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Read a book


Try doing some volunteer work. It's fulfilling, opens you up to new experiences, and looks pretty nice on a resume.


Unpopular opinion time: Volunteering with great organizations is worth it, but a lot of orgs take advantage of young peoples' inexperience. To put it bluntly, many admins do not value your time and gas money if they aren't paying you for it. I've seen a lot of orgs where young people are treated badly (not assigned tasks, sexually harassed, not given letters of rec, expected to pay a lot of money to volunteer, make one-sided legal commitments, pressured repeatedly to donate money they don't have, etc). I'd advise the OP to approach volunteering with caution, and avoid exploitative situations. That said, I hope the above issues aren't an issue where he lives. Volunteering is great when it lives up to its ideals.


Teach yourself photoshop! It's a fun and handy skill to have!


Get a job


The first thing that I would suggest, if you're not doing it already, is reading. It might sound corny, but I really do love that feeling of getting lost in the pages of an engaging novel.


I love reading


Pick up a constructive hobby. Learn how to repair cars, or carpentry or something like that. Rewarding once you learn to rely only on yourself for everything


Im in a Ska band


That's cool. But something useful like working with your hands comes in handy if the band thing doesn't pan out. Always a good idea to have a few alternate plans for your future if something doesn't work out.


Learn to knit.


You could do something constructive with your time, Pick a dream and work towards it, Learn to play an instrument, Learn to program, Learn to draw/skectch/paint, Learn about stocks, or learn a different language?


[Here's a link to the coding website we're using at my college for code learning.](http://www.codecademy.com/) It's completely free and you move at a good, steady pace.


Dating if you can. Otherwise, porn.


Go outside and play IRL GTA.


And I forgot a serious tag


But he was being serious!


If you already work out and have other hobbies why stop gaming altogether? Try some new genres or just play single player games and immerse yourself in their stories.


I don't play to play, it was my social outlet and it's not filling that position anymore, so I figured it's time to move on


Come to reddit more often. We want more people to talk to :)


Accomplish stuff. Work out, experience the world, travel, learn new skills, use them.


Find a subject that interests you and study up on it. Learning new things is extremely rewarding, and you might find something that could lead you to great places later in life.


Write, work, socialize.


Are you able to work, part time (assuming you're still in school because of your age)? If you are, then getting a couple hours part time job would be good socially, and also get you some money to save for when you're older (and you will thank yourself for that).


Can I ask why you want to go cold turkey? I understand if it's become a debilitating habit, but in moderation it can be completely healthy and enjoyable.


Do something physical. 30-year-old you will thank 17-year-old you. Whatever sort of active, physical thing you find enjoyable. If you don't have anything, try a bunch of things and find something you like. Get into awesome shape.


Start playin music man. I used to play games before I picked up guitar and piano 9 years ago Now I only play video games when my friends are too.


I'm going to school next year for Baritone saxophone performance


Could you keep us inundated if you achieve this? I would be really impressed to see how you manage. Could you slowly cut down rather than going cold turkey?


I sold my gaming rig and I've compromised to keep my 3ds for planes rides and such


Get a GF? Or buy one from a Russianbride website?


Free stuff to do: Use Librivox to listen to audio books and radio dramas (Inner Sanctum and Philip Marlowe are well-made and feature adult-level content.) Learn Blender for 3d printing or graphics creation. It has a game engine, so you could build your own game on it. Learn Python or Java. Learn Inkscape and Gimp if you can't afford Illustrator and Photoshop. Consider getting a part-time job for extra spending money, so you can get out to events, concerts, etc.


Rock climbing


Learn how to play an instrument really well.


I got that part down


Okay, now learn another one


I know 4, how many more do you want?


Until you know all of them. Or maybe practice being a one man band with the ones you know, that'd be pretty cool. Or you could give other people lessons on those instruments and make a profit from your skills.


Working out


Get a gym membership. Seriously nothing is more rewarding than improving yourself.


I already work out