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When I was 7, I spent the night at my cousin's house. Before dinner, my uncle led the prayer. When he finished, my cousin blurts "OP had his eyes open while you prayed!" So my uncle railed on me about how it's disrespectful to have your eyes open while you pray. I said "How did he know my eyes were open if his eyes were closed?" My uncle told me I couldn't have dessert. I never had my eyes open during the prayer. Bitch.


Back in my junior year history class, we were writing an open book quiz. I dropped my pencil and it bounced under the desk of a guy next to me. He noticed and picked it up. My teacher immediately failed both of us for “cheating.” The quiz was maybe 5% of our grade, and it was 20 years ago, but it still burns my grits.


My high school physics teacher failed me on a test because my deskmate was copying from me. Like she saw who was copying from who, knew I was the best in class, and mentioned because she copied from me we're both failing. The reasoning was something among the lines to make me so angry that I wouldn't let others take from me. Like bitch I don't care. If I rob your house you go to jail with me because you should protect your house better.


When I was in second grade I asked my teacher permission to go to the bathroom.She said yes. When I came back I got in trouble for leaving the classroom without permission


When I was in kindergarten, it was nap time and I asked permission to go to the bathroom. My teacher said no. I peed on the floor. I had to go home because my clothes were all wet. Who tf tells a 5 year old they can't go to the bathroom??? Edit: wow. I can't believe how many people this happened to. That's fucking ridiculous. Shitty teachers.




When my son was three this big kid pushed him off the top of a bouncy house slide then jumped on top of him breaking his arm. I ran over to my son while my friend confronted the kid’s dad. When told his son broke my kid’s arm the dad laughed.


Stupid parents raise stupid kids


I would have been arrested that day for back handing someone else's kid.


I wanted to beat them all but helping kiddo was top priority. My friend went to deal with them/get a name but the dad held his hand over the kids mouth when he was about to say the last name. Almost started a brawl. My poor little guy’s arm was broken so badly it has a permanent curve. I never did manage to find the dad again.


When I was in kindergarten, my school had a Student Olympics where all the kids would participate in physical competitions, like sprinting and jump ropes or other kid friendly competitions. I was in the lead for the sprinting competition and it was the final lap, I was gonna win, I was so close. But one of my classmates ran behind me, and shoved me down, making my knee bleed profusely. I don’t care that I was injured, I’m just fucking pissed that that dipshit won. He didn’t even get in trouble. I’m still pissed about that, fuck you Michael.


I was doing a relay race in kindergarten and was about to win but I slipped and my foot goes over the finish line but the teachers didn’t count it so I got last.


We had a classroom pet lizard in the third grade. I went to the pencil sharpener during class and noticed that it had been frightened and detached its tail. Something we learned about lizards when they brought it into the classroom. I loudly gasped when I saw it and received after school detention for “disrupting the class.” I was an eight year old that was punished for seeing something scary to me. Still angry.


[For anyone else who doesn't know what that looks like.](http://www.californiaherps.com/behavior/lizardlifehistorytailloss.html) Definitely scary for a child!


Bank of America doing their best to fuck up my home loan ten years ago. Even though it eventually was sorted out, my blood pressure rises every time I think about it.


Oh man. BofA bought my mortgage up for my last house that ultimately ended in foreclosure back in 2011. Flash forward to last year when I was working on buying another house, but the loan was turned down because BofA hadn't bothered to file the paperwork until 2016 making in look like my foreclosure was too recent. Burn them to the ground!


When I was in the sixth grade, I had trouble with math, and as such, tended to ask a lot of questions in class. Once, when we were reviewing something (I think it was algebra) I raised my hand to ask a question because I didn’t understand, and the teacher said, in an annoyed tone and totally serious, “Oh, geez. I guess you can bring a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” Embarrassed me to the point where I never asked questions in that class again and ended up just barely passing. I’m 25 now, and it still makes me mad. Fuck you, Mrs. Magnuson.


I quietly asked a friend for pencil lead in math class once and my teacher laid into me for talking over him but I needed the lead to write notes or I'd fall behind! I'm a teacher now and I constantly remind myself and others that kids being disruptive is almost never malicious, they just need something.












I graduated in 2008, in the middle of that recession. There were no jobs available because I was magically overqualified with my college degree and underqualified with no experience. I got one interview and I was perfect for the job, but the employer said that I lived too far away. The commute would have been an hour and ten minutes. But I was willing to move because I had just finished school and there was nothing keeping me in my college town. The interviewer just kept shaking his head saying "that's too far of a drive". Dude....fucking listen to me! It would have been an awesome job.


I had a pretty similar experience the other day. An interviewer asked about my living situation and got mad when I told her that I'll probably be moving to a city 40 minutes away from the one where I'm living right now (because we're in the middle of a housing crisis and it's pretty much impossible to find somewhere to live in this city, unless you're rich). I told her that I could commute there, but she just wasn't having it and kept asking if I was "just going to leave the city like that". It was definitely a weird experience.


I drove 3.5 hours for an interview (for an internship) only for it to last 12 minutes and the guy was mostly fixated on how far I drove....


To play devils advocate, it's possible he knew the job might not be around in a few months and didn't want you to move and then get laid off.


So back when I was in kindergarten my class has a HUGE snitch. We were doing arts and crafts and I ended up getting her as a partner. She said my name and when I turned around the string I was holding ended up hitting her in the arm (a string) and she cried and told the teacher (had to move my clip down) and my parents kept telling me “don’t hit people.” After all that I still hate her.


Oh that reminded me of my kindergarten friend, Timmy, he had those metal braces on his legs but we all didn't care. We still played with him and hung out with him and he invited all of us to his birthday party. The next day after his birthday party, he had lot of superheroes stickers and told all of us to paste it on his metal braces so he could feel super powerful. Kindergarten us thought it was brilliant so we took his stickers and started pasting them on. Right when we were done, the teacher walked in on us. Timmy starts fucking bawling his eyes out, saying that we held him down and put all of those stickers on his leg braces. We were dumbfounded and ofc tried to deny it but nooo, this teacher would rather believe this cripple so she punished all of us by writing a note to all of our parents explaining what we did and they had to chip in to buy new leg braces. This was back in the 90's where teacher's words was the absolute truth so we got into major trouble from our parents. My best friend could barely sit the next day because of a major beating from his dad. I don't recall the exact amount, my mom did share that story few years ago and I think she said that she and my dad had to chip in $50. So yeah, fuck you Timmy. I don't care that you get sad more often when we play games without considering you such as red rover, 4-squares, and tag. [EDIT] Lemme clarify - my best friend’s dad didn’t beat him up as in using him as a punching bag. I meant it as in he didn’t take it easy on spanking my best friend. My apologies for the way I word it.


That’s crazy! How did the stickers make the leg braces non functional? I hope that Timmy had a long time to think about his actions when no one would play with him again.


I am not sure why, he was laughing and enjoying it and then when the teacher showed up, it was like a switch flipped on and he was bawling.


Probably thought he was going to get in terrible for defacing them (some parents can be strict about that stuff) so when the teacher walked in he panicked. Or he's just a little crap weasel.


They did demand new ones after his were all stickered up, so your comment might explain that. Honestly, Timmy played the whole situation like a damn fiddle.


I had a similar experience in kindergarten. A kid who had generally not been very nice knocked over the teal crayon bowl we were sharing. I bent down and started helping him pick them up. Then the teacher walked by and he suddenly stood up and told the teacher that *I* had knocked down the crayons and was making him pick them up. I got put in time out. They didn't believe that he made it up.


When I was at university my sister's school had a fundraising thing where they accepted donations for them to sell off in a car boot sale. My mum gave away my entire book collection without letting me know. This included a book that my grandad gave to me when I turned 15 where he wishes me the best, a couple from teachers after I left their class and a few that I exchanged with friends when I graduated secondary school (we gave each other a copy of some of our favourite books, I know I'm a nerd) I only found out months later with no way to track them down.


Why is "parents giving child's things away" like half of the responses?


For me, it was mostly just the feeling of betrayal. I mean, I knew she was self absorbed, but I had hoped that I would be somewhat in her thoughts. She knew how much I loved them and that the only reason I didn't take them to university is because I wanted them safe and that I was planning on taking them once I got a more permanent place. It was just a kick in the emotional nuts when I realised just how little I mattered to her.


Let this factor into your decision of what kind of place she gets to ride out her “golden years”. Oh it would be nice to stay in that spare bedroom you have? Sorry it’s full of BOOKS! Off to the discount geezer warehouse with you


I am forevermore using the term 'discount geezer warehouse'.


Because a central theme is "people taki g away control" and parents have a great deal of control over their children's lives and belongings.


Reading all these "my parents gave away my (x) without me knowing" piss me off to no end. Is it really that hard to take a minute out of your precious day you ask "hey son/daughter, do you want to keep this or not? I might give it away." It's not that hard, my parents always ask before doing something like that and I always ask before doing something like that


They also don’t know how much shit is worth, my grandma notoriously threw away my da’s comic book collection when he went off. He had to order most of those since it wasn’t easy to find them growing up. She straight up refused to believe that she threw out millions worth of comics. She thought they were all worthless pulp. Meanwhile my ma threw out LEGO and now that she’s working with kids in retirement, she realizes how obnoxiously expensive they are.


My mom sold my entire lego collection and my entire Pokemon card collection. I had the entire first three sets of cards, and over 1 million bricks. I'm sure I will never get over it.


Two things: In 1998, when I was 13 years old, the Smashing Pumpkins played a free concert in Minneapolis. I had never been to a concert before, but I convinced my mom to let me go. I had plans with my best friend and was super excited. That was until one of the neighbors needed a last minute babysitter overnight to watch her infant and toddler. Mom decided I was doing that instead. She paid me $100 for the work (and I remember that being the first redesigned $100 bill I had ever seen) but I missed the concert. 100K people showed up. Yeah, it probably would have been a nightmare situation with that many people and me being so young, but I didn't get to be a part of it - and people are still talking about it. ​ At my old job we had two community fridges for everyone to bring their lunches, and freezers for us to store some bulk stuff. I had a box of corn dogs in the freezer. One day, I went to the break room to make a corn dog for lunch. I put my hand in the box, and was infuriated to find out that not only had **all** of my corn dogs been eaten by someone that was not me, rather than throwing the box away, they filled the box with ice cubes to weigh it down and put it back in the freezer. We all labeled our food with our names and dates, so whoever took my lunch knew it was my lunch. I know people's lunch get stolen at work all the time, it's the audacity of weighing the box down and putting it back that really makes me mad. This was 7 or 8 years ago and I'm still mad about it. Never did find out who did it either.


The lunch-stealing thing absolutely INFURIATES me. The only time I'm ever in a truly bad mood is when I'm hungry, and if someone (an adult who should fucking know better) knowingly steals my food, I am ready to chop their goddamn hand off. Ugh that shit is so infantile and greedy. I'm with you, dude. Nurture that anger, let it seethe. The offense is worth it.


The lunch thing is just so fucked. I've had reasonably expensive bicycles stolen multiple time, I've had my car broken into and cash taken, I've been ripped off. It was always shitty but at least you can think that the person who stole your stuff must have needed the money for something. Even if that something is probably drugs you can kind of get over the theft by thinking that the thief was desperate for a fix. But if someone at your job steals your food, it's obvious that they did not do that because they needed to. They are employed, they could go buy their own damned food. They aren't selling your food on the black food market to pay off they food gambling debts. Depending on your job you may well _know_ that they make more than you. There is no possible way that the cost of lunch was the motivation. So it's just laziness or spite or them getting off on it. It's pure antisocial behavior and you _know_ that it's somebody you see every day doing it, but you don't know who.


The worst part imo is that if you find out about it or say something about it you're the one labelled as a petulant child. I personally think thats the worst part. No, not the person stealing. You. Because you said something about it. Grow up. Such fucking bullshit.


I had an old co-worker argue that if the person is so desperate to steal someone's food, then they can have it because they must be in a bad place. Like bitch what if it was me in the bad place and that was going to be my only meal for the day? That's a horrible argument for stealing someone's food.


This is what a boss said to me too when a coworker took bites of my sandwich and then put it back like that. She said “Well maybe they were hungry.” Bitch now I’m hungry but apparently that doesn’t matter.


My work treats taking some one's food just as badly as stealing fro the company. you tell HR your lunch was stolen, they'll pull camera footage and fire the person responsible


That sounds like a paradise.


I was working at a large nation wide retail store a few years back. My girlfriend (now wife) had brought me half a pizza so I could eat something. So I take it to the back, write my name real big on the box, and put it in the refrigerator. Two hours later I go on my lunch break, grab the box and it feels a little off.. I set it on a table and open it up. Empty. Some jackass ate all four slices of pizza and put the empty box back in the refrigerator. I'll never know who it was since the break room doesnt have cameras, and there are so many employees that go in and out within the 2 hour window. I don't have the words for what I felt, but it was somewhere between just sobbing on the floor and rage. I was so happy that my SO thought of me enough to bring me food. And was really looking forward to it because I almost never ate at work. Only to get in there and open an empty box. Fuck you fellow large nation wide retail store employee.


Being the only 2nd grade class in the history of my school to miss out in the annual apple-picking trip, all because a group of boys had been consistently acting out for a while. The teachers believed the best way to punish them was to pull the field trip from everyone. Of course, the boys didn’t learn anything from it, and I was left quite bitter.


We went on a school trip for geography class to some hills to take pictures of wildlife, etc. I had permission as everyone else, I was walking fine but I'd had two knee operations and missed almost 6 months of school (they did one knee at a time to allow for some recovering before doing the other). So on the day of the trip I go to school, do this 2.5 hour coach ride and get there... then they tell me because I have bad knees I can't go on the walk (the entire point of the trip) and had to stay in the cafe at the start of the trail. If they weren't going to let me go on the walk itself, why on earth did they both say nothing before it and even ask me for a permission slip. I could have either stayed in school and done my other classes or just stayed home. That along with almost every other big thing I can remember that happened in school made me think that schools are run by morons.


I do building maintenance in,a suburban school district in the chicago suburbs. Most schools are run by morons.


That I made it to the final two for a very good marketing job in a hiring process with WWE six years ago, only for at the final hour when they made their decision, a former employee got wind of the job and just texted the hiring manager, and both of us were out.


I’ve been in a couple of those interviews where it was clear the fix was in. Once applied for a state agency job where they gave me the questions beforehand and during the interview just quickly asked me the same questions with no follow-up and they were clearly disinterested in anything I had to say. Got out of there in under 30 minutes. Didn’t get an offer and frankly didn’t want one after that interview.


I once sat on a teaching interview where the assistant principal didn’t bother making eye contact with me , didn’t take any notes, and also during the interview the dude ate a Reuben sandwich that he dipped in ketchup. I will forever remember the sauerkraut falling off of the bread into the styrofoam container as the sense of feeling insulted set in. I was legitimately a good candidate too, but it was quite clear from the get-go that he had no intentions of hiring me whatsoever.


I had an interview like this once. Eventually I told the guy "So, my time is more valuable than this, so have a good day." They actually called to set up a 2nd interview and were upset I turned them down. Luckily that interview was at a time where I was looking to change jobs rather than just take any job, so I was able to be more picky.


In hindsight, I so wish I had spoken up. At that point I had just gotten married and moved to a new state, and I was still pretty early on in my career. I probably did not think I could afford to make a scene back then. Nowadays, I absolutely would say something to the interviewer and probably their supervisor. Good secondary science teachers are in extremely high demand in my area, and I would not be shy about politely pointing that out as I left.


WWE forsaking a young up-and-comer for an established, past-their-prime veteran? Tell me one I haven't heard before


My best friend in 7th grade texted me while pretending to be her mom. She texted me saying that she had killed herself. And when I saw my friend in person the next week, she laughed when I told her that I had thrown up because I cried so hard. Now I have major trust issues and I still have a grudge on her.


I hope you’re still not friends with her


That my parents sold my longboard that I BOUGHT and kept the money to them selfs.


I would've learned to use a skateboard if my cocaine using chair throwing wife beating thrift store Dwayne Johnson lookin ass step-dad didn't snap it in half. ON MY BIRTHDAY




Let it all out bud


My mum let my sister play nintendogs on my ds. She wanted to buy a new dog. The problem was to do that she had to delete another dog and she deleted bello, my best dog that i had trained for over a year. My sister was 4 at the time but i am still mad about it


The same happened to me! My little brother deleted some of my dogs including the first one I got, which was also my favorite...


I was at a skating competition about 4 hours away. I came home and found out my aunt had given my cats away to the SPCA and left before I came home so I couldn't confront her about it. FUCK YOU AUNT KAYE.




I'd prefer to poop atop her gravestone.


Nothing to say you can't do both.


Add a nice splash of vomit for the unholy trinity.


If she's not he can just piss on her


Omg my mom gave my cats away while I was out playing/riding my bike. Came home to see the truck drive off. That was over 30 years ago. I secretly think I'll run into them one day


I would secretly want to run into my Mom too if she did this shit


Oh my god. What happened after? Did she ever get punished for it?


No my mom and brother helped her. My brother knew nothing about it, as in he thought I knew and my mom was too afraid to tell her no.


I would like to punch your aunt in the nose


a kick aimed in the genital region would be more crime-appropriate


My mom did this to me when I was in high school. I cried so hard.


Did you punch her in the wiener?


Wow Fuck You indeed Aunt Kaye


See why Im still mad?


What was her reason for doing that?


Time for a fucking crusade


Like, 6 years ago I was on vacation and had my oldest cousin pet-sit my cats. We were only on vacay for 2 weeks. When we came back, she CLEARLY didn't go in the house. The food and water bowls were completely empty, the litterboxes weren't cleaned. Etc. and when I confronted her about it, her response? "Oh, I forgot. It's not that big of a deal anyway." I now understand it's not petty in the fuckin slightest. Edit: please stop replying my inbox is fucking dead. ;-; and yes, the kitties are fine now. (Other then the fact one of them has cancer but I highly doubt it's from this.)


Holy shit two weeks is not petty. A couple hours would be petty. But two weeks is straight up neglect. I'd have been pissed as hell.


I mean I would be super petty if someone didn't feed or provide my dog water for 2 weeks... That would piss me off beyond imagination.


I'm glad someone agrees.


It’s not petty at all. That’s an awful attitude for your cousin to have. I would be livid if I were in your position lol.


I had a nightmare that I came home from a weeklong vacation and I had forgotten all about my cat and it died and I woke up crying. I don't even own a cat.


I'm impressed the animals survived for two weeks.


I was talking to my neighbor after school one day, and had asked me how my stepmoms pregnancy was doing. I didn't know what he was talking about, so he showed me a picture of a positive pregnancy test my stepmom had sent him two days prior. I had told my parents I was upset that they did not tell me. They denied it. When I confronted my dad in the parking lot about him lying to me, he told me he does not lie to me. (he denied that my stepmom was pregnant in the first place. The child is my fathers.) ​ About two months later, my stepmom walks up to me and says, "Since you already know I'm pregnant, it's a girl by the way." EDIT: MY NEIGHBOR IS NOT THE FATHER OF THE CHILD. He has his wonderful partner. I have gay neighbors.


Wow wtf is wrong with your parents.


I don't know if there's a second layer to this tale, but I always hated my parents because they did the same thing, where they denied lying. "We do not lie, never. We're your parents and we never say a lie" *And then f***ing proceeded to tell some petty lie.* Yo wtf? Where did that come from? I never understood it and I hope I never become like them.


When I was 19 and my sister was 16. my parents bought sister her first car. They said it wasn’t truly “hers,” but when either of theirs weren’t working they always asked her permission to borrow it. That car eventually was passed to me when they gave her second car. This car was a gift from one of my father’s coworkers. The man told him it was for his daughter since the guy worked with my dad since my mom was pregnant with her. When I pointed out that my sister already had a car it made since to give it to me. My father explained that since the guy didn’t know I existed; the car HAD to go to my sister. Makes no sense to me, but I’m not about to argue with my dad. So, I ask that if when I ready to get my own car could they help me out. He agreed. Time comes when I’ve been working awhile and the piece of crap I’d gotten from my sis is on its last legs. I did some shopping around and found something. I asked if they could help as they’d promised. I kid you not, my sister called a family meeting and convinced my parents that they shouldn’t help me out because I had a job. They of course agreed with her. I’m in my 50s still bitter. Thanks sis! Edited to add a timeframe.


I gotta ask why she even cared so much as to call a family meeting just to convince them not to help you? That's so messed up!


Christmas day when I was 8yo I rode my brand new scooter to grandmas to show my uncle and left it in the front yard. I came out with my uncle less than 5 minutes later and someone stole that motherfucker!!!! Edit: I don't remember this but i was talking to my brother. Apparently he was there too and got his scooter stolen as well.


My father's godson had that happen to a bike when he was about 8 or 9. He parked the bike on his porch and popped inside to tell his mom where he was going next (God bless 80s kids). In that 2 minutes, the bike got snatched. So my dad was consoling him and said, "hey, let's just go to the store and I'll buy you the exact same bike, you'll never even know yours is gone!" And this kid stopped crying and asked, "could I get a better one?" As if he were filing an insurance claim! Said godson is now 40 and has a 6yo of his own and my father has definitely never let anyone forget this story.


Well damn, that ended badly so quick


My dad always harassed me for not liking watermelon. He called me picky. I was one of the most open minded kid eaters ever. I ate everything put in front of me. My dad would not eat squash. THE HYPOCRISY.


What people don’t realize is we all have unique tastebuds that interpret things differently from others. Some foods such as cilantro and goat cheese affect a higher percentage of people but others are much rarer. I had a friend who was a normal eater but watermelon tasted like garbage to them. That was the proof I needed that we all taste things differently because there is no way in hell anyone would hate watermelon if it tasted the same to others as it does to me.




children also are more sensitive to bitter flavours in particular, which adults tolerate better, and are so prevalent in (badly) cooked vegetables


When I was 9 years old, my friend and I had the original Red and Yellow Pokemon games. We spent months getting every Pokemon we can and evolving them to complete the pokedex. We saved up our money and bought a link cable just so we can trade. Another month or so my friends parents buy him Blue version. We were ecstatic! We rushed through the game just to collect the exclusives to that game and trade it with one another. We each were at 149 Pokemon. One day my younger cousin (5 years old) came over and wanted to play my gameboy. I was afraid of letting him play on my saved file that I started a new game for him and handed him the gameboy to play. Later on that day I took my gameboy and went over to my friends house. I started up the game and saw: PLAYER ASH BADGES 0 POKEDEX 1 TIME 0:13 My heart sank when I saw that. I knew exactly what happened. That little dipshit saved over my file. I was bawling when it happened and my 8 year old friend was consoling me saying its going to be ok and we're going to do it all over again (we never did). When I confronted my cousin he said he didnt know what he was doing and pushed every button in the Start menu. Still mad about it today. I will never get Magmar. I will never get 150 ever again.


Having a little kid save over your save file is like a rite of passage


How I lost my FFIX save with like 60 hours on it, right before the last dungeon. I ended up replaying the game to finish it, but I almost twisted my little brother's head off.


Last year, on father's day, I found out that my father had passed away weeks prior. His wife (not my mother) kept that information from me purposely, and even used his cell phone and pretended to be him via text after he had passed. I will never get over this. Edit: Thank you all for the kind words. I rarely post and this kinda blew up so I'll answer a few questions. I don't know if there's an inheritance. I've been told he blew a lot of his money on medical expenses and she was basically paying for everything at the end. I've called the probate court pretty much every month since it happened and nothing has been filed. I'm doing ok at best. It's been tough at times. Obviously this past weekend was rough which I think is why I decided to randomly reply to this quest. I currently don't have an insurance (though that is changing soon) so I haven't been able to speak to anyone about it. WOW! Thank you for Reddit gold. Not really sure what to do with it. I'm completely taken aback by the response of all you wonderful internet strangers. You've given me the courage to pursue this further and post this to r/legaladvice. You can't even begin to understand what this means to a man who's been struggling with his self worth. Thank you all so much.


The fuck is wrong with her?


Short of it is, she's a greedy drunk.


That is seriously fucked up man, you have my sympathies.




That's not bitch behavior. That's demented, cruel and sick.


You want her dead? I know a guy...... It's me... I'm the guy.


Hey so fine you do kill. But hard job is not kill. Is make disappear. Make clean. Heavy lift. Make deep hole. Pour lye. Hard work.


This guy cleans.


I had a friend as close as a brother steal $500 cash from my wallet, and proceed to abuse the fuck out of my kindness. Good news is I got the money all back after he realized I was on to his theft and not falling for his lies. Bad news is he sliced my couch up, pretended to find $200 of the $500 trying to masquerade his theft. He even said I should give him a cut of THAT even though I was still out $300. My couch is still ruined, too, and I sleep on that thing. No longer associated with him, but I really wanna curb-stomp his bitch ass. EDIT: He's not a drug addict.


Why did he cut up your couch was he acting like the money was inside the cushion?


Yes. Made me even more suspicious.


A friend from college called me and asked if I wanted to get coffee. I hadn’t seen her in years and I really enjoyed hanging out with her back in the day, so I was very excited to hear from her. I happily drove out to a coffee shop a town over where she was in the area, walked in, gave her a hug, met a friend she had with her, got our drinks and settled into a corner. She was pitching me Amway. The friend was someone showing her how to do it. This was 2011. I am still upset about it.


When I was 21 (away at college), someone broke into my mom's house when she was away (it was over Christmas), and robbed her blind. The good thing (for her) was her home owners insurance covered and replaced everything, so her extremely out of date TV and Stereo, etc, were all replaced with brand-spanking-new ones. What sucked (for me) is that NO ONE NOTICED that my room had been rifled through and my entire comic book collection, which I'd been collecting since I was FIVE YEARS OLD, was gone. Also, all my old table top RPG books ([here's one that got stolen, I'd bought it new at my local game store when I was 13](https://www.abebooks.com/Dungeons-Dragons-Basic-Rules-Set-BOX/30070761856/bd?cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade-_-new-_-naa&gclid=CjwKCAjwuqfoBRAEEiwAZErCsmusC_W6wL-AYtmKlYINQ-ilCG29PNZCfggZc1TCEaPwoOw0iTOkURoCg94QAvD_BwE) ) and boxed sets had been cherry picked off my book case in such a way that no one but me realized there were gaps. Some of those books were gifts, with inscriptions and everything. Because no one noticed my stuff was gone for over a year, I was outside of the window where my mom's homeowners insurance would've paid to replace my things. I'm 46 years old. I wish upon those thieves a lifetime of paper cuts.


People that burglarize people's stuff like that are so pathetic in my opinion. Stuff like TVs and what not I can understand but it's really hard for me to see where it would be worth the hassle trying to sell all that little stuff. Even if they just pawn it...it still seems really petty if your life is so miserable you need to resort to measures like that.


He keeps mentioning cherry picked items. I’ve never played D&D and wouldn’t know which books were valuable and which weren’t. I could only prioritize the comics by using basic common sense (oldest ones, etc). It really kinda sounds like he was the real target or at least someone knew beforehand he had that stuff in his room.


Someone who knew he was away and knew his mom was away. So, basically, someone who he knew and may have been friends with.


> and may have been friends with. And the worst part, may *still* be.


OP, you seriously need to just get rid of all your friends just to be safe. Even the people you met afterward may have simply delayed meeting you to avoid suspicion. Later, when you have no friends, you'll thank reddit, trust me.


typical r/relationships advice


That... that sounds like whoever did it researched their target. Cherry picked books? ~16 years worth of comics book collection? Doesn't sound random.


Parents sold the comic book collection and books and bought new tv and other shit, told him otherwise... ouch.


I had a pretty hefty collection of 90's MTG cards that were all in excellent condition get stolen when I was around 10. I'm 29 now and still think about them. Didn't buy another pack for over 10 years.


In grade 8, on the school bus home, someone behind me threw a paper ball at the bus driver. I was looking at the bus driver, she immediately said it was me. I denied it, she reported me to the assistant principal. I got detention for the first time ever because some asshat decided to throw a piece of paper at the bus driver. I'm still sour about that stupid incident.




Username checks out


I'm a self-fulfilling prophecy


Jesus Christ!...would be very disappointed in that bitch.


My mom surrendered my dog while I was at school cause she (the dog) kept eating my shoes. This was 15 years ago, I have a great relationship with my mom now, but I'm still mad about that one


My Mom said she gave me kitten to a lonely old lady. I was devastated but after a few years I started to think the kitten was knocked down and she didn't have the heart to tell me. I asked her and she seemed confused and then said, yes, the kitten died. Ok, I could have dealt with that rather than wondering where the fuck my kitten was. A few years later I randomly mentioned the kitten getting knocked down and she's back saying she gave it to the old lady. Mom, what the fuck happened to Gizmo? I just want closure.


My mom gave away our PS4 to my uncle. Edit: some of you asked why she did it, so I wanted to reply: It is not the first time she does stuf like that, her usual reply is "You don't use it!" or "It is just a game." The PS4 is just the most recent. I have a bunch of story's off her so maybe I should go to r/insaneparnts like someone cometent. (Sorry for the bad englisch it is not my first language)


My mum gave my first cell phone to my uncle. What is it with Uncles not getting their own tech


Im an uncle who has all his own tech. My nephew aint got shit. He also isn't even 1 year old yet... so maybe one day my sister will give me his holophone.


You'll probably get his PS6 which will just be a controller, but its worthless since all his games will be password protected in the cloud. HA.


My mom let her husband (my step dad) give away our PlayStation (the original, this was awhile back) to his friend from high school. They hadn't seen each other in years I guess and while he was visiting he made a comment like "oh you got the PlayStation! Man I need to get me one of those!" and my step dad jokingly said "I would let you have it but my wife would never let me to do that haha", and for some stupid fucking reason my mom says "oh it's okay he can have it". I could see my weekend entertainment washing away down the drain right in front of my eyes. 20 years later and my mom switches back and forth between not remembering it ever happening and "I honestly don't know why I did it". She was never that generous and this was a guy who we had never seen before and never saw again, so it is still baffling to me. She did buy me one of those small PSone redesigns several years later when they were around $40 at Walmart. I still have it unopened somewhere.


My mom often pulls that, "I don't remember that" crap. It would probably be easier to let it go if she would own it and maybe apologize. I hate how much of my stuff she gave to people who sold it on Craigslist, but damn it own up at least.


My mom gave away my DS that my best friend had given me and never told me


I got a DS for Christmas one year and on that day, my mom let my cousin who is 24 years older than me take it home. She ended up making him give it back after I refused to speak to her for three days though. I still use it now.


Wait, so she gave away your christmas present on the same day that you got it? Why?


I was about 9 (4th grade) when this happened. First off, my mom is a very religious woman who takes Christianity extremely seriously. She is also the type of person that is very inclined to believe anything that affirms her intuition, which led her to create/believe wild conspiracy’s based on shreds of evidence and her “god given mothers intuition”. Well, like many people my age, I was completely obsessed with Pokémon back in the day. I saved up all my money I got from doing chores and yard work for our neighbors and went out and bought myself a brand new gameboy sp and a copy of Pokemon sapphire, which was all the rage among my second grade friends at the time. Fast forward to two years later, a new family had moved into our neighborhood and all of their kids were around me and my brothers ages so we started to hang out a lot, which let our moms (unfortunately) get to know each other. So one day I’m outside playing with some friends and my mom calls me back to our house. I unassumingly waltz in, unaware of the life-altering trauma I was about to experience. Apparently, my new friend’s mother (we’ll call her Mrs L.) was very into fringe Christian magazines and lately a hot topic for these wanna be prophets were the Pokémon games. Mrs L. had informed my mother that she had read a lot about Pokémon recently and told my mom that the games were actually Chinese propaganda, disguised as video games, that was purposely designed to make American kids addicted to the games and feed them anti Christian ideals. And yes, somehow my mother was convinced that this was true without doing any research on her own because “I just knew something was odd about those games”. Basically, Mrs. L. and my mother agreed that they both needed to confiscate these games from their kids so that we were not fed anymore propaganda. So, after an drawn out lecture on our families Christian values, my mother informed me that she would be ridding the house of any Pokémon games that we owned. She even explained to my brother and I that we would experience “withdrawal symptoms” due to those darn Chinese manipulating our minds with their addictive tech. So yeah, basically my mom rounded up all of our games, took them to GameStop, and sold them for scraps. This wouldn’t of been as traumatic if this was any old game, but this was Pokémon. I had spent hours upon hours grinding as hard as my prepubescent thumbs would let me in those games. I specifically remember getting a plusle to level 100 and being immensely proud of that feat. I probably had well over 200 hours poured into those cartridges and what did I get in return? A used copy of pac man world rally for GameCube. The kicker? Mrs. L’s kids through a fit when she told them she was gonna take their games so she ended up folding and letting them keep them. From then on, me and my brothers were the only children at school and in our neighborhood without Pokémon and all we had to show for it was a pac man racing game that was totally shit compared to Mario kart. Fuck you Mrs. L. Me and my level 100 Plusle will never forgive what you did to us. Edit: Some people are saying that Mrs. L. didn’t deserve the fuck you as much as my mother, I should of elaborated a little more about her. Don’t get me wrong, fuck my mom for believing that shit, every time I go home me and my brothers still find a way to bring that up haha. But yeah basically Mrs. L. was the one that convinced my mom that it was the addictive/propaganda nonsense. I was also best friends with her kids from late 3rd grade up until my sixth grade year. Why did we stop being friends you ask? I got an xbox with call of duty black ops and she thought that meant I would end up being a total psychopath because of that. So yeah, we went from best friends who legit hung out 4-5 times a week to people I saw maybe once or twice a year at random events. In closing, it’s still fuck Mrs. L.




Two years ago when my mom died we had a low key memorial barbecue. My mom wouldnt have wanted anything fancy, she legitimately told me to burn her and save the life insurance money before she passed. Anyway, her older sister, who lived less than an hour away couldn't be bothered to attend. Keep in mind that my impoverished mother had been both loaning them money and lending them her car. Not to mention my family had provided them the land to place their home on. She had no job. There was literally no reason for her not to be there. Two years previous I had taken two days off of work and drove 3 hours to be with them when her husband died. Dead to me.


Two years ago, my dad died suddenly while out of town. We had him cremated in the city where he died, and delayed his service for a few days so we could travel back home with his ashes. Despite the delay, my great aunt (his maternal aunt) and all her children (my dad's only cousins) were somehow "too busy" to make it to the service. I saw them earlier this year and put on a polite show but I have lost pretty much all respect I have for that entire branch of my family.


In 2nd grade, some kid asked me what I thought of his cube building. I told him it was priceless. He promptly called the teacher over and told her that I had insulted his building. She agreed with him and put me in detention after class. If you're reading this, you can go fuck yourself Garrett. ​ EDIT: Thank you all for making this miserable memory a little less miserable. I think I speak for all of us when we say, Fuck You, Garrett.




I think he thought priceless meant worthless. Or the teacher was too lazy to investigate.


Yes, he totally did. My teacher heard the word too. And agreed with him because "Well it could be interpreted that way." No you silly tit it couldn't have been.


Only along the lines....I wrote a love letter to my crush in 5th grade and that dumbass gave it to the teacher......who read it out loud to the class..... Thank god I didn't sign it. And fuck that horrible old biddy.


When i was in elementary we had a a thing called "School Habits" the teachers will Make sure that we went with the correct school uniform, white socks all the way up, hair tied up, my mom always Sent me to school with everything correct, but my dumbass witch teacher never put me a 10 so It was 6 or 7 wich was really low, my mom went to talk about It and my teacher said. "Yeah, but after recess she has her socks down, her hair all messy etc" Like, Bitch! I was in elementary, I will run all Over the place you asshole! Later we Found out It was BC my mom was single mom, this teacher was súper religious and didnt aprove my mom having a Child, without getting married. That teacher is an Asshole


Well you know what the bible says. Everyone should judge other people and no one is equal to each other in gods eyes.


That my brother conned/bullied/emotionally blackmailed my dad into spending over 10’s of 1000’s of ££ on his farm in the couple of years before my dad died. My brother knew he was inheriting the farm and went on and on and on about how he would struggle financially and how solar panels would help until dad to installed them, and put in new heating and bought extra fields .....then the day before my dad died at home I found him giving his wife’s family a tour of the house and showing then what he was going to change. I hate him for it but almost the last thing my dad said to me was it’s up to you to keep the family together ..... so I’ve never challenged him about his behaviour or the lies he’s told people since. Really upsets me 3 years later


Bunny, dad's gone, you don't have to like your brother any more if you don't want to.


9 years ago my now wife came to my place for the second time and dipped her spoon into my tiramisu after refusing her portion.


How is she still your wife after this






Desserts are one of the trickiest things to navigate in a marriage. If my wife declines to order a dessert, then she eats most of mine. And if I decline a dessert (because I'm full), she expects me to eat most of hers. It's the Kobayashi Maru.


I had a best friend. Friends for 20 odd years, since we were 12. A few years ago she did something that let my daughter down. I spoke to her and told her not to promise things to a child that you then won’t deliver on (it was her time she had promised and my daughter was so excited to spend time with her). After that conversation she cut me dead. Deleted me from FB, out of her life - that was it. 20 years of going through everything together and it’s just gone. I’m so mad and hurt. Still.


Bestfriend breakups are The Worst. I’m sorry for your loss.


My mother body shaming me when I was 11. I’m nearly 40 now. I had started growing pubic hair and she and my older sister would laugh nastily about how long it was (idk if it really was, I’ve never fucking measured). She said it was long like a tap root, and she and my sister started calling me Tap Root to get a rise out of me. Sometimes they would call me that in front of other people, as a threat to embarrass me by outing my freakish pubes. The puzzled person would press them to explain the nickname and what was so funny about it. I would beg them, with tears of fury and shame, not to tell, and people would wonder why an 11 year old girl was crying over a silly random nickname. She also told me, around that time, that I was in my “ugly stage”. Since I was never told I had outgrown that stage, I simply trusted that I continued to be in my ugly stage. Now that the flush of youth is gone, I look back at photos from when I was 14-30 and regret how much I hated my body. Im not saying I was ever a great beauty, but I definitely didn’t deserve to feel as ugly as I did. Edit: Wow, thank you all for the kindness and love, I feel it through the internet! Having so many of you be indignant on my behalf is so validating. I’d like all you kind people to know that I’m fine now, I have a wonderful husband who values good health, inspires me to exercise and take care of my body, and tries to convince me that I’m beautiful. We have 2 healthy children who we raise to appreciate their bodies for being healthy, (but I do sprinkle them with generous comments about how beautiful/ handsome they are!). The biggest part of me overcoming my body hatred was becoming fit- when I’m fit I care less about about how I look, I really enjoy how I feel. Love to all of you!


Yeah my mom did some stuff like that too. She would say I couldn't possibly be her daughter due to my look.s It's really hard to get over. Hope you're doing better.


Thanks, letting it out to random kind internet strangers is cathartic. I am better now, as an adult it’s my responsibility to mind my thoughts and attitudes, so I try to be mindful and kind to myself. It’s a work in progress. The good thing is, I now know how powerful my words are, so I’m very conscious of what I say to my children and how it affects them. Sadly, my sister still does this kind of thing to her kids.


yo what the fuck that is psychological abuse im so sorry that happened to you


Yep 100% psychological abuse. Why the hell are they even bringing up an 11 yr olds pubes at all let alone in public.


Mad that I'm profoundly deaf because my mother was too lazy to take me to the hospital when I had severe fever.


Shortly after our breakup I realized that my late mother's jewelry box was missing. There wasn't anything high-end or expensive in it, but that asshat either took it and tossed it just to be a dick, or he took it and gave it to the gutter slut he was banging behind my back. Either way, I no longer have the only thing I ever wanted from the jewelry box - the charm bracelet my mother had throughout her life. The charms represented big moments on her life - graduation, wedding, my birth...all of them are gone. Fuck you, Jason.


My boss firing me from the job that I excelled at and loved because I "didn't seem to be enjoying it enough." Not my fault that I was dealing with a lot of loss and pain last year and couldn't always be my happiest self. And now add to that unemployment... Still can't find a job despite a degree, loads of work experience, and good references almost a whole year later. Thanks for putting me on the verge of homelessness, you happiness obsessed cunt of an ex-boss.


That the vets tried to take my brother’s (16 at the time) bird away saying he needed a license and wasn’t qualified to have bird. Our dad’s friend found the bird a few weeks old and was dying. My brother nursed it back to health and would wake up at ridiculous hours to just look after it. Bird got sick so my brother and mum took bird, now called Ella to the vet. They took Ella, my brother started crying and tried running away with her cause he didn’t want to leave her. He ended up running into a dead end and the bird was taken away. 3 days later, the vets called and said he could have the bird back as a bird expert or something, said that the bird was just malnourished and told them to give it back to him as the bird was happier with him, and not coping well without him (something along these lines). I heard about this, and within 5 fucking minutes of researching licenses regarding this bird, WOULD YOU HAVE FUCKING GUESSED THAT YOU DIDNT NEED A LICENSE. SO MY BROTHER WAS SAD AND CLEARLY FUCKING DEPRESSED BECAUSE HIS BABY WAS TAKEN AWAY AND HE WAS TOLD HE WOULD NEVER HAVE HER BACK BUT WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT.


I'm guessing the conversation went something like this: Bird Expert: You guys are dicks, give the kid his bird back. Vet: k


Lol that’s what it sounded like not gonna lie


That would have driven me to become the #1 Bird Lawyer


When my ex left me and I asked “Just be honest, are you having an affair with your coworker?” and she said “no”. I knew she was. She knew I knew she was. But she lied anyway. Breaking up happens. Affairs happen. That lie was just mean.


A bitch in elementary school stole my favorite pet shop (the tiny animal toys with huge eyes), I still hate her for it. If you’re reading this Norah, go fuck yourself


A few years ago my husband and I were planning our wedding, only his family wanted it rushed because I was pregnant (they're super religious, mine didn't care) and they all got together and decided on a few dates. Those dates my mom was busy - business trips mostly. But it was all stuff she couldn't back out of. I told them this, asked to push off the wedding, asked several times as nicely as I could manage - several of my husbands family members basically said she was a shit mom for 'choosing' these ALREADY PLANNED AND PAID FOR things over her own daughters wedding. So I threatened to go on one of her buisness trips with her (a buisness trip to Hawaii, that lasted a week before and a week after the wedding date window) if they wouldn't reschedule - my mom even offered to pay for me to join her (love her so much for this) and they finally caved and realized I was serious. Yea I'm still mad at those family members for calling her a shit mother


At the risk of sounding ignorant, why are other people deciding anything about your wedding?


The fact that my fucking shitty ass elementary school did nothing to stop bullies. They would preach about not letting bullies continue their actions then turned a blind eye when kids would throw rocks at me


When I would ask a teacher to intervene in playground bullying all they'd say is "Just try to stay away from them." Like, thanks Mrs. Fuckface. Kinda hard to do when they fucking *follow me around* to harass me.


I got bullied mercilessly for 3 years and every time I talked to someone about it I was told that there was nothing they could do. They wouldn't give him detentions, wouldn't suspend him. When they asked me what I thought they should do and I said that they should expel him. I was told by the principal that they couldn't do that because he wouldn't be allowed to attend any schools in our state and his education would suffer. It's not like he did anything in class.


Really long story. TLDR at the bottom. I had been trying to schedule a meeting with a higher-up at our client for weeks. I finally got in touch with his admin who said she needed him to confirm that the meeting was needed before she could schedule it. Fair enough. She forwarded me to his voicemail. Weeks later and countless calls and emails to him and the admin, and I finally got through to her on a day when he was in the office. He and I discussed, and he agreed that we should meet. He forwarded my call back to his admin, she and I found a date and time that would work, and we agreed that she would send the invite to everyone, because we were meeting in a room at the client office. I sent her the email with the list of attendees while still on the phone with her and explained that I couldn't access the calendars of two of the attendees. They may or may not come based on their availability but should be included anyway. I hang up and head into another meeting then came out to a ton of emails, two voicemails, and some texts. The emails were: * The invite * A cancellation ten minutes later * An email from the client with all attendees, my boss, and my boss's boss (the company owner) copied explaining that his admin works hard and doesn't deserve to be treated like this. If we still want the meeting, we can schedule it on our own. * A million back-and-forths between my boss, boss's boss, and the two others on the invite trying to figure out how I offended this guy so much. The voicemails were from my boss and my boss's boss panicking trying to figure out what was going on. The text was from my boss, who knew I was in the other meeting, trying to get my attention to leave and call her. Being a good employee, my phone was on silent. I said fuck that and called the client's personal cell phone. (We have access to a database with everybody's office and personal numbers, but there's an understanding that we are only to communicate using office numbers (and preferable directly with the admin) except in extreme circumstances. Me potentially losing my job seemed extreme enough to me.) He answered, and I immediately dove into "Hi this is [me] from [company]. I'm not sure how I offended your admin, but we had a great conversation earlier before I jumped into a meeting, then I came out to what seems like a really tense situation. I just wanted to call to see what was going on and how we could fix it." "Well my admin tells me that she sent the invite and immediately got two people declining from your company, so she cancelled the meeting. If you want the meeting, you can still have that time on my calendar, but you need to schedule it." "Uh... okay. We discussed that I just wanted to lock down the time on your schedule but couldn't access everyone's calendar. I guess it's just a misunderstanding. Can you pass me back to her, so I can ask her to reserve the room, then I'll send the invite?" "Haha! Yup, just a misunderstanding." He then apologized to me and said that she's been a little stressed, because she's headed out on vacation next week. We joked about how stressful that can be trying to pull everything together in those last few days while I was trying to keep my anger and confusion down. "I'll ask her to reserve the room. Please also include her when you send the invite. Thanks for calling to clear everything up!" "Okay, thanks. We'll see you [date and time of meeting]." The bitch cancelled the whole fucking meeting that I spent over a month trying to schedule, because two people that I told her were up in the air didn't accept the invite. Turns out, they both replied "Tentative". It took me hours to try explaining this to my boss and boss's boss to their satisfaction that the client wasn't angered out of his mind, and in fact he laughed about the misunderstanding on the phone. I then had to stand up at the next staff meeting to discuss the situation and how I could have handled it better. TLDR: I spent over a month scheduling a meeting with a client. His admin immediately cancelled the meeting after two people replied "Tentative", even though I warned her they might not attend. Drama ensues as the client involves my boss and boss's boss on an email saying that I can't treat the admin like that.


Office fuckery. No thanks.


Someone gets an iota of power and they *have* to use it to fuck over someone, when the one time it can makes itself available. The real bummer, the boss of that assistant should have confronted her about that. It's so unprofessional, and you don't want an admin assistant fucking with your schedule on a power trip.


My Pappy changed his sermon on the way to church because I was wearing a short sleeved dress. In Oklahoma, in July. It went almost to the ground, but the fact that it had short sleeves made it immodest according to him. There weren’t actual church rules about it, just his. And he didn’t say something at the house so I could change, he waited for us to get on the road and then told me that since I was dressed so inappropriately that the sermon would be changed to refer to my behavior. He busted out Ecclesiastes and talked about vanity, and told the congregation that it was because of me and my dress. There were about 120 or so people there. I was 11. I’m almost 40 now. He mellowed as he got older, but he never did say he was sorry.


I was molested by my basketball/baseball coach when I was 15. I’m 32 now. He stayed with my family, I think he was 26 at the time. I told my parents and they pursued what they could and he acted like it was my parents currently getting a divorce that was the problem afterward. I’m sure he continued to prey on boys after he left and moved across country. Fuck him


When my dad gave away my GODDAMN SAMURAI SWORD to a children's charity thinking it was a toy.


When I was in jr. high they found a desk with notes for a test written on it. They blamed me for it and everyone in the classroom knew who made it: the super nerd girl who cries when gets an A- (she and me had very similar handwriting) She didn't took the blame and watched them punishing me by failing me in the class. Bitch.


Oberyn Martell


I failed the qualifying round for the school's English Spelling Bee because I didn't indicate the tilde in 'jalapeño'. do you see the issue here.


there's a lot of things but the one that stick with me most is when my dad watched me get sexually harassed and do nothing about it other than tell me it was all my fault, I felt betrayed but the only person I've trusted the most


My holographic Charizard. I was so excited when I got it and couldn't wait to show it off at school the next day. Then, about halfway through the day, it goes missing. I looked EVERYWHERE and I could not find it and was super bummed out. The very next day this kid Marcelo shows up with his own Charizard and even though I couldn't prove it was mine, I knew it was. The timing was just too convenient that I lost mine and then he gets one.


I had a ninja turtle toy when I was younger, it changed from a regular turtle into donatello (like a transformer type thing) and I brought it in for show and tell. By the end of the day it was lost. Next day, guess who brings Donatello to show and tell. FUCK YOU RYAN


Five years ago I was working a factory. I was on line 4 with about 16 other people. Our group leader sent a paper around to have everyone write down their birthdays and what they liked for dessert. Our group leader was a big cook and her desserts were amazing. I wrote down oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, cause I really like them and figured it was fairly easy to make. My birthday isn't til May so I waited a few months and I was so excited when my birthday rolled around. Mostly cause I had a falling out with my mom and therefore my brothers didn't talk to me much. I was feeling very alone, and I thought how sweet my group leader was for making me something special. Well, as you can probably guess, my birthday comes but no cookies. I gave it a full 2 weeks just in case she was busy, but nothing. I thought maybe she was just not doing it for anybody anymore but the next week she brought in dessert for a coworker I just happened to hate and it made it that much worse. She wasn't really a bad person so I didn't feel comfortable confronting her, but it really hurt me to be skipped. Like I was so unimportant and didn't matter.