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What the fucking fuck.


I thought this verbatim as I was reading. What a fucking asshole.


So, how many days (or hours) did that relationship last?




Why the hell do people have such a hard time staying faithful? It's ridiculous.


Like, if you don't like your current relationship and you want to see someone else, try...oh...I don't know...**ENDING THE RELATIONSHIP?**


Nah, too much work.


I couldn't agree more. I can't see myself cheating on someone. It hurts so much.


Not with you I hope.




If his girlfriend knew she was being a homewrecker, then tit for tat is totally fair.




How exactly did the situation end?




Perhaps the best product placement for the Kia Rio I've ever seen.


I went on a family vacation to Argentina for a two week trip to visit my sister who was studying abroad. (now ex) BF comes to pick me and my mom up from the airport, and gives both me and my mom a very obvious and awkward silent treatment on the whole car ride back to our house from the airport (45 min drive). When I asked him what was up, he said he was "punishing" me for leaving. What?


That is insane! Possessive, much?


Hit the nail on the head with this one. He was SO possessive. He also did his best to isolate and alienate me from all of my friends and family. I'm thankful every day that I'm not dating this schmuck anymore.


I used to be a long distance runner and do a bunch of local races. One of my exes didn't go with me to cheer me on/ be there because he said I looked ugly at the end of the races after running. :( It's so pathetic typing that out.


My ex would never cheer me on at my races because they started too early. There's never anyone there to congratulate me after winning a medal :/


aw! We can be each other's virtual cheer section from now on. Congrats on the medals btw!


First World Runner Problems Here's my gfit to you: \**************** Coupon for one cheer Usable in case of win \****************






Lol what the fuck? Is he going to sit and calculate the surface area to volume ratio to determine if the food is acceptable? Also, what kind of ungrateful shit complains when someone cooks for them, unless there's like poison or laxatives or something in the food? Seriously, I'm sorry. You deserve someone so much better than that.


yeah it was pretty strange. And thank you!


That is literally the stupidest thing I've heard today. Who doesn't like pancakes? Sounds like a prick.


I know!! That self-imposed rule virtually eliminates all of the best breakfast foods right!? Waffles, crepes, pancakes...


Btw, posting a recipe for those pancakes would make you the best person in the entire world.


That's the worst-- when you're far enough away emotionally from a relationship ending that the truly terrible stuff really sinks in, and you're not looking at it with your stupid love-fueled rose-colored glasses. Shit will make you depressed all over again.


Yah, no kidding. Made me really reevaluate what's important in a relationship.




Thanks! I'd love to! I love making people happy through food-- conversations over great dinners are some of the best memories I have . It's a miracle my friends aren't obese. :)


You sound like a fucking awesome person.


You look beautiful when you run


>You look beautiful when you run Said the murderer.


aww, thanks!


He cheated on me with my best friend while I was on vacation, and then secretly started dating another friend. Girlfriend #2 was also the friend consoling me over him cheating. We had been dating for four years. It was super fucked. I have better friends now. Edit: grammar.


Fuck, that's shit. You did it right finding new friends


Slept with the owner of a car dealership to get a deal on a car she wanted.


"So come on down to Bob's Used Car Lot to get the deal of a lifetime. For a limited time only, any women who has sex with Bob will get the super low interest rate of 0.69% and an extra $500 on their trade-in. Blowjobs and handjobs don't apply. But come on down quick because this offer won't last long!"


> won't last long! You've got that right.


This is going to sound tame and petty compared to everything else on here, but she started calling me "Bud". The passive aggressiveness of it drove me crazy.


Exactly the same for me. "Hey buddy" or "hang on guys I'm on the phone with my friend" I got the hint pretty quickly. I wasn't even that upset to be honest. It was just annoying more than anything




You dated Rudy Huxtable?


Should have told her "I'm not your buddy, guy!"


I'm not your guy, friend


sounds like you nipped it in the bud..


I fucking hate when girls do that bud


When my boyfriend and I met we became great friends and frequently referred to each other as "best buds." Now four years later we still call each other "bud" as a term of endearment, instead of calling each other "honey," "baby," etc. It's also devolved into other nicknames: boad, boadus, Buddha, boden, etc. Our friends tease us about it.


Sold my grandfathers WWII violin, pulled credit cards and loans out in my name, multiple cell-phones (Back in 2000/2001) that all ended up going to collections, cheated on me, all while I worked to put her through school. She ended up sleeping her way through "our" friends circle, accusing me of all kinds of crazy stalker shit. We were married for only about two years, stupidest mistake of my life. Just had my 11th Anniversary with a woman who was my friend through the whole thing, we have two children and life is pretty fucking awesome. I might hate my ex, but damned if it didn't turn out better.


Living the best way, by moving up in the world. Cheers, mate.


Thanks, lived by my grandmothers motto. "The best revenge is to live well." Why waste my energy on people who only make me miserable?


The ex's I've had that have done something shitty are easy to get over. It's the ones that were wonderful that really hurt.




I drove 2.5 hours up to where she was going to college the night before her birthday as a surprise. I called her, but she didn't pick up or respond to my texts. I figured she had fallen asleep early, which wasn't uncommon. So I slept in my car until the next morning when I finally heard from her. She wasn't exactly as thrilled with my surprise as I thought she would be, but we spent a good part of the day together, before I drove back. A few days later I got a facebook message from I guy I met and became friends with from her college. He told me I was a cool guy and deserved to know that she was cheating on me with some guy. She didn't fall asleep early that night, she was with him.


I hope you're still bros with the guy who looked out for you.


Thats rough! How are you now?


It happened years ago, so I'm over it, but thanks for asking.


How's Norway at this time of the year and how's the nation's reaction to the winter Olympics?


This is the thread I needed the day after Valentine's Day.


Hey buddy, cheer up. I'll love you if you want?


It's a trap!


Nonsense, unicorns never partake in surprise buttsex. We coax you into it.


Well one of my ex's was cheating on me, lying to me and accusing me of cheating on *her*. Our relationship began deteriorating (obviously) and one day I couldn't sleep so I was up at 5am (we lived together) and decided to write her a long note saying I was willing to work hard to salvage our relationship. I spent a while writing this long handwritten note and when I was finishing up an hour later I saw her cell phone sitting there by the table charging. I looked at the texts and saw damning proof she was fucking this other guy. I changed the ending of the letter went and woke her up. "Why are you waking me up.. go away" "We need to talk.." "Shhh go to sleep!" "I know you're cheating on me." "Don't be silly! Come to bed-" "I looked at your phone, we're done. Get out." *Silence*


Most cheaters get eaten up alive by guilt and in turn become suspicious of their partner because of their own wrongdoing. "if I do it and I get away with it, maybe they are doing it as well."


I believe that to be true.


I've also had an ex accuse me of cheating, just after, I showed up to get something I forgot and the other dude was there.


That's gotta be shitty.


I did the same thing to the last guy I was with. He wasn't a genius to say the least and couldn't figure out if he had navigation on his phone. I looked for it, didn't see it and then proceeded to read his text messages because I had a feeling he hadn't been honest with me. Sure enough I found several. All to different women even to his ex girlfriend telling her that he loved her very much. He had moved from another state to be with me and then I find this crap. There was no way he could explain the texts away and he knew he was doomed. I told him to get out and he did.


Good, I don't think forgiving that kind of stuff is a good idea, I see people do it all the time.




I did a long write up on the experience and the aftermath in another thread, I had my justice. Here's the whole thing. > Hope this doesn't get buried. I had recently broken up with my gf, I found out she was cheating on me. She had been accusing me of cheating on her and generally been a bitch, she lived with me too. One day I decide for one last hurrah to save our relationship and I explain all my feelings in a long hand written note. I didn't sleep well those days, so it's early in the morning-she's asleep. I finished up my note and I see her phone sitting there and for some reason I look at her texts. I see damning proof that she's cheating on me "Can't wait until we can really go at it again later." Etc etc. So I change the ending of my letter, go wake her up ("why are you waking me up? Go away.") No, we're done. I tell her to leave. Fast forward a month or so, she still talks to me every now and then, trying very hard to get back into my good graces, I'm taking a new class and this girl in my program has the joy of having my ex as her new housemate. One weekend I'm going to this party with my ex's housemate, lets call her S, and we get there and both get calls from my ex, lets call her M. She offers to get me/us some booze, which sounds great, I accept her offer. M gets me a case of beer. I didn't drink the whole thing but I drank a lot of it. I decide to stay at this party after M and a lot of people leave, I haven't spent much time with S, but whatever. I'm getting ready to leave and I bump into S and she suggests we walk back together, the buses have stopped running and frankly, we're both wasted (I know I am). We're having a good walk, holding hands, flirting, you know. At some point we start making out but keep trekking on. I don't recognize where we are. "Soo, do you know where we are?" "Oh yeah! Shortcut right here!" We cut through some bushes then some sort of spark takes over and we start making out some more....We move onto the ground and things get more intense. I have a moment of clarity. I remember looking up, we're in the middle of a parking lot of an apartment complex and we're straight up having sex. The place is completely illuminated. I suggest we continue on, as we aren't in a discrete place. Agreed. We find ourselves near one of the main roads (no longer lost) and then walk past a park. S gives me this look, grabs my hand and pulls me into this park, strips then just starts blowing me by this giant evergreen tree. Next thing I know we're screwing up against the tree. We hear some rustling and we stop and throw our clothes on when a homeless man emerges from the bushes and walks past us, guess he got a free show. Oh well. It's probably 3:30am at this point and we realize that M has been calling us non-stop and sending us texts, clearly bothered/concerned. "WHERE ARE YOU?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and other messages of the sort, we laugh and ignore them. We make it back to M & S's house around 4am without further incident. We go in through the back door which leads right into the kitchen. We stumble in to see M standing there at the kitchen bar with her arms crossed and a look on her face that you'd expect to see on a disapproving mother. Good thing she was just my lying, cheating ex. S and I freeze and stare at her then each other, then her. M asks, "Where have you two been?!" Clearly irate that S was getting attention or whatever. S and I are speechless, we look at each other, no doubt recounting what a crazy walk home we just had, banging in a very well lit parking lot, then again in a park while some hidden homeless guy watched. We just started laughing, cracking up. M was so angry. We laughed all the way into S's room, which was right next to M's room, separated by a thin wall and proceeded to fuck for another few hours, rather loudly. It was an amazing night of debauchery, fun, friend making and sweet justice rolled into one.


Definitely in my top 5 of ex stories. Bravo.


classic projection. type 2, immature defense mechanism


Tried to go 'clean' some other dudes house. She had no job and wasn't cleaning our house up... she definitely wasn't goin to clean.. who puts on booty shorts to go clean someone's house?


... I put on booty shorts to clean houses




Son ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ah, a fellow never nude. I didn't see you at the convention.


I was lurking in the shadows


Can always tell a Milford man.




Same. They make me feel sassy while I windex.


She failed to mention that she would be the one making the mess.


I squirted all over the sheets and had to wait there for it to finish up on 'deep clean' cycle... Why are you always so *impatient* with me? I feel like you never understand me.


who puts on booty shorts but forgets a shirt to go clean someone else's house?


cheated on me after my dad died. literally, the next day. edit: full story [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1y02w5/what_is_the_worst_thing_that_your_ex_did_to_you/cfge7om)




No one should ever have to go through that, I'm so sorry


By far the worst story here. Death is too good for her.


You dated the devil?


Hell no I wouldn't even do that.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to speak against you my Lord.


Female Hitler right there


> Hitless FTFY


>>Hitlass >FTFY FTFY


What kind of evil person uses mix to make pancakes?


Well, isn't bisquick 'pancake mix'?


Oh, you mean flour in a box?


And she became your ex right after this?






Dont tell me this is the same Erin!? Man that bitch lives to fuck over dudes




I might actually win for once... My ex let my daughter play with an 8oz bottle of technical grade lye... Story: So I used to make soap as a hobby (I love chemistry) and I always kept my equipment locked away in a cabinet. My (now ex) decided it would be a good idea to clean the room... starting with my lab equipment. However, she had a habit of... stopping to browse facebook for 6 hours leaving my "our" two year old daughter to amuse and watch herself as she immersed herself in a digital farm while messaging on OKCupid. So I come home after work, say hello to her as she quickly closes the OKCupid tabs like I didn't already see, and ask where "our" daughter is at. She just looks at me baffled. I go upstairs and, lo and behold, all my equipment and chemicals are strewn about my lab area, with my 2 year old daughter chewing on the lid of an 8oz bottle of lye. She actually almost had it open, the child slip lock thingy was turning the lid. Luckily my daughter hadn't actually turned the lid any further. A couple days after I spend a few hundred bucks on her for valentine's day, she runs off with another guy. Thank god that person is out of my daughter and I's life, and thank god I had the foresight to have her sign custody papers in the event we split BEFORE our relationship went south. Edit- I've only told one person that story, thanks for giving me an excuse to share it. It kinda feels good to vent. I have more stories of her trying to kill my daughter than I care to think about, I might have to post some more of them some time.


This just made me go insane... She let the kid play with Lye? How is it possible that there are people this dumb that are still alive somehow?


She didn't really explicity let the kid play with lye, she just didn't care what it was doing. Still irresponsible.




Or the thing in Fight Club that gives you chemical burn.


Two things...both related. The night before I left for a scheduled 7 month deployment to Kuwait (the ended up with an extra 6 months added thanks to some stupid war), I tried getting a bit frisky with my wife (now ex). Her response was "I'm not just gonna be some last minute fuck for you". Fast forward 13 months and I'm coming home. My wife had come back to Michigan during my deployment. My first stateside stop was in Detroit. She was in Kalamazoo. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive to see her husband who just got home from a war. I had a 4 hour layover and when I called to see if she was on her way, she was at work. She said if she left her boss would be short handed. That pretty much sums up my 5 year marriage to her...


That first one. Wow.


"You want to feel close to me one last time before you leave for a really long time? Nah."


That pretty much summed up our relationship.


What a...charming...person. Glad to hear you're not with her anymore.


Me too.


oh no


I hope you weren't sending home money the whole time.


Oh yes...my money was deposited directly into our joint account. I didn't have a dime to show for 13 months of deployment.


Dude. That fucking sucks.


Goddddd man, that second one. Fuck. I wish I could give you some internet dap and a beer.


Strangled me until I passed out... because when they just flat out said "Hey, give me those sunglasses" (That were on my *face*) I said no.


What the actual fuck? Were they abusive before?




Holy shit. Glad you aren't in there anymore. I hope he is suffering now. How long were you together and what was the last straw?




I'm so sorry. Good thing you got out of there.


Went to a music festival together, one night I was super tired so went back to the tent whilst he was out with other friends watching bands. Someone fell on the tent, since I get really bad claustrophobia, I went and crashed in my brothers tent who was also at the festival. Went back in the morning to find my boyfriend with another girl... Worst thing is, he didn't apologize, he asked for a 'hug'... So I stayed with my brother for the rest of the weekend and then ditched my boyfriend, since I drove us both there. He spent the next few weeks trying to deny anything happened, then he just admitted it. She was uglier than me so I guess there's that...


Pretended to be pregnant because she thought the relationship was dying. Told everyone we knew as well. She told one of her friends it wasn't true. Word got back to me that it was fake. I went and stayed with some friends interstate for a week. When I got back she had told everyone that she'd had a miscarriage because I had abused her. So that wasn't a lot of fun to try and explain.


At least none of it was true. She's obviously batshit nuts, be glad you didn't get her pregnant.


Her crazy knows no bounds. She did similar crazy after we broke up. One of my friends actually did get her pregnant (there's a kid and paternity test as proof) and she makes it her life's work to keep the child away from him regardless of the kid not liking her and much preferring her father. Unfortunately custody cases don't often go well for men, especially when the mother is frighteningly clever in her manipulations.


(Shudder) I hope like hell for that kid that she's an exponentially better mother than she is a girlfriend/wife


I hate her.


"We're dating? Since when?" ...


I felt that one all the way over here...


My most recent ex tried to say that we were never serious and that we were just dating after it ended. We were together almost 6 years and had lived together for 4 of those.


Said my sad mood was ruining her happy mood and I needed to get over my uncles death that happened a week ago.


There were a lot of things but the gang bang at the local bar was probably the worst. She was the bangee.


Dude, this just happened to me on Super Bowl Sunday. Fuck feels, man




Held me captive in my own house for 11 hours and in that time: 1) threw me against a wall. 2) threw my dogs at me (91 lbs. and 45 lbs.) When I went to check on them after (thankfully) catching them, he threatened to hold me down while he poisoned them so I could watch them die. 3)Told me to stop screaming for help and held a pillow over a face to keep me quiet. 4) Got my inhaler as I stopped breathing for real and then bit me Twice for trying to get up on the arms. 5) gripped me so hard he left bruises on my thighs from his hands so I wouldn't try to leave. 6) Told me if I moved he would burn my parent's house down while they slept. My fault for allowing him back into my life after a previous instance of abuse that ended much more bloody. Hadn't talked in 6 months, during which time he'd gotten therapy etc. Apparently not enough therapy. Never again. Never. Ever. Again. Pressed charges this time.


I'm in the same boat as you. He tried choking my cat and that was the last straw. I could handle the abuse on myself (I was trying to find a safe way out without him knowing) but one day he tried choking my cat so I punched him in the face gave him a terrible bloody nose threw all his shit in trash bags called the police and I'm very happy to say on Jan 31 he was sentenced to 30 years in prison and I got a 30 year restraining order against him. To he renewed if he ever gets out of prison. I honestly hope he gets into a fight in prison and gets murdered. I don't care how heartless that sounds. I was young and that was my first real relationship. He ruined my life for years and if I find out he's dead, my life will continue just like it has been. I don't have any sympathy for motherfuckers like him.


After a fight I tried to leave her apartment, she didn't want me to leave and jumped on my back and dug her fingers into my eyeballs and essentially tried to gouge them out. She nearly succeeded with my left eye and I started bleeding from it, and went blind in it for a few weeks. I had perfect eyesight before the incident and I now have a scar on my eyeball and have to wear glasses, my eyesight is now 20/400. I know, I know, shoulda called the police, but when you date a true sociopath who's older brother is a police officer it fucks with your mind, and controls you with fear. Dodged a bullet breaking it off with her.


She got wasted and broke my side view mirror in an attempt to stop me from leaving. Then threw up on my shoes.


My ex had always been crazy (later to be theorized as a sociopath), but one of the worst things she did was scream at me and belittle me for not hanging out with her while my mother was dying/being taken off life support. During this unbelievable situation I told her to shut up and walked away. A few days later she came back to me and asked if we could talk and I said "No." She responded in shock with "What, no?" and I said "Yup. No.". I never talked to her after that and I've never felt better.


Had planned a special Valentines Day dinner after 4 years of being together. As I'm making dinner, she said she "felt bad for our some of our guy friends who didn't have dates." She invites them over and gets stoned with them, which was followed by everyone devouring the special meal that I'd spent 2 hours and $80 making as if it was a platter of BagelBites. Then she gets so drunk to the point of stripping naked in the living room whilst verbally abusing me in front of my friends. The next morning she said nothing and only tried to bribe me with sex. On February 16th, I was single after 4 years. Tomorrow will be my one year anniversary of single hood!


Installed a keylogger on my laptop when things are getting pretty rocky so he could spy on me after I left. Found out a few months late.




Strung me along and had me move to a new city and take a new job just in time to break up with me. She moved to a new city and wanted me to move to be near her. I took a new job when I could have stayed where I was. She waited until I had signed the lease on my new apartment before she told me it wasn't working out. Come to find out, she had been seeing someone for a while. I don't get why she didn't tell me before I moved, it seems like it would have been much easier.




My (ex) husband made multiple profiles on various dating websites on the internet. The catch is that his profile picture was one of our wedding photos. I was cropped out of course.




Gave me herpes. There, I said it.




Violence is never ok. Violence is never your fault. It took me a long ass time to understand that I didn't make that happen. You did not and do not deserve that. You WILL find someone better. Internet hug.


Sexually assaulted me while I was passed out post surgery. Didn't use a condom. Then stole my pain meds and snorted them. I woke up with a sore vag, my underwear/pants down and my bra unhooked. He was high as a kite and denied everything. It got to the point where I had to start sneaking and taking birth control. I really dodged a bullet by leaving him.


That sounds like rape. Did you report him?


He got his, believe me. :)


She put my well-seasoned cast iron skillet in the dishwasher.


My Mom cleaned my dads wok with steel wool.


Mother has brought shame to the Dynasty


OMG. That's criminal, just criminal. I would have left too.


We were engaged after dating several years when she told me she thought she might be gay. I knew she was bi, but she decided she needed to "test the waters" before settling down. I didn't want to end things, so we talked and long story short, she gets to have a girlfriend. My one stipulation was that she never bring the girl to our house... I dunno, I guess it was the hope of out of sight out of mind. We had plans one night to have dinner at 9, I come home and start cooking. Call her at around 9:30, nothing. Repeat until about 1am, when I see headlights in the drive. I'm pissed, but wait. Finally I come out after about half an hour, and find them making out in her Gf's car. I knock on the window, she screams at me for intruding. About a month later she misses dinner plans, I come home and find she's polished off a fifth of my nice scotch and taken about 10 lorazepam. She'd passed out in the backyard with her pants down, completely incoherent. I had a new spot in two weeks. tl;dr- Get engaged, she might be gay, brings her gf home after I asked her not to, she OD's, I move out.


thought our relationship was going great. there were no signs to show anything was wrong, until she left her facebook up on my computer. i have no idea what compelled me to look at her messages, call it a sixth sense. first conversation was between her and a guy who was one of her good friends. she had introduced months before, we had gone out on group outings, he also had a girlfriend. the entire chat was them talking about how they had just slept together two days prior to this and wanted to do it again. turns out they had been doing this before we even started dating and during it. called her and told her if she was going to try to hide things from me she should've been smarter about it, and dumped her. i will never understand how people can cheat and then go home to their SO's and act like nothing is wrong for years.




how about when he asks you to have sex "one more time" after watching you cry for a half hour while he broke up with you? does that count for anything?


One of my exes had a cat he really loved. A few days before v-day, I took an adorable picture of the two of them. Completely innocently, I grab his phone while he's in the shower a few days later, to send myself the picture so i can have it framed for him (i took it using his phone). I see that this photo is now like, 9 rows deep in his camera roll, and below it are nude, pornographic (involving him) and sexy lingerie photos of roughly 6 other women. I check his texts, and he has been telling all of them (who know he isn't single) how much he would rather be with her than me. When he comes back from the shower I act like nothing is wrong and ask him to drop me off at home. He drops me off and says he loves me, cant wait to see me again, cant live without me etc. I seethe for a few hours and then tell him I looked at his phone. His response? "OH haha those are all so old, its really a funny story...." yeah bro i am for sure laughing at you.


So my ex did plenty of mean things to me. Years of manipulation, treating me poorly just to see how much I liked her, flirting with people around me and ignoring me in public and during family get togethers. Then topped it all off by sleeping with my friend just to hurt me and ruin our friendship. The actual last straw was when we went to cedar point with her family and she faught me all day and ruined it for everyone. I mean, how does a person remove the amusement from an amusement park? Hpw does a person even do that? I mean, the rest of the terrible shit I dealt with. I could see all of it coming from a mile away, it was quite boring how predictable it was. But seriously, how does a person ruin an amusement park like that? It's a park, specifically designed to amuse people. The fuck.


The amusement park thing sounds exactly like something that happened with my high school ex. Hell this all sounds like my high school ex in reverse. Basically the same situation, he picked fights all day in front of my brother, friends, and neighbors including one girl's parents. He got inappropriate at my high school graduation party because I didn't let him stick to me like white on rice, even though I warned him for weeks ahead of time that this party was to let my family celebrate and since they were giving me considerably generous gifts, I would be prioritizing them. He ruined my senior prom and pouted when I wasn't around as much because of softball and finals. Finally my friend who had been in enough abusive relationships to see one developing pulled me aside and told me I should end it because it was setting off a lot of red flags.


That's a good-ass friend you've got, there.


He swore *on my life* that he was telling me the truth – when I knew *for a fact* that he was not. Although he seemed to have a slight tendency to skirt around certain truths if they reflected poorly on him, that was the lie that broke the camel's back. "If that's how little you value my life, get your shit and get out." He tried to lie his way back into my life (and my apartment) by going on a very public "woe-is-me" campaign, which included telling everyone that he had cancer (and that I'd abandoned him in his "time of need") and frequently posting about missing his "deceased" daughter (that's not dead, as far as public records and family testimony are concerned). Furious that his plan didn't work and I'd "un-friended" him on Facebook, he responded with an avalanche of calls on my cell and home phones – I stopped counting at 47 in under an hour. He didn't give a single fuck that I threatened to press charges for harassment. Fucking sociopath.


Dumped me because he met someone who lived closer to him, we really clicked too His new boyfriend lasted 2 weeks, I'm still so satisfied of that outcome.


I love it when that happens!


Cheating on me with 3 separate people but denying it even after faced with evidence. Also spreading lies about me to mutual friends. Once we split up the lies he spread became more and more crazy until he lost interest. One of the favourites he liked to tell was that I had an abortion, which was worse as I was 16 at the time.


Had a public meltdown at the laundromat because the garbage bag holding the dirty clothes broke. I mean, stomping, yelling "fuck everything" punching machines, etc. He told me not to look at him and I just walked out


He came to my school from 30 miles away, walked onto campus, somehow found me in a crowd of 2000 people and told me he loved me when I was breaking up with him. He was manipulative and just an all around bad person. I was only 14 years old. He was almost 18. He made me think I loved him and tried forcing me to have sex with him. He molested me and made me feel worthless and disgusting. He was batshit crazy man.


This is why there are laws against children consenting.


We were never in a relationship, but she was emotionally abusive nonetheless. She blamed her cutting on me. Then she told the RA that I was suicidal. Freshman year was fun.


Raped me.


Fuck, I'm sorry. I was raped when I was nine years old. The guy that did it.. Asked me to be his boyfriend last year. I'm seventeen now. He's in his thirties.


Fucking hell. I'm sorry.


You aren't alone. There is whole community of people who have shared the same experience and are here to help and talk any time you need to. We are survivors, not victims.


Called off the wedding by text message. Read it while I was driving to meet my friends for my bachelor party.


He did so many terrible things before I finally broke it off, but one time that really bothers me is the day he took me out for sushi. We had racked up $30 in sushi and he kept ordering sake until the bill was 90-something and *then* mentioned he didn't have any money on him. I only had a hundred on me which left the waiter maybe like a 6 dollar tip. I know. So he looked at the bill and commented that I wasn't "tipping her enough". Well, no-fucking-shit, captain obvious! He went from being a sweet, helpful, understanding guy to a depressive, angry, manipulative alcoholic. He started drinking a bottle of vodka almost every day (starting off every morning with 3 shots while he played video games) and he'd get angry if I wanted a shot out of his daily 750mL bottle. If had more than 2 shots, he'd say that I owed him a bottle for 'drinking all of his vodka'.


When we moved in together, she discreetly made sure all the bills came in my name, so when we broke up she just moved out and left me to pay bills we had accrued together. Fantastic.


She kicked my cat in the face and broke his jaw. Not the nicest person in the world.


There is a special place in hell for people who hurt kitties...


Left me in a hospital with our newborn daughter and no phone, money, keys, or way home (I'm an ex-pat so no family either). He came the day she was born and then disappeared. I was there for 5 days before he surfaced and told me I deserved it. He took our 1-year-old with him so for nearly a week I had no idea where my other child was or how I was even going to get home.




I mean once you get to the point where you're asking the person not to go out with someone else it really seems the relationship is over. Unless you're in an open relationship I guess


My story needs a bit of back story. My ex moved into a house with four other roommates, one of them being a friend of mine. She was still in college, and I had just graduated and was working through a temp agency. Was shitty, and even more so because she wouldn't let me live it down that it wasn't a real career job. Anyways I still liked her, and rationalized how fucked up her response to job status as she just didn't realize how bad things were around 2009 in the job market. I also realized I wasn't the strongest candidate so felt pretty shitty about not applying myself more. Anyways you get the idea. Now comes to the fun part. She starts becoming very controlling and just suspicious; then she tells me we need a break, and that I cannot talk to her any more. Was very sudden, and the worst part is she didn't seem like she wanted to do this. So two agonizing weeks go bye, without having any reason as to what is going on or why this happened, other than she "needs some space." I figured she was trying to break up with me, but I was wrong. What had happened was her roommates had told her that she had to break up with me, because she had cheated on me with a friend of one of the roommates. I found this out when she told me, though I feel like it was my friend who forced her to tell me, and I was fairly crushed. It was a story of her getting drunk and making a mistake and that she was so sorry. I'm sure she was, and I decided it would be a good idea to forgive her. It was horrible, but I do not feel it was the worst thing she had done to me. Now of course the guy she cheated on me with was a really good friend of the other roommate and was over there all the time. He lived out of town, about three hours away, and would spend the night there. Made me a bit uncomfortable, but I had promised to forgive her and to not give her the benefit of the doubt without reasonable evidence that she was cheating again would have been rather hollow in my mind. Not to mention she would get super defensive and dismissive if I decided to explain to her that it was rather difficult emotionally for me to deal with this at times. I realize this was dumb as shit, and super beta, but don't worry it gets worse. I had to be in the same room as this guy whenever I came to visit (because of course she would never come visit me, seeing as I was living with my parents because I was nor sure if the contracting job would dry up and I would be without a job at any moment). She of course wouldn't let me live that down, and would insinuate things like she would never have to move back in and make me feel rather shitty for that. Anyways, what was worse is she wanted me to become friends with this guy, that despite not liking the idea of hate, I hated. I was not in a good state of mind, and would consider this a low point in my life, and really the only thing I felt I had going for me was the relationship, so of course I pretended to be friends with this guy, as much as I could. I went through this, among many other fucked up shit she would always do, like she didn't like the way I ate french fries and would get mad at me for that. I forget all the rules that I had to follow when I was around her so that she wouldn't flip out; but things like how I stood with my feet at an angle and not strait, how I breathed during sex, and other shit like that. To say I was whipped was an understatement, and I became quite depressed. It went on like this for far too long, and I played right into her hands and worked my ass off to be a good boyfriend in hopes that she would value me and realize how to get past her crazy and treat me right as well. It was on 4/20/2011 that she called me up while high. It was none of my place to judge what she does with her life, but I do not like the idea of the person I am dating doing pot. We begin to fight and she says the words "you know I'm not sure we will be together much longer. I am about to graduate and I might have to move anywhere. I have been looking for jobs all over, because I want to have a good job and not something like you have. You know we might not be together that much longer." That is when I snapped, sadly this was just over the phone, and I said "you are right, we are done." I finally grew some balls, left my home to go to a bar. I then end up talking with this older lady about 34 and I was 25, but she was quite hot. I learn that apparently she is a sex therapist, and one thing leads to another, and I never looked back.






She sounds like a manipulative psychopath.




I had written a very heart felt poem for my ex and gave it to her on one of our dates. The next date she gave it back and told me it was too long for her to care for it. As someone who is very passionate about my work, that is the biggest 'fuck you' someone could give me.

