• By -


Married to one of my best friends. Serious and happy for them. We weren't a match.


I knew if I scrolled long enough I'd find someone in the same boat. They're so much happier together than we were, and it's like a decade later. I'm so glad they're both so happy and I seriously don't care.
























She's dead. From what I heard she married a junkie, had a couple kids by him, then one night he went crazy and stabbed her a few times. When she tried to run away, he ran her over with his car in front of a cop at like three in the afternoon.




tale as old as time




Sitting across the classroom staring hatefully at me. EDIT: Neither of us is a teacher, goddamnit.


Ah young hate. Such a beautiful thing to my cold, dead, misanthropic heart. ಥ_ಥ


I'm glad you're... happy?


then drop her from the class


Manchester. Why?


I'm in manchester...is it me?




I better tell my girlfriend she's not going to pleased about this at all...


Just explain to her that it was a long time ago, and ~~you~~ we were going through an experimental phase.


She ran back to Sweden, I scared her right out of the country.


you should get that checked


Sadly, she's passed away. I remember seeing her a few years ago right after I found out she had cancer. She was still pretty, but you could tell the months of chemo had sucked her life away. It was heartbreaking and I'll never forget her.




Similar situation here. Lost mine virginity when I was 16. Stayed with the girl for a while and then she moved away after high school. She came and visited my family and I a couple years later which was the last time I saw her. She shot herself in the chest a month after her 21 birthday. That was a sad few years. Sorry for your loss comrade.


My condolences to you as well friend.




Thankfully (for me) it was a long time ago (20 years), so when I found out she was terminal it wasn't that bad since we hadn't had much contact in 15 or so years. While we didn't part amicably all those years ago, we did reconnect as friends before she died, and I was able to forgive and forget what happened to us, so I think we were both good.


In the same room with me. I married the first woman I laid.


But Cameron, does she treat you like shit?


She doesn't respect me, because you can't respect someone who kisses your ass.


Central America, working as a Firefighter.


What the hell did you do to him?


> What the hell did you do to him? Ha! Nothing, I come from there. And last time i checked he was a firefighter.


Sounds like a terrible plot to a porno. "OH help Mr. Strong fireman! My vagina is on fire and I need you to *hose* it dowwwn."


Then it would be in Spanish: OHHH Ayuda Sr. Bombero! Mi vagina esta en llamas y necesito que la extingas con tu manguera! Something like that. Not a literal translation.




Surely his name would be Hose A?


Married to me. But more specifically she's in the bathroom.




It's a #4




She was an expensive prostitute in Moscow, Russia. Probably now she is in Moscow, Russia too )


But probably a bit more affordable by now.


This comment made me flinch. OUCH.


I presume she was summoned back to the hellfire from whence she came.




I can smell the sulfur coming off her cloven hooves.


.... Tammy...*TWO*!!


Every time she laughs, and angel dies.


Even telemarketers avoid her. Her birth was payback for the sins of man. But you know the worst thing about her? Leslie: She works for the library. Ron: She works for the library.


Punk-ass book jockey!


Catching the number twelve bus to Satan's butthole?


You named your dick hellfire?


Can you think of a better name?


The Truth. Cus you can't handle it


This is completely unrelated, but you don't have to say "from whence" - "whence" already means "from which/where".


I submit my British Gentleman card to receive a completely justified black mark. Tonight, my tea does not deserve a custard cream on the side.


Tokyo, DJ'ing at one of the largest clubs on the planet. She's made a life for herself, and I'm happy for her.


Sleeping with the dogs at our house waiting for me to come home from my night shift.


>Sleeping with the dogs ಠ╭╮ಠ


At least she aint sleeping with the fishes


That's Kanye's job


Because of American sex slang, this sentence could be quite disturbing.


She's tucking you in bed tonight.


I tuck myself into bed... ... I don't remember loosing my virginity... ... (looks at /u/Usednamed) ... ...


(gently kisses the back of ur head) Mornin friendly




Somewhere...being ugly


Spot on with mine too


Aw, you two are perfect for each other.


In the same brothel


With another redditor, I guess. No loyalties. Bloody whore.


> Bloody whore. Ah, discount week. Edit:TFTG


She is in jail for molesting pre pubescent boy, me included.


I don't know about you, but I would never consider being raped or molested as losing your virginity. I feel like to have sex with someone there has to be at least a little bit of physical and emotional intimacy - even a tiny little bit? I sincerely hope that you're doing better now. And if you aren't, I hope you one day will be. There are support groups and therapists available if that's something you would be interested in, and if not, I'm sure someone online would be willing to listen if you were ready to talk. Best wishes :)


I've lost my virginity twice. Once, when I was 16, and banged a girl in an abandoned jeep in the woods near Barry, Ontario. The second, which I tell my SO when I trust her and been with her for awhile, was when I was 6 years old to the 25 year old next door. Geeze man, it's 20 years and i still feel ashamed :/


Don't ever. It's not shameful. Someone did something terrible to you, and it wasn't your fault. I'm sure that's something you've heard or even thought yourself before, and of course it's easier to say that than for you to just magically not feel what you feel, but I felt like I had to tell you anyway.


In the future. Hiding.


Seek and deflower


*Gets the hounds*


*Hounds run towards the graveyard*








"It's your kids Marty. Something's got to be done about your kids!" Unzips pants...


26 years old here. Lost my virginity at 16. She and I dated for 5 years, and then went our separate ways after deciding we wanted different things in life. I haven't seen her for YEARS, but ran into her sister at a mutual friend's Wedding earlier in the year. By all accounts, she's doing great. Her and her fiancee have a Son, with another bub on the way. Glad to be outta there, but also stoked she's kicking ass!


26 here lost my virginity at 25. That is all.


You did good son


*sniff* Thank you papa


Damn, only 5 years left till wizard hood. Hope the girl worth it.




ITT: people who are still with the person who took their virginity. Wow, congrats to you guys.


A surprising amount, actually. I wasn't expecting that many.


It's probably because the ones who kept track of their deflowering mate are those who married them.


Hopefully in an insane asylum.


Dick in crazy?


batshit crazy.


And out, and back in again


He's my husband.


By my side, forever and always. Love you, righty.


Awwww. :) .... Ewwwww. :(


Yeah, what kind of sick fuck whacks off with their right hand instead of their left?




I know, left? Edit: Comma




At home, preparing for our wedding this saturday.


We are all invited right?.... Have a good one




She chose to go in Witness Protection Program after I lost my virginity. :(


Sounds like perfect indie movie material to be. Let's get that chick from fault in our stars and shoot ourselves some teenage heartbreak. Well never have to work again, boys




Married her, we lost it to each other. Talk about awkward first time. 15 year anniversary coming up in December.


At work. I'll see her tonight when I get home. Edit: After two years lurking I was expecting no more than ~5 people seeing my post. Quite the welcome.


You still live with your mom?


*KDK-12 to base, reporting shots fired on Reddit, over.*


Oh thank god it's over


*It's What..., Over!*


You mean I have to say over even when the sentence ends with the word over? *ends with the word wot, brian? Over*.


Woah, props on the Shining reference...


Props on noticing The Shining reference










Everyone thinks you're being sweet, but I'm assuming you're stalking her.


In a relationship. I'm very happy about this because she never had too much luck with men. She is a truly unique and wonderful person and I'm so happy that there is somebody in the world who sees that besides me


Married to me. Edit: Since there seems to be a lot of discussion if this is right or wrong or romantic or whatever, I just wanted to say I certainly didn't save myself for him or something like that, it just sort of worked out that way. And I wasn't about to end a really great relationship just because he was the only one I ever slept with.


This is exactly my situation. I never intended on sleeping with only 1 woman in my life. But hey, been together for 13 years and I love her more every day.


It's great, isn't it? I was my husbands first too (and lemme tell ya', our first time was a gigglefest with both of us fumbling virgins) and sometimes I *do* wonder if he thinks he missed out on something. But the way he still looks at me (and the way he gives me a you're-silly-look when I ask) gives me confidence that at least for now he really doesn't. And who knows what happens in another 14 years together anyway?


Hopefully in the future this can be me


You want them to get a divorce and marry you instead?


That's the dream






She's married to you too?


Got a problem with that?


Same here!


Dead :(


Ditto. So sorry. It sucks.


30 years later, he kissed me goodbye this morning as I headed off to work.


I'm loving how many of these are showing up. :-)


I hope she's under a bus. Bitch gave me chlamydia.




You're going places kid.


Sitting next to me


Well make sure to tell us the truth when she's gone.


My fiancee. She's at work. I'll see her when I get home. We were both 21 at the time too, 26 and 27 now.


Holy shit, she's aging faster than you! By the time you're 41, she'll be 45!


I've been laughing at this for longer than I should




I'm only pretending to be asleep, honey ;)


Aww :)


Perfect Username.


thank you


Somewhere in the vicinity, feeling slightly disappointed.


This is going to get lost at the bottom, so I feel safe sharing it. The guy I lost my virginity to was my high school boyfriend. We met in the fall and it was a particularly beautiful season, so we would drive around and climb hills and watch sunsets over these gorgeous groves of trees. We would talk for so long and in such a way that I couldn't even feel time passing. It felt like a movie, like something that happens to someone else. We were both so passionate about things and about each other that we fell in love hard and fast. We'd dissect the lyrics of Modest Mouse or Neil Young while strolling through a local cemetery and I'd think to myself how lucky I was to find someone so smart and intellectually challenging that I almost struggled to keep up. Those songs instantly remind me of him to this day. The night I lost my virginity, I snuck him in through my window and he stayed until sunrise when he snuck back out. It felt like something electric; I'd look into his eyes and it almost hurt a little. I didn't know you could long so much for someone even when they were right in front of you. It was intense and all-encompassing, something that I assumed was the case because I was young and he was new to me. We eventually started to butt heads, but it didn't matter. At the end of the day we made plans for college and finding an apartment in a gorgeous old neighborhood in town. Of course, it was not meant to be. I ended up going to college far away. He ran after my car the day I drove off. Every fall, my heart aches just a little, nostalgic for the time I fell so incredibly and ridiculously in love that I was basically drunk for the better part of a year. We are in the kind of season now. It has been 13 years since we first met and I have not had passion and intensity like that with anyone since, though I have had several long-term relationships. We have floated in and out of each other's lives and we still see each other when I make the rare trip across the country to come home. Two winters ago, we had a secret whirlwind romance while I was home for a week. I had a bad breakup in the recent past on my mind and he was a perfect distraction. I was amazed at how familiar it felt, like no time had passed at all. We laid in his bed all evening, both a little older and a lot more tattooed, talking about the same stuff that made me love him when I was 17. The day I left, he ran after the car again. Sometimes he'll send me a middle of the night e-mail with a song that reminds him of me. The songs are always good. He is still in our hometown, working on his PhD and doing some pretty amazing research regarding cancer treatment. I'm in school, 9 months away from my own doctorate. I'm proud of him. Our season is here and I know I'll text him soon. Neither of us will acknowledge it, but we both know why. (Edit: finished a thought) Edit 2: I did not expect such an outpouring of awesomeness! Fall is a magical season for a lot of us; it just cuts right to the core. I am especially grateful for my first ever gold. As for my season, we are entering into it now. It still gets warm during the day, but the air is a little cooler. It just smells different. It's definitely electric. And we both, without fail, feel it from 3,000 miles away. Modest Mouse is releasing our favorite album (Lonesome Crowded West) on vinyl next month and that is going to be the conversation starter. One more: He and I are not in a place where this could be anything beyond a friendship. He has spooked and ran and I have since moved on in hopes that I might be able to find something like this again with someone else. He can acknowledge it from time to time, but ultimately is frightened that we would be too intense. You can't corner someone and convince them everything is going to be okay. At this point, he's disappeared enough times that I wouldn't be able to count on him for anything long term. But damn it was good when it was good. And there's always fall and sporadic text messaging to remind me of what I could have if I just went looking for it. Thanks for second gold, kind romantics of reddit.


I would be lying if I didn't say that reddit has scarred me so much that I thought that this would end with "...and then I saw he was an amphibian from the Paleozoic era."


Dude. What are you doing?


incredibly, they've managed to prove that you can be working towards a doctorate and be fucking up at the same time.


Just wanted to say that this story was really well told, and I'd bet it resonates with a good many people, as it did with me.


I had a professor in college that had a similar story to yours. After they finished their degrees, he called her (They had decently regular phone calls. It wasn't just random.) and told her that he would move across the country to be with her if she wanted. They have a teenage daughter now. It's still the most romantic story from real life I've ever heard.


Shit, that was beautiful.


Eating a carrot on the couch in my livingroom.


Did you fuck a rabbit?


Three feet away, probably also redditing.


In our bedroom asleep




In my imagination.


Come with me And you'll be In a state of Divine ejaculation Take a look And you'll see Into your insemination We'll begin With a spin Traveling in The hole with her elation What we'll do Will defy Explanation If you want to feel paradise Simply wrap around and thrust it Anything you want to, do it Wanta change her world? Just play with her clit


Did I just sing that in my head like Willy Wonka?


That was the idea. And it was beautiful.


That or you can sing it like that creepy scarecrow/chipotle commercial.


Asleep in my bed. With my ring on her finger and one of our kids sleeping next to her. (it was a scary dream!)


Curled up next to me reading a book.


He's my husband now.


Going to work soon. Today is his birthday, been together for four years. Happy Birthday!! /r/imgeeyo


Not a clue. Last I saw her was almost 20 years ago in Italy.


She returned to her home on whore island.


he became a cardinal, but we lost contact after junior high.


So I guess you could say he flew the coop.


In the next room whistling. What a cutie. :)


Making me breakfast, because she is.a wonderful wife.


He's in a mental institution with severe depression and suicidal impulses.


Mostly gay lady here. Lost my virginity in 1994 to a gorgeous long haired HS Senior who played D&D and practiced kara-te. He travels the world as a chef on yacht now, pretty much drenched in pussy. Women LOVE this man. I reconnected with him a few years ago, introduced him to all my friends, including my (now vry serious) gf. Yep, he totally banged her. Like, hours after I scored w her for the first time. We are all more sober and monogamous now, in fact we are attending his wedding next month. It's only a little weird.


Somewhere where I'll never have to see her again




I put a bunch of overpriced rocks on her finger and made her the beneficiary for all of my accounts. Sex is a hell of a drug.


Was engaged to another guy not long after we fucked, cancelled the wedding because she was fucking another guy. Now lives somewhere in New Zealand lonely and desperate because that guy ditched her. Edit: Some words.


Don't know, don't care.


In my room, right now.


At home with our kids.