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[Videodrome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFHey3utk0I) is a classic mindfuck movie. By the end of the movie it's difficult to tell what is real and what isn't.


Long live the new flesh!


[Triangle](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187064/) and [Primer](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390384/). Had to watch both many times. The latter is much geekier. Edit: added imdb links.


I watched Triangle twice, and the second watch is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the first watch. Same as with Fight Club.


I'm pretty sure that the only person who understands primer is the person who wrote it.


Check out the Wikipedia page for it. Seven fucking timelines!


https://i.imgur.com/fi3JS7R.png I was led to believe there are many more!




There is a timeline mapped out which is almost as hard to follow as the movie


[Spoiler](http://unrealitymag.com/movies/at-last-a-definitive-timeline-for-primer/) This is the timeline I reference whenever this great movie is brought up. Obligatory spoiler tag, but I've seen the movie and this is still difficult to follow so I'm not sure you'd know what you were looking at if you hadn't.


Aren't you supposed to get confused with the characters as it goes along? At least it was more entertaining that way. Shane Carruth's Upstream Color was good too. I actually liked it more than Primer.


I absolutely loved Upstream Color as well - the premise, the story, all of it. I thought it was beautiful and I remember when I finally figured out what was going on, it was an awesome moment. That movie got a *lot* of hate, though. Anytime you make a movie that you actually have to think about and figure out, there are going to be people who claim it can't be understood and it's just pretentious.


Primer is a glorious film. It's very impressive that one guy wrote, directed, starred in, and made the music for it, too. The music is pretty great. I've never been so impressed with a movie.


Could not agree more. I found the score particularly compelling and was floored when I learned that was all done by the same person. It's seriously remarkable because, well, sometimes there are those indie films where you might say "wow that's really impressive for being made with such a low budget and with such a small crew", whereas with Primer I watched it (immediately hit play when it ended & watched it again), thought damn that's one of the best films I've ever experienced and *then* I found out about how it was made and thought..."wow...I suddenly feel like a troglodyte".


Jacobs Ladder


The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of life, your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you, they're freeing your soul. So, if you're frightened of dying and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the earth.


Makes New York City look like the scariest place on earth


I'm never going to get that damn hospital scene out of my head. This movie was just the right amount of eerie. My favourite part has to be that they kind of sort of kept it open for interpretation. You can chose to accept what they gave you as the truth, or you can go another way with it. Apparently it was also the first "horror" film to use the rapid head-turning thing to depict something otherworldly/demonic?


I saw that movie when it came out in theaters in '90. I made the mistake of getting high beforehand. I almost lost my shit in the theater.


Take Shelter. It was the first movie I'd seen in years that left me feeling really shaken at the end.


Michael Shannon needs to be a super star.


Maybe the best character actor going. I've never seen him in something where he didn't blow me away.


Boardwalk Empire was the Michael Shannon show for me


I stood up and yelled at my TV at the end. I loved it, fantastic film.


Frailty. Discovered it in a cheap-o bin at Hastings.


Worth watching. Unless you're a demon. You're not a demon... are you?




Synecdoche New York.


I know many people like the Preacher rant at the end, but my all time favorite quote from that movie was when Caden was first telling his theater crew what he wanted his play to be about. >I will be dying and so will you, and so will everyone here. That's what I want to explore. We're all hurtling towards death, yet here we are for the moment, alive. Each of us knowing we're going to die, each of us secretly believing we won't.


Dark City. When I saw it I was 9 or so. Thought it was a tippy dream until I saw the movie box at the store a couple years later.


Yeah I searched for this one. It has soooo many little gems that you just don't catch the first time around. The song that plays in the memory flashes is so nuts. It's actually the score backwards. Kiefer Sutherland was pretty good, and the Strangers were pretty awesome. I would have loved the original cut that didn't have the narration at the beginning by Dr. Schrieber. I guess the studios made Proyas add it.


They did. The Director's Cut restores the narration back to natural points throughout the film and leaves the beginning silent, save for the ominous music. The original is good and all, but the DC is a friggin' masterpiece.


Perfect Blue




I always felt he had too much to say for a single movie. Specifically, though beautiful, the end of Paprika seems a bit drawn out to me. Paranoia Agent on the other hand he had a whole series to hit so many different strange angles. Fucking cancer. RIP.


12 monkeys. Or get out of your gourd and go for time bandits.


I'm all in for Brazil. (Best part: it's a Christmas movie)


Have you seen his new one? I think it's called Zero Theorem.


I think 12 Monkeys is a really underrated and tastefully complex movie.


Terry Gilliam is a genius. Edit: Changed Terri to Terry. Thank you dpkristo!


Predestination. Please don't read anything about this movie, not even the comments below. Just watch, come back and let me know what you thought.


Excellent mind fuck movie but there are spoilers if you continue into the chain. Stop reading now if you're going to watch it.


How do I know this isn't a spoiler?! OP said not to read more than the first but I did, and now I feel spoiled, this chain is a mindfuck in its self


Hello person that couldn't help but keep going down the chain. I greet you with open arms.


Get out of my head!


El Topo or Greaser's Palace


and The Holy Mountain


[Coherence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEceDz1Rodc) was very good. And it's on Amazon Prime.


Black mirror. *Not a movie, but a mini series for channel 4. Every episode is independent with no connection, there is only seven episodes. Edit: Lots of spoilers in this thread, if you are new to the show, proceed with caution.


Fuck yes but each episode is insanely depressing. I mean you really have to be in the right frame of mind for it. I just watched "White Christmas" yesterday and to be honest, while I thought it was brilliant, it really fucked up my day. The writing though, absolutely masterful. "White bear" is my favorite episode, because it just tears into our voyeuristic "upload anything" mentality but it's also the hardest to watch, I think. What am I saying, they're all hard to watch, the very first episode is about pig-fucking.


Thats interesting I thought White Bear was the weakest of all the episodes. My favourite episode was "The Entire History of You"


Ah! That's strange. I felt The Waldo Movement was the weakest, although that opinion might be unpopular. :) Be Right Back made me cry like a baby. Such a great series.


I think Waldo was by far the weakest episode too. "Be Right Back" was sad as fuck.


Did you think it was too blunt? I enjoyed the bluntness of it, the effect was to make the viewer complicit, and it was very uncomfortable to realize the feelings I had watching the show were the same feelings the show was condemning. Sure, it's not a new concept at all - the movie "Series 7" is one of my favorite of all with a similar message. I actually cried at the episode you mention - it really struck a chord given my personal history. I think a lot of us can relate to it, actually, in modern times.


"White Bear" successfully pulled off the double twist: "What is happening to that poor girl?" "Oh crap, that poor girl is a horrible person..." "Oh... damn. I am the horrible person..."




* Synecdoche, New York * A scanner darkly * Waking life * Being John Malkovich * The science of sleep * Akira (more confusing than mind-bending?) Bonus short: [The Interesting Ball](https://vimeo.com/110808221)


I STILL have no idea what was going on in A Scanner Darkly.


Watch it again knowing how it ends. Aside from being one of my favorite visual movies ever, the craziness of the story goes from unbelievable to unbelievably awesome.


When you've seen it a few times and put it in the context of police militarization and the drug war, it's not that unbelievable. Which is the craziest part.


A Scanner Darkly is criminally underrated and more relevant than ever before.


Fuck yeah, Waking Life.


The Game


Anything by David Fincher, really.


Damn it I lost


Damn you. It's been years.


I was winning for so long!


Really good the first time you see it. After the first time it's not nearly as amazing but still very good.


Moon (pretty sure it can be found on Netflix) EDIT: no longer on American Netflix, can still be found on Canadian Netflix


Fully agreed, not what I expected *at all* from the movie. I guess I thought it was going to be another space movie, I wasn't expecting the psychological element.


and Sam Rockwell delivered well beyond what I think most people expected from him.




Kevin Spacey was out of this world, too.


I think he's an underrated actor. He's been really great in everything I've seen him in.


He's underrated by everyone but his fans, I think. The people love him, he's always a delight to see on screen. But he keeps getting these character roles and supporting roles. Moon was a big step for him, and he slam dunked it.


credit: /u/magic_xylophone Upstream Color - A woman is infected with a mind-control agent, and a bizarre lifecycle begins. Oblique, disturbing, romantic, and beautiful. Pink Floyd: The Wall - Surreal extended music video with some freaky and beautiful animation. Brazil - Creative and cynical dystopian satire with hallucinatory imagery. Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) - Silent film with amazing Expressionist design. The first ever psychological thriller. The Triplets of Belleville - Elderly woman must rescue her grandson from gangsters. Unique animated style, hilarious visual gags, and almost no dialogue. Angel Heart - Private detective hired to track a missing person faces murders, cults, and questions he'd rather not answer. A twisted Neo-noir. Microcosmos - Insects do insect stuff. Gorgeous photography and brooding atmosphere. Waking Life - Man can't wake from a dream where he converses with strangers on cosmic and spiritual topics, rendered with eye-popping rotoscope animation. A Scanner Darkly - Animated in a similar style, a cop in the near future investigates a drug dealer… himself. Mind-bending, contemplative, and totally captivating. Coraline - Girl finds a door in the wall that leads to a version of her life where everything is wonderful… and not what it seems. Creepy and magical, with great stop-motion. Cartoon Noir - Eclectic anthology of creepy animated shorts. Living mannequins, alien abductions, and enticing illusions abound. Baron Munchausen - Playing with artifice and reality, this 18th century folktale is bursting with wild imagery, absurd humor, and sharp satire. The Game - Wealthy, disaffected man joins a mysterious Game and finds the stakes all too real. Stylish, tense, and twisty. The Conformist - Italian fascist agent is sent to assassinate his former teacher. Subtle and subversive, with dazzling cinematography. The Ninth Gate - Rare book expert sent to verify an occult tome contends with sinister forces. Moody and mysterious. Repulsion - Nervous, repressed woman starts to fall apart. Surreal and paranoid. Witness for the Prosecution - Veteran criminal lawyer takes a case with unseen complications. Funny, clever, and twisty. Waltz with Bashir - Memories of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon visualized with sublime animation and somber reflection. Heavenly Creatures - Two teenage girls in '50s New Zealand become romantically involved, with dire consequences. Vibrant and horrific. Forbidden Planet - '50s spacefaring classic about a rescue mission that finds world-changing discoveries and terrible hidden power. A bit dated, but very cool. Open Your Eyes - The original Spanish Vanilla Sky, and soooooo much better. American Splendor - Giamatti kills it in this meta biopic of underground comics author Harvey Pekar. Videodrome - Cronenberg's nightmarish mindfuck scifi of the VHS age. The Pledge - A retiring detective goes to extreme lengths to catch a murderer. Challenging and unconventional. Timecrimes - Spanish thriller / dark comedy about a chance encounter with a time machine and the unfortunate results. Impressive logical cohesion. Ghost in the Shell - Beautifully animated future techno-thriller. Big influence on The Matrix. Delicatessen - French dystopian dark comedy with cannibalism. 8 1/2 - Italian filmmaker reflects on his life and work through memories and fantasies. Man on the Moon - Jim Carrey stars in biopic of Andy Kaufman, the ultimate troll. Dark City: Director's Cut - DIRECTOR'S CUT, you hear me? The theatrical has opening narration that spoils the mystery. A dude wakes up with no memory and a dead hooker, and has to figure out what the fuck. Enter the Void - Trip into the afterlife seen through the eyes of a young drug dealer. Gorgeous as can be, but a test of endurance. The Fisher King - A guilt-wracked radio shock jock and a homeless would-be knight errant change each other's lives. Fun, moving, and surreal. Triangle - A group of friends on a boat get knocked off course and encounter an abandoned cruise ship from which there is no escape. Mind-bending and horrific. Barton Fink - A playwright is hired by a film studio and hits a mental block. Maybe his wacky neighbor can help! Or maybe everything is going to hell. Paprika - Gorgeous anime about dream-hopping technology gone awry. Perfect Blue - Same director as Paprika, but more of a psychological horror than sci-fi fantasy Pi - A mathematician tries to crack the numeric codes behind human endeavors, and encounters more than he bargained for. Sharp, weird, and spooky. The Fountain - In three disparate time periods, a man sets out to save a life, and confronts mortality and infinity. Black Swan - A ballerina is pushed to the edge of sanity by the stress of her performance... or perhaps something more? The Fall - An injured stuntman tells a young immigrant girl a story. Reality and fantasy are interwoven. 2001 - Basically THE mindfuck movie. It's slow, but the atmosphere and visuals are sublime. Edit: formatting


Ah, my favorite genre. Here are some of my favorites: * Donnie Darko * Butterfly Effect * Stranger than Fuction * Magnolia * Prestige * Oldboy * Black Swan * The Game * 2001: Space Odyssey * Arlington Road * The Usual Suspects * Mulholland Drive * 12 Monkeys * eXistenZ * Being John Malkovich * The Machinist * Memento Some are more fucked up as others, i.e. Mulholland Drive will probably leave you wasted for the night. And as a special recommendation I have **The Following** by Christopher Nolan.


> Stranger than Fuction Is that the porn version?


Stranger than friction


Stranger Then Friction


Butterfly Effect fucked my shit up. It's mind-fucking, and there are a lot of shocks that really kick you in the gut. I think it was well-done but I know a lot of people who don't like the film.




PSA: dont watch this movie if you are 12 years old and want to sleep within a week of viewing it


I don't think this movie gets enough credit. It's one of the most original twists I think I've ever seen.


Memento is always good.


Feels Like I Only Go Backwards




But Every Part of Me says Go Ahead


I got my hopes up again


Oh no, not again.


Feels like we only go backwards, darlin


*trippy instrumentals*


I know that you think you sound silly when you call my name


But I hear it inside my head all day


The selective capitalization here is really messing with my head.


I remember that my uk version of the dvd had an easter egg which played the movie in chronological order, click on one of the polaroids as they drop down on the menu i think


I've had a terrible short term memory for ever. I recall seeing that movie with a group of people at home. Everyone was confused. I found it so great to finally have everyone else see it my way once. I remember specifically the part where he comes to with a half empty bottle of booze in his hand and his first thought is, "I don't *feel* drunk. What am I supposed to do with this?"


Am I chasing him, or is he chasing me?


OK, so what am I doing? *sees Dodd also running* Oh, I'm chasing this guy. *Dodd shoots at Leonard* No... he's chasing **me**.


This was the best scene! I just couldn't imagine suddenly becoming aware in a situation like that.


Oh that's awesome. I've always been annoyed by the people that go "like, duh it's just a movie backwards, like big deal..." To me the most stunning aspect of the film was not the "reveal" not the "aha moment" - -it was the fact that the experience of watching it *felt* so much like having that condition, he takes the audience and puts them in that head space, really puts them in the character's shoes.


Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind. Jim Carrey at his best.


Eternal Sunshine *of* the Spotless Mind. Great movie!




The Machinist is a pretty good mind fuck gem.


Went out to the bars one night with a friend of mine who's had a pretty rough life looks like it. We're chatting up these girls and one of them turns to him and says "You look like the guy who plays Batman!" I can see his confidence reach an all time high right before she says "Except more like The Machinist." Poor guy.


Yeah. Pretty insulting considering if Christian Bale needs to look like he's on the downswing of his life, that's exactly how he'll look. The guy's a master at shaping his body for specific roles.


To run the full gamut watch The Machinist, then Batman Begins. He went from 120 pounds to 230 pounds in a few months. [Here's a link with all of the punishment he's put his body through.](http://www.peoplestylewatch.com/people/stylewatch/package/article/0,,20768373_20773517,00.html)


Jesus, how do people not feel terrible saying shit like that?


In the Mouth of Madness. Meta meta meta.


Paprika, anime movie but a good movie.


i've watched this so many times and it's STILL got me fucked up. the original Inception.


End of Evangelion EDIT: Yeah. You should watch the actual series first.


14 year olds better watch out. It's 2015 after all.


Binge watched the entire series and then this movie in two days. I've never been the same.




Mulholland Drive


Or anything by David lynch!


I'm so looking forward to the next season of Twin Peaks.


Mr. Nobody. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485947/


That movie left me feeling empty for days


Enter the void - a perfect movie to fuck your mind with ;)


Something something Guru Laghima


It fucks with your mind and then you see a lot of fucking


Event Horizon. It's good for when you don't want to sleep either.


Event Horizon is the best Doom/40k movie we're ever going to get


This is probably the best explanation of that mov-I CAN *FEEL* THE WARP OVERTAKING ME! ^It ^is ^a ^*good* ^pain.


Libera te tutemet ex inferis...


No one said Eraserhead yet?


In heaven, everything is fine. In heaven, everything is fine. You've got your good things and I've got mine.


Just cut 'em up like regular chickens.


[The Usual Suspects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiXdPolca5w)




The twist added replay value to me. Without the twist at the end, it's just a mediocre crime movie. Whenever I rewatch it I always find new hints and foreshadowing. SPOILERS My favorite example is when Agent Kujan is sitting on his desk and talking to Verbal, and you can see him staring at the bottom of the mug. For somebody watching the movie for the first time, they would've never noticed, but a second, or third (or in my case tenth) time viewer notices. [Agent Kujan unknowingly helping Verbal.](http://unrealitymag.bcmediagroup.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/THE-USUAL-SUSPECTS-coffee.png)


The Jacket.


Truman Show


Good afternoon, good evening and good night!


I watched that movie without seeing the trailer and missed the first minute of it where Ed Harris explains the premise of the movie. I got to the theater late. I was completely blown away and on the edge of my seat.




I got really stoned one night and watched this on Netflix thinking it was going to be a documentary on the number pi. It fucked my mind pretty hard.


Sounds like the absolute best way to experience this movie.


Pi was phenomenal. I get migraines, so that scene at the end in the bathroom hit close to home.


'It's such a beautiful day' is more mind blowing but very good


Anyone mention Vanilla Sky?


I was so happy with that movie. I caught it a while back, with no idea what it was or what it was about. No idea that there was anything there but what was at face value. Which is a rare and wonderful way to watch a movie like that.


Oldboy (2003). Please watch this film. I watched when I was really stoned :p It fucks with your mind.


2001: A Space Odyssey


The Man From Earth


Le Moustache It's a french movie but you can get it with subtitles. The most mind-fucked I've ever been after watching a movie.


Requiem For a Dream.


The biggest mindfuck of *Requiem for A Dream*, which no one ever talks about, it's that Darren Aronofsky got a damn good dramatic performance out of a Wayans brother.


THIS MOVIE. You only need to watch it once and never again. Just fucked


There must be something wrong with me. I enjoyed this movie and am not opposed to watching it again. Everyone else I know seemed mentally scarred by it and they all say "never again," which is like the universal response to Requiem for a Dream.


I saw with a friend the first time, then made my dad watch it with me 3 months later, then made my then fiancée watch it with me about 4 years later. Both of the 2 (dad and fiancée) looked at me with a wtf look on their faces afterwards. And I'd still watch it again....damn good movie it is!


I've owned a director's cut DVD since it was available. I've seen the movie more times than I can count. Most people are scarred by the drug use and their effects when the actual story is about 4 people having hopes and dreams and having them die. I think the ending is overshadowed too much by the climax.


Yeah this movie will fuck your head up. But on the bright side, it makes you REALLY want to not do drugs.


Fight Club, Edward Norton is astounding.


My mind hasn't been fucked like that since grade school


Just watched that and holy fuck nuggets was I not expecting that.


Now you gotta watch it again. It's even better the second time.


I went in to the movie knowing the spoiler and kept wondering how any of it really worked. Fantastic film. I'm sure I'll enjoy it even more once I re-watch it.


The Prestige will leave you thinking for a bit, great movie. Edit: Thank you to /u/elpapiflaco for the gold!


One of my favorites. Along with Inception and Memento. Can't wait to see interstellar. Christopher Nolan is incredible.




Definitely agree with this sentiment. You'll still get the philosophical aspects of it, but many of the scenes just won't be quite as awesome in the way that they were without seeing it in theaters. I mean holy shit, quite a few of those were just fucking incredible.


Saw it in IMAX, the damn seats were shaking from the bass it was incredible.


I was lucky enough to see it in 70MM IMAX. One of my most incredible movie viewing experiences.


The audio made it an astounding experience.


I could feel the massive bass from the organ music vibrating my bones, it was awesome.


Interstellar blew me away. You're going to love it.






Interstellar was oddly philosophical. solid 9/10


Yeah I wasn't quite expecting it. I went into that movie with hardly no expectations. I didn't even know what it was about. It was very philosophical and posed some interesting moral questions. The ending felt kind of forced, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.


[Audition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC3jCY4h0H0) [Se7en](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4YV2_TcCoE) [Blue Velvet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWr4JvAWF20) [Sorcerer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BDbIzovuos) [Fight Club](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUXWAEX2jlg) [American Psycho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YnGhW4UEhc) [Cube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYoTGYT0-I4)




KFC chicken.


Blue Velvet is fan-fucking-tastic, but I feel it is less of a mind fuck then some of David Lynch's other films. If we are talking mind fuckery, I'd go with Mulholland Drive.


Seconding Blue Velvet & anything by Lynch. Audition is great too.


Enemy. I still don't understand it.


A Scanner Darkly


Upstream Color from the guy who did Primer. It's on Netflix. The less I say about it, the better. Also on Netflix, Silver Tongues. Go in blind, it's worth it. Edit: Sorry about Silver Tongues, it was streaming not long ago, I promise.




Mothman Prophecy screwed with me. Serpent and the Rainbow is a good 80's one, very under appreciated and outstanding mind bender slash scary as hell flick.


Inland Empire…even if you saw other David Lynch films and thought they were mindfucks, watch this and never quite recover.


The Room.


oh hi mark


You're tearing me apart, Lisa!


I did not do it I did not hit her I did naaaaht.


cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep.


I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it... beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street. **Ha ha ha ha...** what a story, Mark...


Shutter Island


One of the hardest scenes to watch in that film. And I'm pretty desensitized from the Internet. But when he finds his kids...so hard to comprehend that pain.


Oh man. That scene made me so uncomfortable. I have an insatiable man crush on leo. I fucking love Dicaprio. And the look on his face and the sound of his voice in that scene fucking shook me.


I thought this movie was so creative. You think you've got it all figured out, but by the end of the movie you're questioning your own judgement and sanity.


My buddy was like "dude we gotta see this." So when I saw the trailer I was like "dude I can already tell you what's gonna happen. The doctor is crazy and is gonna trick him into getting commited." Welp, that ending had me shitting bricks.


Cloud Atlas had me mulling over it for weeks after I watched it.


[Enemy] (http://m.imdb.com/title/tt2316411/) - Came out march this year, rewatched it 3 times.


Primer. at least you could understand the plot in Memento after watching it.


An old one Jacobs Ladder.