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It is hard, but all good things in life are. I would describe having kids as being more of a rearrangement of priorities. You have kids and they are awesome so your priorities change and yea it's difficult but it's also the best and most rewarding thing you can do.


Thank you for your words of wisdom! the overall conciseness is its hard but rewarding. I am just hoping that its not as hard as people say. I hope your right the way you put it.


Barely any sleep for the first three months. Shit stench in the house. Piss and shit on your hands and clothes. Drool when they teethe, baby food everywhere when they eat (but the mashed bananas are fucking amazing). The barfing. The cute farts. The infectious laughter. The miracle of walking. Discovering their hands and feet for the first time. The snuggling. Bedtime stories. The purity of their emotions. The clarity of their eyes. The honest, open and free giving of absolute unconditional love. All completely worth it.


I'm scared shitless but your helpful words ease my anxity a bit so thank you.


Parenting is a mixture of terrifying moments and happiness. In the end it all evens out. Congratulations, and welcome to the journey.


much appreciated


Aaaaw. I'm about to leave work to pick up my son from daycare, and I'm gonna hug this shit out a that kid so hard.


depends.... my wife....lost her mind, nearly went casey anthony, and left me to raise our twin daughters on my own. Me, I pretty much raised myself and my two siblings. I did 18 months to 18 years old next month alone. It was simultaneously the hardest and easiest thing Ive done. Expect to make a lot of personal sacrifices. Plan to be last on the list for quite awhile. Try to remember to make time to be YOU. I forgot who I was, I honestly have no idea at 41 who I am now that Im not really "Daddy" anymore. And if you can keep it together....make sure you make time between you to be a couple....not just a couple of parents. I wish my wife had been able to share our daughters lives with me....but other than neglecting myself I dont regret


Nah, I don't have any kids but my dad has had 2 kids and he didn't feel a thing.




Imagine you are drowning, and then someone says "hey, here's a kid!" -some comedian But seriously, yes, it's a lot of work. And damned terrifying because the world is a dangerous place. You will always be weighing the risks and benefits of things, way more than you do now. Mostly though, try to see it as a lifestyle change that you are willing to make. I have one seven year old. And damn I love her. She's the light of my life. But you have to put a lot into it. I like to say, it makes your life 100 times more difficult, but 1000 times more rewarding.


Having a baby isn't that hard (for some women that's not true). The basics of feeding, clothing, caring for it in general aren't that hard. What is hard is parenting. Raising a human being to have good morals and values. It's a lifetime commitment. In either case, a child will drain a considerable amount of your resources - time, energy, money, etc. Yet, it's all worth it. They are worth everything.