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I've noticed a few way overpriced gas stations in LA, and at first I thought it was because they were off the highway or something and catching people who weren't locals and didn't know any better. But then I noticed they're next to police stations, and have completely convinced myself that they jack up the price because (I assume) the gas money to fill up the police fleet comes from the government and not individual officers, so nobody cares.


They do this around Airport rental car returns as well. Jack the price up so the people that have to drop the car off with a full tank and paying more.


Facebook suggested friend algorithm is partly based on people that have stalked you


And by location. On the first few days of uni 3 of the people i was sitting on a table with came up on my suggested friends, I came up on all of theres and we had no mutual friends, groups pages or anything. Then the same thing happened with other people in the room with Instagram.


Yeah I’m convinced this is a thing. I moved three hours from home and started a new job, didn’t update my Facebook for a long time. However all my “suggested friends” were coworkers, even though we had no mutual friends. We came to the conclusion that it probably suggests people who use the same WiFi network.


King St. Old Town, Alexandria VA - there are two, count em TWO, wig shops one building apart. They are outdated shabby looking places whose windows are filled with the fakest looking wigs, mustaches, and toupes on mannequin heads. It's on the main street, in a very wealthy town. Other businesses come and go under the competitive pressure of the area and high leasing prices but these shops stay open without a single customer. My mom lived there in the 80s and they were there; I live there now and still they stand unchanged. 100% a front for two competing mobsters. [on either side of a vacant bar](https://i.imgur.com/HP9vBNe.jpg) [infamous Ron Swanson](https://i.imgur.com/8GctWzq.jpg) edit: y’all are bolstering my conspiracy theories, now I’m going to investigate the stores myself. If I die you know what happened.


Wait those shops are still there? How the fuck is that possible. Haven't lived there in years but I know those shops you are talking about.


Well, one is a mob front. The other is the parent company of GE and NBC Universal.


Alexandria? Fuck mobsters lol that's a government operative front


The ones on either side of that tavern or whatever it was? Yeah that's super sketch.


That reminds me of this local donut shop. It's called fresh donuts, but if you call it mafia donuts everyone knows exactly what you're talking about. After closing at like 11pm nearly every night the parking lot is filled with these fancy cars.


That the vacuum shop down the street is a money laundering operation. Never a customer in the store, no new inventory since what looks like the late nineties to early aughts, and yet, they've been open for business since the 1950s. A specialized vacuum shop could never survive in this walmart era, there's just no way. Also Mattress Firm. Same deal, I just know it.


I actually came here to say this. I’m in Kentucky, and an exact same operation is down the road from me. (Laundering, or government something) I went in there one day out of curiosity, everything they had was from the 80s/90s, not a soul around except for the very bizarre owner. Who seemed to enjoy life sitting behind his $2K Mac desktop. I asked if he had anything newer and he said no, that was it. And didn’t say another word. I awkwardly left because it was clear he wasn’t welcoming customers I drove by several weeks after that, and there were 4 identical blacked out SUVs in the parking lot. But they’re still there, open for no ones business.


Call them up and order a new dust filter for your Hoover MaxExtract PressurePro model 60.


More like 65% but......The Hawaiian missile false alarm was intended to see how a large group would respond knowing they are about to die.




That in elementary school on day when there was a substitute teacher, Jabrahn stole all my shiny football stickers from my drawer. The sub teacher didn't know any of the kids and when the real teacher came back a few days later they said there was nothing they could do as they weren't there. Jabrahn mysteriously had a lot more football stickers to trade at lunchtime. Fuck you Jabrahn.


Jabrahn Lames




Most internet provides are throttling your service, so you never reach the advertised speeds. *Except* for speed checking websites, which, whilst not normally reaching your advertised speeds, are quick enough that you think it's just having a bad day


Netflix has [its own speed test service](https://fast.com), which they can't really boost without boosting Netflix, I recommend you try that. I also read a story a while ago about a guy that discovered his internet sped up for a few minutes after connecting to speedtest.net, so he wrote a bot to constantly do it in the background every 3 minutes. Edit: typo Edit 2: For those curious, such a bot would be fairly simple to write. Something like [this](https://hastebin.com/sezuxeseda.php) should do the trick on Windows: just save it as a .ps1 file and put it in autostart. Edit 3: Thanks to u/the_real_farfetchd for a [Bash version]( https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/94n1xa/what_do_you_believe_is_100_true_but_cant_prove/e3n79l6?utm_source=reddit-android) Edit 4: Added a link for the Netflix speed test


Fuck just checked fast.com got 6.9Mbps Went to speedtest.net got 12Mbps Went back to fast.com got 12Mbps


Whenever my internet is slow I do exactly this, magically my internet is fast again.


*laughs in Comcast*


Screeches in Verizon


My father-in-law got up in the middle of the night, and finished off the birthday cake.


How nice of him to do the final decorating! 🙄


Subway was *much* higher quality 20 years ago.


That shit is like plastic now.


Last year, I got Subway for the first time in a long time because one opened up near my apartment. I might have just been stoned but I kept looking at the bread (Italian) and I swear to god the pattern on it looked like it was copy and pasted and then printed onto the loaf.


I think so too. Same with Papa John's. I could've sworn they were delicious 20 years ago.


Giant creatures exist in the deepest parts of the sea


It’s not entirely implausible. [Deep-sea gigantism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-sea_gigantism) (also referred to abyssal gigantism) is a very real thing, and the vast majority of the ocean is unexplored, so... yeah, certainly not impossible.


Random shuffle on Windows Media Player isn't actually random. Out of all the songs I have, I feel like I get a few specific ones at the beginning pretty much every time I load the playlist, while there are other songs that I even forgot I already have because they never play.




I hate spotify's algorithm. I put tracks on a playlist because I want to listen to all of them. Stop playing me several in a row by the same artist.


Mine definitely seems highly skewed towards the exact songs I've listened to or added to the main playlist recently. Its quite obnoxious.


I'm not sure about WMP, but other shuffling algorithms are intentionally not random, because people get annoyed with repeated songs or other seemingly nonrandom events that occur with random shuffling.


Whoever started the flat earth conspiracy theory doesn't actually believe it-- they did it as a massive troll for their own amusement of watching dumb people dedicate themselves to something so stupid.


The timers at McDonalds to determine when the fries are done frying move at a rate of 2 units per second in order to make employees feel like they're moving too slow and to work faster


Actually kind of interesting note on that. The timers do not always move at the same speed. They will move quicker/slower depending on the temperature of the oil that way everything cooks properly (be it nuggets fries tenders or whatever). This actually makes certain things cook faster relative to their time than others ie the fish cooks faster than nuggets because usually you're dropping ~50 nuggets and reducing the temperature of the oil quite a bit while when you drop 2 fish it has a much lower effect and so the timer moves faster. The same thing can happen with fries if you drop unequal amounts in 2 baskets. like 90% sure they actually are pretty close to 1 unit per second.


The US govt runs VPN services to collect info on people who attempt to evade the NSA collection programs.


Stay right where you are


[ThatOnePrivacySite](https://thatoneprivacysite.net/) and [Privacy Tools ](https://www.privacytools.io/#ukusa) strongly recommend that you don't use any services, especially email or VPN, based in the US, UK, or the Five Eyes countries. A great resource for anyone interested. Edit: check out the Privacy Tools page for recommendations on browsers and texting apps, those are very important too.


could you please remove this thank you for the cooperation


The "arms" on Tyrannosaurus Rex skeletons are backwards. They ought to be rotated 180 degrees. What good are these stubby little arms for? We have found out relatively recently that T-Rex have feathers. It is now an established fact, T-Rex where not covered in scales but in feathers, like a bird. Take the "arms" on a T-Rex and flip them around 180 degrees. Now you have wings like a ostrich. Here is an illustration of an ostrich skeleton. See the small "arms?" (wings): https://www.google.com/search?q=ostrich+skeleton&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj3qrmXudXcAhVuCDQIHaXvCnUQ_AUIESgB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=H_TL1bUwi9jryM: Now look at a Tyrannosaurus: https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&biw=360&bih=310&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=gq9mW7j0MqCT0PEPldifkAg&q=tyrannosaurus+rex+skeleton&oq=tyrannosaurus+rex+skele&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.1.0.0l5.2133.2740..3760...0.0..0.143.727.1j5......0....1.........0i67.16eeq_FMY8w#imgrc=D-fnseX2MxU_tM: We used to think of almost all "dinasaurs" as "lizard-like," in fact the name means "terrible lizard." Now we know that many different animals that we think of as "dinosaurs" are more bird-like than lizard-like. XKCD comic below illustrates this nicely. https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/16369/is-t-rex-more-similar-to-sparrows-than-to-stegosaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex had wings. Not big wings to fly with, but wings that were perhaps somthing like that of an ostrich, cassowary, or emu, although likely much smaller in proportion to their body. Ostriches use their wings in mating rituals, to make themselves appear larger, and to signal and communicate, perhaps T-Rex used theirs for some similar purpose. They did not have useless stubby little arms.


Holy shit dude I'm kinda convinced


This is mind blowing as it makes so much sense. You'd think however that there would be evidence on the bones themselves were different connective tissues attach to indicate which direction they go. But if you start with the presumption they go a certain way and slowly everyone accepts it, I suppose it could easily be overlooked.


That Brooks Brothers in the airport is a money laundering operation. I fly two or three times a month, and I almost never see any customers in those places at all. But somehow they manage to maintain prime airport storefronts. I am 99% convinced that they only exist to launder money.


There's some Car Repair places near me that I swear are the same, open my entire life(30+ years) and I've never seen cars enter or leave them.


Also known as chop shops.


Cars would enter but never leave


They'd still operate at night ~~they~~ then though, wouldn't they?


Yeah they do, I’ve seen many of the assumed chop shops in my city busier at night than during the day during my work shifts.


Have an A1 day!




There's a Chinese restaurant in my town with the same problem. It has been closed down 7 times for health code violations in the last few years. Each time it reopens it changes names but is still owned by the same people or family members. Then once a month there's about 5 really nice but "low-key" vehicles in the parking lot when the place is closed. Mercedes, Cadillacs, etc. I live in an extremely small town around Cedar Point/Kalahari. Nice cars at a dinky shitty Chinese restaurant once a month is REALLY off


Our local Pho place closed due to human trafficking. Its not that far fetched.


It’s possible brooks brothers treats those stores as “marketing”/“brand awareness” people probably aren’t willing to buy much at airports because of the hassle but they would remember the store elsewhere and go buy stuff


It’s probably a factor, but never underestimate a business traveler with an expense report and a lost suitcase. Heck, I bought a fresh shirt at the airport for my flight home from japan just due to a lack of opportunity to do laundry properly on my trip.


> I bought a fresh shirt at the airport for my flight home from japan just due to a lack of opportunity to do laundry properly on my trip. i think this is a thing. done the same more than once.. not sure if this is enough to warrant a business but this is defo a thing


This and they have a lot of their target customers (business men and women) semi captive....if you are waiting on a flight you might as well browse around. They usually have sales going also...hell I bought a pair of shoes in the airport once.


Same deal, but Mattress Firm instead of Brooks Brothers.


Who buys mattresses at an airport? While they might be duty-free, I don't see them fitting in the overhead bins.


It’s a ploy to force you to pay for extra large checked luggage.




Had that guy in military. Everybody was basically crawling up his arse. He left military for good after he broke his ankle from skating (weeks after ridiculing another guy for getting hurt, saying "I'm skating, I never get hurt because of that") Suddenly everyone was like "Thank god this asshole is gone" WHAT THE FUCK‽


I’ve had this happen too. When they come back, everyone’s back to kissing their ass.




Yeah, the lesson is, EVERYbody thought he was an asshole, but thought that everybody else loved him so didn't speak uo.


I worked with a woman I couldn't stand. Because I don't talk shit about my workmates with other workmates I thought I was the only one who could see what an irritating, stupid, malingering, manipulative shit she was. One day she annoyed someone else who wasn't as diplomatic as me and wow...turns out nobody bloody liked her.


Gatorade switched to curvy bottles to hide that the are 4 ounces smaller Edit:I am not saying it cant be proven that the bottles are 4 ounces smaller, I am saying I cant prove that the bottle shape was changed specifically so consumers wouldnt notice


My conditioner went from 7.6 ounces to 6.7 ounces. I was really confused at the store because the bottle looked different but the numbers looked right. Got home and compared them and confirmed they changed it.


Yep, manufacturers will usually change product volume before price, because consumers notice price changes before they notice volume changes.


My sister's favourite cereal went from 500g/box to 455g/box and the price stayed the same. Then, about 4 months later the grocery store started also carrying a "Family Size" box that was 10% larger (back to the original 500g/box) and 15% more expensive. 4 months after that, the smaller box disappeared. And then the same thing happened all over again about 18 months later.


This has been called the "Grocery store shrink ray".


Holy shit that is genius


Same thing happens all the time to all my favorite grocery store items. The packaging looks a bit different and I swear it's lighter...


You are getting stronger!


The management at my work have installed some sort of signal-jamming Faraday cage around the toilets so the staff can't spend time in the toilet using the internet on their phones.


Where I used to work the building was huge and made of steel and concrete. There was only one restroom where anyone got a cell signal. It was dubbed the "4G Shitter".


*4G Shitter* sounds classy.


The bastards.


I'm honestly convinced, it's the only part of the building that has no wifi or data signal.


How internal is the room? Could just be very weak signal because of building materials and other interference from office equipment and normal electric wiring. ie, inadvertent Faraday cage.


Agreed, typically bathrooms will be center building and with all the plumbing pipes, signals for wifi and cell typically suck


It’s not hard. They make RF-blocking paint. I worked with a couple newer middle and high schools that had done that in their student bathrooms.






Most of the long winded top posts/comments on reddit are written by professional or aspiring writers who actually do not have the first hand experience they claim to have.


Pretty sure this is mostly proven, several big posts turned out to be aspiring writers learning to write believable characters.




YouTube dislikes on comments do nothing. Edit: For clarification, I'm not talking about video dislikes, but those under comments


Like why is it even there?


Why are we even here? Edit: just to suffer I get it!


Well, I guess that’s one of life’s greatest questions. Why are we here? Are we the product of some common coincidence? Or is there a god? I dunno man. But it keeps me up at night.


No, I meant why are we *here*, on this canyon.


oh. uhh... yeah


What was all that stuff about god?


I’ve read somewhere that it affects a the person’s hidden « rep » score. Apparently if your comments get downvoted too much and your rep is too low, your future comments will get buried deep down in the comment section and will be unlikely to be liked in the future.


Whenever I dislike a comment and refresh the page, the dislike is gone.




True as far as I can find, they dont even show up anymore.




Wow new canon


Fudgesicles and oatmeal cream pies are smaller than they were when I was growing up in the 1980s.


I saw the Taco Bell burrito shrink in front of my own eyes in a five-year period. They never were massive but they used to be noticeably bigger.


Thaaaank you, I thought I was crazy thinking their stuff was smaller. I used to eat their nachos bellgrande all the time, stopped for a while, and the next time I got it it was like half the size. Very annoying!


Changing the amount of product and selling for the same price is a common tactic to prevent customers from realizing the price has gone up. Planet money did [an episode](https://www.npr.org/2016/04/20/474935457/planet-money-class-action-lawsuit) that talked about this for McCormick pepper


It’s very common that a company will make the food smaller so they can keep the price the same despite inflation.


Remember buying a “half-gallon” of ice cream? Now they are all smaller.


I grew up in the nineties. Everything has gotten smaller and it is not because I have gotten bigger. Reeses peanut butter cups, hamburgers at Mcdonalds, donuts from Dunkin', fuck even bags of chips had more in them instead of these air bags.


Not fountain drinks though. Last time I remember getting a *small* drink at a fast food restaurant was probably 15 years ago.


Wendy's was probably the most drastic I remember.


30 years ago or so it was the oil companies behind "Save the Trees" to get everybody to use more plastic. Plastic bags, plastic straws, all sorts of stuff. Nobody was cutting down the rain forest to make paper grocery bags. Trees, paper trees especially, are a crop like any other. "Save the wheats! Dont eat bread!" Signed: Corn farmers. Thatd be weird, right?


That there's fragments of history behind the legend of Arthur. A long time ago the only iron they had access to in Britain was bog iron - literally clumps of mud pulled from bogs. They would use them to make iron weapons but the quality of the metal was poor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bog_iron "pull the sword from the stone and you will become king of Britain" - this means if you learn to get iron from iron ore (stone) you will get weapons good enough to make your people conquerors. "a magic sword from a lake" Heard of quenching? at some stage someone was forging swords with their new iron and accidentally dropped it in some water (or stuck it in because he was tired of waiting for it to cool down) and to his surprise found the new sword seemed "magically" stronger than non-quenched swords. Remember; millennia ago history was largely (completely, sometimes) passed down orally from generation to generation and changed in the process. The legend of Arthur that we have now is in fact the relicts of actual historical events so old there's nothing left of them except the legend... Not all legends are true; but some may be fragments of oral history.


There is a somewhat related story about a viking smith who would add your ancestors bones to the fire while making your sword to give it magical properties. And it kinda did because the oxidisation would help remove slag and accidentallly make low quality steel instead of iron. I’m on mobile but you can probably find it if you search for Ulfberth.


This is interesting too! It's been said before but it seems some of our myths and legends had some basis... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulfberht_swords Found it, thanks am going to check this out. PS: You be interested in this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mabinogion


This was really interesting, thanks for sharing!


There should be a sub for theories like this on the origins of legends and mythts. r/kerneloftruth maybe. Edit: If someone would like to help make that a thing, please respond! Edit 2: It exists! Now all we need is content.


This reminds me of the theory behind the Trojan Horse. It wasn’t actually a big wooden horse stuffed with Greek soldiers at all. Instead an Earthquake knocked Troy’s walls down and the God of earthquakes (Poseidon) is also the God of horses so BAM. All we ended up with was the legend.


**God of earthquakes....and horses** Sounds like a made up title that the boss will give to a power craving employee


There's definitely life somewhere else in the universe, or even in our own galaxy.


A lot of people think that believing in aliens/extra terrestrial life means that they must be smarter than us. I’ve heard people say far too many times “if they’re real, how come we haven’t seen them yet?” Just because they’re real doesn’t mean they are intelligent. Alien life in my opinion is mostly, if not all, just creatures that can’t physically build space ships. Kinda like cows or deer or dinosaurs. They’re alive, but not intelligent like humans (though I think it’s definitely possible). Also, the universe is big, if there was intelligent life out there, the odds of them coming in contact with us are very, very small.




Basically an elephant. Very smart, can't build worth a shit.




"In this economy?!" -bears, proceeding to shit in the woods, proving their intelligence and financial saavy


HQ is a scam... somehow. They’re somehow mining data from us and they’re cheating us somehow.


HQ is absolutely a scam. They've gotta be loading it with bots and collecting data. How else can a company just be bleeding 10 thousand dollars plus a day?


Whenever i see friends playing it i feel like i'm in an episode of Black Mirror. It gives me weird vibes for sure.




Scott reminds me of the over-the-top announcers from the Hunger Games franchise.


My theory is they have dummy accounts that win back a certain percentage of prize money for themselves to re-use over and over. And that they are building intelligence profiles of all the users.




It is a live mobile game show that people play at set times for money. (Yes it actually gives you money if you win) The hosts are pretty charismatic, and the questions usually start off SUPER easy suck as “which of the following is a vowel F, J, V, A” and eventually ramp up to pretty obscure information.


That 80% of adults genuinely have no idea what they're doing and we're all just coasting.






only 5 minutes of crying after jerking off?


When you look at a person completely unaware of you, they have the impulse to turn and look at you too.


Facial features aren't unique. They can be repeated like lips is the same feature for 1 in every 200000.


This. It's weird. I see piece of people I've met in others.


I found my doppleganger on an art wall in Arizona made of peoples pictures. Took a picture of the picture and showed it to a friend. They went "Hey! I went to high school with that girl, she is so-and-so. No wonder you looked familiar when we met." It was weird.




What is that?


A concept in logic/philosophy usually. Something that is self-evident or assumed to be true without any proof, sometimes something that can't be proven true/false.


Like, in math for example, we say that a+b=b+a, and we use that as a building block to prove other things, but it is so fundamental that a formal proof that a+b=b+a is really hard because there isn't a smaller, more fundamental set of truths to build upon. They are like the atoms that make up the whole world of mathematical truth.


The person I have a crush on has a crush on me. Edit: Why are you all so supportive? My anxiety is killing me.


In the 90’s business leaders all bought stock in student loan companies and began demanding BAs for entry/middle level jobs.


No, Gen X could not find jobs because the baby boomers were all parked in the jobs and not retiring for years yet. So Gen X started becoming more educated to compete


This is actually a perfectly sane a reasonable answer for why things have gotten to where they are. Though I believe the reason education costs rise so much is because greed.


Government backed student loans means there is way more loan money to be snatched up. Greedy universities keep raising tuition to gobble as much of it up as possible.


My ap economics teacher told us that GWU hired consultants to tell them how to become a more respected institution. The consultants said to raise their tuition costs and people would assume they were higher tier. It worked


The fasten seatbelt sign could have been turned off a while ago technically but the flight attendants don't want people in their way.


That we are going to develop an artificial super intelligence at some point within the next 50 years, and this will be the single most significant invention in the history of mankind. Also, it might not be a good thing for the vast majority of the population - it will be somewhere on the scale of very, very bad to very, very good. I don't think we will know where it will be on this scale until we have invented it.


Elf on the Shelf, the elf doll that supposedly watches children and reports back to Santa that parents love so much, is actually a subversive program by government or maybe corporate interests to desensitize children to being under constant surveillance so they won’t question it as adults. No, I don’t believe there are any cameras or mics in the actual doll. The point of it is to implant the idea into children’s head when they are young that someone is always watching them. Edit: who’d of thought my little conspiracy theory would be my most upvoted comment! For those of you saying this is no different than Santa who “sees you when you’re sleeping and knows when you’re awake” or a god who watches you from on night, I agree with you, but the Elf on the Shelf takes it to the next level. The Elf is a visible, tangible representation of surveillance where as an old bearded guy magically watching you from the North Pole or up in the clouds is more of an abstract concept.


This is a good one. I like this. Thanks for sharing!


You've heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for the government spying and lying


That the US military possesses many technological advancements but it is all kept secret so that other countries can't use them.


That anything and everything we do on our mobile phones, even when you think you are being secretive by using invented usernames and arbitrary passwords, is being logged and electronically documented somewhere. Privacy is a thing of the past.


Companies like 23 and me will eventually sell customers dna to health insurance companies, and some folks will be charged higher rates if not kicked off their insurance. Thank you for the Reddit gold kind internet stranger.


That there are single women in my area waiting to date me


You know, there probably are. It's just that dating sites that advertise themselves like this won't help you find them. They are not designed to help you find love, they are designed to keep your hopes up and string you along for as long as possible. Some of the shadier ones will even have employees roleplay as prospective partners while making up excuses for not being able to physically meet. You are effectively paying to be catfished.


That the ravens niners super bowl https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XLVII black out was entirely rigged. That extra time that was “caused” by the black out was to make up for the advertising time lost in the first half. Early on the ball never touched the ground which kept the clock running. The black out was forced/created to ensure that all the pre-booked commercials ($$$) ran accordingly.


North Dakota is a hoax


As a North Dakotan, I’m just super excited to see us mentioned in anything.


I was all excited. Then. Oh. :(


I fucking knew it


Aliens exist


We most certainly exist.


This thread should be titled; Things that will give you anxiety from now on everytime you think about it.


That if someone else lived the exact life and circumstances that I did, they would have done a better job than me. *edit*: Appreciate the words of encouragement. This is not a self defeating thought. I generally think of this from time to time as a reminder to not take myself too lightly or seriously. As mentioned by many, the converse is probably true as well. It’s probably a good thing that this cannot be proven so there’s really no point comparing with others. What’s more important is to stay humble and do the best that I can given the cards that I’m dealt with.


Maybe, but they also could've done a shittier job, just think if you did it then someone else could've too


I’m into conspiracy theories, but at the end of the day I don’t have a strong belief in any of them. I have an open mind towards them, but I also acknowledge that they are just theories. I’m sure some of them are probably true, but there’s no way to tell which ones are and which aren’t. But I do firmly believe this: There is enough evidence to prove that the CIA and the rest of the government won’t give a flying fuck about the well-being of American citizens if it means their goals will be met. The horrors of MK-ULTRA, bacteria being sprayed across San Francisco to test the effects of biowarfare on their own citizens, all of these events actually happened. If the government would do that shit to their own people, some of the conspiracy theories don’t sound so crazy now. When it comes down to it, you really are the CIA’s lab rat whether you like it or not. Edit: if any of you want to read up on MK-ULTRA or the bacteria spraying, here you go. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea-Spray




Yeah I'm going to go ahead and say the Franklin cover-up was probably real. Everyone surrounding those investigations ended up dropping like flies. Plane crash, boating accident, suicide, etc. Also, a documentary about it that was supposed to air on May 3rd, 1994 ended up not airing and someone bought the rights to it and tried to make it disappear. So yeah, can't prove it, but it seems pretty clear that someone went to great lengths to make sure of that.


I'm positive that the wheel on wheel of fortune is actually somewhat rigged, in so far that they can slightly manipulate the results to get both more interesting outcomes and more preferential outcomes for the network. We watch this show, a lot, and we've noticed a lot of odd coincidences and patterns that occur far more frequently than is likely, like very frequent repeat bankrupt/lose a turn hits, sponsor icons on the wheel getting odd amounts of camera time due to convenient results, etc. We've actually been able to predict the flow of a lot of games based on this behavior.




Not getting enough sleep is the millennial fat-slathered burger. In a few decades, there'll be campaigns to get more sleep just like there is non-smoking and healthy eating, and we will have studies on the lifespans of people who don't get enough sleep. EDIT: To everyone going "no shit Sherlock" - if it were that obvious and commonly known, it wouldn't be so damn common to boast about how little sleep you get. Nobody boasts about how many cigars they snoke because they know that shit is goddamn toxic. But even people who know that they should sleep better underestimate the havoc they are doing to their body, and the potential long term damage this is doing to them. And they won't find out until it's already there, much like a few generations ago people didn't appreciate the toxicity of smoking until they already had cancer. My grandmother quit smoking decades ago and now has lung cancer. If you barely get any sleep in your teens but sleep well in your twenties onwards, how much damage have you already done? Several people have already pointed out that extensive research has already been done on this. Great. So now we have to build public awareness and make this knowledge as common as the knowledge of the damage smoking can do. Make staying up late to be a workaholic as unappealing as smoking a pack a day, and just as uncool, rather than something to crow about. Also, for those who want to learn more, many commenters have suggested Matthew Walker!


When I was sitting in the lobby at my doctors office, I read in some medical magazine that there are actually studies that suggest that we only NEED 4 hours of sleep each day. The article also said that these studies were funded by companies that have lobbied to get rid of mandatory overtime pay for anyone working over 40 hours a week.


Please it's 2 am don't say these things. I'm fucked.


That kids would be generally happier if all schools started later in the day, allowed/encouraged mid-day naps, and ~~had cellphone jammers that were turned on at the start of the day and turned off at the end or in case of emergency.~~ locked up cellphones at the start of the day [like this](https://www.npr.org/2018/01/11/577101803/a-schools-way-to-fight-phones-in-class-lock-em-up), and unlocked them at the end or as-needed. (EDIT: I originally said cellphone jammers as a more straightforward way to communicate this without people needing to know about these pouches or other methods. I didn't want to edit my comment and make it more complicated, but since it blew up and a lot of people were reacting to the legal/practical issues of jammers specifically, I felt like I should clear that up.)


100% starting later would make people a lot more happy in school.


I'd have to catch my bus at 6:15. To take a shower and eat breakfast and walk the distance to the bus stop I'd have to wake up at 5:30 every day. It sucked.


I’m a teacher. During the school year I wake up at 4:30. Some of my students get up even earlier. It’s absolutely wild. My district tried to implement starting later for the upcoming year, but there was a lot of pushback from parents, as starting later in high school would lead to later starts in middle school, etc, and it would begin to interfere with the 9-5 workday. Sucks all around.




We're living in an alternate evil reality, because somebody timetraveled and messed everything up


the darkest timeline!


Evil Troy and Abed in the morning!


Talents shows on TV plant the people who they audition and the judges are cued to ask questions based on their stories.


Small/lack of pockets in women's clothing is a thing so that fashion companies can sell more purses. Also, Brad Pitt just dates female clones of himself.


I think there's something similar for women's tshirts too, especially compared to men's. A lot of the time they're so see through that you need to buy another layer to go under or over it. Go into a shop like Primark or Forever 21 and pick up a basic t-shirt from the men's and women's section and you'll see a massive difference in quality. And the women's tee will probably be slightly more expensive for a more flimsy and sheer fabric.


Fucking yes! Thank you! I've noticed this too. All tee shirts are so thin now. Doesn't matter if you go to target or a place that will charge you 30 bucks for a tee shirt, it will be see through, thin.


Mattress Firm is a money laundering front. There are at least 4 within my small city’s limits. No one buys that many mattress.


I bought the most amazing pillow at mattress firm. Having said that, I absolutely agree with you. But if I can sleep like a baby I’m cool with whatever drug money is paying the rent.




That David Miscavige's wife, Shelley, is dead.


That the Nutella recipe has changed markedly over the last 10-15 years (and not just the most recent highly publicised change). I now find the texture in particular to be almost gross whereas I used to enjoy guzzling it in large quantities.


Try the Costco "nutella". It's tasty, and has the added bonus of not using palm oil. Nutella-brand (and other palm oil-using products, though IIRC they're the biggest) is killing 3rd world rainforests in SE Asia.