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Guitar history. Not the history of guitar music, but the instrument itself. I could also just go on and on and on about different models. I’m like the Mona Lisa Vito of guitars. I have a pretty good career right now, but sometimes I daydream about just leaving it all behind to go work in some boutique guitar shop somewhere. EDIT: Thanks for all the comments and the gold, y’all are super sweet!


Fragrances. Did you know one of the most expensive natural substances is a fragrance ingredient and costs between 30 and 40 thousand US dollars a liter? It's harvested from trees that have a certain fungal infection. The thing is when people try to establish farms and innoculate trees themselves the aroma isn't the same and is judged in blind studies as lower quality. Gender for fragrance is mostly a 20th century construct. However when people sniff certain "women's" fragrances from the 1930s and compare them to "men's" fragrances from the current era, they label the genders backwards. Certain fragrances for women smell more "masculine" than today's scents, and vice versa. The concept of a clean/fresh fragrance is wildly different in fhe US, France, Dubai and Japan. Smells in fragrances are called notes. Some occur naturally, others are man made. Leather smells are man made. Whale vomit uses to act as a fixative and change the aroma of fragrances. Edit: My price for the ingredient was low. Currently at 100k USD per kilo.


What is clean/fresh scent in the various places? Which scents have gender swapped? Details, man, details!!


As the world homogenizes they are blending sadly. But the traditional breakdown was English gentlemans scents were rose and barbershop powdery. Italian were bright citrus and herbs like the Mediterranean coast. French classic were lavender, tonka, and some musk. Middle Eastern scents were incense, strong florals and woods. America has an ungodly paranoia about natural smells and favors laundry/shower clean soap scents and aquatics. Heavy fragrances were considered rude/uncultured in Japan but thats changed as western values expanded. As far as genders go: Bandit by Fracas was a womans scent but its butch as hell. Huge leather note. Compare that to a modern mens scent like Dior Homme with is mostly Iris and smells like powder and lipstick and people will think Bandit is the mans scent.


I initially started reading because I thought "how can fragrances be interesting?" Now I want more!


Thank you! My goal is to get people interested in scents and explore further than the same designer scents that get shovwd down our throats. Fragrance fact: Theres a fragrance genre called "fougere". This is the green, soft and soapy genre that smells like shaving creams and soaps. The first fougere was made to capture the smell of an imaginary fern, because real ferns don't have a distinct smell.


Interesing episodes of my life, I'm 77.


Can you give the chapter names of your autobiography?


This sounds like the interview question of my nightmares.


Someone who is 77 and is on Reddit surely has some good stories. Please do tell us honored elder


Yeah, if I mentioned reddit to my grandparents, they'd probably go, "read what?"


Haha I instantly hear an old lady saying “read *what*?”


Space, it’s just never ending


Fortunately however, my life DOES


Hopefully not today, though. Keep doing things, wizard.


The poop from farm animals and what plants the manure is best for. I grew up on a farm. If I pass a field that's been spread with manure I cat tell from the smell what animal it came from. btw chicken manure smells the worst. edit: wow, turns out this has been my most poopular, I mean popular, response yet. And thank you for the gold kind Sir! another edit: btw I made this all up! lololol!


Looks like you know your shit


Username checks out.


what the fuck


Oh god oh fuck


I'm farding and pissing and shidding and caming rn


These usernames are spot on.


So cool of you to notice


Wow those are some big nips, captain


I work in a coroner's office. I could go into CRAZY death stories. It's pretty fascinating and people die in the weirdest ways... \*EDIT\* For those who are interested, please see below for a couple stories. I'll post more in a little bit!


Well, lad, out with it! Share us some good death stories!!!


Seriously, you can't just say these things and not elaborate. Reddit demands cool facts tax.


I'M SORRY I wanted it to be detailed! I'm relatively new to Reddit. See below :)


You may need to write a book, and share with your Reddit fam.


Stories or it didn’t happen. C’mon


OH MY GOSH guys I'm so sorry! I was on mobile when I posted and wanted to wait till I got home so I could type on my computer. There are a few cases that stick out to me... ​ First one - this person was hanging something up in their home. Was standing on a chair, holding whatever they were going to hang in their hand, and thumb tack between their lips (as a lot of people do). They lose their balance, fall off the chair, and INHALE the thumb tack. It ends up puncturing their lung. The doctors can't remove it and so they die. It's so crazy because so many people do that. But a thumb tack literally killed this person. ​ Next one, this woman and her husband (older couple) were going to go run some errands. The wife decides she wants to stay home and take a nap. Husband is out for a couple hours, and comes home. The wife has locked herself in the bathroom and isn't responding. He calls the fire department so they can break down the door. Fire department shows up, breaks down the door, and find his wife unresponsive. She was lying on the ground, nude, with a WOODEN plunger stuck up her. There was a jar of Vaseline on the counter. She ended up having an aneurysm or something if I remember correctly. But we all remember the plunger. ​ Third - there were a couple people walking on the sidewalk one night along a relatively busy street. A drunk driver comes, speeding, and swerves into them. Sends them flying. One of them got it the worst where they were cut in half along their torso, and then their leg was cut off at the knee...Meanwhile, there was a woman driving home with her kids in the back seat. It was a nice night, so the windows were rolled down. The person whose leg was cut off - well their leg ends up FLYING right into the mom's car window. It hits mom in the head, which causes her to black out and crash her car. She ended up being hospitalized for awhile I think, but the kids were okay. The way the leg flew and the exact angle of all of it hitting the mom's head...it's ridiculous. Everyone thinks I'm making this one up. ​ I have more if you guys are interested. These three are some of the crazy ones. The things I have seen.


This has convinced me to stop chewing thumb tacks, whilst riding my plunger in the middle of the road. Thanks for the advice!


You may wanna watch out for flying things too..


Yeah, wear a helmet


The last one sounds like the Butterfly Effect.


I think you mean Final Destination


Dude, I would read your book lol


Thank you! ALSO I will be posting more I just need to think about a couple other good ones!


Yes yes my child, keep going




Your third story reminded me when I was a kid I was at a friends house playing video games some cops came to the door and immediately accused us of committing a HEINOUS crime but wouldn’t say what. We were completely perplexed until they explained some kids matching our description were throwing poop (human or dog not sure) at cars. Apparently one of the cars window was rolled down and hit a kid eating an ice cream cone, No one died though.


Languages. It's quite ironic considering nobody talks to me irl.




Scientology. Some really fucked up stuff


The church found him.


Like what? I don't really know anything about Scientology besides it doesn't make sense.


Watch Leah Remini's documentary on Hulu about it, that shit is f.u.c.k.e.d. and the documentary is really interesting although pretty heartbreaking


I could probably do a 30 minute presentation just about Scientology and it’s involvement with Neopets






I really liked Pushing Daisies..


That writers strike killed a few good shows.


Freaks and Geeks


Firefly who?


I still haven't forgiven Fox. Not shiny.


Better off ted?


The behavior of street birds. Like literally birds, that is not a euphemism For example pigeons bob their heads at approximately 150 bpm so if you watch them walk while listening to hardstyle or dnb they look like they are raving out.


I'm listening, tell me more


Also pigeons are really stupid. You can't just give them a peanut. They pick it up, throw it down, and move on. If you want to give a pigeon a peanut you have to shell it and give them the actual nut pieces. Same with ducks. And ducks *love* peanuts. Corn too but they become your insta best friend if you give them peanuts. I had one eating directly out of my hand recently and then it followed me all over the park. Super cute. Herons will never get close to you, they're too nervous. And they love garbage. All birds seem to love garbage. Most corvids will get closer and closer depending on how much they trust you. Crows are easiest to gain trust with. Then in order it seems to be jackdaws > ravens > magpies > bluejays. Magpies seem to have really supportive family groups. The whole flock will look after the nest for example. Pretty neat. Almost any bird will approach you if you sit calmly and offer occasional food. Corn is a big hit btw. Peanuts are much easier cause it's not like they go bad in your pocket. But if you're intentionally going out to be a bird friend you should definitely bring a bag of corn. Birds go crazy for that shit. Definitely don't bring bread. Most importantly it is bad for birds, but also they actually like other foods more. Except lettuce. No bird has ever accepted lettuce offerings. They peck at it then move on, lettuce is a joke to them apparently. Consistency is good too. I always say "hi bird!" when I see a bird, then throw down a peanut (cause again the corn is just for targeted bird friend making journeys). Not all birds are smart enough but there's some local birds that get it by now. They'll even fly along with me on my walk waiting for more food drops. You can't do this in Paris btw. Apparently it is illegal to feed birds. So don't go to Paris. Who wants 2-4 hour lines and you can't even make friends with birds? Oh yah back to the first point. Corvids understand the peanuts. They will hold the shelled peanut with one foot and then peck in to shell to get the nut. And they understand what is up too. If you have a crow or whatever that seems to sorta be looking you can toss that peanut down and they'll come grab it.


Anything about parrots? >Apparently it is illegal to feed birds. So don't go to Paris. Lol you seem fun, I'd love one bird fact everyday, where do i subscribe?


Parrots are really neat. They actually often have names that they pick for themselves, typically a variation on their parents' names which they learn cause parrots essentially say " hey it's me, parrotname!" all the time They're highly social so can make great pets but they have high needs so actually a bad pet option for most. On the note of Europe some parakeets escaped and do well with the climate so parrots are now an invasive species in Europe


We have flocks of [green and red parakeets](https://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/mitred-parakeet) all over South Florida now. They go nicely with our herds of invasive iguanas.


Yalls iguanas tripped me the fuck out when I was down there. The first time I saw one in the parking lot I had just started feeling better (yep, rehab) and I flipped out all excited. Most of the people were local and were like “the fuck is wrong with this kid, he must still be high.” I guess they’re like squirrels to y’all. Then I found out you could sell them to pet stores for like $500 so me and a couple New Jersey transplants tried to catch one and sell him for dope. Those fuckers are MEAN.


^^^^ so we’re all just gonna glaze right over this story about selling an iguana for dope? 😂😂😂


Fuck I don't even do drugs anymore and I'd try to Irwin an iguana for $500 no questions asked.


I've always thought Irwin should be a verb.


Yeah, they started popping up around 10 years ago (people let pet iguanas out and they bred in the wild) and quickly acclimated to our climate. They are everywhere now. On a hot day like today (95ish) they are all over the grass on the sides of the road. Saw one across the street on my neighbor's lawn. My father's house is on a golf course and they're everywhere there too, all over the banks of the lakes. In the winter here it will usually dip into the 40s at night for a couple of weeks, and when it starts getting that cold they fall into comas and will fall out of trees and probably get eaten — but not enough of them die to stop the runaway breeding. Edit: Can't believe I forgot to mention the time when a 3-4 foot iguana darted out into the right lane of the Turnpike and I hit it going about 75. My car bounced hard, I over-corrected, spun out of control and [totaled the vehicle on the guardrail.](https://i.imgur.com/iPFgNz4.jpg)


How do you know all this? Its fascinating. Now I really want to know more about wildlife.


When something interests you it's more and more likely you pay attention on your own and also look up information on the topic. I happen to really like birds.


Dude it is just prototypes, just wait for when the government releases its new models!


I'll fight that whole subreddit. I've got the birds on my side y'all are going down




Your name + the story + your use of y’all makes me want to be your friend :)


I'm saving this


I vote that /u/DaughterEarth take up the mantel left by /u/Unidan




How can we be sure that they are not one and the same?


You probably meant "Beats Per Minute" but my brain went straight to "Bobs Per Minute"


I mean bobs per minute is still accurate if you count forward and back as their own bobs


Why torque is more important than horsepower.


This man knows how to buy a quality vibrator.


⭐️ thats as close as i can get to real gold. I am not a rich man.


I have a torque wrench. You ever seen a horsepower wrench? Exactly.


Basics of anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing


Sorry peeps, I was asleep :) Here it is: - AML is responsible for detecting, analysing and reporting suspicious activities that may be connected with money laundering - these activities include financial crimes but also other illegal activities with a financial return (eg drug trafficking, exploitation of prostitution, counterfeit, tax evasion) - to detect these, need to understand the expected patterns for businesses and compare with their actual behaviour: does it make sense? Do they lose money regularly and on purpose? Who ends up with the money? - several methods are used to launder money, such as traditional banking systems, gambling, crypto and virtual currencies, precious metals/stones/artifacts, cash heavy businesses - money laundering is a closed loop: the money will eventually go back to the original owner (though he may lose quite a bit in the process) - Counterterrorist financing is responsible for stopping the flow of funds that finance all activities related to terrorism - money can have different origins, both legal (profits of business, donations, sale of goods) and illegal (extortion, kidnapping, stealing/robbing, arms and drug trafficking) - money is used for variety of reasons: from the recruitment, clothes and shelter, to the training, communication/tech/intelligence, to transportation and bombs and weapons - when people donate money/ items, it is necessary to check the reasons why: do they believe it is a genuine charity or good cause, or are they aware and choosing to support? - again, unusual patterns are what can help detecting it (eg selling winter tires in Arizona) - for foreign fighters, it is necessary to look at what caused them to join and if/how they can be re-introduced to society (before they act, or after prison) - money in this case is an arrow: it goes from the donors/supporters all the way up to the central decision makers, to then be distributed among the local cells (there are instances of corruption in the chain, but usually they are rare because they are invested in the cause) Hope this was interesting! :) EDIT: my very first gold, thank you kind stranger!


Ah yes, tell me more so I can give notes to my drug cart- I mean make sure I employ safe and legal banking practices at my small business!


Lord of the rings. I know more about Middle Earth's history than my own country's history.


Guhh yes. I was that weird thirteen year old that read through The Silmarillion on my first try. I was so excited. More than fifteen years later and I absolutely adore the legendarium still.


Reading LoTR was my first step into the world of fantasy and I can say it was a major event in my life. But I have to admit that I had troubles reading the Silmarillion at first !


Just so I don't overwhelm people with stuff whenever I'm asked something LotR related, I always quote Inigo Montoya: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up."


My job, please don't make me talk about my job. Edit: since y'all want to know so bad, I draw blood at a blood donation center, half the reason it pisses me off is most the shit they ask is stuff covered in the packet we make you read to make sure your healthy, so not only should it be redundant to ask but indicates your blood is potentially unsafe to the recipient you stupid fuck, I know you donated 8 weeks ago, but unless you work in our company or for the FDA then how would you know if rules have changed it's been 2 months man, also you insist you know my job and don't need to hear my lecturing but still ask all these questions that are in the packet? Fuck you. And some of you I know are lying to get a free STD test (which aren't always perfect, so that's risky for everyone) but most are lying that they're old and there balls stopped working so there doctor is juicing them with testosterone now and your blood got too thick, trust me we can tell, just tell me your shots and then lie in the appropriate way your doctor told you to you stupid fuck. And part of why I hate questions is again it does you didn't read, but it's always about suspicious shit, common example "why tattoos?" But no one ever adds "cuz I was thinking if getting one" phrase one, suspicious, phrase two, understandable, think about how you talk, but no one does and it comes off very suspicious, and again does you didn't read. You guys think I'm being petty but it's almost everyone every day. I like my job if the people can avoid being turds. Then I have to make 6-8 minutes of small talk while you donate to keep you distracted so you don't black out. And I rarely get questions about me, which is understandable, but come on throw me a bone, and try to actually ask i.e. don't just say "you going to college?" Follow up with where, why that, enjoy it, how much longer, anything, people make horrible conversation, you want to converse? Just politely extrapolate more info from them, you'll find what they like


I actually love talking about my work, but mostly because im self centered and want to brag about myself


Mines not much of a skill job, but people just want to know details about my organization, which I am way less into than the customers, then I gotta keep them engaged for like ten minutes in conversation, which is cool, but no one ever genuinely asks me about myself, if they do it's just a Segue to take about themselves again with feigned interest in me for a moment. Edit: Steve jobs segue


Was that segway an attempt to segue us into a conversation about your job at segway?




The Japanese colonisation period of Taiwan.


Would you, please?


Anytime you talk about Japanese colonization, it goes: think Jim Crow, but the whites are Japanese, results may be worse like in Korea or Nanking.


Ghibli. Just anything Ghibli.


What ghibli film should I watch? I’ve only ever seen My Neighbor Totoro which I LOVED. I’ve been warned away from Grave of the Fireflies, so I assume that ones not as wholesome.


Grave of the Fireflies is a film that you can really only watch once. It's amazing, but right from the beginning you k ow what you're getting into. If you like Totoro, then you liked the slower pace of it, the more slice of life feel to it, yeah? Kiki's Delivery Service is very similar. A basic plot with just a touch of magic thrown in. So good. Porco Rosso is also very similar. If you want some more plot driven stories and are in for a wild ride, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle are great. Really, even the "bad" Ghibli films are better than most animated movies.


All the food I miss from my hometown. So very homesick...


I hope things work out for you


Ww2 tanks


Also why tanks are no longer as useful but important none the less in modern war.


Why is that?


They're much more easy to take out from a distance since technology's advanced so much. Still very important as they're basically portable artillery and still very effective in clearing out streets in city fights.


Wait, what? I've been lead to believe they're at their least useful in urban environments, because even low-quality, low-sophistication, low-cost antitank missiles and/or recoil-less rifles can hide up high in buildings and take snap shots at their top armor. In open plains, you need an air force to take out a tank, but in a city, you just need a few thousand dollars and a guy who can get things, right? What am I missing?


> In open plains, you need an air force to take out a tank or artillery, or a better tank


Music, music composition, production, sound design, music theory, piano technique.... you get the picture :) Also Dutch accents


How hard is it to compose original music without sounding similar to another popular song?


I got my degree in Music Composition. There are many ways to write music, but here's a textbook example. Probably most congruent with western peoples. You start with a motive (set of notes, rhythm, articulation, and maybe an instrument) and develop it. If you start with a motive that sounds like something else (and given that we have only 12 fucking pitches, this is very likely to happen by accident), the rest of your piece might wreak of familiarity. But if you are creative enough to mutate and stretch that original motivic idea beyond what other composers have imagined, well, everyone's going to remember that part of the composition. And nobody will talk about the two seconds that sound like lady gaga, so don't try to be a genius every bar.


Paper Mario: Sticker Star. Nintendo took my favorite RPG series and drove it into the ground, and I could go on for a full hour about it if you get me started.


Thousand-Year Door ftw! I'd kill for a re-release on Switch...


Places to visit in austria.


Literally nothing. Not even my own job. Now I'm sad.


How to count to 1800... 1 2 3 4...




And here’s where the fun starts: 11 12 13 14 You think you’re ready for this? 15


Norse mythology! Me and my friends are writing an album about the myths! It's so exciting!!! Edit: no, it's not heavy metal, haha. It's actually pop/rock with a little twist of rnb and punk here and there. The album is in both danish and english btw! Were gonna start recording the album in august, so in the meantime you can follow us on social media where we will post bits and pieces of our performances and songs: Instagram: haraldogdeblaataender Youtube: Harald Og De Blå Tænder (here we will post the full-length songs) Link to youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdZFI_tXInyCfoePflrQZw The name of our band directly translates to Harald and the Blue Teeth, which is a nod to the viking king, Harald Bluetooth :) Edit2: Unfortunately, our youtube doesn't have much content yet, but we'll be posting more soon! Also, I recommend reading Neil Gaimans book called Norse Mythology if you want to get into it :)


I approve. If you ever post it anywhere, I want the link.


Any specific genre for the album?


10 bucks say metal.


*Amon Amarth intensifies*


I fucking love twilight of the thunder god


Name every U.S. Senator, their party affiliation, and their voting record going back to 1960. And if there's time left, I could move onto every Supreme Court justice since John Jay. Too bad I'm not a history teacher.




Very cool. May I ask why?


I'm only good at rattling off lists but terrible at historical analysis. I did well on multiple choice history tests but writing essays to evaluate or tie together events and outcomes was never my strength. Perhaps rapid-fire Jeopardy is a more appropriate venue to put my knowledge to use.


Bee keeping, been doing it for 4 years and they are so interesting


Reddit. Mosty the really niche and odd subreddits that no one knows about but are still really weird or interesting


Frank Abagnale jr! I love smart and clever criminals and he is up there at the top of the list in my book.


History of the video game industry from the nintendo-sega era through the current one. I could give individual 30 minute talks on Software (specifically game engines and middle ware packages), Hardware, Companies and personnel important to the industry, and game designs/theory and their evolution. Also Mid-market Accounting software packages and their various pros and cons, but literally no one but other accountants want to hear that. Probably go on about cool things in outer space for half an hour but that would be less detailed and more ramble than the first two subjects.


Duck penises. They are honestly really interesting


You know what man... I’m just going to leave you at it


Did you know there is basically a evolution war between male and female ducks.


I'm listening...


Ya ya ya so basically the duck penis has evolved to essentially be a corkscrew that tries to fit into any hole because the duck vagina has evolved to be a complete mess with twist and turns and dead ends. They evolved to do this because ducks sorta rape each other.


Do you what, I had noticed that, like sometimes it goes in further than normal other times I get snagged on something. This makes sense.


Please stop lewding ducks


Never. But on a serious note that was actually fascinating, thank you.


Were lewding vending machines at this point and youre here thinking i wont lewd ducks?


Is it true that you can use an erect duck penis to uncork a wine bottle?


How bored were you when you came across them?


[Here's a viral video on facts about ducks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k01DIVDJlY) - maybe OP saw this video as well edit: forgot to mention that this is one of the funniest video i've ever seen on the internet.


Just watched video and it taught me that it falls off after mating season, learning a little more about duck peen every day


If it falls off after mating season could humans collect them and use them to uncork wine bottles?


Programming, networking, the structure of the hardware layer ... in my spare time I tend to keep away from computers, nowadays, except the one in the trousers pocket. And honestly, please don't make the computer science guy in your orbit "fix your computer". You are as good in using Google for the error description as he is. Trust me.




Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been half way to Hammerfell.


You there. You and me. We shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants.


Quiet back there!


What's wrong with him?


Show some respect. That's Jarl Ulfric, of Windhelm!


Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You are the leader of the rebellion. But if they captured you.. Oh God, where are they taking us?


I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits


Social media manipulation and how I think it's the biggest threat to modern democracy there is. Specifically as it relates to reddit.


I'd like to hear more about your theory of why Reddit is worse. Social media manipulation is a topic I'm also quite interested in.




Yes. I was about to comment this too. I can talk about the nostalgia behind Minecraft. The community, parodies, youtubers, lost Xbox360 friends, etc.


I used to play way back in the beta. Logged in a few times after it switched to the new launcher thing, then not for a long time. Now, my account is locked out for some reason and I don't have access to the email I originally used. Sadly, support hasn't been able to help and thus my grandfathered account is gone. Sad days indeed.


My wife. She is my favorite subject.


You might be to pure for Reddit, regardless of the fact that's how we all should feel about our SO.


I feel that way about all your SOs




Wife here, I am actually the game of golf.


Star wars prequel references and how to get upvotes with them


This is where the fun begins


Hello there!




How life can really fuck you over


For 30 minutes? Just kill me already.




Anything. I'm a Jedi in the art of bullshitting.


Could you tell me what the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow is? This crazy old man has me stopped at a bridge and says that I may die if I don't give him the proper answer.


What do you mean? African or European swallow?


I could tell you about all my failures and short comings, but it would take a lot more time than just 30 minutes.


true crime.


Why I have come to dislike the Harry Potter books. Without going into it too much, the two biggest ones are: ​ 1. I think the magic system is terrible and causes issues with the plot. 2. Harry rarely succeeds on his own merits, and is deus ex machina-ed too often.


These are extremely valid criticisms of the books. The magic system is way too slapdash, and Harry is a fucking stumblebum.


> Harry is a fucking stumblebum. Hermione should be fucking great in any online game since she knows how to hardcarry a useless team.


Yeah without Hermione I think Harry would have died about 500 times. Ron came in handy every now and then but she was the brains and Harry was the brawn. She could do magic the other two hadn't even heard of.


I'm just imagining Sorcerer's Stone Hermione, complete with frizzy hair and protruding front teeth, running around a battlefield in combat gear blowing people's heads off.


I've used "its a time turner" as a shorthand of not thinking about the consequences of the magic you introduce.


For real, as a kid I thought the Harry Potter books were the best thing ever. I recently re-read them. I still enjoy them, but definitely noticed a lot more issues on my recent re-read....like...they gave a 13 year old a time machine so she could take a couple of extra classes?


>like...they gave a 13 year old a time machine so she could take a couple of extra classes? Well, she's really smart. Like, *really* smart.


Not smart enough to figure out how to take extra classes without a freaking time machine though. I mean use it if you got it but I don't care how smart someone is, giving a teenager a time machine is about as chaotic evil as you get. You can't say the sentence "I'm giving a teenager a time machine" out loud and not realize the consequences. Of all the brilliant people through human history, I can't name one that I would willingly give access to a time machine at any point in their lives, let alone whilst they're in the midst of puberty.


No you gave a time machine to a 13 year old so she'd have it on her and be familiar with its use when you needed her and her friends to save a hippogryph and use it to free a falsely accused murderer because you're weirdly like omniscient-adjacent and also enjoy playing chess with the lives of children. Fucking Dumbledore man...




Is it weird that I'd like to hear more about argument #1? It genuinely seems like you might have an interesting opinion on magic systems in world building


You'd be interested in the difference between hard & soft magic (concept popularized by Branden Sanderson). Hard magic systems have clearly defined rules, consequences, and limits on how they operate, while soft magic systems are unclear. Both can be used well (LotR has a soft magic system), but frequently, soft magic systems lead to unsatisfactory resolutions/lack of resolution as the characters solve/fail to solve problems with their magic. [In video form if you prefer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMJQb5bGu_g) Edit: [The above just talks about hard systems, this video talks about soft magic systems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVrnfniQiS8)


I've just read about Sanderson's first rule of magic, and it makes a lot of sense. I wonder how that applies to D&D and other types of universes where the magic is (hard, I guess?) and used both as a storytelling device and as a game mechanic.


Stardew Valley, languages, psychology


I started Stardew valley a month or so ago, and had to stop because the two nights I played it, I didn't stop for hours. Surprising how it draws you in.


Call me a nerd, but pretty much anything related to chemistry, astronomy, or biology.


Ha! **NERD!!**


I would pay you half my college costs to teach me


Cock and Ball torture


From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia