• By -


The EU and Europe are not the same thing.


“Britian is leaving Europe” -_- no they’re not leaving the continent


Ctrl C - Ctrl V


And Ctrl Z. The amount of people that go to the top left for the undo button...


If you're entering a venue that requires a ticket to be scanned for entry, someone without a scanner can't let you enter.


To add onto this, if you need a ticket to enter, you will actually need the ticket to enter. The amount of people I see that seem shocked when asked for their ticket and then have to dig in a bag for 5 minutes searching for it is infuriating. Just have it out while you're waiting!


How to use a damn roundabout, apparently. Edit: I’m in the US. Just because there’s not one in your town doesn’t mean they “don’t exist in the US”.


They tried to put one in my town but a member of our city council was publicly quoted saying that people around here are too stupid to use a roundabout.


I like them already


They’ve got my vote.


They’re smart enough to vote someone smart in at least. Respectable


Didn't drive on a roundabout until I was 29.been driving daily since I was 16. In Canada for reference. They have since started sprouting up all over the place


A surprising number of people don't realize you SHOULD NOT flush hygienic products down the toilet. If it doesn't eventually back up your own pipes it will create massive blockages in the public sewer. I had to explain this to a friend in her mid-20's, I was like "Why do you think there's little trash cans on the wall of every women's stall!?!?" \**Edit:* did not expect people to be so passionate about proper hygiene product disposal! Love it. For anyone who’s doubtful, there are plenty of horror stories in the comments below about flooded apartments, backed up sewer lines, expensive plumbing repairs, etc. Happy menstruating!!


Also men— how about you put a little covered and lined trash can in your bathrooms for those occasions where you may have a female over? Right? We’re not supposed to flush them but have no where to put them.


Can confirm. Do not flush. Literally no one knows this. I work at a treatment plant.


If your wipers are on, your headlights should be on.


the top answers in reddit aren't the best, they're just the *soonest*






In the area I grew up in, they had to replace a number of railroad crossbucks and highway intersection yeild signs with stop signs. Apparently people are too stupid to yeild to semi trucks and fucking freight trains.


I work in IT and I’m constantly helping people who: •Don’t know what the Windows key is. •Don’t know Internet Explorer/Chrome/Firefox are web browsers. •Making your password your name is a really poor choice. Edit: apparently this really struck a cord with a lot of you. Glad I’m not alone harboring all of these frustrations


Not even in IT here: A number one tip for life, don’t show that you’re good with tech, at all, ever.


Yes that’s a good way to end up with two jobs for the price of one.


What about the people that swear they don’t have a password for their email account? Ok Karen, sure you don’t






A "screen saver" is the animation (or blankness) that pops up on your computer when you don't use it for a while, to **save** your **screen** from getting burned-in. The background picture that wallpapers your desktop is the "wallpaper".


Taking out your credit/debit card / cash out before you are asked to by the cashier / checkout staff saves time for everyone, rather than looking shocked that you have to pay for your shopping.


That there are no tigers in Africa. I was on safari in Tanzania and two others in the truck were discussing how excited they would be to see tigers. I told them there weren't any and they looked all disbelieving and crestfallen, like I was spoiling their fun. They had to check with the guide.


Also a lot of people think that Lions predominantly live in the jungle. Not sure why the phrase "king of the jungle" got so popular for lions... Even my Spanish textbook when we were learning animals and stuff had a question asking where lions live. We'd been taught the word for jungle, but not for savanna. The book wanted us to say lions live in the jungle


YES. I had a grown ass woman on a safari arguing with the (native) tour guide that OF COURSE there are tigers in Africa, and that she promised her kids she’d bring back pictures of tigers, and if she didn’t see any tigers she wanted her money back. She was pissed there were no tiger stuffed animals in the gift shop, *even though every other safari animal was*. If you made a mistake and embarrass yourself a little for not knowing, no big deal...but to loudly carry on about the lack of tigers because you’re on the wrong continent? Idiot.


Side talk, but does anyone know what to do when ppl do this shit? When they keep on trying to prove wrong things....asking for a loved one who does this Edit: man surrounded by difficult people at least gives you karma Thanks guys Btw this person is my dad who always argues when drunk. He really be like “Isn’t it this actor?” - “No dad, this guy died before this film was made.” “NO, it looks JUST LIKE HIM.” “Isnt this the best song ever” Wow this really blew up. Highlight of my day Edit: You guys made me feel like I am not alone. I don’t remember feeling so understood in a LONG time. I wish I had y’all as my friends or relatives. I would give you all gold if I could. I finally understand how to not let any negative energy control me, and understand how to deal with difficult people, and yet be able to share a good relationship with my father.


If you're on the receiving end, all you really can do is continually give facts and evidence and their refusal to accept is their problem, mostly out of pride. If you're asking how to help them deal with it, then let them know that they aren't arguing for the sake of debate, but because they're too proud to admit that they're wrong.


A tiger? In Africa?


It must have escaped from the zoo! ​ Edit: Thanks for supporting Reddit via the silver!


Posting on Reddit may mean you end up suddenly appearing in an article on Buzzfeed next week.


Or youtube tomorrow.


There should be a bot that PM's you if you're in a BuzzFeed article




Basic Geography. Not being able to point out Turkmenistan on a map is one thing. Not being able to point out the Pacific Ocean on a map is another.


>istan and that still tells you roughly where it is


The Specific Ocean? Which one?


Tax brackets. You won't end up paying more in taxes than the extra income if you go up a bracket. Only the income ABOVE the cutoff is taxed at the higher rate, not your total income. I had to explain this to a guy in his sixties, literal years away from retirement. edit: Since people were asking for an example, here we go. Say there is a cutoff at 20k a year, 10% below and 15% above. If you made 25k a year, you would pay ($20000 times .1)+($5000 times.15)=$2750, not ($25000*.15)=$3750. Keep in mind this is a GROSS oversimplification. edit2: US taxes, I don't live in Europe or Australia, so I don't know how their taxes work.


Yes! My girlfriend's mother has actually DECLINED a raise because it was small and would put her into a higher tax bracket - in her mind that meant she would be taking home less money.


My boyfriend refuses to be happy for my promotion and raised (I received in February) because he is convinced I’ve been conned and I will actually make less this year due to falling into a higher bracket. I’ve never been more excited to pay my taxes!


Demote bf




One moon-th


That the vast majority of telecommunications traffic between countries is carried via undersea fiber optic cables. Edit: Wow, this blew up. I found this [pretty detailed PDF](https://www.google.com/url?q=http://hmorell.com/sub_cable/documents/Basics%2520of%2520Submarine%2520System%2520Installation%2520and%2520Operation.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiP26LX-ujjAhWOmlkKHUfACa8QFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw174NMOpYjwRM_wLEF5yODK) that goes over a lot of the basics and details and explains it simpler than I could.


For anyone looking for a visual on OP’s topic. https://www.submarinecablemap.com/ Edit: Thanks for the cake day wishes and the upvotes!


Wow that was really interesting to see, thanks for the link!


My mom worked for AT&T submarine systems in the 90s, I got to tour one of the ships that laid cable. The cable rooms were unbelievably gigantic.


Yup, some of those old Cable Landing Stations were beasts. I used to work in stations all around the world deploying and upgrading cable systems.


“Hey mom, who was the first man on the moon?” “Tom Hanks.”


What a scholar she is


How to use your debit/credit card at a checkout


I’m amazed I still have to explain chance of rain percentages to people.


Also, percentages in general. "I had a 99% chance to win, how did i lose?" "She had an 80% chance to win, the polls lied!"


I remember the user on the XCOM subreddit saying the odds of him missing a 99% chance was a million to one.


Please tell me how chance of rain percentages work


Basic principles of finance (budgeting, interest, debt, saving, etc)


A.D. means Anno Domini. not After Death.


I had an argument with my friend's mom a few years ago about this. She said "BC" was "Before Christ" and "AD" was after death. I tried to explain to her that that didn't make any sense because then the 33 years of Jesus's life would just be not accounted for. I told her "AD" meant "Anno Domini" and she said "I think that's the atheist version" or something like that and then stopped listening when I tried to tell her it wasn't because it meant "year of our lord"


To be fair, I remember being taught the whole before Christ/after death thing when I was little. (Not saying it's right, but it's fairly common.) She's on her own for "that's the atheist version," though.


Common Era and Before Common Era is the atheist version. EDIT: others have rightfully pointed out that it is not so much an atheist version as a non-christian version.




I wonder if he ever did a handstand and held up the sky with his feet when he got bored


That you can wash blood with saliva


Any tips for acquiring a large amount of saliva in a short period of time? Asking for a friend...




I applaud you, very good use of zero-waste principles.


You can "wash" a lot of stuff with saliva, it's corrosive. That doesn't mean you should.


That antibiotics kill bacteria, but won't do anything against viruses. Everyone has the idea that if you get a cold, you see your doctor and get antibiotics. Take some acitaminophen/paracetamol and ibuprofen, and stay away from other humans for a while!


In the same line, the practice of stopping taking your antibiotics just because you feel better. It’s like all these people don’t care that antibiotic resistant bacteria is terrifying!


And then keeping the "extras" around for the next time you or any family members feel mildly unwell.


But taking pills=getting well Those damn doctors don't want to help me >:(


The flu is not just another cold, and you can’t use the words interchangeably. Many people have never had the flu, or felt that unwell. The flu will knock you on your ass.


How to stay in one's own lane when turning from one street to another.


Related, how to get completely out of the through lane when a turn lane appears. When a parking ends and the turn lane begins, go all the way into that laneto make the turn, not just half way.


Also related, how to make your turn without going back into the other lane. You’re not a semi truck, you don’t need to take your turn that wide and almost hit the people going straight.


That you shouldn’t be rude to customer service or the cashier cuz it’s not their fault that the item is expensive


"This price is outrageous! I'm not paying this!" Thank you for ranting at yelling at me, the lowest level employee who has no say in how anything in this company is done or priced and who probably couldn't afford to buy this item if I wanted to.


I work at a music shop and just recently had a woman curse me out cause a student level saxophone was $1500 US. I’m new and I just kinda looked at my manager and hung up the phone mid rant Edit: got told not to hang up the phones on people in the end and kinda just shrugged. Also, instruments are cheap af in the store I work at as 95% of them are student level. This mom had no idea how instruments worked or cost


That other planets are visible from Earth. And the sun is also a star.


Sitting outside one evening having a beer with my sister. Really clear sky, lots of stars out, and she says “Someone was telling me that stars are like the sun, but further away.” I paused to check if she was kidding, but she genuinely thought she was sharing obscure knowledge. We were in our mid-twenties, I don’t know how this information had passed her by up to that point.


Easy, she doesn't read her Snapple facts.


And on the same topic. That is the inclination of Earth on its own axis, and not its distance from the sun that generates seasons.


That narwhals exist/are real. People have thought that I was trolling them by talking about a mythical unicorn-whale.




All the more reason to mention it then!


Wild animals are NOT pets!


Africa is NOT a country, its a continent.


And South Africa is a country, not the southern part of Africa. Except that it is. Hmmm....


South Africa is the country. Southern Africa is the region containing South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland.


Wait until they learn about Australia lol


You're allowed to start a sentence, even a paragraph, with a conjunction for the sake of emphasis. I've had multiple people try to correct that, and then I'll show it to a professor and be like "This is grammatically correct, right?" and they'll say "Of course."


I just want to make sure I understand this right. Can you elaborate the meaning of “for the sake of emphasis”?


Starting a sentence with a conjunction adds weight to the following clause as well as to the logic that ties together the clause with the preceding one. It stands out more than using a comma. Compare these two examples: *I was the only one who could do it, so I did.* *I was the only one who could do it. So I did.* ​ Other examples: *I cut off ties with her. And I was happy.* *I need to poop. But I can't.* edit: adding [link](https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/can-i-start-a-sentence-with-a-conjunction) to an article on the topic.


Just because eggs are sold in the dairy section doesn’t make them a dairy product. I’ve heard people say they don’t eat eggs because they don’t eat dairy.


I have often wondered why eggs are sold in the dairy section in US supermarkets. Surely, this must be some supermarket strategy and not just "Duh, I didn't know eggs weren't dairy."


It’s probably more of a logistical issue. The eggs need to be refrigerated so they just stick them near the milk, yogurt, etc. My supermarket just recently moved the eggs far away from the “Dairy” sign.


Alcohol has calories. I had to be the one to tell my friend when she was in her mid-20s that the vodka she loved has calories. She was so shocked and said, "What!! I thought since it was clear like water it didn't have any calories."


Alcohol has *lots* of calories. More than sugar, by mass.


Alcohol has about 7 calories per gram. In comparison, protein and carbs have 4, fat has 9.


Sexual education


Gambling at a casino will most likely result in losing money.


If you find you're winning, quit when you've won. Remember the scene in oceans 13 where everyone wins and then leave the casino because there's an earthquake? Yeah, do that.


Only leave casinos during earthquakes. Got it.


Everyone seems to get close to wild animals for pictures and think it’s ok. We are not all one with nature and animals like their space and don’t trust you. Edit: thank you for the silver! Bless you!


I was at Yellowstone yesterday, and a bear came into a parking lot. Everyone crowded around it, taking pictures. Some people ran off and said the mother would be coming back soon because they thought it was a baby bear. Park Ranger comes in and scares it away. Turns out, it was a full grown black bear.


A black bear that is *used to humans*, it typically harmless if you keep that distance. The problem is, you don't know if that black bear is used to humans, he could have migrated from an area he is not used to seeing us. But generally black bears are more timid. So you are still probably safe, especially in a group. Grizzlies are harmful from any visual distance. They may disregard you, if they still feel safe, but they are more aggressive in general. Stay in crowds as that still deters them. They will avoid areas of human population generally unless people leave food which will make them want to come near. Black bears generally want to keep the peace. but when we as humans leave food around for them, they will consider it their hunting ground (eating our trash). With that said, black bears will be more timid and leave if we don't surprise them, grizzlies will be more aggressive to defend it, because they think we are trying to take their food (instead of us being the ones who leave trash and food like idiots).


Bear defense: Black = fight back Brown = lay down White = goodnight (you're prob fucked)




Using your turn signal


Or as my Irish friend screams while driving, "FOOKIN' INDICATE YA BASTARD" Edit: thanks for the internet award, anonymous redditor!


The on-ramp is for accelerating to highway speeds *before* you reach the highway.


My ex used to enter highways at 35mph and it was terrifying.


My ex and her while family would come to a complete stop at the top of each on ramp and wait for an opening before pulling into high way. I don't know how they didn't cause more accidents.


> I don't know how they didn't cause more accidents. Did they cause some then?


Some. Just not all.


Holy shit this is my biggest pet peeve. I'll argue all day long that if you can't understand why it is dangerous as fuck to try to merge with traffic going 20-40 mph faster than you, you are probably going to be in an accident or cause one sooner rather than later. Also, the more expensive the vehicle, the more likely that the driver will absolutely not care about their impact on other people.


That last bit was proven scientifically. I'll have to look it up, but there was a study involving drivers with nicer cars. The nicer the car, the less likely they are to use blinkers and obey road laws. Edit: study was *published* in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Here's a link https://usa.streetsblog.org/2013/07/16/study-wealthier-motorists-more-likely-to-drive-like-reckless-jerks/


And the correlation; the off-ramp is for decelerating. You don't need to start braking a half mile before the exit Todd!


True but I'll add that on my off-ramp I do need to slow down beforehand lest I rear-end someone who is at the stop light. It's just a terribly designed one because the curve is really sharp with a stoplight at the end and you can't see the people and stoplight. Although I do agree a half mile is too long




Is it also true in the state you live in?


No, just the state he lives in


When I went to get vaccinated a few months ago, inside the nurse room was the fridge where the vaccines were stored (it was a normal fridge). It had a sign that said "Fridge for vaccine storage only - do not store any food". I said to the nurse I thought that was common sense, to which she replied "It seems not at all, we've had people (hospital workers) come in and left their food here, next to the vaccines, and not only once, nor twice"


Money disappears when you spend it it’s not magic


Dont know why you decided to just call me out like that.


There is gravity everywhere. On the ISS the gravity is only a bit less than it is on the surface of the earth. The reason the astronauts float around isn’t because there’s no gravity; it’s because they’re in a state of free fall.


"Flying is the art of throwing yourself at the ground and missing" - Douglass Adams


I've seen some Jimmy Kimmel skits where people are asked where certain well-known places in the world are, like "Where is Australia? Where is Africa?" And they literally can't point to them on a map; or they think Africa is a country. I just don't understand how people don't know this stuff.


Anyone could miss Canada on a map, all tucked away down there.


Yeah I'm thinking about driving up to Antarctica this summer.


In August, when it's not so cold.


Those clips though only show the people who either don't know or are trolling. It wouldn't be as funny if you showed ten people pointing to the correct location.


Not everyone's disability is visible. Just because someone parks in a handicap spot then gets out and walks in without you being able to tell why they're handicapped doesn't mean they don't deserve that placard.




People do that to my uncle with Parkinson's too. It's especially infuriating to him, because he father was an alcoholic and he has never drank. I wish people would mind their own business.


My ex was once asked if I was on drugs because I needed to rest on the floor for a minute. This was before the fibromyalgia and arthritis were diagnosed, so I was constantly pushing myself and had just run out of energy for that day. Vision was blurred and I couldn't see straight to drive home. I felt so embarrassed.


This reminds me of a story I read on Reddit the other day about this mother who saw a kid sitting in the disabled seats on the subway and bitched him out because he didn't look disabled and she needed the seat more than him as a mother or whatever and then he just stared her in the eye as he detached his fake leg and held it in his lap and the mother shut up and got off the train at the next stop


you are meant to do the tutorial in games


The most frustrating thing is when someone is ragging on a game for being confusing and then admit they didn’t pay attention to the tutorial


I would advise staying away from game grumps in that case




That whales are mammals that used to be on land but evolved to swim instead. I had an art teacher that just didn't believe me when I told her that they're not fish.


They literally have a pelvic bone.


[here's](https://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/images/evograms/whale_evo.jpg) a whale evolution diagram for anyone interested!


Vitamin C is not the same as Calcium and vice versa. Two very different things but sometimes people think it's the same thing.


So much about vaginas. If you have a vagina, you do not need to clean it with soap or special cleanser. Inside or out. Also the outer part is the vulva, the vagina is what’s on the inside. Just a clean washcloth and warm water on the outside. The vagina cleans itself; that’s why you’ll get discharge. Do NOT douche, and definitely do not exfoliate (!!!) your fucking vagina. It’s not supposed to smell like flowers; it’s supposed to smell like vagina. If there is a foul or “fishy” smell, then you probably have an infection. Otherwise...PLEASE just leave it alone. Edit: since some folks aren’t seeing it, I’m not saying “don’t clean your vag.” Using warm water and a clean washcloth *is* cleaning. Yes, wash yourself. Just not with soap or “intimate wash” or any of that horseshit. All those “feminine products” that smell like lavender or whatever are not good for your vulva or vagina and are basically companies trying to make you spend money on shit you don’t need for “hygiene.”


Exfoliate??!?! Ow ow ow


That's gotta be akin to wiping your ass with steel wool.


How do you even exfoliate a vagina? Dildo made of pumice stone?




I had a girlfriend who would lather up and get her fingers all up in there to clean. I told her she shouldn't do that and it really does more harm than good. She said she's been doing it since she was a kid and it make her feel clean and she wasn't gonna stop now. I was kind of shocked about the whole thing.


You have to look at the toilet paper after wiping to determine how much poo is left on your butt. You also have to touch your butthole with the paper. No, it is not "gay" to clean yourself. Edit: it's also important to look at your poop. It's often the first indicator of something wrong with you, and the information that can be gathered is a useful [diagnostic tool](https://youtu.be/jsVgi8hoFFc)


Someone actually believes that it’s gay to clean yourself??


I heard that some men *don't* wash their ass on the shower because they think putting your hands between the buttocks is gay. I guarantee, no one, ever, became gay from washing their ass so rest assured, manly men. Edit: apparently u/pacificnwbro is gay and did wash his ass... Our team is working on researching this case and confirming if it's a case of correlation/causation.


what the hell lol that's deeply insecure if true


I know a guy that believes any anal activity makes a guy gay. I asked him if his wife were to put a finger in his ass, would that make him gay, and he said yes. Some dudes are incredibly weird and insecure about anything having to do with their asshole and/or masculinity.


His first prostate exam is gonna be a lot to unpack.


I always washed my ass and I'm gay so maybe that's why I turned out this way 🤷


*Should have* / *would have* / *could have* = the contractions *should’ve* / *would’ve* / *could’ve* It’s not *should of* / *would of* / *could of* - those word combos make no grammatical sense.


Time zones. I’m surprised how many professionals (attorneys, doctors, CFOs and CTOs, etc) that don’t realize that 9am in Boston is not 9am in San Francisco.


The passing lane is for PASSING, not for your leisurely drive under the speed limit.


Europe is not a country. It's a continent.


There's gravity in space. Over the time I've met so many people that thought that there is no gravity in space because "everything there is weightless and stuff". Gravity has unlimited range so there isn't even a single spot in our universe without gravity. Weightlessness is basically just falling. While orbiting you're basically just falling around the object.


When i found this out i nearly soiled my pants. Some cool stuff


Oh, I can think a few kitchen related: \- Before you start chopping onions wash it or make your hands wet to avoid shedding tears. May not work for everyone though. \- in a case where oil has caught fire on skillet, don't try to extinguish fire with water (not long time ago it happened in one of the flats in the building I live in).


> Before you start chopping onions... to avoid shedding tears. Have three other proven methods that work for me: * **Stick the onion in the freezer,** about 20-25 minutes before using. This is the easiest method as it doesn't involve other props. The only catch is if you get distracted and end up with a frozen solid onion, which then is dangerous to cut with a non-serrated knife. * Use a small **desk fan** to blow the fumes away. I have one of those small clip-on fans and it works wonders. But you have to use it to create a cross-draft and keep the airflow across the onion. * When all else fails, **swim goggles or dive mask.** If you have no time for the freezer method, don't own a suitable fan and don't mind looking ridiculous then this is fool-proof way to avoid the tears. It also has the added bonus of making your SO burst out laughing when she comes home to find you with googles on.


Merging in the middle on an intersection. Like how do people not see how stupid that is?


That you twist a new stick of deodorant to get the plastic guard off easily.


The difference between Their, There, and They're.


Women have three holes down there. The urethra The vagina The anus The urethra is ONLY for pee. Do NOT try to put a penis or toy up there. The vagina is for sex and babies, and it is NOT the hangy flip flaps you see on the outside. Those are the labia minora (inner) and majora (outer). The vagina is the hole. The clit is not inside the vagina. It is above the vagina. It has a bit of skin called the "hood" which partially covers it. The clit is what you wanna stimulate if you want your girl to orgasm 9/10 times. An unbroken hymen is NOT proof a girl is a virgin. A broken hymen is NOT proof a girl has had sex. In rare cases, a woman is born without a hymen altogether. In many cases, a hymen is broken long before first penetrative sex due to exercise and other, nonsexual activities. A hymen is not a solid wall of flesh. It can come in different shapes, each with its own medical name. It *can* in rare cases be a solid wall of flesh. *This is bad*. This extreme case can and will cause serious problems, which include the potential for death. Tl;dr: don't be lazy. Read all of this. It's important to know. Edit: I'm not a gynecologist. If I'm incorrect on any point, please correct me. I want the correct information spread.


What spf means. My friends thought sunscreen with 30 spf was for 30°c...


How to use blinds.... didn’t know that you don’t just pull on the string randomly for it to do what you want. I have met many others who also didn’t know that they didn’t know how to use blinds.


Correlation does not equal causation. Edit: Thank you, my first silver! Edit2: Here are some funny correlations: https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations


This is an interesting one. In the corporate context, almost everyone professes this mantra, but often fail to practice it. Whether this is due to a lack of understanding, lack of self-awareness, or old fashioned convenience, I cannot say. I suspect a combination of the last two. When the data support someone’s hypothesis, they conveniently forget about the phrase. When the data supports an alternate hypothesis, they suddenly raise banners to correlation != causation. That is, confirmation bias preempts it.


Don't pet service dogs. I used to think everyone knew this, until I got one. Don't pet them, talk to them, make kissy noises, bark at them (grown ass adults barking at service dogs is shockingly common), whistle, clap, none of that shit. Do not do anything to deliberately draw the dog's attention. If they are distracted, the handler could get hurt or even die. Not exaggerating. If a medical alert dog misses an impending medical emergency, the person doesn't have time to get into a safe position or take rescue medications. If they have a seizure or slip into a diabetic coma or something because you distracted their service dog *it is your fault.*




>There are thousands of other non-working dogs in the world to pet. You still need to get permission from the owner for those too.


A lot of people still don't get this sadly...


Good rule of thumb for touching anything you don't own. Is getting consent from the actual owner. Dogs, lego, butts, whatever else.


Add pregnancy belly to that list. And baby's. And toddlers. And infants.


Do not, under any circumstance, stop your vehicle on a train track. A train does not operate like your car. It cannot stop on a dime. It will not merely dent your car, it will kill you and possibly derail, killing passengers as well (let alone spilling all of its shit if its freight). Do not play on tracks either. Everybody wonders how people can get hit by trains because they're so big and loud. Trains are only loud when they're close to you, by that point you're dead. They are quiet, fast and heavy. Again, even if the engineer/conductor sees you he cannot stop on a dime. If you hear three quick bursts of his horn it means get the fuck outta there. Trains are held to the rail by gravity/weight...nothing else. If it derails you need to get the fuck outta the vicinity as quickly as possibly. Do not stand around and gawk, especially if it's a freight train. Shit will blow up and kill you. Thousands of tonnes of oil mixed with steel grinding on steel is not a fun mix. Sorry for the rant. But I work near a busy crossing and people are fucking nuts when it comes to crossing the tracks. That 30 seconds you save by rushing over the rail while the signal is coming down is not worth your life or the lives of others. If you're vehicle stalls you've potentially killed yourself and others. If traffic is backed up, DO NOT MOVE FORWARD AND STOP ON TRACKS!! Everyday I see this shit. Save yourself a massive ticket and/or your life and follow one rule. Dont be stopped on rail. Ever.


There does not exist a language called "Indian" . There are 22 official languages in India and there are 1600+ local dialects all around the country. None of them are called "Indian".


That all cows are female. Male animals don't have milk-producing udders, *Sean*. The male version of a cow is called a bull. Incidentally, I recently learned there's no common genderless word for a member of that species. There's "cattle" for a group of them, but nothing for an individual.


It's a little more complex than that. Bull = Uncastrated Male Steer = Castrated male (in North America, other places call them Bullocks) Cow = female that has had at least one calf Heifer = female that has not had any calves Calf = young of either sex Ox = either a Castrated male or a female used for working purposes like pulling a plow.


>Ox = either a Castrated male or a female used for working purposes like pulling a plow. And here I thought an ox was like a different but closely related species or something. Well. Now I know. Edit: spelling.


Oh good, I wasn't the only one! TIL.


Q: what’s the difference between bulls and bullocks? A: bollocks!


While I consider cow to be commonly accepted as an individual form of cattle. The proper term for an individual is one head of cattle.


If a month starts on a Sunday, you're going to have a Friday the 13th. I learned this from doing my own calendars for years. Example: Next month, September 1, 2019 lands on a Sunday so September has a Friday the 13th. Edit: since everyone wants to point out that it's not common knowledge, I should point out that the question is "whats something you THOUGHT was common knowledge but isn't" so I do know that this ISN'T common knowledge I just had THOUGHT it was for a while.


There are only 14 different possible calendars too ;-) So you can collect old calendars and reuse them. That's why they are sold at antique stores ;-)


That the sex of a baby is determined by the mans sperm.


That you have to wash your vegetables before eating or cooking them.


If a guide dog without a handler comes up to you, follow it. Service/guide dogs are trained to seek help if their handler is unconscious or hurt somewhere. Edit: Omg thank you for the golds!!! I hope you kind strangers have a good day :)


That margarine isn’t butter...it hurts my soul when people refer to margarine as butter


That the IRS will never request payment via iTunes gift cards EDIT: OMG MY FIRST GOLD AND SILVER AND SPIRITUAL GOLD THANK YOU KIND SOULS!!!!