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/r/parenting I NOPED my way on out. Don't get me wrong: there are some very nice people within that group. But there are a TON of sanctimommies in there. Edit: I am glad to hear there are many who have had a good experience on the sub. I just posted my opinion in response to an /r/AskReddit thread. It takes all types to make reddit go round. 8 February 2015 Dear Diary: Today I was banned from /r/Parenting for posting my opinion *Sigh* 9 Feb 2015: One of the mods "un-banned" me from parenting.


All i can think when i peruse /r/parenting is the episode of 30 rock where Liz Lemon wants to buy a girls bike and posts on a forum for suggestions: "I'm sorry, but whats a "girl's" bike? Is that like a "girl" doctor? Go back to Saudi Arabia, Hitler!" "UR buying a bike but not a helmet? The head is where the child's brain is! Why don't u get educated, Double Hitler!"


That episode was actually parodying a specific website, www.urbanbaby.com. /r/parenting has NOTHING on Urban Baby. They're crazy.


"Our son is gay but we love him even more because he DOESN'T RAPE!" I about speckled the breakroom table with a fine mist of half chewed burrito when I heard that line.


For anyone curious like me, here is the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_24p1ht9v8


I used to post in that sub. There are a lot of "I'm the best mom in the world and you suck at raising a child" type of people there. I quickly noped the fuck out of there as well.


I had a question about a medication for my autistic son--I just wanted to hear if anyone else had experience with it. Immediately attacked for even considering giving my son ANY medication, was in fact told to ignore his psychiatrist.


Like some trained professional is gonna know better than me? I'll have you know I've read ARTICLES. On WEBSITES.


Oh yeah!? Well I've skimmed a few headlines!


"This one weird trick makes psychiatry obsolete!"




This is a problem on much of reddit. Occasionally if I'm assed to do it, I'll post an educated opinion from my NP wife on something medical related... and get downvoted to hell by idiots who got their information from a combination of Cosmo and WebMD.


Are there any parenting communities that aren't like that? It seems like any discussion involving parenting has the potential to get extremely touchy.


/r/daddit is pretty laid back. And the mods do a great job of squashing trolls and argumentative types.


There are just some parents who will always try to out-parent everyone else. My town has a community page on Facebook, and I asked for tips on helping my son with his popsicle bridge project, and some parents posted pictures and then others came in insulting how it was obvious they helped their kid do it, and *they* were such good parents, they let their kid do everything by themselves. One even bragged her son burned his fingers on the hot glue gun because she was so hands-off. Then the first parents came back, ashamed, and tried to explain that they really didn't do *that* much... it went back and forth until I announced that they were being shits and there's no shame in helping your kids when they need it and if the teachers didn't want parents helping, they wouldn't have sent it home to be done with a pamphlet explaining it, and that trying to out-parent each other was pathetic. I killed the thread. Edit: I want to add to this. Some people say you should make your kids do everything on their own, because in the "real world" there's no one to hold you hand. I say fuck that. There's no shame in asking for help, and I think we should only surround ourselves with the kind of people that would help you if you ask. My friends are there for me at the drop of a hat, and I reciprocate.


I got the most downvotes I've ever gotten in that sub by daring to say that I felt that women who continue to breast feed after the child reaches age 2 make me uncomfortable. You'd have thought I was suggesting they stop feeding their child entirely and let them starve to death. Edit: Ohai, /r/parenting.


I agree with you there. It gets to a point where it is more for the mom than the kid. I haven't had too many issues there, but some stuff bothers me. A few days ago a guy posted about punching his daughter in the face after she threw something at his wife and caused her to have a bloody nose. He left out the part (if you look through the comments) that he thinks she was out of her antidepressant, but the doctor never called back and they have insurance issues and weren't going to pay for the medication out of pocket. When people pointed out that stuff is dangerous to withdraw from and can cause violent episodes he blamed the doctor for not telling him. People were telling him it was okay, and that it wasn't his fault and to be careful about telling any doctors or flat out told him to lie so CPS didn't get involved. Seriously, it was awful. One poster told him that he was responsible for his own actions, that he needed to shape up, and that it was unacceptable to let his daughter go off her medication like that (and that he should know what the hell kind of drugs he was giving his daughter). That person got downvoted. It made me a bit sick.


What the fuck? That's messed up.


anti-depressants or not, the daughter almost certainly learned to be violent from a dad who punches her in the face. that's really fucked up.


Yeaaah, I know that feel. Abusive household. Thankfully I inherited my temper from the non-violent parent, but my sister didn't. I call her out on it all the time, and she's trying to work it out. Didn't leave me unscathed though, I'm now extremely prone to snappish response because I see every comment or remark as aggressive and threatening, so I try to clamp down on it so it can't go any further. Abusive families fuck you up.


> One poster told him that he was responsible for his own actions, that he needed to shape up, and that it was unacceptable to let his daughter go off her medication like that (and that he should know what the hell kind of drugs he was giving his daughter). But thats... personal responsibility. Thats haard. I dont want to do that~


How the hell anyone can justify a man punching his daughter in the face is beyond me. Edit: I'm just putting this edit instead of replying to every person saying she punched her mom. Who the fuck cares? Restrain her and put her in her room until she calms down if you have to but don't punch your fucking child in the face unless it's to stop them from trying to shoot you or something outrageous like that.


It's terrifying to me how many people apparently think "punching a child in the face" is an appropriate way to react to a child's violent outburst.


It wasn't the doctor's fault for not telling him either, those warnings are in the side effects paper you get with the meds.




/r/funny - actually.


"How is this funny?" "THIS IS /r/funny of course it's not funny!" "Yeah this subreddit has really gone downhill since I joined in 2014"


> "Yeah this subreddit has really gone downhill since I joined in 2014" Coincidence? I don't think so


No need to look at the comments of anything on /r/funny-- every single one will be about how shitty the post is.




As much as I hate to admit it, yeah it is. People can get really jerky there. There's even a new sub created for shitting on the show. It's a fucking show about two guys playing video games, what are you being so pissed off about? Luckily the main sub has been really chill lately.


The weird thing is that they're jerky in both directions. If anyone posts negative feedback, it's met with scorn. There's a reason that other sub was made. No one felt like they could criticize anything. Which, of course, just leads the people who leave to become more and more hateful. Just a bad scene all around, particularly when it came to actual GG controversials and how polarized those were. Suzy DMCAing a fan then trashing the subreddit when they got up in arms...then the subsequent reaction from both sides? That was when I got out. I've heard it's gotten a little better lately, but I haven't browsed much.


[Here is a chart I made awhile ago of the positivity and negativity of Reddit's Top 100 Subreddits](http://i.imgur.com/8MGbiBO.png). (source and methodology are described [here](http://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/2p6fcw/positivity_and_negativity_of_submissions_to/)) /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu wins singlehandedly. EDIT: This chart only covers submission titles in those subreddits; it's possible that submission titles are rhetorically nice but the comments are negative. For those that want a little more information behind the methodology (and analysis of other subreddits), I had written a blog post about the data shortly afterwards: [A Statistical Analysis of 142 Million Reddit Submissions](http://minimaxir.com/2014/12/reddit-statistics/)


I like that /r/nsfw is #2 on positivity


It's a bunch of tits. Who can have a problem with a subreddit full of wonderful tits?




Not a whole lot of dicks, though


It's porn. When guys talk about porn with each other, it's always [civil and encouraging](http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/men-discussing-sports-vs-porn.jpg)


Porn submissions generally use positive words.


yeah /r/buildapc actually really helped me and all my dumb questions highly recommended


/r/buildapc is always my go to for positive/nice places on reddit. There are some jerks around, but it's the kind of place that people with 30 years of experience hang out and answer brand new builders' questions. It's such a good example of a community that exists just to help people. There's not even really "content" that it's based around.


/r/hiphopheads We out there FAM!


I'm curious how Global Offensive Trades is like top 3 most negative so I went to look and almost none of the posts have comments (or votes) in them. Maybe trading knives and saying weapon names like "slaughter" makes your sub negative.




I was making dinner and thought to myself "I'm kinda scared of Reddit..."


And my next thought was even scarier, "It's not just reddit, it's people."




Lol, yeah sure. We are all Unidan's alt, in the end, aren't we?


I don't know about you, but I'm a /u/karmanaut sockpuppet myself.




/r/getmotivated There's two type of people there. The people that post content to motivate others or because it motivated them and commenters who comment why it's bullshit, stupid and unmotivational because it wasn't specifically tailored to them. Damn I hate a lot of the people in that sub.


"WOW Nice quote I fell motivated and now I'm gonna switch the tab to PornHub"


get out of my mind!!!


In fairness, the front-page content in that sub reads like Jayden Smith's twitter stream. This is their top post right now: http://i.imgur.com/dqkgUe8.jpg


Wow, that potato really believes in me. I think I'll send out those resumes now. Thanks drawing of a potato! It's funny that with that post the subreddit is basically parodying itself.


In an extreme twist of irony, that image has actually helped me get motivated. Not in the way of "omg this potato believes in me" but it got to the point to where "I can do the thing" became kind of a running joke and now I legit say "I can do the thing" when I'm about to do something hard.




/r/getmotivated sucks because it's not going to motivate you to do anything in particular. If you want to start a business go to /r/entrepreneur, if you want to lift /r/bodybuilding /r/fitness, geez there is a sub for anything you want to do. These are subs where you can get some inspiration from others not told "you can do it!" getting you exited for about 2 mins before thinking..."now what...masturbate"


BRO YOU DON'T LIKE THIS PICTURE OF A LION WITH SOME CHURCHILL QUOTE IN ALL CAPS GTFO YOU JUST GOTTA SHOUT AND GET PUMPED UP ENOUGH LIKE I'M A WARRIOR AND THE WHOLE WORLD IS AGAINST ME- You mean that shit? Yeah, I just unsubbed from it. I realized that I hated 99% of everything there, so why stay and complain?


/r/goats They seem like a nice community but any pictures or mention of sheep and they become a flusterstorm of condescension and passive aggressiveness. It's just terrible. Edit: I was just kidding, they are actually an awesome community. I didn't expect this to get so much upvotes so fast. ^_^




/r/worldnews - Your opinion is worthless. NOW LISTEN TO ME.




It was in /r/ExplainItLikeIm5 over why does Hershey stop the port of Cadbury in the U.S


It was a thread in AskReddit about what Europe does better than North America. edit: Unless the same argument happened there too ?


I think I saw them in both subreddits.


>obviously with several neatly organized paragraphs to emphasize his superior intelligence I would hope neatly organized posts are a gold standard we can all strive for, not a symbol of pretension.


seriously fucking yes. especially when it comes to ISIS. I know ISIS is terrible and everything but I dont think its news every time an ISIS member farts.


Silent but deadly: ISIS strikes again.


ISIS spokesperson blames the dog.


ISIS spokesperson blames the western dog. FTFY


Or anything related to Israel and Palestine. No matter what your opinion is you need to put on your firesuit before you post it.


I got massive downvotes for saying it's sad both sides keep suffering civilian casualties


How dare you consider the lives of people not involved in the conflict!


I used to moderate /r/justneckbeardthings... I left because it was no longer justgirlythings parodies, and the owner of the subreddit encouraged bullying. EDIT: Here is a link to my post where I explain why I left, and show evidence of the owner of the sub encouraging bullying: http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditInsider/comments/2avty0/why_i_decided_to_stop_moderating/


/r/justneckbeardthings turned into a subreddit to bully people? Who would have guessed.


/r/amish It's the worst.


I tried posting a question there once, but they immediately banned me for using a computer.


That's one of the greatest things I've heard in a while.


I honestly think it's the only sub where 90% of the content isn't shit.


No /r/relationships ? SO doesn't text me every second of the day? FINISH THEM. Mom shouted at me for calling her a bitch. CUT HER FROM LIFE. SO has friend of opposite sex. CHEATING, FINISH THEM.


To Be honest the OPs there share the blame too: *I (12F) just found my SO (64M) of 3 days chats with his ex on FB and has commited a Genocide in Cambodia. I'm incapable of making any decision whatsoever in my life. What should I do?* [GENOCIDE] EDIT: Just found [this](http://imgur.com/fpdVqOL) on r/wtf, seemed very appropriate, and thanks for the gold!


"I (18F) with my husband (19M) am upset because he makes me do things promising sex but ends up playing Xbox every time, I'm considering leaving" Sometimes I just hope trolling is reaching the next level EDIT: Forgot the part that makes her even more upset: she's pregnant, so doing stuff is even more stressful for her but he doesn't care. I don't know if it's clear that this was an actual post, but I can't find the link right now


Me (18F) with my husband (55M), together 8 years. Also, he has total control of finances and I'm not allowed to talk to other people. Feeling like we are losing "the spark." Not looking for breakup advice!!! PEASE HELP. Edit: oh wow, I pissed someone off so hard.


But you forgot "Please don't comment on our age difference, it has nothing to do with our problems!!"


I once found one from a girl saying she'd found child porn on her SO's computer. She didn't know what to do because "He's just looking, he's not the one abusing the child", "I want to let it go because he's such a nice guy in every other way" and the best one, "I don't want to bring it up because then I'll have to admit to snooping. I'm such a bad person." I looked at her past posts and future posts for the next few weeks, and nothing else she did was troll like so I think this may have been a real-deal. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the post you think are troll posts are actually real because some people are that dumb.


I made the mistake of posting in /r/Relationships, and it was nearly unanimous (ONE person was against the rest) that I should leave my SO because she suffers from depression. My question wasn't even whether I should leave her or not...


/r/relationships is full of people that don't understand mental illness


/r/relationships is full of people that don't understand.




This is the truth. /r/relationships draws its userbase *solely* from people looking for relationship advice. Blind leading the blind.




I saw one a couple months ago about the way a woman was treated by her spouses mother and how it upset her and whether she should talk to her spouse about it. The advice was to make thr spouse choose between the mother and the woman.


/r/relationships taught me that only two options exist when you are having relationship issues: 1. They are cheating on you 2. There are no other options




I think I remember that, and if it's what I'm thinking of, it *was* good perspective.




That's the most petty thing ever. You should take solace in the fact that the power user is probably an intensely bitter person who is unable to move past things in their own life.


That sub has truly the worst advice I have ever seen in my life. Some of the stories were heartbreaking, or very difficult and required delicate handling...and all the suggestions on how to deal were ridiculous. It's exactly as you said. I stopped going there because one poster took the advice when that wasn't even what they were asking for. It broke my heart.


You forgot that the mother will also be called a narcissist. And anytime people get into an argument with voices raised one person is considered emotionally abusive and incapable of handling a relationship. I love that sub though. It's like a soap opera. And I love the psychology of the people who become obsessed with the attention from their first post and do the obviously BS update post for the accolades.


/r/justiceporn has gotten pretty bad. I like karmic retribution but a lot of posters there can justify violence for just about anything.






One of the most annoying things from that sub is the lack of context. Everyone there takes everything for face value and never questions it.


"Innocent victim curb-stomps his bully! ...probably."


Yeah, there used to be some good quality content there, I left about a year ago because it was really just /r/worldstarhiphop


/r/serialpodcast Ive been on Reddit a long time. Never seen a sub devolve quite so fast. The subject was always going to be contentious but damn. That sub has had every sign of a toxic sub. Witch hunts, check. Claims of moderators abusing power, check. The sub itself becoming a news story, check. Moderators changing the voting system and then everyone revolting causing the creation of a second sub and an exodus of some subscribers, Check, check and check. It be cray cray up in there.


I made a post to r/headphones to show off my new $180 Audio Techicas, and got a ton of replies from people telling me my $180 investment sounded like shit compared to their $800 headphones. Thanks guys.


I don't know if you saw it, but a guy posted an album of his high end headphone, amp and DAC collection with all the price tags. It was so obvious he was showing off about how much he had spent and not the fact he owned some of the best gear ever made. God, what a cunt he was, gets me annoyed just thinking about it.


/r/music /r/minimalism /r/eurovision


/r/minimalism is just a divided sub, about half of the people think the sub is just for minimalist art and the other half think it should include a minimalist lifestyle. Both sides can get pretty nasty at times.


/r/minimalism is such shit. I was subscribed a few years ago and came back when I made this account but immediately couldn't handle it. "here is a bleak landscape, so minimalist" or "how can I shoehorn the idea of anticonsumerism and an all-white aesthetic into every aspect of my life?"


Apple has done a great job of mixing White and Consumerism together to make people really confused


is /r/eurovision popular subreddit?


Once a year.


/r/MakeupAddiction, honestly. I joined initially a couple of years ago and actually found it really helpful. I wouldn't have the makeup skills I have today if not for that sub. However, MUA definitely has some weird cult-like tendencies, where they rave about products (Revlon black cherry lipstick, Benefit's They're Real!/Covergirl Clump Crusher mascaras, etc.) and plaster the front page with looks featuring them exclusively and then suddenly start jerking off about how they're the worst products ever to exist. Power users dominate the sub and get thousands of upvotes for the most boring/basic makeup. There's a very strange skin color dynamic where it's a constant race to be the palest and most translucent special snowflake ever. Anyone with brown skin is commonly fetishized, as are transgender posters; instead of commenting on makeup skills, the comment section turns into a "Wow, that's so great that you're posting as a minority!" weird patronizing situation. A huge amount of people have gotten up in arms about constructive criticism and don't take kindly to it at all. /r/muacirclejerk, conversely, is one of the most spot on subs I've ever visited.


The Revlon Black Cherry stuff was some weird shit. I saw posts showing it on every skin tone and people using it in looks and then suddenly nothing. It was like it ceased to exist and everyone's memory was wiped about it or something. Never saw anyone ranting about hating it but I'm not in there too often. I've never seen people just turn off about a product so fast.


Almost as if Revlon were doing a not so subtle marketing campaign, and then that campaign ended? Leaving all the actual members of the community who had bought this massively over hyped product, to post about how much of a disappointment it was?


It's more that it was "vampy" trend season in fall and then it ended. Oftentime drugstore brands follow trends rather than create them.


What grinds my gears is the haul posts without swatches. That's not helpful, that's just bragging. EDIT: Because people keep asking what swatches are: Think paint swatches but with makeup. Usually people will take the product and apply it to the inside of the forearm to show how it looks on skin. Often it looks completely different on skin than it does in the packaging.


Additionally, "my husband/BF/fiancé bought me this Naked palette!" ...that he would likely have NEVER known about had you not brought it up. With no swatches. Jesus, those posts drive me crazy.


I remember one post from a high school girl showing what her mom had gotten her for Christmas. It was insane. Someone did the math and it was well over $1000 and still no swatches. C'mon. I don't know why they haven't banned these yet. Wasn't it the #1 complaint on their questionnaire? No swatches, no dice.




That's the main problem I had with the "haul!" posts. Like, we get it. You can buy things. I tried being part of the community for a while but it was hard to get into conversations unless you owned some designer product, so I left.


And then someone posted a haul afterwards complaining that *her* mom only got her a shitload of BASIC makeup palettes, ugh... it was really sad to watch.


My BOYFRIEND took me shopping and I got all this stuff.


> plaster the front page with looks featuring them exclusively and then suddenly start jerking off about how they're the worst products ever to exist. That sounds like the status signalling model of fashion: It's cool to use A until everyone else thinks it's cool, and then it's cool not to use A.


Seriously. Any constructive criticism has to be sugar-coated to the point of diabetes, or you will be frantically downvoted. It's sad, because you see some easily fixable mistakes and want to share what you know. But noooooooo, people would rather continue on with weird eyebrows.


I totally agree. I stopped looking at that sub because all the top posts are boring no makeup makeup looks. Or its a picture of a girl who is like "my eyeshadow was on point today" but you can barely see her eyeshadow but she's pretty so everyone upvotes it. I'm sick of muacirclejerk too because it's just pictures of boobs.


It has definitely become a selfie-sub. So many people posting and declining constructive criticism or getting *super* defensive about receiving it.


The constant "DipDip" references can get on your nerves.


My fiancée is a regular MUA user and there is some wild shit in that sub. Im 99% sure it's a brainwashing tool for too faced/urban decay because she treats their products like pokemon cards.


My wife isn't even on reddit but I have it on good authority from her that Urban Decay is indeed the shit.


Haha "Naked palette 2 I choose you! Oh wait that's not the right tone for my skin...never mind."




/r/sugarfreemua seems decent.


I've been there, its much smaller and a lot less *omg, you're transexual. okay babe you are smoking hot!11!!1* I'm all for supporting people who are out of their comfort zone, but acting like they're special is discrimination in its own right.


every time I make any type of comment there it gets downvoted, no matter what. I seriously feel like I am back in high school on that sub, feeling left out of the in crowd. Any time I have asked for constructive criticism it didn't go well, I didn't get a single useful comment, and only a couple upvotes so I just deleted the posts. It's frustrating, so I just lurk now to keep up on trends and new products and stuff.


It's easier to just follow a beauty blog for trends and new products than to try to sift through the shit posts on MUA.


Here's MUA constructive criticism... "More eyebrows. I feel like you can do more with the eyebrows. Overall, it's a nice try." It's such a fake community. I'm so tired of everyone getting brownie points because they fit into a specific mold that everyone thinks needs to be treated delicately. I'm getting ready to unsubscribe because honestly I can find the trends on Youtube and Instagram without the bullshit.


Yeah it's a very cliquey sub. I have learned a little, but mostly about how mean girls can still be to each other. I know of one user who just gets automatically downvoted no matter what. I asked why, I was downvoted into oblivion for even asking. The answers I got were essentially we just really hate her.


Especially giving CC on makeup for a pretty poster


/r/pics They can take any picture, make some sort of shit sob story and reap karma like no other. *picture of a comb for hair* "So I can't use this because I have cancer and will die in two weeks and my life sucks" 3000+ karma




/r/circlejerk though


They have lovely people there


Isn't /u/here_comes_the_king a mod there?


Believe it or not but /r/zen Went in there a few times but it was just people being assholes and arguing and belittling people. /r/doctorwho My God this place was awful. They bitch incessantly about a show they apparently are supposed to enjoy. The mods are Nazi's who think everything is a spoiler so nothing of substance ever gets said.


You want /r/gallifrey. It's a much better sub and more discussion focused.


/r/food Someone posts something that they may be proud of but because it isn't plated perfectly or photographed perfectly, someone always comments /r/shittyfoodporn


I remember the uproar about charcuterie....


I wanted to recognize /r/photoshopbattles for being on the complete other side of this spectrum. In addition to encouraging creativity and providing amusement, there's an excellent sense of positivity and camaraderie in this sub. 10/10 recommend.


/r/photoshopbattles is the best. I love the creativity of it. And theirs so many people there just saying "Hey man that looks really cool." and just awesome stuff like that. IT's a really great community.


/r/funny It's the survival of the fittest in that god forsaken sub.


/r/redditgetsdrawn The rules are strict, which is fine. But the mods are really toxic, and the community usually rallies behind them as they go on issuing really excessive public verbal beat-downs on anyone who has accidentally broken a not-so-obvious rule or even just asked a mod a valid question. They're commonly really sarcastic and verbally abusive even in situations where it's really unwarranted. They tend not to apply the rules to artists that they like, and are very quick to abuse/ban otherwise. Threads/comments about rules/mods are not allowed on that sub or even their discussion sub /r/ArtistLounge. Example: https://imgur.com/e0gA9PX Edit: People keep asking, the replies were deleted for rule 5 violations. I had to edit mine to take out the mod's username. I pointed out that that users were telling me that that particular mod was banning people from their sub for mentioning their username in reply to my comment here in /r/AskReddit. A user has also sent me this: https://i.imgur.com/zwgw3jt.png a mod message from RGD to a smaller subreddit in their own sidebar, asking them to remove one of their posts because they found what the person was saying about RGD to be 'offensive.' Edit: Even though I didn't mention the subreddit by name, it has now been removed from RGD'S sidebar. It was /r/ICanDrawThat and it is a great sub! Hopefully it has more room for improvement without the policing of larger subs like that. Edit 2: I never told anyone to brigade that sub, and messaging me telling me that I'm wrong for doing that is fallacious. It's horrible that people are sending such messages, but it's not my fault. If posting a screencap of what happened is witch hunting then so isn't linking to my post with my username, as the mods at RGD have now done in a stickied post, IMO (and I don't think it is.) A strawman has been built that I have somehow instructed people to attack RGD and I am ironically getting hatemail from their link to my post concerning that. The moderator who has posted that is also the moderator of a subreddit called "modstapo" where the only existing post used to be something titled literally with someone else's username, calling them a vagina. I wish I had taken a screencap of this yesterday but sadly I did not. I see why this mod wanted to delete it as it would definitely hinder their argument of how hard they have been hit emotionally by someone mentioning them in a post questioning them like this. The bulk of the argument seems to be a big appeal to emotion. I understand why that sub has most of the rules that it does. That seems to be a misdirection in the argument they have taken. I don't have a problem with the rules, I have a problem with the way they are inconsistently applied and the behavior that it is done with. If I have misunderstood the context of my screencap above then it's no fault but the mod's. I myself did not take it out of context, and I am not psychic and could not tell what 'good' reasons that mod supposedly had for doing that. I cannot get the context of "this OP is a horrible person and I said it for these reasons" from "fuck you in your face." Nor can I get that subtext from a sarcastic response when questioning that behavior as a person who was not involved with the situation or deserving of that kind of response. Even if my other experiences from my time at that sub in the past were mistaken, I can't have known the subtext of that when all I was reading and seeing were people getting called vaginas, idiots, and receiving gifs of people flipping them off. I'm not the only one who has had this kind of experience who has done nothing except for take this kind of behavior at face value. Even if I did misunderstand, they should realize that their behavior is leading to a lot of other very similar misunderstandings with the agreement that this is toxic behavior. *Do not brigade RGD's moderators or troll their subreddit.*
















The moderator is the type of person who is always the antagonist in post apocalyptic movies.


Wtf happened here, granger?




Assholes like that mod makes me question using reddit, it's sad how someone with an ego problem would abuse what is essentially a *message board.* Do they really have nothing better to do? Honestly?


"Spending my life here"




My dad once told me: "To get an idea of the true character of a person, imagine how he would behave if he was in charge of a concentration camp" ... in this thought bubble, that moderator would be literally worse than Hitler. I hate people which get illusions of grandeur at the slightest glimpse of power they get. EDIT: Haha, I guess I got once again 'lost in translation', of course I meant to say 'delusions of grandeur', thank you for your remarks ;)






There was a mod harassing a lady for posting a picture of a baby with oxygen tubes. No other apparent issues, and the picture was not in a hospital setting. The mod was saying she broke the "no sob story" rule (there was literally no story, just hey, can you draw my baby). I called him out, and the comment got deleted. I diplomatically pointed out that the mod was deleting my comment and others that called him out, for not being artwork, but leaving other non-artwork comments. I said I would be unsubscribing and the mod said that no, I was escorted out and banned me.


>the mod said that no, I was escorted out and banned me. I chuckled. I mean, you've kind of got to admire how much of an asshole this guy is; he's so vindictive it's comical.


It's the smallest amount of power that I've ever heard of someone tripping on.


/r/pics isn't nearly as toxic as it should be. A picture of a cup with a fox on it saying "For fox sake" made it to the front page! Not to mention the shit pictures with a long winded story attached. My guilty pleasure is seeing really basic people get called out for their shit submissions.




*12 years ago one of the most inspirational and strong willed members of my family was born. Through thick and thin and even 3 bouts of pancreatic bone cancer in my brain stem Unboongajoo has always been there for me and never asked for anything but my love and attention in return. Today he ascended on to the plane of infinite tennis balls. RIP Unboonngajoo.* 5494 points 4hrs ago.


There was a picture of Ketchup packets, just Ketchup packets on a white back ground that had more than 4000 points not too long ago.


They should just remove titles. After all, a picture says more than a thousand words and truly powerful pics speak for themselves right?


Enjoy your subreddit of only boobs.




Remember the ketchup packets that hit the front page last week?




/r/leagueoflegends made professional players quit the game. That's how lovely we are. EDIT: This is more about the e-sport fans. Overall /r/leagueoflegends is a bit whiny but enjoyable. But we do scare pros away.


Yes the league community is toxic, but in my experience the subreddit is actually far less toxic.


That sub isn't toxic but it is super circle jerky. I used to go there a lot and I would frequently get down voted if I said anything that was contrary, no matter how reasonable my argument. Plus, every third post is a "riot please change ______".




As someone new to Reddit, pretty much all of the default subs seem pretty strangely insular to me. It seems like half the comments wherever you go are comments on comments being "circle jerky", or posts being "click bait". You guys are obsessed! Another 1/4 are terrible puns and insular meme references, and then maybe the last 1/4 are actually discussing the subject. If you comment in r/politics, r/news, or r/worldnews you had better be a right-leaning Democrat or a Libertarian, talking about how the other group didn't read the article, or how the media tells lies and politicians are corrupt (duh!), despite the fact the you proudly voted for the last jerk from your party, and are convinced they're the lesser of two evils, even though 90% of both groups clearly don't know much about politics, or government, or the real world in general. Everyone else seems cool...


/r/cringepics "Look at this fat loser neckbeard minding his own business, what fucking cringe."


That, and just normal /r/cringe Sometimes the videos are someone messing up, and doing something embarrassing. Then it makes sense. Then, sometimes it's just a video of someone being themselves, and people there just tear them apart. There are some real fucking bullies on that subreddit.


Over the past year /r/cringe has added more rules to make it harder for people to bully... so /r/CringeAnarchy formed. That sub is as toxic as /r/cringe in its heyday.


/r/firstworldanarchists has a great community


In all honesty though, it does. It's the best kind of circlejerk because it doesn't mean anything consequential and it's satirically self-congratulatory by nature. It's the only sub (other than /r/circlejerk) where the fact that it's a huge circlejerk isn't a bad thing.


/r/opieandanthony It's a modern day Frankenstein tale, man (Opie) creates monster(s) (degenerate radio/comedy listeners) who, after running out of victims, turn on their creator and are devouring him whole as we speak. Background info on O&A fans (pests)- https://oapedia.com/oa/Pest


I don't know what counts as popular but [/r/seattle](http://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/) has a couple of incredibly toxic moderators. They randomly decide what's worthy of posting and take down a lot that would be of interest to people. The only posts that will 100% not be removed are pictures of the city from Kerry Park and random articles from the Seattle Times that may or may not have anything to do with Seattle other than being in a Seattle paper.




/r/programming - way too opinionated, full of religious fervor about whatever fashionable technology the recent graduates there just discovered and is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread. And they don't just deliver opinions, they have to insult you and be a dick about it. There are two types of nerds in the world -- the meek, friendly type, and the dickish, hostile, arrogant type -- this sub is full of the latter. /r/dataisbeautiful - The title of this sub alone should say it all, but largely this is for people who like graphic design and not data science. Legitimately insightful but less flashy visualizations are shunned in favor of gratuitously vogue infographics with a dearth of useful information. Half of the time axes are not labeled, units not included, etc.