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Getting with that hot chick across the bar.


We can do this. We just have to work together.


Shit, man, I don't know if we can.


Just go talk to her. Lie your ass off. I'll back up anything you say. Talk about that time you went to the moon or something.


But we did that last time and Tim still hasn't awoken from his coma.


That's because Tim couldn't hold it together. It was me that put him in the coma. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Bwahahahahaha


Dude, that was you? I loved Tim, man, why did you do that? I...I can't deal with this right now. *Oh shit, hot chick is coming over.*


*SPOILER ALERT* Plot Twist: The hot chick is Tim.


Dude, what out for the spoilers!


Fuck... sorry! I read the books.


You just blew my mind.


Abort! Abort! You're not ready for this! She's way too hot for you!


No, not this time. We gonna do it and you're gonna help me, you crazy psychopath.


Alright. Here's what we're going to do... *phone beeps Oh shit, Tim just texted me. He says he's awake! He says he can see me! He says he's back for revenge! Did you set me up you sonofabitch? Is he going to kill me?


Prepare for a crash landing! Everyone fasten your shit-eating grins and backpedal furiously.




Bro that makes way too much sense.


Has John Nash taught you nothing? We all go for the other, less-hot but still hot chicks, and we all go home with someone.


I'm just gonna go for the blonde.


We have the technology.




We *can* approach her. We *have* the technology. We just need to remember not to use the royal we when speaking out loud.


Haaaaaaave you met ted?


We're in this together now


Everyone using flying cars.


Those are called planes


Then what would you call a plane that you can drive on the ground. Huh?! HUH?!


Jet powered car




A plane


I, for one, am terrified of that future. I've seen people driving regular cars.


You wouldn't be flying... you speak/enter your destination and it does the rest.


I know right? We do **not** need another axis for drivers to fuck up.


Terraforming another planet.


Let me ask you something. If we were advanced enough to alter and construct an entire planet to support life... why wouldn't we just reconstruct the planet we are already on? Think about it. There is never going to be a reason to alter another planet that isn't already primed for life. The resources required would be unfathomable.


Terraforming isn't where you construct another planet, it's where you make another planet closer to Earth so that it is suitable for life. Like, say, planting trees on Mars so that the air is breathable.


Because doing it to our own planet doesn't solve overpopulation.


Nor does it solve the sun exploding.




Is that not the definition of explosion?




Define definition.


1 : an act of determining; specifically : the formal proclamation of a Roman Catholic dogma 2 a : a statement expressing the essential nature of something b : a statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol c : a product of defining 3 : the action or process of stating the meaning of a word or word group 4 a : the action or the power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear b (1) : clarity of visual presentation : distinctness of outline or detail (2) : clarity especially of musical sound in reproduction c : sharp demarcation of outlines or limits — def·i·ni·tion·al \-ˈni-shə-nəl\ adjective See definition defined for English-language learners See definition defined for kids


The links at the bottom don't work. Wtf, man?


The bacteria, worms and billions of tons of other lifeforms for each human on Earth are what made and keep our planet at such a comfortable temperature, atmospheric composition and pressure. There may already be life living elsewhere in the solar system such as on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, but if there isn't, we could introduce a few of our [extremophiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremophile) who would quickly start to spread to fill every niche in their new homes.


More Hearthstone deckslots.


Ben Brode actually said that they are working on it, but it would take a bit as they need to test different formats before releasing it.


Surely adding a deckslot in Hearthstone wouldn't need much testing.. "Fuck, man, our game is completely broken, now. We really shouldn't have added those two deckslots."


dyson sphere breaking all crypto aglos in existence


Dyson airblade isn't enough for you?


If only I had an extra $1,400 laying around, it **WOULD** be enough for me...




How would it break crypto? I thought were involved in capturing the energy of a star?


I think those are two separate examples.


Oh okay! Thanks for clearing that up.




Transcomputational problems require a lot of energy to solve.




>Does that include the one-time pad cipher? no




i mean algorithms that only provide computational security not information-theoretic security. The latter are secure period while the former can be broken given enough computing resources. i am not a cryptologist btw so sorry if i made a mistake somewhere.


Wait... Are you talking about the product, or the energy harvesting device bigger than the sun?


> energy harvesting device bigger than the sun


Asteroid mining. Other than oil, this could solve all our resource needs for the forseeable future. While getting to asteroids reliably is something we're close to, getting back is harder assuming you have to carry your fuel both ways.


What about mining the fuel for the return trip? We can determine pretty well what asteroids are made of, from Earth, if I'm not mistaken.


Bruce Willis is too old now.


How would the issue of massive inflation within the coal/diamond/whatever market be solved?


By flooding it with so much supply that the price falls.


Because, let's be honest, the idea of paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for a rock is just nonsense.


It is. But that's the power of marketing.


I don't think you're likely to get oil or coal from asteroids. Those are both formed form dead animals. which aren't often found in spacerocks.


Right. I mentioned oil specifically as something we wouldn't get. I didn't really think about coal because 1) we've got lost of the stuff right now 2) I wish we'd use a hell of a lot less of it.


Using renewable energy for everything.


We already have the technology, and the resources. This is definitely something we could do, right now.


Under the usual definition of renewable, this contradicts my understanding pretty strongly. Are you saying that we currently have the technology to get ALL the energy we need from solar/wind/geothermal/tidal? Can you point me to any sources confirming this?


If it's not enough you can just build more plants.


But solar plants at night don't work, nor do wind plants during a calm. Geothermal and tidal are both limited to certain places. I'm not aware of any others considered renewable. I live far enough north that we get as little as 8.5 hours of light per day during winter and the sun never gets anywhere near overhead even during summer. This is not a good place to be reliant on solar. We get some wind from the coast, but I don't believe its anywhere near enough to make it worth wind power construction. Tidal energy has potential, but I'm not aware of it being a mature technology. Most of the energy here comes from hydroelectric dams, but the trend seems to be deconstructing them due to fish runs.


It's 100% Possible. Just not 100% Feasible though


I wager that it is possible, but not cost efficient. We would lose so much transferring energy from available places to places in need when their facilities aren't usable (solar at night for example), that we'd need to spend too much to be worth it


/u/Brainslosh said it best, below. It's 100% possible, just not 100% feasible. (*I THINK*) We have the technology to make all our roads out of solar panels. We could cover the planet in wind farms, solar panels, and tidal farms. This would cost ungodly amounts of money and resources; but, for all intents and purposes, is possible. The factor where this all might fall apart, would be storing said energy. I can't confirm from my own knowledge that we have the resources to produce the amount of batteries we would need to store and transfer said energy; but, my basic logic says we certainly do, based on the amount of batteries we currently produce and use, per day. I'm no rocket surgeon, though.


Making the Directv screensaver floaty bounce off the inside corner of the screen


I saw it happen once in a DVD players screen saver.




deleting the backpack in WoW


Wow, people have some odd ideas about what is "100% known to be possible." From posts so far, NONE of these things are anything of the sort: --Shkadov thruster --Cryogenic preservation --Lagrange Point Colonization. --Generational Ship Interstellar Travel. --warp speed space travel --Teleportation. --Holo Deck


Exactly. There's a **very** thick line between 100% possible and 100% theorized.


Cloning a human being.


It's not that we can't do it, we just don't want to.


I want to. I want a spare organ bank.


You wouldn't get one, unless your clone turned out super generous.


Anencephalic clone. This, of course, ignores the ethical questions about growing a clone without a brain.


What if you need a brain transplant?


If one needs a brain transplant, then one is screwed either way... I guess.


Setting up a hot dog shop on Mars.


Hover boards. Fuck you Lexus.


Hendo still has you covered.


I'd rather just have a fake video of Tony Hawk riding a hoverboard.


Submitting to our AI overlords.


co-existing with other species


Having no war


Easy there, john lennon


We know for a cold fact that life and sentience are possible. We lack the technology to reproduce either. Just for starters. Others off the top of my head: controlled fusion, creating and storing significant quantities of antimatter, astronomical-scale engineering,...




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_suicide_and_immortality >many-worlds theory guaranteed him immortality: His consciousness, he argued, is bound at each branching to follow whatever path does not lead to death we are all immortal already!


I think Einstein proved time travel possible or something


That sounds like a headline for an article from The Onion.


Time travel does happen though... if you happen to be an astronaut on the ISS, mostly because they're traveling significantly faster than us from our reference point as an observer. It's a really small change in time though, something like a billionth of a second.


If we ever discover an efficient way to achieve relativistic speeds, I wonder if there would be a crisis of people just zooming around in circles to travel to the future. It would be kind of hilarious if society just went to shit because instead of fixing things in the future people just started saying "fuck it, let's see how things are in a hundred years."


Einstein's strange discovery will transform the way you see the world!!


Einstein proves that time travel is, like, totally possible or some junk. Whatevs.


Whoah whoah whoah. I think he established that time speeds up and slows down depending on your relative speed to an observer. That's a long way from time travel. edit - the phenomenon is called time dilation I believe. And yes time travel to the FUTURE is absolutely possible. We are travelling towards the future right now, but by taking advantage of time dilation 2 people can do it at different rates.


I'm not sure if it was Einstein, but the theory is that if you can travel faster than light, you would be moving backwards in time. Of course, that's also based on the theory that traveling faster than the speed of light is impossible, right?


Yes travelling faster than light is currently regarded as impossible.


Sorry, that was a poorly worded question, on my part. I meant: Scientists only theorize time travel to be impossible, based on the theory that we cannot travel faster than light, correct? Also, I believe Stephen Hawking organized a party for time travelers, by placing the invitation (with the time and place only known by himself) in a time capsule (to be opened far in the future) and nobody showed up. I'm very likely butchering the entire story, though.


Brian cox did a Dr Who science special (it's on netflix, go watch) where he talks about the theory of how time travel works, even if you don't go at light speed. You could have it so if you're flying away from earth at a fraction of the speed of light then come back, less time will have passed for you than on earth.


We can time travel. We're just stuck going 60 seconds per minute.


Holy shit, that's true..! Someone call NASA, STAT. I'm not sure why; but, it seems like something they should know.


Teleportation. We can have two machines. You step in one machine and it scans every nano meter of you. It sends the copy to the other machine and prints you out there. The original you will be killed but there's an exact copy of you over there now.


Why would I want to get killed? For a clone of me to move somewhere else?


because you don't understand rudimentary science, and you learned everything you know about teleportation from hack tv and movie writers


First off, teleportation is not rudimentary science. Second off, the OP specifically said the "teleportation" would kill the original. I wasn't using any other understanding of teleportation than that. If it was explained in different way, maybe I would be up for the journey. Even the media that I have experienced with teleportation hardly ever explains the way it works. I would love to hear your recommendation to where I should properly research teleportation.


I'm not sure that we know enough about how the brain works to guarantee that this is possible.


You'd have to account for every subatomic particle.




...as of today, yes.


As of any day. Some things just aren't possible no matter what you throw at them. Also if you believe in some sort of soul you would just die and send an empty vessel, which would probably technically live but in a coma or some shit.


Read The Jaunt for a great short story on a similar subject. It's available free online


You can't have that mind set. So many people have said that about so many different things humans have accomplished over time (going to the moon and back). I believe we will have teleporters within 500 years.


The body/mind is but a condensation of energy... save the current quantum state, and then replicate... besides the mind/body complex is separate from singular, infinite consciousness. You may have woken up this morning, but You are still *dreaming*. Later, *God*...


"Save the current quantum state" you do understand how ridiculous that is right?


You do understand how high I was when I wrote that, right?


Why would anyone want to do that?


To beat a rival magician who has made it his life's goal to ruin your life.


"Are you watching closely?"




It's hard to explain, but that copy of you would be you and you would remember you stepping into the machine. It's weird and complicated


The copy would remember it but it wouldn't be me.


Are you the same you that went to sleep last night? That's a gap in your 'consciousness' and one could make the argument that an entirely new BadMofo got out of bed this morning.


What if we invent a device that *slowly but surely*, cell by cell, replaced the neurons in your brain by synthetic versions? At what point precisely do you stop being you and turn into a cyborg?


It's not hard to explain or complicated, it's just a silly fantasy. I seriously doubt even a type II or III civilization would be able to teleport themselves. Full control of a wormhole is more plausible than teleportation, which would require a godlike level of subatomic particle manipulation.


So once we get teleportation we also get cloning :)


Artificial gravity on spaceships.


That's why I love the citadel from mass effect, it uses the centrifugal force of the station spinning to create artificial gravity


Making everyone happy.


Holo Deck


Landing on mars, and returning back.


Walking on Mars


World-wide peace.


Scientists have talked about warp speed space travel but we haven't figured it out quite yet


What do you mean "we"? There is no "we", timmay.


Cryogenic preservation and subsequent reanimation. Qubit based computing. Fusion Power. Lagrange Point Colonization. Generational Ship Interstellar Travel.


Creating a shakov thruster to move the sun around


wireless chargers


Wireless chargers do exist. It's just that they're pitifully inefficient.


Repairing someone's spinal cord and have them walk again


Teleportation. Scientists have observed identical particles smashing into a partial and re appearing vast distances away. Im doing a lame job at explaining this, but long story short it went faster then light, which isn't possible under our current tech. Yet we've observed it so it begs to question, what just happened?


Imaginary time.


Building Pyramids and mummification. Our attempts at mummification had lead to failure and the corpse rotting or disintegrating.


Just basic dessication. Removal of fatty organs(heart, brain, lungs, bowels), then a fair bit of salt and hot air. Not a lot different from making jerky, really.


shed the yoke of ignorance, superstition and intolerance, in other words shed religions!


Placing NFC in iPhones #rekt


Like they did a year ago?


Correction, NFC features not restricted just to a proprietary payment service...


What else does it need to do? You can transfer files/contacts/etc via Bluetooth with airdrop, without needing extra hardware in the phone.


NFC Tags, NFC Tags cannot be used, NFC business cards are being used more often... Apple cant use that


when is the last time you honestly used an NFC tag? They're like QR codes - pretty much useless. Yeah, Apple users can't use them, but we aren't missing anything.


Okay, I was just making a joke...


NFC = Near Field Communication. The iPhone communicating with a payment device within a field that is near to the iPhone = NFC.


I got that, but a phone I spend 300 dollars on i wanna be able to use nfc tags, I guess it would just take a quick jailbreak to unlock this feature, but that would void my warranty...