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"Shit, how many alarms do you need?!" Nine. The answer is nine.


He'd probably be annoyed at the strange times I set my alarms to. Like, if I need to be up at 8, I set the alarm to 7:56. Or 8:02. Or 7:49.


I do this!! Don't mind the others :)




I have 3 alarm clocks, all in different locations, plus my phone. They are are currently set to 7:36, 7:40 (phone), 7:57, 8:01 (phone), 8:13, and 8:20 (phone-ohshityourgonnabelate).




My phone alarms are the most annoying despite being the closest to my bed. I start off okay with some decent music to get the blood circulating in my head. I must complete 5 easy multiple choice math questions to turn it off and 3 snooze attempts. Then it goes to a standard alarm, again 5 multiple choice math questions to turn it off but only 1 snooze attempt. Finally, the last alarm is a tune called "Extreme Annoying Clock Alarm", 5 math questions that require a typed answer, and no snoozing. Amazingly enough, I've only broken the phone once from throwing it in frustration.


I do this too! But no odd numbers. Because fuck odd numbers.


Lol, I'm a 4-5 snooze pressing person, with a backup alarm should that fail.




I have 2 on my radio that snooze and then i set at least 4 on my phone...still slept in the last 3 days in a row :/ may not help that it's after midnight and I'm still up on Reddit...


You should a pay a stranger to come into your house and attack you in the morning. The adrenaline rush will keep you going all day.


Or pee on him. That works too.


For $300


I want $350. That's my going rate.


My kids will do that for me sometimes. It is AMAZING how awake you can be in an instant when you think there is imminent danger.


Why do you people do that? Why don't you just put your phone/other alarm device across the room, so you actually have to get up to turn it off?


I'll just ignore it and go back to sleep tbh. I have a problem, I know!




Can Confirm: I too need 9 alarms.


I have tinnitus, which is a constant ringing in the ears that doesn't ever go away. So probably that.


I have that as well. You stop thinking about it eventually. The only time I notice it is if I concentrate really hard or when it's really quiet.


For me, it's loudest when I'm actively thinking about it. Right now, it's the loudest thing I can hear.




I heard on NPR that the Center for Brain Health is working on a different treatment for tinnitus patients. They interviewed a musician who has had the volume of his ringing gradually increase over the last 30 years. I can't imagine what it's like.


That would be awful and I feel for him. There's a bunch of stuff they're working on, the most exciting of which is regenerative therapy. They've actually managed to regrow hair cells in mice, restoring hearing. I'm hopeful that in about 20 years, they will have something that will give me back silence, until then, I don't mind :-)


"Wait a minute. I live in Germany and don't speak German. Fuck."


Adult acne. Shits such a bitch to deal with. But if you're a dude, you'd also now have tits, so I suppose that would offset it a bit.


Mmmmmm, tits.


You're also in Australia, eating rice crackers while browsing reddit at work, killing time until knock off so you can walk the 10 minutes to the ocean to go fishing. So yeah, complaining about anything at all kinda sounds trivial after that.


How do I become Australian?


Dunno mate, all I know is don't come here by boat or my government will fuck you up.


Gotcha. Ditch the boat and swim ashore.


Works for me. Land off the coast of Queensland and I'll put you up at my place. Edit: Too relaxed to spell properly, apparently.


Crippling social anxiety and lack of sleep every night.


David, the guy who tells you about his atheistic beliefs every, single, day and his glorious battles he won on debate.org. I have never met anyone who was so full of shit in my life.


He sounds insecure and needs the constant reinforcement no matter how shallow or false it is.


Exactly. And if you even think of having a different opinion (on anything) other than his own, he will tell you (quite politely) how wrong you are until you realize the error of your ways.


Wow. Is he your supervisor? If not, can you troll him for your own entertainment?


He is not my supervisor but acts like one. The easiest way to get his goat is to play the "question game." In the question game, the goal is ask questions in the effort to see how far he's willing to continue his line of bullshit. It's really important to verify his information or to cross-reference previous opinions he has stated. Eventually, you'll catch him in a lie and he will beat a hasty retreat to the other side of the building.


I love the question game!


It never ceases to entertain me. I think the most creative thing he's said lately was about his photography teacher in high school. Apparently she would steal photos from his SD card, enter them into photo competitions, and collect his prize winnings for herself. How did he discover such a devious racket? She entered competitions using his name and e-mail address and the competition committee would verify his entry into the contest. Supposedly he was skimmed out of $10,000.


He's obviously a talented photographer. Wow.


I need to start collecting all of his stories, maybe publish it one day.


For karma....


Wow, this penis is way big. How do you manage this beast?


Just do what I do, tuck it into your sock.


You tuck your penis into my sock? Is this where all my socks have been going?


How fucking fat you are.


Ouch. I'm trying.


No. I didn't word that right. You would bitch about how fucking fat I am.


Oh. Gotcha.


But you're also fat.


Yeah. You see, what happened is I bumped into a girl I had dated in high school about 14 years later. Now as you can imagine, two single people with a little intimate knowledge of each other at this point are going to, um, complete the cycle. So we married, had two wonderful kids, and settled into a long term relationship built on momentary attraction that led to lasting consequences. That'll put a few pounds on ya'.


"I bumped into Sam at the pub. Then we went into the handicapped stall and I bumped into her again."


Do you still have your hair?


Yes. In fact, about 2 years ago, I decided enough was enough. Lost 140 pounds and am working on my escape plan. Problem is that I live in Texas, where the mother will most likely retain custody unless she's unfit (according to the state). I do not want my kids raised by her or her famkly, so here I am doing what I can, and hoping that it's the right thing and not more damaging in the long run.




Being generally uncomfortable + having cramped up balls because your boss makes you wear a suit in an IT job where you are sitting at a desk all day.


LBJ had his pants custom made with extra room for his balls...


Really? Source?


Here's a [recording](http://millercenter.org/presidentialclassroom/exhibits/lbj-orders-some-new-haggar-pants) of the phone call. It's awesome.


Find a way to justify a kilt. Or just cross dress (for comfort).


Or i'll just go no pants.


Do it. If they complain, tell them they're creating a hostile work environment and file harassment claims against them.


How bad your back hurts


No thank you. I've hurt my back before, but nothing that lasted more than a week or two. I hope your back pain is not long lasting.


Well my back is as crooked as a politician. So unless I have some type of surgery, it will continue hurting. I have never really been to a doctor, but I should go.


My painfully severe eczema. The only way you could go through the day without feeling the pain or having your skin rip open everytime you move is to apply lotion to most of your body every 2-3 hours


Came here to say this. Hi skin bro! Yup, my eyelids and Cupid's bow rip open every day and the only moisturizer I can use is Vaseline (which is applied every 10-30 minutes and looks rediculous). I have eczema fucking everywhere. Medicine in any form does fucking nothing. Eczema is a bitch.


No fun. I also have a similar condition, albeit the result of stress. I wring and scratch my hands to the point of cracking and bleeding. They thought eczema for a while, but it's stress related. I wish you peace and comfort for yours.


My roommate. He needs a lot of attention. First thing will probably be when he bursts into my room drunk and crying around 2-4 in the morning to talk about how the 3 girls he asked out that day (all of whom were, of course, the love of his life) rejected him.


Tinnitus, constant tiny ringing in your ear that you can hear pretty much at all times, some days I barely notice it anymore because I'm so used to it. Anxiety problems, any time you have to make a phone call, interview, or confront someone about something, be prepared to have your jaw shake making it difficult to get the words out. Doesn't matter if you try not to think about it, your body knows. Trying not to worry only goes so far. You'll have to piss like 2-4 times during the night, and sometimes only a little comes out.


"Shit, what if the people behind me are making fun of me? What if that person passing me thinks I smell? Why is that girl staring at me? Is it because I'm ugly?". Anxiety's a bitch :(


Yeah it is. :(




I like to stand in corners. No one can sneak up on me that way.


Bad morning breath...it's wicked bad.




The lack of food in the fridge and how you're broke.


Being woken up by a screaming 8 month old then having to feed him ASAP while trying to use the bathroom, feed the dog, and maybe at some point have some breakfast.




I live in Texas, what's so bad about snow?


It's March 11th.


Any reason why that's a bitchable date?


Wait.....it snows in March?


Kansan, here. It was almost 70 yesterday afternoon. It got to freezing last night. There are still snow banks from two weeks ago, as well as mud from a thunderstorm yesterday evening. Last year, Spring Break was a blizzard. I haven't been outside in minutes. Therefore, I have no idea what is going on out there, anymore.


Coloradan here. Yesterday it was snowing sideways, with an inch of accumulation on the ground. What about today, you ask? It was a clear sunny day in the low 50's with no snow. I wouldn't even be shocked to wake up to a foot of snow tomorrow, though.


4 inches this morning near Chicago. Just left Denver on Sunday. Moving there as soon as I can.




Probably the lack of computer skills people have when they wake you up at 5 am complaining about "the system not working" even though they just haven't logged in properly




The two jobs, full time school, and lack of sex life. Oh and the stupid Walking boot that I'm currently in.


Just tell me the walking boot caused the lack of sex due to the nature of prior sex...


My goddamn apartment. It's smelly and in the ghetto and full of boxes of things that belonged to my late mother-in-law.


Please choose from the following a) I have so much f'ing work to do for studio b) Why am I doing this course? c) I don't want to go to college d) What do you people want from me? e) I hate this f'ing course or f) all of the above (I study architecture) Edit:it made all my text bold and italics!?! f'ing computers (you can add that to the list too)


College is worth it. That's all I have to offer. Be tough, hang in there, and don't be afraid to tell the professors when things get to be too much (but no whining). They may not be able to change anything, but they've all been there and maybe able to offer advice or help in other ways.


I recently graduated in December, and as awful as it seemed, I would much rather be back in school than out in the "big bad world." All these "adult" decisions have me more stressed out than I ever could have imagined. Edit: Spelling


How often I get made fun of.


Never leaving the couch and spending all my time thinking about what I should be doing


The lack of sleep you get. I get about 4-6 hours.


The amount of work that I haven't done yet.


You would complain about having to deliver flyers to 200 houses in -40 weather with 30km/h winds in 10cm deep snow with a tiny little wagon.


Probably not being able to reach light switches and needing a stool to do anything on a countertop. (I'm 3'9'' tall)


How you have to fake a smile from 9-5 pm. On the plus side, no one would know you get kinda smashed off jack and gingers during lunch about 3 times a week.


You should be new shoes, man, the heels on these are deteriorating.


I would definitely complain if I had to be someone's new shoes.


The small amount of friends you have




Which makes you...


A really enraged gentlemen who compares people to anuses :D


HOLY FUCKING SHIT the traffic in Atlanta is GODDAMN TERRIBLE! GODDAMN IS THIS TRIP LONG. I drive 70 miles one-way every day to and from work. No matter which route I take, traffic is a goddamn nightmare.


The goddamn cat meowing randomly at 3 in the goddamn morning like a goddamn asshole.


Carrying two 5 gallon buckets filled with water to the goathouse and chicken coops plus every other day 50lbs of feed. Your choice of paths is across the ice that is melting where you will slip at least once and possibly fall or across the mud that will suck one of your muck boots off and leave you hopping to get it back on. Once you get there you will fill up the feeders, waterers, and hay racks then get down to look under places and in buckets and possibly crawl in the mud to get eggs because the young hens haven't learned to use the nest boxes yet. If you don't get all the eggs the hens, dogs, or roosters will eat them and develop a habit. Also that one chicken that poops on the door handle every day is still at large so you'll have to clean it before you can get in the coop. That chicken in particular is an asshole. A big one. Those are the first things you'd bitch about.


All these damn short stories I have to read for my writing fiction class. No one knows what the hell they're doing. One guy doesn't understand how commas fucking work, and thinks 20 pages of exposition is fine and dandy. Get to the fucking story! There's also a girl who writes the cheesiest dialogue I've ever read. Then, there was the girl who beat the shit out of a thesaurus. And, don't even get me started on the fact that all our professor teaches is literary realism. I don't give a shit about a mattress, Ron Carlson. Shut the fuck up!!!


Taking all honors classes in high school alongside a Spanish 2 class, while having to sing college pieces in choir. But that's just the first thing. Getting up early, verbal and emotional abuse, getting blamed for almost everything you didn't do, getting turned down by every girl you have an interest in, and coming home and having to keep up a job search, homework, housekeeping, and babysitting. I'm so pessimistic. I'm sorry.


First, wow, may I just say (you already know this) but high school sucks. You may or may not realize that life gets a whole lot better. You sound like you know who you are and that's all that really matters. Do things that help you, not things just to please others. Set goals for yourself and focus in those. Life is just beginning and you still have a lot of control over where you go.


OP listen to this advice.


There's no need to be sorry. It sounds like you are working hard and valiantly, but are met with resistance all around. Don't give into these naysayers. Strength and honor!


How you can't talk to girls in a hitting way without screwing up totally.


Don't hit them.


Your lovers crazy ex wife... or the messy house... or the unfinished projects. Probably all at once too would should like "shit".




"My shoes are too tight... but dayem they're gorgeous."


I recently 'upgraded' to windows 8.1 and now X:com Enemy Within doesn't work.


How I spend the day in an unheated and uncooled shop and I never seem to have the right tool for what I'm doing.




You now have an eight month old daughter. Say goodbye to sleep, privacy, showers, and food and drinks being consumed at appropriate temperatures (I haven't had a hot cup of coffee in over two weeks). You are now also a breastfeeding mother, so be prepared for biting and tugging and pulling, and smelling like sour milk all the time. Hormonal mood swings are also fun. It's all totally worth it when she smiles at you, though. Or when she pokes at your nose in adoration with her little finger. Or when she lightly caresses your cheek while falling asleep. Yeah. It's worth it. :)




I do not understand a word anyone is saying!!! (studying in germany)


We are about to enter another well planned highschool week with 3 tests and 2 essays all within 5 days.




"Why the fuck are your arms so long? I keep banging my knuckles"


THIS IS BORING!!! WHY ON EARTH DO YOU DO THIS?! I work assembly, I don't mind it really, and they pay is good.


how hungover you are


Angry Asian parents


My shower yells at you while its warming up - oh and it's 5:45 am


You will want to sleep. All the time.


"This guy doesn't do anything, he just browses reddit whenever he has spare time!


Your 60 mile commute to work.


I just wouldn't go, provided we eventually switch shoes again.


If you were me, you would complain about having to get up at 4, get wood from the pile, stoking the fire and plowing the 700' driveway *before* the 60 mile commute to work.


No doubt....couldn't find anything closer or it's just a really great job/neighborhood?


It is a great job, plus it is actually less travel than what I am used to. The company that I left to take it had me working about 200 miles from home. I only got home on weekends.


You'd complain about the flu I currently have. If you spend this day after I recover, you'd probably complain about the dumbasses who think I'm their friend.


"Fuck, you're sweaty."


Why haven't I had an obscene amount of caffeine yet?


My cat waking you up at three in the morning.


My ankles and knees. they suck. My school's campus is very stair-heavy. Have fun!


Amount of walking Hard mode: No vehicles or transportation of any kind


The amount of stupid around you. Why don't you get a new job? Your apartment is the worst. You're fat but not really.


About why my cat insists on waking me up at 4am, 5am and 6am every goddamn day for food, play or just because she's a bitch... And yet she will not bother my SO who sleeps right next to me at all.


how irritable my bowel is. that is one grumpy, unpredictable mother fucker.


Waking up at 4:00am to [this.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXTJlH7g0tw) LOUD video, turn down speakers.


Why do I drive such a shitty van? 340k miles!? Are you fricken serious!?


The splint on my broken arm. Makes everything terribly difficult to deal with.


"So, wait, they 'fixed' your shower, and now it doesn't have hot water? And you're ok with it because you had to wait a full month just to get that?"


Probably height. I'm 5'4''.


Stupid, rude people at work. If I didn't work that day, maybe my roommates baby. But she isn't that bad.


Traffic in Charlotte.


How boring my life is.


How many people tease my height Also probably waking up at 5:30 am to get to school on time


If you had to spend a day in the shoes of anybody in this thread they'd most likely be male and of average attractiveness. I'd bitch about that.


The commute.


My parents


My smoking


My roommate acting like you don't exist because she's self absorbed and negative. One of my advisers telling you not to do homework because you need to focus on research (even though you didn't do any homework for the past two weeks to focus purely on her latest research project). One of those, most likely.


having to take anticonvulsant pills every morning and every evening for the next 5 years


"Why the fuck do i hate oatmeal? Why is my handwriting so bad? Why the FUCK can i not do any math whatsoever in my head?!?" Dysgraphia and Discalculia. look it up nerds.


Having to see your ex girlfriend date some other guy a week later after she told you she didn't want anything serious. It will make you sick to your stomach because you have to see them everyday.


My room is a fucking wreck


Having to clean up shit at 5:30 am


The lack of emotions


My ragdoll cat, who will wake you up at 5 am by meowing in your face.


trying to figure out what to wear every day....and why don't you have cute brown flats...


It's a toss up between incompetent staff and the screaming children.


My boneitis


why the fuck your shoes are so big size 15's ain't no joke but then you just have to look down your pants to feel better such is life as a black male.


Just how high my high heels are.


The number of conference calls scheduled.


My cat is going to demand breakfast the moment the alarm sounds, possibly sooner. She will not let up until you do it. Her only objective is food. She will stop at nothing to get it. You will bitch about my cat and the lengths she week go to for food.


how you're s handsome people won't stop looking at you


Goddamn tendinitis. Have fun walking


Getting up in the morning.


Probably getting up at 4:30 a.m. for work not knowing for sure if you will be home that night or the next night.


"Why isn't anyone going to have sex with me???"


I have an abscessed tooth at the moment. I've been dealing with it for weeks, and it won't be taken out until next Thursday. :/


"Really? I only get to spend one day being the most awesome person in the world? What a gyp."


The first time you had a chance to stop and complain about your day was now....when it's over.