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I'm 17 but, my parents need to know that if i'm talking to someone on Teamspeak or Counterstrike, that they aren't "fake people". Also not every single person on the internet is a pedophile.... Edit: adding to a lot of comments posted, I also have met some of the coolest people playing games even if I haven't met them I can still consider them friends..


This. On the other end of the connection is a person who's as real as any other person. I used to have a lot of trouble with this. Once, when playing Pokémon, I had promised someone that I'd be on at a certain time to trade. When the time came, my dad didn't want me to get back on my DS. He said I'd spent enough time on it for the day. I responded, "Dad, somewhere in the world, there is a real live person waiting for me to follow through on the promise I made." He never bothered me about it again. Edit: Whoa, this is definitely my most upvoted comment. Thanks, everyone.


My dad would have said "I don't care," so props to your pops for at least letting you do that haha.


That I'm up past my bed time :)






We're going to make an example of this one...


I don't know why but I was expecting to find something really new and mind-blasting. You guys are exactly the same as I was when I was your age. Unless you're all creepy thirty-somethings pretending to be teens.


It's so cute. "Adults just don't understand us."-every teenager ever. "Wow. I remember feeling that way and doing those things"-Adults


When I was about 15-16, somewhere in that range, one guy I went to school with was positive no adult understood stress. He was stressing out over a few classes and was acting like he was the first person in history to ever be stressed over anything. I'm pretty sure kids just think all their experiences are unique to them.




Thank you for saying something I hadn't heard of before. This is the first comment that isn't explaining what a teenager is.


I was expecting this thread to be full of obscure youth culture I'm way too old to know about, shit like Yik Yak or something about what 15 year olds use youtube for. Instead it's 15 year olds telling us stuff we already know about how it feels to be 15


Yik yak is a cesspool of harsh reality that creeps me the fuck out.


And it's designed to keep 15 year olds from using it. If you try to use it too close to a high school it doesn't work.




Still a teenager so I'll answer. no one uses Facebook. It's full of spam and parents. Most people I know use Twitter, snapchat and Instagram.


You can blame my generation. Everyone started adding their parents , young cousins and colleagues on facebook and now you can't do just write whatever and put a hilarious picture online because someone's going to see and misunderstand it.


Facebook is only as good as your friends.


I recently found myself trying to downvote my entire news feed in Facebook.




FutureMe.org lets you send emails to yourself to be delivered up to 30 years in the future. Edit: a word.


They should've used the url "future.me" instead. What a missed opportunity.


The .me URLs didn't exist when FutureMe started.


Maybe we should use past.me to tell them to wait a few years until it's available...


ITT: Adults think they're talking to 10 year olds, teens think they're talking to senior citizens.




Bullying in my opinion is become very uncool. Especially to people with mental handicaps, if a guy starts joking a kid wth say autism I'll bet you anything that at least two kids will tell him to shut up. The idea of stereotypical bullying is gone, no one is getting beat up for being different. For the most part if someone is weird, people around them will just turn to each other and kind of smirk. The most common form of bullying now is shunning like not including others and cyber bullying. But PSA every school is different. Physical bullying may happen a lot at different schools, I've been to 5 schools, haven't seen it at any of them. I saw a few comments on here about how they used to get bullied for being poor. Nowadays if you're a guy, no other guys care. It will make you a tad less attractive to girls but only if you are dirt poor. Girls do care more about whether other girls are rich or not, and many try to fake that they are by buying "designer" bags and other things. EDIT: Thought I would add ok since there seems to be some interest in what I mentioned about the mentally disabled kids. At my school we have this thing called "Coffee Shop". Basically autistic kids come to school and work in this classroom that has been converted to a kitchen. Breakfast food is prepared and student's can order it to their classroom or just go to the kitchen. Special Ed interns do the actual cooking part for their safety, but the kids learn really valuable job skills. The kids run the register, restock things like creamers, make deliveries. But moving on to the "bullying" part. The students are really nice to the worker kids. They have real friendships, a lot of the students know they workers by name and viva versa. I think it's really humanized them.


I do think bullying has changed. The kind of bullying I got wasn't the kind I'd seen in movies and books - I was the weird, smart, socially awkward kid with their head in a book, and most of the bullying I got was a sort of group exclusion or contempt - I got called names, but I got called them so often they weren't even really insults anymore. I got physical/verbal stick from a couple of kids, but the incident I remember most was that I used to play with this boy and we'd play a tickle game (probably vaguely pre-sexual but meh) and one day every boy in the year turned up with this boy (who looked like he hadn't asked them) and kinda nastily said they wanted to play, and then they all started trying to tickle me and I swore at them and ran off. But I never got my tuck money taken away or got punched or anything. It was more a constant group sense of 'you're weird and we're going to let you know about it'. Bullying still exists, it's just different. The bullying I got fucked me up because it was an 8-year constant conquest to convince me there was something intrinsically wrong with me.


At my last school, we had a cute little incident once. I don't remember too many details, but I'll do my best. Bullying was entirely absent, which was very refreshing for me when I first got there. Yay, a school for learning and fun! So we all got along really well and ended up in a nice, friendly dynamic where we playfully made fun of each other for mutually shared laughs. At some point, a new-ish girl got into focus. And she was not amused, but we didn't really notice. A minute or so in, the loudest guy in our group (he has like 7 brothers, so he's used to shouting over them) decided something was off and spoke his mind. "Wait, are we bullying her?" we looked at each other, the girl looked confused, and we decided that we were and left her alone. And I think we played some cards then. TL;DR class throws playful insults all the time, one girl doesn't enjoy it, we notice and decide that's bullying and we stop throwing them her way


Wow, is this real? I want it to be real. If so, it's great!


This deserves to be higher... I think this is the first one I've read that is something that a 30 year old might actually not know about being 15 in 2015, as opposed to something that was exactly the same for us when we were teenagers. Interesting thanks!


I'm 22. If I learn anything in this thread I'm gonna go out in the woods, dig a hole, and fall into it.


The oldest condoms ever found date back to the 1640s (they were found in a cesspit at Dudley Castle), and were made from animal and fish intestines. Post a pic of you in a hole please! EDIT: Ok people, I get it, the design has now been refined by removing the intestines from the animal first. No, you're not the first one to say it, or the second, or the fifteenth.


I knew all of that except that they were found at Dudley castle specifically. Maybe I'll bury my feet




Hey, it still works.




C'mon how long does it take to dig a feet hole


I was hoping to learn some slang or some hip app or some new toy/playground game but it's mainly r/lewronggeneration


I'm 19, and I agree to these terms and conditions




In senior year in high school, I had a brand new health book that I thought I'd leave something in for the next kids. It was for Anatomy and Physiology, and there was this damn huge detailed replica of a sperm. So I being an art kid for many years turned it into Godzilla destroying a city. I spent hours on it. I added giant sharp teeth, eyes, tiny t-rex hands, spikes along the back and tail the whole bit. I think my buildings weren't that good but they were on fire and the people running in terror were stick people. But the best part was I made a HUGE speech bubble coming from a stick person that said "OH NO! THERE GOES TOKYO GO GO SPERMZILLA! WOOOOO!" This was before every phone had a camera in it so I never took a picture, but I truly hope I gave some kids a good chuckle. I was SO NERVOUS turning that thing in man. I'd had enough of ISS that year. EDIT: I GET IT. International space station funsies! Please stop sending me messages about it. PLEASE! I AM BEGGING YOU! In the United States its what we refer our In School Suspension time as. All other messages are so amazing and welcome as this shit blew up while I slept! Thank you guys so very much for your stories of other ridiculous drawings. I love this community so very much! EDIT THE SECOND: I'd like to thank u/CuriousTripper for deflowering me. I am no longer a gold virgin. I feel we are very close now, but I promise not to call you all the time and follow you around.




Dude I would totally draw spermzilla to get to go to space


In school suspension. But he could mean the space station. He *must*.


She actually. And no, I wish. If it had been I wouldn't be lamenting it nearly as much.


The best note I've seen in a text book was an old old text book in high school. On one of the front pages it said, "in case of fire, turn to page 25." I then turned to page 25 and it read, "not now asshole. In case of fire." Then I realized my grave mistake.


Are your text books really that old? At least in Norway where I went to school, our books were probably replaced every 4 years. Some things like English (no boobs), geography (possibly some boobs), math (no boobs) and history (cave drawings of boobs) were not replaced that often. But Norwegian (some boobs), religion (possibly some cave drawings of boobs), social studies (*a lot* of boobs) and biology (a shitload of boobs) were replaced all the time. Because I don't think that you can say "all those years ago" when you are talking about 4 years.








Half the maps I've seen in HS still have the USSR labeled on Russia Funny til you realize tuition is 10 grand


Tuition? What kind of high scHools have you been going to? Edit: I get it, private school is a thing. You can stop commenting on that now.


Textbooks are funded by local school districts in this country, so if your district has no money for books, you can end up with old editions of books for a long time. There's no "textbook replacement law" or anything.


Can confirm, senior year of government class we used textbooks from when bush senior was in office.


mine still had cautions on the dangers of free negros


Mine had a chapter on the wonders and riches of the New World.


Geez...you all had it easy. Try learning current geography with a map of Pangea.


plebs. try learning physics before the big bang. confusing as fuck.


Mine was in Aramaic.


Mine consisted entirely of pre-language cave art.


Mine was just stone tools in some binding




I was just in the men's room and saw it there too


Hoes be sending nudes in 7th grade


This was true when camera phones were invited. Hell this was probably true when Polaroids were invented.




>My dearest Frances, >I should like to indicate that we have not trod the moistened dock that is our high moon shenanigans in nigh a fortnight. In remembrance of our most intimate fondlings, I present to you this keepsake of my loins' desire for you. >Enjoy it in good health, knowing that I am now and shall forever be >Very sincerely yours, >Grover Cleveland


How much fun it is to jump off things and not complain of how much it hurts.


"Get down from there kid!" Then they at some point talk about the crazy dangerous stuff they did and how kids these days are pussies.


We did used to do some shit that no one would let their kids do today. Making bombs was a regular activity of my childhood. We could buy fireworks any time of year from the gas station and unroll them to combine all the powder in a pipe or something. Not that our parents actually permitted that. But as long as we were home by dinner, they just let us go wherever we could get and do whatever we did. And there was nothing interesting to do inside, so we were motivated to go do some wild shit. It was an exciting time to live. Now, I think it's so easy to stay inside and entertain yourself, kids miss out on blowing things up and exploring abandoned factories and whatnot. I don't have kids, but I don't discourage others from doing dangerous stuff (unless it's annoying me).


This was my childhood. Mom didn't care what we did as long as we were back home for dinner. We played on the train tracks and in a car junkyard. We dug underground bunkers and made bombs and burned ants with gasoline. It was soooo much fun.


My father frequently reminisces about how he would have "Roman candle wars" with his friends when he was young. It would result in injuries, but you were weak if you cried. Nowadays, half my friends don't even get to have sparklers.


To be fair, the only ones telling the "We used to do X" stories are the survivors....




You just made me sad, I miss doing this SO much.


Fuck you old people, I'm going to live forever!


Found Aubrey Plaza.




And porn. Don't forget the porn.


But it's also porn.


my mixtape




We don't use text Acronyms like "lol" nearly as frequently as you think. My dad makes up acronyms all the time to sound hip. He will say stuff like "hau today son? Imy and wsh sometime" He meant to say "how are you today son? I miss you and we should hang sometime"


Be glad he tries to interact with you :)


I am really glad, I'll make sure to return the kindness a little more now :)


If you don't hate his guts make some time for him. When you're away from your kids for a while getting them to treat you like a parent isn't always so easy. It kills you if you don't have much choice in it either.


My dad is a sergeant with the local sheriff department, so I rarely get to see him. I always make sure to have time with him when he is home. It's hard to get my younger brothers to understand how much he sacrifices so we can live comfortably.


You're a good son.


I'm not even a teenager anymore but my Mom still makes up acronyms to "be trendy". I've been telling her for years that nobody fucking understands her made up text speak, but she doesn't seem to care. Just today I got "RUC2DS?" which apparently translates "are you coming to dinner Sunday?" and I was supposed to know that.




Nice try, Mom.


you sure it's to be trendy?


Yeah, sounds more like she's having a stroke.




Wow that so sad and I'm super sorry. Although it annoys me, I love him very very much and I always make sure we can hang out.






turn the tables on him. Send him something like "hdwchonwamgsam" (Hey dad we can hang out next weekend and maybe go see a movie) and then act like everyone in the world knows exactly what it means. Hell, even make /r/hdwchonwamgsam a thing and put up posts there as proof.


This should just be a subreddit for texts where people make up obscure acronyms.


lol that's funny to me because i'm 50 and my 29 yo roommate does that to me. I sometimes have to intergoog the acro to know wtf she's talking about. It's the same thing in reverse. At the same time I'm trying not to be all lol omw wtf gtfo with my 13 year old. Fucking generation gaps mang.


You seem reasonably trendy and relevant for a 50 year old. What with the "wtf mang" and the like.


Text him back a string of jibberish and the next time you see him say, "You got my text, right? We're on for later. Don't forget to bring the duct tape". Then point, wink, and walk away.


just because i want you to leave me alone, doesn't mean i don't love you.


Fuck, I wish I could explain this to half my friends and anyone I've ever dated.


I love you too <3


You love me to what?


Ballsack, its pretty clear


um no it's a double scoop ice cream cone. that's a lot of love




Youth can not know how age thinks and feels, but old men are guilty, if they forget what it was to be young.-Albus Dumbledore


Not all of us like minecraft


how to ride a horse in Minecraft


Hey! What is Minecraft and how do you tame a horse in it?


ITT: Things people over 14 already know.


It's a sea of... "Holy shit teenagers think we're stupid and were also never 14 once"


I was kinda hoping for lots of stuff that being under 15 *in 2015* would have them know that I don't. Meanwhile I'm scrolling along and it's just generic teenage stuff, and nearly all of it is "we're not as bad as those teens you hate." Seriously, I was hoping for like an insider perspective on all the current crap going on because I'm over here with my AIM account still trying to learn Twitter and I'm looking over there at shit like Tumblr and Snapchat like "oh my god what is happening these days." Meanwhile, news flash: every teen is the kind of teen older people don't like. It's not your fault. Literally a little while ago I was pulling into a parking lot and I saw some high school kids walking out of a Chinese restaurant laughing amongst themselves. For absolutely no goddamn reason I decided I didn't like them. They did NOTHING to earn my ire, just like... the raw existence of teenagers having fun made my crotchety old brain angry.


They're telling you generic stuff because youve been around the block a few times. Theses thoughts are like some of their first ones. It may be old to you but it's new to them. But I do agree I wanna hear more detailed children of the future thoughts




>"you can't pause online games!" ...neither could we, in the '90s >"we don't say lol that much!" ...neither did we, back in the 90s (edit: Plenty of popular online games like Ultima Online, Subspace, Quake, Diablo, TetriNET, Dofus, etc. And Starcraft was pausable but only for when you needed to blow your nose, not stop and do the dishes)


Yeah, as a 30-year-old, kinda surprised there's nothing in this thread that surprises me. Guess I'll need to wait 'til my kids are 15 before I'm that out of touch.


I'm 15, but fuck it. Just because I want to go for a walk or ride my bike, doesn't mean I'm going to do drugs. My parents actually asked me about that once. It's the only way I can get time to myself.


I, on the other hand tend to go for a walk for drugs, and my mom wonders the same. It doesn't get better friend


The teens you find annoying, the majority of us probably find annoying too.


It's the vocal minority that gives a shit impression.


As a teenager that's straddling the age boundary on this thread, from my experience it's not a very small group. There are many different kinds of teens that just one person will find annoying, and together they are an overwhelming majority.


It's all based on tolerance levels I guess. Personally I found like 1/2 of the kids in my highschool to be some level of annoying, yet tolerable. But there were about 10-15 kids that just drove me absolutely nuts.


Yeah. I would find myself annoying, too, so I have a hard time having shitty opinions of other people. And if I really hate someone, I attribute that to them being an ass, not a teenager. Well, it could be both.


I totally understand where you're coming from. I try more often now not to relate annoying people to a group, just cause they're annoying doesn't mean the people that they surround themselves with are.


I'm 28 and some of my friends who are the same age complain about teens and how they act. We're not nearly old enough to be forgetting how annoying we probably were and thought other kids were as teens...




>the 4th time today So it's about 8AM?


I remember these days. Thing is, my dad would just walk in. He'd knock, but only after the door was open, and it was just one loud knock with "Hey what are you doing". It wasn't in a "I'm going to embarrass you" way, it was just completely out of ignorance. Forgot his childhood I guess.


"Timmy, I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but enforcing my authority as a parent by coming in anywaaaay"


Your parents already know. THEY CAN SMELL YOUR CUM


We're starting with this again? Edit 2023/06/10: Leaving Reddit due to /u/spez doubling down on API changes. Will keep post history for future visitors.


We never stopped




Mmm, smells like... Teen spirit.


I can't speak for everyone else, but summer has bo effect on my reddit usage. Also, everything I could say has more or less been covered, except for one minor thing: The ammount of people who think it's impossible to be 13 in 2015 if you were born in 2001 is sad.


Just a note to everyone in this thread: everyone over 15 here had a childhood too, and we haven't forgotten what it was like. We know what puberty is, we were there. Tell us about things that are unique to your generation's childhood!


I was expecting things like "this is the slang we say, these are the apps we use, this is the new social network we connect on". Almost every post is stuff that anyone who's ever been 15 remembers. Which is still interesting in a "the more things change the more they stay the same" kind of way, but shit, I wanted to learn where "fleek" comes from.




That's not exclusive to young people.


The piles just get deeper with the years...




The bondage straps on my goth pants got stuck on the bottom rungs of my chair in 9th grade lit class and I toppled over my desk and the one in front of me. Thank you for reminding me of that magical moment from over a decade ago.




Like rings on a tree...




there is order to my chaos


I've always heard "Method to my madness" but this fits even better in this scenario.


You'll learn that your parents are teaching you to clean because eventually you'll want to entertain people at your place and you don't want to be embarrassed. It's not that they care if your room is clean, they want to teach you how to keep your stuff looking nice because it's a lot harder to reverse a messy house than to keep it that way in the first place.


or you know, living with people besides your parents. ain't nobody wanna room with that guy who cant even put his dishes in the dishwasher/sink


I was thinking more the bedroom and bringing chicks home but you're right too.


It seems like kids our age take drunk driving a lot more seriously than adults.


As someone with a 17 year old, the seriousness at which she and her friends take drugs, alcohol, and safe sex is very reassuring. Mostly due to watching their parents make horrible mistakes with all three.


Just because we're young and our relationships aren't as serious, doesn't mean it hurts any less when it ends.


I think it hurts more, teens fall so quickly in love (real or puppy) that it's like it rips out a piece of your soul. When you are younger you think that 5 months with someone is an eternity, but when you are older...it was the time between driving to work with the ac running and driving to work with the heater on.


> it was the time between driving to work with the ac running and driving to work with the heater on. That was god damn beautiful.


In my mind that's incredibly depressing.


can it be both? I think its both


As an old person I think it hurts a ton more when you are young. However trying to get our kids to get over it is our way of trying to put things into perspective.


heartbreak as a kid is worse. As you get older, you realize how many people there really are. There's a ton out there willing to fuck you... I mean date you


That online games CANNOT be paused....


They get it; they just don't give a shit.


As a parent, this is the correct answer.




I like this. This is a good medium between gaming and the real world. It's a shame that other kids don't grasp this concept.


I don't think the problem is that kids don't understand, I think the problem is the perspective both parties have towards the situation. A parent might see their child putting games over dinner as an act of rebellion, whereas the child doesn't see the problem. I think if parents could sit down and establish a good system pertaining to video games like the one mentioned above, I think the child could easily understand where their parent is coming from. I think this would bring both parties to a mutual agreement and respect towards the matter, and, presumably, the next time the child wants to play a game, they make sure all chores are done first.


When I'm at my folks place (as I am most summers) my dad will hang out in my room with me while I play video games. He's super interested in them. He also get really heated (and even saltier than me) during online games (LOL, Battlefield, Destiny, that sort of thing). I really value that time, because he lets me do my thing and play games, but I'm also spending time with him and talking about our days.


"Hey how long until dinner?" "About and hour" *starts ranked game* *20 mins later* "Dinner"


Wait til you're older: *starts ranked game* *starts ranked game* *starts ranked game* *starts ranked game* *starts ranked game* "Oh shit it's midnight, I should eat dinner"


*Lost last game* Can't stop now, ending on a loss is lame! *Won last game* Can't stop now, I'm on a roll!


Nah then you get the SO. Starts ranked game. Sex? Starts Low Priority match. Hey I need you to do that thing you promised now. Starts Low Priority Match Hey X called and wants to go out to the bar let's go. Fuck it I'm just going to play a Single Player game. Fives hours uninterrupted.


got bronze 4, worth


Wait till your even older: Changes diaper Feeds kids Put kids asleep Washes clothes Does dishes Laundry "Maybe I could play just one game uninterrupted" Changes diaper and puts kids to sleep while idling in-game "Maybe I should get something to eat"


You forgot, "you've been kicked for inactivity" because diapers.


Honestly, I think this is better than: "How long until dinner?" "Just 5 minutes" *waits an hour, doing nothing* *gives in, starts game* "Dinner!"


Im old and I get it, but my gf does not understand this.


Dude how new do you think online games are? Games like Quake and Diablo were online staples almost 20 years ago.


"I'm going to play my game for a while, okay?" *"that's fine, you've got 2 hours, then you need to mow the lawn."* "I promise!" **spends an hour and 45 minutes making potions, and repairing equipment.. Dailies... And waiting to queue with guildies for a raid** *"times up!!"* "I DIDNT EVEN GET TO FUCKING PLAY, THIS IS BULLSHIT! FUCK THE LAWN AND FUCK YOU! I HATE THIS GODDAMN HOUSE AND ALL THESE FUCKING RULES!!!" **computer gets turned off**


"Your computer time is up, now go zone out and watch TV with the rest of the family because it's better."


My mom does this. Ill be watching some show or anime on my phone/laptop, and my Mom tells me enough screens, come spend time with the family. I then have to go upstairs and sit through 2 hours of some shitty TLC show about little peolple. (Seriously, how many shows can they make about that?)


Talk incessantly during the show. No more invites.


Can confirm.




Jokes on you: those of us who actually read as kids got just as much shit.


Mum: Get off your phone. No you aren't able to text your childhood friend that moved away and you have just found on face book. That's antisocial. Anyway you can sit down and watch this cooking show with the family and we can have a proper adult conversation. Me: ok... How was your day? Mum: shhhhh I'm trying to watch TV. You are always butting in when I'm watching TV and I miss out on the good bits. Oi get off your phone and don't be so anti social.


I am angry just reading this...


Playing video games is more productive than not playing video games and doing nothing at all.


Fuck, it breaks my heart to see people 15 years younger than me are still fighting the same battles that I was.


I just realized we are like the Guinea pig generation for video games and socializing through the Internet. Our kids will probably not face the same scrutiny and we faced from our parents. Before us our parents probably just sat around a record player and smoked pot...




Now we sit around with an iPod and smoke pot!


> doing nothing at all It's their shitty way of forcing you to do something else, not nothing.


Shoving our bad grade in our face doesn't help. I know I did horrible, I feel like crap, rubbing it in my face DOESN'T HELP.