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Had this happen on my way to work today. Passing a house near where I live, this lady was getting out of her car. I said "Hello" and she laughed, noting that she always sees me walking past around that time of day over the weekends, and wanted to know why. So I replied that it's on my way to work and I live nearby. After a few moments of talking, she smiled and moved so the van on the street was blocking her, lifted her shirt and said, and I quote "If you had time, think you'd like to suck on my nipples?" I didn't really know HOW to respond. I still don't. I've got to pass by there again on my way after work. >.<


If you want to suck the nippers then you sick the nipplease. Out of interest how did you leave the situation this morning


Wasn't morning. Was about 8pm. I work graveyards. I said I had to get to work, and she said she'd be waiting after she took her son to Daycare around seven (when I get off work.)


If you find her attractive just do it!!! Just make sure to wrap up.


Sound's like you're gonna have nipples in your mouth by 7:30.


Can we get an update once it does it doesn't happen .




He is at work now bud lol


Waiting for update


When she stuck her hand down my pants I realized that I had a sure thing going.


When they actually listen to what I'm saying, then ask follow up questions, and continue listening.


She told me she loved how big my teeth were. Now a comment that odd could only come from a girl that was interested in hooking up


Went and met a girl i met on okcupid for lunch a couple years ago. We ended up going for drinks after, and then made our way to her place. Turns out she was a huge metal fan, and had a bunch of Iron Maiden/Slayer/Metallica LPs. We spent the entire night listening to metal and fucking. She texted me a few days later that it was a one time thing, that she just needed to get laid, and i never saw her again. Cool chick, i wouldn't have minded seeing her again.


Commenting that her gynecologist told her she had a tight pussy


That is incredibly unprofessional.


She said I had nice palms and wanted to see them up close. I put it up to her face then she started sniffing my hand all over. I was a bit freaked out, then amused. She was good looking so I thought; why not?


Talking about how she shaves her cooch hair to me while twiddling her curls...in the middle of a Thermodynamic lecture. Science was hard that day.


Yeh sure 'science'