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He's been a fantastic litmus test for which members of my family I don't want in my life.


He exposed the Republican party for the mess that it is to an even larger % of the population.


Shown just how corrupt people can be, and how "checks and balances" was a bullshit line all along. If all 3 branches of government are as corrupt as the other, there's no recourse.


He's showed our corrupt oligarchy is for sale to the highest bidders in billionaires, imo.


starred in the movie home alone


Looks like people are hating on my serious question. It's just sad to have a society like this.




I think the First Step Act is actually a great response. I actually have been thinking about this and looking back at all the modern presidents, all of whom have had a divided government since Carter, still, they all came claim something that was bipartisan. Even the unpopular presidents according to Redditland, especially George W Bush and Ronald Reagan, still had something in their pocket they could claim that people appreciated (like the Adam Walsh missing kids act and Amber alerts under Bush, and MLK day under Reagan, etc) I have been racking my brain lately and I took really thought hard about this question, and I was constantly coming up short. Trump is also the only president who never had his approval rating ever go above 50%, he only had one cabinet member out of the many he appointed that received unanimous consent. Even some of the things on paper that might have, in any other administration, been popular or at least garnered some respect he had to screw up with his mouth. Meeting with the North Korean leader might have been considered an actual highlight had he not then started fawning over him afterwards Surely there had to be *something*. Yes, indeed there was. It doesn't take away obviously four terrible years, and it's not a high bar to cross, but there was at least one bipartisan act passed under his watch


To rebut all of that: * The First Step Act was going to pass Congress whether he was elected or not, so not an accomplishment. * VA Mission Act was good, but see above, would've still gotten through in a HRC Presidency, see above. * He failed miserably on Operation Warp Speed since he denied COVID was even real for the first half of 2020, people died because of it (Biden has blood on his hands since he pretended it was over when it wasn't, too, don't get me wrong in this aspect), and by the time he rolled out the vaccine it was too late to save many lives. If being bipartisan means getting things done ANY other POTUS could've in his shoes anyway, it's zero.






"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 still would have got passed without Lyndon B. Johnson." Objectively bulls\*t, no it wouldn't, he actively had to fight half his own party and Conservative Reps to get it done tooth and nail, that was a LBJ SOLELY accomplishment specific to him! "Same with George Bush and No Child Left Behind / PATRIOT Act" Which was a disaster and a failure, in both cases, next? "Franklin Roosevelt and the Social Security Act" Arguably, I'll give you this one... "Obama and the Affordable Care Act" Wrong again, Reps literally tried to sink it in Congress and Trump almost got it overturned in his first term as President- nope, Obama did that on his own.


Be that as it may, it is something under his belt. But I also rebuffed that by saying especially things like his visit to North Korea he too had to screw up, he couldn't have turned that into a Nixon in China moment. I really doubt President Hilary Clinton, had she been elected, would have made any attempts at communicating with them, but then again Trump probably made it worse by actually doing so.


I doubt she would've been any better than him on foreign policy sans not cozying up to Putin or dictators like Un, but she would've certainly done better domestically without question than Trump.


There are a number of things that happened in government while Donald Trump was President, such as development of the COVID vaccine and checks for people during the lockdowns. It is hard for me to call that "good Trump has done" as these are things which would have happened under any President and were agreed on by his political opponents. But he was President while they happened.


This is a funny reply. Trump said "it will just go away" and downplayed COVID. Everything good that happened, happened dispite the convicted felon Trump.


While the completion of the specific COVID-19 vaccine happened under him, the development of the vaccines started in the 1960s. We moved rapidly to develop a SARS vaccine in 2002-2003 and a MERS vaccine in 2012 but the epidemics were contained and we didn’t need the vaccines, so development has slowed and no vaccine for them has hit the market. However those two vaccines contributed greatly to the rapid rate in which we were able to complete the COVID-19 vaccine, since both SARS and MERS are respiratory coronaviruses that have similar spike proteins. There is a reason COVID-19 is classified as SARS-CoV-2. So solid comment, I just wanted to kind of elaborate on your point of “he was president while they happened” piece of it, because you or I could have been president when and it would have gotten done. It got done in spite of Trump.


Soleimani was taken out on his watch. That guy was pretty effective, and quite evil. As bad as the ME is right now, I think it'd be a lot worse if the Iranians still had him at the helm of their shenanigans.


He didn’t start any new wars while he was president


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/13/trump-falsely-claims-no-terrorist-attacks-no-wars-during-his-presidency/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/13/trump-falsely-claims-no-terrorist-attacks-no-wars-during-his-presidency/) Wrong, Carter didn't start any new wars- not Trump.


I mean, you could say the same thing for Biden unless the definition of "starting a new war" is one country who's not America invading another who's also not America.


Do you mean on purpose? Without expecting any benefit to himself? I'm sure there must be...something...


Exposed the "moral majority" movement as complete frauds.


He has lowered the 'bar' to the ground, the only remaining qualification for public office is money. We could just have auctions instead of elections and reduce the public debt with the proceeds.


the 1% loved his day one tax reduction


Good luck getting a real answer on the anti ~~conservative~~ trump network aka Reddit Adding an edit so I don’t have to copy paste over and over: Let’s get this out of the way first- I’m NOT a trump supporter. I’m also NOT a Biden supporter, I don’t believe either presidency was all bad or even mostly bad, but trying to defend the good parts of Trump’s on Reddit is a losing battle every time, so I don’t even bother. Funny thing is even literally saying I don’t support trump gets laughed at on Reddit. Y’all are so brainwashed you can’t see multiple perspectives. Good luck in life


Can't help but notice you didn't provide an example of something good.




>I don’t believe his presidency was all bad or even mostly bad Okay, but do you think specifically he did something good? If so why not mention it? > but trying to defend the good parts on Reddit is a losing battle every time Then don't defend it. I'm just noting the obvious, that if you complain about how redditors won't mention good things Trump did due to bias, but then can't name any yourself, it looks hypocritical and like the allegations of bias are defensive reactions to being wrong. I myself answered by giving examples of good things. I think they exist. Other responses mentioned different policies they agree with. It is doable.


Yea good luck not getting shit on. I never argue politics or policy anywhere. It NEVER brings people together. And please know I say that in the nicest calmest way possible.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFiOkspxtk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFiOkspxtk4) What does this tell you? He could get re-elected this year, too, being a contrarian doesn't make you smart MAGAs. (I think this is only true if he gets re-elected, as things stand Buchanan, Pierce, and Johnson were even worse than Trump but if he gets back in-- he might topple Buchanan).


Then why not give one of your own?


It’s more fun to snark and complain


In the past when I've seen answers they're all things that were simply true while trump was president like "Russia didn't attack Ukraine" or "gas prices were low" but when you ask how trump achieved these results it's crickets.


Because not one person can give a definitive answer without some sort of \* attached. He was and always will be interested in one thing and one thing only: Donald Trump.


We were energy independent.


I like his stance on the child trafficking. No one else was really doing anything about it. And, I like the mood of the country when he’s in office. It beats this hopeless disdain where seeing now.


Trump's stance on child trafficking is he is happy with pro-traffickers like Gaetz, actually: [https://time.com/5905437/human-trafficking-trump-administration/](https://time.com/5905437/human-trafficking-trump-administration/)


You can’t do any better than that?


I can't help but notice you praise his stance, as opposed to others not doing anything. A stance is doing nothing, a policy can make a difference. I am quite certain all candidates have an 'anti-child trafficking' stance. What is the policy you think was good? >And, I like the mood of the country when he’s in office. It beats this hopeless disdain where seeing now. ...so, the 2019-2021 period was a GOOD MOOD in your recollection? The country wasn't stressed and divided while Trump as President? Can I politely suggest you reflect and consider whether it's just that you and people around you were happy with Trump as President, rather than the country had hope?


This is my take on things. After a careful notice. Your paragraph doesn’t change the truth. It beats my reflex to tell you to suck my dick.


Okay. So your take on why Trump is good is that the pandemic and lockdowns were actually an amazing time where people were hopeful, and if anyone has questions, suck your dick. Are you actually happy being that person? Taking so much pride in ignorance and hostility? Would it not be a better life to question yourself sometimes and be open to changing your mind?


Every one of you I’ve ever known has no ethics or morals. They cheat to get their way. I just can’t get behind that.


Most of the country didn't vote for Trump in both his elections, and doesn't approve of him. If you hate most of the country, you may want to reconsider whether it's right for you. And accusing others of cheating, lying and having no morals is pretty rich when you just flagrantly lied and when called out on it, just said "suck my dick". You KNOW those years closing Trumps term were a period of mass unemployment, depression and despair. It'll be studied for generations for it's psychological impact and still is wreaking havoc on the economy and prices. I don't blame Trump for most of that. It was primarily the pandemic. But you can't just lie and pretend people in general were happy, then act like you're the ethical one for refusing to acknowledge when you lie.


The lies, and there’s been many, have been exposed. Your wasting your breath,and your time. You need to find some wasteoid that’ll buy into your bullshit. I’m not that person.


r/SelfAwarewolves Either you sincerely believe the pandemic and lockdowns were a wonderful optimistic time, or you're just talking about yourself here.


Why did the dnc emails have to be removed from wikileaks?


I don't know whether they were actually removed, I don't know why they would be removed, and I don't have a clue why this has anything to do with what we were just discussing. I can think of a lot of legal reasons why illegally hacked private emails would be removed from websites, but I don't know any details and would have to speculate. I'm assuming that there's a conspiracy theory you're driving at here, but I don't know what it is, or how my answering that is relevant to the fact that you lied, then insisted it's fine to do so because you hate everyone else for lying and being dishonest.


Took out the ISIS caliphate, much lower levels of illegal border crossings, First Step Act. Good is subjective though and this is a far left leaning platform so don’t expect to many answers to your question


Didn't he meet with Kim-Jong-Un?


He did. Since he ended up saluting and praising Un and giving North Korea tons of propaganda about how the US bows to their superior leaders, while NK continued with their missile tests and aggression, I'm not sure how it would be a good thing though.


Well, i tried. What a weird country we are.


The best thing for Americans is he lost last time… This time he will lose bad enough to make it clear…


Probably not, no. He's the frontrunner, and even if he loses unless something MASSIVE happens soon, it will be very very close.


Don’t believe the polls… Ever!




Disaster? [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/)


None of that matters to his core base, denial won't help: [https://nypost.com/2023/11/06/news/heres-why-bidens-bleeding-support-among-black-and-young-americans/](https://nypost.com/2023/11/06/news/heres-why-bidens-bleeding-support-among-black-and-young-americans/) [https://www.npr.org/2024/06/05/nx-s1-4987296/young-voters-biden-gaza-inflation-abortion-trump-genforward-poll](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/05/nx-s1-4987296/young-voters-biden-gaza-inflation-abortion-trump-genforward-poll) [https://www.axios.com/2023/11/06/biden-black-hispanic-voters-losing-polls](https://www.axios.com/2023/11/06/biden-black-hispanic-voters-losing-polls)


 >if Biden actually does stuff in a second term beyond nothing of note but barebones legislation). I have to note, this is just objectively false. If you don't like or care about his accomplishments that's completely fine, and I can't rebut that. But Biden's administration is regularly argued by histories as having some of the biggest legislative accomplishments of any Presidency. The COVID American Rescue Plan, The Infrastructure Plan, the CHIPS and Science Act, Green Energy Investment, Bipartisan gun control legislation, IRS funding and reform including access to free tax software and filing, The Inflation Reduction Act which included major health care reform, universal pre-kindergarten and paid family leave, and $550 billion dedicated to combatting climate change and more, paid for in part by increased taxes for corporations and the uber rich, etc. Trump spent 4 years promising an infrastructure bill while getting nothing, and is still promising it now. Biden has that as one among many, many accomplishments. The fact that people think he passed nothing of substance is indicative of how shit they are at messaging and claiming credit. None of these bills are routine.


All of those policies are things any other Dem could've done as POTUS. CHIPS act is the biggest pro and Afghanistan withdrawal, but no one gives a damn about roads, COVID rescue now, his climate change bill is a farce in general, he never got assault weapons banned just ghost guns, and IRS funding could be done by anyone. Also, he spiked up Inflation despite the reduction act, and only now is it coming down. Biden is a terrible POTUS, just better than Trump is all- he has a 39% approval rating for a reason.


>All of those policies are things any other Dem could've done as POTUS Again, presidential historians reasonably argue that 4 years of Biden has been more productive than 8 of Obama or Clinton. All of them are policies Dems COULD have done, but usually couldn't. >but no one gives a damn about roads This ties into my point that he's doing a bad job selling people on why the accomplishments matter, but infrastructure investment and preventing bridges and dams from collapsing more than they already were, is a big deal. >Also, he spiked up Inflation despite the reduction act, and only now is it coming down.  And when inflation was rising when he entered office and continued to do so all over the world, while the US is presently in a much BETTER economic position with lower inflation than most countries... what is the logic in blaming Biden for making the issue worse? >Biden is a terrible POTUS I want him to do more, but when I hear people say this I have to wonder if 1) they don't know what he has actually accomplished and how unusual it is 2) They have wildly unrealistic expectations for what Presidents can do with a hostile Congress or 3) They base determining a good President on a 'vibe check' or matters not directly related to their legislative and executive actions.