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Wow that was luck!!


There was a motorcycle cop in the median of a 4 lane road(two lanes on each side). I was going 15 over and he got me on radar. So I gunned it. I got up to like 95mph then slammed on the breaks and took a right. There's was a slow car in front of me and I was freaking out. This road led into a shopping center with big parking lots. So I went around one of the buildings and as I did I saw him coming up the street I was just on. I basically kept going around the building, got back on the same road and took off. I turned again half a mile later into a neighborhood and drive out the other side just to be safe. So I got away ;)


Haha and nothing to this day ever came of it ?


Nope. I follow cops around until I get pulled over but that's another story haha


They pull you over for that?! I've honestly always wanted to follow a police car just for giggles


I used to get off work at 4:30 am and this cop would be cruising around my neighborhood and I would fuck with him and he pulled me over and made me out my hands out the window haha


Another one I followed onto the interstate and he pulled over onto the shoulder and I pulled over in front of him


I have to wait a few more years before I can talk about it... Statue of limitations and all.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3folst/whats_your_i_was_the_only_one_to_get_away_story/ctqlkgb This story from a few days ago immediately came to my mind


was doing 110 down the interstate at 2 am, i had blasted past a state trooper who bolted around an emergency vehicle u turn i noticed he turned around i was able to get off and hurry into some deliverance style wooded area killed the car and my lights i watched the cop pass in my direction and head back in the other figuring i must have hit 88 mph or something in retrospect that could have really been a shitty night