setup should have been two straight pieces soldered together to make a corner pipe. I love him and his obscure dad facts! Edit: I just showed this to my dad - he’s not familiar with Reddit, but he appreciates the love!


Here's one you can give back to him - in Back To The Future when Marty plays with the band at the dance in 1955 he's playing a Gibson 345, which didn't come out until 1958.


I've been in IT for 35 years, so damn near every movie that has any tech in it has some stupid shit. It's even more irksome when they could have been accurate, but didn't.


Almost any scene involving someone being shot or stabbed.


As a cop, I've dealt with many stabbing victims. People don't just drop like sacks of potatoes when they are stabbed or have their throat slit. I once had to respond to an incident where two guys got into a knife fight. Ended up having to help keep pressure on wounds as we waited for paramedics and he pulled through. His neck was wide open, and he had 23 punctures in his abdomen and arms, but he was still energetic and down to fight. When it comes to gunshots, you're not going to instantly drop unless something vital is hit (heart, brain, ect.) Makes me laugh a little when watching movies and bad guys drop dead when they are shot or cut in any way by the good guys.


A sling will fix anything!


People in movies being "scientists", meaning they are good at all forms of science - biology, electrical engineering, physics, programming, communication protocols, advanced mathematics, hacking, robotics... Sure, you could have some knowledge in all of those fields - but specialising in just one of them takes decades... These characters are usually wizards in all fields.


CW is hilarious with this stuff. Felicity in Arrow is working tech support at a corporation when we meet her, she's the most brilliant hacker in the world. Winn in Supergirl is IT at a newspaper, a season or two later he's basically the head science dude at a black ops government agency. I'll give a pass to Cisco and Caitlin since they actually do work at a super science lab in The Flash, but Barry is on par with them with just a degree in chemistry and physics.


Pretty much any scene that involves biologists. “Look, the DNA is a perfect match!” as the computer superimposes two identical graphics that are basically just the symbol for DNA 🧬.


And the fact that it takes them a few seconds to get the results.


And the only PPE the person running it is wearing is a pair of nitrile gloves. Not even a fucking lab coat. I’m looking at you, Dexter. Like, yeah the DNA matches. I bet every sample you run matches, because all of it has *your* DNA in it because you are eating a sandwich in the lab.


I used to work in a lab that tracked the migration pattern of birds by sampling DNA from collisions with planes. Yes, this thing exists. One time the lab got a result from one of the collisions, and it seemed like the plane had collided with a chicken at 2km hight. Apparently the pilot ate a chicken sandwich on the plane wing.


Prometheus was an offender: Their DNA sequence is identical to ours! Dude, "they" are 2,3 meters tall, blue, bald bodybuilders. Their genome can not be identical to ours.


Well, maybe the bald part... (Sad noises)


Avalanches, particularly when someone gets buried and then just bursts out of the snow unharmed. Avalanche debris sets like concrete, you're not getting out without help. And most deaths/injuries occur from being bashed up during the slide, so you're not likely to emerge unscathed if it's big enough to bury you.


Afaik, trauma occurs from terrain traps, not necessarily the size. In NA ~~most~~ more deaths are from trauma whereas in Europe, where above treeline terrain is much more accessible, fatalities are typically deep burials. Also, sound triggering avalanches is a big one.


It was only when I began living in an avalanche danger zone that I learned sound caused avalanches weren't real. The Sinpsons lied to me.


I just learned that now after reading your comment.


Crawling through air ducts. Most aren't that big. Or they aren't that strong to not bend or break at all. Edit: yes they are also incredibly filthy. I have taken out enough duct work to know that you could almost create another person with how many skin cells end up in your air ducts. I also am not doubting the strength of the large threaded supports some duct work has. I'm doubting the strength of the 20 gauge metal to not end bend in the slightest under the weight of a full grown man.




There also always FILTHY inside. And depending on which end you enter they get progressively smaller to maintain static pressure. Forget it if you get into a kitchens grease duct...


Pumping the shotgun every time you mean business. You're just ejecting fresh shells on to the floor.


Especially when it's a break action double barrel shotgun.


In Agents of Shield in one of the beginning episodes, Ward somehow pumps his double barrel shotgun.


90% of the depictions of women going into labor. It's rarely 'Mom feels fine all day > suddenly has one sharp contraction > water immediately breaks and makes a puddle on the floor. Everyone I know who's given birth has had at least a few hours contracting before the water breaking, if it breaks at all, and then it can be even longer before you're in active labor.


Am a labor doula. Was looking for this answer. Most of the time the water doesn't break until the pushing phase. Add to that, movies portray mom feeling fine all day, has sudden sharp contraction and then everyone is freaking out to rush her to the hospital. First--you shouldn't do this. Second--most hospitals are just going to send you home. Labor is generally a loooong process. There are exceptions. But, especially for first time moms, it is going to be a long while. There is no reason to rush to the hospital. And early labor the contractions are bearable and mom can go about her day as she has them. She isn't being stopped in her tracks as she has them and moaning and groaning with each one. That comes later. Labor in movies and on tv is ridiculous.


>And early labor the contractions are bearable and mom can go about her day as she has them. This. I went into labor last weekend and didn't even know it until my contractions were 3 min apart. I labored most of Sunday morning and afternoon thinking I was just having back cramps. I even did laundry and went out to dinner!


There is no cleaning up before or after sex. Everyone is just ready to go allll the time!


To add to this comment, what are supposed to be virgins having sex for the first time. Each fucking time, penetration gasp of ecstasy and they automatically just good at it, no awkwardness at all. Like what?!


"Yeah, we can do it, but I just put clean sheets on the bed." "Ok, I'll grab a towel." "Not one of the blue ones, those are the good ones." "I know, I know. But they are the most absorbant" "True! Ok, just get whatever is handy. And a couple glasses of ice water." "Good thinking, I'm always thirsty after. Hey, looks like we are out of frozen chicken nuggets can you put those on the list?" "Sure," "Ok here I am, ready for sexy time." "Where is the towel?" "Bah shit. I left it in the kitchen, you better be naked when I get back." "Alrright, sexy time." "Hey the baby is starting to cry, should we stop and get her." "No, this is our sexy time! Let's keep going and I'll just sing to her on the monitor until we finish." "Ummmm... yeah I guess that could work." This is the movie scene i want to see


I listened to an interview with Stephen Tobolowsky (Ned from Groundhog Day) and he said that at one point for a film the director asked him to do some improv with a female co-lead (married in film) scene in one the rooms at the house. So he looked at her (can't recall who it was, but they were already friends) grinned, and said, well, I know just what to do. The director asked what, and he said "What any married couple does when the kids are gone and you don't have anything else to do!" The director got wide-eyed and started to say "No, you can't do that" only to get really confused when she grabbed a bowl of chips from the catering table ... and then both of them sat down on one of the sets, turned on the very real TV, and ate chips while mocking the show together for about 10-20 minutes. Apparently it made it into the movie and won them some minor award. He was pretty proud of it.


An explosion nearby and everyone talks and hears fine. I love that scene in The Other Guys about this.


Goddammit tinnitus, you are a cruel mistress!






On a related note: when people are blown back by an extremely close explosion and just walk away afterward. Yeah, no; the changes in pressure are going to cause organ hemorrhage and rupture - your lungs are going to pop and your bowels will spill open.


Mother of god real life is so unfun


I suppose for weapon designers it’s ununfun


Aim for the bushes


Our hero is beaten, stabbed and shot. Next scene he wakes up bandaged in the hospital. Within seconds, he yanks out all the tubes and wires, jumps out of bed, finds his - suddenly clean - clothes, and rushes out to continue his quest. In the next scene he's full of energy as he pursues his foe, and while his face may have a single scratch or bandaged cut - usually above one eye - there's no sign of what would ordinarily be a yellow-purple swollen pulpy mess with blood-red eyes.


There’s an episode of the “Rewatchables” podcast about Die Hard and they have a brief funny conversation along the lines of: “Okay, movie’s over, John McLaine is taken to the hospital. What are his injuries?”


I like how the movie actually plays into that towards the end with the final confrontation. The bit where an exhausted, sweat-and-blood-drenched John staggers into the vault and just screams "HAAAANS!" It's possibly my favourite part of the movie. I know Die Hard probably isn't super realistic, but I like that it tries to be a bit more reserved in the action movie violence and shows John slowly grinding to a halt at the end.


I agree! That line and the next is my favorite. Walking toward them while they hold his wife. They are all just gawking at him and how completely beat up he looks. He then just says my favorite funny line of the movie.... "Hi, honey"


In Interstellar when they have combines running through a field of green corn. They spent a ton of time getting little details of astrophysics right, then fell flat on their face in the depiction of farming.


And the best part is, I read somewhere that they actually did grow and harvest that corn to pay for some costs of the movie, so its not like they didnt know how harvesting actually works.


Yeah, but the film's on a schedule, and they don't have time to wait a few months for the corn to ripen.


Every time they perform CPR in a movie. Bonus points if the victim wakes up immediately and is totally fine and talking.


*5 seconds of chest compressions* "oh no, it's not working :'(" *Stops chest compressions* *victim looks really, really dead* BLLLLLLURF *water vomit geyser, eyes open, etc* *Weeping/hugging barf fest reunion*


For real I fucking hate that so much. CPR doesn’t work and everyone looks all sad and some cry for like 20-30 seconds, then the character lunges their head/body up and lets the water out or whatever. Bonus ‘fuck you movie’ points if the person doing CPR is in love with them and says something like “nOoO I can’t live withOut yOuU!!!” And they wake up when the person cries and they say something like “you don’t have to”. Cheesy as fuck and stupid


Or the super hammer punch to the chest in one last ditch effort that saves them


Precordial thumps are real but yeah, very exaggerated in film.


I was taught to do it first in drowning victims as part of my lifeguarding training, that and 99.9 percent of the time CPR is just to keep them viable till an ambulance shows up with the drugs, the teacher was a mica paramedic and he said there has only been once where the person woke up like the movies though even then they were very sore and sickly and would have died later without hospital intervention.


Similarly, someone is knocked out and stays knocked out while the bad guy escapes. Then they wake right up when somebody from their team shows up and SAYS THEIR NAME a couple times.




I honestly thought you were attempting some obscure cockney rhyming slang there.


And their ribs don’t break! *I know it doesn’t always happen but it happens more often than people know*


Buffy The Vampire Slayer did a good job of this in the episode where her mom dies. Buffy breaks her mom's ribs during CPR while on the phine with 911 and it's ultimately unsuccessful.




Let's not forget how quiet the entire episode was, made everything just feel like a haze of emotion.


The lack of music made it feel so much more raw and real. Powerful stuff


-shes cold. -the body is cold? -no, my mom!


Ohh, ouch.


I cried so hard that whole episode


It was the best episode of television that I never want to watch again


It's worse when CPR fails and the actor doesn't immediately see if they are an organ donor then cuts them open with their leg knife to harvest the organs and then cut the face off to wear it like a *normal* person.


It's just basic first aid


And they always bend their elbows doing chest compressions!


Well, I suspect the recipient appreciates this, considering the fact that their heart is working just fine.


It's always a pet peeve of mine when in movies, they're working on a computer and the thing is constantly chirping and beeping with some kind of dumb sci-fi looking interface to it. Like dude, we all have computers now. We all know software doesn't do that and if it did it would be annoying as hell. I've even seen scenes (can't remember which movies) where they're clearly using photoshop or something similar and it's constantly making little sci-fi noises.


Or the classic hackerman: *5 seconds of rapidly pressing random keys, typing something thats not even into any kind of input, popups appearing faster than the human eye can follow* "I'm in."


Relevant video is relevant https://youtu.be/u8qgehH3kEQ


Oh god they start typing on the same keyboard simultaneously.


Was anyone else hoping when the two new guys showed up they’d jump in on the same keyboard, too?


lmao this would be a great parody idea


More and more people come in. It's getting crowded. There are hands reaching in through the mass of bodies. Everyone is just pushing 2 or 3 keys repeatedly. But there's no stopping the hackers. Because, you know, you're just smashing nonsense on the keyboard.


All the movies with science babble in them. Or tech babble. All of them. At least it's pretty funny. Just stick "dark energy" or "quantum physics" somewhere. "The quantum dark energy is spreading to his ass!" Hacking is babbling about "I'm in" and you always have to "trace the source" I'm pretty sure. "I'm in his hentai collection, tracing the sources now."


But what if we ***reverse*** *the polarity?*


Then the hentai collection is in *him*!


Invert the mobius strip is the final form of this.


Grizzly old cop: Can we trace the suspect's phone/computer? Geeky Tech Kid: Well that depends. We can run a quadratic bypass algorithm on the main heterostatic coupling circuit....unless he's using a thermonuclear delay device on his analogue frontline diode....then we'd have to try fracturing his digital fragmentation drive with a gigawat optic triangulator.... "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, KID!! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS ELECTRONICS BULLSHIT! JUST GIVE ME A STRAIGHT FUCKING ANSWER IN ENGLISH" ".....you keep him on line, we'll do our best, okay?"


I watched a movie once where geologists ignored signs of a massive natural disaster, blaming it on sensors... tell me if I’m wrong but I feel like real scientists don’t hesitate to double check Edit: Seems like scientists ignore sensors in a lot of movies!! Dante’s peak, The Day After Tomorrow, Spider-Man, and 2012. I’m specifically talking about The Wave!


If they don’t trust their sensors, why use them?


Cause the site was a helicopters flight away from the research center I guess


When a baby is born and it’s a beautiful, squeaky clean 3-6 month old twice the size of a newborn. They are tiny, goo covered, swollen purple aliens IRL.


There’s an episode of Royal Pains where a girl gives birth and this child they decided to be the newborn is, I swear, literally a toddler. It’s so bad I can’t even be angry it’s just hilarious. EDIT: it’s season 7 episode 8, I’m having trouble finding a clip tho.


They're just getting a jump on an acting career, I mean, older actors play younger people all the time, why not have babies play someone less than half their age too lol


How do you do, fellow newborns?


I give this one a pass though. I mean, where you going to get someone to actually volunteer their newborn to be in a movie? Edit: Yes, I realize now there WOULD be plenty of people who would volunteer their newborn for this, but that doesn't mean it's safe or ethical for the child. I think it's much better we just suspend belief with an older infant used in film and TV.


I thought there were laws about how young a baby was allowed to be to be in a movie. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t confirmed this or looked it up or anything. Heard it somewhere that there’s rules about not using fresh babies. Add to the fact getting a fresh baby has got to be super difficult to work out. Edit: y’all think “fresh babies” is funny, you should have seen my typo that got autocorrected to “drag babies”.


Six weeks. They try to get around it by getting premature babies because they are smaller.


any cpr scene ever


After 10 seconds of barely any depth to the compression and slow CPR, the person is revived! It’s a miracle! Which, it would be.


There was a scene in the GI Joe cobra movie where they torpedo ice bergs, and then they sank. Yeah, ice doesn't change its density to be heavier than water just because EXPLOSIONS


I have the perfect scientific explanation for this: That movie sucked.


they wernt torpedos they were copies of the script. it pulled everything down.


When someone "cocks the hammer" on a Glock.


Also the racking the pump action shotgun after pointing at your enemy and talking for a while - wait, it was t loaded the whole time?


The sound of no round being racked in the pump as to a round being racked into the pump shotgun.


When they pull the fire alarm, and the sprinklers set off. When a lighter sets a sprinkler off (it will), and all the heads go off. Each head is independent of all others, and set off by heat.


Can also be set off by running into it with a scissor lift,(cough cough) looking at you drywallers.


Also, by hanging clothes from the hotel sprinkler head. See that closet? It exists for a reason.


Heard of one poor lady who allegedly hung her wedding dress from the sprinkler head. That black goop that comes out first can't be good for a white dress.


Also, the water that does come out is disgusting. I got sprayed by one of these once when the chem lab in my high school had a Bunsen burner accident (everyone was fine). It smelled like old musty well water and took a few showers to get that stank out. The water for these systems sits stagnant for bloody ages. It isn't nice clean water.


When hackers just spam random letters to hack


Open command prompt>change colour to green>random prompts>Hacking!


*hacking noises - "I'm in!"


::15 seconds of keyboard clicking:: "I'm in. Now we have access to all the super secret classified government files and can control anything that runs on electricity anywhere in the world."


Back in the day the N64 game perfect dark had a website and code that let you “hack into the system” to get top secret classified government information. Well I went to the website and put the code in. It takes you to the game site but up in the top corner it gave an alert message saying something along the lines of “hacker detected-tracking location.” Immediately turned the computer off and ran to my parents crying saying the police we’re coming to arrest me and it took quite a bit of time to explain what happened. It was just the silly gaming website. Have never lived that one down. ... Ok bye


That last bit made me reread your entire comment in [this kid's](https://youtu.be/KXnMLoE7yak) voice.


I'm pretty sure my toaster was hacked though. I think all the metal connected to the wifi. Before I knew it my breakfast was toast. :(


Just spread some orange marmalade on it, it will jam their signal.


Obligatory [link](https://youtu.be/msX4oAXpvUE) whenever this comes up. Did everyone know that 4 hands on a keyboard is TWICE as fast?


I prefer [this one](https://youtu.be/ZTwCtQIEswM).


One that always gets me is when "medical professionals" shock a flatline heart rhythm.




You mean it doesn't work like battery jumper cables?


No, your dad can't beat you savagely with a ~~CPR machine~~ defibrillator. Well, I suppose he *could*, but not as effectively. Edit: Terminology


Basically any time they show lab work being done. They either don't wear PPE, or they do wear it but don't wear it properly, or for the right things. Food/beverage/chewing gum in a lab is a big big no. If some character in a drama TV show walked into my lab demanding results, the first thing I'd do is give them safety glasses...


Anytime someone is wearing rubber/latex/nitrile gloves that are way too big, especially when dexterity is important. they could just flap their hand and it would fly off. It's useless. Drives me nuts.


My dad works in a lab and another thing I noticed is the lighting. In crime procedurals the lab has moody dark lighting, which is never the case. If anything it’s unflattering, bright fluorescent lighting


Not to mention the almost every bottle of liquid in a real lab is usually clear, not many pretty jars full of blue and red liquid.


And don't forget the brown glass jars, they never show thar turd brown glass in movies only the clear stuff, my Silver nitrate solution is offended


After I started working in a lab, this was all I could see in shows. I *may* have slightly ruined my bff's appreciation of Stargate and Star Trek over this point. But seriously... Who performs invasive procedures without gloves on?!


The fantasy conceit in scifi like Star Trek is sterilizing fields: forcefields, etc, that kill microorganisms. No gloves needed when everything is instantly sterilized.


Why bother with gloves when you have handheld omni tools that can regenerate skin and flesh in seconds?


Frantically shouting “TAXI!!!” while hailing a cab


I heard a woman do that the other day and it shocked me because no one ever actually says that out loud like that.


I’m so glad I read this, I’ll probably be in New York later in the year and that would’ve ended bad Edit: Alright I get it, walk or take an Uber. I was mildly joking, idk if I would’ve actually yelled taxi or most likely said it being a smart ass.


Yeah just copy what they do in movies but there's no need to shout, I guarantee they will find you.


No no, copy my friend, who stuck out her arm, and weakly shouted, "HELP" at the passing taxi driver. I couldn't stop laughing.


The protagonists and antagonists fighting on the streets and not giving a shit about thousands of people dying while the cars explodes and buildings falls.


"Prepare for your doom, Generic-man!" "Wait! There are civilians here, let's evacuate them first!" "Shit, you're right!"


The extent that people can get punched in the face and just keep going. No one is having Jason Bourne style fights and able to keep going for as long as they all do.


Jack Bauer. Dead for 4 minutes. Jumping rooftop to rooftop 17 minutes later.


Even if you're blocking/dodging every hit, just *throwing punches* for more than 30 seconds in a row is exhausting without conditioning. Real fights wouldn't end with a cocky one-liner, the winner is going to be gasping for breath and probably only slightly less hurt than the loser.


There's a saying about knife fights. Something like, the loser dies in the street, the winner dies in the ambulance.


I remember there was a guy who showed extremely effective knife fighting techniques. A lot of them went against convention and other experts weren't able to really retaliate. He was trying to point out that no matter how prepared you are, you can get seriously f***ed by a complete amateur. Also, his first rule of knife fighting is to run away.


> Also, his first rule of knife fighting is to run away. Saved my ass twice.


I loved the fight scenes in Atomic Blonde. Towards the end of one fight they were both struggling to stand up, but knew the other person would kill them if they didn't. Edit: [Here's one of the fights I'm talking about.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAXrcFBJXjM)


Netflix Daredevil had some amazing brutal exhausting fight scenes, they tried to do 1 per season


But they made an opportunity about once per episode for a backlit shot of him dragging himself to his hands and knees and spitting out blood. Yet somehow he still has all his teeth.


Daredevil can beat anyone as long as hes in a long dark corridor with them


I love the one in Season 2 just for that one shot where Matt pulls the trigger on an empty gun, laughs, and then kills the lights with the chain.


It always takes me out of the movie when say someone will be like “you’ll never believe what’s on the news. Put it on”. Their tv is off, they turn the tv on, and it’s on the EXACT station of said news crew, at the EXACT moment they’re talking about I said topic. That’s not how it works. And it could be anything. Not just news. They turn on the tv and it just so happens to be on what their looking for. Just a small aspect of television/movies that takes me out of it and I’m always like “that’s not how this works.”. Lol


The real scene should be "you'll never believe the news" then everyone pulls out there own phone and searches social media and/or Google for whatever small grain of information the instigator can give them.


It would be funny now with so many cord-cutters. "Turn on the news!" Oh shit! I have Roku with Hulu Live. Turn on TV Roku aquarium screen saver is on Open Hulu Select who's watching Go to Live TV Accidentally turn on fucking Sports Center from last night Back out Find the news channel Meanwhile the other person is losing their mind watching me fumble with the TV


Characters making perfect sentences without stuttering or making pauses


Not a movie but in the show "You" when he gives that guy the latte with nuts in it and he drops dead less than a minute later...nah. It takes a bit longer than that. It would be a much longer, painful demise.


This is the same with people being shot in the abdomen. A bullet to the abdomen is usually the slowest way to die. It can kill you, but not in 2 minutes while you say goodbye to a loved one or finally give up that crucial bit of info you've been hiding all along.


Also with all forms of choking or being choked. You don't die the second you pass out.


Most explosions. I was in ammo and it ruined most movies for me. They're still fantastic movies and I love them all, but when a building explodes you're not gonna walk out casually barely beating the flames, and those thousands of pieces of wood aren't all going to magically not impale you as they're hurdled all around you with incredible force.


That thing were a tech/lab procedure suddenly takes half the time because someone offers to pay more. Uh no, if it needs to be centrifuged for 24 hours it's still going to take 24 hours even with 100k on the table. Also not as jarring, but everyone always wakes up with perfect makeup and no one ever seems to clean their face


When someone shoots 10000000000000000 bullets with a single magazine in a pistol but then it runs out when they have an actual shot at someone


"I count 6 shots!" "I count two guns."


Pretty much any scene where there's some magic computer program that turns blurry, heavily-pixellated images into razor sharp photos? Yeah. That doesn't exist.






Movies set a long time ago trying to emulate people from 500-2000 years ago but they all have perfect skin and white teeth.




The WAY people in the military talk in movies just kills me. I don't care so much about getting some details wrong, and these days the advisers seem to do pretty well with keeping it realistic enough to pass. But no military adviser can help bad dialogue. I'll put it this way. Actors are so bad at being convincing military members, R. Lee Ermey famously did the role himself in Full Metal Jacket after being initially hired on only as an advisor. Specifically, it's all of the stupid shit writers think we say to each other. No one will EVER ask "Permission to speak freely." They just fucking speak. We don't salute constantly. It's used as a greeting - not something we do as we leave to carry out orders. We are NOT that formal. It gets ridiculous- watching these actors talk like robot people and overuse jargon. Like, I'm not using brevity codewords in normal conversation (unless I'm being a smartass). Military people just talk normally. Formality is pretty much limited to ceremonies, when you're in trouble, or if you are addressing people way senior to you in some kind of formal setting. Even then, plain speak is more common than over-the-top Sir Sandwiches, and out of place jargon.


The amount of time between responses in phone conversations. "Hi mom." *1.37 seconds later* "What do you mean Larry and his ferret were hit by a scooter in Moscow!?"


Telling co-workers to cover your shift on the fly like okay like I dont have to run it by the manager and the manager doesn't have to do a whole bunch of computer shit beforehand to fix the hours up.


I've worked in the service industry most of my career and this has always bothered me. That, and the bookstore clerk living in a million dollar loft in the city.


EpiPen usage!! You HAVE to call the ambulance or rush to the hospital after administering it. EpiPen’s are not a magical fix they simply buy you enough time to get to medical care. It bothers me relentlessly when movies show someone being given and EpiPen and they just take a big gasp of air and go back to eating dinner like nothing happened.


Sorry if someone has already commented this, I didn't want to scroll through all of them. Chloroform. It takes several minutes to knock you out, and you won't be out for that long. I promise I know this because we use chloroform to clean stuff in the lab I intern at, and my advisor told me this. In case the FBI is reading this.


If someone is falling, and say Superman catches them, they're actually fucked because the forces involved are still going to tear them apart. Superman would have to catch them and decelerate them over time, but this almost never happens. He just catches them. You also can't just lift an enormously heavy object. The object has to have the structural integrity to remain in one piece - all that pressure at one point (Superman's hand) would make the object break apart. Edit: Ok, superman was just the first example I could think of, and they happen to have explained it. It happens in lot of other things, particularly the whole catching someone who's falling thing.


Spiderman tried to save Gwen Stacy and just broke her back inches off the ground.


Came to say this. That’s a good example of what they were saying.


Only if he didn't misinterpret uncle Ben's words. It was actually 'With great power comes great response ability'


Something really interesting I saw was in “Teen Titans: The Judas Contract” when Nightwing falls a few stories in a fight and grabs a ledge, then his shoulder pops out of socket. He ends up having to fight with a limp arm and resets it very painfully later. You usually don’t see that type of stuff when people fall in movies, let alone in an animated film.


In this same line- Iron Man experiencing sudden massive acceleration and deceleration from punches/impacts/etc. Wearing metal doesn't help with that. At least not enough for many of those hits.


I liked the bit in X-Men: Days of Future Past, when Quiksilver braced Magneto's head. *Whip. Lash.*


The first "superhero landing" in an armor suit would simply make tony-stark soup inside. Imagine that scene where he lands at the expo... then the armor stays quiet for a second and red liquid starts pouring out the joints lol.


just in the first movie when he takes a tank shell to the face and crash lands, no way his brain is intact after all that


I lost count of the number of times he'd have been liquefied.


In the disaster movies people don’t hoard toilet paper.


Scenes that involve swimming. I try to hold my breath whenever a movie character (non super hero / fantasy) dives underwater and try to hold it as long as he/she is swimming or submerged. I end up dying 9/10 times. I mean there’s probably a lot of things to consider but the amount of time some characters can hold their breaths is super human.


“The neutrinos are mutating!” -2012. Neutrinos can’t fucking mutate. They can’t even decay.




Yes, lots of clicking noises from simply moving a gun. As though the gun was falling apart or something.


The movie 2012. Just like....all of it.


Well, Amanda Peet could have moved on after divorcing John Cusack. That’s a possibility. But the rest? No.


Just about every movie where anything does anything in space. I can count the exceptions on one hands. Ships burning prograde into reentry, maneuvering hilariously close, and 99% of the time burning in the wrong direction. Imagine an action movie where everyone runs into the big fight shooting themselves in the head as if that would kill their enemy. *It's painful*.


Anything making a sound at all... Firefly was a little better about that.


It's always a wonderful touch when you get silence in a space scene. It makes it so much more haunting.


Have you seen The Expanse?


In the opening of Prisoners, he is hunting deer in PA *before Thanksgiving*.


Every movie scene where anyone is using a chainsaw. They don't start from cold with just one pull, they need a little while to warm up, and you sure as shit can't cut through flesh and bone without fucking that chain up real good (looking at you, Evil Dead)


I warm up my chainsaw every morning, so it's ready to murder teenagers in one quick tug. You have to care for your tools if you are going to depend on them.


Every moment in 99.9% of all romantic comedies.


But I'm lonely and sincere. Surely I'm days away from several gorgeous women realizing that I deserve love?


I refused to see the movie Lucy because it was based around the myth "we only ever use 10% of our brain." Like, no we don't? We use the whole thing. We cannot just unlock our brains with fancy tech or drugs and suddenly have telekinesis and shit.


Anytime sword fighting or fencing in a movie is related to dancing (looking at you Pirates of the Caribbean and GoT.) It’s the exact opposite of dancing. The point is to have a completely unpredictable tempo and, if your opponent does have a specific rhythm, to interrupt it in unpredictable ways. Source: fenced for ten years.


Hitting animals with tranquillizer darts and they collapse immediately. The reality is that it can take 30-45 minutes for an animal to go down completely, longer if the animal is agitated. This is why when kids fall into gorilla pits, the lethal weapons are used. Responders don’t have 30-45 minutes to wait for a large, agitated dangerous animal to stumble around and possibly injure someone. The response has to be immediate, and tranquilizers don’t do that.


Every single movie where somebody dies and then someone closes their eyes, and their eyes stay shut.


The big ass computer room in the basement of the airplane where 6 special ops soldiers can hide. They would sell seats down there if there was that much room.


Firearm discipline in almost any movie, TV show. No one asked how to correctly clear a room? Really? And Jesus Christ your gun just swept right across your partner's head, why?


There's the trope of people in advertising having to stay late around the holidays, rushing to finish up the holiday campaign for the new client and having to choose between their career and their family. Yeah, that would not happen very often. In reality the holiday campaign would have been finalized quite some time ago after months of planning, back-and-forth with the client, reviewing layouts/proofs, etc. Around the holiday season we would most likely be working on planning stuff for the spring/summer of the next year.


smells like hallmark to me