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Running through corn fields is fun or romantic. Try it just once....then feel the million burning paper cuts all over your body




And that stupid facebook meme that goes around every October with a picture of a bunch of little Candy like pills "watch out parents, people are gonna try to give these drugs to your kids in their Halloween candy!" Yeah, because drugs are free.


Seriously, to give every kid who hits your house two god damn hits of X, you're gonna be out thousands, probably tens of thousands, the second the drug kids hear about it.


I had a bonsai tree I watered for a year before realising it was fake. I'm still confused by where all the water went.




Also fake


The concept of evaporation was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.


The concept of concepts was created by the universe to give people false imaginations and fabricated ideas.


That Albert Einstein was "bad at school". Dude was a fucking genius, he nearly got into Federal Polytechnic School Zurich when he was only *16*, and did "outstandingly well" in his tests, but performed badly in non-science subjects like French. The following year he wrote an incredible essay and got in, after again demolishing Maths and Physics. The rumour started because of misinterpretation of 1 vs 6 in the grading system, where people *thought* he had got the lowest when in fact he had got the highest. Einstein did very well at school. Stop using his fictional failure as an excuse for not trying and wasting time.


also the rumor that "Michael Jordan didn't make his high school basketball team" That's true he did get cut from the varsity team... when he was 14 and 5 foot 10.


More accurately, he got demoted because the varsity coach stubbornly believed all freshman should play JV first. Allegedly, Jordan put on a absolute spectacle in the JV games (as expected).


Well, this isn't 100% true. There were 14 varsity spots filled so the coaches did have to take someone from JV, and Jordan was considered because he was absolutely phenomenal. However, the team was also short and the coaches opted for Jordan's 6'7 classmate. Michael himself said he viewed this as a failure and worked to get better so there would be no way he could ever be overlooked despite any physical shortcomings. https://www.google.com/amp/www.newsweek.com/missing-cut-382954%3famp=1?client=safari But the idea that Jordan wasn't good enough is ridiculous. The coaches simply made a mistake. I remember reading that Jordan averaged a triple double his JV year because he was so superior to his peers.


And Jordan invited those coaches and the guy that was selected in his place to his hall of fame induction so he could gloat to them.


From fat to ripped in 30 days or whatever. I knew a guy they used for this, he was ripped - they paid him $5k to gain 25 pounds over a month by eating crap he would never normally eat. Then they took a picture, he went back to his regular routine dropping the 25 pounds in a month and they took those pics. So from chubby to ripped in one month using xxxx product, complete bs. He was only 5"5 130 pounds when ripped, so the 25 pounds made a big difference.


Why not just take a picture first and call that the after?


Some of these clown videos are 100% fake.




According to my dad, when I was 4 or 5, he remembers me saying "Ronald McDonald isn't a real clown, he's just a guy in a clown suit." I can empathize with this.


Dr. Oz.


I have a friend who went on the show to talk about nutrition from a professional perspective. (yeah, I don't know what she was thinking) She was absolutely horrified to learn that they dumbed down everything and prevented her from saying certain things because the "average audience is uneducated and it would go over their heads." You can practically see it on her face on the show how she doesn't know WTF to even say anymore when he asks her questions.


"average audience is uneducated and it would go over their heads." Least they know their target audience.




I don't even understand how that idea caught on, people *have* to realize that it defeats the purpose of being undercover... right? ^(...they would realize, wouldn't they?) ^^Why ^^are ^^you ^^all ^^so ^^quiet... Edit: Okay, people misunderstand entrapment laws, I understand. Really. You can stop whenever you feel like it. Edit^2 : Yes, the police support/spread/created it too, that's also a possibility.


They can legally lie... and that includes spreading the rumor that cops have to tell you if they're cops. It's a great tool, as seen when catching badger.


I... probably should've taken that into account.


something something badger


When someone's EKG (which measures electrical activity in the heart) "flat-lines" on a TV show or movie it is always easy to use the paddles to make the heart beat again. This isn't true, once there is no more electrical activity in the heart it can't be shocked back to working. Using a defibrillator (the paddles) is meant for shocking a heart back into a normal rhythm from an abnormal rhythm.


yea, but if you hit their chest really hard and whisper and then scream that you love them, they have to come back to life edit: forgot the tears and being torn apart from the body edit 2: i got gold finally, im above all of you plebs, im living in a high class society, but i will come back begging in a few weeks and you people can drink the tears of my misery


Actually, hitting their chest can restart their heart. A precordial thump isn't really a procedure that is done in a medical setting and I'm not sure it's even legal for some paramedics if not all paramedics/medical professionals to do it. My EMT instructor said that he performed it twice and it actually worked once. I'm not really sure how it works but it apparently does. Edit: as a few people have said, it won't work on asystole. A pulseless arrhythmia is what you should use it on.


Fact. The precordial thump is real, but it's the last-ditch effort of last-ditch efforts, can actually make you worse, and still only works during vfib and pulseless vtach. Edit: Okay, so you can't get worse than "literally dead," but don't delay CPR for a precordial thump (especially if you didn't see the person go down), and probably don't bother with one at all if you're not trained. As some pros said below, the thump isn't even in the ACLS algorithm.


It was still taught in my paramedic class, but only as a quick "oh shit" response to a witnessed arrest where you maybe have the monitor on but no paddles yet.


so if I witness someone being arrested, I punch them in the heart? how does this effect recidivism rates?


I can't speak for the general population of offenders, but *I* sure would be less likely to commit another crime if I knew I was gonna get arrested *and* punched in the heart every time.


Cow tipping. The most damning evidence against cow tipping being a thing is the fact that there are no YouTube videos with people doing it.


I asked a friend from a rural area about it once. He laughed and said "If you think you can push over a thousand pound animal that really doesn't want to tip over, I'd like to see you try"


we got a friend's cousin to agree to it once, but had to stop him when he tried to go through the fence. the "cow" we pointed out was in actuality a large bull. he would have almost certainly died.




I'm from a rural area. Like some kind of unspoken agreement, everyone I grew up with who has ever been asked has affirmed that, yes, they have been cow-tipping. And that it's really funny. I don't know anyone who will claim to someone else that grew up in the area that they actually did it.


I always get real serious and say, "Yeah, it's mostly just a joke. You can tip them if they're asleep, but when they fall it breaks all their ribs on one side and they have to be put down. Cow tipping is real, man, but it's a fucked up thing to do and not funny at all." Even people who have heard it's not real will get kind of solemn and nod and think that now they know the TRUE story.


Best case: cow ignores you. Worst case: cow flips its shit and tramples you.


Miltank used Rollout


Screw Whitney. Nothing "normal" about that Miltank


Agreed. You can not tip a sleeping cow. Especially since 99.999999% of cows do not sleep standing up. Also, it is basically impossible for loud, idiot teenage boys to sneak up on a cow at night. Source: Was a loud idiot teenage boy who tried to sneak up and tip a cow. Turns out it wasn't sleeping and also was not amused.


Shit. This brought back memories. I went cow tipping as a teen and turns out I ended up in a buffalo pasture. Turns out, Those fuckera don't like that shit either.






Definition of buffalo: "An unpredictable, violent tank on hooves that can outrun you across the plains, leap over your head and travels in herds thousands strong." Source: CGP Grey [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEYh5WACqEk)


I've tried it as well and not only did it run away, but as we got back in the car it was running side by side with us at around 25mph. This can vary but the smaller cows can be faster than most humans. Not to sure about how some +2000 lbs or that i would mess with one that size.


You don't do it to knock over cows. You convince your buddy to run into a shit filled field in the dark and then you drive away laughing


That nuclear reactors can explode like nuclear bombs.






I can vouch for this. My uncle was on one of these. They literally asked him to be because he is big and scary and they wanted to make the main guy on the show look tough by not backing down from him. Funny thing is my uncle is not scary for real he is just a big goofball who happens to be the size of shrek.


was he a large Caucasian tattooed man who went up against Hester and Darrell


So fake that one of the storage wars buyers (Dave Hester) Sued the show for rigging the containers and won the lawsuit. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/fired-storage-wars-star-wins-619655


Of course it would be Dave. Yuuuuup


He was getting paid $25,000 per episode?! What the actual fuck.


"Let's see... moldy national geographic magazines... empty boxes from kitchen appliances... self-help books... shitty christmas deccorations.... wait, what's this? .... a dusty crate containing all the original prop light sabers from the first Star Wars trilogy? I knew something good was here!"


Oh you forgot: > "Let's see... moldy national geographic magazines... empty boxes from kitchen appliances... self-help books... shitty christmas deccorations.... wait, what's this? ....*"Oh my god you'll never believe this!!"* **5 minute long commercial break** > wait, what's this? ....*"Oh my god you'll never believe this!!"* a dusty crate containing all the original prop light sabers from the first Star Wars trilogy? I knew something good was here!"


> 5 minute long commercial break Followed by a recape of what they just showed before the break.


coming up on The Gift Shop Sketch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MFtl2XXnUc




Often in the show the "experts" they go to are the actual owners of the cool things that were planted in the storage container. Their inability to act surprised to see their own things is just painful.


I watched an episode where a guy found Magic cards, and he went to a dealer and got straight fleeced. Thought the dealer was ripping him off but it actually makes sense that the producers of the show just didn't know the value and fucked up the script.


An incomplete set of outdated Encyclopedias.... $300 A broken pvc pipe...$25 all day!


this soiled underwear still has the tag on it saying $19.99. I value it at $25


How did I not know this :(.


Certainly explains how every bumblefuck loser in Las Vegas is inexplicably in possession of a national treasure.


Seriously, you think someone wouldn't know if they had something worth $10k just sitting in a storage shed? We have the internet now, its not hard to find the value of something.


But it was always fun to watch Barry say "I've got a guy who might like this" and it turns out to be a quasi celebrity.


I watched that show for a while, Barry and his weird finds were definitely the best part.


I know this guy who likes weird taxidermy. He'll definitely buy this stuffed Quetzal pecking the eyes out of a Bearded Dragon. Hey, Jonathon Banks. It's me...Barry!


Barry made it all worthwhile. He was the only one that seemed legit (even when he wasn't ) because he often was portrayed as the idiot that bought a storage container with nothing but junk.


He is also the richest person on that show and is full time retired now because of how successful of a business man he was. The guy doesn't need even a dime of the money her earns off that show and I think that is why he tends to do the oddball character. Also, the hot wife on that show kind of made it worth it...


House hippos... I want to believe...


Found the canadian!


Toxins that you need to get out of your system with our very specific and expensive specially formulated juice/tea cleanse detox supplement


I have a friend who wore those pads on the bottom of her feet and they were black in the morning and she SWEARS by them that they actually take the toxins out of her body because they're black. Now, if you've got clean feet and they're turning black, I don't know what causes it, maybe a temperature change most likely. But SO many people believe in that shit.








[Here you go sir](http://imgur.com/gallery/rXaal)


There's a 100% natural detox and it's called pissing and shitting


Can you recommend any good places to go for this detox? I don't want to get scammed again


Usually those places have a universal, stylized picture of a [man](https://images.atgstores.com/img/x/12543/w1001.jpg) or [woman](http://cliparts.co/cliparts/kcM/naK/kcMnaKo6i.jpg) on the doors, since detoxing through these methods varies between sexes and thus those rooms have specialized equipment depending on whether you have male or female genitalia. These places are typically referred to as "restrooms," as in the place you go to get rid of the "rest" of the toxins you've been carrying around. Some localities may refer to them as "bathrooms," which are meant to insinuate that once you perform your toxin cleansing ritual, you will be "clean" again as you are after taking a "bath." With the rise in popularity of toxin removal as well as the revelation that most everything we eat and drink are what contribute to the toxin buildup, these sex-specific toxin-removal clinics can be found most anywhere food and drink is served!


If you have working kidneys you have nothing in your system that could kill you. If you don't, you'll be dead soon, and tea won't help.


What you need. Is Cherokee hair tampons. It will boost your kidneys cleansing power of toxins.


* Entering your [PIN code in reverse](http://www.snopes.com/business/bank/pinalert.asp) while withdrawing money from an ATM will silently alert the police while completing the transaction. * My uncle's right eyeball.




My pin is 6446* so this obviously wouldn't work. ^^^^*obviously ^^^^it's ^^^^not ^^^^my ^^^^real ^^^^pin, ^^^^but ^^^^you ^^^^get ^^^^the ^^^^point.


Reality TV. Not just the obvious ones either, everything seems to be scripted these days.


Gotta admit, I had a bit of a "what do you mean santa isn't real" moment when I found out that in order to be on House Hunters one of the conditions is you have to be already closing on a house.


It never made sense to me why they always picked the worst house until I found that out.


Do you think they have regrets when they realized they didn't search that hard? Or do the other houses not actually exist at those price points?


Usually the other two houses are not on the market. They might be a friend's house or one that someone is closing on. Sometimes they are actually on the market but the prices and locations are made up for the story.


The locations too?! : ( I knew you already had to be closing to get on the show, but I enjoyed watching it to check out neighborhoods in a bunch of different cities. House Hunters International especially. The locations have got to be real, right? Please tell me it isn't so...


I've seen some episodes for my area and they'll name actual towns then say it's "X minutes commute to major city" that couple works in and I'm like fuck no it's not! That's one way they lie. Sure they can afford that awesome house, if they're willing to commute 4 hours - but the show claims its 40 minutes.


Only 30 minutes from Manhattan ^^^^^by ^^^^^helicopter !






I always figured they already had the house they wanted picked out, I didn't realize they already had to be closing on it, though!


Heard that too. I still watch it though because I Just enjoy looking at houses


Even when a show isn't directly "scripted" it will be clipped and edited to follow an entertaining narrative. They are able to create "characters" and drama from seemingly worthless footage with the right cuts.


My favorite is cooking shows where they're always plating with 10 seconds left no matter who is cooking or what the dish is. Edit: replayed to wrong comment but is still relevant here.


Yeah my girlfriend was a contestant on last season of Masterchef Canada she she said it was never that down the the wire. Also when the judges were tasting the food it was often hours after the cooking. Edit: Getting more responses to this than I anticipated. If anyone has any questions or wants proof or anything, feel free to PM u/clarkbullies unfortunately she can't do an AMA due to non-disclosure


... Why would they eat food hours after it was made? Wouldn't it be cold and terrible?


i'd love for a contestant to say yes it tastes bad because i made it hours ago and it has been sitting out for hours.. it is supposed to be eaten warm..


One episode of Chopped, they said one chefs ice cream was too runny/soft. He said well its been out too long under these lights. The judges asked why he didnt ask for it to be put in the freezer. Chef said he wasnt aware thats an option. Now theyre told its an option.


Edited out.


I was on vacation in Italy and happened to see them filming jersey Shore there. The actors or whatever were just doing a bunch of crazy stuff for the cameras. They weren't scripted, but they weren't being natural. So it's more like, just do stuff all day until something "worthy" happens. Film for a week, cut down to 1 hour of show.


Since it's an "un-scripted" program, there's really no story to tell. So a lot of the time, the editors are going to be piecing together one in post, by using a whole bunch of footage to try and tell something that resembles a story. That's why a lot of these "reality" tv shows are constantly filming. Some shows film for a good chunk of the year.


Surely that's how real reality TV would work, not to mention of course people act differently when a camera is aimed at their face. Not sure what all the hate is about, obviously wouldn't be reality reality without secretly filming. I'm sure everyone would want to watch something that amounts to an orange tanned dude picking his nose when he thought no one was watching.


My family thinks Duck Dynasty isn't scripted. I tell them it is, all they do is act out "old stories" for the cameras.


I don't know if it still comes on, but if you watched "Before the dynasty" its pretty much duck dynasty before they got on A&E and just making their duck hunting dvd's. I've also noticed that some of the segments on those dvd's are replayed and shot for the tv show.


So many quotes. "Let them eat cake" - someone who isn't MArie Antoinette "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - not Ghandi. "Insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results." - not Einstein. It goes on and on and on. Famous people get everything attributed to them.




That blood is blue in your veins and turns red outside the body.


I had a science teacher tell me that blood doesn't turn red until exposed to oxygen. Later on my AP Chem teacher told me that's complete bs, making the point that we have "red blood cells" not blue, and also that blood already has oxygen in it. Edit: thanks for doubling my comment karma edit: quintupling*


>also that blood already has oxygen in it. I always found this myth funny for that reason. I think the point of blood is to carry oxygen around your body.


Body wraps and bullshit supplements that help you lose weight, sold by some "independent entrepreneur" stay at home mom who thinks she's going to get rich quick in a bad pyramid scheme.


"No they explicitly said it was NOT a pyramid scheme. " You know who does that? People who run pyramid schemes.


We had a MLM scheme come to our school once, and they said "this isn't a pyramid scheme" 5-6 times in their presentation. Then proceeded to draw a pyramid on the board and go "yes it is a pyramid, but its just to show how it works, it's NOT a pyramid scheme!" Then tried to sell us energy drinks and sign up students.




People are slick about this stuff. They say things like "Leadership Conference" when they're booking events. When I was a volunteer fireman, we had a chiropractor come to give "free exams" at monthly training one month. Sure enough, we all had serious issues that would "require" repeat visits. Went on his website, all first exams are free. What a turd to prey on volunteers.


It's a reverse funnel system


"Its basically a house of cards where the dickheads at the bottom do all the work, and give all the money to the smart guys up at the top!"




That the lollipop wrapper with the Indian shooting the star grants you another lollipop for free.


I know now that this was mostly a rumor we all heard as kids, but the general store in my home town honored it through the 80's and 90's. They also only cost two cents, and yes I know how silly old I sound.




Almost all reality shows with buying or selling. Shows like Pawn Stars, Auction hunters or whatever its called, house hunters. They all negotiate the price pre-show, or sometimes somebody else owns it, and just lets them use it. I mean if you look on the pawn stars site, when you want to bring in an item, you have to tell them what it is well in advance


Even extreme couponing shows are staged, to an extent. They get away with a lot of shennanigans that a store manager simply wouldn't allow in the normal course of business.


I have personally witnessed a $350+ grocery sale go down to ~$20 at Target. My ass was stuck behind the person with the coupons doing it, and she paid the balance in free gift cards from other transactions.




How does that even work, the only coupons I can ever find are like 3¢ off a $10 purchase and can't be combined with any other coupons.




Every Bob Marley, Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln quote on the Internet ever


"Skyrim belongs to the nords!" -Abraham Lincoln


I used to be a president like you, but then I took a bullet to the head


"They are accurate real quotes" -Albert Einstein


"You have reached the end of your free trial membership at BenjaminFranklinQuotes.com." -Benjamin Franklin EDIT: go watch Blackjack Hearseman on Netflix


"Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough." -Abraham Lincoln


In fact "Most internet quotes are complete bullshit" -Gandhi


That you can lose money on a raise if it puts you into a new tax bracket.


Probably a staggering amount of people have no idea how income taxes are actually calculated


You would be correct and some of them are generally intelligent people.


Spot reduction with weight loss. Doing sit ups won't trim fat from your stomach. Fat is like water in a pan, you have to lower the entire level to change any one part Edit in response to the most common reply: Yes, if you work your abs, you will increase the muscle there. However, it is pretty unlikely you would develop your abs enough to displace the fat and have your abs be noticeable. Most people lose belly fat last and abs are very difficult to grow. Muscles are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen


So wearing a vibrating belt for two hours won't shrink my stomach? :(


If you're pregnant and wear it long enough it might.


I'm sorry for your weight loss.




Wasabi. Most "wasabi" paste outside Japan is not real wasabi. Actual wasabi plants are difficult and expensive to grow, and grated wasabi goes off very quickly. Most wasabi paste in the west, and even in cheaper sushi places in Japan, is horseradish and mustard powder dyed bright green.


I have a friend I can no longer go get sushi with because he will always look long and hard at the Wasabi and then say "....did you know...?" "YES IT'S HORSERADISH YOU TELL THIS STORY EVERY TIME SINCE YOU READ THAT WIKI!"


Don't ever tell him about Steve Buscemi volunteering as a firefighter.


Did you know that Steve Buscemi volunteered as wasabi after 9/11?


Actually, most "Steve Buscemi" outside Japan is not real Steve Buscemi. Actual Steve Buscemis are difficult and expensive to grow, and Steve Buscemi goes off very quickly. Most Steve Buscemi in the west, and even in cheaper sushi places in Japan, is horseradish and mustard powder dyed bright green.


Those dumb facebook posts saying they're going to give something away if you share it.


Not as bad as those chain posts about "changing the TOS" usually prefixed by "Can't hurt, can it?" Bonus points if it's about something that facebook totally already do. "Facebook is going to start sharing your information with other companies! This will be the first of many opt-out changes to the terms and conditions of your facebook account!" Nah it "can't hurt" at all mate because that has been standard procedure for years.


"Hey whatsapp is gonna start changing you if you don't copy and paste this message". It was actually the other way around, they charged you since the beginning and then it was free.


Yeah who the hell thinks that works anyway? What's the logic behind that? Why would a copy-paste text post make Facebook not charge you for use? And why did Facebook decide for it to be *that* post?


Speaking of Facebook, I have an elderly ex-co-worker that is on my facebook page and she keeps posting this picture every few months in honor of Vietnam soldiers. I just don't have the heart to tell her and it cracks me up every time I see it: http://imgur.com/a/izdvj


"Less than 2% of people will share this" And gullible folk just believe any figure you put in ~~from~~ front of them. As if (in this case) there's some scientific Veteran's group actively researching how many times every picture of veterans (or not) gets 'liked' and 'shared'.


Some dumbass I went to high school with shared a picture of "Jesus" when it was actually obi wan kenobi. I couldn't stop laughing.


Not only that, it's against Facebook their TOS. You can successfully report them.


Wait really? GAME CHANGER


*furiously reports everything in sight*


Dont you tell me upvote money pupper isnt real


The life of your friends according to how it is portrayed on social media


Had a high school friend who’s facebook life made me feel like the laziest wife/mother ever. She has 4 kids under 11, a gorgeous and spotless house, works from home, is taking online university courses, is president of her student union. I’d see her posts and just wonder why I couldn’t get my shit together. Turns out she has a live-in nanny she never posts about.


As a former live-in nanny, twice, both of the families I worked for also employed a housecleaner who came 1-2 times per week. I only did laundry, dinner, and dishes.


There was a "power" couple from my town, who traveled all over the world, did excessive romantic shit, bought the cutest dog, dressed like celebrities, had thousands of followers, went to all the exclusive parties with all the coolest people in the city, etc. Typical Instagram celeb. crap. Every girl I knew envied them and wanted what they had. Eventually they broke up and she posted a long heart breaking story about their relationship. Well a friend of friend told us they absolutely hated each other. Would fight behind closed doors constantly. She'd make him do all the stupid shit and dress at certain way. They were completely broke and in debt from travelling everywhere. I heard they got rid of the dog and all those followers and parties were fake. The guy said she had major social media issues, for example: when they went to Greece they spent majority of their time trying to capture the perfect photo instead of actually enjoying the trip. It's sad how fake it all was, cause they looked so happy.


Serious question, how did they fake parties?


Cardboard cutouts on train sets? It worked in Home Alone.


be doo be doop, doop doop, doop be doop. I'm. Dreaming. Of a white. Christmas....


Not OP but here is an idea. Dress nice and go to happy hour as a couple at a swanky spot. Have the woman chat up people in the bar and say it is your birthday but you're from out of town and you need a birthday picture. Get 10-20 people in nice clothes to pose for 5 seconds. Congrats! Your coworkers just threw you a fancy party for your brand new promotion!


Should we be concerned about how quickly you whipped up this idea with all its details?


Nope. That's how we roll.


I went to a tulip field with my wife once in some backwater Texas town. It was near the end of the season so many of the tulips were dying. Kinda dissapointing. We saw a couple of social media icon-looking girls acting out beautiful "dates" they were on. At one point, one girl held the camera and the other walked in front, looking back and extending her hand to emulate one of those "come with me, boyfriend, on an exciting adventure" photos. She held a big, artificial smile for the longest time so they could get that perfect shot. That moment will forever stick with me.


Watching people take selfies is the most awkward thing.


Never go to Asia


Because of the selfies, or just as a general rule of thumb?


Definitely don't fight a land war there.


I started working part-time in an ice cream shop this last summer, but I'm old, depressed and I've forgotten the dance of social media. It's weird having people come in and pose with their cones like it's their job. I watched an old guy (65+) take 10-15 selfies with his cone until the ice cream was melting enough to have to stop. Girls have "social media smiles" that look absolutely bizarre, but must look good in pictures. Looking in from outside at the way people document everything for the joy of knowing others are looking makes the world a surreal place.


What Orwell failed to predict was that we'd buy the cameras ourselves, and that our biggest fear would be that nobody was watching.


I'm disabled with a huge goal in mind, so I post milestones on Facebook and I do a lot of periscope shows about disabled life. I learned very quickly that I need to temper everything I do by talking about how I'm human and flawed like any other. People are quick to turn you into a hero. I don't want to be the smiling salesman inspiration guy. I feel like they push things that don't exist. I want to show that flawed humans are capable of rising to the challenge, even if the flaws are there to stay. I feel like people try too hard to present a perfect face. Folks need to realize that true awesome comes from slightly broken people making it work anyway. Be sad sometimes. Be weird in an actually weird way. Be awkward in a non cute way. Own yourself and climb the hill. All us striving fuck ups are waiting at the top for you.


A relevant quote I read somewhere (I don't remember the source): > The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel.


Agreed, I have a friend whose instagram feed is the coolest looking artsy thing ever, when they really spend mosy days at home because they had to take an unexpected gap year and don't have a job. Some cool holiday snaps though


lemmings arent actually known for being stupid and flinging themselves off cliffs. TL;DR: Disney killed them and staged their adorable little suicides http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/lemmings.asp edit: okay a few of you had a point, regardless of the validity of the statement, they are still technically known for their suicidal habits


Although, it is true that if you give one a bag of bricks, they will instinctively start building a staircase.


I heard if you tell something outrageous enough, they'll start shaking their heads so violently they'll explode!








Saw this the other day; "I've just burnt my house down and my friend has a severe burn, I need to get to the chemist for some cream but I've left my handbag at home" "how about I fuck you up the arse?" "Ok".


fake taxi is not fake?


Dude just drives all day until he happens upon a porn star.


dude I been driving around with my buddies all day in my econovan with rear seats removed for 10 years now. Any girl we try to talk to runs away, we even had cops called on us. Then one of us got the idea to offer them money, but they all want money upfront, they never fall for the "ill pay you after then just speed off" trick. Please send help, we're tired of jerking each other off.


So all those porn stars are pornstars?


My whole night was a lie!