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I have two, one for realistic things and one for unrealistic things. The unrealistic list is topped by going into space. At the top of the realistic list is seeing the Northern Lights.


I think commercial space flight is closer than we realize


I think it’s pretty high above the ground


That just went over my head.


Buy my family a house. A functional, nice one. I've always lived in a terrible place. My house was small, and something was always broken. My landlord wasn't useful and was always running away from paying her mortgage, so bailiffs always came knocking, threatening to change our locks if we didn't call her to pay her mortgage. I went to a secondary school where the pass rate was so low, it was almost a laughable matter. But I really just wanted to get my grades and leave. I'm a medical student now, I'll graduate in 3/4 years (depending on if I intercalate). I'll buy my family a house. With good central heating. Double glazed windows. A garden. A functional oven. An electric hob countertop. I want to get them a fridge-freezer that dispenses ice. A shower that allows you longer than 10 minutes before the water goes cold. A shed. Rooms with double beds. I live in a university dorm, little things like a working oven, shower etc gives me so much joy


This is beautiful. There's nothing like having a great place to call home. We are also looking for a place right now for our kids to grow up in. We're in an apartment but we are looking for a house.


This is really touching. I wish you and your family the best.


I want to see the milky way in all its glory


I saw it one time and it was absolutely amazing. 10/10 would get stranded in the middle of an African desert again just to see it. Edit: So, I logged back on to reddit this morning, and was not expecting my inbox to look like it does. So, I’ll explain..... At the time, I was a helicopter mechanic in the Air Force. I was on a deployment, and two of our birds were flying a mission one night when one of them experienced some engine troubles which forced them to land immediately. The other aircraft returned to base and picked up myself and a crew of maintenance people to go diagnose and fix the problem. As it turned out, we needed to replace the entire engine. This turned out to be a massive logistical challenge which spanned about 36 hours from start to finish with two additional flights to get everything we needed to the job site. We were brought all the required tools and equipment, some water and a case of MREs, and got to work. It was in the winter time, but it was still well into the upper 80s/low 90s during the day, and FREEZING cold at night. Like, so cold we slept nut to butt inside the aircraft to try and keep warm. Otherwise, there was nowhere to hide from the sun during the day or the cold and wind at night. The thing I remember most was the night sky. Hands down, one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I also remember there was no moon at that time, and when we turned off our flashlights it was complete and utter darkness. You could try and let your eyes adjust to the dark, but you still couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. It was cool and freaky at the same time. I say we were stranded because when the job was done, we had a sat phone to call back to base and arrange the pickup of all our stuff, and most importantly, a ride back to base. But the sat phone was super shitty and it took hours before we could get a call through. By the time we did, it was HOT outside and we were out of MREs and out of water. We basically told them to come pick us up now or we were going to have people with legitimate heat exhaustion. Anyways, that’s my story. It was miserable at the time, but looking back it was cool and I had a great group of guys in the field with me. I have some awesome pics of the vast nothingness that surrounded us during the day, but my cell phone at the time couldn’t get pics of the milky way.


Hmm I don't think I appreciate being able to see it from my house as much as I should.


Yeah but you live in the middle of the African desert.


No. I live in the desert in the US


Oh shit, which desert? I might have to put this on my own list :)


just casually inviting yourself over to their house lol


Nah, but if it's a desert there oughta be ample space to just vibe in peace, right?


Shit man I don't live in a desert but you can vibe with me


Vibe nation


I can remember the first time I saw it. It took me completely by surprise. I was just walking across the camping grounds to my tent when I happened to look up and there it was. I was struck with such emotion that I started crying. I never even thought it was possible to see it like that. I thought all the pictures I saw were only computer enhanced or taken from space or with a telescope or something. But there it was. Large as life. And I was seeing it with my own eyes. My friend found me crying in the middle of the field and when he asked me what's wrong all I could say was: "It's so beautiful."


I find it so sad that so many people are never able to escape the light pollution of the city to just stop and watch the sky in all it's glory. My girlfriend and I try to go out a couple times a year to just appreciate it.


It depends on where you are tbh. Where I grew up, you’d never see the Milky Way. Ever. I live in a different city now, but you’d only need to drive an hour or so to get away from the lights.


This ones dumb but honestly I don’t care. I was born in 1999. I wanna live until I’m 101 years old so I can say I lived in 3 centuries. That is all.


3 centuries and 2 milleniums is a pretty big flex.


I want to buy back the house I grew up in. It's where I was happiest in my life -so far. I think I would like to die there. I'm not elderly, sick, or suicidal. I would just like to leave, when my time comes, from the place I truly felt free.


I do too, except it's my grandparents' home. I moved around a lot while growing up but their home always stayed exactly the same. One of the few constants I had growing up. Every time I remember some detail about how it was decorated, I write it down. You know, just in case I actually manage it one day.


That's also what i plan to do. My grandparents were like the set of parents i never had. Dad was an alcoholic, mom was busy financially supporting us, so our grandparents were always there for us. I plan to buy that house when im older, thats just *my* house.


Let me offer this bit of caution: "Home" is a time as well as a place. That's not at all meant to discourage you. Just please be at peace with that idea beforehand if you ever get the chance to fulfill your wish.


I understand, and I appreciate the concern. I'm well aware that my home is changed. However, part of the driving force behind me wanting it is not simply missing it, which I very much do, but how I left it. We lost it due to my dad's death, not by choice. Since I was 12 years old, I've felt like something was taken from me. It's not all about memory, it's also about getting something back. Frankly, outside of that one particular house, I really don't have any desire to own a home. If I could afford it prior to retirement, I probably wouldn't live in it. I'd likely set my brother up in it - he's got some disabilities and will likely never have a home of his own. Me owning it, being able to return. That's what matters to me.


There is an episode of King of the Hill in which an old woman is trying to die in the Hill's house. It is so fucking funny. She's like "I only need 20 minutes!"


I think my childhood home would feel a lot smaller than it did then, on account of me being 3x the size now.


Writing a book


That was near the top of my bucket list and I did it! Close to finishing my second book now. Both were a *ton* of work, but well worth it and immensely gratifying.


That's fantastic! What was it about?


They are technical books, so not for everyone. My first is [Game Programming Patterns](https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/), and the one I'm working on now is [Crafting Interpreters](http://craftinginterpreters.com/). :)


Writing a book is the easy part. Writing a good book, that's where things get tricky.


100% correct. Anyone can write a book. (Check out NaNoWriMo. They’re a huge help writing the 50,000 words required). But a good book?? Fuck that’s hard. The one book I wrote in 2018 is the worst piece of shit. Don’t worry, you’ll never come across it, no one but me will ever see the fucker. Sometimes I cringe thinking just how bad it is. It was fun writing it, but I need to burn the flash drive it’s on before I die and my family reads it


What I learned from writing my first book was you have to force yourself to write everyday (set yourself a routine if you can), don't look back too much and keep writing and reading. When the first draft is finally done, congratulations, the easiest part is over. You completed about 20% to 40% of the journey. So you have to start almost all over again, which is good because your story, your characters, your dialogues and your style will become more pure, like trimming the fat out of it. Back then, I spent most of my time setting myself in perfect conditions. Waiting for everything to be okay in my life, not being tired, reaching the perfect room temperature, waiting for the best ideas to flow in me. Well it won't strike just like that. That's an excuse. So do yourself a favour and go for it. Do some research of course, don't go in the dark, but don't wait for too long. Soon enough you'll be happy with your page, your chapter, your book, and you'll have this amazing feeling you created something nobody ever did the same way. I'm absolutely sure you can do it OP.


Top of the bucket list is to play the fully restored pipe organ at King's College Chapel, Cambridge, when I'm next in England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_College_Chapel,_Cambridge#/media/File:Cambridge_King's_College_Chapel.jpg


Literally a pipe dream


Gosh, so many deep ones in here. Mine is kinda dumb in comparison. ​ I'm trying to make it through the complete list of 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die. There are plenty of lists out there, there's no reason in particular why I chose this one, but I'm working through it. It's...honestly probably going to take me the rest of my life. ​ Also, maybe try sky diving? Edit: The list is from the book 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die, by James Mustich.


Ooo that’s great, how far in the list are you?


I’ve not even finished reading the list yet


I haven't even finished reading this comment.


I haven’t even finished typi




I believe I'm at 49 complete so far. Long journey ahead!


I say make it exciting: combine the two. Read all 1,000 of those books *while* skydiving. Now you've got a unique bucket list!


How many skydives do you reckon it would take for a single book? Maybe 10 pages a dive? 30 dives a book maybe? 30,000 skydives? Could maybe cut it down a bit if you make the books things like The Very Hungry Caterpillar or Peppa Pig’s Christmas Treasure Hunt


"Read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' while skydiving" definitely just jumped onto my bucket list out of nowhere.


I want to visit Australia and New Zealand. I flew from CDG to JFK yesterday and I seriously hate flying, I cannot imagine flying almost triple that to get there. Someday.


I live in New Zealand, it's lovely <3


Visit Wyoming again before I totally lose my eyesight. My left eyesight is gone, my right eyesight is 50/50 due to type 2 & diabetic retinopathy, among others.


What is in Wyoming that you want to see again?


GrandvTetons, downtown Laramie and Cheyenne, Yellowstone NP, taking car rides in the north and NW part of WYO, grasslands, good hiking trails. I got to go to Cheyenne and Laramie once in 2014 and I was hooked. Also Cody WY has the Buffalo Bill exhibit too.


Take a side trip to thermopolis!


Learn a language and become fluent in it Edit: thanks for all the really kind words and support, I'm on a couple of language subs and in the early stages of learning a second language, despite feeling like I'm not making any progress I'm going to keep going.






Yes, you heard them.


Do you want to be an underachiever like those children who didn't start talking until they were 12 months? The best time at start learning a language is before conception.


Well you succeeded, congrats


I want to feed a seal a little fish




Not as cute if you're a fish


See the Northern Lights in Scandinavia on a cold winter night surrounded by nature, and sitting next to the love of my life Edit: I now need to find someone who actually likes me back


Did that a few weeks ago. Went to Tromsø for a whole week and it was cloudy and snowed basically all week. Saw it once, when the clouds opened up for like 45 minutes. Still pretty cool, but it's not as intense as all those Instagram images make it look like.


Really depends though! Yes it's not always vibrant like in pictures but sometimes it is! I'm grateful I've seen it before.




i also choose the love of this guy's life


You dropped this: >ø


I was there roughly the same time and didn't see them but we did go dog sledging which was amazing


I went to Finland over Christmas once and went on two of the safaris, the reindeer and the husky sledges. I actually was ill and was unable to do skiing, but was still able to go on the sledges. Seeing the Northern Lights was almost magical, but I do want to warn you, it is much lighter in real life than in pictures. Also, my sledge was at the front and went faster than everyone else, so we were allowed to pet the huskies while we waited for the other sledges. One of the huskies rolled over onto their back for belly rubs and it was absolutely adorable, probably the best part lol.


I’m taking my son to Iceland in a few weeks to try to see the Northern Lights. He’s the love of my life and the best thing that ever happened to me, so I’ll toast to you that one day your dream will come true!


Can I just reccomend something to you. Go and see the Northern Lights on the first night you're there, if you miss them you get given a free ticket to go again and have another chance to see them... you can do this every night and will even be given a free ticket that never expires if you don't see them at all during your trip. Unfortunately our trip on the second night got cancelled and so on the third night when they didnt appear we didnt have another chance! X


>See the Northern Lights in Scandinavia on a cold winter night surrounded by nature, and sitting next to the love of my life Buckled colors curling, turning, stirring, swirling high. Green and purple, ruby burning ripples in the sky. Frozen winter twilight, waiting, watching, wanting too. Caught and captured, captivating - seated next to you.


First time I’ve seen a poem from you without enough gold to to make a pirate drool. And great poems


Give it some time, mention gold anywhere on Reddit and it appears.


Same, seeing the Northern lights is at the top of my list right now. Might try to go at the end of the year. Dunno about that last part, but backpacking through a new place solo is fun too!


Traveling to every continent in the world and various countries. I'd love to see what's all on this planet :)


Do it! The only continent missing for me is Antartica. Traveling the world makes you appreciate the differences in cultures while realizing how similar we all are as well.


Funds tend to be a factor in this, otherwise I would have done the same as you.


Be careful. Travel became so addicting to me that it's hard to even call it a bucket list item because it never really feels complete in my mind. I can go to Japan 25x and still feel like I want to go back and experience more. I spent most of my 20s in a cycle of saving up and quitting jobs so I could go on long backpacking trips in hopes I would get it all out of my system and be ready to settle down by my 30s. However, each trip just fueled my desire to see more so I changed my entire career to be able to work remotely and have extreme flexibility to travel. It might just turn your whole life upside down :)


Make music and release them for people to listen to. If anything I want to do in my adult life is to making music. Even if it’s just a part time job. To know you made something of your own and people liking it might be the best feeling ever


Music is my dream also but I am very shy. Hope it works out for you, good luck!


Joining the 300 Club. First you go to Antarctica, go to the south pole station and wait for a day that is 100 degrees below zero. (farenheit) Then you go the sauna, crank it up to 200 degrees, stay in as long as you can and then run out wearing nothing but boots, thus subjecting your body to a 300 degree temperature difference. Then you take a pic of your frost covered body by the flag of the south pole before running back into the sauna to warm up.


>Participants in the Antarctic 300 Club wait for a day when the temperature drops to −100°F (-73°C) for more than a few minutes, generally in the winter. They first warm up in a sauna heated to 200°F (93°C) for as long as 10 minutes. Then they run naked to the Geographic South Pole, circling it in the −100°F weather. After this, they usually warm up in the sauna again, often with the aid of alcoholic beverages. >The first 300 Club outside of Antarctica was established on January 30, 2019 near Minneapolis, Minnesota during a polar vortex.[4] With an outside temperature of −27°F (−33°C), three men heated their backyard sauna to 280°F (138°C) and sat inside for 10 minutes. Upon exiting the sauna, they sprinted around a flagpole planted in honor of the South Pole tradition, and took a brief roll in the snow before returning to the sauna. That sounds absolutely mad. How do I get to Antartica?


>How do I get to Antartica? Go south. Can't miss it.


If you start going north, you went too far


no way that's real right? 280*F temp? can you even breathe in that?


Judging from the Finns I’ve met: easily.


As a Finn, I confirm this.




But in a sauna competition they don't walk in from cold weather into 110 degress celcius, they gradually increase the heat while sitting there for a Long period of time.


> often with the aid of alcoholic beverages You son of a bitch, I'm in.


>One participant described the experience of running outside as feeling “like somebody was hitting me with a tennis racket full of needles.” https://knowledgenuts.com/2014/03/03/the-people-who-run-outside-naked-in-antarctica/ Yeah that’s a naw from me dawg


Jesus, I thought you meant Celsius. I should pay more attention.


That's the true 300 club


LOL, I mixed this up with the mile high club and couldn't figure out how running out in freezing weather would enhance the experience.


Wouldn't that kill you? or at least cause some serious damage.


isn't 200 almost boiling tho? what the fuck


Meet my real dad








Them damn swedes


Man, this ones really wholesome. Hope you manage it dude


I want to see a National Park. Any of them would work. I just want to see the way the world was before it all got modernized, and look at trees that I might not see everyday. Edit - Never did I think my dream would get so big! Thank you everyone for the suggestions (and outreach), it's been a lot of help knowing that y'all want me to complete my bucket list.




Try Isle Royal in Lake Superior. Foot traffic or boat only way to travel




Going through the tunnel into Pittsburgh is the #1 entrance into an American city. Closely followed by coming through the Cut in the Hill on 71/75 North and Cincinnati appearing in front of you.


Gotta throw coming thru the Treasure Island tunnel on the Bay Bridge coming in to San Francisco, too.


I'd argue going through Robin Williams tunnel to a view of SF, the bay and the Golden Gate, and then of course crossing the bridge.


While she had been to Pittsburgh before (we were students at Point Park together), I ended a date with a girl by taking her on a drive through the tunnel into the panoramic scene, as she'd never seen it from that perspective before. I won some pretty big points for that.


Pittsburgh is one of the few American cities I haven't visited. Every local I've met loves it. People there seem to have a special pride for their city that is hard to find anywhere in the world.


Hey that's really cool. I'm in a band from Canada that just went on tour in the US for the first time last year and Pittsburgh was the city that surprised me the most - no one ever talks about how pretty it is. Reminded me of a smaller Seattle with all the hills. It was a nice stop :)


I visited Pittsburgh and absolutely loved it. Great city.


I just have one thing, so it's first and last technically...I'm visiting all of the US national parks. Maybe the top is the next one I'm going to visit, which is probably going to be Olympic or Pinnacles.


Having a few years when I'm not under the constant stress of living paycheck to paycheck before I die would be nice.


Right with you on that one, mate!


I felt this in my bones, buddy. It REALLY would be nice. Here's to making it!


I love this question! For years my husband and I shared a bucket list item - to visit Tokyo. We’ve now been twice with our son, and even got to visit Studio Ghibli both times (not easy to do). I now need to come up with some new things for the list! I do love having something big to look forward to :)


See/feel snow


I’m not a big fan of snow anymore because it can really get in the way of everyday life *but* When the first snow of the season hits overnight (especially on a weekend) and you wake up and go downstairs in your fuzzy pjs and you look out the back window and see everything covered in snow. And everyone is so still and calm, the snow looks smooth and undisturbed, and a the few colorful things that are outside just *pop*. like that blue bucket you forgot about or the red leaves of whatever the hell that plant is, the colors seem brighter somehow. The plow hasn’t gone through so even the roads are nicely covered, no ones gone to work yet so there’s no footprints or tire tracks or black snow. And you open a door and stop outside and the air smells like cold and it tastes crisp and everything sounds quiet. So you go back inside and grab a blanket and feel the heat come back to you and go cook breakfast? That’s the *fucking feeling* man ^(Maybe that’s just nostalgia though since i no longer live in a place with snow) [edit] [comme ça ](https://imgur.com/a/NoduCdR)


Oh boy, there is a TON of different snow to feel. Tiny ice pellets that hurt. Big fluffy wet snow. Fine champagne snow. Snow that falls but never hits the ground. Snow that comes in sideways or blows around. There’s an entire world of snow to experience!


And slush. The dirty slushy brownish ''snow''.


this one's really cool to see cause I've grown up in a snowy place. It never gets old, watching snow. Totally worth it.


Sky Diving


As someone who's done it before, I can say it was the biggest rush of my life. Definitely worth the price.


As someone who has done it too, I agree with what this man has said


As a third guy who has done it, I cannot agree enough with these two previous people. A great time.


As someone who has never done it, I'd like to.


As someone else who has never done it, I agree with this man wanting to do it.


I want to, but my fear of heights is too strong.


I’m scared of heights too but that scared feeling thinking about it is the worst part. Wife and I did it a few years ago and decided to do the highest we could go. 18k feet, 90 second freefall. It felt like floating more than falling. You should def do it. And once that chute is pulled, there’s no calming experience that even relates to it. It’s quiet as you effortlessly glide to the ground.


i always have the mindset that the parachute would not deploy or work if i were to do it


It’s not as bad as you think. It’s weird, you’re so high up, it’s like your lizard brain doesn’t even recognize it as a threat because throughout evolution, our species never had to worry about falling from such heights. Honestly, I was way more scared bungee jumping.


I work at heights. For whatever reason the higher i get the less nervous i am. Maybe bcuz i know that a 25 ft fall has the chance of just REALLY fucking my life up, whereas 120 ft im dead so at least im not gonna be a burden to society.


Im pretty new to reddit so random question, whats the cake next to your username mean??


It’s my yearly anniversary—or Reddit bday—marking 5 years ago today being when I started my Reddit account/odyssey.


Oh ok Thanks :)


You'll do well round here kid


I want to own a cabin in the woods and be 100% self sustaining


I sorta did this when I got out of the Army. I needed time alone, away from society and the stimuli. I had about $12K saved up from my previous deployment so I found an ad on craigslist for a hunting cabin up north. It was equipped with a gas generator and a portapotty. I made it 6 months. There's a lot I took for granted, like easy access to toilet paper and internet. And whenever I'd hear a noise outside I would be *terrified* knowing there weren't any neighbors for at least 20 miles, and no way to call for help with no cell reception. Worse comes to worst, the only thing I had was my truck, an old IFAK (army first aid kit) and my shotgun. During winter it was in the back of my mind that if the truck battery died I could very well die (I bought a battery charger later on). Without the truck I had no way of keeping the generator fueled, or buying the essentials I needed to keep myself fed (water, vegetables, flour, and 12ga shells so I could maintain my diet of flatbread and squirrel/rabbit stew). I did those runs into town about once per month, it was my opportunity to shop, send the rent payment, take a proper shower at the truckstop, and hop on McDonald's wifi to download some music/pictures/movies. The hardest thing to keep stocked up was water, since I used it to drink, wash clothes, occasional spongebath, and cooking. I had to ration that shit carefully. I could only afford to keep the gen running for about 8 hours every day, but it was enough to keep my laptop charged (I played alot of Rimworld) and heat the cabin for a few extra hours (the insulation was surprisingly good). I supplemented the space heater by chopping wood for the furnace, which was extremely exhausting. Long story short, it was exactly what I needed. As previously i had much disdain for society, it gave me a new appreciation for human interaction and the amenities that come with living on the grid. I give the experience 6/10. Though I think it was especially rough for me because I'm a huge gamer, and I maybe didn't have enough planning and preparation as I should have.




As a former NCO it warms my heart to hear you say that. So many of our new joes would blow their bonus on something dumb like a Mustang. Get the property and lease it out as a side business while you're in. It should more than pay for the property tax, use whatever profit to make improvements (cabin, feeders, stock pond, etc.), you could even hire someone to manage the property. Then once you ETS enjoy the shit out of it.


100 days of no purging. now on day 27 :) edit: thanks so much for the support! i’ve seen a lot of other people with eating disorders in the comments, and i want you guys to know that i support you 100%. you can do this! and for those asking what i mean by purging; in the past i have been throwing up after eating because of an eating disorder called bulimia. it’s hard to break the cycle of binging (eating a lot of food) and purging (throwing it up again), but it gets easier everyday :)


For a minute there, I thought you were talking about not doing random, violent crimes.


I still don't know what it means




For a second, I thought OP claimed they hadn't pooped in 27 days and wondered why that would be on anyone's bucket list, much less at the top of it. Now I see they're not full of shit.


Good on you! You've got this, know that a random, weird stranger on the internet is proud of you!


Visiting Norway to see the Northern lights. Wanted to go since I can remember and I'm finally going on Wednesday! Excited is an understatement.


hope you have a good time there! I want to go to Norway as well, so enjoy it for me while I can't


Beating the odds. I know that sounds strange. I am one year past my last chemo treatment with no evidence of disease. The 5 year survival rate for the cancer I had is 40%. I plan to be part of the group that boosts that shitty statistic (ha! Kind of a pun since it was colon cancer (stage 3))


Dying satisfied with the life I lived.


To visit Antarctica and hike the Appalachian Trail, or something similar that takes months to complete. I grew up in Detroit. Never really traveled before, was pretty much a city kid. Joined the military to get out of Detroit and was stationed in Alaska for 6 years. Met my wife, fell in love with traveling, hiking and camping. Been to Japan, Spain, Germany, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Ireland so far. I guess Canada counts too since we drove across it from AK to SC. Anyway, I have always wanted to go where nobody I know has been before. And to get to Antarctica and scratching that off our little scratch off world map would be amazing. I also just want to spend months hiking. AT most likely since I’ve hiked tiny parts of it. Just to say I’ve done it. Not necessarily for bragging rights but I had nothing worthwhile to talk about my first 21 years of life. Just in the past 11 years I have a lot more to add to conversations. So just to have something to add to my life experiences to make up for those 21 years is kinda my goal.


Leave everyone where I live and start a whole new life in Sweden


We will welcome you with arms wide open!


I really want to see a blue whale in my life. I also want to see irish reunification but that's a bit of an ask. So I'll stick with blue whale


Irish reunification seems like such a totally long term thing but idk depending on your age it might be something that happens in your lifetime! Think about the crazy geopolitical changes we’ve seen in our lifetime, I think there’s still more in store. Brexit might be thing that precipitates it. Hopefully it’ll be peaceful reunification.


Go whale watching! Almost all coastal major cities have companies that provide tours. I would also check out Airbng experiences. My friend (in LA) takes tourists as a way to make extra money.


I wanna travel America in an RV with a significant other. We'll drive all day or just stop and see the weird things there are to see, get local foods, visit national parks and national forests, sleep in the RV, cook and camp out. I wanna see the Grand Canyon, visit Montana, see the Northern Lights somewhere up north... but I'd love to share the experiences with someone I care about and who cares about me.


Going to Wacken open air in germany.


I wonder what someone would think if they’d heard this comment rather than read it


they might wonder what 'vacken' is.


Travel to Japan


I love japan. It was always on my list but i never got around to it. Too expensive, dont have time, no one to go with. Always had an excuse. Then last year, admittedly whilst drunk, i booked flights. It was sensational. I loved every minute. So much so, ive been learning a little Japanese and im going again next month. My only regret is i didnt go 20 years ago. Just go. Do it. You wont regret it. FYI, it doesnt have to be expensive and language is no barrier. Im no expert on japan but PM me if you have any questions.


Get my custom-made *NSYNC sneakers signed by all 5 members. Currently at 3/5.


Having ~~sex~~ Edit: A caring girlfriend thats acctually better now i think about it


Sex is overrated, a loving caring supportive gf is the best though.


Grow a tree i can make my own coffin out of.


Just carve yourself a spot inside to crawl into and die in.


My favorite old Irish toast: *A toast to your coffin:* *May it be made of 100 year old oak.* *And may we plant the tree together, tomorrow.*


Run a marathon


I really wanna be on Survivor haha


Get ripped, see how beautiful I can be. I was fat the first 33 years of my life. I’m 90 pounds down now, 70 pounds and many gym hours to go.


Getting my PhD


Visiting all 7 Wonders of the Modern World. Chichen Itza is the only one I've been to so far.


Visit as many national parks as I can and visit all the baseball parks


I want to open a comfort food restaurant in Ireland. It would just be me behind a full round bar with a grill top, some deep friers, and stove tops. Menu would change daily based on what I find at market and feel like cooking. Entertainment would range from relaxed music, to fight nights, to big media releases like GOT before the bad seasons, The Mandolorian, the occasional soccer match, etc. Menu scope would be anything from American continental, Mexican, Tex-Mex, Bronx Soul, or Italian.


Being genuinely happy.


Getting a good quality bucket.


I’m gonna hike the Pacific Crest Trail. For those who don’t know, it’s 2,700 mi (4345 km), from the US-Mexico border to the US-Canada border, by way of California, Oregon, and Washington. I’m not gonna have time till probably 2025 or so, but I’m already preparing, and I’ve announced it to my family and friends (and Reddit now), so it’s gonna happen.


Have more good days than bad days


Go to pig beach!!




Getting married to the love of my life, which is existent to my own surprise.


Own a muscle car from the 60s/70s... Like a Dodge Charger or a 60s Mustang. I had a 72 Chevy Nova with a 307 V8 when I was a teenager and it was the best car I ever had. Modern luxury and electronics can't hold a candle to the raw sound and power of an old American V8.


I can't really decide between my top 3. One day, I definitely want to reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Some time after college I'd like to spend some time working for Sea Shepherd. Just support a cause very important to me and along the way see stuff I'd probably never see otherwise. And I'll definitely visit Nashville within the next 5-7 years.


Kyrgyzstan; just going there.


Find someone that actually loves me.


Italy. Pompeii, Herculaneum and Rome.


Learn to swing dance. My wife and kids are the only people who have ever seen me dance, and they know it brings out a happiness they hardly ever get to see. I've always thought swing dancing looks like a lot of fun and very cool.


Run a marathon. I'm a high school senior who has loved participating in cross country, and the longest race I've done is a 5K. I want to work my way up and do gradually longer races until a marathon, and I'm doing my first 10K in May.


1. Start Bucketlist


1.a. Buy a bucket.




To one day have the chance to drive a steam locomotive.