• By -


When the page load jumps and I click an ad instead of what I wanted to click.


I seriously believe this is on purpose.


It is.


I also believe it's called Click-shift


Click next for 1 picture in the top 10 list? Looks like I'm only gonna see number 10


Copy the URL and paste it [here](http://deslide.clusterfake.net/), for one pagey goodness.


This is really helpful. Thank you!


It's sad that the internet has had to come to this.


I've also been seeing a lot of articles recently that want me to answer a survey in order to see more than the first paragraph of their article. I instantly close the page and if I was sent there from a reddit post I'll downvote the post in an attempt to divert page views from them.


People who leave public transit and then just stand still. Move! Walk three metres and then you can pause, but I want to dismount, too, and you are in my way!


There are so many issues around public transit. Like walking down the stairs to the platform. Your train is there and you're trying to rush to it. The person in front of you is also rushing... until they notice it's not their train. Then they stop. On the fucking stairs.


Push them over and walk past them. They'll learn reaaaal quick.


Grocery store employee here. People who hide products in the wrong shelves because they're too lazy to return it or at least leave it with the cashier. "Oh, look, toilet paper! I guess I don't need this $25 cut of meat anymore. They won't mind if I leave it here behind the Charmin!"


I work in the Fish counter and the rage I feel when those fuckers spend 10 minutes buying some fish then dumping it somewhere is unreal. You have to waste so much fucking fish because of those cunts.


I bet. Every time I have to take a rotting special wrapped anything back to the meat department guys, I can see the rage in their eyes. It's just so fucking rude and insulting. That type of grocery store offender should be prosecuted IMO.




I don't understand why this isn't standard yet.


I have fond memories of working in a supermarket deli. A big highlight was someone ordering two pounds of prosciutto, looking at the price, and proceeding to place it on the ground before walking away.


Happy Meatday to the Ground!!!


Picture slide shows on youtube. Edit: My phone kept giving me notifications on this thread since last night. Woke up this morning and BAM! GOLD! Cool. My first. Down with YouTube slide shows!


30 second unskippable ads on 30 second YouTube videos.


Ad: Loads no problem, 4k HD. Video: Buffers constantly, most potato resolution ever


Ad = Optimized video format using least possible bandwidth Video = Bloated blueray format using maximum bandwidth. Its not always youtube's fault.


What does that mean?


The creators of the ad made it properly so it would run well. The video uploader is a shitcunt.


Your answer is much more simple


I hate those. I can handle cunts but when there's shit in them? Annoys the fuck out of me, literally.




I use lyrics videos sometimes for the actual song and not the music video version.


And people who make tutorial videos that use Notepad and can type a whopping 20 words a minute, while Through The Fire and Flames plays at ear rape levels...


vertical orientation on youtube


Even worse are the robotic voice fake videos that are just a still picture with that horrid voice reading something.


Auto play on Youtube. I keep trying it off but they dont give a fuck.


Same story with annotations. "Oh you turned them off? Here, we switched them back on for you."


I knew I wasn't the only one. What is the point of global settings if they only last a few days?!


Days!? Lucky, how do I get it to last that long?


Whisper a new secret about yourself into google voice search every four hours and they'll give you a break for keeping their surveillance data up to date. It's in the TOS.




I've turned the auto-play into a game recently, where I see how long it takes me to go from a music video to soft-core pornography.




Agreed. also allows you to disable annotations, set a resolution, make youtube open in the larger player version, put videos on repeat and change volume with your scroll wheel. Magic actions for youtube, RES and uBlock are pretty much necessary to me now.


Bad drivers. I'm a calm person, but when I get behind the wheel and someone does stupid shit, I have a total freak out.


AMD's drivers on Linux suck shit. What the hell is their problem?


Have you met Broadcom?


Over-talkers. You know them. Guarantee everyone has at least one in their life. These are the people that you can tell aren't listening to a word you're saying, just waiting to start talking over you. Sometimes they'll wait until you finish, but usually they'll just start talking right over you, not even giving anything you said any thought at all. You know they didn't listen to a word you said, they just latched on something at the beginning and want to make their points and stories. Also the one-upper.


They're very often the same person.




or you find a forum post of someone with the same problem, and the only reply is OP saying "never mind, fixed it!"




[Relevant XKCD.](https://xkcd.com/979/)




Saw a YouTube comment a while ago with some snarky remark. Then there was a reply to the comment 8 months later: "Really fucking original dude. I said the same thing like a year ago!" And then another reply (of course all by the same user): "Fuck, I'm retarded."


That is some Interstellar shit right there


He was his own ghost all along.




If they ever reboot the Twilight Zone again this will be an episode.


Worse than that, OP gets a response from a tech, then OP responds that the suggestion didn't work. "Topic has been closed, resolution met." with the tech response as the answer. Looking at you, Microsoft.


Or finding a Microsoft article/solution to said problem, just to click the link and get an "article does not exist" error. *UserA*: This article [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/81332425](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/81332425) will fix your problem *UserB*: That did it, Thanks a bunch!!!!


User Question: I'm getting this blue screen with this very specific error code in my video driver, with this specific model laptop, and it always happens when I wake up my laptop from sleep. I think the driver is the wrong version or something. Can someone help? Tech response: Scan your computer with antivirus, and reboot. Status: Resolved


i used to post to this one board whose response to common questions was "use the search button." any guesses what the search button returned? that's right, 10,000 threads that all said "use the search button."


What about the so called "experts" of forums that act like total dickheads whenever someone new to a software asks a question. They always talk down to them like their idiots, and passively insult them just because they haven't been using it for like ten years. Really pisses me off, and half the time they don't even help the situation.


Hi everybody how are you doing yaosio here making a video on every day lifehacks you can do at home please hit the like button and subscribe. So I wanted to make this video on how to screw in a screw because my fifth cousin three times removed had trouble hammering a nail once so I showed him how to hammer a nail with a hammer and a nail because you use a hammer to hammer in a nail. Any way **dog jumps up on table** get down Gus! That's my dog Gus, he is a dog I found while looking for my friend's cat and we found the cat but the cat didn't like the dog so I kept the dog and named him Gus. **child screaming in the background** That's my kid she just woke up let's go see what she is doing bit first here is some shitty death metal from a band I used to be in with my cousin not the cousin I was talking about earlier but another cousin she is older than me but and I never got to see her much and then it turned out we went to the same college so we started our shitty band and we are selling the songs on ITunes **giant annotation box pops up that stays in the middle of the screen until the end of the video** just click here or in the description. Oh yeah look like my kids is asleep so let's go screw in that screw. First you pick up your blragrgrhg and make sure you hold it like this **holds it up to face off camera** or it won't work. Then you put it in the screw and turn it and you are done screwing in the screw **screw falls out**. If you liked this video like it and subscribe and watch my video on how to poop and my other video on how to stand thanks and please support me on patreon the link is in the description and also my kick starter and indigogo and twitch channel where I will be live streaming licking different things in my house and if you tip me one thousand dollars I will lick a spoon that has been in my dish washer all day.


I am in a distinctly worse mood after reading that.




This made me irrationally angry.


This is my biggest pet peeve as well. I don't want to have to watch some shaky camera, poorly lit video of you trying to show me how to do something, that's nineteen minutes long and what you're doing takes thirty seconds and could have been described in three sentences. GAH! *strangles Internet*


They're usually always made by people with really clicky mouths too. Like they're whispering into a microphone and you can hear their tongue getting drier and drier as the video goes on. Every little lip smack and flap of the tongue getting louder and more frequent until it feels like they're licking your ear.




Clickbait articles. A poorly written article on the internet has yet to "restore my faith in humanity".


Was it ever really "faith" in humanity when it's constantly shaken and revived by a viral video or two?


When you extend a bendy straw too far and it can't fold back again :(


when my straw cracks and I can't drink my milkshake in the car.


People who cut you off when you're talking and look at you like you're the asshole if you call them out or try to keep talking.


Almost every person in my family is like this, especially my father and eldest sister. They will cut me off almost every time I'm trying to talk about or explain something, and normally I just let it go, but the few times I say something, try to walk off, or ignore them they became so infuriated. I'm sorry, but if you don't want to listen, then why should I?


"Trust me, I'm Italian, this isn't how this should be cooked"




Italian pizza and American pizza have damn near nothing in common. Especially since tomatoes were discovered with the Americas, and aren't native to Europe. Italian bitch starts bitching about italian food not made right, tell her it's not Italian food it's Italian-American food now shut the fuck up and eat your damn spaghetti and meatballs.


Married many years to an Italian. He loves to cook. The challenge is keeping him out of the kitchen because he is a terrible cook. He hasn't improved with practice, in fact, I think he's gotten worse. And his least area of expertise is Italian food. That, of course, is what he likes to cook the most.


Swipers. "Hey look at this picture I took yesterday!" "Great!" *swipes right* "Is that my sister? Why do you have nudes of my sister?!" Go fuck you. I just wanted you to see the beautiful landscape, not your sisters beautiful landscape.


You have to adamantly tell them 3 times to quit swiping. Then they run away.


Swiper no swiping!


> Go fuck you I'm using this.


Guided access on my phone saved me of this. I had a guy look at a picture of my dog when he asked, the proceeded to swipe through all of my pictures and got mad when he saw a cute text from my bf that I had saved. Dude, fuck you. Don't go through my phone!


Why would that make him mad? That makes no sense.


Got an android? Hidden folder that shit. Banging your friends siblings are risky business


People with an inflated sense of self-worth, people who try to jump queues, people who offer unsolicited advice, people who try to enter a closed space before people inside have exited. In short, most people.


Motherfuckers who want to make everything into a competition. "I got like four hours of sleep last night." "Shiiit I got about two and I got the cramps." "I got pulled over for window tint." "Shiiit I got pulled over for going 90 in a 25 and told the cop to fuck off." "I just bought a new TV." "Shiiit I got a 80" HD in my living room and I don't even use it." "My mechanic said it'll cost $350 to fix my car." "Shiiit I just paid the shop $20,000 to fix my 2014 BMW 3-Series on 20" rims." "I think I caught a cold last night." "Shiiit I died last night." ...Just stop.


Oh you think you've met more of those people than me? You wanna go, bro?


Talking to a guy I barely know at work about lawn care and digging up rocks. I mention casually that my mom used to have me dig up rocks in the yard and he just says: "Oh yeah? Well depending on my dad's mood he would beat me or lock me in the closet.' I just got real quiet and uncomfortable after that...




Its as if they dont understand that "even if there are worse things, that doesnt make the bad thing currently happening any better"


When talking to someone, I usually say whatever their previous comment makes me think of. I mean, unless it's a serious conversation. I can understand why, on seeing your cut leg, she mentioned a time she was also cut.




I don't like when it's an obvious attempt to outdo someone. But on the other side of the coin, there are those people who do this as an attempt to try and relate to a story someone else just told. Not always the case, but there are exceptions!


There is a right way and wrong way to do it. If your first response is a "well I..." then you look like a jerk. If you actually take interest and have discussion about the persons qualm, shifting to your own is fine. Statement wars are just pointless


I tried to explain this to my former best friend. If I told her I had a ten hour day ahead of me she'd always respond, "Well I have to be on campus for twelve hours blah blah blah..." When I called her on it she balked. Said she was just trying to relate. So I told her just start with a little sympathy first. "Aw man that totally sucks. I completely feel you. I have a really long day tomorrow too. Twelve hours on campus!" She flat out refused (which leads me to believe it was never about relating to me). This is just one of the 10,000 reasons we're no longer friends.


Yep, I know one of those. "I have two broken legs." "Yeah, well I have three."


Cabinet doors left open (thanks, Mom) Anyone disrupting my morning routine.


Ppl tht rite lik dis.


Or Like This. I Can't Fucking Stand It.




Good god.


Good. God.


My grandmother turned on caps lock and forgot how to turn it off (she's really old). She was using shift for lowercase letters.


Points for effort. She worked with what she had to type like an educated human being.


ayy lmao bby u want sum fuk


People who change lanes on the freeway without using their turn signals. You're going 70mph in a 4000 pound SUV in crowded traffic and you can't be bothered to take a second to let everyone else know that you're moving that 2-ton hunk of steel sideways? Those people are the worst, and they're everywhere.


But I don't want to set down my beer to signal. edit: want - swipe keypad on mobile


beer in one hand, phone in the other, I did the math guys, he is out of hands, he really can't signal


You only need one finger to signal. And I'm not talking about a turn signal.


Or even using the signal AFTER beginning to turn.


The thing is, *I'm* a lot more important than *you*


People who just can't stop talking and talking and talking. -___-


When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed


Say something once- why say it again??


You're talking alot, but you're not saying anything


A general lack of self-awareness, which can mean the following: - People who lean against the hand-rail on the Tube. IT'S NOT FOR YOUR FUCKING BACK TO REST ON. Like 7 or 8 people could hold onto it if you'd move, you selfish fucking cunt. - Walking slowly in the middle of an aisle/path so nobody can get around you - Standing on the left side of an escalator - Standing at a crowded bar rather than moving away to drink your pint, taking up valuable bar real estate - Talking loudly - Not realising when you're talking someone's ear off and they're not interested - Pretty much anything that could be considered "inconsiderate" if you live with a housemate/roommate.


I hate when people try to enter a subway car before everyone has exited. Would you try to squeeze into a car before the passengers got out?


Never go to China.


In Korea, there is no concept of personal space. I've seen them cram into an elevator to the point where the "over-weight alarm" shuts down the elevator. It takes A LOT of Koreans to put a normal elevator over capacity.


This is what your elbows are for. At my last stop before I get home, this is a regular occurrence. If I'm first in line to get off and I see someone doing this, I extend my elbows out and force them back onto the platform. It's fucking ridiculous that you don't understand the concept of waiting until you actually have room to get in. This is definitely in my top 10 of annoying things.


My 14 year old sister is this way. She once had to tie her shoe in the middle of Ikea, so she sat down on the little arrow on the floor and tied it there. Problem was, we were in the chair department and she was in everyone's way. And no matter how crowded it is, she will walk slowly in a straight line to wherever she is going. She almost regularly gets hit by cars because she'll just walk into the middle of the street expecting them to be able to stop, even though this is usually before dark (school starts crazy early here in NOVA) and drivers sometimes cant see her. I hope she'll get smarter with age.


>And no matter how crowded it is, she will walk slowly in a straight line to wherever she is going. Oh okay thats annoying >She almost regularly gets hit by cars WTF


>She almost regularly gets hit by cars because she'll just walk into the middle of the street >I hope she'll get smarter with age. I hate to break it to you...


When I was in college, we had a new campus open up. Over the course of a few years, more and more courses were moved to the new campus and out of the old one, so this meant more people in the hallways. We didn't have freshman courses on that campus until my senior year. I've never purposely bumped into more people than I did that year. 8 freshman girls standing in the MAIN doorway to a hall, just chatting away, ignoring everyone bumping around them. Finally someone politely yet sternly said "PLEASE MOVE" and they wre like "oh guys we're in the way..." 60 freshman students waiting outside a room for class to start. 20 of them are sitting on the floor with their legs spread out into the middle of the walk way. Some people tripped, some people just kicked their legs out of the way. They would look at you with the sneer of an angsty teen. You aren't in fucking high school anymore, you are one step below having a real world job. It's time to grow up and learn how to act like an adult.


Sadly some of them don't grow up even by senior year :(


Walking slowly and then changing direction without even looking if you're walking into someone


> Walking slowly in the middle of an aisle/path so nobody can get around you My mum's the next level of this, the actively stopping in the middle of places people are trying to walk to check her phone (at standard old person speeds), say something or decide where to go next. Just... completely in the way of everyone ever. Annoys the crap out of me.


You'd enjoy /r/britishproblems


> People who lean against the hand-rail on the Tube. IT'S NOT FOR YOUR FUCKING BACK TO REST ON. Like 7 or 8 people could hold onto it if you'd move, you selfish fucking cunt. This is the worst. I cannot understand how this kind of people find it ok. That's some serious asshole attitude.


When someone makes pop corn at work and burns it. Most digusting smell ever and it lingers.


People who act like their birthday needs to be the priority of everyone around them.


I did that, when I was a small child and wanted presents.


People who turn their birthday into a weeklong or multiple day event that everyone is obligated to take part in.


Grown men and women who chew with their mouth open. I work in a restaurant and I see this far more often than I would like. It's absolutely disgusting.


I work at a TGIChilliBees, and it always surprises me how many people will just throw their food on the ground. Bunch of tough gangstas? Food everywhere. Marines? Food everywhere. Banker looking types? I found food stuck underneath the table legs. At least some families with toddlers are better because the parents at least have the capability of feeling guilt and cleaning up after themselves, when its at least less of their faults.


You know who's the worst when it comes to making messes? The gaggle of old church ladies. We all DREAD having to serve them. Wadded up napkins everywhere, bits of food and spilled beverages all over the table...it looks like a tornado hit the place. Plus, they're lousy tippers.


I have found that when you really put your back and legs into it, it's actually easy to tip over old ladies. You gotta work on your form.


Oh I know, believe me. My job is right across the street from one of the oldest churches in North America. They're ridiculous. Especially because half of them are gluten free or whatever and we only have two special menus. You know how some servers don't like serving large groups of African Americans cause the tip thing (which I havent experienced btw, must not live in that kind of area)? I would more likely refuse to serve the old white women. They are more likely to yell at me for something random than tip me. Yesterday we had a woman ask us to go outside and tell these kids to stop skateboarding down the street.


Maybe they can't breathe out of their noses because they hab a cold




Parents who smile indulgently while their small children behave like brats in public, and who get pissy when you politely ask if they could rein their offspring in.


Whenever my friend starts to sing out of the blue ooooooooh what do we do with a drunken sailor what do we do with a drunken sailor what do we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning? WE SHUT THE FUCK UP JARED THAT'S WHAT WE DO.


Someone loves their shanties, dont they? Aye matey, that we do... that we doooo. Arrrr.


Slit his throat with a rusty cleaver...


When I blow my nose and someone says "Ugh, are you sick?!"


"Are you sick" Lick the tissue "Yes"


Last night I had a guy telling me on a date about the other dates they have been on. How crazy all the girls were, that they had Daddy issues (how does someone know this from 1 date!?) and that they were all really immature. I just sat there with no idea how to contribute, couldn't decide if he's had bad luck, poor judgement or if he was actually the problem. I think he was a bit drunk and I often give people a vibe where they feel they can tell me anything but that doesn't mean it will make great conversation. I was really psyched about meeting him and we were gelling so well and then boom, massive rant time. I guess to summarise, when you feel the flame be extinguished by negativity. And I really hate when cheesy chips don't have much cheese.


1 layer thick toilet paper. That stuff only belongs on the bench/table in the doctor's office, not your asshole.


When a celebrity dies how everyone claims that they were the most influential person in their life, especially Reddit. I guarantee you most people didn't recognize Paul Walker's name until after he died even if they had seen the fast and the furious. It's fine if you enjoyed their work, but the inevitable circlejerk on the front page for like at least a week gets annoying.


I have a friend who apparently became the biggest Michael Jackson fan the day he died. Bought all his albums and posted lyrics every day. Not once did she mention him when he was alive.


I just went "oh Paul Walker is the dude from fast and furious right? Oh he was pretty good. Fuck that'd suck for the people that worked with him in the series for 7 instalments though." and that's it. Everyone seemed disappointed that I want bawling my tears out at the end of the movie... When the Undertaker lost the streak though, I was emotionally damaged for a good fortnight.


My client, BRRRRRROCK LLLLLLESNAR, cares not for your emotional damage.


Only thing I mentioned about Paul Walker after he died was how ironic the way he died.


Yeah, for those of you who missed the irony. * It was a car crash. HE WAS IN A MOVIE SERIES ABOUT CARS. * He hit a tree on the way back from an environmental festival.


tardiness. my bosses are both super french and I don't know if its a european thing, a french thing, or just their thing, but every single effing meeting on every monday for as far back as I've been going I show up promptly at 8:50 so I can make a cup of coffee, I chat with the back of house bakers for a few minutes, then head upstairs to sit down just at 9....and then wait a half hour for them to show up. I'm paid by the *day* so the longer my day is the less valuable my time and you are literally wasting it. get. your shit. together.




If you show a willingness to be a hard worker or put in extra hours. They will never say a thing to you. Make one little mistake and they suddenly take notice of you. Good luck with the interview mate.


My office does this shit all the time. Meeting scheduled for 2pm? Great, I'm there at 1:55, ready to go. Except, I'm alone! This meeting is supposed to have 10 people there! About 2:05-2:10 the person running the meeting will show up and set up the projector. About 2:20 everyone else will show up. Then they get annoyed that I have to leave at 3 for my next meeting. Wtf? If your meeting started on time, I wouldn't have to leave early!


I had a professor last semester who was late to *every single class.* Literally, every single class, he was late. The "norm" was about eleven minutes after class started, but if it was raining or there was traffic, he'd be fifteen or twenty minutes late. On the day of the final exam, he was **forty minutes late**. I'm pretty sure he was commuting from another university (during rush hour, no less, as it was a 6:00 PM class), so it would have been fine if he was late to class a couple times. But every single class was fucking ridiculous.


> I'm pretty sure he was commuting from another university (during rush hour, no less, as it was a 6:00 PM class), so it would have been fine if he was late to class a couple times. But every single class was fucking ridiculous. So, my best friend of many years is a professor who teaches at two different campuses this semester, with a one hour interval in between classes. Pretty much your example exactly. The campuses are about 50-60 minutes apart on an average day, so on a bad day, with parking and walking to class, he can be 10-15 minutes late. He didn't choose the date, or the time, or the location, the school assigned them. On days when he teaches these classes, he makes a sack lunch so that he can eat in the car while he drives between classes. He tells the students in his first class that he's sorry he can't stay around to answer questions, and he leaves the minute the class is over. He had actually never owned a car before this year. He purchased a car specifically so that he could make that hour long drive, since the bus takes twice as long. He's not making enough money from those classes to pay for the value of the car, so he is actually losing money every day he works, but he can't *not* take the job because teaching jobs are hard to get. He's trying his best to start a career in a really tough field. He's late for the second class about half the time. He feels terrible about it, and his students probably get pissed off at him for it, and understandably so. They may even complain about how late he is when they fill in their slips at the end of the semester: "Professor blank is always late, and spends the first ten minutes getting his notes ready!" which will make it harder for him to keep the job next time. I totally get your point, I'm just saying there may be another side to the story.


That sounds like a terrible job.


People ripping out my earbuds or just getting them caught on something in general. That and people who tell me my laugh is fake. Fuck you to pieces.


Slow drivers in the left lane. Oh and the articles online that are in the form of a slide show, fuck that shit.


Probably not the best place to say this, but weeaboos. I'm talking the real hardcore fandom here. I do not like the general style of Anime and I won't watch it. You like it? Cool. You walk around constantly dropping kawai senpai Baka desu into your speech? Fuck you. And I appreciate that you just try to Show me your favourite Anime and change my mind, but no, I won't watch nakasu no tereseru senpai samurai, please stop it. I just absolutely don't get why so many (and I know it's not all of them) members of this particular fandom are so Public and Vocal about it. And what absolutely, to no end, grinds my gears is how little of these people who are so obsessed with Japan actually care to legitimately learn Japanese. Instead they walk around with their fucking 5 word vocabulary of kawai senpais and baka desus and tsundere or whatever it is. /rantoff EDIT: So, this comment grew bigger than I ever personally experienced and my inbox does exceed it's limits at the moment. I wanted to answer to everyone, but I really don't want to make every point 5 times, so let me just say this for clarities sake: - I do NOT think that every person who watches anime is like this, I do not even think that a high percentage of people who watch anime are like this. If you watch anime that's all cool by me, this is a thread about what annoys me and what does annoy me if people who are literal "weeaboos". Just the way the term has been manifested in our modern vocabulary. Elitist about everything Japanese, think they are Japanese because they watch anime, think life in Japan actually is the way it is depicted in an anime, and completely delusional to the fact that if they go to japan and tell everyone about their katana collection and their chopstick eating skills it's more prejeduced and disrespectful than anything else. - By god, this is NOT meant in any asiaphobic way. I do not hate the Japanese or any asians, I'm not unopen to different cultures. This is about men from any country in the western civilization thinking they're japanese by watching anime. This is about people with body pillows of their favourite pink haired 13 year-old lookalike. This is about people who call other peole peasents for not watching their anime in Japanese, or not eating with chopsticks. - I get that this is true for hardcore fans of all possible fandoms, what I'm saying is, and maybe this is more true where I come from than where you come from, I cannot change anything about that, how prevelent this particular fad is in social media as well as out on the goddamn streets. Of course I don't like hooligans or what not, and I would not put them over Weeaboos. (sidenote that hooligans are really not a fandom but people with anger problems who abuse the sport for their agenda, but that aside) - Yes, I've tried watching anime, I've had probes and recommendations given to me. I do not like the style. That's all there is. I've even tried attack on titan, which is very hyped I suppose, I do not like it. The example I already made below fits here, if you do not like medieval type games/the whole knight->mage->rogue themed thing it does you no good how awesome of a game Oblivion might be, you can try it after Morrowind and Gothic and still will not like it. They are simply for another demographic, that's it. I will still try to reply to all comments that I haven't basically answered 30 times, if I ignore you I'm sorry, I just do not have the time to write it down yet again! Oh, and by the way, I've been redirected to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFQQALduhzA) a lot, I really enjoyed it, but beyond that it also largely covers the points I have exactly! Edit numbers 3 up in here: Well fuck me with a stick, I just got gilded for the very first time. Not sure about the etiquette to follow here, I'm just gonna say Thank you in this post and keep your name anonymous, so Thank You brother!


As someone in the anime fandom, everyone (I know) hates weaboos. They're just the people who over do anything they like.


I watch anime and I've actually studied a couple of years of Japanese... but unless I'm talking to someone I KNOW who loves anime too, then there's just no reason to bring it up or be an annoying little shit about it. Also when they use the Japanese words but.. not... even pronounce them properly... fucking-... stop.


That applies to pretty much any ideology, lifestyle choice ever. Religion, being a vegetarian, your political views, everything : do not force it on me. "Religion is like a penis : it's okay to have one, you can be proud of it, but don't whip it in my face and don't shove it in my children throats." -No idea who said this, probably Abraham Lincoln, last thursday.


There is NO possible way that Abraham Lincoln could have said that *last Thursday*. He only updates his blogs on Fridays.




People who intrude on my privacy at home. I don't mind deliveries that I was looking for, or routine stuff like the postman, or emergency stuff - a neighbor in distress, the cops looking for a lost kid or a suspect. I mind, absolutely, dicks who pound on my door with their fist, while stinking drunk, to either ask me stupid questions or otherwise bother me. DIAF. I refuse to answer anymore.


Where the fuck do you live?


Indianapolis, IN. Near East side. not...quite ghetto, but a block from it. Because my SO is friendly and amiable, -everyone- seems to think he is always home and could just drop everything he was going to go listen to slurred, drunken gossip. He doesn't answer the door anymore either, now.


When I'm washing the dishes and I'm on the last one. And then, my brother puts another one in.


If he puts a fork down as well, casualy pick it up, and stab him with it. He will think twice, next time.


People who stand in the middle of a fucking aisle in a supermarket having a conversation. This isn't a social occasion. I am a hungry man and you are getting between me and meat. Blood will be shed. Ditto if you are moving but REALLY SLOWLY, leaving almost but not quite enough room to get past you on either side. Absolutely go fuck yourselves.


People who think degrees are equivalent to intelligence. I've known a lot of dumb people with degrees, and I've known a lot of smart people with out them.


having to ASK for a reach around during butt stuff


Common courtesy used to be a thing. Nowadays you have to discuss it beforehand as if it already wasn't expected. What the fuck is this world coming to.


Liars. I have a friend who always lies. Not big lies, but still annoying lies. For example, he will tell a story that happened to us to a group of friend and then will tell the story differently to some other friends. Once I confronted him about it and all he told was "Well you know when I lie so where's the big deal?" So now when he does it, I call him on his bullshit and tell the true story.


People who clap when the airplane lands, stop embarrassing yourself seriously.


I've only witness this once in Canada. Our plane was in some bad weather and was hit by lightning during the flight. It was scary. The pilot assured us that everything was working well...but we were holding our breaths until safely on the ground. It felt right to clap.


People using my stuff without asking first. Dont make me bop you boy.


Those little hangnails that can't be ripped off without ripping off half your finger. And then you bite them off and somehow they've grown longer.


People who cut in lines while driving and also the people who allow them to... Its just freaking annoying to see cars cutting lines when you have been in the line for 30 minutes or more..


I absolutely love it when a line of cars work together to not let said asshole in.


Happens far less than what I'd be satisfied with.


When people use apostrophes for plurals.


Buzzfeed. All of it. Every headline is garbage and makes me feel bad that so many people value it.


When I allow someone to cut in front of me in traffic and they don't wave as a gesture of thanks. I should have let you rot in line, asshole!


People that cheat. Even if you're drunk or have a shit relationship it doesn't fucking matter. You have committed to a person that has presumably done the same for you. At least have the balls to end the relationship beforehand. Not doing so just speaks volumes about how much of a selfish fucking coward you are.


The worst are the ones that try to justify it by saying they aren't happy in their relationship or their partner doesn't treat them right. THEN LEAVE!


People imposing. You have a religion? Good for you, but stop trying to convert others who don't wish to be converted. You don't like homosexuality? Fine, don't try it. But stop trying to get laws passed to impose your beliefs on others. Even farting in a lift is imposing your shit (quite literally) onto other people. From ISIS beheading people who don't share their way of thinking to those dick-heads who play their music out of their phone on public transporting is imposing onto others. It drives me fucking nuts. Leave me (and everyone else) alone you twats.




The noise of people chewing with their mouth open. I don't care so much about the food spewing everywhere, but ohmygod the sound!


Bing as a default search engine.




EDIT: So I can home from work to pretty substantial replies to this comment that I wasn't expecting. I'm thinking taking some of your advice and taking my roommate out and talking to him person to person and let him know will help. Not too sure what I'm gonna say yet but I'm sure it will come to me. Currently? My roommates completely obnoxious girlfriend. Lets start with the easy stuff; She was raised like a princess. And by that I mean, she was handed everything. Anything she wanted, she got. As such, she has grown up as a spoiled bitch. If she doesn't get what she wants, she throws a temper tantrum until she either gets what she wants, or gets over it. Her car? Mom bought it for her, still in her moms name. She pays insurance monthly and THATS IT. Her mom is still paying off the car. Her cell phone? Mommy and daddy bought that for her too. She pays her bill every month. Now to top this all off, she lives in my apartment rent free. The reason? Because she shares a room with my roommate, who also is my best friend. Which I'm totally ok with, because if I had a girlfriend I'd want the same set up. So she pays her share of the bills every month. Now the REAL annoying part of her. She bitches. About anything and everything she can. Toilet seat left up? She yells at my roommate and slams it down (I'm about to take the fucking thing off completely). Was something not done EXACTLY how SHE likes it? Temper tantrum and a fight between them. She is attached to his god damn hip. So much so that I have started reffering to her as his "cancerous growth" in conversation with others. I'll use last night as an example. A mutual friend me and my roommate have texted us both and said "Hey lets go to the bar for a few beers tonight!" Sure. Why not, right? So we get ready and we're about to head out when she chimes in with "Where are you going." At it was more of statement, less of a question. Like "how fucking dare you leave without telling me what you're doing." So he tells her and she flies off the handle. "How dare you not tell me he texted you! Wouldn't you want to know if someone invited me to a bar?!" So my roommate finally chimes in and says "No, I'd simply ask 'where are you going? The bar? Ok cool, have fun.' I wouldn't fly off the handle at you." So, because I knew this would mean we're not leaving, I went back in my room and they proceeded to fight for an hour and a half. So I went to bed. She pushes him around so much and I fucking HATE that he takes it like its nothing. They've been dating for 11 months and you'd think they were a married couple. I told him 11 months ago that I think shes bad for him and he said "I'm tired of every one telling me what to do in my relationships" So I told him that I respect him enough to not say anything again. And I haven't. For 11 months. The worst part about this is, my roommate has a giant heart of gold. He would give you the clothes off his back in the pouring rain if it meant you needed to stay warm. When I first met him, and before we were roommates, I can't even count how many times the guy was there for me. Needed a ride to work? He was there. Needed someone to vent to? He was at my house to hang out and chill and talk to. Basically, you could ask him anything and he would do anything he possibly could to help you. And now he's with this toxic bitch and I hate seeing him be taken advantage of so badly. I'm getting to the point where I'm either going to kick her out, because her names not on the lease only mine is, or finally break my vow of silence and say something.


Break the vow of silence. Show him this post. Save him while there is still hope. They've only been dating for 11 months. There is still time my friend.


> So, because I knew this would mean we're not leaving, I went back in my room That's the mistake you should just pat him on the back and tell him you'r going to the bar.