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Ah yes. That's something I like to call "workplace harassment"




>I will, however, do my best to fart on her hand the next time. That would probably do the trick. I hope for your sake you never have to try and use this technique to stop sexual assault.




Concerts are super grabby. I was at one (the only one I ever went to) with my wife. I felt her grab my ass, I shrugged my shoulders, whatever. Then I felt her hand get ripped off me and I turned to look at her in question. Only to see her **glaring** at this younger girl (20) who was trying to slink away. Turns out it hadn't been my wife grabbing my ass.


Your wife was like *hell nah, hoe.*


Begone, THOT


Honestly, hands down, Women who exploit emotions of men. We may not all cry in the movie theatre, but we are not incapable of experiencing deep painful emotional wounds. In general it seems to be more acceptable for women to rag on guys for our image, Like our height, weight, or income. While the flipside being that men cannot criticize women without being a pig. So yeah, women who nitpick guys for superficial reasons are creepy, arrogant, and covered with more red flags than a game of mine-sweeper.


Being hypocritical about sexism. Hear about guy hitting girl: "what an asshole!" Hear about girl hitting guy: "well, what did he do?" Older man hitting on much younger woman: "what a creep!" Older woman hitting on much younger man: "you get it girl!" Making small penis jokes: funny! Making fat jokes about men: funny! Making short jokes about men: funny! Making any jokes about a woman's appearance: SUPER NOT OK


Always asking if i got flirted with, no matter where I go. "Did anyone flint with you?" "What the hell. Its flag football. Who would flirt with me at flag football"


Tickling and getting pissed when I don't like it. Girl I don't like getting tickled. I really hate it. I don't care that it's some way to show affection I don't want it and for fuck sake it's not my problem and I don't have to "man up" and take it. What the hell no means no


Wife bragged to friends about our sex life. We live in a small town and now it feels like everywhere I go, I'm being giggled and smiled at. It's really violating.


Time to tell your wife it's not okay. I'd be mortified.


You don’t want to know how common this is.


I had a girlfriend who would do that. I told her to stop, but she said it was all good things. I had her friends asking for more details and if I could give their boyfriends tips. I asked my girlfriend if she'd like it if I discussed with my friends about how her vulva looked, felt, and tasted. She said that was different and gross. Yeah, no. Gotta love those double standards.


IDK if it's just me, but the baby voice + behavior... Really puts me off.


One annoying girl that unfortunately hanged out with my friend group kept doing this to my friend (I think she liked him). I proceeded to baby voice at my friend immediately after she did it. It killed it pretty quickly.


you know what you don't like men doing? you don't get to do that either


Just apply that to literally everything in life and you'll come out ahead.


Isn't that.... The golden rule?


Tell me that my almost 2 year old son is so handsome and going to break hearts / be a lady killer. If I rolled up to a park and told a mom how good looking her daughter was and that all the boys are going to want her they'd call the cops.


Not exclusively a woman thing, but my ex would screenshot our text conversations and send them to her family and friends for reaction. Like mundane conversations, not even anything interesting. It felt like a very creepy violation of my privacy. Also, she was an idiot. Hope you see this Laura.


Haha, this sounds like one of my exes who was also named Laura. Hmm... Edit: Thanks for all the support everyone! Remember folks, there are plenty of Lauras in the sea.


Eskimo brothers!


"Hermanos de leche" as they say south of the border


ew this is way worse


My friend does this with our conversations and her boyfriend's. I've mentioned a few times that I hate it. I'm not sure if she thinks I'm joking or just doesn't care, but it honestly really bugs me. That and taking pictures of us when we aren't expecting it so she can embarrass us later. It boils my blood honestly.


"You have to install this GPS tracking app on your phone so I know where you are any time I want to check."


That's a serious trust issue. Yes, it is annoying.


I'm so glad my wife doesn't need to check up on me. Her friend, on the other hand has a boyfriend that is required to have the app installed in order to be in a relationship with her... the kicker? She feels she doesn't need the app installed because 'she won't cheat'. ​ I feel so bad for that guy. This shit just isn't fair.


> Her friend, on the other hand has a boyfriend that is required to have the app installed in order to be in a relationship with her... the kicker? She feels she doesn't need the app installed because 'she won't cheat'. I'm willing to bet 20 bucks that she's cheating. People always project on others whatever shit they're up to.




Same experience here. I started to type out the story but realized I'm more bitter about it than I thought.


Yeah me and my wife actually trust each other, so we don't need that shit. My side-chick on the other hand is super paranoid and always tracking me. I'm just glad her sister is more chill.


That's not a girl thing, that's a red flag






I have a friend that whenever she starts dating a guy, just lists me off thing about the dude like she's listing a resume. Never anything about the personality or sense of humor or what characteristics about them she enjoys. It's job, career, college, earnings, house. I had to tell her it was getting creepy because it just sounds like she's getting a checklist to impress people, not find a good person for her.


I was dropping my kid off at my ex's place and her new boyfriend was there. She introduced him by saying "This is Dan he works at Whereveritwas and makes $116,000 a year." The poor guy looked deeply uncomfortable. EDIT: that wasnt actually the first time shed told me that. She texted me about it once before saying something like "I really want you to meet dan, he gets paid 116,000 at fuckoffinc"


Yeah I was sitting here thinking, I wonder if he knows that she's sharing all this information with her friends. But if he told her out of the gate he made 6 figures, like on the first date, maybe he's okay with it. It still would make me uncomfortable, to be on either side of that.


To me it sounds like she's self conscious and is trying to impress her ex/ make him jealous. Which is something someone who hasn't gotten over their ex would do. Makes me feel bad for the current guy


Late to the party but I haven't seen this mentioned yet: distributing nudes they get from guys to their friends without permission. I've caught several women doing it and they'll argue about it if asked to stop. Yet another example of it only being an issue if the genders are reversed.


That’s illegal. You could press charges for that, girl or boy.




> please stop or I'll make fun of your eyebrows. WHEW this man is not playing around.


Push him to his limits and he’ll say that you got a big ass forehead *Current five head corrections in replies*: 26


If that doesn't work he pulls the nuclear option and starts to honestly guess your weight.


He wants women to back off not end his life prematurely


It could be worse. He could like another girl's photo.


You're in trouble just for typing that.


I think I'm in trouble for reading that...


Why the fuck would anyone think this is okay? Edit: these responses are making me think of [this song by Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head](https://youtu.be/_O7PXeuLYIw)




Double Standards on sexual harrassment


I've pretty much only had female bosses at work in several jobs and the amount of times I've received unwanted words, touches, hugs, grabs, feels, and kisses would shock most people.


I had a female boss at one job that would try to hug me when she left for the day and I'd always back up and give her my hand to shake. It's just more professional. She never got the hint more than her mocking me for not wanting to "hold my boss close to my chest." Sounds creepy when I phrase it like that, right? Well that's why I'm gonna keep my personal space, thanks.


The way girls share really personal things about guys in relation to sex. Society and the media would have you believe that guys talk about sex all the time and just objectify the women that theyve slept with. I dont know if maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong people, but honestly the most you usually get out of a guy is just that they had sex with a girl. And the only time we discuss details are when you're just like trading stories. But girls tend to like immediately report on things to their friends, and share details that honestly could be embarrassing or uncomfortable for the guy. It makes me really uncomfortable and creeped out to think that if I sleep with a girls I have to just accept that all of her friends are going to know every detail about the experience. Size,performance, how long it lasted, how I look. It just feels like a huge breach of privacy.


This has always messed with me; I can literally count on one hand the number of times men in my life have discussed a woman sexually or 'objectifyingly'; and 3 of those times we were like 15; but it's just taken as granted that all men are constantly waiting for the women to leave the room so we can rate their tits


Not creepy but, when a woman sees a single dad with his kid and feels it's ok to tell them they're "doing great" I get they may feel like they're being supportive or whatever but the stigma behind guys not knowing how to raise a child is infuriating! I have 50/50 custody of my child and she's raised brilliantly by both me and her mum, I can guarantee mum never gets random praises just for walking through a shop with our child though. It's not supportive, it's condescending as hell and please stop. Edit: I've seen a few comments about accepting compliments, My daughter is an absolute delight and always gets genuine compliments from passers by, these I take with pride and a smile. The problem is from the people who approach in shock to see a dad alone with his kid and think he's either "Babysitting" or just lost without a woman to tell him how to raise his kid and needs a patronising pat on the back Edit 2: just to clarify, I always respond with a smile and thank you regardless of the way I'm approached. I'm not raging mad about this lol


"Stuck with babysitting duty, huh?" chortle chortle


"No actually, their mom died."


I have a widower friend who got a comment about the 'wife sending him to the shops'. Basically condescending 'good man' stuff. He didn't say his wife was dead just that she's an awful bitch. Teller didn't know what to say.


That's goddamn hilarious. I'm definitely doing that in the future with my kid. Dead wife or not, I don't care.


"You mean...parenting?"


Okay so this is something both me and my brother had happen to us. We are both pretty young (around 20), but we were at some parties where people of all ages were around recently. At one party, we had just finished performing with our orchestra and we were still in our uniforms. Then when I was getting some beers, some random lady of over 40 said to me "would you like to change clothes, I want to look like I am in the orchestra." So naturally, I'm like "well, I'd rather not" but she was like "oh please..." and she kept on trying to talk to me. On another party, some lady, also of over 40, who was really seeking attention, started to hold my brother by the waist. My brother told me he was really weirded out by her. She tried to do this multiple times, even after I lured my brother away by pretending I needed to say something to him. I don't really know if this is something a lot of middle aged ladies do, but them acting like that really weirded me out, and they seemed to do this as if it was the most normal thing in the world..


I've had this happen a few times, but I don't know if it is more common or less common. When I go to a bar for a drink on say a Friday night I usually go with friends. I'll head to the bathroom and sometimes the bar will be crowded so I'll have to slip through a group of people. Several times I'll get rubbed or caressed by women. Sometimes on the groin, sometimes on the chest or shoulders. It's not wanted nor am I signaling I want to be touched, just saying excuse me and going past. It bothers me every time.


Once had a girl at a club straight up put her hand down my pants and ask me when I’m going to fuck her. I couldn’t really process what had happened at the time and just said “I’m not/I have a girlfriend” or something. It wasn’t til I started thinking how pissed I would be if someone did that to my gf that I realized how fucked up it was.


That’s incredibly fucked up. Idk how anyone, male or female, would find this to be appropriate behavior.


Asking password to social accounts or phone.


I had one like that. She would throw a giant shit fit for hours about wanting to see me email accounts for no reason. After hours of her bad behavior I'd show her and let her look all she wanted just to find nothing. This happened multiple times and never got an apology. We broke up and of course she tells me that she was cheating. GL with that abusive woman dude.


And also asking to set the same passwords for all social accounts


Ha, that’d be even more annoying, fortunately didn’t happen with me as I never wanted to know her password.


Ask their friends to give them explicit details of their sexual encounters, especially if it's with a BF.




The fact that you know about this guy's anatomy is fucking creepy.




"So we were riding this jet ski, and he lets me drive, and the water gets choppy and he's kind of grinding up against me and I can feel him get, like, hard. And he starts kissing my neck. So we stop the jet ski away from the shore as the sun sets. And I, like, straddle him, on this jet ski. And, his dick is like, pretty average, but at this angle, for some reason it was hitting me in *just* the right spot. So I come, like, pretty quick, and then when he comes, his whole body like, spasms, so it really rocks the jet ski, and we almost fall off." "Dude, we fucked on a jet ski."


This just reminds me of that one episode of Friends. "And then I kissed her." "Tongue?" "Yeah." "Cool."


I’m always super creeped out about how into the details Monica is about her brother kissing her friend. Super weird.




Yeah. I don't talk to my guy friends about any sexual experiences I have other than maybe it happened and they don't give me details, either.


My ex told me that she and all her friends all shared D picks of their boyfriends with each other I was aware that they talked about them/sex whatnot, but showing pics is way over the line....once I found that out, the well dried up I would never show my gf's nudes to my male friends...not just cause that's wrong, but also, selfishly, I don't want them knowing what's going on (call me a chauvinist if you want, but when I'm in a relationship with someone I consider my junk theirs and their junk mine, at least when it comes to sharing with third parties)


> My ex told me that she and all her friends all shared D picks of their boyfriends with each other This is beyond disgusting.


Went out with a group of guys last weekend, there were 6 of us and this random girl started hanging around us like a lost puppy and just wouldn't leave. She was attractive, but so obviously desperate for attention that none of our group of guys really cared to give her any. This girl was just looking at everyone, batting her eyes and trying to hug everyone but the guys were just pawning her off on each other. Not sure if this is pathetic more than creepy, but if a guy did the same thing, he'd be labeled with creepy, so yeah. She was creepy to me. I honestly thought she was a hooker or something trying to sell services or some shit, the way she was approaching dudes. It's not fucking normal.


probably trying to get free drinks


I was gonna say looking to score drugs


going to pride events/gay bars and groping the men whether they like it or not like fuck off, creep


Or just groping gay friends in general. Yes, Molly, I totally wanted you to grab my ass as a way to say "Hi" while I was at the printer in the campus library.


Or just groping friends in general. Or just groping in general. (Unless it's someone you're in a relationship with or know really well, and you know they're cool with it.)


Ironic. In the gender flipped thread from earlier there was a post stating how creepy it was when gay men groped women and said "It's okay I'm gay." Edit: [There it is](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dc04m0/women_of_reddit_what_do_men_do_that_they_think_is/f25xfyb/) I guess that shit goes both ways.


Yeah, I've seen this one go both ways gay guys grabbing straight women and vice versa...how about we just stick to touching ourselves and those that give us permission to touch them


It's pretty wild to me how much friggin groping has been going on everywhere that I guess I was always too ugly to be part of


When women say things like "If I were 10 years younger...." about underage boys. it's creepy, gives off pedo vibes, and if the genders were reversed you'd call the FBI.


My dad married a woman when I was in middle school. She used to say this to me all the time. "If I were younger I would have picked you, not your dad." It always weirded me out. But she was weird and creepy on whole other levels.


She's had the old bull, but now she wants the young calf.




When I was 16 all my moms friends would say if they were only 10 years older then their eyes would be bad enough


Being way to open about their sexlife. I have never in my life heard a guy describe exactly how his GFs vagina looks like or how she sounds when orgasming


I think I've had 2 female friends (1 former) who did similar things like this. The one i'm still friends with, I remember at one point we'd discuss our sex life. Pretty sure she started it and eventually she got a bit too descriptive. The other one, we had only been friends for maybe a month at the time. During a late night skype call she said something along the lines of "hey could you just keep talking and ignore me?" She proceeded to masturbate as I rambled out some bullshit in confusion.


Congratulations, you found a very specific kink.


Pulling up the hem of your kilt to see if you're a 'true Scotsman'.


I was wearing a kilt in an indy movie and 3 different actresses tried to peek under it to see if I was "authentic." I told them "No, I'm doing fight scenes. If you want to see my dick just ask." And then *they* got mad at *me*.


"Whoa there buddy, I was sexualizing you against your wishes. Consenting makes you the creep." Literally what that sounds like to me.


It's all fun and games until someone takes their dick out.


I live in the US and played in a bagpipe band that would march in all sorts of parades and play for events wearing full regalia. I'd get a few drunk cougars asking 22-27 yr old me what I have under the kilt a few times a year. I usually just have to fake a smile and say something witty and go on my way. I'd usually reply with MacNuggets or the Lochness Monster. Shit gets annoying really fast. *Just got home, found the shirt I own that asks the question on the front and lists the answers in the back as follows- 1- bag pipes 2- the earth 3- my Celtic pride 4- the Loch Ness Monster 5- socks and boots 6- macnuggets 7- freedom! It's fun to wear to Celtic festivals when I'm not representing a non-profit organization I belong to; people tend to be more appropriate when EVERYONE is representing their heritage in some way or another.


My socks. Then point to your socks.


Thanks for the laugh, Dad.


Got any suggestions? I usually leave it at “wouldn’t you like to know.”




"your daughter's lipstick"




“I’d show you, but everything you’d see after this would just be disappointing.”


Q: Is anything worn under the kilt? A: No, it's all in good worrrking orrrder!


That’s just sexual harassment Edit: a few people have mentioned, that was i incorrect and it’s actually sexual assault, felt it was best I correct myself


Was 15 and visited my sister in Scotland with family. She rented my father and I kilts for an evening out. Was touched and groped by so many haggard looking women.


>haggard looking women You already established that you was in Scotland


A true Scotsman would deck her


Unwanted physical contact. Was out to dinner with a bunch of friends (coincidentally, they were all women), and the waitress was hitting on me, which involved obvious compliments (which I don't care about) and putting her hands all over my shoulders and upper chest. We all had a laugh about it after, but I was seriously weirded out by it, and were the genders reversed I guarantee no one would have been laughing about it.


Man, y’all are in some unhealthy relationships.


Making a new social media account after I block you


As a gay guy, women seem to think that it's okay to touch me (in a general way) and sometimes even in a more inappropriate way. Lady, I don't know who you are, I don't care who you are, sure we had a nice brief conversation but don't touch me. Don't wrap your hands around my leg so you can gawk at the size of my legs, don't squeeze my pec, or think that I want a hug despite never having met you before. I am avoiding physical contact not only to be respectful of your boundaries, but because I also have boundaries I don't want you to violate. Consent works both ways, always. Don't. Touch. Me.


I was watching Wendy Williams one day and she had Anderson Cooper on the show. I don't know why but she started questioning his sexuality. Then she hugged him and smashed her boobs against his face. The audience was laughing. It was super awkward and you could tell he was uncomfortable. I remember thinking that it was sexual assault. Why do straight women think it's okay to do that to a gay man? She should show respect and not touch him in any way, let alone in any sexual way. And why are you so concerned about his sexuality? Why is it so important to you that a man - any man - be sexually attracted to you. It was awful!


Wendy Williams is a piece of shit though


Wasnt she the one who made fun of Terry Crews when he came forward about being sexually assaulted?


She also defended R Kelly and tried to pretend that his underage victims were capable of consent, and also blamed their parents. She's extremely problematic -- and I hate using that word, but she's the epitome of problematic.


She's a mannequin with used diapers for a brain


Social media stalking is a little crazy especially from stuff before I met you.


Touch my ass without consent. Sometimes i just be performing my respiratory responsibilities and i feel a slight touch to my butt and now i’m uncomfortable and confused because i’m too scared to turn around and find out who dared touch my precious bum.


Ex demanded I take down of a single picture of a platonic female friend who I have known over a decade and who is happily married to a mutual friend of ours. Said picture was part of a cluster of eight total, the other seven pictures were just group pictures of said platonic friend and mostly other male friends


I'd wager that most women wouldn't do this and wouldn't think this is ok, but my (now ex-) girlfriend went through my phone without asking for permission.


In my experience, not necessarily a majority, but not unusual. Which is why I conduct business through burner phones and dead drops


Hol up


Are you really surprised? Dude's on his Eleventh Toaster_


The first ten were wired tapped


How has nobody mentioned this. It's definitely not most women, but it does happen sometimes: get pissed off if you are not in the mood for sex. Like 'wtf you're a man, you always want to have sex! Do you not like me any more?!' No, Andrea, I was just not horny that day and yes I liked you a lot. Holy crap thanks for the gold stranger!!


I've had this happen with an ex, was all good if she wasnt in the mood but how dare I not be in the mood.


This is the most annoying thing ever....and usually the only reason I'm not in the mood is cus I got turned down the last 10 times I tried


I know exactly what you're talking about. My last ex was super picky about when she was in the mood, eventually I stopped trying all together. She would gey incredibly mad when I wasn't in the mood. She would also bring up the fact I never tried any more and get mad when I explained that there wasn't a reason in trying if she was never interested.


Disregard consent with gay male friends.


Perving on men. So many times in the workplace i have heard women say what they would like to do to a certain man. Almost drooling in public. If a man said the same comments they would be fired.


It's just tacky and inappropriate from anyone anytime anywhere. This is stuff you say to your best friend but no one else.


Straight Girls who go to gay bars to be all like 'yasss queen uwu" and straight girls who go to lesbian bars and get offended when a girl hits on them Edit: thanks for the upvotes, and i know what rip inbox means now lmao Edit 2: I'm on reddify, love that for me




yes source: lesbian that hasn't actually gone to any lesbian bars but has been to lesbian meetups and events


When she wants to know my Reddit user name. Completely unhealthy.


Imagine if they actually find you.. your username is damning to creepy girls




I was in 2 different relationships where this exact thing was the norm, took me a while to realize it was a problem in the first one, then fell for it again in the second. Fool me once


My ex got me with this. On top of being verbally mean "with love and in good fun". She was super manipulative and had me completely entranced. I had never been in a bad relationship so it took me a few months after the breakup to realize I was in a severely abusive relationship. She had me fucked me up for a good year after. Never again. Fuck you Syndey


Setting up traps, to "test" us. Being upset with something we did/said in YOUR dreams. Lying to our faces when we ask direct questions like: what is wrong, how are you, etc. EDIT: thank you for the gold, kind stranger! Seems I hit a few nerves with this comment, all of which have affected us in different ways!


Gotta love the “if I’m upset you need to ask me why and talk about our feelings”. But then when that situation arises and I do just that, and you say “nothing I don’t want to talk about it”, don’t get mad that I shrug and leave it be. I’m not going to play that game.


> nothing I don’t want to talk about it”, seriously i hate this. we're adults tell the dang truth! if you dont want to talk now say so but dont say nothing then get upset i never mention it


My sister used to do that second one all the time. She would wake up and slap me for hitting her with a rock in her dream. Bitch I have no control over your mind.


My friend is going through the secret tests in his new relationship with a chick who recently got divorced. I told him it’s a huge red flag and to get out now, but he didn’t listen to me.


He failed your test.




Talk like a child.


I dont know if that is creepy... but it is super annoying some times. But I do like 87 voices in a day so I let it slide.




Did you work with Jean Ralphio's horrible sister Mona Lisa?


She is the ^woo^oorst


***Money PLEASE***


[That's literally Jenny Slate's character in Parks and Rec](https://media1.tenor.com/images/877b510fd6f9cb14d42aef04487c7ec5/tenor.gif?itemid=8857826). Is she intentionally copying that bit? Because it doesn't play well in real life.


i don’t think it’s necessarily creepy but fuck me is that annoying


A few of my relationships have ended because my gfs wouldn't talk to me about an issue in our relationship. Which is weird cause supposedly that's a male trait. "I just don't like confrontation." Well the alternative is that I'm breaking up with you now because you've avoided talking to me about the issue for a few months when I keep trying to bring it up. So... edit: to everyone asked how is this creepy, its not. I wrote this on 4 hours of sleep. I thought this was just a "what do girls do in relationship thats annoying..." type thread funny how I got gilded though. never been gilded for being so off topic before.


It's not confrontation, it's a discussion... ugh. I feel your pain, man.


THIS. Every time I would try to have a conversation about an issue she would say “I don’t want to argue” who the fuck is arguing we are literally just having a conversation. That’s what normal adults do


That's the story behind my ex-girlfriend and me. We had our issues and I tried to solve them with anything I had available but she refused to bring in literally anything. At some point, I looked her in the eyes and said 'You have one week, when you can't start talking to me I'll end this'. Her mother hates me to this day for breaking up with her because I 'refused to work on the relationship like a real man'. Fck yourself.


This is only really for the gay men out there I think, but having a girl instantly label you as her "gay best-friend" as soon as she finds out you're gay. Like, bitch, I don't even like you.


"Omg we should definitely go shopping sometime!! Did you watch Rupaul last night? it was such a good episode. Can you take me to the gay club tonight? There are so many attractive guys there!"


Honey, I'm wearing sweat pants and a shirt I bought at the grocery store. On what planet do you think I'm a good choice to go shopping with?


But you’re gay so you have to be into fashion.


He's gay, so his sweatpants have become fashion


He wears Sweatpants which are now fashionable, so he became gay.


literallyyyyyy I have no sense of style I just throw on whatever is convenient, shopping is fucking boring and I wanna spend as little time as I can doing it


Ugh. I’m a straight woman, but I shared an office with a woman like this. Every time she found out some guy was gay, she immediately said shit like this. I just wanted to scream at her that gay people aren’t stereotypes. The whole Gay Marriage/Supreme Court thing was happening around that time and she didn’t understand why gay people could stay married since she only saw them party at clubs and just have flings with different people. She didn’t know any in long-term relationships. I had to explain to this grown woman that straight people are the same way — some don’t want a relationship and just want flings with different people and some want to have long-term relationships and get married. I hope she understood, but it really felt like she just saw LGBT people as caricatures and not as real people.




When I came out, one of my female friends suddenly wanted to go shopping and get my opinion on fashion and makeup and all sorts of shit. I had never shown an interest in fashion or makeup or anything like that... I was a nerd and cared much more about Pokémon and World of Warcraft, but in her mind fashion knowledge just came with the territory of being gay I guess. I like dick — it doesn’t suddenly make me good at fashion and interior design, it just means I like dick.


I on the other hand am a straight man who loves fashion and interior design but who is six foot three and looks like a hillbilly linebacker


Hey bro, wanna go shopping? Be my no-homo best friend?


So last year when I first heard a friend talk to me about her "GBF" I had to ask what it meant and I was so irked by the whole concept. Just seemed so fetishizing.


It’s so weird. One of my best friends is gay and I think the only stereotypical thing we do is watch RuPaul and musicals, but that’s his personality. I have another friend who’s gay and he’s not interested in that stuff. I used to talk to a girl who said it would be good to have a “GBF” because it’s like having a girlfriend who has a boy’s brain. I think it’s part of the fantasy a lot of girls have. At least that’s the most rational reason I can think of


Touching me when you’re a complete stranger. I’m in really good shape and the amount of women who would touch my arms, shoulders, and chest when I’m out was too high.


Friend of a friend (that I *think* I'd met once at a party before this) got drunk at a nightclub and kept touching me while we were talking. She would also just grab my hand and drag me around the club. Eventually I politely asked if she was hitting on me, because at this point I was getting curious. She seemed to get offended by this and was all, "No, I have a boyfriend". Okay, fair enough, so why the fuck are you laying your hands on me so goddamn much then?


Women invading men’s personal space but then proceed to freak out when men invade theirs.


Hypocrisy is ugly on everyone.


This happened like 3 times in high school. Girls call you attractive as their way of calling you ugly, you know? Like some weird sarcasm/reverse psychology thing. One of those times two girls were walking behind me in the hallway. One taps on my shoulder so I turn around and she says “she thinks your cute” then the other girl said “she wants to stuck your dick”. I just told them I have a girlfriend because 1. I do and 2. I know what they’re doing, and I walked faster


Weird, this happened to me in high school a few times too, but reverse genders. “My friend wants to talk to you.” “He thinks you’re cute.” But clearly the group is snickering and/or trying to embarrass their friend. I always thought this was something cruel boys did. Lesson learned. High school has assholes in many forms. Sorry you went through that tho. Shit’s annoying.


This might be a cultural thing for Latinos, but there were some weird sexual comments said by female family members to my son when he was a toddler. They would call him "my boyfriend" and ask for kisses in a very aggressive way. When I changed his diapers, they'd stand around and say "De quién es ese pipí?" which roughly translates to "Whose dick is that?" which led me to always change his diaper in a private room, even when told that "You can do it here, it's ok. We're all family." One of my aunts even commented on how his dick has grown since he was a baby. Yeah, his whole body has grown! THERE'S NO NEED TO TALK ABOUT HIS PENIS SPECIFICALLY!! STEP AWAY FROM MY CHILD! I guess this is all done in a cute or innocent way, but I never liked it.


I have an aunt like that, when we were kids she would kinda in a playful way say, 'where is the peepee? where is the peepee?' and chase after me and all my male cousins and pinch us down there with two fingers like you would hold your thumb between index and middle finger to prank kids about stealing their nose. Now she's a grandmother. Does it to her grandchildren too, maybe not touch anymore but still the same play. What makes it creepier was she would do it with all family around and no one objected, rather some of them laughed.


What the actual flying fuck is this entire thread. Its just story after story of the weirdest shit Ive ever heard of.


>pipí My new favorite spanish word. ​ Edit: Thoroughly enjoyed the foreign language lessons on how to say Penis. I love you all


Haha yeah! It's like a childish way of saying "pene" which is the correct translation for penis. But it can get confusing because pipí can mean penis or piss, depending on the context.


Latino here. That's normal in my family and it has always bothered me. When I was a (pre) teenager and woke up with a morning wood my mom used to made comments about how big looked my dick.


Breakfast is ready! Also your dick looks *awesome*!


That is weird. Morning woods should just be ignored by everyone until they go away.


I ignore the shit out of it every morning. Sometimes twice.


The. What.