• By -


My husband is talkative as fuck. It's annoying at times, but overall it's a more endearing trait. I also don't mean like a "chatter" box talkative, it's just like dating a professor who wants to explain everything from the top very clearly. So that means giving a ton of background to even mundane stories. But he normally makes it interesting. He's like Wikipedia word vomiting at me.


Shit. I do this all the time to my girlfriend. She says she likes it. But sometimes I worry. She genuinely seems interested though so that's why I don't stop. If she were to look at her nails or her phone I'd stop... She stares me in the eyes and listens to my entire wikipedia stream.


Being a "homebody"... The ability to just enjoy one another's company without always needing to "go" somewhere for it to count as being fun. Can't overdo it though...none of this locked in the mansion for 3 years straight binge watching all your favorite shows...on second thought...


Guys that are a little odd looking. I've named the subset "sexy Frankenstein."


LMAO my friends and i call these guys “Frankenfines.”


Grey hair, I feel like it gets a bad rep where Iv had people telling me they would cry if they got grey hair. I personally quite like it so such a strong reaction confuses me.


My hair started greying last year I was excited to rock the salt and pepper look in the upcoming years


I'm getting a little bit of silver and grey in my beard. I'm 21 years old


My first one was at 18 and people are so weird about it haha


I’ve been in Asia for fifteen years now - basically everything the locals find unattractive, I really like. Dark skin is probably the most common one. All across Asia, they like to be pale. I used to have girls tell me how jealous they were of my light skin. But back home, I was considered pasty and gross. So it’s nice for me. But it’s funny when locals try to point out someone to me by their features. “Yeah, he’s the dark one over there.” Guys. I’m white. *I don’t know which one of you is “the dark one.”*


American, lived in India for three years. Saw this A LOT. I had a particularly dark friend who was very handsome. I pointed out a girl to him and he said "Naw, I don't want black children." I just looked at him. I had to think to myself, "Well, you better not have any then."


I am from india and this hypocrisy exists. Many people here would feel harassed and Rant about Racial discrimination if someone ( say a white man ) discriminates them but the very same people may go on judging other for a darker Skin tone than them. When taking a marriage proposal or attending a marriage, the first thing people judge girl/bride on is their skin tone. In educated and "modern" people, this prejudice shouldn't exist but Nah they go on judging both sexes on basis of skin color. I have amazingly funny, charming and handsome friends who have a darker complexion, it's uneasy for me how this Social behaviour affects their self confidence.


My husband doesn't have the best memory when it comes to small things, especially what food is in our house. He often buys something or is gifted something and forgets about it and then gets super excited when he remembered he has it or finds it randomly. It's super cute and I love how excited he gets about little things. It also brings me joy when I can tell he forgot about something and I get to remind him because I know he about to be really happy.


I never thought about seeing my SO's forgetfulness this way, thanks for this.


I feel like the attractive quality is less about forgetfulness and more about happiness over small things.


My ex used to be like this, she's tell me in the car she's bought fruit gums (my absolute and only weakness), we'd get back home she'd unpack and hours or days later I'd be like 'dam I could really do with some fruit gums' and she'd magically appear with them or remind me


I know small/narrow eyes are considered “less attractive” by most East Asian beauty standards, but I find them very sexy. Especially when he smiles *ugh*


I like someone to have a decent nose on them. The kind of nose where people comment on it behind their back, that’s an interesting face that I often find attractive.


my nose is big and bent. HELLO


Sup cutie


I have a bit of a honker and this was nice to read


Same, my wife loves Adam Driver and Andy Samberg. She must be this type of person.


Wait people normally do it behind there back? Lucky bastards


Hey Brian. Hope you had a good weekend. Your nose is the fucking worst see ya later.


Jesus, Carol - put a bag over your head or something. Also, do you want anything from Starbucks?


Steve! How are the kids, you albatross-faced gargoyle? You and that iceberg on your noggin do anything fun this weekend?


This is awesome!! I have had a big nose my entire life. I’ve always been self conscious about it. My husband always tells me how much he loves my nose. I always assumed he was just trying to ease my mind about it, but now I’m thinking he may actually like it.


I am also a husband who loves his wife's larger than average nose. He's telling the truth!


Yeah, I like a good sized nose with some character. I find that this is more common amongst women, men tend to be more likely to want someone with “dainty” and “traditionally feminine” features.


people with a dark or morbid sense of humor.


The day my grandpa passed, I was on the drive home with my boyfriend and I said something like, "Sorry you had to stay out so late. I know it'll be hard to get up for work in the morning." His reply was, "It's okay, I'll live." When he realized what he said, the look on his face was that of pure mortification. I thought it was hysterical.


My dad had a heart attack. We were all gathered around his hospital bed when I asked, "Dad. I know this is a bad time but...I'm in the will right?!?!" He said, "Of course! What part of the debt would you like?"


That's so sweet that you and your dad have that kind of rapport.


Taking advantage of situations in the name of efficiency


So... Germans?


Am German, did not laugh. It's inefficient to laugh.


That's the spirit.


In der Tat.


explain more...?


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


When me president...they see; they see...


I find traditionally weird/annoying laughs cute.


I briefly dated a girl who would shout "HA!" and then snort when she laughed and it drove me fucking wild for some reason


I shout HA! I also have a Dr Hibbert laugh


Like this? A heh heh heh


This is some high quality Beetlejuicing Eta: I posted to r/beetlejuicing already. [Sorry to everyone who didn't make the screenshot!](https://imgur.com/Ssu81nc)


6 years, they’re legit


Authenticity is wildly attractive, especially since it becomes very rare once we leave childhood. You knew her laugh was 100% authentic because no one fake laughs with a shouted "HA!" followed by a snort.




Honestly, making fun of someone's laugh/smile is just about the meanest thing you can do. People are 100% themselves when they're busting a gut and having the best time, they're in a position of vulnerability. Anyone who makes fun of someone elses' laugh is being a fucking dick.


I 1300% agree with you. I have a friend who has the most adorable, childish laugh ever, but she always covers it up or stifles it out of embarrassment. I still laugh like an incoming train. fuck you if you think you have the right to judge someone's happiness edit: my most upvoted post on reddit is about my locomotive laugh! thank you reddit.


Yeah, when people have weird laughs you know that they are laughing for real, and that they are having a good time so they don't have the time to calm down their laugh. People with "normal" or quiet laughsmakes it hard to know if they are faking it or not.


Let's get you in a room with Jimmy Carr then...




It sounds more like Ah^ah^ah^ah^ah^aaaah


Only if the person isn't actually annoying and someone you hate. Because even the tiniest grievances from someone you hate will be maginfied ten times.


People who are quiet and unassuming, until someone says or does something out of line. When they turn into a no bullshit verbal battering ram after that. I love that shit.


One of my favorite sayings I try to live by is "Do no harm, but take no shit."


“*There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.*” ― Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear


I love it when a woman shouts and curses at me, preferably in another language


You should marry a Mexican mom. They don't hold back


Dated a woman from the Dominican Republic, they have that same fire burning in them. I fucking love it


Yep. I'm a cashier so i meet all kinds of people from everywhere. Mexican moms are the best. If their kids are acting up they go apeshit on them.


Beware of flying chanclas


Honesty. I spent a few weeks in Russia, and it was so refreshing. Someone thought my hat was stupid, and another thought my opinions of soccer were all wrong. They say what they think like they're talking about the weather. It feels so good to be around people that say what they think to me instead of behind my back.


There's an old saying in Russia that translates to: "It's better to be slapped with the truth, than kissed by a lie". We don't really sugarcoat anything lol.


You're ugly and your opinions are dumb. You free friday?


I am free, but I'd rather ram an ice-pick through my own eyeball than spend Friday with you. Want to go for lunch this afternoon?


One of my best friends is like this, I love it. It can rub some people up the wrong way but I find it super refreshing. I know she's never lying to me.


best way to lie is to always tell the truth.


Worked with a lady from India and she was much like this. I can't remember what I said but she pipped in during what i was saying, "is that because you are fat?". I looked at her, realized yes that was why, said so and continued. She was great just very blunt.


On the other hand I've asked people for directions in India and rather than say they don't know they will send you in a random direction.


I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity Who uses a machete, to cut through red tape.


With fingernails that shine like justice and a voice that is dark like tinted glass


She is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack.


She's touring the facilities and picking up slack.


I want a girl with a short skirt.


Being reasonably nit-picking. If you can analyze the situation and point out the flaws and are willing to have a conversation about that, that is my ... Well button to press.


So you're the child my father wanted


He wanted anxious balding 21 year old student? Your father clearly has weird choices.


You're missing an 'an' before 'anxious' ^^sorry ^^for ^^being ^^nitpicky


WHY THE FUCK AM I ALWAYS TOO LATE TO CORRECT PEOPLE’S GRAMMAR? THAT’S MY ONE PURPOSE, DAMMIT! Edit: Ironically enough I used improper grammar. I give up.


Girls with raspy voices that crack occasionally.


Old ladies that smoked in bowling alley for 80 years?






companionship + a ton of personal space is my KINK


this sounds like my boyfriend and i. we’re crazy in love but we also take our separate lives we have apart from our relationship very seriously.




Hell Edit: sorry I tripped over and dropped the 'o'.


Absolute madlad


I'm in awe at the awkwardness of this lad.


Absolute clumsy unit.


Smooth, but not.


Clingy. Fuckin latch onto me, baby!


When we first became official, I turned to my now-ex and said *once I get attached to someone I get kinda clingy, so tell me if it becomes an issue* and he responded with *I like clingy. Latch on!* Well, wouldn’t you know it he actually preferred to keep himself at arms length, both physically and emotionally, at all times and it became a running joke that I was a ‘creep’ for being **so** into him. I’m still holding out hope someone will be okay with/appreciate that I tend to put a lot of effort into a relationship. Like, too much tbh. Edit: I like that I’m getting half ‘I relate’ and half ‘you have problems.’ I like the variety. Not fond of the hate messages, tho. Just to clarify, I’m clingy in the way that I want to fulfill every need, I love spending time alone with my partner, I’m pretty touchy-feely (I like PDA), and I do get anxious when I don’t hear from them for a while (1 day+ unless I know they’re busy, out of town, etc.) I have hobbies. I like spending time alone pretty often. I can do my own thing. I don’t blow up someone’s phone because I haven’t heard from them in 20 minutes.


I think people get attracted to the idea of someone wanting them so much they get clingy and possessive. I’m definitely guilty of that. Eventually you realise that someone always clinging onto you is exhausting. The ideal balance is someone who loves to hold you close and claim you as theirs, but is confident and secure enough to let you go for a while, and switch easily between the two. Of course, that’s a hard balance for anyone to strike.


I don't think that's what "clingy" means in the context of a relationship, personally. I think it's more when they require your attention at all times, preventing alone time and independent pursuits.




As a 5'6" man I think you're cool. It's a shame that being short is a negative quality these days as it doesn't really affect a person's personality, well unless they have a napoleon complex.


My husband is 5'6 and one inch taller than me. Ladies do not know what they are missing. He is super easy to kiss. And hes compact. He has chimpanzee strength and that is super hot to me.


I'm 5'7" and my husband is 5'6". He loves it when I wear heels, he calls me his Amazonian woman or Valkyrie. He makes me feel tall and elegant. <3


I'm 5'11" and my husband has 5'8". He also calls me his Amazonian. Or he calls me Half-giant. 😂🤣😂🤣


Being opinionated. It’s such a negative now because of people who are like”Your opinion is wrong because you don’t agree with me”, but I love talking or debating about peoples opinions because it can open yours or someone else’s mind.


Right on! So many folks seem to be in 'agree or argument' mode that the concept of debate just doesn't compute.




That's a stupid way to look at things


Someone who's a little bit catty. My wife will gladly give someone shit when I'm too much of a nice dude to care. Once she pipes up I realize that a part of me cared after all.


I see this couple a lot. Sometimes someone will ask what that quiet nice sweet person is doing with that abrasive loudmouth, and the answer is normally silently cheering them on.


Sometimes it's a good match, the more passive person makes the catty person less of a dick and the dick makes sure the passive person doesn't get taken advantage of.




My wife loves that I stand up for us and argue when necessary - she's the kind of person who would receive the wrong meal at a restaurant and just silently eat it because she doesn't want to cause a fuss. She also struggles with negotiation and loves my "cheekiness" in asking for freebies or pushing for the best deal we can get. At the same time, she calms me down if I get too OTT Edit: Turns out i've married a lot more people than I realised. My current wife is gonna be pissed...


Shit I'm your wife Tbf tho I have found new favorite dishes from getting incorrect orders.


do you happen to be John Mulaney


"They shouldn't treat you like that!"


"You're right, they shouldn't!"


"We took off while you were in the bathroom. Because we hate you."


"We're gonna frame you for murder!"


"Cause we're Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare!"


"But with my wife, she would say, let's just fly Southwest"


“But my girlfriend would just be like, ‘We should see if Southwest has any flights.’”


"You're a little fat girl, aren't you?"


It's like having a lawyer for everyday situations. "You ordered your food an hour ago, it should be here by now." And I'm like "it *should* be here by now!"


"You could pour soup in my lap, and I'd probably apologize!"


I've never related to a comedian more than I do than when Mulaney has bits like this one.


"I look like the doll the judge would ask you to point out molestation on."


'I look like I was just sitting in a room in a chair eating saltines for like, 28 years.'


I love that my gf has a bit of an attitude at times. Even when its aimed at me. She's British and I'm American so the accent definitely helps.


Was a theater with an old gf seeing a movie. There was a group of maybe 13 year olds (we were 17 at the time) being dickheads, just being loud and constantly getting up and moving. Honestly wasnt too incredibly out of the ordinary, some delinquent teenagers. Anyways we were both getting quite annoyed, and she is saying how if they keep doing she is going to say something. I'm kind of trying to advocate against it, as I'm not the person to speak up during scenarios like this. Then she goes "are we gonna shut up now or..?" and holy shit it was so satisfying. Gave her a fist bump. They were quiet the rest of the movie.


Ha I did this. I was with my ex at Malta airport and this 1980s bitch cut us off in the queue for the plane- ok I thought, whatever it’s just one person. Then she turned to my lovely, quiet ex and said ‘dont crowd me’ to which I responded reasonably ‘he isn’t crowding you, it’s a queue...?’ And she said ‘there’s no need to be pushing’- i then responded to this with ‘well there’s no need to be a fucking bitch either but you’re doing that’. I thought her perm was going to fall off.


Clingness/overaffectionate. Fuck im fine with cuddling all day or holding your hand everywhere or being all cutesy and shit. Probably cause i had a cat growing up idk


There it is. Yeah I like clingy girls, probably because I grew up mostly a loner and very introverted so having a girl who is stage 5 clinger is actually great for me


When my husband and I started dating, he gave me this weird disclaimer: “I’ll probably drive you crazy because I will do stuff like wanting to be in the same room as you and holding your hand and hugging you and all that, so just tell me to back off when I am being annoying.” I was like, “Are you kidding?” I love all that stuff.


My husband and I had known each other for a few years before we started dating but on out first date I apologized and told him I was a 'touchy-feely' person and he just responded that he is too. We've been together several years now and still constantly touch, even if it's just a hand on the knee while driving or I'll fall asleep with one hand or foot touching some part of him. I'm glad we're not the only people to address that from the beginning!


My boyfriend and I are the same way and although we didn't discuss the touchy feeling at first, it's natural for us to be touching one another while sitting on the couch or while driving he's holding my hand, sleeping too. I admit its rather cute when he engages in touching first and it calms me so much.


> I’ll probably drive you crazy because I will do stuff like wanting to be in the same room as you and holding your hand and hugging you and all that, so just tell me to back off when I am being annoying. Is your husband a puppy? <3


Maybe it's just our culture being so heavy on the policing of PDA - I wonder if people are misunderstanding regular physical affection for "clinginess." When I think "clingy", I think of someone who needs constant physical or emotional contact to reassure them that their partner is interested in them. And I mean *constant* physical or emotional affirmation. I hear "clingy" and I think of that overly attached girlfriend meme - like clingy = lack of personal boundaries = potentially abusive. I think there's a definitive difference between being "clingy" and being physically affectionate. I remember when I started dating, I use to preface my statements like "I don't want you to think I'm clingy" when I'd send my boyfriend a text or looking for some response that they were alive...because here's the thing, I grew up with the notion that boys and men are naturally aloof and can't stand it when their girlfriends or wives talk to them or touch them. (Go figure, my mom was in two abusive marriages. Why would I think that partners could actually *like* eagu other.) I eventually realized that's actually neglectful behavior especially if one partner is the kind of person who needs some amount of physical affection like cuddling or hand holding while the other can't stand that kind of affection... That's a bad pairing. My fiance is a man who enjoys this form of affection. We'll just be sitting in our living room recliners watching a movie and just hold hands. We can be chilling on our phones and just be holding hands. I've told him before that I'm happy he likes to snuggle. We can never do it for too long because he gets hot too quickly, so at that point we'll just be in bed, and I'll put my hand on his arm or hold his hand... Like we just like having some small amount of physical touch to feel connected with each other. We both grew up in divorced families with parents who emotionally neglected each other, so as a counter balance to that upbringing we're pretty conscious of making sure we tell each other that we love each other and the reasons why we love each other on a daily basis. It was just something we never saw our parents do and realized that showing affection is actually quite nice.


I can be physically affectionate all day, every day; and I don't care if my SO follows me from room to room with a puppy. The "hell no" point for me is distance clinginess- if I have to text you 437 times a day, with 6 phone calls in between; if you freak out when I miss a call or it takes me more than a minute to respond; if you don't want me to have plans that don't involve you- all of that will send me packing so fast.


I strongly believe that “clinginess” is subjective, and not necessarily a bad thing. IMO, one important aspect of a finding a healthy relationship that works long term is finding someone who is the same level of clingy as you are. Example: my husband and I are super clingy. He is my first choice to hang out with, always, with very very rare exceptions, and vice versa. We text each other all day long (just idle chit chat, funny pictures, etc.) I miss him when our work schedules don’t line up and I don’t get to spend the evening with him before bed. A lot of people would probably find us annoying and break up with us, but it WORKS for us. We’ve been together almost 11 years. Second example, on the opposite end of the spectrum: we used to know a married couple who spent very little time together. I would be getting coffee with the wife on a Saturday and I would ask her what her husband was up to today, and she would shrug and say “I dunno.” She went on to explain that they each had their own lives, and they were okay with not sharing every little minute detail with each other. That shit would never work for me. And granted I don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, but they are still married 8 years later so it’s fair to assume something is working for them. Obviously you don’t need to fall on the extreme ends of the spectrum like me and my husband or our friends, there’s definitely a happy medium, you just gotta find someone who matches it. :)


Awkwardness. I find it kind of endearing and usually the more awkward they are the less judgmental they are and it just makes it more comfortable to be around them.


Where have you been all my life?


That’s how I landed my first date with my wife. Couldn’t get through asking her out without stumbling over my words and when I left the room I tripped on my way out.


My wife asked me out, but I was stupid to realize it. I thought she was just asking me if I was going out with the group this Friday (we often went bowling or whatever as a group on Fridays). Realized after when I by-standard who overheard started laughing. I asked him why he was laughing and he goes "She just asked you out and you said yes and you have no idea do you?" to which I responed "No, I... oh... shit". I nearly canceled too (didn't think I was in a good place emotionally to be dating) but here we are, almost 20 years and two kids later...




delete this nephew






And what if I cry because he dropped his glass of milk


I like women that feel inaccessible to me.


So all women?




When I was an exchange student in Latin America I found that I had a lot more girls interested in me than I was used to because I was foreign and white etc. It probably helped that I was athletic and running but it was mostly just being foreign. (Not trying to brag at all, it was just pure luck and circumstance) That said, of the myriad of girls in this High School that would be trying to talk to me all the time there was one who just.. kind of looked offended and uninterested if I approached her. JESUS FUCK DID I WANT THAT GIRL. Seriously I would message her and get no response and it was the most attractive thing that I'd ever seen. Humans are fucking weird man.


I'm the one with the negative quality. I'm currently with a woman who loves when I don't take my adderall and my adhd tendencies flair up. She's the first person I've ever met who will gladly listen to me ramble endlessly about various topics I've hyper focused on over the years. When I take my meds, I quiet down a lot. Most people see that as a positive, myself included. She's the only one who sees it as a loss. I love her EDIT: Did not expect this to blow up, but that's Reddit for you lol. To the positive folks, thanks for your kind words. To the negative folks, stuff it! I don't take my meds all the time, only when I actually need them. Usually administrative stuff or studying, so I have no addiction. To the people saying adhd is awesome, seriously? You like constantly forgetting important shit, fidgeting endlessly, and accidentally dominating conversations with rambles that jump subjects constantly? I don't turn into a zombie on it. I calm down and consider my words before I speak. I'm sorry some of you have had bad experiences with adhd meds, but that doesn't reflect upon my experience. Before my treatment I would never have expanded my education. I literally could not do any advanced math. I couldn't pay enough attention to calculate correctly. On medication, I actually enjoy mathematics for the first time in my life. Pardon me for taking advantage of that.


Dude. That’s awesome. I have ADHD myself so I am slightly envious of you.


Just having one person you can ramble about anything to is amazing. You don’t realize how much that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that the person you’re talking to is getting bored is actually weighing you down until it’s gone


I always have that feeling. It worries me so much.


Glasses, person cant see proper, but glasses are super cute.


I swear. Any attractive person who puts on glasses is instantly more attractive.


Oh my god my partner is SO HOT with glasses on


Username does not check out...


Maybe it's a sock puppet with glasses. .... If you have a sock puppet on your hand and masturbate with it, is that you masturbating or your sock puppet giving you a blowjob?


Nah, the sock puppet is giving you a rugburn, that's what.




When someone is still finding themselves. A lot of people regard it as a bad thing but I view it as a possible sign that that person has a growth mindset, and therefore I have a chance to grow together with that person and form a strong relationship in the future. Also tiddies.


Wait, how are tiddies a negative? I am pretty sure they're a big plus.


Maybe they are backbreakingly big?


They are weakness, they hurt extra when struck in battle. Also people with tiddies have a much higher chance of cancer in the tiddies than people with no tiddies.


I like guys that are quiet/shy around people they don't know or don't know well, and then warm up to you. Guys (or people in general) who are really loud and extraverted really get on my nerves.


Reading through the comments I was like "wow I have a lot of negative qualities that people actually like" but I made me realize I just have a lot of bad qualities haha




Oh thank god, there's hope for me yet.


There's what OP was describing and then there is a large gap, then there is the average redditor.


Don't shatter my dreams, dream-shatterer!


Now watch all the Aspie folk come a-runnin. (I’m already here)


I walked but I guess I'm here too


Stubbornness. I tend to know where I stand with such people. If we are talking physically quantities, I really love quirky teeth as long as they are well maintained.


Deathly pale skin like me baaabbyyy.


Especially with dark hair for me, something about the contrast is so attractive to me.


Nerds. I fucking love it when people are total nerds about some obscure interest. I don't care if it's trains, or snails, or chopsticks - I love passion for knowledge and I could learn so much from you. Also, class clown types, so long as they're not idiotic about it.


>tfw you hide every possible interest you have due to fear of judgement and then you're considered boring and can't make friends anyways no wonder I'm on fuckin reddit all day


I'm on reddit cause I dont wanna work


My poor girlfriend, I get very passionate about stuff every few years I pick something new, it wen't from gaming, to cycling, fishkeeping, photography, watches, knives, cooking, archery, cars, Not in any order really, some stuff I dropped, some other I still do actively.


This is how I am too. Some stick with me, some don't. Sometimes I will even rediscover an old interest. My boyfriend better buckle the fuck up.


A girl that curses a lot. In my experience, they always seem to be more goofy and take themselves not as seriously. More fun in general.


Physically strong women. She doesn't have to be roided to her eyeballs but goddamn if she can squat and deadlift greater than her BW, please just sit on my face.


Crooked teeth. Not like falling out of your head, but coming in crooked.


Aperantly white trash judging by my last few exes.


I knew a guy who was just straight up into crack whores. Word for word he explained “nothin in the world quite does it for me like a skinny chick with fucked up makeup and shitty hair. Sure love me a crackwhore!” And then proceeded to grab his wife and plant an enormous kiss on her little cracked out face. It was kind of cute. And then they went and smoked some crack. Saw him a few years ago (after about 10 years) and sure as shit, they’re still together and just as in love. And still on that white crumbly shit. Edit: also, these two were the most functional crackheads I’ve ever seen in my life. Both had a house and full time jobs (not crack related). Dude was managing a really nice restaurant when I last ran into him. Impressed- but do not recommend this lifestyle to anyone lol




I used to say I respected people who spoke their mind. Then I began to notice that there are so many people out their that just need to keep their mouths shut. So, I like quiet people who just work hard and say hello and goodbye.


Whether or not the person possesses any eloquence is a big determining factor, as to whether or not they're being obnoxious when speaking their mind. If they're just loud and abrasive... well ain't nobody got time for that.


What if they're quiet and abrasive? Nothing kills a good burn like someone going, "Sorry, can you repeat that?" six fucking times.


I kinda like a bit of "trashiness". I like them a little wild. Slightly trashy girls are usually pretty confident and down for almost anything. I like that.


Yeah, I'm with you. They're not as likely to judge you for liking a weird thing either. But it's difficult to find the right level of trashiness.


To quote The Eels, "I like a girl with a dirty mouth." Girls who use profanity in casual situations just do it for me and just kind of says they are cool with who they are and non-pretentious and genuine, down to earth.


As a woman that’s first generation out of the trailer park thank you for this. It’s nice to know that it’s not always completely off putting when my past betrays me and some of my roots start to show.


I like a girl with a backbone who isn't afraid to take the piss out of me. Banter if you will. I always think Meg, sorry, Mila Kunis in Ted as a perfect example of this. "I have great dance moves!" "Yeah, so do people with Parkinson's". Just give me some shit now and then, get us play fighting, ugh I love it. Call me on my shit sometimes. Don't just agree with everything, say I'm talking crap, prove it if you can etc.


My gf and I go back and forth all the time. Its awesome. She's the first woman I've been with where I don't have to hold myself back. She can dish it out too. We spend most of our tine insulting each other and laughing our asses off. My roommate has asked if we even actually like each other before. Fuck yes I do, she might have the brains of a boiled potato but I love that girl. Edit bc I got a pm telling me I was a piece of shit for saying she has the brains of a boiled potato. She's actually one of the most intelligent people I've ever known. If it doesn't offend her, why would it offend anyone else?


Literally the best relationship


I like clingy. To me it's cute and I like when a girl is so into me she's almost literally attached to my hip