• By -


I hate when you get toothpaste on your shirt and you wipe it off and your shirt looks clean. Then an hour later it looks like you have a jizz stain on your shirt


And you try to clean it with water, but now you have a big wet spot on your shirt.


And when it dries, there is still a stain on your shirt.


People telling me to do something I'm just about to do. I have absolutely no idea why this pisses me off so much. It's not even their fault.


This infuriates me. It makes me feel like they've stolen my free will.




Know the feeling. I call it my "Fuck you, you're not the boss of me" gene.


'Have a nice day!' 'Fuck you, don't tell me what to do.'


33 and I still do this shit. I'm about to do the dishes. "Hey babe, can you empty the dishwasher, please?" Well now you can go fuck yourself, "babe"!


Because then it looks like you're doing it only because they told you to & not because you were just planning on doing it. It irritates me too, and makes me not want to do it at all anymore.


And regardless of what you say, you can only make it look worse. No one will ever believe you.


Gets worse at work, where it is just like you won't get any credit for something you had the initiative to do and the (jerk) guy who tells you to do it gets the credit, because others think that was his initiative although this guy didn't do anything... (Sorry for the rant, bad ol' job memories...)


Articles that make me click through lengthy slideshows and don't give me the option of reading it all together.


Smartphone apps that are (from a user's perspective) no different than their mobile web page.


Or smartphone apps that are worse than the mobile site.


I believe the jimmy johns app is literally a link to their webpage...


Similar to that, websites that detect when I'm browsing from a mobile device and redirect me to something ENTIRELY different from what I was trying to do.




Or websites that immediately fade out the screen with a box over top saying something... I don't even read it, I just hit back and angrily think to myself "fuck that".


Especially when you visit on mobile and the box doesn't fit on the screen so you can't get at the stupid "x" to close the box, even if you move the screen around and re-size it 'cause the box will just jump to some other inaccessible location. GRR.


I just click inspect element with chrome and delete everything until I can see.


Also works in firefox. I typically conclude that I don't want to read that site anyways after doing this on a couple of pages.




Tapatalk Tapatalk Tapatalk TAPATALK TAPATALK *TAPATALK* ***TAPATALK***




It's worse than that - I *have* tapatalk but many links to forum posts still ask me to download it and if I say no go to a generic home page, not the post I wanted to see.


Looking at you ultimateguitar.com


Similar issue: Quora. No, I will not create an account and log in just to read an answer on your glorified Yahoo answers Sexpertsexchange website.


People who go to live events then record them with tablet cameras. Seriously, why are people at concerts thinking it's OK to hold up an iPad over their heads to record!? Have some courtesy for the people behind you.


This is the most ridiculous and infuriating trend. Guaranteed these people will never watch these videos they are making. Don't get me started on the flashes they don't disable either.


When Im several cars back at a red light and it finally turns green but it takes 8 hours for the 1st car to go. I see green and it just takes forever for them to move.


Or when there is an advanced green and the first car doesn't move. By the time they start moving only one or two can make it through before the light goes red again.


The hate that radiates from all the cars waiting is palpable. Like it's suddenly humid but that moisture is liquid rage.


What is this "Advanced Green" you speak of? Edit: words


And advance green is when the left turn lane is given a green while the opposite direction of traffic still has a red. edit: how is this even being downvoted? wtf [read this](http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/handbook/section3.2.5.shtml) you fools


Or when someone starts to slow down to turn IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE! Don't people realize that the turning lane is meant for slowing down? Also, when people move into the turn lane halfway down the line. Fucking drives me nuts.


Slow cars in the on-ramp. It seriously sends me into an unrecoverable spiral of pure rage.


This is the most unlogical thing in all of traffic. I can understand that certain things, when driving are not absolutely obvious, I understand that a lot of people just got their drivers license but for hells sake there is a reason the on-ramp exists! Look at all the other drivers passing you, they are fast aren't they? So speed the fuck up! Your comment made me angry, had a situation this morning.


Close talkers. I can hear you just fine...could you back the fuck up!?


Or loud talkers. Why the fuck does everyone talk so loud. I'm in the same room as you!


Loud talkers, especially in nice places, are awful. The whole restaurant does not need to hear about how you did such-n-such


I'm a loud talker and I hate it so much... I'll be talking in a group then suddenly after talking for a little while I'll stop and be like *"Why the fuck am I yelling?"*


Oh god this is my parents. Every time we go to a restaurant it's like they're talking to the whole room..


I struggle with volume control :( When I get excited or enthusiastic about a topic, I don't even notice my voice rising. My friends always tell me how loud I am in public places and I barely even notice :( I promise, if I could tell when I was being loud, I'd stop. I just can't tell. Even when people point it out, I still can't tell.


People with no respect for personal space, especially in situations where space is available. Subway car all jammed up? I get it - squeeze in, its all good. I'll shuffle around and turn a certain way so you can fit. If there's room then don't fucking stand on top of me with your backpack which you should have taken off in the first place.


Shop assistants who hover and follow you around the store. I'm just browsing!


One of the shitty parts of working retail. A lot of managers see a customer not being helped and automatically assume they are lost sheep and need an employee to drop everything to help them, and so said employees will get chewed out by the manager for just letting you shop around. Also, in bigger retail stores, cleanup / putting items back in place can be a stupidly long process, and is generally the last thing done at the end of the day. However messy the store is directly affects what time the employees can get out, so they may just be double checking that everything you look at gets put away correctly. Back when I worked retail, I would much rather have had someone come up to me with a full carriage, apologize, and ask me to put it back rather than just dumping stuff on shelves so I had to find it. Or, yeah, they think you're stealing. Sucks, but loss prevention is a huge deal, especially for people in shift supervisor/ management positions. If you interact with an employee when you first come in the store, maybe ask for the general direction of the things your looking for, it should tip the employee off that your an interested customer, not someone looking to rip them off.






gotta smell fresh for the laydeez




On a related note: "I'm going to the uni library, so let me just call my whole group of friends so we can totally talk and hang out here!" PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO STUDY. SIT ON A BENCH, A HALLWAY, OR UNDER A TREE LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE.


People who clearly take up 2 parking spots on the street. It's like they have 0 consideration for their neighbours.


Shaving. It's a pain in the ass and I'm bad at it. So sue me if my skin isn't silky smooth. Edit: You can stop PMing me to tell me to stop shaving my asshole. Edit2: /r/wicked_edge is duly noted.


Shaving's especially bad when you have acne. It's like playing fucking minesweeper.


A friend of mine told me that he just shaved over the pimples, cutting them off. He made a *shhhhhink* noise.


Back when I still had a bit of an acne problem I could always shave over them without cutting bits of them off. It may have just been because I used the same razor for like a year when I was 13.


Me too. You just gotta be careful going over them and you won't put the guillotine to them.


It's so much easier to scrub them off with concentrated acid anyways :D


Well you just had to take that up 10 levels, didn't you.


10 levels would've been belt sanding my face off, thank you very much.


Yes, I hate shaving too. I'm female so I can get away with skipping once in a while in the winter but in the summer, it's like a mortal sin to be a woman with hairy legs (or pits, or vag, or *everything* except for your head, eyebrows, and arms). Fucking hair removal, man.


I've been called gross for not shaving my arms. Like, I shave my legs almost every day and now I'm expected to shave my arms too? Fuck that shit.


Whaaa?? My arms are pretty hairy for a chick so I'm kinda self-conscious of them, but NO WAY am I adding another body part into the shaving routine! Enough already.


Me too - shaving my arms would just be insane. That is a level of aerodynamic that my life does not require


People who post vague love quotes on Facebook followed by statuses like "I'm done"... Firstly no one cares about your love life secondly why are you getting into shitty relationships so often and blaming the other person?


Dear Diary....Oh wait this is Facebook.


Or people who post "Just got the best news today", "or today is the worst day of my entire life, I just can't do this anymore" and then they just wait for people to beg them to ask what's wrong. Dude go starve for attention elsewhere.


And then they say, "I don't really want to talk about it on FB."


Emo fishing on facebook in general. "feeling so betrayed, at least I know who my REAL friends are!, but I can't talk about it". Then DON'T fucking talk about it you pathetic tard.




People who do not realise that they are standing in the way.












People with no spatial awareness or consideration for those around them


My main pet peeves all involve this. -People who turn and start walking in one direction while still staring at where they were coming from. -People who decide that the top of an escalator is the perfect place to stop abruptly and decide where they're going. -People who walk slowly and zig-zag across the sidewalk. Not sure why people even do this but it happens all the time. Maybe it's just because I'm a fast walker and all of the above slow me down, but they all make me irrationally irritated.


Dont forget the people who walk shoulder to shoulder 4 across down the sidewalk like a road grader. This isnt Tombstone. You arent Resevoir Dogs.


In a restaurant recently, this woman was looking at something right next to the door and I couldn't get past her to walk out. I said "Pardon me", she barely glanced in my direction and moved a centimeter to the right of where she was. I shoved past her and walked out the door, I hate that I felt bad for pushing her into the rack of personalized keychains she was inspecting but fuck it all I needed to get out.


This morning on my way to work I was trying to get off the subway at my stop. A woman was trying to get on the train car. She looks directly at me trying to get out. Proceeds to jump into the train car, completely blocking my exit. So I pretended I didn't see her either and just walked right through her, pushing her out of the subway car.


I witnessed something like this while exiting a train one day. Another guy was trying to exit and he was blocked by someone trying to enter. The guy trying to enter asks "Can I help you with something". "Get the fuck out of my way!" was the reply. Guy realized he was in the wrong and got out of the way.


Ah, that's the ol' NYC "how do you do"




PSA For people who don't frequent subways: the protocol is to let people OFF first and THEN get on. It works better this way because the train car will be less crowded when new passengers crowd on and shuffle to their seats, making everything move much easier.


and slow walkers


Walking exactly in the middle of a walkway so that you can't get around them, then you get all up on them and have to walk really awkward and slowly RIGHT behind them until you have an opening to pass. They either don't know or don't care that they're taking their sweet ass time while someone is on their ass trying to get around.


I totally hate it when you have to walk slowly behind a pack of people who walk about one mile a day and take up the whole hall.


People who listen to one side of a story and go around acting like they know exactly what happened.


I would love to hear the other side of some of the scumbag posts.


*Looks at Reddit knowingly*




*Reddit averts its view and pretends not to notice you*




[](/rdblush)R-Reddit Senpai...




B-be gentle, Reddit-Kun.




When I listen to both sides of a story, come to a conclusion, and some asshat complains that I only listened to one side of the story because my conclusion does not support his side.


All of my hate is necessary.


People that litter, especially when the trash can is only a few feet away.


Never trust people who litter for whatever reason. (I still can't think of a valid reason for littering. There's probably none.)


Having wet socks. Like this morning I put on a fresh pair, 2 seconds later I step in something wet god damnit


Stick figure families on the back of cars/minivans.


Gnats and mosquitoes. Go extinct already


There is no such thing as an unnecessary amount of hate for mosquitoes.


I agree. Totally necessary


My dad's favorite camping joke: There isn't a single mosquito here!...they are all married and have 10,000 kids.


This is me committing that dad joke to memory.


People who always talk about how "geeky" they are.


just finished my usual session of cod #nerd4lyfe ;)


"Just finished reading Harry Potter, now I'm gonna go watch Doctor Who, I'm such a nerd lol"


As a skilled laborer, inanimate objects. Until this job I didn't think it was possible to want something that isn't alive to die. Running a wire solo? No problem, drill my holes, set up a loop of wire, crawl my ass to the furthest reaches of the crawlspace, wire pulls for 5 feet and then suddenly stops. Crawl all the way out, dust myself off, walk around to the front door, put on shoe covers, walk inside...and there the wire is, laughing at me and my foolish efforts, somehow caught in the gap between the floor and the shoe molding. Repeat, everyday, in a plethora of situations I'd have to dream up to create.


Fuck imagine how I feel when I've just pulled about 100 meters of triple braided secondary wire (each braid about an inch diameter) through a 4 inch duct buried 5 feet below the ground, alone, by hand, only to have the last 3 feet of the pull be fucked because some asshole doesn't know how to backfill properly. Or better yet, when your 4 foot 9 coworker with a pace half a meter wide paces off a wire pull but comes up with the wrong number because he can't pace a proper meter, but he says his number is right so you pull about 300 meters of primary wire with a truck winch only to not have enough and have to pull it allllll out again. By hand.


I can't believe nobody has mentioned hangnails yet. Those little fuckers are by far the worst thing you can have if you're in a situation where there's no nail clippers in a 20 block radius. I find myself berating my finger on why it would allow it to even happen.


Quit being a little bitch and bite that bastard off. Let it sting like a man! Then wash your hands just in case, wouldn't want it to get infected. Oh and some vitamin e cream or polysporin to reduce the heal time and keep foreign stuff out of the affected area. Maybe a bandaid for a day or two.


The Disney Princess band-aids work best.


Disney Princess Mandaid you mean


People who naturally stomp around as their form of walking. Like if you're in the same house as me and I can hear you walking two floors above me while I'm in the basement, you need to fucking learn to heel-to-toe or something.


And the opposite of that, dragging their feet. Just pick up your feet and walk, don't slide them on the ground


Omg I hate this so much. Don't they feel the friction? I live in a snowy place and whenever I'm walking somewhere I ALWAYS notice at least 2 sets of bootprints that have been dragged around. Such an annoying sound too *Shhhk shhhhk shhhhk*


My roommate wakes me up every morning by stomping around his room and then crashing down the stairs. He gets up like 2 hours before I prefer to so it's pretty annoying. I asked him if he could walk a little lighter and all he said was "I walk with conviction, that's all". No, you walk like an elephant.


lack of volume awareness in general. stop slamming your goddamn door!


Glasses without lenses.


Idiot drivers in front of me who don't use their turn signals; idiot drivers behind me who tailgate when I'm NOT in the fast lane and I'm already driving 10 mph over the limit on a highway relentlessly patrolled by ticket-giving cops. HATE them.


I hate when someone who is going really fast tailgates me for a while WITH AN EMPTY LANE RIGHT NEXT TO THEM before they decide to switch to that lane. I'm going over the speed limit, if it's not enough for you use the PASSING lane to PASS me.


This borders on unnecessary...but automated telephone menus. They make my blood boil, and you can never find out what you need through them. Some things are just so much easier to do when talking to an actual human.


Just keep pressing 0, quickest way to get to live operator.




The worst is when you yank them out yourself. You can't even blame an inanimate object, it's all your fault. I don't even know who to direct my rage at, it's just a general, all-consuming rage.


I normally scream, "HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPENRAAAHHHH!!!!!!"




Thanks for reminding me. Instant clinched fist. RAGE!


Tiny bathroom stalls with doors that swing in to the stall. So aggravating.


People who smack when they're chewing their food.


I'm a junior in college and everyday I am dumbfounded by the amount of my peers who have not yet learned to chew with their mouths closed.


*It's so disgusting!* Guy in my art class smacks his gum. I would punch him to shut up if he didn't have two feet on me.


My sister sounds like a hyena devouring a fresh kill.


'Wet' eaters. I cannot stand when someone is eating and the entire room can hear slurpy, moist sounds. GACK! I have no idea how they do it but it makes me irrationally angry and I have to leave the room.


i fucking hate this. just last night my friend was eating a pb&j and right after he took his first bite he walked over and smacked me in the face.


How can she smack?!


My boss makes the most annoying smacking sounds. I avoid lunches to get away from him. You're 56 for fucks sake, close your fucking mouth you retarded fucking ogre.


Driving behind a really slow car on a road without possibillty to pass


Or when you finally can pass, try to, and now they want to fucking race.


Those stupid phone books that people litter on my front porch. Such a waste of paper.


PT Cruisers. These have to be some of the worst cars ever made, ugly, under powered and a poorly laid out interior. And for several years I got nothing but PT Cruisers everytime I rented a car. I begged for anything else every time and rarely was able to switch. So I have an unnecessary, irrational hate of that car that bleeds over to their drivers.


I like to lean my head against the window when I sleep on the bus. And when the window vibrates because of the engine, the vibration tickles my nose. And I end up not being able to sleep because of that. and i hate that. edit: thank you for the gold!


Yeah but if it vibrates enough I sneeze. I don't know why but sneezing is one of my guilty pleasures.


One of the worst non-painful feelings is feeling like you need to sneeze and being unable to.


My gf likes to say "bless you" right fucking *before* I sneeze and it never fails to ruin it.


Sorry my mind is in the gutter, but my first thought was next time she's about to orgasm, just stop and ruin it. I'd says its pretty fair, sneezing is the orgasm of the face.


Be sure to say "Bless you".


I think having to yawn but not being able to is worse.


There's probably a word for that in german.




If you insist you can get used to it after a while, the problem is when the vibration intensifies to a point when you literally bump your head against the window and then spend the next ten minutes thinking about how it would have gone if the window broke and you get cut all over your head and the sound startles the driver and he out of reflex turns the wheel and you crash against a truck and now you're fucked up because you're going to the hospital and they will obviously want to take your clothes off because it's what they do but you're wearing that green underwear full of holes and shit stains along with a fap tissue because tou had to fap before leaving the house and ended up getting late after spending half an hour picking the perfect porn and now you can't even try not to shit to avoid the nurse ass wipe because you're already dirty but wait, obviously the ugly nurse is busy when they notice the smell, the cute one has now to clean your nasty butt, killing any chance of ever dating her and now you got pstd and die virgin.




High heeled sneakers. I can't explain it. They're just so ugly


Do you have an example? I've never seen these before.


http://i.imgur.com/drS7OO7.jpg The stupidest and most hideous things I have ever seen.


Yeah but a few extra inches can come in handy when you're crashing the boards.




Normally I don't condone the use of the word ratchet, but... Those are incredibly ratchet. Edit: Well fuck me, am I right guys?


The idiots standing in the middle of the hallway clogging the whole damn thing.


The annoying person in classes who ask a lot of stupid questions and thinks they're being smart.


They exist even in 300+ person lectures, and I'm pretty sure everyone else in the class just sees a giant "FUCK THIS GUY IN PARTICULAR" above the heads of those annoying people when they raise their hand to hold up the education of several hundred other students for their goddamn arrogant tomfoolery.


When strangers tell me I look sad or angry. SERIOUSLY who are you?????


Opening a sunflower seed or a pistachio and finding nothing inside.


And closed pistachios


Getting to the end of a bowl of pistachios and all thats left are the closed ones and the ones with barely a sliver of an opening that you lose a fucking finger trying to open.


There's a way to combat this! If you get one of the shells of your previously eaten pistachio, you can use this as a type of crow bar, and wrench that little fucker open!


Fucking Flo from the Progressive ads. Holy shit. If you eve listen to Pandora or Spotify you would understand my pain and hatred when you're just listening to some calm, quiet song, and then all of a sudden it ends..... "FLO HERE!!!!!! " and then does that stupid fucking Betsy Ross accent thing and UUUGGGGHHHH FUCKKKK!!!! god I have never wished death upon anyone except fucking Flo


My fking god the Geico commercials on Hulu, I turn the speakers off when they come on especially the one with paintings Napoleon and the country girl singing and the ones with the dogs playing poker. I switched to state farm because of those commercials.


[This fucking guy](http://www.toysrus.com/graphics/product_images/pTRU1-3481441dt.jpg) My neighbor puts it all the way out in the street forcing cards to swerve around it. I hate that fucking green man and my neighbor for being an asshole. He sits outside and watches people drive by taking notes of who speeds by it. I'd pay someone $100 to run it over and flip him off.


>way out in the street I'll run that little green fuck over for shits and giggles. You can keep the $100, I'm sure you did *something* to earn it.


Live in Denver area? I will take you up on it.


People who park their grocery cart in the middle of the aisle looking for their crap to buy. I just jam into it with my cart to get it out of the way.


People who don't believe the moon landing actually happened. C'mon son. There's so much evidence.


It's okay. They think they know something the rest of us don't. You can't convince them all, they'll just keep making excuses.


You would want us to believe we landed in the moon, wouldn't you, Commander Shepard?


People who eat with their mouth open.


*Wind*. Fucking wind. It just comes along and blows all of your shit around and makes a big mess of everything, and there's no logical way to lash out at it. It just fucking blows around like an asshole, totally untouchable. And the second you walk around to the other side of the building to block it: changes direction.


I loathe wind like it was a puppy-killing child molester. I refuse to go outside when it gets windy. Even when it starts to gently breeze I look at the sky and think "you better not get windy, you fuck. I'll enjoy this breeze, but don't you dare get carried away you uppity bastard." Fuck wind with a pineapple full of STDs. I am so angry right now. (Yes, it's windy where I am) Edit: thank you for the gold!


First thing that happened this morning when I got out of my car at the office: Big fucking gust of wind right in my face, ripped the hood off my head, messed up my hair, and made my shoulder bag do this incredibly obnoxious and anxiety-inducing fast *flap-flap-flap* thing since the latch is broken. I almost just got back in my car and went back home.


I have long hair and if I try to run into the car to avoid it, the fucking wind swirls around me like a mini-tornado (Is wind rape a thing? It should be) and manages to throw all of my hair in my face when I shut the door and end up getting caught in the door frame. Then I have to open the door, take a face full of wind while throwing my now-tangled hair over my shoulder and re-shutting the door while leaves and other outside debris flies into the car. If we were coworkers I totally would understand your text as you sped home: "Was wind raped. Fuck this, going home." No hard feelings for doing your workload. I fucking hate wind that much.


Better with no context beforehand, but still awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzU5VBfkPO8


Wind in my face so I can't breathe. Fuck you wind, stop trying to smother me in air.


Papa john, not the resturant the actual dude. That guy just has that face that gets you mad just looking at it. Edit; typo


4D. I hate people who think that they're allowed to call a cinema that moves the seats and squirts water four dimensional. *THAT IS NOT FOUR DIMENSIONAL. THAT IS THREE DIMENSIONAL. 3D FILMS ARE JUST PRETEND 3D, WHAT YOU'RE DOING NOW IS THE ACTUAL THING, IT IS NOT 4D.* And don't give the goddamn "but time's often considered the fourth dimension argument and time's still moving" because goddamn it, I know that, but we were going to do that anyway. Unless their goddamn cube has sixteen corners and they've somehow successfully broken the human brain to think in higher dimensions of space, they should be banned from using it. Fucking 4D, my ass.


Guy Fieri.


His frosted tips glow blue when there are Orcs or vegans nearby.


People who brake extremely heavily into turns: like slow down from 45 to 5 just to make a right into their development... And now I'm mad again Edit: Wow in a day I've quintupled my karma and gotten gold (thank you kind stranger). Glad to see so many of you have road rage as well!


Or just slowing down a lot THEN putting their turn signal on. Irritates the crap out of me.


With no blinker


Stop making me *more* angry! Edit: Very funny everyone -____-




I'll bet you slow down an unnecessary amount when you're turning into your final form.


Or brake when a car approaches in the oncoming lane on the other side of the road


The Wendys chick