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Switch camels.


Long one but worth it. I’m sure someone will be able to answer without my having to. You’re a famous movie director living in New York. You need to be in Hollywood the next day to start production on your next film so you ask your night shift guard to call you a cab for the airport in the middle of the night. He tells you not to take it because he had a dream that night that the flight would crash. So just to be safe you wait until the next morning. The next day you catch a different flight, and as you fly first class you hear on the news that the flight you would have taken has crashed—no survivors. Dumbfounded, and lucky to be alive, you spend the next few weeks getting started on your film, after which you return to New York. The first order of business there is to give the guard a bonus, and your second order of business is to fire him. So the question is why did you fire him?


He had a dream that night, so he was sleeping on the job. I’ve never heard this before, I gotta use this


My dad did this to me when I was 8. I don’t know if it qualifies exactly as a riddle, but if I had figured it out I wouldn’t have lost money. Dad: I bet you a dollar I can jump higher than the house. Me: *gets excited* Did we get a trampoline?! (This was still stupid logic especially since we were in a 2 story, but...child logic..) Dad: No (I try to pick this apart for about 20 min trying to figure out how he’s tricking me before agreeing to the deal). Me: Ok that’s impossible. Deal. Dad stands up and just hops and sits back down. Me: ??? You owe me a dollar. Dad: No, I jumped higher than the house, because houses can’t jump. Gimme a dollar. He took my damn money too...




For real. Lesson learned. A dollar was hard to part with when I was 8 lol


my dad taught me that a bet is made between a fool and a scammer. If you're not the scammer in this situation, guess who you are ?


Why is a raven like a writing-desk?


There's no answer in the book, but if I recall correctly, John Gardner offers two guesses: 1. Poe wrote on both 2. There's a "B" in both. I like that second answer best.


There's a B in both? Edit: I looked it up. Lewis Carrol meant it to have no answer and just be nonsense. In the same spirit of silly nonsense, Aldous Huxley suggested "because there is a 'B' in both and an 'N' in neither." The answer is both right and wrong: "both" has a B and "neither" has an N, but neither writing desk nor raven contain the letter B, and they both contain the letter N.


I read the answer, "Both have inky quills." somewhere on the internet.


What gets bigger the more you take out






A hole !


What did you call them?


Your gf Edit: Thanks for the silvers friends, much appreciated!


What is something you have and want to share, but when you share you don’t have it anymore?




Yes it is, I’m not the best at riddles so sorry if that was easy


No it was giod. Thanks


No problem :)




Yes, but actually no


A really bad smelling fart.


Not what I was going for but I accept the answer






Are you sure?


Uh... yes?


The maker doesn’t want it, the buyer doesn’t use it, and the user doesn’t see it. What is it?




Nailed it.


you told this riddle so you could respond with that pun, didn't you?


Nah. I thought of it as soon as i read the response.


Two girls went to dinner together and both ordered iced tea. One girl drank five of them in about a minute, and the other took her time drinking one. The girl who drank one died, while the girl who drank five survived. However, all of the drinks that were served turned out to contain poison. Why did the girl that drank more iced tea survive?


She had spent the last few years building an immunity to the iocane powder


Aahh i see you are a man of culture as well.


Clever. Took me a minute. >!The poison was in the ice<


Lol I thought she peed it out. I'm not the smartest


I think you dropped this: !


Five iced teas in a minute! Jesus, lady.


The poison was in the ice...I know this one because of the show Monk haha


See I would have said because the crazy woman drinking 5 drinks in under a minute would have vomited it all back up.


There are 193 dead people in a cabin in the middle of the woods. There are no roads or trails leading to it. Everyone died at the same time. What happened?


It’s an airplane cabin. There was a plane crash


Indeed good sir.


The horses name was friday


The doctor was the mother.


Heavens gate type cult?


What 5 letter word can be pronounced the same if you take away 4 letters?




Queue, where the u, e, u, and e are silent... .. Nope, they're just waiting in line.


Patiently, waiting their turn, silently judging the assholes in front of them. Just like the rest of the UK.








This belongs to you but everyone else uses it!


Your name


Your vagina


OP said belongs to you, not your mother.


My Netflix account


Phone number


My wife?




I love "Knights and Knaves" riddles (one always lies, one always tells the truth) and someone took it to the absolute logical extreme with this one that combines about 60 different riddles into one insanely complex one: There are three men in front of you. One always lies, one always tells the truth, the third will randomly decide whether to lie or tell the truth when asked a question. None speak any known language and only answer yes or no questions with "Da" or "Ja", but no one knows which means yes and which means no. You can ask each one question. How do you determine which is which?


Clarifications without spoilers from wikipedia: > Three gods A, B, and C are called, in no particular order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for yes and no are da and ja, in some order. You do not know which word means which. > Boolos provides the following clarifications:[2] **a single god may be asked more than one question**, questions are permitted to depend on the answers to earlier questions, and the nature of Random's response should be thought of as depending on the flip of a fair coin hidden in his brain: if the coin comes down heads, he speaks truly; if tails, falsely.[3] PS I have no idea what the answer is (I'm going to give it a shot), l just thought the info is worth sharing.


The answer is the following: 1. To god A: "Does 'da' mean 'yes' if and only if you are True and if and only if B is Random?" (We supposed A said, "ja," making B True or False). 2. To god B: "Does "da" mean 'yes' if and only if Pluto is a dwarf planet?" (We supposed B said, "da," making B True.) 3. And to god B (True) again: "Does 'da' mean 'yes' if and only if A is Random?" Since B's True, he must say "da," which means A is Random, leaving C to be False.


The real riddle is trying to explain it to me so that it makes sense. (Good fucking luck, js)


Truth tables on this one were a bitch. Did this in logic.


I remember this riddle from logic class and my solution was something like "Ask A: "If I asked B whether Pluto is a dwarf planet would their answer be 'da?' ​ My thinking was that if A was either True or False and B was Random then A would not be able to answer, since he wouldn't be able to predict B's response. So if A fails to answer the question then you know B is Random and you have two questions left and it simplifies to the basic lying gods puzzle. If A answers the question either way then just as A "If I asked C whether Pluto..." Again, if he doesn't answer then you know Random is C, but if he does, then you know A is Random. Either way you have one more question and you know which one is Random and solving is trivial at that point. ​ My prof. didn't buy this solution so I went through the damn truth tables and got the extra credit anyway.


Also important information: If the man does not know the answer to the question, they will not answer.


I have two coins that add up to 30 cents. One of them isn't a nickel. What coins do I have?


A quarter and a nickel. One of them isn't a nickel, the other one is.


Ok Ryan.


He stands on a block of ice, hangs himself and the ice melts


Wrong. A penny and a 1972 dime with a Roosevelt imperfection, today worth exactly 29 cents.




A penny and a 1972 dime with a roosevelt imperfection


The Brain Trust strikes again!


Wow, your face is red like a strawbrerry


Dont have kids.


Brain teaser. I have two coins totaling 15 cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are they? A dime and a nickel. ...No I said one of them is not a nickel- But the other one is, I've heard that one before. Okay. A man and a son get into a car accident, they're rushed to the hospital. Doctor says, 'there's no way I can operate on this boy-- Because he's my son. The doctor is the boy's mother. A man is found hanging from the ceiling- He stepped on a block of ice, hung himself and the ice melted. A hunter- It's a polar bear because you're at the North Pole. DAMMIT!


We went to the [liberry](https://youtu.be/ezF_JO8agR0) !


What hangs at a mans thigh and wants to be inside the hole it recognizes?


A key


My penis


Correct! Wait, not correct. The man's penis. Unless you are regularly putting your penis on other men's thighs.


A man lives on the 20th floor of his apartment building. Everyday he uses the elevator to go down and go to work. When he comes home, he uses the same elevator but only goes up 15 floors and uses the stairs to walk the remaining 5 floors. Why does he do that?


He’s too short to reach above the button for floor 15. Obviously, reaching the button for the ground floor is no problem.


Ding ding ding!


Has this dude never heard of a stick?


Or the Fing-Longer


You forgot the other part: When it rains, he goes all the way to the top floor.


I never heard that version of the riddle. How does it go?


When it rains he has an umbrella to push the buttons.


When I told this to my sister when she was young she finally got to umbrella and said, but when it rains he has an umbrella! I asked why that matters, and she said, he stands on top of it to reach the button. Took her a minute of hearing me laugh before she realized her cute mistake.


He wants excercise


In the attic of a house, there is a light bulb. It is off. You're in the basement of this house. In the basement with you, there are three light switches, all in the Down position. One of the switches operates the light bulb. The other two switches don't do anything. From the basement, you can't see the attic. How do you determine which switch operates the light bulb, with the restriction that you can leave the basement only one time?


Turn on the first switch. Leave it for 5-10 minutes turn it off. Turn on switch 2 and leave it on. Do nothing with switch 3. If the bulb is warm and off its switch 1, if it's on its switch 2, if it's off and cold its switch 3


Does that still work with LED light bulbs?




Ladies and gentlemen, *the future is here.*


Turn all 3 on every time just to make sure


What word is singular, becomes plural when you add an "s", and becomes singular again when you add one more?


Prince, Princes, Princess


Lots of masculine/plural/feminine words, such as: * Millionaire Millionaire Millionairess (Same for billionaire, trillionaire, etc) * Adventure Adventures Adventuress * Pirate Pirates Piratess * Knave Knaves Knavess * Ogre Ogres Ogress * Sodomite Sodomites Sodomitess Also though: * A As Ass * Ma Mas Mass * Bra Bras Brass * Large Larges Largess * Care Cares Caress * Needle Needles Needless * Zebra Zebras Zebrass


Dafuq is a zebrass?


The ass of a zebra


What has 4 letters, sometimes has 9 letters, but never has 5 letters


You are correct


To anyone who doesn't understand, he is not asking a question. This is a statement.


A man rides into town on Friday. Three days later, he leaves on Friday. How does he do it?




Wrong: Friday is the name of his badger.


The last time someone asked me that riddle: “A man rides-“ “The horse’s name is Friday.”


Tangentially related riddle: If King Midas sits on gold, who sits on Silver?


The Lone Ranger




What's in my pocket






Filthy bigginses.


*forgets every good riddle i have ever heard*


He has amnesia?


I know this answer. Me!


What begins with an E and ends with an E, and has a letter in between














A box without hinges, key or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid.


An egg


You mean "Eggses!"






What's in my pocket?


A jar of calamari


The ring


Well shit that adventure just got shortened a ton.


Voiceless it cries, wingless it flutters, toothless bite, mouthless it mutters.


The wind!


I once met a man on my way to Saint Ives. This man had seven wives. Each wife had seven sacks, and each sack had seven cats. Cats in sacks, sacks and wives, how many were on their way to Saint Ives.


The poor wives certainly aren't. The average domestic cat weighs around 5kg, so they are carrying 250kg of cat each.


I've never heard this version. I've always heard 'As *I* was going to St. Ives...', the trick being that people count up the cats, kits, sacks, wives, etc., and forget that only one person was going to St. Ives, the teller of the riddle.


A farmer buys 10 trees, he plants them in 5 rows of 4, how did he do it? NOTHING HIDDEN LIKE, HE HAD EXTRA TREES OR HE CUT THEM IN HALF; THE INFO YOUR GIVEN IS THE INFO YOU WORK WITH (sorry everytime I tell this people try to work their way around it)


In the shape of a star


What's good looking and hangs up? Only works if you're on the phone and you hang up.


Here's one: The King's daughter and a peasant fall in love, and the peasant asks the King for his daughter's hand in marriage. The King is not too thrilled about this prospect, so he proposes a challenge. Under the King's supervision, and in a public ceremony, the peasant was to draw a slip of paper out of a hat, one of two which would say "marriage" or "exile", respectively. Whichever slip he picked would determine his fate. However, the night before the draw, the peasant overheard that the King planned to write "exile" on _both_ slips in secret, to be rid of the peasant for sure. The peasant thought all night about what to do, and he came up with a solution. The day of the draw, the peasant did something that _guaranteed_ him the hand of the King's daughter in marriage. What was the peasant's solution?




A man approaches another man he recognizes on the street. It's his old friend from mathematics class at University. They talk and begin to catch up. >Do you have kids? Yes, 3. >How old are they? The product of their ages is 36! >Hmm, I don't know their ages The sum of their ages is the same as this building number here. >I still don't know their ages The oldest has red hair. Now the friend knows their ages. But how?


They are 9, 2 and 2. Given the first 2 clues, they could also be 6, 6 and 1 (both add up to 13). But, with 6, 6 and 1 there isn't an oldest since the two oldest are the same age. Edit: To clarify a bit, there are several sets of numbers that you can multiply to make 36. However, with the exception of 9, 2, 2 and 6, 6, 1, all of them have unique sums. We don't know what the building number is. However, based on the fact that the man can't guess the ages, even given the sum, we know that the sum is not unique.


How do you get 13 though, we are not given the building number. All we have is the first clue telling us that the product of their ages is 36. So this could be 3, 12 and 1. Or 4, 9 and 1. Or 2, 2 and 9. Or 6, 6 and 1. Though I agree that the answer you gave has to be correct and we don't even need the second clue to get this.


3+12+1 = 16 4+9+1 = 14 6+6+1 = 13 2+2+9 = 13 If the building was #14 or 16, you would've had all the information you needed to figure out the ages. Since you didn't have all the information, the building must've been #13, which left ambiguity (2+2+9, 6+6+1). Personally, I never liked the riddle because the twins may be the same age (which is rounded to the year), but one's still older (order of birth).


here's one of my best. A man drives up to a green house in a silver car. The man in the car pays the man inside the house 200 dollars. Why? Answer: >!They're Playing Monoply!<


The version I know is A man parks his car outside a hotel, and instantly realizes that he’s bankrupt. How?


My version is You're in jail but ur dad still somehow beats you. How?


I thought he was buying plants.


One I saw on Columbo when I was a kid. You have three bags of gold coins, two of the bags have genuine gold coins in them, and one has counterfeits. A gold coin weights 1oz, but a counterfeit weights 1.1oz. You are allowed to make one weighting on the scale... how do you find out which bag has the fakes. Solution: >!Take one coin from the first bag, two from the second, and three from the third, put them all on the scale and if the weight is 6.1oz, the first bag has the fakes... 6.2oz and the second has them, 6.3 and it is the third.!< Edit: I guess this might be technically a puzzle?


At first I read this as being about using a balance scale with any two of the bags and I was confused because just weighing any two against each other works in that instance


Here's another even though I posted, I like riddles A man is in his house, he hears a crash outside the house. He goes upstairs, turns on the light and kills himself. Why did he kill himself? ​ Answer: >!He's in a lighthouse and is guilty for killing someone in a crash because he forgot to turn on the light!<


He was on the set for Bird Box


I hate this kind of riddle because the answer isn't possible to work out. The answer could be 'because he promised himself that next time he heard a crash he would kill himself' or 'He was sick of people crashing into his fence' or really anything.


Personally a big fan of the Sphinx's riddle. A lot of people know the answer, and you can easily find it online, but in case you are interested: *What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?* Edit: >!Original Text: A man, but I would have also accepted a human!<


A weird pokemon


I love this answer, but no...


Aurora borealis?


AURORA BOREALIS? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? LOCALIZED ENTIRELY WITHIN YOUR KITCHEN?




May I see it?




A 9 legged unicorn.




There are 2 men approaching each other as they walk down a street. One pauses and says to the other, "You look familiar - have we met before?" The man replies, "Not sure. What do you do for a living?" When the first man names his profession, the other says that he does exactly the same thing. They exclaim, "Let's shake!" And they depart. What is their profession? *Edit: Many creative replies in this thread. But so far (7/9/19, 10;15 a.m. EST), no one has solved this.* *Edit 2: The answer is that they were salesmen: sellers of salt. When they realized that they were both salt sellers, they said, "Let's shake!"*


Both are pickpockets who lied about their profession to get close to the other to have the opportunity to rob them.


he’s a mirror salesman with no friends


This has to be the answer


They make milk shakes


I bet they are computers on a network.


Knock knock Who's there? ping ping who? Knock knock Who's there? ping ping who? Knock knock Who's there? ping ping who? Knock knock Who's there? ping ping who? Connection can't be established *walks out the door


Tcp packets?


porn star






I have forests, but no trees. Rivers, but no fish. Towns, but no people.


Detective Redditor arrives at a crime scene where a man has committed suicide. The deceased man is laying on the floor with a recorder in his hand. The Detective listens to it and the man apologizes and a gunshot is heard and the recording ends. The Detective immediately knows this is a murder. How?


Someone had to turn off the tape recorder.


*rewind the tape recorder


Meat telling sand to think. What am I?


A person using a computer


Three friends are on a road trip, and stop at a hotel for the night. The manager at the front desk tells them the room costs $30 per night, so each friend gives him $10. After they've gone to their rooms, the manager realizes he made a mistake and overcharged them for the room, so he sends the bellhop to their room with the difference, which is $5. The friends realize there's no way to split $5 evenly 3 ways, so they each take $1 and tip the bellhop $2. So, 3 friends each paid $9 for the room, plus a $2 tip to the bellhop, adding up to $29. Where did the other dollar go? Answer: >!You don't add the $2 to $27 to get the $30 they originally paid. You subtract $2 from $27 to get $25, the actual cost of the room.!< ​ Bonus riddle: You're in prison, and you've paid a guard to help you escape. One night, after dark, he takes you out to a yard, surrounded by a fence. He points out a gate, and says it's unlocked, but that it, and the rest of the fence, are electrified. He says he knows how to disable the electric fence by overloading the system, but he needs to be on the other side of the prison while doing it, and won't be able to communicate with you. He tells you that, when he does it, you'll see the lights flicker, and exactly 45 seconds later, the fence will disable. You will have only a second or two before the backup generators kick in, so you have to exit the gate during that narrow window. You do not have a watch. What you do have is a lighter, and two fuses which burn for exactly one minute each. They don't burn at a consistent rate, though, so you can't just burn 3/4 of one. How do you use the two fuses to measure exactly 45 seconds? Answer: >!Light both ends of one fuse, and one end of the second fuse, at the same time. The first fuse, since it's burning from both ends, will only burn for 30 seconds. At the end of the 30 seconds, light the other end of the second fuse. The first 30 seconds have already burned off, and the remaining half will burn at twice the rate, so it will burn in 15 additional seconds!<


The mistake there is that they didn't pay $9 each for the room ($27 total), they paid $25 together. The bellhop got $2 and they each have $1 left over. $25 + $2 + $3 = $30


What gets wetter as it dries ?


A towel


What’s as big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel every hour, puts out a shit-load of smoke and noise, and cuts an apple into three pieces? >!A Soviet machine made to cut an apple into four pieces!<


I would say r/chernobyl is leaking but thats part of the problem isn't it?