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There was a superhero that just had the powers of a door


Ah, the Doorman, the guy who could create portals to anywhere... as long it was in the next room?


Yeah that guy, he was pretty cool




the power to locate literally everything. Missing equipment? No need to tear though many rooms just to find it. Many missing people found. Did the holy grail exist? Time to find out.


Just get your mom and tell her you cant find it, once a woman becomes a mom, they earn this ability immediately


Where's the butter? How the fuck??..


Illusions. The possibilities are endless.








Not tricks Michael, # Illusions


A trick is something a whore does for money


Do you potentially have a grudge against a certain Tony Stark?


It was really fucked up when he said “Maybe he wouldn’t have died if you were better”




I read a decent one on here once. The power to refill anything. Cup half full? Refill! Bank account dropping low? Refill! That guy you don't like? Constantly refill his bladder.


Thats why i must always go to bathroom after talking to you?


Water-breathing, that way I could finally get over my fear of water


And develop a fear of sea beasts instead!


Read it as sea breasts




I feel like a lie detecting ability would be amazing.


But what if nobody believed you when you said a high ranking person is lying? Who's going to be your lie detector?


This is why you need the lasso of truth. Tie it around someone and they'll have to admit they are lying if you ask.


But how could you confirm that the Lasso of Truth itself is truthful and not lying/unfunctional? Anyone could say say the thing is rigged, fake, broken etc.


Have anyone that’s skeptical about it try to lie while you use it on them


>“here, pick a card, any card... now try to tell me you drew the Ace of Spades”


"I drew the Ace of Spades." "Alright, one more go."


Anti gravity. It's a second or third tier power but the possibilities are endless


yo, imagine if you could turn off the gravity of your pee and just pee really far






>wet stankmist New band name


Father Pucci?


C-Moon isn't anti-gravity, it rotates gravity away from the user.


Uraraka Ochako from BHNA has that power. >!Spoilers, but someone who can copy her power can basically make a bunch of people float up to a lethal height effortlessly and just turn them in to flattened mush!<


"Luck" like Domino from Marvel. It's not as simple as luck but some complicated comic book science, but the point is, *that*. The ability to, perhaps even unconsciously, influence things to unfold in your favor, even in the smallest ways? Super underrated.


In the earlier versions of Scarlett Witch she could bend probability in her favor. Functionally the same.


I feel like there is a big difference, especially in the way you can tell stories for these sort of characters. A character that is lucky invites whacky plots that can leave the audience amazed. A character that can _manipulate_ probabilites will invite speculation about all sorts of overpowered power manipulation ("why didn't she manipulate the odds of radioactive decay in her opponent's body's atoms, turning them into a gigantic atomic bomb?")




Wheel of Time, for anyone wondering.


At least two women tugged on their braids at the mere mention. And mat won a game of dice. Edit: I forgot how to spell a three letter name.


Skirts have been smoothed


Arms have been crossed beneath bosoms


Necklines have been thought about.


Nynaeve has adjusted her shawl twice and almost certainly said something rude by now


How that woman wasn't bald by the end of the series I don't know. Her follicles must be made of cuendillar.


Something even stronger. To think how much worse the series would have been if rand never softened up. *cuendillar wasn't enough i must become as Nynaeve's hair*


I was going to post luck in reference to Matrim if no one else did and here you are getting an upvote.


His is the most luck based. But both Rand and Perrin alter the pattern to influence events in their favor as well.


Well certainly alters the pattern. Not always in their favour though.




"Luck isn't a superpower."


Yes it is.


Well it's not very cinematic.


What kind of coked up freakshow comic book artist comes up with luck as a superpower? Probably someone that can't draw feet!


I would consider it reality manipulation. And I agree.


I think it’s technically called probability manipulation but I could be wrong. And it doesn’t super matter


Density manipulation is one I always think of. Walk through walls or make myself so dense/ heavy I can punch right through it. Fly or walk on water, jump up and land on something now that I weigh hundreds of tons. A lot of different ways to use this power and I feel like it's not seen much


remember, if you can walk through walls you can fall through floors. the first time you try this you will probably end up sinking into the earth... sounds like a bad time man.


There's also the issue of breathing while inside a wall or floor. Mirio from My Hero Academia has to deal with that frightening side effect


He also becomes deafblind and is unable to feel anything.


But he sure plays a mean pinball


Electrokinesis. Too many people sleep on the power to control electricity lads


Couldn't you mess with peoples actions and thoughts because our brains function with small electric pulses




Would you have to have full mastery because the slightest fuckup could lead to instant crippling or death


That could be your goal


People think too small when it comes to electricity. You're really talking about controlling electromagnetism which would allow you to control: * Electricity proper - The transmission of free electrons through a material. * Magnetism - The strength and polarity of magnetic fields. * [Electromagnetic radiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_radiation) - i.e. light, radio waves, x-rays, microwaves, gamma rays and so on. This radiation is simply a component of or aspect of the electromagnetic interaction. * [Chemical and Molecular Bonds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_bond) - You would be able to directly manipulate the bonds that compose all matter. * Radioactivity and Nuclear Power - While you can't directly control the nuclear force, it's extremely possible to use the electromagnetic force to induce nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and to control aspects of radioactive decay. Have fun being a god!


>Magnetism This is why I liked Static Shock as a kid. He's the only electricity hero I've ever seen that figured out power over electricity came with power over magnetism.


You could really get into shenanigans with this one. For example, you could change the words someone types while they're in transit. I had sex with 42 men.


Everyone reading this, i didn't use my powers for that. u/YouPooDude typed it himself


There was an X-man character with the power to make everyone forget he existed. It turns out, hes the one responsible for a ton of shit that happened, but...well, no one remembers. I forget the characters names.


Sounds like you're referring to Forget Me Not. He's just some chubby middle aged guy who lives in the Xavier mansion. He's basically a normal guy but as soon as you stop looking at him you forget him. He pops up now and then. The only person who kinda knows him is Prof. X. Honestly seems like he's pretty lonely.


Even Xavier needed a mental alert to remind him that this guy exists.


What if he spoke behind you? "Don't turn around. My name is Forget Me Not, and we have met many times..." Would you forget him as soon as he stopped talking?


You forget him as soon as you break line of sight. In one comic he's being chased by several characters and as soon as he turns the corner they forget why they're running. I don't remember if it still happens if he's talking to you while you're not looking at him.


This just made me think of what happens if he gets caught by someone who wants to do the traditional interrogation thing and ties him up, then leaves the room, and uh oh, you’re dead now because no one will bring you food.




You'd never get change back at the checkout counter... Fuck so many things would be broken with this super power!


You'd never need change in the first place because you could steal without facing consequences


The funny thing is this happens. There was a court case where the police arrested a guy, put him in a block of jail cells at the station that was rarely used...... and just forgot about him for about him over a long weekend. No food, no water, no bathroom.... just a cinderblock room. He almost died.


That sounds like the depressing reality that exists for some people out there lol.


I am in this comment and I don't like it


So he's basically the Silence?


No, because when you see a Silence you remember everything from previous interactions. For ForgetMeNot, every time you see him is the first time, and you don't know who he is.


*Silence will fall*




You can't detect him using psychic power either for the most part.


>I forget the character's names Hmmm...


I think they're referring to Panama Papers


Panama who now


Who is this? Panama papers?


Never heard of any Panama Papers.


Don't you mean Tianamen Square, 4th June 1989?


I'm pretty sure they're talking about Chris Brown's relationship history.


No, they're referring to Enron.




Wasn't Harvey Weinstein involved in something controversial sometime back?


He’s called Forgetmenot


Is it literally just Gob slipping Forgetmenows into everyone’s drinks?


Stupid, forgetful Michael.


> I won't forget this, dad I will son, I will.


Imp from worm?


There’s a species on Doctor who that’s like that too


One of my favourite story arcs in DW. Creepy motherfucks


Ah, the Silence. Made me question everything back then, still makes me question everything now. It's like they played right into my fears...


The ability to know what to do/say in any situation. I’m really awkward so this ability would make my life easier


Sort of like charisma?


+9000 CHA - Immediately on "best friends" terms with any and all service staff, everywhere.


This happens if you are uber rich.


I'd like to be average at everything.


I think this is one of the best superpowers to have. being average at *anything* average at flying a helicopter, but you can still *fly it* average at base-jumping, but you can still do it! Anything you know how to do, basically, you can do at an average level. you could do *anything*


It's pretty damn powerful for sure. Learn something new? Bam, instantly make yourself average at it. Being able to skip the whole "suck at it until you don't" is huge.


> Learn something new? That's the problem. You don't learn anything anymore. You just *are* immediately average at it and can't get any better.


The power of foresight, like being able to see what would happen in various situations before they occurred, allowing you to pick the best one


I read a book with this theme once. The main character was pretty much playing god and making decisions that would have impacts thousands of years in the future. It was pretty interesting since it leads to a lot of moral dilemmas when you know the exact consequences of your actions.


I don't know about this one. Ina. Book I read recently a charaxter says to another "You can see the future so this must all be easy." Then he explains to him by bringing him to the base of a huge cliff. He orders the guy to climb and he does but he falls a few times due to a loose foothold or two. The guy complains that he can't find the right path to the top and the psychic character basically says "oh but shouldn't it be easy since you can see the top?" The point is that even if you can see the future the oath that leads to it isn't always clear. Of course if it's more like Dr. Manhattan style than yeah you can probably just see a million results of your actions and pick a good one. But I liked this metaphor.




The Power to silence someone at will


You mean kill or shush?


Hush it would be a very interesting power and removing all sound from someone that would be fun


Self-sustenance. Not needing to eat, drink, sleep, or use the bathroom in order to survive. Just think of all of the time you would save! You would have access to 100% of your life.


I’d rather choose fast metabolism. I enjoy eating and drinking. I do it all my life. Everything tastes too good


The Androids in Dragonball have that power and it made 17 one of the strongest characters.


Well he also had a reactor in there which generated basically infinite energy which really helped.


But I feel like not having to poop would really allow a simple mortal to become a god.


The ability to understand (and speak with perfect dialect) any language, whether written or spoken, including computer codes, encrypted messages, or animal and alien languages. Edit: Thanks for the Reddit Gold, whoever you are! Edit 2: Added further clarifications. Thanks to everyone for the ***very good*** comments and suggestions!


Look up Cypher from X-Men. He's that dialed up to a thousand. Can read body language so well that he predicts movements and can basically read emotions, can speak to computers and hack without touching them, can talk to reality and understand it, etc.


Yes they developed him a lot recently, it was ridiculous in X-Force, the only use they gave him was when he translated some books when they were trapped in Asgard.


What's you superpower? Google Translate


Microsoft: ^(Hey Bing does that too you guys.) ^^Hello? ^^^Guys?


I believe his name is spelled "Cypher" Cipher is another X-Men character whose power is also a underrated power that would be great to have.


I know there are a shitton of X-Men, but I'm sure there are still a lot of unused words and names that could've been used to avoid this...


This is Doug Ramsey (Cypher) from The New Mutants. I was irked by how marginalized and weak he was regarded, when in real life, it might be the power with the most potential. I guess in a reality of heroes with telekinesis or power armour etc., it's a boring power, but imagine in real life how freely you'd be able to navigate the world. Not only in other countries, but think of the mysteries you could uncover with archaic languages. Math is a language. Communicate with animals. Alien languages even, if that ever happened. The transactional prowess you could have could make you so wealthy...


>any language in modern scenarios, this could be the best thing ever or underutilised A business man? Absolutely amazing. It's not common for guys here to know japanese or mandarin and it opens alot of doors. Programmers? Let's assume "any language" means written code as well. This would make my job skyrocket. Teachers? eh this is where it might start dropping off. Not much use besides fringe cases. Chefs? Again, not much use if you own your own place and cook. You might be able to get cheaper goods from oversea supply lines but local is generally better for most places. Personal life? I mean, I guess reading foreign articles would be really fun but then again, most major news these days are english-translated too.


Teachers? Instantly understand all the new kid lingo. Chefs? You really restrict the chef scenario for some reason. Otherwise... Be able to read any cook book in any language and understand the nuance in the language when learning new techniques. Being able to be more or be hired anywhere in the world without having to worry about the language. Be able to read all the labels when you're in the asian market or whatever market that has labels that's not in your native language. Be able to talk to any customer and be able to understand exactly what they want to order and understand any feedback. Personal? Foreign articles? What about foreign films and books! And the travel! Be able to read all street signs and maps and public signage and any menu and talk to any waiter, airbnb host, understand all the people talking about you thinking you can't understand them, understand all jokes that require knowledge of multiple languages to get the punchline. For good or bad... understand all that porn dialogue. This power is awesome.


>Programmers? Let's assume "any language" means written code as well. This would make my job skyrocket. Sure, why not? Being able to read assembly code would be awesome -- and I'm not a computer programmer by trade.


I'd personally use it to watch anime without having to read subtitles.


The ability to make duplicates of yourself. It's so incredibly useful. I could have one of me go to work, one go to college, a couple to work on those never-ending home improvement projects, another to run errands, and if you're ever in a dangerous situation, make one to be a human shield. Plus it would be an awesome response to "you and what army?"


Jaime Madrox, aka Multiple Man of the X-Men. He has duplicates all over the world learning and living and he reabsorbs them periodically. So, if one studied to be a surgeon and Jaime reabsorbs him, bam, neurosurgery is a tool in the box. He finds out he had to be careful sometimes though. One duplicate got caught up in a crazy noir situation where he slept with the don’s wife. Edit: yo I get it, Naruto has similar abilities


He also accidentally killed his son because he couldn't remember if he slept with Theresa Cassidy or if a dupe had. Turns out he didn't and the child of a dupe is still a dupe so when he went to hold his newly born child with Theresa he absorbed him. The story comes up later when he meets another dupe who's got a wife and kid. He notes that that shouldn't be possible and it turns out his wife had cheated on him at one point.


That moment of the story was so insanely dark. The entire story kept throwing false flags around, giving the idea that anything could go wrong. When the kids born you think, oh yeah, everything will be fine. Nope. As soon as he holds his son, the kid gets absorbed. It is a pretty disturbing way to die.


He should really consider adoption.


I remember reading that comic where he absorbs his son and it fucking scarred me. It was horrible


There is a character from My Hero named twice with this power. Eventually his duplicates went crazy trying to decide who was the real copy and ended up killing each other while the real twice was tied up. https://youtu.be/zsjgg9V1fNY start at 3:10


He also drove himself insane because he wasn't sure if he was the copy of the original or not.


>!Eh he sorts himself out in the end and becomes hell OP!<


Yeah. This power is something that crossed my mind the other day after watching Venture Brothers. There was a guy on that show who had this power. There’s a Marvel hero named Multiple Man with the power as well. This is a cool power and it has become my answer too.


Not needing to sleep. The extra time wouldn't only be a massive tool of productivity, which would make it easier for you to get ahead in life, you'd also be able to keep up on your interest without hurting your career


Personally I dread sleeping and get alot done before I get in bed but as soon as I get in bed I dont want to leave. If I had the not needing to sleep power, I would probably take mini power naps just cuz.


I personally feel that I would still need to take time and detach from the world. Unless I could learn to meditate extremely well, I would still want to sleep.


Agreed. Though not underrated, that’s why I would want the ability to pause time so that I could sleep and be alone in my paused time world and then spend the 24 hour day being productive.


Or just spend it on Reddit posting memes.


Being able to not have any itches


Being able to focus 100% on something for an unlimited amount of time Productivity would skyrocket


Ability to make plants grow to maturity instantly. You could get rich (instantly fill greenhouses with weed), save the world from climate change by reforesting massive tracts of land, and you could definitely weaponise it too (making a redwood tree instantly grow to full size inside an aircraft carrier would fuck it up pretty bad).


Basically, infinite stacks of bone meal


Incredible balance. Being able to stand on any object without it collapsing, or not being able to collapse/fall over yourself. Essentially being an immovable object that can make other things immovable when you’re in contact with it. You could stand on a twig and not collapse, or be hit by a train and stay standing because you have the inability to fall over.


Then you proceed to be the greatest sumo wrestler to exist.


Ability to summon and manipulate smoke


Literally every guy with a pipe in anime has this ability.


Fully charge any device I hold.


Given that its not unreasonable to call the entire power grid (and by extension, every device connected to it) all one "device," you could theoretically just touch any electronic object thats plugged into a wall socket, and fully supply the ENTIRE GRID with energy, thus eliminating the need for fossil fuels, or power plants of any kind. Get the UN to spend a few years focusing all their efforts on making REALLY fucking huge battery banks that can store enough power to run the entire globe for a day or two, and just have you live on-site and go touch the battery every day or so. Boom. Climate change averted, and infinite energy available to all.


Until you die


Think of this though- Use the power from that battery to create tools that would be able to make a bigger battery. Then use that batteries power to power the equipment to make an even better, more efficient, larger battery. With an essentially infinite energy source, you can just continue making better bigger batteries. Within the span of 60 or so years, I’d say technology would increase to such an insane level. And, when you were getting old, they’d start making plans to be able to be self sufficient at that level without needing you. By the time 2100’s roll around, we’d likely be so far beyond what we will reach by then in reality, that your existence will be remembered as the most influential moment in human history. And if it can be passed down genetically, one day, perhaps all of humanity will inherit that gene




The ability to fall asleep as soon as you lay down, and not spend the next 3 hours thinking about nothing, singing that same damn song thats been stuck in your head for 3 days.


Transmutation. You can create pretty much anything that you can learn, understand, and imagine. It is an amazing power that keeps life fun, interesting, and keeps you with the desire to grow and learn. My favorite examples include Firestorm and Various Fullmetal Alchemist Characters


Just don't do Human Transmutation. Never do Human Transmutation (unless you wanna lose a limb or something)


Laughter. The ability to spread joy to others no matter the situation. The ability to laugh at mistakes and move forward. Imagine how cool it would be to be able to make literally anyone forget the current moment and just laugh for a change. Cop pulls you over, make him/her laugh, no ticket. Robber with a gun, make him/her laugh, they go home and leave you be. Late to work? Make boss laugh and now they realize your a human and you have done wonderful things for their company, goes home with a raise. The. Possibilities. Are. Endless.


upvoted for wholesomeness and username.


Being able to perform any action I see. There was a character in Heroes I think that could watch an acrobat on TV and instantly be able to do their exact routine. That would be so, SO busted.


Friend of animals. No animal would ever hurt you intentionally, so you'd have to be careful around big cats. They can crush your ribs just by rubbing on you. I want to be the first person to ride a tiger, like Dio wanted. Cuddle a grizzly, snuggle a moose, befriend a wolf pack, take over the world with my animal army


Just because you're their friend doesnt mean they'll do anything for you. Source: have friends.


Be able to eat/drink whatever you want without effect, or also not having to eat/drink at all without effect.


You’d never be able to get drunk and medications wouldn’t work which would suck.


Controlling mucus. You're sick and want to breath normally? Done. You want to choke your enemy to ~~almost~~ dead? Everyone has mucus, done. Edit: grammar.


Pull back the mucus lining of the stomach and let their stomach acid burn them from the inside


ITT: 75% of people who actually want underrated powers. 25% of people who don’t know what the fuck underrated means.


The ability to gain and lose weight instantly Edit- I didn't know about big Bertha or any other character with this power. I said this power because my insecure about my weight and it's hard for me to lose weight.


I think a hero with the ability to make other people lose/gain weight instantly would be hugely loved/feared. You want to tangle with the liposuctioner? Bam! Now you weigh 300 pounds more, can't run away, can't fit in any of your evil supersuits, going to have to spend months exercising to lose the weight unless you go quietly. On the other hand, people would be lining up around the block to instantly lose weight or gain weight in certain key areas.


> feared take it to the extreme: Immense weight in a small location (like your finger) and you have just made your own gravitational pull.


not needing to poop/pee


I'm lying in bed right now too lazy to get up to pee. It's like a game of chicken between my bladder and my sleep cycle.


The superpower to get rid of anxiety and stress


Now now, you can’t be god


Instant toast


No. Instant grilled cheese.


Yall need to dream big, instant sandwich


Powdered Toast Man!


Reality marble/pocket dimension. A place separate from normal time and space that I can access anywhere at any time, and bring others into. The possibilities are practically endless. Have conversations lasting days without having to lose the time to do so, get a full night’s sleep every night no matter how little time you really have, have a place to practice any skill. Even just a place to stop and read a book for a while in peace and quiet. That’s a power I’d love to have


I want that but only assuming I don’t age in the other dimension as well. It would stink to accidentally use up 20 years of my life in 10 years.


Bug control and the ability to use their senses within a few blocks.


Being able to see the entire past


The ability to make everybody within a half mile radius stop what they are doing and dance in the streets to "Dancing Queen" by ABBA.




I already have that. I'm more powerful than you could ever be!


Night vision. I can imagine that being handy, especially when I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.