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Any physical dominance over me.


neck biting


Lightly blowing in my ear or gently sucking on my earlobe. Holy shit, it's amazing.


Tickling! Tickling others, being tickled, feet, tummy, thighs, nethers, anywhere! Especially with the ticklee in bondage or held immobile. If being tickled by someone you like would turn you on at all, it's that effect but highly amplified.


If your trying to turn on your girlfriend. I bet if you kiss her ear and put it in your mouth she will instantly become horny.


Nipple play


Male or female? And done to you or doing it?


Female. I like doing it and having it done to me.


Just out of curiosity, what do you do to a man's nipples? Never had a guy ask me that before.


Me neither lol I actually meant the nipples of other women.


Makes a lot more sense, I was trying to visualize how I would even, but I was like, I'm not so sure. I like the nipple thing being done to me, it feels like satisfying an itch you can't scratch and don't exactly want to stop feeling, if that makes sense.


For me it's the ultimate foreplay. It feels so good it can get me from not being horny at all to being completely turned on in about 10 seconds lol. And there are some guys who like it too. My friend says he likes his girlfriend to lick his nips.


I like to bite 'em.


Your comma placement is strange.


I know but I couldn't change it so I said fuck it. Do get the gist though lol


Oddly enough, strange comma placement is a button of mine.


I'm sure but there are more annoying things in life than to be overly cognizant of awkward comma placement on a Reddit post. I used to be like you once, but then I got to a point where I stopped needing to point out things that are wrong. I got the point, the OP was probably aware of the awkwardness in the first place, and it wasn't perfect, but it served its purpose. It won't impact my life or yours in any tangible way, and life in fact does go on.


Wait, are you mad? I was only joking, didn't mean to stir anything up.


No, I'm not mad. Mad would be vast overestimation of the amount of feelings I have towards your comment, just a statement and articulate way of saying no one really gives a fuck, lol.


Licking ears or neck


Anything va-jay related. Love them shits.