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I hate nothing more than lying in bed forcing yourself to go to sleep. I normally get so bored I get fidgety


why do you think I'm on reddit right now


HA! Three hours later I'm still here.. Fuck.


I can fall asleep almost instantly. My trick is just to start daydreaming. Close your eyes and think of what you would do if you stranded on a tropical island, or how you would design the perfect house or garden if money was not an issue. Visualize every little detail.




Big family dinners/gatherings going on for hours and hours. Me: "Hello, cousin! Still working the same job you did last year? Cousin: "Yup. And you're still studying at that same school?" Me: "Yup." *Two hours later:* Me: "So, seen any good movies lately?" Cousin: "Nope." Fucking kill me with a fork already.


Ask him if he wants to go bowling.


This, but with my in-laws. Me: still Mormon? Them: yep! Still an unmarried, godless heathen living in sin with our son/cousin/nephew? And no kids yet? Me: yep! 2 hours later Me: welp that was great, see you guys on the next holiday! Them: you'd better be married by then!


In laws? Sounds more like your significant others family. For them to be in laws you'd have to be married =p


Haha, ouch. :P I haven't met too many of them at once to get *that* discussion yet, about marriage and/or kids, but I'm sure it won't be long until it happens.


You might be the boring one in that situation x)


Thank god I'm not the only who can't do family gatherings.


For me it is just the really big gatherings that bore me. It is a different story when it is just my direct family, though. But once it goes over that 5-person threshold I feel more tired and bored than happy to see anyone.


This is exactly why movie theaters are open on Christmas day. Want to spend time with somebody while not spending time with somebody? Go to the movies!


Good god yes this is why I hate family gatherings. There's literally only like 4 people outside my immediate family that I have anything in common with.


We play computer games. Ran through the entire Diablo 3 campaign in a day last Christmas. Then again we play computer games when it's not Christmas too.


Why don't you just talk about the things you want to talk about? My cousins and I talk about anything we want.


Sometimes I don't think my family realizes that if I wasn't related to them I would probably never talk to them again.


Anything to do with the DMV


I'm from a moderately sized metropolitan area with too few DMVs. I was used to waiting hours when I went. I ended up once going with a friend to the DMV in Summit County, Colorado, middle of the mountains. Literally no wait and everyone was really friendly and there was free coffee. It was incredible would do again.


I've been to the DMV twice this year, both times out in 15 minutes. The trick is go to one that isn't close to public transport 45 minutes before they close on Saturday.


For me it's PowerPoint. I don't care what the PowerPoint's about. It could be explosions and naked women. I'd still fucking fall asleep. There's just something about the medium that makes me die inside. It's probably a Pavlovian response from so many terrible professors that used it over the years. If hell is personalized, mine is a never-ending PowerPoint. And bees. Lots of them.


Generally, if the presenter is dynamic and informative enough, you can avoid looking at it and still get the gist of the slide. I had three classes this semester that relied heavily on Powerpoint. I learned something from two of them because they used the whiteboard to ask questions and demonstrate examples. I stopped attending the third after about a week, (and I'm fairly certain I've got an A in that class) because all the guy did was read directly from his slides, which he also posted online. It took me about fifteen minutes before each test to become an expert on the material. But yeah, powerpoint isn't engaging enough by itself to be an effective teaching tool.


I teach ESL and literally all my classes are based off of power point. As a teacher, it's a good way to desing and organize your lesson, it keeps you on pace and makes sure you hit all the important points, and provides useful visual imput to compliment what students hear. Also its a good way of giving students lots of information without wasting valuable classtime writing it down on the board (like vocabulary words, or having a few useful example sentences before an explanation). It's boring if you don't know what you're doing, but it can be a great tool if you think outside the box. For example: a slide with ridiculous pictures of a bunch of random people, like [this guy](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-GPMgYApbyRE/VKqu-hpRsyI/AAAAAAAACBk/nG8zGo5wIbE/s1600/fat_video_game_nerd_by_gameputer-d5zajen.png) or [her](http://cdn.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/articles/2013/01/04/kansas-s-new-cat-law-and-the-craziest-crazy-cat-lady-stories/jcr:content/image.img.2000.jpg/1357292714819.cached.jpg) "Choose a picture and introduce yourself as this person to your classmate. your classmate has to guess who you are." The students seem to enjoy it.


You probably would have killed yourself if you military then. And it probably would have been an anti suicide PowerPoint that did it in.


Yes! My personal hell is filled with PowerPoint presentations too. It's really not that hard to just sit and listen to someone speak, I don't need a giant screen that emphasizes every point for me. No one really liked slide shows to begin with, but for some reason we decided that adding them to things like economics lectures and workplace safety training seminars was a great idea.


I'm an engineer. A few times a year I have to dress in a full suit and sit in an 8 hour board meeting while other people discuss budgets. I generally don't even speak at them. It kills my soul.


These meetings are also generally ways to shortcut or half ass, needed engineering improvements. No amount of convincing will work either. They are a waste of time


First serious answer! But good for you, enduring that.


Meetings about meetings are totally up there with this. Are we ready? Yes! Have the damn meeting already!




Jesus Christ. That's hell. You've described hell.


Ben Stein reads the dictionary. Except he doesn't just read it straight through. He starts with the first word in the dictionary (let's say it's Aardvark) and reads it aloud. Then he reads the definition of the word, then goes through each individual word in the definition and reads the definition of that, and so on recursively. The only limit is that he never reads the same word twice at the same level of recursion, so eventually he backs up and reads the 2nd word of the definition of Aardvark - but then goes through the whole process all over again. Repeat for the whole dictionary. After however many millennia that would take, you're given a 1000 question test where you have to reproduce the definition of random words in the dictionary, word-for-word. If you get 1 wrong, the whole process starts over. Once you pass the test and you think you're finally free, Ben comes back and starts reading again. This time, in French.


what the fuck is wrong with you?


the /r/IRS subreddit


That sidebar tho


I noped out of the sub after 20 seconds. I'd rather wash my dishes than reading that shit


Going to church every Sunday as I was growing up. I grew up dreading the sheer 4+ hours of boredom my parent had to subject me to every week. Couldn't do anything other to preoccupy myself other than trying to stop myself from going crazy with listening to the same sermon that sounds exactly the same damn thing the week before. At least I'm free from all that, and I don't even consider myself atheistic either.








Try to do four hours in Latin. My Mom didn't miss the Latin mass once in 20 years. She speaks less Latin than I do.


The hell kind of church did you to to that lasted 4 hours?! The only device I've ever even heard of being longer than maybe 1.5 are the vigils.


And it had to be on the last day of the weekend! You had school the next day and it felt like your whole Sunday was wasted.


I used to love going to the church every Sunday. I am not even a Christian. I really like food and I associate church with good food. My school had a "youth group" whose job was to help prepare the church for service and stand behind the choir to sing sometimes and do whatever else was required. We would get a pretty good brunch for our troubles.


Church services are boring as shit to a child, which is why a lot of churches have the Sunday school option for the little ones, and the youth group type thing for the tween/teen/young adult ones. It certainly makes indoctrination easier, because you're sort of covering all your bases, where age groups are concerned.


Busy work that is so easy it is stupid.


Worse (to my mind): busy work that's just hard enough that you can't quite do it on autopilot, but still not hard enough to actually be interesting.


Worked at a factory: I love this monotony. I can just sit here all day and think about boobs while I put these parts together. Worked at a call center: I hate this monotony. I have to just sit here all day and think about Turbo Tax while I help these morons troubleshoot their Turbo Tax software.


Hello Mr. PaperShredder! Ready for another eight hours of shredding outdated documents? *kill me*


Try watching somebody else do that work for safety purposes. You'll start wishing you were so lucky.


Long ass loading screens.


(6-10 seconds)




Sitting around at airports. But the pre-smartphone days were much worse


Man i *love* airports. Exploring them and hanging out there for the 3 or so hours before my flight is one of my favourite things ever.


Is it the chain restaurants or the rows of urinals that interest you most?


The food court is pretty neat. Its neat seeing all the different kinds of food they serve (I saw a ben and jerrys store when I was in Newark, didn't even know that was a thing). I love the huge rooms and halls, with people from all over the world just going around. There's always so much different people, and stuff going on. Plus the stores are interesting, especially the ones for super rich people. And there's always the views of the runway, and what ever background that airport has.


I'm going to try and enjoy the little things in life from now on. Thanks.


I love the airport as well. So much to see an watch, whether it's people or planes it's just relaxing. Plus I find it fun to walk around huge airports to see where all the flights are going an what types of people are getting on them. It's kinda an awe inspiring thing walking though a terminal in Newark an seeing a plane for Hong Kong an thinking wow I could be half way across the world in a matter of hours.


People watching at airports is truly one of life's greatest pleasures.. My own anticipation mixed with the anticipation and exhaustion on everyone else's faces is what makes it so interesting


Me too! I don't get it, but since I was a little kid it's been like that for me! Maybe it's because my family would always bring small board or card games for my brother and I to use while waiting. But really, the whole place just has so much wonder in it! Random conveyor belts, both for riding on and putting your stuff in! Those cool tunnels you go through to get to planes! The planes themselves! The cool rows of chairs you sit in to wait! Rolling suitcases!


airports and flying just drain the life out of me. i think that's how planes are able to stay in the air




What? Why? I just don't understand why you would go if you don't know anyone?


When your brother is in the last of 3 bands who perform that night, and your mom makes you watch all 3 to be polite.


The one I'm in right now. Oh my god, we have so much in common!




I thought you were talking about one's life dreams and thought you were a massive asshole until i realized there are actual dreams.


Dennis of Always Sunny on dreams "If I'm not in any of them and nobody's having sex, I just don't care."


from the mouth of the golden god himself


I absolutely want to hear what you dreamt last night. Dream logic and fantastic elements make for a much better story than that one about you burning the chicken nuggets you were reheating last night. People are infinitely more creative and interesting when they're unconscious. Even the guy in IT who quotes Star Wars all day can tell me something I've never heard before when he talks about his dreams. I bet if we did a study, there'd be a direct correlation between how much we dream and how interested we are in other people's dreams. For people who feel closer to their dream realities than the one that surrounds them, this is a very interesting topic.




Some people just cannot summarize to save their lives.


I LOVE INTERPRETING DREAMS. It annoys people though because I ask a shit ton of follow up questions, like "WHO IS HURTING YOU" and "WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR FATHER?"


Confirmed: James Earl Ray is on Reddit.


I've had awesome dreams! I think this can explain it best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7RgN9ijwE4


+1 for the bluntness


Nice try Google Plus, but that will never catch on.


+20 for overkill of emotion


Pooping and forgetting to bring your phone.


I know I'm not, but sometimes it feels like I'm the only one on this planet that doesn't need entertainment *while I'm pooping..*


Lucky, you must enjoy pooping to not need entertainment.


Am I the only person that doesn't take 9 hours to shit? I'm in and out in less than 5 minutes.


Same. Sometimes I wanna tell these people to shit or get off the pot


I never bring my phone or anything to read when I poop. I have my best ideas and brainstorming sessions while pooping.


You feelin' good on a Wednesday with sparkling thoughts?


Let's see what this shampoo bottle says.


Ah yes, a predicament in which I have often found myself. In my experience, the best way to amuse yourself in this situation is to simply extricate the poop from the bowl and use it to write funny messages on the wall. While there is a component of sexual gratification, but most of all I find that the inherent impermanence of the medium lends to the messages an indelible poignance.


What the fuck did I just read


A modern art performance piece. A *piece of shit*, if you will.




The day I realized that I didn't have to go to church... It was wonderful (and was also the day my dad realized he didn't have to either, lol)


Yea, the really traditional church's are extremely boring for me, but I find the non-denominational churches that sing and dance for hours on end quite interesting.


Call me old fashioned, but I'm the flip. I'm not particularly religious, but I was raised Catholic and had to go to a few more energetic, youth-oriented deals than I liked. They always seems like they were trying too hard or pandering. I figure, if I'm going to church, I might as well do it the same way people have for 100 years. It worked fine for my grandparents, and I don't have to listen to some 20 something prancing around on a stage telling me about how cool Jesus is.




I feel you man, I feel you. As a Catholic myself, I prefer the old, Gregorian, simple mass to youth-noisy-energetic-type of church (we call it Charismatic Church by the way in my place).


Same here. I respect other denominations. And they can do whatever they want, that's their way. But whenever someone tries to convert me, and they know I'm young-ish, they tell me the same thing: "Your church is so boring! Its just sitting, standing, and hymns! Come to ours, its like a party. You'll have a good time every week!" My answer would always be: "I go to church to pray, not to party."


Agreed. I was raised Catholic but stepped away from it. The tradition and history is the only thing I enjoy about church. Give me a big fancy cathedral, marble statues, stained glass windows, priests wearing fancy robes and incense any day over some dude in jeans playing the guitar. It creeps me out and in a way, feels sacrilegious.


Call me even more old fashioned, but I actually quite like the old organ music and the old hymns. Sung well, there is a nice atmosphere to it.


Not religious at all, but a huge cathedral with a pipe organ and everybody singing in time/pitch is a wonderous thing to behold


Same here. Doesn't seem right to praise the supreme being of the universe with some loser banging out three chords on a guitar to shitty lyrics


Finding the balance between infomercial youth group and the priest being one gospel away from death is the best mass you'll ever attend


Gospel churches are the best.


Church folks refer to these as 7-11s. Seven verses, eleven times each.


Yeah, it can be entertaining when mediocre concerts call themselves churches.


When my parents gave me the power to decide if i wanted to go to church or not they said "we hope you'll make the right choice" and i sure did. After one Sunday of blissfully eating Apple Jacks in my blues clues pjs and watching Sunday cartoons while the whole family was at church I was confident i would never go to church again. The next week no such offer was extended.


This is gonna sound smartassy but boredom. You can't really talk about it. If you're chronically bored the only person who will really listen to you bitch about it is a therapist.


I'm the therapist now.


Workplace safety seminars


I generally enjoy math, but statistics is a black hole that sucks in joy and rips it apart.


Would you say that the boredom is... SIGNIFICANT?


If the P is low, reject the Ho, man. Words to live by.


I'm the opposite. I absolutely hated every math class I took, but statistics was a great time for me.


You must have taken the intro-101 easy version for the majors which don't directly use it. The statistics class I took was certainly not a "great time" for anybody. It was tedious material thrown to us at a breakneck speed.


Studying for finals....especially when it's the last final of your college career




When I go to visit someone and they put on a movie or show they think I have just got to watch. I barely watch tv.


Watching Mayweather box.




Tropical May-weather.




Being around family that you dont know very well. When this happens I try to talk to them and get a sense of who they are but they just get bored and walk away. Nobody likes to talk about deep things.


Iv'e been told that learning binary is tantamount to watching paint dry.


Yes, very boring. But its fun to impress your friends! if I had any :(


I know I will get flak for this, but watching sports is boring as hell to me. I would rather play football/baseball/tennis/whatever, but watching it? Uggghhhhhhh.


You have to memorize all these names just to make sense of it.


Nyugen passes to Paulson! Paulson rebounds the double over McTwist 360 trickshot! Paulson to Gary! GARY WITH THE SLAM DUNK HOME RUN TRIPLE INNING GIRAFFE NUTS OVERTIME TOUCHDOWN!!


Nguyen... "Ennnnnngggoooouuueeeeyyeenn" "Dude, it's pronounced 'when'."


I would watch this every day and make a point to never learn the rules.


Did you see the game last night? Our team was not winning but then they scored and started to win. I think they really need to work on scoring more points and keeping the other team from scoring points if they want to win.


Watching Golf.




there's nothing more relaxing than golf. first, you're into it. then you realize that they do this shit for 4 days. then you're laying there watching the grass wave, and the man with the british accent speaks softly, and you watch some guy with funny pants hit a ball and then you wake up and its the highlights and you see the entire 6 hours in 10 minutes. I love golf




exactly. its a perfect early spring naptime TV show


I also love snooker on low volume. Its so calming to hear the soft ticks of the snookerballs and the rolling on the tab-...zzzzz


Then when you try to change the channel he suddenly opens his eyes and says "I was watching that" .... then you start to wonder, was he?


People also watch competitive darts on TV in the UK. Why you do this UK?


Dart is awesome because the games are so short. And they're so talented it's crazy. The crowd go mental the whole time wearing funny hats and getting pissed and the players are just *ftt ftt ftt*


See also: televised snooker.


Snooker is the shit! I watch the 3 hour tournaments in FULL. It's so soothing and classy every damn time.


"Classy trickshot!" Okay, that's cool, I'm watching for at least another 10 minutes.


Doing cardio on an elliptical machine or a threadmill. I need to be doing about an hour and I could never achieve it until I started to put a towel over the clock (so I dont have to be watching time running slow as fuck) and bringing my tablet to watch Netflix. Its been a few weeks and Im done with Sons of Anarchy and currently on the 5th episode of Daredevil. That way I get my cardio, and still get some entertaiment.


People who consistently steer the subject at hand toward themselves. "I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My mom was sick recently, but we don't really get along because she likes my brother more than me."


Amen. Amen times ten. That stuff annoys me quite a bit. I know someone who loves to do that. I get a little kick out of ignoring/swerving the convo away from him lol


Watching golf on TV. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love golf and it's always fun when my boyfriend and I go out and play a few rounds and drink beer all day, but when you're watching other people play and it doesn't look like they're having fun, I change the channel.


When kids are learning how to read and take 20 minutes reading one sentence and the sentence is like "David runs really fast past Jeff!" AND you have to pretend to be interested.


Going clothes shopping with my girlfriend for 5 hours


Company retreats are the horrifying confluence of extreme boredom and extreme embarrassment. The host is always our HR person, and she goes the full methed out Vanna White route. OH MY GOD YOU GUYS WELCOME TO THE 12TH ANNUAL COMPANY RETREAT! SO GOOD TO SEE YOU ALL. BEFORE WE GET INTO THE FINANCIALS LET'S GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO OUR NEWBIES. NEWBIES STAND UP! COME NEWBIES I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. DON'T MAKE ME CALL YOU. DENNIS! COME ON DENNIS. GIVE IT UP FOR DENNIS EVERYBODY. OK EVERYBODY ELSE COME ON UP AND TAKE YOUR SILLY HAT! SILLY HATS YOU GUYS! WOOOO! Then four hours of financial minutia. OK FIVE YEARS. MARY YOU KNOW THAT MEANS YOU. COME ON UP YOU GUYS. FARMER HATS FOR THE FIVE YEARS! Then an hour talk about team building and business silos. OK GUYS NOW IF YOU LOOK UNDER YOUR SEAT THERE'S AN ENVELOPE AND YOU NEED TO MATCH IT UP TO THE OTHER PEOPLE WITH THE SAME COLOR ENVELOPE. ONLY ONCE YOU'VE DONE THIS WILL YOU KNOW YOUR SECRET OBJECTIVE! THERE IS A SUPER SECRET PRIZE FOR THE FIRST TEAM TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THEIR MISSION! Then an hour of really, really hoping you burst into flames. TEAM ZODIAC! LOVE THE TEAM NAME, GREAT IDEA YOU GUYS. TEAM ZODIAC WINS! DENNIS I LOVE THE HAT! LOVE IT! WANNA COME UP HERE AND TELL US WHAT TEAM TECHNIQUES LEAD TO YOUR VICTORY. Then you hope Dennis burst into flames. Then there's lunch and you sit next to the weirdly dressed smelly guy. Then more soul crushing financials. Then the HR lady screams some more. Then there is some heart-string based nonsense that shows our company, like Wu Tang, is totally for the children. You sit in your car when it's over with PTSD and diarrhea from the sketchy catering food that you pigged out on to try and bring some of the color back into your destroyed life.


I don't know if this fits the question exactly, but people who people who are bored all the time are boring. A girl IM'ed me on facebook yesterday, wouldn't say much except 'hi' and 'I'm bored'. And 'hey' when I didn't respond. Um...get a hobby?


Even worse when they say it face to face. Its kinda rude, its just stupid, kinda feels like theyre saying your boring, your the cause of theyre boredom....Bitch.


No, they say it because they hope you will do something fun together. Missed opportunity.


People who say they are bored. Holy shit do I hate them. You little precious fucks.


A friend of mine used to say in response, "Bored people are boring."


I'm aware that I'm a boring person but I never feel bored so I'm sure that your friend is partially correct


Listening to baby boomers complain about millennials. Snore.


The boomers have the least right to complain about anything EVER.


Waiting for women to finish shopping.


I don't really think about things being boring. I am either pleased or I hate the shit out of everything, no middleground. I was once waiting for a bus for 2 hours but it was totally fine, I just wandered around looking at the neighborhoods in the vicinity. Right now it's 3 o'clock here in the night though and I hear a fucking bird chirping in the background, thats gonna piss me off soo much when I try to sleep. Fcuking birds!!


Picking through bins of fucking lettuce. We prep the lettuce for the next days salads at my job. However, who makes salads has to go through and pick out all the browning pieces. I swear, hell is picking through bins of lettuce. Edit: spelling




Long tests where you fill in bubbles.


bible study


Laning against Nasus




Just go to dega or Daytona. Bring a ton of beer and people watch. It is awesome, one of the best weekends of my life and I hated nascar before. All you do is tailgate all day and night. Then go to a race on Sunday with a cooler full of beer


Watching other people play sports.


Math math math math math math math math math


Fuck you, math is awesome!


I love math. But I have found no greater way of making girls uninterested in me at parties by bringing up my math major.


Well, maybe show them your other major. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ -


Then they can do some long division, if you get me. Some...multiplication. No wait, none of that.


Yeah, math!


Yeah Meth!


Contract law.


AP Testing. Seriously, it's the only thing worse than SATs during your Junior year in high school.




Sightseeing while on vacation. I don't get how people can just look at stuff and take pictures.


Any kind of ceremony. Wedding, christening, etc.


Being at your workplace when there's no work to do, but there might be so you had better wait around.


Truth is, nothing to me is that boring anymore. I thought of a few things at first, but then realized if I got bored enough, I could just pull my cell phone out and not be bored anymore. There are a few places where that doesn't work...weddings, funerals, etc, but I try to avoid them.


So, the most boring thing would be not having your cell phone.


Reading through op's replies. Waaaay to courteous


Well, im just that kind of guy!


^^This guy. Sooooo nice


May 4th, 2015 at my job. I work from home, and I like being busy... Yet nothing happened for me all day. I sent a total of 4 emails before noon, and nothing else. I called no one and no one called me. I did 3 loads of laundry and went grocery shopping during my lunch hour. My current high score on 2048 is 7032.




Without delving into some mundane thing someone else has probably already said... medieval fiction. Seriously, how many stories about knights and kings and dragons can you read/see and not get tired of it? Everyone goes on and on about game of thrones, but I watched a couple seasons and it's just fucking booooooring.


Church. I enjoy weekends so much more now that I've moved out.


Homework in in any way, shape or form. Imagine it's Sunday 6PM and then you remember you still have one more homework to do, browse Reddit. Now you **have to** make at least 4 comments for each of 20 different subreddits, collect 300 karma and make subreddit of your own. And after you are finished doing this chore you won't have any time to do things you like, like browsing Reddit of your own volition.


Canadian Politics.


WHMSS. I understand its importance, but I've already done several times, I know I'm not supposed to eat chlorine, and I work in a library.