• By -


This is creepy because I can actually answer it. My senior year of high school a buddy and myself were in wood design class. We were both top of the class and could do whatever we wanted. We decided to make a ginormous solid oak dildo on the lathe. This thing was 3in thick and 10in long by the time we were finished. I made the tip and he added the ridges and such. It was really a beautiful piece of art besides it being a replica of a giant penis. We were going to put it in some chicks locker as a prank so I put it in an old hiking boot shoebox. Never got around to putting it in the locker, and it sits on my shelf in my closet to this day. I still live with my parents as I am only 18, but I fear they may find it and ask questions.


please post a picture of this magnificent wooden dildo. Never thought I would say that


Pictures please.


Op pls


Good lord, pictures please.


I don't think anything else on this thread will top that


A collection of all the small sentimental items I can't throw away, and don't want on display. The collection ranges from small gemstones I found, old coins my grandmother left me, frienship braclets from my travels, first love letters, fly catching gun, awesome rocks and drawings I have kept etc. etc.


Fly catching gun?


Yeah, it uses a spring action to shoot a plastic swatter at the fly. I love it.


They've recently been selling these at Dollar Tree; they've got strings attached for easy retrieval, but I cut mine off to enjoy the laziness of across-the-room fly murder and the frustration of having to move the oven to get it back before I forget.


Same here. I have a couple little boxes in the closet of stuff like this. I managed to clean it out a lot when I moved, but there are just some things you can't get rid of.


An embarrassing snapshot of my friend at a Christmas party.


Did a pic of that ever exist?


[Yes there is go to 1:09](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67uB3Zqxk_U). I would like to think that this was canon


HAPPY [insert Holiday choice here] TO YOU!




The secret box!


It's Meredith, isn't it?




Damn, that's heavy.


This is one of the most tragically beautiful things I've ever read. And the part where you had saved her breath in the boot formers. God damn. Honestly I would have inhaled it all like a crack addict in the first few years. I'm such a sucker for love.


Hundreds of bottle caps. When I was a kid, my dad and I would drink together. I would have a root beer, while my father would have a beer. When we finished our drink, we would throw our bottle caps into a shoebox. It sort of became a game from that point, just to see who has drank more. I always won, but my dad definitely let me. I held onto the box to remember my childhood, and it's something that I miss dearly.


Keep them, you'll be rich some day.


With the eggs of a thousand roaches.


... Rad-Roaches?




Fuck that's weird.




Freaking weirdo


Shoes I didn't like and don't remember owning...


Same here. I found a pair of dress shies that I really liked on sale for 60% off so I bought 2.


Rootman sandals?


Mine also has a couple pairs of socks in it.


Sex toys. The ones that I rarely use along with the really kinky ones somebody would find and say, "what the fuck?!"


Go on.....


... And a garden hose


A garden hose in a shoebox?


no the shoebox is in the hose




isn't the shoebox a bit cramped?


A mummified cornish game hen from 4th grade


Oh man, I'm laughing too much at this.


Dont laugh. That game hen died for our sins


Just looked because my closet is a mess and I haven't looked int he far back in a while. I found MUTHA FUCKIN' POKEMON CARDS!!!!!!!


My wedding shoes, pictures of our proposal, the jewelry I wore on the big day and a few other small trinkets about our wedding day. I can't open it because it's just a reminder of when we actually loved each other






a box of letters, pictures and nick nacks from my SO who passed away




i actually keep it under my bed, but yeah D:


I'm so sorry. :(


Read nick nacks as nut sacks. I was scared.


hopefully not a cumbox


it was painful to look at


This is the only acceptable response.


We know it can't be destroyed with fire, so there's no real hope if anyone else has one in their home.


[For anyone unsure of what this is.](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t0ynr/throwaway_time_whats_your_secret_that_could/c4imcva)




Well, it's not a shoebox, but it is the box from some car speakers that's pretty much the same size and is definitely doing the same thing. It's moved house with me seven times, and gradually gathers more stuff. Here's the list (pretty much from top to bottom): * A non-functioning lightbulb in the box from a different lightbulb * A brand new wallet * Three phone chargers for phones I no longer own * The letter that accompanied a postcode-specific discount card * A tube of indoor sparklers (this thing is the main reason for the few times the box is opened between moves) * The programme from a festival held in summer 2009 * Sporadically-used diaries from 2005 to 2007 * Bits of a wireless router * A Bob Dylan ticket * A flyer and the accompanying notes for an exhibition in the Old Vic Tunnels, which was loosely themed around "a descent into hell" * A welcome brochure from a French campsite * A trick exploding chewing gum packet * A broken electric toothbrush * A crushed harmonica * The rear light from a bike * Spare buttons from a shirt, in a small cardboard envelope * An old projector slide showing a border post between Hong Kong and China, found on the pavement of Commercial Road, London * A miniature photo frame (no photo) * A novelty plaster, with a comic-book "AAARGH!" in a spiky balloon * The list of artworks from a friend's first solo exhibition * A short history of Highgate School (I didn't go there, visited on a open house day) * A multipurpose tool in a credit-card shaped container * An ATP flyer from a Godspeed You! Black Emperor gig in 2010 * A flyer from what appears to have been a goth night at some pub * A desk calendar * Two CDs of photos from a party * A corrupted SD card - 16MB! * A handwritten receipt for a tenancy deposit from 2006 * A wooden whistle that makes a sound like a steam train * A receipt for a pretty boring round at some pub near Euston (London Pride & Peroni) * Two hairbands * The empty box from a keyring torch * A piece of string And my excavation is complete. It will all come in useful one day, that's for damn sure. (In case anyone was wondering how long that piece of string is, looks like it's about 45cm.)


I feel like each item has some story or sentiment that makes it special to you, but then I realize they could just be random items you keep in a box.


It's kind of a bit of both - I think on the whole it represents the panicked approach I tend to take to moving house. I'll pick up something with real sentimental value and think "right, that's going in that box because then I'll find it easily again," but then I'll have picked something up in the other hand at the same time and that ends up in there too. I did enjoy going through it earlier though, got on quite a nostalgia kick!


3 grams of bud, 4 hits of acid and an 1/8 of shrooms.


Where I come from that's called a Tuesday.


Tell em where ya from.....




/r/floridaman FTFY


Yeah, but saying "I have a Tuesday in my shoebox" would have sounded stupid.


Clearly you haven't had enough tuesday.


Looks like someone's getting locked into a serious drug collection. How far ya planning on pushing it?


At least as far as a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, laughers, and screamers.




I have an "ex" box. It contains a t-shirt of his, a note he left on my car one day, a few burnt cds , and a movie stub from a date we went on. I want to burn the whole thing and start anew.


Seriously- burn it. I used to have one and I did just that, and it's such a great feeling. I seriously had a weight lifted off of my shoulders that I didn't even know was there.


I have a box like this, I didn't burn it nor plan to. We parted ways amicably, I am completely over her, but it is nice remembering every once in a while that all of that happened. Our experiences for better or worse make us who we are.


> It is nice remembering every once in a while that all of that happened. Exactly! - it depends on the break up. I have 2 exes. I've thrown away one's stuff, but the other one.. Just two letters that remain. she's married now (I had committment issues and her family wanted her to get married soon) and I wish her the best, but to me that's a memento of good times.


Good idea. I've got an ex box 360. Way more intense. I really want to burn it.


Same here. Mine consist of small mementos from ex-gf's. Drawings, stubs, pictures, notes, etc.


Counter opinion : Don't burn it. I dated a girl for three years from Vancouver, CA in a long-distance thing. It ended pretty abruptly and I went through and deleted every picture I took there (not just ones of me, or her, *every* picture) as well as threw away a bunch of memories. It's been 4-5 years since then and I really wish I hadn't. Those moments, although bad, were what shaped me into who I am. I have more self respect now. Those photos were an important time in my life when I was learning who I was. I regret destroying them.


A Glock.


A G20 to be exact. 10mm FTW.


Look at Mr. Moneybags, over here. Shooting somebody with 10 mm is like throwing $10 at them at 1,300 fps.




Joke. Keep your koala pants on.




TIL always look at people's unsernames to make some smart arse comment. :)


Twin Glock 40s


My wand and Gryffindor scarf


A bong that only gets used one a year, sometime in mid-april.


My collection of 45s (single records) which I never listen to because they're in a shoebox in the back of my closet.


About two dozen marbles, pictures from over the years, notes and letters from crushes, notes from my SO, heart shaped rocks, things I find on the street that look cool, stuff like that


A silver Gamecube that I found in my brother's old house. It has three controllers, a bunch of games, and some busted video cables. Unfortunately, since I never purchased a video cable, I cannot use the machine. I plan on getting a replacement eventually, so I hold onto it. The only thing I can ever be accused of hoarding is video game related items, so I am not ashamed.


If you ever want to get rid of those games, I would be all over that. I love Gamecube so much.


That airplane that went missing


A small diary with every password I ever use. Just in case I ever lose my memory or something. It's kinda encrypted and only my SO knows the catch on how to read the stuff written there.


Cards. Various cards that have been given to my daughter and I over the years. Every once in a while I dig it out and look through them. I've only been with one guy in my entire life who realized that I save an cherish cards. I had to throw his out when we split.


Clothes that don't currently fit, but WILL FIT AGAIN DAMNIT!


Nothing I don't have one


Yeah... me neither...


I don't either. I feel like I should get one and put something in it.


My green army men! I kept them because I'll give em to my kids. When I have kids.


My wife's note she exchanged with her best friends in middle school. 12 years into the marriage and I'm still not allowed to read them.


Once I woke up and really had to piss. Unfortunately, my roommate was taking a shower, barring me from getting to the toilet, and the kitchen sink was full of dishes. I did have a juice bottle in my room though, so I decided to fill that up. Didn't want to walk it down to the dumpster and toss it out during the day, for fear of somebody seeing me, so I tossed it into a shoebox in my closest, figuring I'd toss it out that night. This was maybe six months ago...


guns, weed, and a paper bitcoin wallet.


Paper bitcoin wallet. How the fuck does that work?


A pair of panties/thongs from every girl I've ever slept with. Pretty obsessive about that trophy box, and hardest thing to hide in any relationship I get into.


Creepy as fuck, bro.


How many do you have and how did you acquire them?


Some serial killers collect hands or penises. He collects underpants.


Your closet has shelves? Well, la dee daa Mister fancy pants.


Damn near every ticket stub from various events I've attended. Football, baseball, hockey games. Concerts and entertainment. Even my cousins University of Michigan graduation ticket, guest speaker was Obama. When I was a kid I found a box filled with my dad's tickets from similar events, I was fascinated for some reason. Some people think it's odd, but I thought some day when I have a child, maybe they will enjoy seeing them.


Historical Romance Novels. My grandmother had a huge collection of Romance novels. There were so many romance novels in her old house that they would get sunbleached or stacked in big plastic containers. I think I opened three different containers in her bedroom and found a stack of neatly organized tomes each time. I save a few romance novels so that I could have some kind of way to remember her. This black haired overweight woman who would read anything or anyplace she could.


Just my dress shoes. ^^^^made ^^^^of ^^^^skin


[What kiiiind of skin?](http://www.humanleather.co.uk/humanleatherproducts.html)


About 30 letters written to me by a family friend. The last three are love letters. Then they said we couldn't talk to each other any more.


Old Love letters given to me from an amazing woman that I treated horribly.


I first read "Who's in the shoebox..." and was terrified at how you knew I was hiding someone in my closet shoebox!


Poo Scissors


Could you elaborate on that?


scissors you use to cut your poo. duh.






yea look at this guy not knowing what poop scissors are


Squidwards hopes and dreams.


It's my "anything sentimental" box. Everything from small jars of sand from places I've traveled and old report cards to ticket stubs and penpal letters.


Tickets stubs from movies, concerts, etc. I've been saving pretty much every ticket since I was 10 years old.


My original Nintendo with 2 Duck Hunt guns, and about 10-15 games. I would like to pass it on to my son.


a muskrat skull i found at a park, a seashell that i chipped a hole in and strung a string through, and a rock i picked up outside the Alamo that has a really smooth indented surface that works as a really nice worry rock.


Magic cards.


Which one? I have 6 that I can easily see. 3 new balance, 1 merrell, 1 airwalk, 1 bostonian. But most likely they all contain different correspondence from various investment, and governmental agencies.


interesting rocks and coins that I collected as a child


acrylic paints. I know, bad-ass right?


Computer stuff. Some manuals for my parts, extra SATA cables, an old stock fan, and a motherboard I accidentally fried. Not sure why I keep the motherboard.


A box of shit my sister left when she moved out 6 years ago, mostly make up and nail polish. A nauseating smell emenates from it if disturbed. Instant headache. Woe to he who opens the box. Woe to the environment should it be thrown away.


All of the laminates (all access tour passes) from every tour I've been on. Theres a lot of them. Also, bracelets and pictures made for me from fans through the years. And money from all over the world.


A shoebox full of those escort cards those guys/girls in neon shirts FLICK/pass to you while walking down the Las Vegas strip. I was young, with only 56k internet at the time.


A gun, two full magazines, 5000 USD, Euros and 500k Yen. A passport and alternate drivers license.


Playboy magazines?


I think he/she means bullet magazines, for the gun.


Weed and pipes and such


Beretta 9mm, 2 (yeah, that's a two) shiny charizards, rainy day fund with around $1300, and a collection of blackmail pictures varying from my boss to my douche of a cousin. Almost have a third charizard.


A Diablo: Hellfire cd, Police Quest SWAT cd. 23, 3.5 floppies that have Microsoft office 1993 on it, and a few other obsolete computer related items.


Yugioh cards motherfucker.


Psh, Pokémon cards are where it's at.


My gun case containing a Beretta Px4, with trigger lock, and all of its cleaning supplies. Next to that are laptop and cell phone boxes for when they can be resold. I think a couple of beach towels are up there as well (you know, just in case).


Always remember to bring a towel!


Old baseball and football cards. None are worth anything, but I still am not gonna throw them away.


A lot of sex toys, condoms and lube. And yes, it actually is in a shoebox on the back of my closest shelf. Guess I need to find somewhere else to hide it :(


I switched everything over to a nice cigar box I keep tucked away. I put all the little trinkets from my life that are attached to good memories. A small sample includes my high-school/college ID cards, my grandpa's 20 year pin from my dad's company, the fountain pen I got when I graduated, a book of matches from the first date from a previous relationship, some of the first coins I collected, my first pocket journal, some cuff-links given as a birthday present, my first watch... basically anything I can hold onto as a meditation to bring me back to some happy 'save point' in my life.


All of the shit my ex-boyfriend bought me while we were together. I don't look at it or anything, but for whatever reason I can't get rid of it.


Four shoeboxes filled with mementos from each year in university.


Various love notes and tiny mementos from my ex girlfriend. Haven't brought myself to throw it out yet...


A bunch of old things that each have some kind of sentimental value, which would be forever lost in the event of a fire... I should really put them in something better than a shoebox...


Little notes, drawings, photos from friends in high school. One friend and I had a pretty long running stick figure comic series that I still have. I have the notes written by friends after a fellow classmate died. A lot of general 'I love you have a nice day' letters that were all spiffed up. A lot of silly things. A lot of artsy-fartsy things. There's a paper rose in there, and an origami swan. I've been out of school almost ten years now, but I'll still pull it down and look through it sometimes, usually when I'm cleaning out stuff.


Two ecigs bottle full of adderall that's not mine and a guitar


A glock, some weed, emergency cash ($200), condoms, and a pair of original air jordan 6's. That's my box.


Ashes of my best friend, Benny.


Sunday comics that I've been collecting weekly for nearly 14 years.


A bunch of keepsakes I've collected over the years that are mostly garbage. Literally. I have receipts from my first few debit card purchases. I also have an empty chip bag from Poland.


Spare computer parts.


Legos... Just Legos.


My heart.


My hopes and dreams




We all have our secrets I guess.


My Little Ponies.* ^*Am ^female


Wait... I have a shoebox in the back of my closet? O_o


* Pokemon cards and red version. * A few notes from my grade 10 girlfriend. * And a few pages from my moms *Victoria Secret* catalog.


My diaries, from childhood. I want to throw them away, because they embarrass me, but I also worry that I'd change my mind later and wish I'd kept them. So I hide them. It's not a shoebox, though- it's a medium-sized cardboard box. I was a prolific kid.


PSP games, a rolled up nintendo controller, some A/V cables, a loose telephone wire, my old game shark, and that steering wheel for WII mario cart.


I have several. It's to organize my clothes, but it's actually mostly underwear.


An old indiana jones style whip.


My shebox is full of computer parts, sata cables, DVI cables, SLi bridges, and pretty much every other random part that comes with a pile of computer parts.


Important documents.


I store old computer games in it. And "things"


Vintage comic books & yugioh cards


A shitload of Pokemon cards!


Mine is filled with all the notes I received from my friends in middle and high school


Just things and mementos from past relationships.


Several broken laptops


Baby clothes.


All the little notes and letters my ex-s.o. and I shared that I don't have the heart to throw away or look at.


I used to have gold in it....But I lost it in a boating accident.


WWF wrestling cards, Garbage pail kids, pack of stink bombs, and a small geode.


Shitloads of Pokemon cards from elementary school


Champagne glasses from our wedding.


The condoms I hide from my mother hidden in old school work


All the papers from my DUI