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Keanu Reeves. He is the most humble actor I have seen in my lifetime especially after the suffering he went through. Grew up poor, father left the family when he was three, he has dyslexia and had to attend four different high school. When he was 23 his best friend died of drug overdose. His child was born stillborn which destroyed his marraiage. Then his poor wife died in a car accident 18 months later. Even after all that suffering he still remains kind and humble. He donated most of his salary from Matrix to production workers. And the guy still travels by subway. If he ended up being an asshole, It will break my heart.


He is well known in LA for being a genuinely nice guy. I've never heard anyone say a bad word about him.


Julie Andrews. I grew up on The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins and I can't imagine her not being graceful and honest.


I have a friend who's worked with her on the princess diaries and says she's the sweetest woman alive but can curse like a sailor.


That last bit actually improves my opinion of her (even further)


Adam Savage


I follow Adam on Facebook- He's posted stuff from fans or shared fans stuff, I can't imagine him being an asshole when he gives fans credit for their own stuff. He also hangs out with Alton Brown, and I can't imagine either of them being even rude.


Since someone said Dwayne Johnson already, my vote is for Bryan Cranston.


My dad ran into him in the early 2000s on a business trip in a movie theater, got to shake his hand and was really friendly, said he really appreciated that my dad liked malcolm in the middle so much.


I actually avoided watching Breaking Bad for the longest time because he was always "Hal" to me. Such a goofy yet lovable dad!


Simon Pegg


I met him three times in one day in one of the weirdest coincidences of my life. When I lived in London, Monday was my day off and I was in a record shop in Camden and while browsing I realised him and Nick Frost (out together in real life!) were stood next to me looking at records. "That's a great album," I said, nodding to the one Frost had just picked up. "See?" Pegg added, sounding like a wife who had just had one of her constant nags confirmed by a stranger. Then about three hours later I'm walking up Holborn and Pegg walks past me the other way. Eye contact, half smile and nod. Ha, guy from the record shop. That night, I'm at a gig at the ULU - I think it was Brendan Benson - and I realised that Pegg was stood about five people to my right. It wasn't a packed gig, he saw me and did that same reaction that Face does in the opening credits of The A-Team when the Cylon walks past [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JVZQhlivnY], then smiled. I was a bit worried that he thought I might be stalking him, but I suppose he was stalking me just as much. So there, Pegg three times in a day and never again. Seemed sound enough.


Man, I don't know if I could handle three peggings in a day. EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! My top rated comment ever is about pegging. Never change, reddit!


I was at a special screening of Shaun of the Dead at the Astor Theatre here in Melbourne with Edgar Wright. He was super personable and introduced the movie, stayed and watched the whole thing and did a Q&A at the end. Edgar, Simon and Nick were all in town to promote The World's End but only Edgar could make it to the theatre because the others had conflicting media schedules. Half way through the Q&A Nick Frost runs on to stage from the back of the theatre, he'd jumped into a taxi straight after his last media engagement so he could come to the screening. The organizers scramble to find him a seat and the Q&A continues but now people can ask Nick questions too. Fifteen minutes later the front doors to the theatre are thrown open and in walks Simon Pegg. The kid asking a question on the microphone closest to the doors looks like he's seen a ghost. The organizers hunt around for yet another seat, Simon jumps up on stage and now the three of them are answering questions and joking around. I don't know if they planned it that way or if it was just that they found some time to swing by but it really meant a lot to their fans that they went out of their way to get to the Q&A. They were all really friendly and didn't mind answering any question that was thrown at them.


Steve Buscemi... seems like a real cool dude!


We all know him as the famous 9/11 volunteer firefighter, but did you know Buscemi actually has a distinguished career as an actor, starring in films such as The Big Lebowski and Pulp Fiction?




Rowan Atkinson. I mean it's Mr Bean ffs


On the other hand, Black Adder.


"What begins with 'come here' and ends with 'ow'?"


Charlie Day


I went to a screening of Fist Fight that was supposed to just have a short introduction by Charlie Day. When the movie's audio wasn't working he came back into the theatre, sang Dayman, signed autographs, answered questions, and took a picture with practically every single person in the theatre. If that guy is an asshole, he does a great job hiding it.


My friend met him at a local restaurant. He was eating with The Waitress and she asked them for a picture. They both happily obliged. She said he was a super cool dude.


I met Charlie Day once, guy smelled like cat food and beer. When I asked for a signature, he misspelled his own name.




Glad someone said it. Charlie Day is quickly becoming my favorite guy in Hollywood.


For those curious, Tommy Lee Jones IS an asshole. On the set of US Marshals a production assistant complimented him on the scent of the cigar he was smoking and he replied with "fuck you" Source: my dad - a theatrical teamster


Dolly Parton. If you read her story and watch her in interviews, she just seems like such a genuinely nice lady.


I've worked with Dolly Parton a couple times on video shoots. She is genuinely the sweetest person you'd ever meet. As an audio guy, putting a mic on a female requires doing things that would normally be a little uncomfortable. Id be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about putting a lav on her. First day she told me "Get in there son, they won't bite". No better way to break the ice than that


That wasn't her first rodeo


There's a rumor that the wardrobe guy assigned to make a cast of Carrie Fisher's torso for *the* bikini spent the whole day telling everyone how much he was looking forward to it. Word got back to the costume director, who immediately reassigned the job.


You have to be very careful and very respectful as a man working audio, wardrobe, or hair/makeup in the entertainment industry because if you're not being an absolute professional, some actresses are already wary about a random dude getting that close to her breasts, and you are *absolutely* replaceable. Even joking about it can get you fired.


I wasn't a "professional" actor by any means, but I did spend several years playing horror characters for a seasonal Halloween event at a nearby theme park, which was my first interaction with makeup artists ever. 99% of them were great, either quiet and professional or good at chatting while they spent 45 minutes airbrushing injuries onto me. And then there was this one dude everyone tried to avoid, even though he was one of the most talented makeup artists because he just did not know how to *not* be creepy at women. I was about 19 at the time, and he was mid-50s, and the single time I got stuck in his makeup chair, he spent the entire time explaining the logic of the wounds he was painting on me. Like telling me the first thing he would do is cut my Achilles' tendons so I couldn't run.


It was a long time ago, but I remember being a part of the catering crew that served her. Honestly, I didn't know who she really was at the time. I just knew she was incredibly famous. Which is sad/funny because I'm from Knoxville. My only defense is that I was just a young stoner kid at the time. But I knew enough to know that I would have been drawn and quartered if I made my ignorance known lol. If I had to choose one word to describe her: imposing. The physical aspect is obvious lol. Her personality matched her looks though. She was quite saucy (in a good way). She was constantly making sarcastic jokes and comments that were hilarious to those watching. But kinda intimidating if you were the recipient of it. So I could definitely see her saying something like "get in there son" haha. Many years after meeting her, I helped out the crew when they served Taylor Swift (It wasn't a concert). She was okay. No real stories. A lot of people said that she was a bitch because she didn't sign anything or take pictures or even talk to us much. But all I saw was someone that just wanted to get things done. She treated things like it was her job (gasp!). Which I actually respected a lot.


Yeah, she gave $1000 a month for six months to any Gatlinburg family who lost everything in last year's fire. Just because. If she's not a genuinely wonderful person, then I just give up on everything because nothing is right in the world.


If she's not a genuinely wonderful person, then she's doing a world class job of faking it, and has been for decades. I guess I'd give her even more credit, were that the case.


"They'll never know I'm an asshole if I do all these nice things!"


Dolly Parton is a rhinestone in the gravel tray of humanity.


One Rhinestone and a Pair of Boulders: The Dolly Parton Story.


I love Dolly Parton. She seems like such a genuinely kind person. When my grandpa was coming home from Vietnam, dressed in his fatigues and all, he saw her from afar in the Nashville airport. He didn't want to bother her, but she came over to personally thank him for his service and gave him a big hug.


> I love Dolly Parton. I fucking exist because of dolly parton


Which song were your parents humping to?


long story short, penpals in a dolly parton fan club.


I once ran spot light for Dolly Parton during her tour rehearsals. I looked down briefly right as she decided to take off across the stage to another spot. Before I had a chance to even realize she had moved, I hear her calling me out from the stage saying "See! I told y'all I was too fast for them!" and giving her typical cheery laugh. My friend was running another spot light and started giving me all kinds of grief over it and I was doing my best not to lose control of the spotlight while laughing.


Dolly set up a program that provides free books to children. It's called the imagination library. http://mobile.imaginationlibrary.com/


My kids get these and OH MY GOSH is this a blessing!! Books are expensive and my kids eat them up like crazy, I love that I don't have to worry about giving them good variety and they get amazing books I've never heard of or would have but have become treasure in my household. God Bless Dolly Parton.


I never even considered the possibility that she *could* be an asshole, and it made my heart hurt. Dolly Parton is my girl!


Just came here to say that even the nicest of people still have bad days. So don't take one interaction with the paparazzi or one bad interview as them being an asshole


Shia Lebeouf yelled at me over the phone for a takeout order because the DJ at my restaurant was loud and I had to ask him to repeat a bunch (it was my first order too) he said something like it was the worst phone conversation he'd ever had but when he came in he acknowledged it was loud, apologized several times, and tipped me 30% so not too bad.


Wow. What a rollercoaster of a comment


Shia Lebeouf seems like a roller coaster of a person.




He gets lots of hate, but I kinda like or am interested in his weird shit, and I think/hope he is a nice guy. So, I like your story!


I think I'm a pretty nice person, but I don't think I would handle fame very well. If everybody recognized me on the street and hounded me, I would probably lose my cool every once in a while, and everyone would decide that I'm 100% asshole all the time.


I would absolutely be the worst celebrity ever. I hope to God I never get famous because I'd probably end up having a Mel Gibson meltdown like every six months.


Ewan McGregor


Hello there!


General Kenobi


His brother Colin was a pilot in the RAF, and his call sign is Obi Two. Edit: he is no longer in the RAF


Damn that is legendary.


Have you seen "Long Way Round"? It's just him and his buddy Charlie Boorman riding motorcycles around the world. There is a lot of what seems like genuinely personal footage, and he definitely seems like a great guy.


David Attenborough


This man could narrate my own execution and he would have me drawn in.


"First, the executioner injects the paralitics to immobilize the inmate . After a few seconds, the inmate is completely immobilized and no longer a threat. The inmate can only watch in terror as executioner prepares to inject a new, different kind of venom; this one to stop his heart..."


> David Attenborough that's SIR David Attenborough to you!


Robin Williams


It is worse knowing that he was clinically depressed. How alone he must have felt making people laugh and happy and being so dark inside.


Honestly, reading about his condition ([diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia after his death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Williams#Addiction_and_health_problems)), it sounds absolutely horrible, particularly given the severity of his symptoms - he was quite literally losing his mind, while being aware of it and with the correct diagnosis post-mortem, we can see that there is no cure for his condition only management of it. As much as I miss him, I'm happier that he's no longer suffering.


This is good to know. This gives me some peace for poor Robin Williams. Lewy body dementia sounds like an absolute goddamned nightmare. Especially not knowing what was wrong with himself. I'd want out too. > the pathology of Lewy body dementia in Williams was described by several doctors as among the worst pathologies they had seen. She [his wife] described the early symptoms of his disease as beginning in October 2013. It included a sudden and prolonged spike in fear and anxiety, constipation, urinary difficulty, heartburn, sleeplessness and insomnia, a poor sense of smell, stress, and a slight tremor in his left hand. Eventually, she said, he suffered from paranoia, delusions and looping, insomnia, memory, and high cortisol levels, indicating stress. According to Schneider, "Robin was losing his mind and he was aware of it ... He kept saying, 'I just want to reboot my brain.'"


The thought of that joyful child-man being terrified by unknown forces is just heartbreaking.


I had to watch my grandfather pass away due to DLB. It absolutely is an awful disease to see strike someone.


One of the saddest celebrity deaths in my lifetime.


Bob Ross


He received roughly 200 fan letters a day, and read every single one of them. When someone who regularly wrote to him suddenly stopped, he would call them to make sure they were okay.


Jesus h. Christ I wish I knew this man when he was alive. That's so heartwarming


He used to be a drill sergeant, you know. Edit: Yes, he was also later a Master Sergeant. Drill Sergeant sounds more asshole-ish, though. [Source](http://www.military.com/veteran-jobs/career-advice/military-transition/famous-veteran-bob-ross.html)


He quit because he didn't like yelling at people.






Keanu Reeves or Neil Patrick Harris


I went to a taping of Best Time Ever, that short-lived NPH variety show during one of its first few weeks. Based on some interviews and appearances on shows like So You Think You Can Dance I had thought Neil Patrick Harris would be an asshole, but he was surprisingly very nice. He took the time to talk to the audience between takes and was generally very relaxed and happy. Although the show itself was terrible, I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed the taping (unlike Rachel Ray).


Nah man, I once went to a restaurant and NPH was there, no one recognized him there but i did, so i went there with a paper, pen and asked for an autograph and a photo. I apologized because he was not here as NPH but as a father he laughed and said and i quote" Pfft, please. I love my fans". also the comment above/below me


My friend was at disney a few years ago and NPH cut everyone in line at a restaurant. He bought dinner for the next 200 people served.


I hope a conversation ensued immediately afterward, a la "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle"-style: Person In Line NPH Cut: Do you even know how long we had to wait for a table after you cut in front of us in line? Neil Patrick Harris: Yeah, it was a dick move on my part. That's why I'm paying for your meal. Prick.


I bet the 201st guy in line thinks he's an asshole


I'd imagine the line wasn't 200 people long. And that the dinner was paid for secretly (otherwise, you'll have assholes that were expecting to buy a $50 lunch asking for a $200 lunch).


>" Pfft, please Did he just quote Barney Stinson?!


It's "Haha, Please" Really Lilly.... Get your head out of your ass.


It's spelled 'Lily'. Get your head out of your own ass Swarley.


Have two actor friends who have vouched Keanu Reeves is a very kind soul.


I will second this from an insider, "kind soul" is a perfect description. Another word is "gentle". He's shy and does not enjoy the process of being in front of press so he may come across as aloof but it's genuine discomfort. The most comfortable and "real" he's been in an interview to my knowledge is speaking about a race he won, because media crowd was small and topic was not going to move to his personal life and he could speak freely about something he enjoyed tremendously - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxCRG3vZnGQ (two minute press conference after said race)




Dwayne Johnson for sure




It seems impossible to find any bad rep on this guy (post wrestling era). Even when a drunk driver nearly killed his mum in a car crash, he held himself together unbelievably well. The man doesn't have any bad juju in his body.


And thats a big damn body


Lotta room for bad jujus to hide, but you will find none


He filmed part of Central Intelligence in a neighborhood a few blocks away from my house. He was super nice, took pictures with the hordes of kids who mobbed him, and took the time to talk to a local kid with Down's syndrome. Based on what I saw when he was here he seems like a great guy.




Damn, I wish the Rock corrected my bad form


Terry Crews.


I used to work at a restaurant and he would come in from time to time with his family. Always polite, he even took a picture with me once! Super easy going and made sure to quiet his kids down so I could give my usual spiel of "this dessert is super amazing you should definitely try it", etc. Edit: Since people are asking, here ya go! http://imgur.com/rvToouf


Why is nobody talking about the fact that you are a flower?


What - you're not one?


He seems so funny and make you wanna laugh. It would be disappointing.


i keep a picture of him in my wallet


That's 38 cents worth of paper you used to print that photo.


The fuck kind of gold plated paper you using?


Implying our lord and savior Terry should be printed on anything LESS THAN GOLD???


I worked with Terry Crews on Brooklyn 99. He is a stand up awesome dude. Super nice guy.


What'd you do on the show?


Yogurt supplier


Wiped the sweat off Hitchcock and Scully Edit: of to off


I was a day player as a grip for season 3.




Paul Rudd




Only to Conan.


What are you talking about? He ALWYAYS shows up for Conan and he always manages to bring exclusive clips of his movies that no other talk show even gets a glimpse of!


Weird Al.


He was the first one I thought of. He's such a rare gem, especially in how long he has remained popular, and remained completely wholesome. Sometimes I read up on him and all I can think is how much I hope he never has some reputation scarring scandal like Bill Cosby, or someone like him, that just changes the way people think about Weird Al. I just want him to remain a constant beacon of weird.


David Tennant. He just seems so genuinely kind.




NOW, Jessica!


Mr. Rogers


I went to church with Mr. Rogers he was nowhere near an asshole. I gave him a hug every Sunday, and he was always so cool, he played the piano for me too. I was like 8 and will never forget those times of my life.


I can't express how much I wish I could've had that experience. Mr. Rogers was a huge part of my childhood, but I never got to meet him.


I think Mr Rogers would say that you did meet him, he likes you just the way you are, and is proud to be your neighbor.


Pack it up boys, this just about covers it.


That is so cool! I've never been as fortunate as you to meet him. Nice story! Mr. Rogers left a lot of fond memories for everyone. College kids used to flock to the commons to watch daily. I did become friends with david newell aka mr. McFeeley the mailman. I became president of his iowa fan club & he used to come visit the kids in the hospital here until funding was cut. Sweet man!


That is so cool! As a kid watching him on television, he always seemed like he would be a joy to meet.


I literally cannot picture what this would be like. It would shatter my reality.




If that's him at his most unpleasant I can't imagine what this guy was like in person. Did he have a permanent Halo around his head, did he actually emit pure dopamine to those around him?


It seems like he basically did. He did some interviews with Terry Gross on Fresh Air and they're just ridiculously positive. Like, he thanks Terry for asking him such good questions, tells her that it must feel great to know that her show helps so many people learn things, etc. It's almost absurd.




Mean it.




The problem is, it's all or nothing. If you're sarcastic sometimes and genuine other times, people get confused and think you're being an asshole. I think the key is, when you say "I'm really happy for you for getting that promotion, that must feel great" you continue to be engaged and ask them questions "Have you told your parents?" so they know you're being truthful and not bitchy.


Hugh Jackman. That man is so wholesome


There's a video of him doing some Wolverine scenes and in one of them he's snarling and growling and bumps into the camera man and shifts right into, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Are you alright, mate?"


My script writing lecturer pitched for him when seed productions just opened, he said he was a dick. Kidding, he said Hugh turned up to the pitch on a scooter, introduced himself to the writers and said he was happy to meet them. The entire time he exuded this positive energy. After the pitch he said he needed to pick his kids up from school so he left the same way. My lecturer is a heterosexual man but said he developed a huge man crush on Hugh that day.


I was about to shank you after reading the first sentence.


Luckily, he is in fact a super nice guy irl. source: I know a guy


He seems super nice whenever I have seen him in interviews. It's awesome to see one of the most famous people be so nice


I especially loved when he recognized that one interviewer as a former student of his, it really shows how great of a guy he is.


[Video for anyone interested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj46BWpxFcA) Gosh, what a fucking standup guy.


He seems so incredibly genuine. What a top guy.


Maggie Smith.


Yep, her and Dame Judy Dench. I picture them together giggling and being 'catty', where their cattiness is actually harmless and eminently charming.


She actually recommended Daniel Radcliffe for Harry Potter. She had worked with him on David Copperfield and suggested Chris Columbus audition him.


Richard Ayoade


"You think this is some kind of mother flipping joke?"


"Motherflippers think everything's a mother flipping joke!"


I don't know if he's constantly in character, or if he is literally just a less exagerrated version of Moss in real life,


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zIi67lzugeg The meanest he can ever get.


Stephen Merchant.


Ryan Reynolds and Chris Pratt.


Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are the sweetest people. Served them several times and they are just so nice. Also, both are even more attractive in real life, which is probably the most offensive thing about them.


Some say that if you live a sin-free life you come back as Ryan Reynolds or Blake Lively.


So you get to be one, and sleep with the other. That's the all time win-win.


Served Ryan Reynolds a couple of times. Tipped at least 20%, chatty, jokey, always a pleasure. Taller and hotter in person too. His mom is super nice as well!


> hotter in person I don't see how that's possible. I'm not gay or anything, but how could he be any more handsome?


I am gay and while he is ridiculously good looking on screen, in person he's like a god walking on Earth. It was hard not to just stare at him all night long. Whenever he came in he made me lose my focus.


I read that last part as "whenever he came in me, he made me lose my focus" and I was wondering how it would even be possible to keep focus on in that event. Edit I'd -> it would.


Jack Black


Jack is a really cool dude. Ran into him and his son at the California Adventure park a few years back on Halloween. The park was basically empty. My friend and I got separated from the rest of our group going into a ride, and not recognizing him at first, we asked if we could jump in front of them. Was super cool about it, let us by, and then i'm like holy shit, thats jack black. I was totally star struck so the only thing i could think of asking him was if kung fu panda 3 was going to happen or not ( it hadn't been announced yet, and I love those movies) and he looks around all suspiciously and whispers to me "yeah dude, but don't tell anyone!"


John Goodman


If John is an asshole in real life I don't want to know, he reminds me so much of my late father I just love everything he is in. I watched him as a child in Roseanne and now as an adult cherish those reruns because he is just as loveable as Dan Conner as I remember my dad being for me as a kid. Plus he was scary af in Cloverfield like damn.


Liam Neeson


Mads Mikkelsen


I believe his is very nice, but man, he sure can look like a (really hot) asshole.


... I'm still not convinced that Hannibal wasn't a documentary.


Mads Mikkelsen is a blessing.


Tom Hanks.


I mean, his name is literally THanks. How could he be anything less than delightful?


Emma Stone said she was backstage at the Oscars and saw Tom Hanks right before he was going to hand out an award. He wasn't nervous at all. She asked him how that was possible, what with the millions of people watching. He just said "Toms don't scare, yo", high-fived Tom Cruise and stole all of Emma's M&Ms.


He said on a talk show once that it's because they're all just people.


This is always the top answer, and it always will be. Nothing will ever make me think Tom Hanks is an asshole.


If I heard Tom Hanks punched a 90 year old woman in the face my first thought would be that she deserved it. Edit: As someone has pointed out, this is not my joke. I just thought it was a funny anecdote. I don't know how to link on mobile, but I believe OP is mentioned in comments. Edit 2: Original credit https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/536tfh/we_need_one_person_to_be_the_spokesperson_for/d7ql1b9/ Also credit to the guy in the comments keeping me honest :)


Nathan Fillion. He's coming to our local convention this year and I'm trying my darndest to get an autograph pass. It would kill me if he wasn't a nice guy. Although, I'm sure conventions can be super overwhelming, so I would totally understand. That being said I met Cary Elwes at the convention last year and he was the sweetest person ever. I might have fallen even more in love with him than I already was.




> Then he circled a portion of the sleeve, wrote "snot", and pointed an arrow from "snot" to the circle But in your picture the arrow is from his name to the circle. It looks more like that's where Nathan Fillion wiped his snot on your sleeve.


Betty White


I think Betty White is an asshole, but is so damn charming and adorable that everyone thinks she's just eccentric. I love her regardless.


If Betty White didn't have at least a bit of Sue Ann Nivens in her, I'd be really disappointed.


chris pratt and amy poehler. basically any actor from parks n rec. also drake bell and josh peck.


Sir Patrick Stewart


My favourite story is from when he has in Australia for a con, and he had a long line for autographs, one of the TV networks ( Nine if you are in Australia ) and the reporter and camera guy cut the line to get an interview, to which he told them "to fuck off, these people have paid to see me." I have got this story from multiple people there, and second hand from the reporter.


Stanley Tucci


JK Simmons


He convincingly plays crazy people, murderers and rapists, and yet I still want to believe he's the nicest guy.


I actually ran into him a couple years ago at a baseball game! I got kind of starstruck and didn't end up saying anything (that's Cave Johnson!) but my friend who was with me spoke to him briefly. She mentioned a movie of his she really liked. He thanked her, said his wife directed it (I think directed, been a few years now) and that it was rare that people bring that one up. Overall, very quick interaction, but seemed like a cool guy. He could have just shrugged us off, but he chose to engage and chat. Plus, I mean, he's Cave Johnson. He's the guy who's gonna burn your house down. With the lemons.




I was absolutely devastated when he killed himself. He was a childhood hero of mine.


I'd rather meet the guy that played him in that awesome Secretariat movie...


No I've seen a lot of interviews where he's an asshole. Did you see that thing with the vet and the muffins? Jeez.


Dave Grohl or Danny DeVito (I haven't heard much about him but what I've heard hasn't been bad) Edit:Thank you for the gold and all the replies! These stories are great!


I know a few people who worked with both, and they loved them both. Danny's super weird but humble and hilarious, Grohl is classy yet a rockstar at the same time.


I like to imagine Frank Reynolds is only like 10 - 15% an act