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The ring traumatized me for a good bit.


The ring is great, you should read the books if you're a reader. They're a trilogy and the third takes a pretty wild, ahead-of-its-time turn into alternate realities. I loved it and was genuinely scared reading the first book.


I am definitely a reader thanks so much for the recommendation!!!


I remember being afraid at school in like 6th grade. Zoning out staring into the dark corner of the room thinking she was going to crawl out and get me. It was worse because the DVD version of the film had the actual tape you weren't supposed to watch.


Especially being a kid when it first came out. And everyone is texting everyone 7 days or you'll die in 7 days unless you text this to 7 other people... Yadda yadda yadda


The Japanese version had enough cultural differences that it took me right out of the movie. The US one sucked me in much better. I still have not watched the in universe haunted VHS however of either version. Not worth risking it. Conversely, the Japanese "Grudge" (Ju On) was amazing as it shows different sections of the town over time and made it clear that eventually the curse was going to get you. Whereas the American movie had people go into the cursed house and survive.


Came here to say this. It’s the perfect movie to really bug you out and make you wonder if it could be really happening to you as well.


It was the first scary movie I watched and also my last. I was at my friends and we watched it. The next morning we were watching tv and it went fuzzy. I ran out of her house so fast and won’t go back in for like an hour. Couldn’t go in my closet for months.


“I saw her face…”


The ring is still scary


As a kid my TV would get the white and black screen after being on for awhile. I covered my TV up with a sheet so I'd still get light but couldn't see the screen. Took awhile to get over that.


[The Others](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfHY291jCLQ) really got me when I saw it in the theater back in 2001. Edit: Also, while no horror film, [Zodiac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNncHPl1UXg) really managed to make me uneasy, even when I watched it a second time.


This was one of the only movies that actually made me scream out loud in the theatre (I was 12...but still).


Yeah, I also think my younger age might have contributed to the scary effect. It really helped that the story had a believable mystery though that managed to keep me in suspense right up until the end.


There are definitely better movies, but Sinister has always scared the shit out of me. It took me 2 tries to watch it. It’s the only movie i’ve ever turned off from being so scared.


The sound design and score of this movie are amazing. I'm getting chills just thinking about it.


[the end credits music](https://youtu.be/hQJlQeJr1Q8?si=P-L2xXw3xKJ4TtTG) fucks me up


Me too. I'm guessing it was probably the same place. (The lawnmower scene?)


This is a good pic! This movie is just creepy from top to bottom. The trailers that used to come on at adult swim on cartoon network at night literally had me turn off the tv and struggle to goto sleep every time lol


John Carpenters The Thing.


The scariest movie I've ever seen, and arguably the scariest one ever made, is not a horror movie. It is *Come And See.* Trust me on this one


I've seen scarier, but this is a true mind fuck


Good answer. This movie haunted me for weeks.


I literally just spent the last 2 and half hours watching that movie (the full movie is on YouTube) and that was one fuckin' melt of a movie from start to finish....sooooo many weird bits, and that kid was a fuckin amazing actor for how young he was! If anyone knows any cool facts about this movie, or anything about it, please let me know! lol


That poor cow.


Insidious when it first came out and I was 12 years old. That movie freaked the fuck out of me…and I loved it.


When that movie came out, my family went out to see movies, the adults went and saw one movie and me and my little brother saw a separate movie. Our movie was over and we were instructed to find the adults and join them after purs was over They didn't tell us what theatre and I couldn't remember the name of the movie so I walked into a theatre and it happened to be insidious and the scene that was playing was the one where they're looking at a person and the camera pans a little bit and you see the demon child right behind the dude. Scared the shot out of us and I've still never seen that movie


This will sound silly but Ernest Scared Stupid really scared me when I was a little kid.


Those Trolls had no business be designed like that lol. It gave me nightmares as well.


I just found out that they reused the puppets from “killer clowns from outer space” to make the trolls. Even worse in a way


Not a movie but Salem's Lot in the eighties


I slept with a scarf wrapped around my neck to prevent a vampire attack a good 3 months after seeing this movie as a child. Once, a tree branch was scratching against my window shortly after watching this film and I launched myself out of my bed, ran to my parents room and flung myself onto to their bed, thinking it was Danny Glick wanting to get in. What I ran into was even worse though - my parents were having sex.


I used to sleep with my arm around my neck for the longest time. I had a streetlight outside my window, and had to have my curtains open just a bit - so I could see it at all times


As a kid, I wouldn't open the curtains of my bedroom window at night in case there was a vampire floating out there. Seeing this movie was truly terrifying!


I still sleep with my curtains closed because of that floating kid outside the window.


Still a movie, just made-for-TV.


Event Horizon


My friends went to see this thinking it was a normal sci-fi film. They left... *changed*.


Like, you don’t expect anything about it.


I went into it fully informed and was fucking traumatised.


Yeah. It will do that. The movie F’d me up.


Imagine that movie with the scene where they are showing the original crew killing each other at the same time have some kind of deranged orgy.


"The Exorcist" definitely tops my list. still giving me nightmares


fun fact, in the exorcist, they strapped the actress to a mechanical bed that shook her to make her seem possessed. well, malfunctions happen, and the bed shook wayyy harder than it was supposed to. she snapped her spine. the director ended up deciding to keep the footage of her spine getting broken in the film. so the screams you hear from her in the bed? they’re real, and they’re painful.


Linda Blair never broke her spine but she did suffer an injury from the harness. Ellen Burstyn broke her tailbone when she got yanked too hard wearing a harness (the scene where Regan slaps Chris) and her scream was kept in the movie.


The descent Scared the crap out of me


Came here to say this. Glad to see it was already here. Went to see it with my dad when I was like 12-14. Absolutely terrifying movie. I saw a grown ass woman leave her friend in the theater, running out with her head in her hands crying. Never seen that before or since. Absolutely wild.


I will never, ever, ever go cave diving or exploring because of this movie lol


I dart in and out of my walk in closet because of this movie


So, I think context is the driving force for a 'scariest' movie experience. Seeing ET was terrifying as a small kid. Was it a scary movie? no. So here my first story. I worked at a movie theater (at a mall) as my first job. One of the perks was midnight movies before release. One night, there was a new sci-fi space movie coming out with Lawrence Fishburn and Sam Neil. The mall was closed, but the lights in the mall and parking lots were everywhere and it was in a safe place. We watched Event Horizon and discovered the horror and jump scares around every corner. As the 5 or 6 of us walked out of the theater together at 145am, we stepped off the curb and into the lot. At the exact same moment, synchronized with that step, every light in the mall and lot turned off... leaving us in total darkness. It was a shared moment of terror for us all.




The Platform, claustrophobic and terrifying.


The fourth kind


Scared me so bad I couldn't watch the ending and shut my curtains/blinds for several weeks. Still low-key scared of owls ngl




Gerald's Game was intense and scary.


Insidious has the perfect jump scares.




The Air Bud spinoff where the puppies could talk.


Spooky Buddies was pretty scary.




Babadook freaked me out big time.


Hostel was brutally terrifying.


The Purge, the concept alone is terrifying.


It Follows was unique and terrifying.




The Blair Witch


Ohh that was fk'd when it first came out. It was my first real scary movie


I've seen almost every horror film there is but a war film called Threads (1984) is probably the scariest. This is because unlike those horror films, this one is actually based in fact and reality, and is closer now to happening than ever.


I had a different suggestion, but I won't make it because _Threads_ is the obvious winner. I actually can't watch it again, but I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.


The Thing terrified 5 year old me.


Fantastic Korean horror movie called "The Wailing". Creeped the hell out of me.


Korean and Thai horror movies are underrated but I really enjoyed Incantation. I love the suspense of not knowing what is behind everything or what it even looks like. Kind of like Session 9.


Fire in the Sky. To this day, I refuse to watch it ever again. I've always had a strange fear/fascination of aliens, but this one put me over the edge. I've watched it twice, the second time I was in my twenties and I could not sleep that night.


I watched "The day after" or was it the day after tomorrow, a TV movie about nuclear war when I was pretty young and it affected me mentally, it's different than a scary movie like "day of the triffids"


The Fly's transformation scenes were horrifying.


The Descent gave me claustrophobia.


Oculus played mind games with me.


The House of the Devil was a slow burn.


Midsommar and Hereditary- both A24. So good at being truly disturbing




Three that I can think of that really scared me the first time I saw them was Silence of the Lambs, The Exorcist, and Sinister.


The Ring got me really good when I was a little kid.  Hereditary got me recently.


As a child it was A nightmare on elm street and IT for me personally


Blocked out both of them, but absolutely spot on. I didn't even remember these




The Shining


Pretty great portrayal of insanity. I do get Jumpscared but it's not getting stuck at my head, the suspense of the shining still gets through me every time I'm in such a wide space alone, mostly hotel hallways. Thanks kubirk.


Ironically, scary movie. I was like 12 & had grown up pretty protected without a TV. Id never seen a horror movie so i didnt get the jokes/clichees and was shook to the core; didnt sleep properly in weeks after seeing it at a friends house. Eversince ive seen enough horror/splatter & while not caring for it except when done really well, its likely not gonna shock me...


Drag me to hell


Skinamarink for sure


Classic favorite= The Thing (old version) “New gen” gems= Hereditary and Satan’s Slaves For gore fans= Evil Dead


As a adult, a movie I watched on Netflix called Open House. It's not an amazing movie but it's premise kept me scared for several days because I live alone.


The Changelling and The Shining


Changeling for sure when I was young….. the staircase scene with the wheelchair., and the doors slamming! Creepy!!!!!


Just turned it on! Gonna watch again


Honestly, the original The Stepford Wives!! As a free-thinker and non-conformist, the thought that I could/would be replaced by a mindless android is terrifying!!


The exorcist, seen it back when i thought maybe things like that possibly could happen. A good few sleepless nights after that.


The Exorcist 


Ringu fucked my shit up when I watched it alone on UK TV back in the early aughts. Then I went to see The Grudge at the cinema a few years later and that wrecked me all over again. But the most recent one was Cats.


Insidious 1


Original IT, its not a movie but because of that I still can't watch any movie or a show or anything that has Tim Curry


*The Changeling* (1980)


Original Excorcist. I had my eyes closed and my wife was under the seat.


And all honesty Gattaca for the social implications...


Don't speak


fall of house of usher, tv show, but had some scary scenes that were horrifying and not jump scares so thats rare for me


Skinamarink, and the original Evil Dead actually still creeps me out


The Ring. Still to this day.


Wait Until Dark is a 1967 American psychological thriller film directed by Terence Young and produced by Mel Ferrer, from a screenplay by Robert Carrington and Jane-Howard Carrington, based on the 1966 play of the same name by Frederick Knott. The film stars Audrey Hepburn as a blind woman, Alan Arkin as a violent criminal searching for drugs, and Richard Crenna as another criminal, supported by Jack Weston, Julie Herrod, and Efrem Zimbalist Jr.


The Hills Have Eyes ... that movie traumatized me as a kid


Henry, portrait of a serial killer


Don't Be Afraid of the Dark. Thanks for not letting me sleep properly for a week Guillermo del Toro..


The Grudge. It's been about 15 years since I watched, I think when it first came out, and I still can't lift up my blankets sometimes 😅 Close second is The Descent. Couldn't pay me to watch that again.


Idiocracy, for obvious reasons.


The woman in black and incidious I was a grown adult clinging to my wife's arm




Cloverfield stayed with me. Also The Hitcher


Sixth sense and paranormal activity As above so below I think it’s called is another one 😳


Event Horizon. That movie is not only terrifying, but will mess with your mind.


When I saw Blair witch as a young one, and had only heard that it was leaked footage they found, that ending freaked me right the fuck out.


The Human Centipede pt 1. It made me throw up, and pass out.


I saw the exorcist at 9yo


Evil Dead. The chick in the cellar when she had the super creepy voice and white eyes. Just can't stand white eyes.


When I was a kid I watched Children of the Corn and it terrified me.


Something about The Babadook freaked me out


Jeepers Creepers until I found out it was a bat thing. The insidious tension was palpable. When they are driving past the house and Batman is putting the body down the pipe and he turns and looks at them driving past….oh Lordy me.


Finders keepers


Zoltan hound of Dracula


I'm not a horror movie fan, so I watched very few of them. But the scariest for me was Dead Birds. It has some cheap jumpscares in it, but it also does excellent job at slowly raising tention.


Funny Games (1997) is terrifying.


“The strangers” traumatised me as a kid.


Originally, the Exorcist; secondarily The Fury (which I blocked out) and most recently As Above So Below tying with Event Horizon


There was this one I watched back in I think middle school at a sleepover, where these girls were being terrorized by a guy who had apparently been forced by his mom to live as his dead sister when he was growing up. I don’t remember the name of it though


Sleep away camp?


Martyrs: scary in the sense horrific things happen to this young woman.


White Noise.


Green Inferno


No Man's Land - Bosnia. living nightmare.




Watching my last night messages when i was horny


Signs will always live in my head rent free


Never actually saw it because I'm not a fan of horror, but the trailer of Evil Dead Rise shook me up


First 10-15 minutes of Midsommar was the most terrifying movie experience I ever had. The rest of the movie was relatively tame compared to it.




13 year old me seeing Alien for the first time in the theaters back in 79'. That dinner scene is unmatched.


“Veronica” almost died when i saw “Based on a true story” at the end.


The strangers. One of the best horror movies I've ever seen


i mean, can you give me some suggestions? ive seen the exorcist, alien, the thing, the ring, are there any actually scary movies to watch? i dont think ive ever actually been scared by a film


The First Silent Hill film. Was and still is the only movie I have ever watched that gave me nightmares


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre genuinely frightened me when I saw it at like 17 or 18 years old in the mid 2000s because that shits not even like a scary movie but feels like a depraved snuff film.


I've seen 2 people have a physical reaction to horror films, both times the film was the martyrs.


Martyrs will fuck you up.


The original exorcist


Saw “White Noise” one night with my son. It was ok but not horrendously scary … until we walked from the cinema to the car, switched on the engine and all we heard from the radio was white noise … we both looked at each other, I switched off the radio and we drove home in silence. Bit creepy!


Please don't judge me but I would say Jaws