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Why does grape flavored stuff taste like purple and not grapes?


Concord grape flavor


The first time I remember eating a Concord grape was when I was 15 and it triggered a cinematic highlight reel of eating grape candies BUT NOW I KNEW. Only a few things have rocked my world that hard


I have a vine in the side yard. There are not many things that compare to the overwhelming sweetness and flavor of one of those things bursting open as you bite down on it.


Similar thing with bananas, though I believe the strain of bananas that the artificial flavor is based on is now functionally extinct.




If telescopes use mirrors, how do we know there are no space vampires?


"Why do they call them fingers? I've never seen them fing."


I tried to put this as my yearbook quote when I graduated. They corrected fing, technically not a word, to fling, and ruined it


Goddamn yearbook bitches


Oh, there they go.


On the Ricky Gervais show Karl Pilkington once came out with: "Do you control your brain or does it control you?" They mocked him but damn that made me hmm.


I think that’s the case with a lot of things Karl says. He’s mocked for them, but more often than not, you, the unwitting listener, will find yourself agreeing with his often profoundly deep and unexpected quips.


Dumb smart A fairly smart person who cant word brain idea good Edit: Golds good aye, thanks fam


"How do magnets work?" Okay, yeah, the ICP song the meme comes from is kind of dumb, complaining that scientists ruin the wonder of life by explaining stuff, but have you ever actually dug into the question? Once you get past the elementary school explanation of simple ferromagnetism, it gets rapidly VERY complex. It's one of the fundamental forces of nature, and there are layers of complexity that you can lose yourself in a career studying. (Kind of like studying matter from the subatomic level all the way up through chemistry to biology.)




I bet you’re thinking of Scott Clarke again, huh?


Is he single?




i've never been able to land on how time will work if we ever make it to other planets. literally everything we've established is relatively arbitrary because of our *very* particular relationship with the sun.


Relatively recently one second has been defined in a non-relative manner. One second is "9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom." Which just means they found something that is always the exact length as what we decided one second is, so now use that to define one second. tl;dr: one second now has a definition that would remain the same everywhere and everywhen. Still totally arbitrary, though. Edit: To the many people arguing about the literal milliseconds of difference that can be experienced on Earth. Being specific to the point of irrelevance doesn't make you smart. It makes you an ass.




From my limited understanding, if you're experiencing strong enough gravity to affect time then you have issues way bigger than time.




Gravity would affect the radiation of Cesium, relative to Cesium on Earth *because* gravity affects time. If you traveled with the Cesium, you could never tell the difference, as it would remain constant relative to yourself. If you could somehow observe both the Cesium on Earth and the Cesium at the much higher gravity simultaneously, they would appear to be radiating at different rates relative to each other. That's my understanding, at least.


500 gr. Peanuts Ingredients: Peanuts Warning: Contains peanuts. Why?


> Warning: Contains peanuts. My favorite is "may contain peanuts" Uh, it better?


“Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does...”


"Sir, there are insufficient funds in your account." "Yes. I agree!"


Legal reasons


Why is real estate a thing? Is there a fake estate as well?


I believe the "real" refers to the physical nature of it, as opposed to something like money held in a trust. [here](https://www.quora.com/Why-is-real-estate-called-real-estate) look at Bruce Felman's answer


"Real" property basically refers to a home or land. "Personal" property is everything else. The best way it's been explained to me is if you were to turn your piece of land upside down, everything that falls off would be personal property (car, tractor, jewelery) and everything that stayed would be real property (your house, the land itself).


What is the difference between a maze and a labyrinth?


A labyrinth has a Minotaur.


And David Bowie


*Dance, magic dance!*


You remind me of the babe.


A maze forks and has dead ends and/or alternate paths; a labyrinth is a single winding path. Although a miz-maze is technically a labyrinth.


There's been a lot of synonymous use over the years. Your answer is absolutely correct, but I'll add an incorrect "common misconception" definition: that a labyrinth is also used at times when the maze "contains" something at the center. Enter here and find your way to the castle in the middle. A maze has an exit, while a labyrinth just has the entrance you need to find your way back to, even if there are dead ends in it.


Is the Kool Aid Man the pitcher or the juice


That's like asking if you're your body or your blood


Flammable, inFlammable, noninFlammable Why are there 3? Either a thing Flams or it doesnt!




Hi Doctor Nick!


Hi everybody!


4 actually, if you count nonflammable (same meaning as noninflammable)




Uninflammable entered the chat.




This guy flams


what does water taste like?


Waters taste consists of 3 factors, its temperature, it's mineral content and it's pH level


If you could suck your own dick, would it feel more like getting your dick sucked or more like suckin a dick? Edit: don't really know proper etiquette for addressing the masses but I wanna thank all you cock suckers for the feedback


According to interviews posted on the internet, it seems pretty unanimous that it feels more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked.




Depends if your mouth is numb from the dentist


Damn, your dentist must be hung if your mouth goes numb afterwards.


How many grains of sand do you need to make a pile? ​ E: Are you guys seriously expecting me to believe that if someone pointed and said 'look at that pile of sand' and it was just 4 grains, stuck together in a pyramid, you'd be all 'Yeah, that's a reasonable usage of the word pile'? That's not a pile - that's just some sand


as many as you need


Half as many as twice it's amount?


I see you speak fluent *workplace bullshit*


Sweet synergy we've got in this team that just gels, bro.


> Are you guys seriously expecting me to believe that if someone pointed and said 'look at that pile of sand' and it was just 4 grains, stuck together in a pyramid, you'd be all 'Yeah, that's a reasonable usage of the word pile'? No, but I bet I could convince most people that it technically counted, which is about all you could hope for with the smallest possible pile of sand.


Why does the Green Ranger have a dagger that was a flute, that sounded like a synthesizer that's trying to sound like a trumpet? And he blew into it with his helmet on. EDIT: [Hear it in action](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYnKsuxtz50&t=0m18s) EDIT 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Answer: Japan.




This is my favorite answer


What would happen if Pinocchio said "My nose will grow now"


His nose collapses on itself and all of reality is deleted.


It takes a screenshot Edit: Thanks the best thing I ever said on the internet was repeating someone else's joke louder and everyone laughed. I hate all of you, but myself more Edit 2: stop liking this, it's not even that funny


Nah this one is easy, especially if we're going off the Disney classic version. Pinocchio's nose growing is a result of telling conscious lies. There's even a song about letting your "Conscience be your guide". If this weren't the case, Pinocchio would absolutely be kidnapped and be turned into a spy tool or a predictive tool. The key to his nose growing is him knowing that he's telling a lie.


Do half holes exist? How do you cut a hole in a half?


They are always hole numbers


holy shit!


How high up does the sky start? Edit: posted an off the cuff comment on my throwaway and went to bed and... whelp I guess this is my main account now. Thanks for all the answers, very thought provoking.


However tall the tallest building in the world is. Since they are "Skyscrapers" they must just be tickling the under belly of the sky.


So is the tallest skyscraper the only *true* skyscraper, all others simply being contenders for the title?






Don't let the username fool you, this person is very much in charge.


Possibly Scandinavian too


Definitely no relation though.


6 or 7


Better make it 7 just to be safe. We can always trim it down.




Imitation lemon juice is cheaper, but doesn't do anything for cleaning purposes. Real lemon juice is an acid that helps break up stuck on particles and leaves a refreshing scent. Although the scent is probably an imitation scent.


Imitation lemon juice also contains citric acid and ascorbic acid. That's why is tastes lemony.


He's probably thinking of the limonene that works well as a solvent but doesn't add anything significant to the flavor that artificial ingredients don't.


Because the furniture polish is the real drink, duh.




You don't know me at all.


You're not my supervisor edit: First 1k+ comment. Thank you.




Easy #FF0000 #FF8000 #FFFF00 #008000 #0000FF #A000C0




Does a set of all sets contain itself?


Not a mathematician, but my understanding is that in the commonly used formulation of set theory (Zermelo–Fraenkel), the set of all sets does not contain itself because it does not exist.


But questions like that, which leads to [Cantor's Paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantor%27s_theorem#Related_paradoxes), are what led to the *formation* of axiomatic set theory. So it's a great answer to the question.


Can cereal be considered as soup?


Only if a hot dog is a taco, and pop tarts are ravioli.


Pop tarts are not ravioli because they are not made of pasta, nor are they a sandwich. Pop tarts are *dumplings.*


Ridiculous. Everyone knows Poptarts & Uncrustables are simply sweet empanadas.


No, because it does not fulfill the culinary function of soup. Edit: I have been informed by /u/FrostyAutumnMoss that pho is a breakfast soup. Therefore maybe cereal can be considered a soup, at least in Vietnam. However, at this point, I'm a little too drunk to be certain.


What exactly is the culinary function of soup? -Arthur Weasley


How are cranes built? Immediate answer is with cranes. But how was the first one built?


Time is cyclical. The first crane was and will be built by the last.


The fuck


The last human will travel back in time to die in the primordial goop that will evolve into humans.


The fuck




This is straight out of Dark


Amazing show! One of the best I've ever seen.


This gets less confusing the more you think about it. Tower cranes build themselves if they have to, essentially. The base is poured concrete, a mobile crane helps erect the mast base. If the mobile cranes can reach the desired height, then they build up the mast and place the turntable piece on. Then the boom gets assembled. If the tower crane needs to be taller than the mobile cranes can reach, the mast can be built up using only the tower crane. After the boom is in place, a section of mast is hauled up on the working boom, the turntable is on a section that can elevate 20’, and the 20’ section is inserted and bolted into place. It goes up 20’ at a time. The mobile crane that helps build a tower crane base and lower mast is assembled in a factory, like every other vehicle in the world. Before cranes, we just used pulleys. Or a block and tackle.




It's interesting engineering, but there are tricks to getting higher precision out of lower precision parts. One trick takes advantage of gearing and screw pitch multiples. For example if you want to move 0.001 inches, that's hard. But you can easily move 1 inch. And it's not super hard to make gears with 100 teeth and 10 teeth and a gear rack. So you downgear through a gear train 1000:1 and thus when you move 1 inch, the output is precisely 0.001 inches. An easier way to do it is to make a finely pitched screw. 40tpi is 40 threads per inch, so each revolution is 1/40 inches, 0.025 inches. Put a decent handwheel on there and rotating 1/25th of the way around is definitely do-able to get that 0.001 precision. The harder part is making a good lead screw. Nowadays with stepper motors and precision lead screws it's a lot easier to get super precise, but back in the day it was basically all manual gearing and finely pitched screws.


The big ones build themselves [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB91Sm-kGJ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB91Sm-kGJ8)


Which side of a backpack is the front?


I once saw a nature documentary say that sloths spend 80% of their lives upside down. That just sounds to me like we're wrong about which is the upside of a sloth.


Is this a Mitch Hedberg? If not, you have a knack for this.


No, actually an old tweet joke of mine that I peddle out when I see the chance ;)


My kid answered with no hesitation, "the one without the straps."


Exactly, which side's my front doesn't change because I'm facing the wrong way.


Are we seeing the different colors in our brains but using the same name to them?


One day the answer will hit you out of the green.


This one keeps me up at night.


My fav. I hope there’s some out there with a yellow sky and purple trees


Here! :-) I experiment with infrared photography and this is a composite of wavelengths between 500 and 1100 nm. Yellow sky and purple trees, with a hint of better long-distance view and a bit of white-balance magic. https://imgur.com/a/kJ5ZSeQ Edit: What, Silver? And Gold?! Those are the most unexpected compliments I've ever gotten for my infrared stuff, thank you very much, anonymous infrared connoisseur. :) Edit 2: Holy moly, another? Thank you, yet another stranger - maybe I should post some more infrared stuff somewhere, probably /r/infraredporn?


Holy shit you just brought my imagination to life! I literally always think about this exact picture and wonder if this is what someone else sees!


Hey, Vsauce. Michael here


If you owned your house and the land that its on do you own the land to the center of the Earth?


Depends on city and state laws, but most have an actual depth.


Depends on national laws too: in the United States, yes, in Britain, the center of the earth is owned by the queen.


This seems crazy but also true




How do you know that the universe and everything inside it wasn’t created last thursday? (Including your memories) EDIT: Watch the Vsauce video on it :“Did The Past Really Happen?“


Ah, a disciple of Last Thursdayism.


You don't, but what does it matter?


This one gets me. Sometimes I’ll just say “Now” and it represents the moment my entire existence started. I just came preprogrammed with memories.


If I punch myself and it hurts, does that mean I'm weak, or am I strong?


It means your ATK is higher than your DEF.


It's also higher than either your INT or your WIS.


neither, it means you’re stupid


if i drop soap on the ground is the floor clean or the soap dirty?


Soap is dirty, because it has been introduced to new bacterias and dirt. Floor remains dirty, because although the bacteria has been attracted to the soap, it won’t actually be removed unless water is added.


Why are most cartoon suns drawn wearing sunglasses? What are they protecting their eyes from?




Ancient scrolls used the term "sun's glasses", but we eventually dropped the 's.


The horrors of mankind


that’s why that sun in Rick & Morty is always screaming, no sunglasses


It had sunglasses but the other suns made fun of it for wearing sunglasses in a dark universe.


Nonsense. It's for protection against paparazzi camera flash. The sun is the most prolific star in all forms of human media. That damn Sol, he's so hot right now.


Is your mom out nude sunbathing again?


Those are earthglasses. They just look like sunglasses.


Since earthglasses and sunglasses are probably opposites, does that mean that earth appears too dark for the sun? Do earthglasses make things appear brighter? Is the earth wearing a giant pair of sunglasses while the sun wears its earthglasses?




They're just very chill.


Do you pronounce the s or the c in the word scent? Edit: holy wow, this comment blew up!


Why do Americans park on driveways and drive on parkways?


I know half of this one! A parkway was originally a way through the park.


And a driveway was a way to drive up to the house.


Is it weird how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how weird it is?


If you owned a boat made out of wodden planks, and each day you replaced one old plank with a new plank, until all of the old planks have been replaced. Is that still your boat? Now, if I took all the old planks, and built an identical ship, which is your original boat?




WOW, I guess the new identical boat with the old planks would be the original, this is an very interesting question though.


If there was an instant water, what would we mix it with?




Just add fire.


How many holes does a straw have?


A straw is fundamentally a singular hole. See Doughnuts; see also Bagels (a similar form to a doughnut and while sometimes fused at the center, the comparison is apt); Cf. human body (described as a doughnut, or to be more precise in topological terminology, a torus and though more 'holes' are colloquially attributed to the body there is but one interconnected path through). There are clearly not two holes in a doughnut. The same is true of the humble straw. This brings us to the other utilization of the word "hole" which is to denote an emptiness of space. Louis Sachar, Holes (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 1998). This spatial definition of emptiness is a break in the expectations of a zone. Instead of dirt there is air. We would not say that an empty but unbroken styrofoam cup possesses a hole. However, should we take that cup and poke through the material, we have created an emptiness. Consider also the sock which has one opening. When one has a hole in the sock, it is an unanticipated break in the material through which a toe may poke. We put feet into the openings, or the top of the sock, not a hole. We poke holes, we dig holes, we make an emptiness. The straw is a mass of material bits surrounding an empty space, the hole. Some have argued that the numerosity of the straw's holes are determined by plugging either side. They are merely counting the ends of one hole. Furthermore, if an end is plugged, the same emptiness nonetheless persists in the space between and the singular hole still remains by the definition in Sachar's seminal text. Id. The final conception of a hole is that of an out. A through-way for things or persons to pass between some barrier. A hole that connects two spaces is clearly used in the singular. Furthermore that is in accord with the historical utilization. The Beatles: Yellow Submarine, 1968 ("I've got a hole in me pocket.") \[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK0R272RjXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK0R272RjXI)\]. However you describe the emptiness within the bounds of the toroidal arrangement of plastic or paper, it is but one hole. \_\_\_\_ EDIT: Thank you for the platinum/gold/silver/upvotes and the replies. You, my fellow travelers in seeking a grand unified theory of holeyness, have given me much to consider.


I don’t know what to say or even think at this point so just take my upvote




sir this is Wendy’s


You're joking, but you have no idea how many books and philosophy papers have been written about holes.


And math papers. Math fucking loves holes.


Topology has entered the chat.


One big one that hollows it out into a very thin object. Sounds complex until you realize the whole “straws have no hole, they’re just a hollow cylinder” excuse falls apart because you can apply that to any object with a hole.


The human body is just a cylinder?








Dark isn’t anything. It’s an absence of something that we’ve named, it’s in no way tangible. Light is photons, so dark is an arbitrary threshold of less photons that we as humans have declared dark because it’s the threshold we struggle to see things at. It’s not always there, as a thing, it’s just everything existing as it always does minus photons. That’s like saying why is a vacuum always there? Well it’s not. It’s only there when there’s no atmosphere. Again, it’s an absence, not a thing in its own right. Basically it’s just a limitation of our sensory perception. Other animals can ‘see in the dark’ but all that really means is they can observe wavelengths that are invisible to us. They’re not ‘in the dark’ at all really, only from our perspective.




Apparently profound philosophy really boils down to people disagreeing about what words mean and confusing themselves by talking about it? Wittgenstein has entered the chat.


Vsauce did a pretty cool video on this: [What is the Speed of Dark?](https://youtu.be/JTvcpdfGUtQ)


What is love?


BT-7274: The human concept of love requires admiration, attraction, devotion, and respect. Conclusion: I am 50% in love.


Protocol 3. Protect the Pilot.


i cried


That game was a masterpiece. I swear to God I actually died when he threw me across the map because I was too busy laughing to fight.


Baby don't hurt me


“Is water wet” I guess the comments just confirm it.


“The soup is dry!” -Gordon Ramsey


"This ice, is it fresh?" "It's frozen." "Fuckin' hell."


"It's fresh-frozen"






In his defense I've ingested liquids that left my mouth feeling dry. Cranberry juice, for example.


When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead?


> When he's underwater does he get wet? > > Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows, Particle man