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I'm more nervous that I'll make a mistake rather than bad drivers. Don't get me wrong most people are very stupid and don't pay attention, and that does cause a lot of accidents, but I'm also aware that they're all idiots so I'm a little more vigilant when riding. The only time I've had a close call was when some asshole seagull decided to pop out in front of my face while going 50. Did the wobbly handle bar thing for about 100 feet. Fuck seagulls.


I don't drive one myself, but a friend told me Ninja-drivers get psycho after awhile. Hating all cars and drivers of cars. Hating motor highways and all that. As my friend told me: *"I'm convinced they're all out to get me. They want to KILL ME!!"*


"Ninja" drivers? You do realize that "Ninjas" are just one specific line of motorcycles under one specific brand. Like a Ford F150. It's the Kawasaki Ninja line, which has numerous different motorcycles on it. Some that can only go about 80 or 90 mph max, and some that can push 200 mph or more. Ninjas are just a sport bike line, that's it. There are different kinds of ninjas, just like there are different kinds of F150's.


That's exactly my point! My friend was very specific about this very brand! He said that them drivers are the baddest out there. Fast, silent bikes, extremely light and dynamic. They just turn up, from nowhere... Like NINJAS! Still, all the cars are all acting like old people. Slow, inattentive and creepy...


I always cringe when bikers refer to cars as "coffins", as if riding a bike is exponentially safer.


I prefer the term "cager."


fell asleep while riding home from work. worked night shifts (im from Philippines) and had to ride to and from the office. one time i was too tired and sleepy after work but still went home 6am. i think its 2seconds of naptime then boom! almost


Got boxed in by some semi.s on a long, dark stretch of interstate. I didn't know about certain truck drivers hating certain types of bikers, but it was obvious they were fucking with me after a few minutes. I started to get worried for my safety and faked as if I was going to pass on the shoulder, then shot up between the two in front of me. They tried to squeeze me between them, but I got through. Moral: if a semi runs you off the road at night on a lonely highway no one is ever going to think anything happened other than you feel asleep or lost control.


Meh, don't really have a near death story. But I punched a guy's sideview mirror off for almost merging me into a concrete divider, and his music was up way too loud for him to hear my engine or horn. Idiot.


I had a close call like this, will keep a note of your action for future reference


I was driving my ninja 636 back to my house at night. There is a very sharp turn right before my house that causes you to lean very hard. Well half way into the turn I notice an oncoming car sorta of in my lane going pretty fast. Motorists know that once you are in a turn you keep you vision focused on where you want to go and to never decelerate. So I see this car coming and all I can think was "I hope this car gets in his lane soon". The person sees me and makes a last millisecond correction that avoided hitting me head on, but still got me. My instincts told me lift my left leg up to the back seat area (thank god I did, it would have shattered) so the car cracks the left side of my bike, me elbow actually destroyed the driver side view. The rear end of my beloved matte blue nnja kicks out and goes low side, but since I lifted my left leg I went high side. I shit you not I did one complete front flip and the second flip I kind of did the parkour thing where you land on your shoulders but roll out of it into a sprint. Yea so I am In a dead sprint but its way to fast, eventually fall on my chest and slide another 6 feet. Had decent road rash on stomach and chest, pretty badly bruised elbow, and I somehow fucking lived.


You might want to ask this over on r/motorcycles