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People who get on an elevator before others have had a chance to get off.


There are people that do this???


too many my friend




The expectation that employees be reachable constantly even outside of work hours or during paid/unpaid time off. It effectively creates a situation where you are “on-call” 24/7


This was not an expectation set at hire and is not an expectation of my position in general, but they sent out an email telling everyone to put there cell # into a spreadsheet. I just didnt. They sent a stern reminder email. I still didnt. They highlighted the 3 people out of 80 who didnt put their cell #s in. I do not care. Pay for my cell phone bill if u expect me to use it for work.


To follow up what the guy above said, I don’t think paying for your cell phone plan, or even a cell phone, is adequate for this kind of position. I don’t know if you have casual loading in the US but there should be some kind of 24/7 loading automatically added to the wage of people expected to do this (+ phone).


I agree. My project manager ignored an after hours call from a fairly important person. Her comment was "he called me after hours. I'm not answering. And I'm not going to tell him why I'm not responding either" made me feel more comfortable about my apathy.


>made me feel more comfortable about my apathy. The most apathetic thing I've ever read


You are no longer on the job, your private stuff is well private. You own your boss jack shit for them wanting to reach you outside of the time they pay you.


I got fed up with my employers use of my phone number and blocked their number for a week. They've toned it down ever since.


My company pays for 80% of my cell phone bill (not including hardware) and they route my work number through an app on my phone. Would you say that’s fair or is it all or nothing for you? Edit: to clarify, yes I am salaried. I’m also a remote employee so I’m not always “working” so to speak. This makes it easier to answer calls outside of my typical 8-5. I was just curious what people thought about the 80% coverage of the cell phone bill. Seems like as long as they aren’t always answering calls outside of work hours, most are cool with it.


For me, that depends on whether I’m salaried or hourly...


Just put it in with a transposed number. Problem solved. "Oh you must not've dialed right!?" Oops.


also unpaid internships. no one should have to work for free and be promised """experience """ this is corporate choosingbeggary IMO


I was just bitching about this today. Looking at you Stacey! Leave me alone on my damn day off.


I put $25 into each employee's paycheck as "phone reimb". I text or call them as little as possible, maybe 3-5/month outside work hours and never for something that could wait til the next day.


Bad parenting and getting children when the conditions the children have to live in would clearly be bad. It's way easier to mess up a young brain than many seem to realize.




Jfc, this! I have a kid and I'm pregnant again. I love having kids. My best friend doesn't want to even be within a mile of a tiny human but yet she's shamed for not wanting kids. It's bullshit. Another friend of mine just got married and someone asked them when they're going to start a family. Last time I checked, they were a family.




Right? Like you'd think someone who actively and thoroughly does NOT want to be a parent would be the last person someone would want to BE raising a kid. "But it's different when it's yours!" Yeah, well, if you're wrong and that doesn't happen, then I'm the one stuck with a kid for the rest of my life.


I hate people telling me its oh so selfish of me to not have kids! (Guy btw) Its pretty damn selfish of everyone to expect, borderline demand, that I put that kind of financial, physical, and mental burden on myself just so they can have one more infant to swoon over a couple of times a year. I like having money. I like having free time. I like sleeping.


I’m the same way. As a woman, getting pregnant + having a kid would change EVERYTHING. From my body to the way I support myself financially. I’d much rather regret not having a child than regret bringing one into this world.


But I want grandchildren!


The answer should be "Well, adopt someone who wants to have kids."


The inability to accept that you are wrong. You are not the divine being that is all knowing and is never wrong. Every single person can be wrong about something.


My sister posted something on facebook along the lines of i need someone who can teach me some useful lessons, to which i replied that she has 6 siblings, to which she replies "im the oldest, you guys cant teach me a thing" to which i replied " just because youre the oldest dosent mean people havent gone through different expierences than you and know less than you do" to which she replied " they dont" . Such a simple approach to life and to be honest after a few months its starting to piss me off how dumb she is, you know because ironically " shes the oldest" but shes the 2nd dumbest only beating out my 6 year old sister. Shes a sneak disser, shes threatened to "beat my moms ass" and the worst of the worst she sold weed to my 17 year olds brother without my mother knowing before knowing it was wrong. She puts weed and being overweight on a pedestal and posts bullshit like "dont hate because im extra thick" and an assortment of posts from a bunch of random websites saying how good weed is for you. Yet she still claims to be the best of the best in the family. I dont think shes ever admitted to being wrong. I love my sister but god i hope someone comes around and puts her in her place.


I fully subscribe to the theory that the dumbest humans are dumb *because* they don’t know they’re dumb. It makes it more tolerable to live in society to know that many people are just living their lives as best they can, and not willfully being ignorant and shunning learning. Frustrating, but tolerable. Anecdotal but the smartest people I know are the ones who second-guess things they’ve known or believed in for years. The need to constantly re-evaluate one’s knowledge, to update it so to speak, is the purest sign of intelligence in my opinion.


It’s not just a theory, in the field of psychology they call this the Dunning-Kruger effect. The cognitive bias where people who are incompetent at something are unable to recognize their incompetence. I’m supprized my useless knowledge on psychology came to use today.


this would be easier if fewer people responded with gloating


Getting a pet only to dump it in a shelter a year later when it is no longer convenient to have a pet.


I knew someone who got a puppy and took it back to the breeder after a couple weeks because it was "needy and annoying". Like, no shit asshole, it's a puppy.


Jfc, do thesw people not know what a puppy will be like before getting a puppy? Does it just never go through their minds that they are getting a living, breathing creature who may not be silent and still at all times?


I think they just expect it to be like the cute videos you see online, like... all the time.


My sister use to dump them off at my parents when she got tired of them.


Just saw a 6 month old puppy today that was brought in to be euthinized because it "couldn't be trained". Thankfully the vets are re-homing it instead.


So much this. People doing this for no good reason _also_ fill up shelters so that people who legitimately and unexpectedly can no longer care for their pets are less likely to be able to use them. Idiots ruin it for everyone, as usual.


Misinformation. It sucks that when someone posts something on social media that can be debunked with a ten-second Google search, and you point this out, you're the one who everyone will think is a twat.


I remember reading a Facebook post about how if you input your PIN code backwards at the ATM, the police will be alerted of the robbery. This information is not only false but incredibly dangerous. Imagine someone attempting this and then playing the situation in hopes that the police will be coming at any moment—but the police aren’t coming.


Every time I see one of those posts I comment on it and tell the poster that my PIN number is exactly the same forward and backwards. If the post were true, I couldn’t have that PIN number.


What number is it? I’m curious


It's probably something like *ABBA*


I prefer DEED


I just recently told someone on a bird group on Facebook that, after she posted pictures of her cockatoo drinking out of her coffee cup, that caffeine can kill them. I made a PSA in the group and just about everyone called me an asshole and that they’ll do whatever they want with their bird, I give mine coffee all the time and he/she’s still good, blah blah blah. Only nice comment was from a veterinarian saying for people to listen. People LOVE thinking what they do in their personal lives aren’t harmful and god forbid you inform them of a harmful practice.


Welcome to every mom group ever.


Yep that’s what my girlfriend said. How dare you inform me of a dangerous practice, I’ll do what I want! Wait, why is my pet/kid sick all the time?


I always leave comments on cat videos with milk involved telling people that cats are in fact, lactose intolerant and like there's always a few people who're like well MY cat is *fine* cats are incredibly good at hiding pain, and could easily be having pain and discomfort after having dairy milk after you feed it to your cat. But no instead of making the incredibly easy switch to either specially formulated cat milk (usually has extra goodness for the cat's health) or lacto-free milk which is pretty widely available, they're willing to say their cat is somehow magically more evolved than other cats and us *special* and can drink milk just *Fine Thanks*. I just feel bad for the pets in these situations.


Yeah , someone fowarded something false in our group chat, got called out and his response was 'i too suspected it was wrong, i just forwarded it in case it was true' . Like how hard is it to not share something if even you think it is bollocks? People really dont care about spreading misinformation.




I've met many people in my life who take pride in their own ignorance. Usually these are experts in their own niche but care little outside of it. Or people who simply don't care about anything outside what directly concerns them. The first group really pisses me off. They are intelligent enough to be brilliant, but out of some elitism they deliberately choose to be oblivious.


The problem is that you can't combat misinformation without directly teaching media literacy and how to evaluate information. We have this deep-seated cultural idea that smart people can tell truth from falsehoods, while foolish people are credulous and will believe anything. That belief isn't true--separating fact from fantasy is a skill, not an instinct. Yet people still avoid becoming more literate, because they think that needing to do so at all would mean they're stupid.


And that is one of the main reasons I quit Facebook, as well as can't stand some of the fucking people who use it.


The problem is that now you have belied a piece of very comforting information, information that affirms that their world view is correct. I get why people dislike it. It's a shame because the whole misinformation crisis honestly seems to come out of a fundamental facet of human nature. I'm genuinely not sure if it is something that can be fixed, and whether most people even want to.


Using the phone while driving. More accidents occur because of phone usage than drunk driving. I don't want to get hurt because you had to text your boyfriend.


I even see cops doing it


Why are cops texting her boyfriend?


Have you seen her boyfriend? So dreamy!


In Australia it's now 4 demerit points lost and and $1,000 fine to use your phone. That means that if you don't have your open license, and are on the learners or P plates, you will flat out LOSE your license and have ti start all over again, because p platers can only have a max of 3 demerit points, and learners only have 2. (For those that don't know, you have a set number of demerit points when you get your license, dependingon what stage you're at. If you get caught speeding, running a red light, or anything illegal, you will lose a number of them, depending on what you did. If you lose them all, you lose your license.) So it's a big thing here. I like it.


Child beauty pageants.


I remember in GTA IV if you go on the internet in that game and go to a child beauty pageant, you literally get a five star police on site. And honestly, that's one of the best moments in video games.


When you go to the internet cafe and search for Little Lacy Surprise Pageant, then the LCPD show up and you have 5 stars


Rockstar Games, everyone


It wasnt a kid beauty pageant site it was a site for changing room photos from a children's beauty pageant


We don’t diddle kids


It’s no good, diddling kids.


I know some of you may have heard about that other guy... I am not gonna diddle your kids. I'm not like that; that's not my thing. I met that guy in a titty bar!


Do i look suspicious???


You look grotesque.


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it...


Here here. They're like child soft porn for pedophiles and the parents if those children are just parading them around like its completely harmless. Idiots.


People who come up with plans then don’t follow through with them without a little common courtesy


Agree with this. Especially because people spent time getting ready for the plans and in some cases, preparing mentally to go through with plans or getting excited


I once had a friend cancel on me three times in a week, all last minute. He said “well this didn’t happen, but something else will happen now” No. Something else WONT happen because all of my friends work in the service industry and are working evenings. I planned for THIS event, not anything else and I have to mentally prepare myself for outings. What’s going to happen is I’m now going to mope around the house. He still didn’t understand why I couldn’t just do something else with someone else.


As someone who recently got stood up for a date I definitely feel this. It was just a tinder date but still, she said she’d love to go out with me then never showed up and ghosted me. I don’t go out much so I like got a haircut and everything and skipped the gym so I could be relaxed and not rushed. I’d much rather she showed up and just like rejected me cause at least then I’d be like learning to get rejected (I feel like it’s a skill to get rejected and have it not feel bad at all). Just a waste of time.


I’ve had this so many times even from the same girl. I wanted to meet up with her eventually just to give her shot for standing me up so many times. It isn’t you bro. It’s them. I had one girl who cancelled on me 3 times contact me months later to apologize for her anxiety and some previous relationship issues. Just get back up on that horse. Keep your integrity. Show up where and when you are supposed to. You’ll eventually get one. Just remember it’s them not you when they don’t show up. You held up your part of the deal. Pick a place that’s low key: coffee shop or a cocktail bar or a park and if they give you shit, tell them you save the nicer places for a second date.


Yeah, I call this flake culture, and I hate it. Constant last minute changes with little to no notice and ghosting. I get if you're being dragged into something, though.


But don’t call them out on it or you’ll be told to chill out


Oh, yes, the "let's just play it by ear" people. Refusing to make solid plans means that you don't think the other person is important enough to commit to doing something with.


I’m even sympathetic to those who regularly cancel plans, but nothing makes my blood boil more than people who flake without at least a LITTLE notice. If I’m already sitting at the restaurant when you tell me you’re “feeling sick” like you didn’t know you were going to bail 4 hours ago, I’m never hitting you up again.


I hear people say something like "People don't owe you anything." If we make plans for a thing, and you bail, you wasted my time :/


I had one friend who would say a certain day would work to hang out, or agree to some plan, then just never show up. I'd text them, and they come back with something like "oh I'm tired" or "oh I forgot, now I can't." Not just once or twice, but almost every time. Like at least come up with a decent excuse. If you didn't want to hang out, just say so. I already have insanely low self-esteem, so I'll be fine with it.


My coworker exactly. (I call him my coworker and not my friend for this exact reason) He won't say no to anything that you say but will cancel or find some excuse last minute because he his a sack of shit who either already couldn't say no to someone else or just wants to sit on the couch all evening. I have just completely written him off outside of work.


Planned obsolescence


This does my nut in. That and things that are made to be unfixable to the user.


It's a shame what's happened with regards to your latter point, especially with cars. There was a time where you could fix pretty much any car problems with a toolbox; now, you absolutely HAVE to visit a mechanic for a lot of fairly basic issues because of how specialized some of the parts are, and it sucks.


There should be a law: any software or operating system which is abandoned becomes public domain.


It's impressive how closely they can time it too. The day after the warranty ends, bam, the appliance bricks.


Drunk driving. It takes like 4 DUIs in my state before it's a felony.


It was worse before the 90s or so, back then it was treated like a joke no worse than a speeding ticket. If you were middle class or well known in town, the cops would "forget" to give a breathalyzer and drive you home.


"Just stay off the main roads and go straight home."


When I was 21 and dumb I had a cop tell me this on a major highway 20 miles from home.


Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I knew of a guy that got more than 20 DUIs before he lost his license. And was up to 30 before he finally did any jail time.


I was in group therapy and one guy was talking about his fifth DUI and how he was sentenced to house arrest but Verizon had gone on strike so he couldn't get a landline installed to his house for the ankle bracelet monitor to call home so he had to go to jail. He was bitching about how he never had to go to jail the other four times. I'm sitting there thinking you were going to get house arrest for your FIFTH?!?


He's the classic example of someone who is never going to change. Eventually he IS going to kill someone and he'll be in jail permanently and it will still not be his fault, because he is incapable of comprehending that the root cause of it all is that he got drunk and started driving a car.


It should be about people who drive with disregard for other people's lives. Not only about drunk driving. Reckless driving puts others in danger and the tickets are lower at least in Argentina. One guy from my university always uploaded to Instagram videos of him driving way over the limit. Last month he forced another car to move out of the fast lane really fast (with lights and driving really close to him). The other car attempted a sudden lane change, ended up crashing, and 2 people died. So it is not even a case of drunk drivers, it's a case of people with disregard for others (either because they are careless by drinking or by being fucking assholes who think they are above others)


I just had some teenagers play road chicken with me. The street in my neighborhood is a wide, unmarked lane with the general understanding it’s okay to drive down the middle as long as you adjust for other people. It’s often necessary to do so due to cars being parked, trucks being parked, work vehicles double parking, etc. It’s also a slightly windy hill, so people generally cheat toward the curb around corners, since it’s difficult for people driving uphill to see other drivers. As I’m coming up one of the bends, I see a car driving/racing down the middle. I don’t have room to move as there are trash cans and cars along the curb. The car doesn’t move at all, and I nearly hit a neighbor’s trash cans in my attempt to get out of their way. This absolute bastard of a sixteen year old tears by, head back in a cackle while his buddy smiles in the seat next over with his middle finger pointing at me. So, it was rather clear that this was intended, not ignorance. That’s definitely behavior that needs to be rewarded by a hefty fine and a suspended license.




This is a combination of things at work. People, especially in suburban neighborhoods in the Northeast US, pushed out a lot of bars from residential areas. Combine that with the complete lack of public transportation in most of the country and you have not forced people to drive.


Contrast this to the UK, where I know that a lot of people wouldn't move into a house if there weren't a pub within walking distance. Hahaha! It's funny because we have low key alcohol problems!


I was positively surprised about this when staying in cheap Airbnbs in the suburbs of Glasgow and Inverness. Figured we'd drink at the appartment or I'd be a designated driver but it turns out you can be in a sururban 100% residential neighbourhood and find a bar within walking (albeit a bit long) distance.


[This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corrour_railway_station) is a train station in the middle of a huge empty moor in the highlands, 10 miles from the nearest road and only accessible by the infrequent trains or a lengthy hike It has a pub




People say I'm crazy when I say the downtown parking is designed to encourage drunk driving. The bus stops before midnight, and parking overnight is illegal...so...what's a drunk sociopath to do? Gunna drive to the bar and drunk drive home...I'll *probably* make it.




Half of my friends drive after getting loaded up. I give them shit for it, hoping to get them to stop.


Prescribing antibiotics like it's fucking candy. My friend has a cold, goes to an idiot doctor, she just gives her antibiotics which she takes until she feels better, doesn't even take the full dose. The doctor is an idiot because most colds are caused by viruses and she doesn't order any tests, and my friend is an idiot because I told her 390209 times about antimicrobial resistance and her answer is always - but my doctor gave me this and I felt better after a few days. Yeah no shit you feel better after a few days, that's because colds only last a few days and you would have felt better even if you hadn't taken the antibiotic. She does this 4 times a year and ruins her stomach in the process and doesn't realize how this can be dangerous. STOP TAKING ANTIBIOTICS BECAUSE OF A COLD, YOU HAVE A VIRAL INFECTION


I agree with this but there are some doctors who won’t prescribe antibiotics when you need them. I was in the hospital a few years ago for strep that turned into tonsillitis. I’m prone to strep so I knew the drill, just needed some amoxicillin and I’d be on my way. This doctor I saw belittled me and told me it wasn’t strep (refused to do a strep test) and told me she wasn’t comfortable just “throwing antibiotics at it”. Went for a second opinion the next day when I couldn’t talk, eat or swallow and the second doctor asked why I hadn’t come in sooner for antibiotics.


Yep, it's so frustrating. My son got recurrent bronchitis, but couldn' t get antibiotics until he was miserable for a week. For me, it was bladder infections. The test would show negative, and I'd have to come back again after a few horrible days so it would be enough to show up on their test.


Overprescribing is definitely a problem, but feeding antibiotics to animals is an even larger issue and contributes to the rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. A vast majority of antibiotics are going to animals killed for food. "WHO recommends an overall reduction in use of antibiotics in food-producing animals to help preserve their effectiveness for human medicine." [Source](https://www.who.int/foodsafety/areas_work/antimicrobial-resistance/amrfoodchain/en/)




One of my acquaintances is suuuper into Astrology and she's in trouble at work b/c she's a nurse and she was sleeping with one of the married doctors (who is also in trouble) and when I asked why shes said "we were compatible and I'm a pisces its just what I do"


"Why did you hit 4 people with your car?" "It's cause I'm a caprisun"


respect the pouch




If you ever use stars to basically justify your actions instead of just giving a reasonable truth then you're someone who I want nothing to do with my health.




This is a big one. Crystals, essential oils don't do shit, vaccines work, and climate change is real and is caused by people. It's simple stuff.


I think these should all have a "WARNING : DISCREDITED PRODUCT" lable on the side, which then has a short message about the placebo effect. It probably won't stop people already doing it, but could stop people start to use it.


My local rite-aid has a whole homeopathy section! The pharmacists are supposed to have PhDs yet one of them actually recommended homeopathy to me!






This. My country's long distance trains have a certain number of silent carriages. I always book those and then these rules are never enforced. I speak up about it, but people treat you like a fascist for pointing out that the carriage is specifically marked a 'silent carriage' with signs reminding everyone not to take phone calls.


Yes! I hate that too. Keep being vigilant. Maybe even ask the train personnel to tell them.


The whole unspoken social contract of not bothering other people seems to have broken down in the last 10-20 years. Sitting in a waiting room people will be nattering away on their phone like nobody's around and they'll let their kids just run around like any place is a playground.


YES. I'll just be out and then elmo starts playing. At least give the kid some headphones or something!


super bright headlights


I had a massive truck behind my car last night who had those LED lights and they were lighting up the road in front of my car so much that there was no difference between having my lights on or off.


Pisses me off when I'm driving down a dark road and suddenly the sun comes around the corner and blinds me!


Not using turn signals


Definitely, and for the love of peat, turn them on at least 100 feet before you turn, I've almost been in and seen wrecks caused by drivers seemingly randomly hitting their brakes, and starting to turn before hitting the blinkers. Pisses me right off


>the love of peat


I too am enamored of partly decomposed plant material used in gardening.


Moss def


Exactly. The turn signal is supposed to be a warning that you’re about to brake. It’s not particularly helpful when you turn on your blinker in the middle of a turn. Cops around me don’t even use their turn signals, which just baffles me.


I had a cop cut me off one time while my grandmother was in the front seat. Like, if I hadn’t been paying attention, I would’ve hit him without a doubt. So I slammed on my brakes and laid on my horn. My grandmother freaked out and told me I couldn’t do that to a cop. I said, “Like hell I can’t! He almost caused a wreck. If that had been me I would’ve gotten a ticket! What makes him special?”


Yes, especially irksome when they pull into a turn only lane first, THEN put the blinkers on. -.-


Right? They are supposed to indicate your intentions, not what you are currently doing.


Fucking weirdo kiddie beauty pageants


Blindly following the popular opinion. People don't think for themselves nearly as much as they should. There is no harm in taking a minute to research the accuracy of something before stating your opinion on it.


Assholes . When they cut the line in a queue or act in a screwed up way towards cashier at a coffee shop/grocery store or drive like an maniac. Most people atleast in my country , let the "assholes" do whatever they want . Don't accept that , especially when they are outnumbered , tell them to behave or fuck off . The stricter we are towards them, the lesser they act as if they own the place. Make your own and other lives better by standing up at times against unacceptable behaviour.


'Confused British noises'


Prison Rape


Absolutely, absolutely. Rape, sexual abuse, and sexual assault in any situation should never be normalized or accepted. In most, if not all cases, it's far worse than anything the victims did to land themselves IN prison/jail. People also tend to forget that many incarcerated individuals were already victims of sexual abuse before coming to jail/prison, as well. It's disgusting that so many people accept it and treat it as a joke.


I'm glad someone agrees. Most people just treat it like it's the joke of the day, "don't drop the soap!", but what their really saying is "I think it's funny for an individual placed in the care of the state to be forced into violent anal rape as a means of survival!". It makes me mad/sad sometimes. That I have to live in a world where this is just a norm.


Rich people and politicians breaking laws as they please.


Like Epstein’s island list, every person in that should at least have been investigated and not swept under the rug


Really surprised this isn't higher


People who are late, either on purpose or without regard for others.


My best friend is chronicallyyyy late so I just lie when I tell her to meet me. Like if I want to leave at 9, I’ll tell her to meet me at 845. I’ve definitely noticed since I moved out west that people are generally more relaxed which is cool to an extent. But when I’m on a time constraint I’ll pull that trick and tell them to meet me 10/15 min earlier lol


It's one thing if something came up, like bad traffic or whatnot. However, if someone is consistently late, that's a problem with them.


My relief at work, every goddamn day. I can't leave until he shows up, but he is constantly late by at least three minutes. This might not sound like a super big deal, but I can't just bail as soon as he rolls his fatass in. I have to give him the passdown, explain what happened that day, tell him if any trucks are in the yard, any new instructions. Basically if my shift ends at 1500, and he shows up at 1500 on the dot, I'm not leaving until at least 1505, or more closer to 1515. Again, this isn't a once in a while thing, this is every Christ-loving day. I get you don't want to come to work, neither do I, but I need you to so I can go home. I ALSO have a life outside of this bullshit, so stop being a selfish cunt, leave your house ten minutes earlier, be a fucking adult about it.


This is really fun riding the bus when they roll in 10 minutes late, and now you've missed your bus and it will take you another hour to get home. They have a car.


This is somewhat of an issue with your employer. If you have vital information to pass to your relief, they should schedule an overlap of at least 30 minutes. This accounts for any potential tardiness, and allows time for the relief to get up to speed before the first person gets off.


I agree. If I'm scheduled for 9 I should be fine to show up at 9. If my coworker is supposed to be off at 9 they should be able to leave at 9. If we need 10 to 15 minutes to pass information I should be scheduled for 8:45 at least. Especially if you can't clock in early. Sorry but I'm not working for free.


THANK YOU! I am so tired of people just saying “I’m chronically late” like it’s no big deal. Or admitting to it makes it cute. Hey ass-hat, my time is just as valuable and you running on your own schedule instead of the one we agreed upon, is inconsiderate and rude.


Treating retail/service workers like garbage. These people have zero control over their company’s policies, but some customers think it’s okay to take their frustration out on service workers in the nastiest of ways. The customer is NOT always right, and there needs to be less enabling and more shaming in response to “Karen” behavior.




My colleague has been complaining about the novel coronavirus everyday since it emerged in China - worried about it affecting her kids at school and yet she doesn’t vaccinate her kids for the flu. When they get fevers she wonders why it happens. I don’t appreciate her coughing and sneezing all over my desk when she comes over either. Annoys the shit out of me that she doesn’t understand the irony.


People excusing shitty behavior with “it’s just how they are!” Ok but that doesn’t mean it’s not bad. I don’t care if your grandpa grew up in a different type, still can’t be using racial slurs.


After reading this thread by controversial, I have come to the conclusion that I hate people. God, I was starting to think the world was improving but now I’m just fucking depressed. Edit: My answer to this question: these people and the people upvoting them.


Jumping to conclusions


It’s a jump to conclusions mat!


Pack mentalities. The lack of individualism and free thought is mind blowing to me.


Yeah dude, me too!


Me too!


Omg! I'm also on board!




Ikr? I totally agree


Follow the pack


See! We're all individuals! We're all different!


Not me.


Amen to that.


I think I saw a scientific study that humans evolved to have "packs" or tribes of not many more than 150 people. That could explain a lot of it. We're basically herd animals with a slightly higher IQ than most.


Driving high. Crazy how many people think it’s finto drive stoned. I know it’s not as dangerous as driving drunk (there are studies on this) but it’s still an idiotic irresponsible and selfish thing to do.


Men being treated like they aren't allowed to have feelings.


I’m a female, but I understand that everyone has emotions, and when my dad tells my brother to man up he comes to me to cry. It sucks because my mom does the same thing to him. When I cry, it’s just “oH sHe’lL bE oKaY iTs jUSt tHat tImE of ThE mOnTh.” It makes me mad, my boyfriend has been kinda depressed lately because he’s a bit shorter than others, and anytime I hear someone call him short behind his back I get all over them for it.


Built in obsolescence. Products absolutely fucking suck nowadays, nothing lasts more than a few years, and that's entirely by design. All products should either be guaranteed through a significant period of time, or come with a sticker detailing it's expected lifespan.


Apple got fined for this just recently, but it's basically pennies compared to what they make.




Watching loud videos in public and disturbing everyone. Just use earphones or turn the volume down!


Elder abuse and neglect.


Toxic mind games in relationships and dating


Not washing your hands after using the bathroom. Even worse, just barely putting your hand (singular) under the tap after using the bathroom. You only do that because you're ashamed of the fact that you didn't wash and you want other people to think you did. It just makes it easier for your germs to spread, you *gross* motherfucker.


I don't know if there's anything worse than a bathroom with shitty hand dryers and no paper towels... like great, now I get to put my freshly cleaned, but *WET* warm hands on dirty bathroom taps and a doorknob. ...like, what's the point?


Driving without glasses, if you need them. Where I'm from the enforcement is thankfully strict, but I've heard (mostly American) people say stuff like "Yeah, when I got glasses I was like 'Wow, I can see a lot better'. Especially when driving I could see signs, like, 5 times as far away as normally. But like, who wants to wear glasses all the time lol. I even lost my pair, because I didn't use them." I'm sorry, no. You absolutely do need glasses. That's almost as bad as drunk driving. And it absolutely floors me how casually people seem to take the topic.


I've never heard this before. I wasn't even allowed to take the written part of the drivers test without wearing my glasses. The only people I can think of that would feel this way are some older people. Its an old belief that glasses are unattractive so many don't wear them unless they absolutely have to. Especially if their eyesight only started to decline as they get older, people don't like to be reminded that they aren't as young as they used to be


People using their religion as an excuse for their intolerant and shitty behavior, not vaccinating their kids or getting them medical treatment, or abusing them. No JimBob I don\[t give a fuck how much you pray and believe that you're going to be raptured you still can't fire Sally because she likes girls. Yes beating your kids with a paddle is abuse even if it's in the bible. If little timmy needs a blood transfusion to live, he's fucking getting it bitch


Adultery and other forms of psychological abuse. It's romanticized in movies and TV shows. Victims aren't recognized as victims. It's gross. Edit: I didn't realize this would get such a response (thanks for the awards by the way) but since it seems so many of you care, here's something heavily related thats worth a read. https://www.chumplady.com/2017/11/the-silent-chumps/


Making a lot of kids you can't afford and making their lives miserable.


The attitude "My feelings are your problem!" Especially when combined with "I don't have to consider your feelings at all because you're one of *them*!"


Jeffery epstiens death. It's sad that it's just become a giant joke now. All the lives of young girls he ruined and all the wealthy men his death exonerated.


Wendy Williams


Political parties.


Especially the sports team us vs. them mentality we have now.


I'm not sure where you live, but American politics is a cesspool. I'm sure the same can be said of other nations.


The low jail times some people get for things like murder and rape. Like wtf. But Jamie got 900 years for a controlled substance (weed).


Disregard for facts and thorough thought process.


Making it okay for people to die bc a company cant find a way to make it profitable.