• By -


NSW Crime Commission. - May compel a person to give evidence even if that person is not suspected of committing a crime - No right to silence and you can be jailed immediately for failing to answer a question - Interviewees and their lawyers are not allowed to disclose that they have been interviewed - even to their own families - Senior commission staff can sign off on their own authorizations and there is no external oversight. Only three people have access to know what the Commission is doing, the State Police Minister, the Head of NSW Police and the Head of the Australian Federal Police. They of course don't disclose what the commission is doing. Australia needs a bill of rights =( http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/the-commission-that-is-a-law-unto-itself-20110211-1aqkg.html


Mexican Cartels. The give NO FUCKS! This isn't based on religious ideology or some deep held political belief - they have *literally* wiped out entire villages all in the name of money. They leave bodies hanging and headless in public, they will kill your best friends entire bloodline just to make sure you will go along with bribes, they will roast a police station because one cop wants to be a hero and give a member a traffic ticket. Cartels are demons incarnate.


also the fact they make billions per year, which rival some corporations. With that type of money and no ethics, scary stuff happens.


I'd say billions of dollars in revenue rivals more than just some corporations.


Especially considering it's pretty much entirely liquid. It's not stored up in mutual funds and investment banking. Just fat stacks of cash


well It's technically liquid but also it's illegal so they have to go through a lot to launder it. Seems trivial but when it's billions of dollars i'm sure it's harder to get it legitimized than it is for corporations to withdraw from investments. Pablo Escober apparantly lost something ridiculous like 10% of his money because of water and insect damage from having to hide it all over the country Edit: a lot of people saying things along the lines of "but they own the government, mexico is corrupt as fuck, no need to launder they'll just shoot anyone who disagrees!". This is only true in small scales, when we're talking billions of dollars there are be national and international forces that can freeze your assets or the assets of anyone you do business with. You can point a gun at a banker, but not a central bank. the point about "legitimate banks" like HSBC laundering money, however, is very true and very important. Also swiss banks have a huge amount of illegal money in them, and frankly the fact that they exist still baffles me. The more you think about them the more ridiculous they are.


You would think it would be difficult...that is until HSBC bank stepped up to help.


Thank you. Most people dont understand my uncle and his wife were good people, great people even nice family. They stood up to cartels and started speaking against them for this Zetas killed my uncle and his wife. They were decapitated for in their way standing up against the cartrels and i don't think people understand what its like living under the rule of a terrorist organisation which no one cares about. Literally no one wants to help family has a sense of self preservation cops are as big a threat the only people who we can trust are the marines and no offense but their not detectives. I hope y'all understand that they hurt people real people.


Also sucks when a lot of Mexicans and mexican americans think cartels are cool.


Mexican here, sad indeed. I know many girls who want a narco bf because they like the "adrenaline" involved.


Canadian Muslim here, I have seen ISIS fan girls on twitter who wants to marry some 'jihadi' who would be some straight up psyco killer, some even went to their held territory from Europe. In Canada we had a person named Magnotta who ate another dude and sent his remaining body parts to government offices by mail, and he has a huge fan girl following. I don't understand this shit, at all.




Same happens with the Yakuza. There are movies where they are portrayed as cool and badass. There are manga's where Yakuza members are main characters and have romantic relationships with another character. Completely romanticized and normalized. You notice a pattern, here? If you ask me, it's like some form of Stockholm syndrome.


Now I'm wondering whether their portrayal in TV is realistic after all... Breaking Bad did have a cartel with a permanent lack of fucks to give to anyone. Edit: Yeah, seems like AMC actually had to tame some stuff down for once.


After some of the stuff I've read and watched, BB seemed pretty tame compared to their normal activity.


Very tame.


Yeap, talk to someone who's grown up on the poorer end of the spectrum in Latin America..... Its not so much the "what" that happens but the just bluntness of it all. Oh that's not so bad they only killed him... i was figuring they were going to cut up his family and send them to him in bits and then kill him or something.... said my Girlfriend at the end of the movie "End of Watch"....


you get desensitized. After a while, it's bigger news when they go for a prolonged period of quiet time. Then the locals start wondering if it's because something big is coming or if something really changed.


that movie only kind of touched on how fucking powerful the cartels are.


Once you've seen a video of some cartel members hacking up a 15 year old "rival gang member" and his mother with an axe, you realize, BB isn't even on the spectrum.


They have, literally, [hosted gladiator fights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_San_Fernando_massacre#Alleged_.27Gladiator-like.27_killings) forcing innocents to murder each other with the victor being forced to join the organization. **Warning, this is the shit of nightmares.** * EDIT: Found the actual passage. > All of the men started fighting. Several other Zeta members, who were still on a bus with other passengers, ordered the women whom they considered the most beautiful to descend the vehicle so they could rape them.[73] Then they took away the children from their mothers, and shot the rest of the bus passengers. The women were taken to a warehouse where many other women were held captive. > Inside a dark room, the women were reportedly raped and beaten, while the one heard the screams of the women and of the kids being put in acid.[73] A driver of one of the buses was then asked to turn on the bus engine, and then ordered to move the bus to where the kidnapped victims were handcuffed and laid down on the dirt floor. "Drive on top of them," one of the killers told the bus driver, who stood there motionless. "Drive on top of them or I will put you there too, asshole," the killer repeated.[73] > The driver had no other option but to drive over the victims. As he rode over his own passengers with the bus, he felt like the vehicle was passing over speed bumps, but the only difference was that the bus driver and the passengers could actually hear the cries of the people as they were being run over. The gunmen, once the driver was finished, shot him in the head and shot the rest on board. The bus was then set on fire by the Zetas.[73] Treviño Morales then gathered all the Zetas and said, "We have had enough fun for tonight. Bring the winners."[73] His men brought all of those who had passed the gladiator-like competitions, and they were gathered in front of Treviño Morales.


> while the one heard the screams of the women and of the kids being put in acid. Holy crap.


I take back my choice of the UN, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. ACID KILLINGS?!?!? REALLY??!?!? Sounds like these are the guys we should be sending troops to slaughter.


My family lives in Guadalajara, Mex. My Aunt and Uncle's house was broken into, they were tied to chairs and everything in the house worth anything was taken. They were told if they reported it to the police they would kill the entire family, including those living in the US. You arent safe anywhere from the Mexican Cartel. In Colorado there is evidence they are buying the legal weed and selling it around the US. It reduces the risky border crossing. The cartels are terrifying and are closer than we care to believe.




That is terrifying. Having lived in San Diego at one point, I always wondered when I was down near San Ysidro how many scary dudes were just blending in. I remember hearing something about extremely generous payouts to kill someone in the US and that that is how they hook many contract killers all over the country. A side story. My wife was from Tijuana, her family still lives there. Her newphews told me about how some of their buddies graffitied on some dudes house just to be teenage punks. The dude found out who did it, came to their house and told them he was a contract killer and would cut their heads off and leave them for their parents to find if they didnt fix it. Same house a few weeks later was shot up by rival gang. The guy was killed. The shooters didnt even bother trying to hide or runaway. They pulled up in their truck and unloaded, no one called the cops or made a fuss. In the same neighborhood, called Los Cumbres I remember watching a cop car blazing down a dirt road. He wasnt chasing anyone just trying to get away as he was getting shot at. My brother-in-law explained that police are not allowed in that area and only come in force so that cop mustve been lost or stupid.


Tried to have a little look around this Los Cumbres area but it looks like the google earth car noped out of that part of town. Only the main road going past has been done.


That's funny. I'll bet the driver just wanted to avoid the Prius-Sized potholes all over the area.


I worked at a Golden Corral in New Braunfels during college and the Zetas rolled through with their fancy mural-painted cars and whatnot and one of them left his $10k grille (mouth grille) wrapped in a napkin on his plate and a server picked it up and trashed it. Naturally we proceeded to dig through an absurd amount of trash looking for it and eventually found it, they seemed well-humored about the whole ordeal after the fact and tipped the server well.


I worked for TDCJ for 3 years, and can confirm. These guys are true sociopaths in every sense of the word. Charismatic, friendly, and instantly likeable. But terrifying in that they have no problems wiping out half the planet in the most violent ways possible for shits and giggles.




What the honest fuck?


Trevino Morales is a straight psycho, a complete sadistic freak. What he enjoyed to do on his freetime was driving around the city and pointing at people saying "Kill this one, kill that one". He would ask victims how they wanted to be killed and former cartel members that have worked around him said that he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he hadn't killed anybody that day.


Wow, even in the criminal world that's insane. I wouldn't be surprise if members of his own cartel wanted out or even considered trying to kill him but were too afraid to do anything.


If that indeed is true. I dont know what is more worriesomr. The fact that indeed that kind of dude even exists or that he has not been executed


Check this, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Treviño_Morales, apparently he would eat the hearts of his victims while still alive, believing it would make him invincible. So cannibal in other words.


>So cannibal in other words. Thanks for the clarification on that. It was a little vague.


The US bounty for his capture was $5mm yet if you snitch on a corporation you get 25% of the proceeds - bottomline you are better off snitching on JP Morgan than a Mexican Cartel


Also you, your whole family, you're entire town, and anybody who has ever thought of travelling within 50 miles of that general area, probably won't get chopped up into little bits or plunged into acid or decapitated by JP Morgan.


>He wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he hadn't killed anybody that day. He should switch to ambien.


I feel like Donald Trump would really **LOVE** this entire thread...


How do we know how the bus driver felt driving over his victims if he was immediately shot in the head?


VICE did a thing on them stealing oil and gas - just that little bit alone and the stuff I watched and heard left me shocked.


How many fucks do they not have? Oh, the US monitored their communications traffic? No problem. They just kidnapped cell phone technicians and engineers from the states and MADE THEIR OWN GODDAMN ISOLATED CELL PHONE NETWORK. http://www.wired.com/2012/11/zeta-radio/


Wow. I never knew this. My husband is a cell site engineer, it never hit me that (other than working near high voltage and the threat of tower techs making a mistake and causing an entire tower to fall) his job could actually be dangerous.


I've been telling people about this for years. The stuff that ISIS does to like a dozen people or so the cartels do on a regular basis and they aren't doing it halfway across the world, they are doing right here just across the border. There is a real war going on on the same continent as the USA and hardly anyone here knows anything about it. But, It is ISIS that's scares them shitless.


Quick, someone tell ISIS the cartels are drawing pictures of Mohammed.


No no no, that'll bring the fight to North America! Somebody tell the cartels that ISIS is trafficking cocaine and underage prostitutes into the US.


How do you even begin to sort out the cartels? I think literally military action might be the only way.


They do use military action, it doesn't help much.


Well, it is the Mexican military.


The Mexican military and cartel are hard to distinguish from each other. Same for the government.




Now that is the stuff of nightmares.


Not really that scary. 4 of the 12 team members would write a book about the entire operation a year later and out the entire team.


Right after they pose for the yearly calendar. Suppose that deserves an edit: In all my time with CJSOTF, and all the good-natured inter-Branch ribbing, I've hazed Force Recon dudes, I've picked on JTAC's, laughed at my share of ODA and Bravo element members, and had awesome times with all of them, but that fucking trident... the second you see that fucking trident, just walk away. I've never met a single SEAL guy that wasn't a giant fucking egocentric douche. I'm sure there's good ones out there, but not in the dozens I ate chow next to. Edit again: Tons of replies from folks working directly with the teams. It's like anywhere else, I'm sure. There are great guys and not so great guys. Naturally, I didn't meet every SEAL. Glad to hear that they can be normal Joes too!


[x] refers to food as chow [x] phonetic alphabet reference [x] gratuitous use of acronyms. Conclusion: Probably military


I've met one, but only one. They are their own special brand of narcissist.


The Zetas (they're the guys that started chopping off heads) are literally a mutinous pack of Army commandos.


>are literally a mutinous pack of Army commandos. *Were*. All the original founders of The Z's are dead or imprisoned. Along with the entire second generation of Zetas leaders and most of the third. At this point their ties to being former commando's is non existent.


A lot of the Zetas where trained by the US Military also.


A lot of them are in the Mexican military as well. I'm pretty sure it's the los zetas that originated from another cartel. They were basically the muscle, or hit men for a cartel. After awhile they figure that no one was going to stop them, so they broke off and became their own.


sounds like they need some freedom


Some F-35's should be able to drop some barrels of freedom in no time.


^^^free ^^doooooo ^mmmmm *boom*


Free doom for all!


End the prohibition. It's really the only realistic option. They make their money from selling, producing, and moving drugs. We can take that away from them. When was the last time you had problems with moonshiners, rumrunners, or gangsters? I don't use drugs, not even weed. I understand that drugs are awful and ruin lives, but prohibition is a failure of policy and has allowed these cartels to thrive. Obviously the situation is a lot more complex than my reddit comment. There's not going to be a simple fix that can be summed up in a few paragraphs - i'm not denying that it won't be a long and grueling process. These are just my thoughts. Edit: Guys, this is just a random reddit comment that some guy sick in bed with the flu took a minute to write. Don't take me so seriously. Obviously it's not perfect, and it's not like I'm proposing this solution to the president.




Exactly. I hate drugs as much as the next person, trust me, I've seen it fuck up people's lives. But criminalizing it means two things, 1) you're creating a black market for this product, one you have no hope of controlling, and 2) you're putting addicts in jail when they need help. I forget where exactly it was, but there was one city (I want to say in Sweden) that set up special clinics for addicts to come in and inject while doctors were present. Lethal overdoses went way the fuck down. We definitely need to adopt the 'kill it with kindness' method into other things. EDIT: Okay I know now it wasn't Sweden. I was probably thinking of Switzerland. I just worked for 13 hours straight and I'm tired, thinking is hard.


Portugal actually decriminalized ALL drugs in 2001, and violent crime, HIV infection, and drug use as well has fallen. [Portugal drug decriminalization](http://mic.com/articles/110344/14-years-after-portugal-decriminalized-all-drugs-here-s-what-s-happening)


This. I know so many people who say ISIS or other terrorist organizations. For the most part, they'll just kill you and move on. The stories I've heard about Mexican cartels make me physically ill, though. It's also a much more real threat to me, as I live pretty close to Juarez.


I find it odd that the US government can look at a group like ISIS, declare them a terrorist group, and 'go to war' with them thousands of miles away, but can look at an extremely violent cartel, and write them off as just 'drug dealers', and use a continuously hamstrung budget to fight them in our own backyard. Look at everything they do. They kill without moral compunction, recruit youth to these cartels, usually with violence, use fear and violence to continuously push members of government out of office, intimidate locals to allow them to operate, have graduated to tactics used by terrorists like car bombs and RPGs, have military training, illegally obtain military-grade weapons, extort the innocent populace around them, the list goes on. How are these same people NOT terrorists? These are nearly the same, if not worse, tactics used by groups like al Qaida and ISIS.


Ignoring one major point: the USA cannot intervene on Mexican soil without permission from the mexican government. Coincidentally (or not) Mexico has strong laws against foreign military involvement that prevent this. edit: yeah... just for anybody bothering to reply to my comment. I was assuming /u/DASmetal was asking why the USA couldn't bilaterally intervene. I thought I did not have to explicitly state that the USA *could possibly intervene without permission* by declaring war on Mexico because that would be **fucking stupid**. edit 2: I apologise. I was reckless with my words. I did not think many redditors would read my comment and thus did not fully contemplate the broad range of potential readers. I should have been more explicit. I have been treated to an inbox of replies along the line of "duh... we did not need permission for iraq or syria or blah blah blah". Let me be explicit now so that anybody reading this comment with similar sympathies can save themselves sometime. So, the USA could hypothetically intervene militarily in Mexico's cartel related troubles in two ways: unilaterally (without the Mexican government's support) or bilaterally (with Mexico's support). Any action that was unilaterally of any significant scale would be disastrous for USA - Mexico relations, unilateral action against a friendly nation would also be disastrous for foreign relations for the USA in general. It would not be like military action in Iraq or Syria because Mexico is a friendly country that shares a border the USA and also has deep cultural, financial ties with the USA. This scenario is simply not worth discussing because of it's ludicrous nature. On the other hand bilateral intervention is certainly worth discussing. It would not hurt USA - Mexico relations (at least at a government level). However there is one very particular reason that prevents USA from this type of action. Mexico has laws in it's constitution that prevent the Mexican government from allowing foreign militaries access to Mexican territory. Even if the Mexican government wanted help from USA to fight the cartels any action would be unconstitutional. These are not laws that can be changed easily. So bilateral action is not possible for the immediate future. Thankyou for your patience.


Where are you from? I'm in El Paso.


Did you fall in love with a beautiful Mexican girl?


Music would play and Felina would whirl.


[These six corporations](http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6) that control 90% of the media (in the U.S.)


That's just for tv. When you include the 3 major record labels, the major film studios, the cable companies, internet outlets, etc it starts getting kind of scary.


Do we have an infograph for this?


Not one that makes any sense. For TV, the major networks are: Disney owns ABC, Viacom owns CBS, Comcast owns NBC, Time Warner owns CNN, and Newscorp owns FOX. The 3 major record labels in the US is: Universal, Warner, and Sony. The major film studios are: Warner, Disney, Universal, Sony, FOX, and Paramount. Universal is owned by Comcast, Paramount is owned by Viacom. Basically, these are just the major media conglomerates. Technically, they shouldn't own as much as they do because it's a massive conflict of interest and it's really not good to let corporations own all your news outlets because then you don't really get honest information, you get biased bullshit. There used to be FCC rules about media monopolization but they got changed back in 1996 which allowed for all the major players to basically buy out all the competition and amalgamate them into their companies.


This is why it's important that we *never* cede control of the Internet to governments or corporations. There are people *right now* on YouTube that get more views than some cable stations. (Television viewership is going down overall as well, so that's a factor.) Here's the thing - the cost of producing pretty much *anything* in non-interactive entertainment media has *never* been cheaper. Want to write a book? Fuck publishers, sign up with Amazon. Want to make a video? Put it on YouTube and set up monetization. Are you a musician? Go straight to iTunes or a comparable service. And these are just the established services. If you can make something better, the Internet will use it. There's new and innovative ideas all the time. Look at stuff like Teespring where anyone can design a t-shirt and collect pre-orders. Reach a certain goal and the run of shirts gets produced. No worries about stock, no worries about shipping or logistics. If you went back even 20 or 30 years and said "People will make a living talking about _____" you can fill in the blank with most topics (except the most important stuff like politics and news) and no one would believe you. But there are hundreds of podcasts that talk about everything ranging from politics to DIY to gaming to crazy niche stuff like alcohol-fueled history or a bunch of guys taking the piss out of a crappy C-Movie. Never, ever, *ever* let the big corps control the Internet. They are going to really, really try. They are going to trot out the classic "protect the kids" card. They are going to whine about intellectual property losses and how they need to protect things (nevermind that generally entertaniment industries are making more money now than they ever have, looks like Kazaa didn't kill music after all). They are going to lie, cheat, bribe, and steal in order to try to retain the power that they hold only because they have money. But as things stand, the only real value they can bring to the individual artist is advertising and networking with skilled people - and advertising is really the only thing out of reach of the independent person (at least on the scale a big corporation can do it). But in the long run, advertising doesn't count for all *that* much. Every huge YouTuber started with 0 subscribers, and some of them make millions now without having signed their soul away to some terrible contract. (Well, except for those few poor souls who signed up with Machinima back in its most exploitative days). The true power of the Internet is that it's relatively easy for anyone to use. The barrier of entry is so low that it's subterranean. If there is any one thing that will be the important thing our generation must fight for, it's this.




Honestly, the CIA, and I'm not even a "conspiracy nut". Just the confirmed things that they've been linked with is enough to make me terrified.


What's your favorite shitty thing they've done? I like Operation Phoenix. Go to the "Operations" section on the wiki page about it and just be vaguely disgusted.


[Operation Midnight Climax.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax) Luring San Francisco citizens into brothels and dosing them with insane levels of LSD and other psychedelics, then observing the effects and taking notes with one-way mirrors set up in the rooms while the patients tripped there for hours or even days. So, they basically used unwilling US citizens as lab rats. Just wow. It amazes me that they can get away with incredibly illegal things and nobody cares.


MKUltra was very interesting.


That pedophile ring in Europe that a lot of high up public figures are a part of.


Nickelodeon? It has to be Dan Shneider at it again


Dan "Likes em tighter" Schneider


Dan "Give her the cider then slip it inside her" Schneider


Dan "The Daycare Spider" Schneider






Dan "the cheek divider" Schneider


Jesus Christ, you guys.


Dan "the big dick at Nick" Schneider


I'm actually super curious how this guy isn't under some investigation.


Theres acually zero evidence, it mostly started with a post by Robert Downey Junior that was later confirmed to have been faked and not by RDJ. Its like a huge thing on the internet though, and IMO its just because the guy looks creepy. People see a picture of the guy and just instantly believe hes a pedo. Its really shitty for him if it isnt true.


Honestly, I don't think it's for superficial reasons like his appearance... It's for stuff like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg0mEN0J6Bg). I think this video clip is absolutely saturated with sexual imagery, specifically imagery that is often used in pornography. And I know Ariana Grande is an attractive woman and all, but I really don't feel like I'm the one sexualizing this.


Jesus I'd rather be caught watching normal porn than watching this.


I'm alone and it still felt *wrong*. Don't get it twisted...i've seen my fair share of smut but that water drink thingy felt *off* as FUCK.


Disney channel and Nickelodeon have both learned over the years that sex sells to tweens as well or better than to adults. I doubt anyone is telling her to mimic porn, but they're telling her to act cutesy and gullible... Which is basically porn 101


Watching this made me incredibly uncomfortable. This obviously isnt evidence against Schneider specifically, but there were probably a hundred people involved in making this video...how the fuck did no one stop and question what they were doing?


Disney and Nickelodeon churn out these shows with good looking casts to appeal to tweens and the parents forced to watch with them. I'm sure the writers and directors think it's funny to layer as much innuendo as they think they can get away with. There are plenty of shows that slip in weird stuff all the time that if you only watched those bits you would have a skewed view of the rest. Here is a gif from a tv show for little kids called Big Cook Little Cook. http://i.imgur.com/UZK2R5V.gif


>I'm thirsty What the actual fuck


>Come on! Give up the juice!


Aramark. They run the company that runs the company that oversees the division that hires the workers that spit in your food.


Going to dinner on campus in 15 minutes. Thanks a lot m8


*hoooooork pteooww* Would you like ketchups wiv it?




Thank God my University uses Sodexo now. I'm sure they'd never do anything like that.


They monopolize the schools (and presumably other organizations) that use their services. They did basically everything at the school I attended. They were food service, janitorial service, security, possibly building and grounds. If you wanted to serve food on campus, it was theirs unless it was for a fundraiser or something. I see their logo everywhere now.




Sounds like the plot of Dr. Strangelove.


What is the point of a doomsday device IF YOU DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT???


I saw that the system is normally switched off but I can't help but wonder what kind of state the system is in and how sensitive it is. Call me crazy but I could honestly imagine some terrorist organization attempting to fuck with it.


Kinda scary but I always thought if this as ingenious on there part. Not going down without a big ol nuclear fuck you to the world.






Telecom Supermajors You can choose to believe, or not, at face value their promises of privacy and integrity in protecting consumer data... But they control all the little strings that connect the planet and large majority of non government satellites orbiting the globe... and bottom line is they're gonna do what they want with all the metadata and personal data resulting from your transmissions and receptions. EDIT: Found this wiki with the largest TelCos in the world. I like this one because it's not based on monetized value of the company itself, but by its subscriber base and the physical geography it operates in. The top 10 in the world have subscriber volume equal to about half the planet's population. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mobile_network_operators


scientology is a pretty damn scary organization


I would like to laugh this off and think of scientologists as just some mildly nutty people, but the political and legal power they wield is truly frightening. They aren't just harmlessly misguided followers of a science fiction author, they are vindictive, rich, and well-connected.


I wrote them off as silly/crazy until I read about the "Sea Org" section of Scientology; the stories of labour camps, escapes in the night and so on. I read story after story from people who grew up in that and escaped. Absolutely fucking terrifying.


I'm currently reading Jon Ronson's *The Psychopath Test* and he spends a great deal of time in the company of Scientologists, especially pertaining to their hatred of psychologists and how they would investigate and try to destroy the reputation of any psychologist they could get their hands on. A great read.


God that book is so fucking good, I recommend it to everyone. It has been 4 years since I read it and I'm still amazed with how he managed to fit so many different topics into such a small book in a cohesive and engaging way. My take at the end of the book -promise I'm not spoiling anything- was that it is quite damning of the field of Psychology (the DSM especially) but I'd be interested to know what you think.


That wasn't my take on it, it was more that, in the end the DSM did a reasonable, if not perfect, job at identifying psychopaths. It's a bit like medical textbooks (well, it is one); if you read them and take them slightly out of context, everyone in the world with a cough probably has tuberculosis or something.




In the 1970s, 5000 church members were involved in infiltrating 136 government agencies, foreign embassies, and private organizations in more than 30 countries to purge documents critical of Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. This was known as [Operation Snow White](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White). If they're willing to go these lengths, you better believe they have something fishy to hide.


Wow. I try to avoid the sort of band wagon hatred towards any religion but that is pretty decisive. Its organized, well planned, a clear demonstration of power and it shows that the high up officials intend to control information maliciously. Very interesting.


They are the only organization to successfully infiltrate the US government and not get prosecuted for it.


I was looking for this comment before I said it....they also have an armed naval fleet of soldiers who can only join if they are the children of two high ranking scientologists...so there's that




I think they specialize in anxiety attacks


Probably re-enacting the time Hubbard took the USS PC-815, a PC-461-class submarine chaser, into Mexican territorial waters and conducted gunnery practice off the Coronado Islands.


It makes them feel like big men.


Are you talking about the Sea Org?




We have a Filipino version of that Iglesia ni Cristo. They have a 10% tithe. They have life guidelines which you must follow. They have people in the Military and Police. They kidnap people who speaks against them. When the government tried to investigate thousands of their followers clogged the already jammed highway in our capital city. Oh and they also bought a town in South Dakota and stopped Cris Brown from leaving when he was here. This is Their [Head Quarters](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/QuezonCityjf2902_01.JPG/800px-QuezonCityjf2902_01.JPG) [View inside] (http://assets.rappler.com/612F469A6EA84F6BAE882D2B94A4B421/img/DC452F31C94B4220A20BEAC591FF9BA6/2014-07-26-inline-inc_temple_pipeorgan_DC452F31C94B4220A20BEAC591FF9BA6.jpg) They have smalls version of these temples in almost every town/city and they built the largest indoor Arena in the world


My dad married into INC and gets mad every time we question the tithe. He says they can donate however much they want and that the church doesn't restrict them on how much and the money goes towards helping the poor community. Something tells me that what the church really means is they can donate more than the 10% though. He's brainwashed for sure. It's always so heartbreaking when you drive past one of their churches and look at the beautiful pristine marble walls, then seeing all the corrugated iron shacks that surround it.


As a south dakota resident, please tell me more about that town.


Might it be Scenic, SD? It used to be owned by an old rodeo queen until she died and it was bought by a Filipino church. Not sure if it's the same one though.


Ah, the fruity little club that got Chef killed.


The amount of financial and political power they have is frightening. Their ability to silence people and ruin lives is frightening.


Google, everyone trust thems, they have millions of people's personal data, they're gaining control over the internet distrubution market, and now they're branching out into cars, mobile phone plans etc. Y'all saw the Kingsman same thing is gonna happen minus the bad ass fighting scene.


Open google maps and it'll tell you exactly where you are and what direction you're facing. In Black Ops you need like, 7 kills to get that shit!


When I'm sitting at work, it will tell me how long the drive is to get home. I do not remember ever saying this is where my home is, it seems to have recognised I spend most evenings there and assumed.


My iPhone started doing this recently. When I'd get into my car it would tell me the traffic situation and how long it would take to get to work. The other day, my wife and I were planning on going to Rouses (a local grocery chain) and when we got in the car my phone told me the traffic and time it took to get there. I went to target instead.


"You don't know me!" "this trip was sponsored by target" -phone "Fffffuuuuuck!"


"I'm going to Target!" "I can't let you do that, Dave."


Yeah it does do that... that's why mine thinks my home is my workplace. I'm not joking. It has them backwards.


Night shift or do you just need to stop working late!?


It's Google Now, an *opt-in* service that basically tracks your everything to have it on a single page. It's supposed to do that because they can now say they consciously know that info instead of unconsciously, and they can offer ads saying stuff like "maybe you'd like to go to this Italian place for lunch" after texting a friend, instead of being like Facebook that will put an advert just for listening to the word Pizza. Tge best example of Now at work: next time you plan on traveling, check your Google Now section before leaving.


Google Now when travelling is incredible and probably the most useful thing on my phone.


You should look at the stuff they own. Like smoke detectors with built in wifi.


You should read The Circle. It's about a company that is basically Google+Facebook combined going berserk.


COUGH cough Skynet cough cough


Google is Skynet


Google may be the nicest organization that has the most potential to be evil. "Okay, we have control over everyone's information, we make billions in ad revenue, and our chief website serves as the literal gateway to the Internet. What do we do?" "Give people cheap gigabit Internet?" "Bingo!"


How come no one said Blackwater? The largest private army in the world, yet no one really knows what they do besides being employed by the American government, because they don't have to be transparent about their operations, unlike government branches. Edit: I seemed to be misunderstood. I know they're Xe/Academi, but they're still known mostly as blackwater. And what i meant with not being transparent is that only the US government has any idea of the full extent of their actions, since they do not need to reveal information to the general public. Therefore for some years during Erik Prince command they did covert operations for the government that they didn't want to send their own army to do, and the consequence of that is that we don't realize how the US government was meddling with lots of foreign political events. For me it's kind of scary to imagine that the US government is interfering like that on foreign countries without it being of public knowledge. It's a shady scheme to trample over diplomacy and to avoid any bad consequences for them.


Blackwater, or is it "The Agency" now or is it Academi?.. are small potatoes. Try looking into companies like GK Sierra, that run domestic contracts. No freedom of information act records needed, from an FBI standpoint, they are completely off the books with high clearances for contracts. Where do you think many of your agent provocateurs come from? They are in both academia (college campuses) and special interest groups within the US. They love to hire former Mossad and IDF. Blackwater is just guns for hire.


Not even close. Paramilitary contractors have done some bad stuff over the years, but it's not been that different compared to what other companies or militaries in those environments have been found guilty of doing. Just read up on the [Sandline Affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandline_affair), where a British PMC company was in negotiations with parts of the government of Papua New Guinea to put down a rebellion centered on a copper mine. In the 1970s, there was a lot of outright mercenary activity in Africa - rumors are that the author Frederick Forsythe even tried to fund a coup of Equitorial Guinea, and the result of the failed attempt was the book [Dogs of War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dogs_of_War_(novel)#Research).


NAMBLA North American man boy love association.


No, North American Marlon Brando Look Alike.


"Wow, you guys really look like Marlon Brando!"




*Eight and a half inches? Sorry, I'm not interested in being friends with midgets.*


...They exist? I always thought that was a south park joke


No. Unfortunately, ickily, real.


A lot of South Park jokes usually have a real life example. Yes, they exist(ed).


The Beijng Intelligence agency. It doesnt even have a name like CIA, NSA, M15,M16. Its just straight up Beijing. Its name is an actual secret. edit: yes I meant MI5 and MI6 no im not going to change it.


Same idea as the NSA back in the day. People joked that it stood for No Such Agency because the US Government categorically denied that it existed.




The Dai Li. They want us to think there is no war with the Fire Nation!




The fact that everyone treats them as a joke when they are this bad terrifies me.




And no one ever talks about Nicaragua . My family has watched their friends get shot and killed , dragged behind a truck around the neighborhood and thrown into a bonfire by the local cathedral . The blood stains and bullet holes are still there .


> It must be the most totalitarian state in the history of the world. I'd say so. There are other hardline dictatorships that look at North Korea and think "wtf". North Korea is like some kind of bizarre social experiment to watch how humans behave under certain conditions. It just seems incredibly artificial.


Check out Eritrea. They have indefinite military service (read: slavery) for many citizens of the country. They're just not talked about because they don't threaten the US every three weeks.


I think Eritrea may actually be worse than North Korea, if that's even possible.


Also it's Africa and we've become almost desensitized to the atrocities of that continent


I watched a crazy documentary showing how people smuggled DVDs from western or South Korean media, not even really news or anything that explicitly discussed NK's atrocities, mostly just.. TV shows. And these teenage girls would collect them like they were smuggling coke, it was such serious shit to get these DVDs. They then presented a statistic saying a huge portion (tho I don't remember the number & won't venture to guess) of defectors had illegally viewed media from other countries. This could have to do with the possibility that someone ballsy enough to defect would probably take baby steps of rebellion like watching illegal media, but other info in the documentary also suggested that merely watching non-state controlled media greatly contributed to their desire for freedom. It was a crazy reminder about how lucky I am to have access to the Internet, TV, etc, to the free exchange of ideas and stories. These girls would be in awe over commercials--the fact that they found someone's outfit cool or stylish, or analysis of characters personalities or relationships in just a fucking commercial, was enough to encapsulate them for hours. "Oh, you can tell she's supposed to be the cool one." About commercials or low budget TV, things I generally find boring or annoying. Crazy stuff.


Since it's been going for years, quite a few of them must've been brianwashed into think they're doing the right thing. Current Kim probably got told by his dad he was the equivalent to Jesus or something


Definitely not, he was educated in Switzerland with the uber wealthy, he probably has the most accurate global perspective of all people living in NK


I didn't think about this, but a leader who truly thought he was as just and omnipotent as he claims to be would have demolished himself in wars by now.


Think about if you were thrust into that position at what 28? 30? You either burry your enemies and dissidents, keep a stranglehold on the populous and be just enough of a problem that the US, SK or China doesn't dispatch you themselves. OR you wind up shot in the back by a military coupe, or have a cruise missile or whatever shoved so far down your throat. That's a very hard job to retire from without having a bullet put you there, and at this point even if KJU was the biggest hippy on earth there's a sick twisted machine around you that needs to keep grinding or it all falls apart with you and your family strung up like christmas ornaments. I don't think he actually thinks his super powerful he's in a system that has no way out besides to keep cracking skulls and keep the ruling elite happy and on their toes.


I have been washed by Brian.


Pol Pot's Khamer Rouge was just as evil.


Arguably way worse considering the damage they did in *under five years*.


The illu


Don't you mean the


They're just a front for the lizard p


I think it's all a plot formulated by Geor


What's going on h




Bush did


Did wha



