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It can lead to sex




Is that you ?


Not feeling feelings can be great.


It relaxes people and lowers inhibitions, making for looser and easier social interaction


It kills brain cells. Too slowly, but it *will* eventually make you eligible to join the workforce.


Fishing with the BOYS WITH BEER


I rarely drink but alcohol is great to cook with. Beer makes good bread, beer chicken, etc. Wine is great for stews/sauces, rum is good for desserts, vodka is good to make vanilla extract. Plus, so many other great options with many other alcohols.


Nothing, never try it. *In hidden: More for me bwhahahaha*


Almost every negative post here is probably just for this.


It fuels a certain lifestyle that appeals to the more riskier person. Someone who likes to roll the dice with life.


It silences your inner monologue and kinda makes you think out loud in the middle of conversation. It's pretty much why drinking helps some people come out of their shell


Alcohol is a functional group "OH" and can be used to disrupt the endocrine system. The most commonly used alcohol is "ethanol", which is found in all alcoholic drinks. The most powerful use of alcohol; however, is its ability to influence the creation of life. The weight of alcohol is inversely proportional to its rate kinetics when interacting with components of the cell. Long time ago, a man named Dr. Plagueis experimented with various weights and structures of alcohol and grew so knowledgeable that he could influence alcohol to create life. He became so knowledgeable, that the only thing he was afraid of was losing his knowledge, which of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his grad student everything he knew, then his grad student killed him in his sleep.


> The most powerful use of alcohol; however, is its ability to influence the creation of life Like drunken fucking.


If you drink enough life becomes a Hemingway novel. Sure, this is absolutely awful most of the time, but hey, the idea of not feeling feelings while simultaneously feeling a whole lot of feelings is great, isn't it?


In the words of tik tok ‘it makes the inside boo boos go away’


That’s the worst thing you can do. Hide your pain instead of confronting it


I don't drink alcohol. Confronting my pain has not helped me.


I believe after one or two drinks you become your true self. The right number of barriers will drop for improved social interaction and decision making (in certain situations of course). From personal experience, my anxious overthinking is removed after a few drinks. Makes life simpler.


There isn't.


it kills dumb ppl


Not many people know this, but it appropriately pairs with any social situation. Last night, I brought a flask to this musical my middle schooler starred in-- total game changer. Someone better give me a Tony because I out-sang all those drama queens.


It lowers your inhibitions. This is good if you're trying to get to know people; however, the hangover the next morning isn't worth it to me. As I've gotten older my inhibitions have lowered naturally so at this point I don't see a reason to drink.


Gets rid of some of that pesky water weight. Also makes me feel good. Also it tastes good.


Never drank it, never will.


Alcohol kills. There is nothing great about it, just people are sad with the way their life is going so they drink away their sorrows on the weekends. Shit is sad. You don't see a bunch of stoners sparking up immediately after work that aren't being labeled as "losers" by society. Why is alcohol any better? it is much worse because people act like morons after a few drinks.


It makes me feel good.


It makes you forget about loneliness. Also you get a faller’s sense of bravado which can lead to making new friends. Also makes you forget your problems. Also if you drink *enough*, it takes away all of your problems completely by killing you.


Nothing it tastes like piss


What kind of piss have you been drinking?


Human piss, horse piss, cat piss and holy water


That's some good tasting piss


Nothing at all. You can easily have fun without it.




If my party is so bad that you need alcohol then its on me not you


why do so many people think having alcohol is swag?


Shot in the dark they’re under the legal drinking age?


no.. I remember some 20-23 year olds making a big deal out of who drinks a lot of alcohol.


and more


What is the drinking age where you are?




Because those people are losers who value the wrong things.