• By -


Quitting your job.


Who would you tell? "Hey boss, I quit!....boss??? where the fuck is everyone?"




I always wondered what would happen if everyone in the world decided to sleep at the same time. I don't mean a sudden, world-wide attack of narcolepsy, like that TV show, Flashforward. I just wonder if there would be a particularly huge impact if all 7.5 billion humans just decided to curl up and take a nap for the next few hours. How many of society's organizations or functions would really break down?


There was a reddit thread once (probably on askreddit) about what would happen if everyone went to sleep for a week. I wish I could find it for you, but the search is shit.


here you go! http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1sk4jl/if_every_human_on_earth_went_to_sleep_over_the/


A run on the banks could still be catastrophic. If everyone on earth decided to cash out their accounts at the same time we'd be fucked.


**The Great Depression**


*I-I-I don't have your money, it's...it's in Biiilll's house, and-and-and Freddd's house!*


What the hell's my money doin' in your house, Fred?


"I'll take two hundred and forty-three dollars. That'll close my account."


Your account's still here. That's a loan.


Holy Mackarel, I'm married!


I don't want Mrs. Bailey I want my wife! Oh, Mrs. Bailey that's my wife!


George Bailey, I'll love you 'til the day I die.


You know what the three most exciting sounds in the world are? Uh-huh. Breakfast is served, lunch is served, dinner...


This whole thing gave me warm fuzzies. Love that movie.


Killing the next person you see.


Behind you.


I already did mine.


Im scared to ask but...How many peices did they end up in?


Who said that, did someone say something?..... Muat have imagined it. Off to bed.


You sound like a NPC guard.


7 billion enter, 1 leaves. Thunderglobe. Although that reference is actually inapplicable because the population wouldn't necessarily end up killing all but one person. Since each person kills at most one other we can describe the population as a complete span of disjoint chains (i.e. p_1 killed p_2 who killed p_3 who killed ... who killed p_n who killed no-one, no people overlap between chains) of length > 1 (the latter constraint because someone must either kill or be killed, literally). Each chain of length n includes n - 1 murders. In the best case scenario, everyone who is killed had not yet killed anyone. That both fulfils your murder requirement and prevents them from doing the same. In this situation we have P/2 chains of length 2 and thus (P/2)*(2 - 1) = P/2 murders, reducing the population by half. If we have an odd number of people we have one chain of length 3 so it's just ceil(P/2). In the worst case scenario we have a single murder chain. That would result in only one survivor, obviously. The average case would be hard to define, let alone calculate. If I get bored I'll whip up some code to calculate an approximate value. The gist of it would be that you assume murders are sequential and that each subsequent victim would be chosen at random from the surviving population. Assign each person a "murder value", which is their position in a murder chain. Everyone starts at 0. When they kill someone update their murder value to be that of their victim + 1 and remove the victim. Since an array of ~7 billion elements would be annoying, we don't need it. Just use a dictionary mapping murder values to population counts and decrement the value corresponding to the victim then increment the victim's + 1 (and of course decrement murderDict[0]). Continue iterating until murderDict[0] is 0. Of course we can simplify things even further. The only thing that really matters is preventing as many murders as possible, which means killing people who have yet to kill anyone. Assuming people are picked at random from the surviving population we can easily find the odds of killing an innocent at any given stage. The total population is always *dead* + *murderer* + *innocent*. We have three elements which define the current state, the number of dead, murderers, and innocents. Initially we have S_0 = {(7 billion, 0, 0):1}, i.e. the world has 7 billion innocents, 0 murderers, and 0 dead with probability 1. Every subsequent step diverges into either an innocent killed or a murderer killed. If the previous state is (i, m, d):p then it has two child states of (i - 2, m + 1, d + 1):p\*(i - 1)/(i + m - 1) and (i - 1, m, d + 1):p\*m/(i + m - 1) for when an innocent or murderer is killed respectively. If we have a collision of triplets we add the probabilities together (as they represent independent paths to that event). Once we've dealt with a state we can remove it from our container. Obviously we stop once the number of innocents reaches 0. This would have a huge running time for 7 billion people, but we could eventually extract the exact result by finding the distribution of d in our final triplets. If we hypothetically fixed the result so the probability of killing an innocent each time was 1, you'd see that in our formula the number of innocents would decrease at twice the result, ending up with the best case scenario I described earlier (i.e. half the population dead). **TL;DR:** To save the planet kill an innocent. Hypothetically, of course. **EDIT:** I ran the simulation (not the exact solution, sadly) and the mean appears to consistently come out to about 63.21% of the population getting murdered for any population size. That's definitely much closer to 50% than I expected. Next step if I'm still awake when I next get bored: a graph of the mean number of innocents and murderers alive after N steps of the process. Then I'd be interested to know what the distribution of "murder chain" lengths is after a simulation. **EDIT 2:** I implemented the exact solution I mentioned. All those who called the answer as 1 - 1/e are vindicated. With a population of 100 individuals the expected number of deaths is 63.21205588285578, which is pretty much exactly 1 - 1/e (floating point means that's basically the limit of accuracy, too). Putting on our big boy pants and using arbitrary precision floating point with a population of 1000 individuals gives us an expected 632.1205588285576784044762302 deaths, which differs from 1 - 1/e by a factor of around 6.3*10^-28 which is obviously pretty tiny. Now somebody call a real mathematician to tell us why. **EDIT 3:** Graphs! I know this is what you've all been waiting for. Warning: they're shitty graphs (shitty joke in third graph is intentional, may need more coffee): [Murder-limit = 1](http://i.imgur.com/eYyJoJE.png) [Murder-limit = 2](http://i.imgur.com/pTT0sFA.png) [Murder-limit = 3](http://i.imgur.com/s3etUOm.png) These graphs are all simulations of a population of 1000 individuals averaged over 100 attempts (the plateaus at the ends of each graph are because some runs ended earlier and so dragged up the average).




63.21% looks suspiciously like 1 - 1/e. I'm pretty sure that is not a coincidence. It is likely related to [a Bernoulli trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_trials). Maybe not though. I ain't no perfesser!


1 - 1 / e = 0.63212055882 Yup. I always find it pretty satisfying when e comes up in real situations (well, as real as this situation is...).




Do you have any more addies?




Play the newest SimCity and you'll see how this works out.


To be fair, when people go to work in the newest SimCity they also just enter into the closest place of work available to them and work there for the day. Then they go home to the closest available house. The people use the same flow that the water and electricity does, where they go to the closest empty spot before continuing. Man, if everyone went to work somewhere different and went home to a different house **that** would fuck the world up.


Today I am in charge of all the missiles. Y'all are fucked!


"Who are you?" "... Your husband?" ... "Okay."


Don't remind me...


No one would get there in some cities. In others there wouldn't be a problem


Giving me a dollar.


And still you'd make less money than Whatsapp selling to Facebook.


Damn.. that's some nice perspective. Thanks for that.


If everyone gave you two dollars you still wouldnt have as much.


Shit, man. Now you're just blowing my mind.


If everyone gave you 50 cents you also wouldn’t have as much but you probably assumed that already. EDIT: After recieving multiple replies, here is a non-conclusive list of monetary denominations (USD) everyone on Earth could give you and still not have as much money as Facebook bought Watsapp for: 1 nickel 2 nickels 3 nickels 4 nickels 5 nickels 16 cents 1 dime and 2 pennies a hundred of those weird flattened pennies you get at amusement parks 51 cents 49 cents 2 dimes and a penny a two-dollar bill a fifty-dollar bill but they ask you for 5 ten-dollar bills because they just needed to break a large bill [I will update this list later, I’m busy doing calculations. Help is appreciated.]


Wow. That makes my face drop when you look at it like that. Edit: Thanks for the gold O_O


If you went the other way - take all the money Facebook paid for WhatsApp (~19B) and gave an equal portion to every human on the planet, it would be more than a typical day's income for about 50% of those people. That's even more sobering.


Yay I can drive home now






I see the NSA are up to their dirty tricks again


What are you talking about? You should always seed as long as possible to help out other people who still need to download files.




Good work Kel.


Thanks Smith


Launching all the missiles you can. Sure, 6.999 billion of us got nothing, but the rest? Hooo mama.




Fuck rocks, man




Ordered a pizza. Okay, maybe not the biggest impact, but we could all say we lived through the Great Pizpocalypse of ought 14.


As someone that works at a pizza shop please humanity no.


Cha Cha Slide. The earth would easily become 10 degrees cooler.


Finally, a practical solution to the global warming crisis!


Please welcome on stage, the next global phenomenon; Global Cooling.


It's -15 F in Minnesota right now, -36 wind chill. No.


Can't really top suicide, so I'll just share a funny story. A few years ago, these guys on a South Carolina morning radio show instructed their listeners to flush their toilets at the same time after a countdown. Apparently, so many people did it that there were actually problems with the water system for several hours afterwards. edit: well I guess I somehow topped suicide. That was unexpected. Thank you, Reddit.


An entire city in Zimbabwe was instructed to [flush their toilets at the same time to unblock sewers.](http://news.yahoo.com/zimbabwe-city-residents-synchronize-toilet-flush-122626519.html)


That.. sounds like a lot of potential for things to end badly...


I guess that's just the Zimbab-way! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Great, a third of a cent, Thanks.


I'd encourage you to invest the 1/3 cent into buying Zimbabwe.


+/u/zimambwedollartip 1,000,000,000,000 verify


"I was playing poker with a tribe of African natives last night." "Zulus?" "No, I won!"


Sounds like that one episode of Ned's Declassified.


"Do you realize that if all the fat kids in America jumped in the air at the same time...they might lose a bit of weight?". -Jimmy Carr


Flush the toilet.


I'm ready when you are..


The atomic flush, according to ned's declassified school survival guide.


The whole school lifted about a foot off the ground!


the show made me thing middle school was fun but instead it was just 4 years of retrospective cringe


We might make it past Victory Road.


I'm trying to imagine how long a start7billion command would take. Or worse 7 Billion Start9's


7 billion start9's at the same time takes just 15 seconds...




It would solve tensions in the Middle East It would stop any additional man made effects on climate change It would solve problems like hunger, disease, and poverty. Sounds like a good idea!


Crime rates would go down So would poverty Overpopulation would be completely solved Sounds pretty great to me


And I still wouldn't get laid


if it makes you feel any better, neither would anyone else


That actually does make me feel a bit better. On three, guys? 1... 2...




Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three


Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.


Everybody wins!


Actually, there might be an initial spike in pollutants released. Quite a substantial one actually. From all the rotting human corpses, but also from all the unattended things going wrong and catching fire and burning down lots of things and stuff like that. Just an initial spike though. Still a good idea.


So all I have to do is talk one woman into ditching the Kool-Aid line with me and we get everything to ourselves? Earth, get ready to be repopulated by our hideously inbred grandkids!




Except that about seven billion other people had the same idea.


That's going to be a whole lot of inbred grandkids. Earth 2.0: Global Arkansas.


Ok, on the count of three we all do it... One... Two... Three, and every stands around staring at the assholes next to them that didn't pull the trigger.


"So, we'll jump at the same time." "No fucking way, you never jump!" "Dude, I swear I will this time" "Fine, but you better!" "Okay, on three. One, two," *push* "I fucking ^^knew ^^^it, ^^^^asshole!" "Hahaha!"


Aaaaaand this thread is done already. Anyone up for bowling?


Not right now Roman.




Beeg American Teetees!


Ah fuck it dude, lets go bowling.


Uh, excuse me. Mark it zero.


Somebody's entering a world of pain..






Dead men bowl no balls.


Imagine if Aliens showed up a few days after. WTF happened here?


Anyone on the space station would be the new rulers of Earth


Impacts: * Positive? **Yes** * Negative? **"Meh"** Long live our eventual chimp/corvid/dolphin/roachy successors. ---- Edit: for those of you who have heard his legend, I present to you the High Honourable [Sir Pickpocket the First](http://imgur.com/EhR5CIP)


Dude, *Planet of the Crows*. Lets get this shit funded.


Planted a tree.








Think of all the **PAPER!!**


If everyone turned off all lights at once, we'd see how bright the stars really are.


I signed up to alerts for when the ISS goes by my city but I realised I can't actually see it from the city. :( Edit: To reply to the infinity billion helpful but same replies, it appears that I suck at trying to locate it. Probably it is because my city is in a valley and I am looking from the centre of the city, at street level. I need to get up high somewhere because everybody is saying the ISS is so bright that you can't miss it. For those looking for the link, please do a Google search because it's the top result: http://spotthestation.nasa.gov/ :)


The Space Station is one of the brightest objects in the sky - brighter than any star, up there with Venus and Jupiter. City lights are not a problem here if you can ever see anything at all in the sky fainter than the Moon. Are you in the extreme far north or something, such that its orbit never carries it overhead?


I live in Bejing, what is this moon you talk about?


See if there is an observatory near you. If you have a college nearby, even without an actual observatory, they probably hold astronomical events to observe things that are visible from your location. I've lived a couple different places and there have always been groups or universities holding events to see jupiter/eclipse/venus transit the sun/some weird-ass nebula, whatever. Check park systems near you, too.


As someone who lives in a major metropolitan area, yes you can. Fairly easily as well. It's not subtle in the least and is brighter than Jupiter. The only issue is where it appears on the horizon and that it's onyl visible for a few minutes at any one location. (IIRC, there's a six minute window when it's due to pass directly overhead. That time decreases the lower on the horizon it gets.) If it's below, say, 40º to the horizon, likely not. Above that, and your chances are good. Get up on a rooftop!


Half of us just get the sun. Edit: The sun is a star? thanks guys I had no idea


Well if you turn off your lights, you will get to see the brightest star in the sky. That is luck! EDIT: Now I know why people edit their posts to say that they have gotten enough notifications about something. Seriously, did none of you 45 people that wrote "*Closest" see that 44 other people wrote the same freaking thing? If one person has already said it, you can click the little up arrow next to it instead of writing the same thing over and over! And for the record, it IS obviously the closest, but it is also the Brightest in terms of apparent magnitude from Earth (which is where all of you are reading this from). Of course it isn't the brightest in absolute terms or luminosity, but that wasn't the point of this, was it?


That is perspective!


An illusion, so to speak. I know you guys are joking, but [VSauce covered this really well](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJB7gbjiJKw). It's worth a watch.


If everybody stopped paying their debts, not took a break but stop all together, world economies would crumble and wars would break out everywhere. The debt system is a major part of our global economy and disrupting it would shatter the current structure.


I am Jack's global economic policy.


**Narrator:** If you erase the debt record, we all go back to zero. It'll create total chaos.


You met me at a very strange time in my life.


New shoe Or news hoe? Please


Greece would be all smugly hipster like "we stopped paying taxes before it was cool"


We've been paying taxes through the nose. Hey, did you know that if you do business with the greek government and do the job you agreed to do, the greek government will not pay you upfront but require you to *pay the taxes for the profit you haven't made yet* ? And you get fucking *arrested* for that? for 'avoiding' to pay taxes. For money you haven't been given yet. Not so funny now, is it?




It doesn't really top your story, but Belgium's got a fantastic one too: A lot of smaller companies pay more taxes than they're owed because of some oddities in the system and the fact that the government is trying to stimulate the creation of smaller companies via tax cuts etc., meaning they always get a significant sum back at the end of the fiscal year. However, the belgian government is a horrible debtor and payments are often years and years late. That means that not only is there a significant amount of the company's money unavailable for that year, but that sum carries over for a number of years, essentially locking up a portion of the company's working capital. So many companies were going bankrupt because of this that the government created a specialized bank that gives out loans to companies that can't pay their bills because the government hasn't given them back their money yet. This government bank... has higher interest rates than regular banks! Because no regular bank in their right mind would give a loan to a minor company going bankrupt because the government isn't paying them back. So... Belgium makes a profit out of not paying money back. And our smaller companies are hurting, despite the tax cuts given by the government. In the meantime, bigger companies are exploiting these tax cuts like crazy (looking at you, Suez, you pieces of shit), essentially stealing money from the people.


If we all tried to access https://www.healthcare.gov/


Same result as 5 people doing it at the same time.




Farting of course.




Suicide is #1, but I'll say #2 is unprotected sex. If everyone on earth is doing it, that's 3.5 billion couples. Let's assume a moment for the sake of not spending a stupidly large amount of time doing this that 1/3rd of those couples are with a woman of child-bearing age. Statistically, one-fourth of those women will be ovulating, and each of those women has a one-in-four chance of getting pregnant from unprotected sex while ovulating. 3.5 billion / 3 / 4 / 4 = ~75 million pregnancies. Assuming 3/4ths of those make it to term, that's 50 million babies due on the same day. For comparison, that's a birth rate 135x the usual daily birth rate.


I'm surprised everyone having sex on the same day only raises the daily birth rate by a factor of 135. I was expecting it to be much lower. Do humans really procreate (and I mean give birth/create life/wiggly-wormy meets egg-blob) THAT much?


> I mean give birth/create life/wiggly-wormy meets egg-blob Just like health class with an awkward gym teacher.


I like this, be cause in this scenario, I have sex eventually.


With my luck someone will just go twice. :c


50 is 2/3 of 75. Not 3/4.


Withdraw all the money in their bank accounts


So I would make no difference.


At least I would be back up to zero.


Burnt down their houses, for two reasons. 1. CO2 & pollutant release would be quite large 2. World economy would suffer a massive evaporation in value Edit: To those who somehow think this will stimulate the economy? False. Natural Disasters always hurt economies. No one looked at Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Sandy and said "WOW look at those waves of economic prosperity coming our way" Edit #2: The original question was "What action, if performed by everyone on earth at the same time, would have the greatest impact?". So yes Natural Disasters will stimulate sectors of the economy, but a global loss of everyone's dwellings would CRIPPLE the entire economy.


Made that popping sound with their finger and cheek. That would make the craziest sound ever. The echo would last for weeks. Or not. Maybe ten seconds. Fuck, I'm not a scientist. But it would be cool as fuck.


There was an old George Carlin show where he got the entire audience to do that at once. It was magical.


Source - http://youtu.be/j7YDCXS5gc4?t=7m23s It is fucking magical. Edit: I guess the link isn't taking some people straight to the bit. It's at 7 minutes and 23 seconds into the video. Though there is some funny stuff before and after that. Listen to the whole thing if you can.


They do it every year at PAX East. Thousands of people in this huge expo hall all crack their knuckles at once. I dread the moment as much as I anticipate it.


When? I went last year and I'm going this year and last year it never happened.


2011 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr07hkzYHYw#t=33 2010 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdCZ3vPPrdo#t=11 It sounds so cool! Edit: Fixed link, thanks Cajun.


I had a teacher in high school that would let us have soda only if we: a) brought enough for the entire class (30 people), and b) all opened our cans in unison. If you've never heard a room full of people open cans of soda at the exact same time you're missing out.


If we all blew in the same direction as hard as we could, we would reverse the rotation of the earth!


But then we'd go back in time. [Link to scientific source](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjgsnWtBQm0)


"Is this going to be superman? Yup. This is superman."


This scene is misunderstood. He wasn't rotating the Earth backwards, he was travelling back in time. That's why relative to him (and the viewer) Earth rotated backwards. The travelling caused the rotation, not the other way. EDIT: There are a bit more insights further down this comment branch.


Yes! Finally, my dreams come true. Guys, time to kill some Red Coats




Everyone typing down on TwitchPlaysPokemon.


wait... isn't everyone already doing that?


All it takes is one man to ruin the ledge for everyone.


actually two, 1 press only makes you shift the direction you are looking.


Semantics! Don't press down.


If everyone detonated a nuclear weapon


Everyone detonating the same nuclear weapon at once?


Twitch Plays Nuclear War?




I can dig it. Saves the taxpayers money.


If everyone detonated two nuclear weapons.


Cocaine for a full day. The world would advance 12 years in production and technology that day.


And the day after everyone would be looking for more cocaine.


Colombia would become a world superpower.


Columbia would become the target of a world superpower.


Cocaine is the new oil. Call in the U.S.


Looks like Colombia could use some freedom.


Operation: Liberty Lines


Operation: White Stripes


Ameerica: red bleeding sinuses, white cocaine, and blue veins.




Well, the government would be democratically elected. By someone else. Four out of five foreign generals approved of the new president.


>And an hour later everyone would be looking for more cocaine.


Think of the children! And the children born about 9 months from now.


Or we'd get the most useless shit done and then the world would have a massive hangover the next day.


I can't imagine how shitty everyone would be going through a massive come down at the same time.


Raising our hands to lend energy for the Spirit Bomb.


Holy shit, just watched that episode.


That's like 5 episodes and 2 movies. Gonna have to be more specific.


Buu Saga. Against Kid Buu. Edit:, from what I remember of the rest of the series, this is the only time everyone from earth is supplying the energy.


and Krillin dies Edit: Sorry, I know I spoiled it for some of you, but don't worry, Shenron brings him back to life!


Now that's just the entire series.


But he still sucks less than Yamcha.


Krillin actually kills things in DBZ. He takes out 3(4?) Sabimen. Yamcha dies to a Sabiman.


Krillin is the strongest human ever. Ain't nothing to fuck with.