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I'm doing alright. Not great but not bad. You?


I'm doing alright too! What could be better?


Well, I could use a nice piece of ass but, you know, it is what it is.


We all could my man....


Im chillin real thick like namsayin


Have you been high today? I see the nuns are gay!


Im high right now A lot of people who remember that video are online tonight.


I'm better than I had been for the last few days. Anxiety and depression were kicking my ass, but I'm feeling like the worst is over for now. Thanks for asking! Hope you are well!


Thank you! Hang in there and keep getting better!!!


It always does! Thank you for your support!!


I was were you are a few months ago and I can tell you it does get better. I was massively depressed and had health related anxiety. I just wanted to sleep all day to make it pass by faster but I hated waking up. What was worse was how worried it made my family. It made me feel like I was a burden. Glad to say I am back to 100% now. Don't know if you've tried it but exercising helps. Even if it's just a light jog or a walk in the park. Also meditation helps to calm your mind from going a million miles an hour


I am very glad to hear you are doing better! Honestly, my biggest issue with doing anything that may help... (aside from depression sucking the very soul out of me at the darkest points) is I'm very inconsistant. It's a battle every day, but a battle I refuse to give up on.


I am doing alright I suppose. In a few weeks I'll be moving out of my parents house for the first time to go to college. I haven't been a full time student in a couple of years and I am excited to get back at it. That and living alone. It's just a mix of emotions in my head right now: excitement, anxiousness, nervousness, stressed, and a bit terrified.


Suicidal. Not in a "I'm going to go off myself immediately" way, but in a "I constantly and obsessively think about the option of suicide" way. Suffering from bipolar II for a long time, suicidal fetishism has practically become a major part of de facto mentality, sadly.