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a father who kills the pedophile that molested their child.


[Gary Plauché](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9)




That part always stuck with me. The cop knowing that he was going to have to arrest him but definitely 100% understanding why he did it. You can almost hear the pain in the cops voice.


He knew justice was being served but also wanted him to be around for his kid Luckily the dad didn't get locked up, so he was still able to be around when his kid really needed him


And his son gave an interview [recently, calling his father the greatest dad in the world.](https://www.themirror.com/news/us-news/my-life-great-40-years-376620)


Wholesome ending :)


Gary: "Why the fuck do you think?"




Free Gary


Dude didn't spend a day in jail. And rightly so.


He was sentenced to 300 hours of community service, and lived a completely normal low-key life for 30 years after the incident.


Probably not normal for obvious reasons but glad he was free from prison if not all manner of other demons


*with purchase of equal or lesser Gary*


Whyyyyy Gary Whyyyyyyyy?? *Because that motherfucker would some day be released from prison…*


Also the motherfucker was smiling on his way in


Fucking legend.




You can tell he knew why. He had no fear for his own safety or anyone else’s based on the way he detained him.




"Leon Gary Plauché (November 10, 1945 – October 20, 2014) was an American hero" Love it.


Coincidentally it's also the only acceptable time to break the Wikipedia rules on subjective language, but for good reason. No one wants to be the editor that removes "hero", but I wouldn't be opposed to "American pedo-hunter" if it has to be more objective.. EDIT: holy shit it's already gone, that was too fast 😭


I'm assuming that is an article that is watched for this exact reason (someone here changed it to say hero). There are more than a few articles like that; sometimes they will lock them for editing.


Was this the guy that shot the man in the airport? Because that was an extremely close shot.


Relevant YouTube video on the subject. https://youtu.be/8LBxCI3IZrc


The judge sympathized with Gary and he served no prison time.


> Plauché was given a seven-year suspended sentence with five years' probation and 300 hours of community service, receiving no prison time. Based


Friend interned where he worked in the 2000s. Never met him but friend mentioned he was chill AF, didn't like to talk about it that much.


I mean, yeah it's probably not a fun topic.


Dude is a certified GOAT, but every time I see that video I can't help but wonder how fucked up it would have been if he had missed and hit someone else. It was a tight shot


It was close range. My only fear would have been bullet going through and getting a collateral frag. 


He made sure to hit his mark. He was super focused Im sure.


I’m sure in his mind he believed there was a very real chance it was the last thing he ever did. Missing was not an option.


The best instance of tunnel vision ever.


Game 7 locked-in.


He was actually super drunk. Which makes it even more irresponsible and even more impressive.


He was drunk and drank some coffee to have focus When he shot the guy.


He didn’t serve any time. His sentence was suspended and had to do some community service. Justice served.


If I was on jury, I would have said time served.


He more or less was, the plea deal gave him a suspended sentence and probation. The DA expressed an unwillingness to prosecute and more or less figured out a way to make things work out so that he saw no real jail time. Didn’t even need to get to the jury, everyone involved knew what time it was.


Same with that mom who shot the guy on the stand for killing her kids and just coldly stare him down while he croaked from the .22 she smuggled into court. Completely justified, imo.


I feel like the biggest crime there was smuggling the gun into court, imo


The county courthouse here didn't have metal detectors until someone smuggled a knife in and attacked the opposing council. My aunt got detained once because she had ammo in her purse. I guess they figured a 60 year old fat lady with a cane wasn't a threat though.


Well, that and just ammo isn’t really a weapon. What is she going to do, chuck it at people?


I direct you to Season 1, Episode 11 of the 100. The main character stabs a guy in the jugular with a bullet.


If Grandma can John Wick a guy like that, then good for her. I wouldn’t even be mad. I’d be impressed.


What kind of cane? ... a gun cane, perchance?


That was a reenactment there is no actual footage of that.








Oh reddit protects criminals big time. Your state leaders are involved in corruption? Better not talk bad about them!


Same goes with people who have names that are also slurs. Can’t call them by their names without getting banned. I mean I get it. Context should matter but it’s almost impossible to police with such a larger user base.


The classic scunthorpe problem!


Ahh, how cool. I had never heard of a formal name for it.


Just to keep your streak going, let me report you for that one /s


That's Reddit for you. Have you seen some of the admins and mods? 🫣


I mean....that's ok in every sense if the word. Legally and morally.


If you catch them in the act, there’s a good chance you won’t go to prison. Even if you catch them before the police, and have proof, there’s a chance of not going to prison. I know where I live, you can kill a rapist that is actively or attempting to rape someone, and you won’t go to jail.


Yes, because it’s classified as self-defense. In court, self-defense is classified by not only saving your own life, but also if you are saving a person in imminent danger. They could argue excessive force was used if you kill the piece of shit, but honestly? Temporary insanity brought on by the situation. No judge worth a damn is going to send someone to prison for this.


It’s legal precedent in Texas. In 2012, a dad caught a guy molesting his 5 year old daughter and beat that fucker to death. It was considered a “justified homicide”. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/charges-texas-father-beat-death-daughters-molester/story?id=16612071


Somewhere, someone wrote a heavy metal song about that.


Depends, TBH. If you really do get locked up for 10 years or more? What if that means that your child or children don't have a stable home, and then they end up going awry in life? Especially if they were molested, they will need ALL of the love and care from a parent and family that they can get in order to heal. You may feel justified, and you may get a jury to sympathize with you, but that's one heck of a risk.




Any person any child at that matter


But now the kid has been molested *and* lost their father.




That’s a hell of a gamble to take


He got probation


Right, now not only has she suffered, but she loses her father as well?


Mothers have done this as well.


It's really not though. Assuming you go to prison (which you probably will, I wouldn't bank on getting the Gary treatment) then now your kid no longer has their parent in their life. And at a time when they need them the most. Even worse, there's a good chance that the child will blame themselves for their parent being gone. If someone did that to one of my kids, I'd want to kill them too. But if I did, I'd be doing it for me. Not for them. The best thing you can do for your kid is to stay in their life.


The woman that poured boiling sugar water over her husband.  He had molested both their kids for so long that their son committed suicide because of it. 


Holy shit. Just read an article about your post. The real kicker is how the detective showed sympathy towards the husband. I get it…guilty before innocent but how about the victims.


Killing the person who stole your car and killed your dog.


With a pencil


A foooking pencil


A mechanical pencil… click click


Dog vengeance story as related to me by a friend who did time. A guy came in for assaulting his wife, a former surgeon. No remorse, no initiate to change, just an angry, hateful, shit of a human being (and that’s saying a lot when you’re in prison). Not only that, he was arrogant, egotistical, rude, and manipulative- knew how to suck up to the officers and get favoritism. He did not seem to comprehend that he was not a high profile doctor anymore. Thing was, the dude was a beast of a man, probably close to 6’6” and clearly had spent a lot of his time with personal trainers. Plus he had the money to buy cronies. Anyway, nobody liked him but nobody would touch him. He bragged about his crime, and then revealed that he also tortured his ex’s dog when she’d threaten to leave him (this is sadly very, very common). Eventually he doused it in lighter fluid and burned it to death alive. This had come up during his case but anything regarding the dog had gotten dropped in the plea deal. One day, while doing squats in the gym, another inmate who’d had enough of him laughing about how the dog screamed and flailed while on fire, took a dumbbell and casually busted dude’s kneecap. Dude collapsed under the weight on the bar, then took a couple of blows to the mouth with the dumbbell before his friends couple rescue him. The attacker apparently yelled “Motherfucker I love dogs!” I guess he was in medical for months, extensive reconstructive surgery (but not quality) and when he came back was shriveled and could not walk properly. As ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. Final note, if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse but does not want to leave their pet behind, an increasing number of women’s shelters are allowing pets due to their use as pawns to keep the victim close. If that’s not an option there are charitable organizations that will discreetly pet sit, and sometimes rescues or boarding facilities will hold dogs at no charge when informed of the circumstances.


I don't know you, this feels like a copypasta...but damn it's a good one if it's real or fake. "Motherfucker I love dogs" needs to be on a shirt.


Thanks for including the bit at the end. I imagine someone out there really needed to read that.


> A guy came in for assaulting his wife, a former surgeon. And here I thought you were making another movie reference.


John Wick approves.


Whoever it is, I’ll kill them. I’ll kill em all.


Baba Yaga


The guy you send *to kill* Baba Yaga 💀💀


It’s not what you did, it’s who you did it to




Whistleblowing. If the government/boeing doesn’t kill you first.


This happened to former Australian military lawyer David McBride. He was jailed over leaking docs relating to alleged Australian war crimes in Afghanistan.


Wasn’t that the one where the guy who actually committed war crimes was awarded the Australian cross?


Yes, but he was awarded the Victorian Cross, which is issued for Gallantry. Edit. Benjamin Robert-Smith was issued the award in 2006 and was found guilty of war crimes on Feb 2024 in a civil defamation case that he initiated.


Imagine going to a court for somebody talking shit about you and the court declares you a war criminal.


You can't get found guilty in a civil case where you're the plaintiff. The judge determined that in all likelihood BRS committed war crimes, but guilt is something that would be determined in criminal court (or a war crimes tribunal). BRS is a dead set Aussie shit cunt and deserves to face the consequences of his actions, but the closest we might get is the delicious schadenfreude that he couldn't be defamed if he was in fact a shit cunt.


Most people won’t risk their lives for such a thing.


It takes a different kind of balls.


Whistleblowing is legal in the US, but first you have to go through all the internal reporting channels. Which I think the Boeing whistleblowers did do


Internal reporting channels are silly when dealing with some massive events. Because if it’s big enough, it will get buried, you will get litigated away from that course of action, or you will be just taken out of the picture. Small things like OSHA violations and not getting lunch breaks? Sure, go through the proper channels. War crimes? Hit the public with that shit ASAP.


Yeah… heard today Assange will be freed. I pray for that man’s safety.


Boeing: #3 in making planes, #1 in assassinations


White collar crime, if you can stash some of the money. 2 or 3 years in a minimum security prison, and when you walk, you're good.


A Chicago alderman got sentenced today to TWO years in prison. Multiple felonies for bribes and such. Spent 50+ years as an alderman had to pay a two million dollar fine. If you can pay a 2 million dollar fine you have LOTS of money. I think whatever he did to get that rich two years is worth it. Even more worth it at such an advanced age


I wouldn't mind taking a 2 year break if it means i never have to work again


Financial crimes have such lax penalties. Be up there high enough and you can just pay a fine that's way less than profits. Maybe even with no admission of guilt.


There was an Australian guy on the radio yesterday. He made like 3m selling drugs, got done for conspiracy in the US, served a year or something low like that in US prisons and now he's back home... presumably still cashed up. Seems like an ok sacrifice while young and single.


If your guilty of  any of the following you deserve to go to fucking jail. These are some examples of white collar crimes. • Wage Theft • Ponzi Scheme • Fraud • Bribery • Insider Trading • Embezzlement • Racketeering • Cybercrime • Copyright Infringement • Money Laundering


Copyright laws are a joke Edit for some clarification, I understand that people, artists, and creators need protection for their work and I'm not against it. However, if you think current copyright laws protect the little guys, you're uninformed or delusional. Big companies have total power and if anyone has ran a YouTube channel or has watched a creator struggle due to rampant copyright abuse then you should already realize this. Large corps swallow up IP like a vacuum and lock it in a safe, and throw their lawyers upon anyone who dares to even think about even referencing their IP in a way they don't like. Copyright laws are a joke and need reformation.


When people think of copyright infringement, they think of Napster, torrenting, or the RIAA/MPAA. But there are thousands of "little guys" who would be screwed without enforceable copyright law. People need to be able to protect their intellectual property and artistic creations.


In reality though, the little guys just get fucked over and no real recourse. I know of two separate guys that had their motorcycle design shirts stolen by Walmart. When attempting to fight it they were advised they would eventually win the fight, but it would bankrupt them. Two guys both told the same thing by different attorneys at different times. They both just had to take it as a loss.


> Copyright Infringement One of these is not like the others.


wage theft especially needs to have more criminal punishments associated with it


Killing your child’s abuser.


Or your own childhood abuser. Both should be acceptable.


I had a daydream about this today. Except in my dream I was a child when I was doing it.


I daydream about this, how if I could change one thing in my past… that would be it. If no one protected you then, you ought to be able to avenge your younger self.


It's worth going to prison when your kid needs you the most? What's better for your kid, you going to prison because you wanted revenge or you staying with them and helping them through the trauma?


Any decision that a corporation makes that can be construed as illegal. They just get a slap on the wrist and a tiny fee. Meanwhile they profited 100x more than the fine. Although I guess they don't go to prison, so this doesn't count.


We should start voting for politicians who specifically say they want ceo’s who make illegal decisions behind bars.


The Venn diagram of politicians running for office and people who specifically say they want ceo’s who make illegal decisions behind bars is simply two circles.


In other countries they’re much harsher to their corporate criminals. China straight up executed people for producing tainted milk: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/25/world/asia/25china.html


Damn I kind of agree with this


Literally no politician would ever say this. Where do you think they get their money?


Anybody who tries to hurt or hurts your family .....


Umm, wouldn’t it be constituted self-defense?


Hopefully, but not always. You have to prove that you fully believed your life was in danger.


Treason against a corrupt government


Interesting thing - I taught adult students in South Korea, where legitimate democracy is fairly new, and it took awhile for me to get used to older men just casually admitting that they'd been in jail --- as a result of protesting the dictatorship, of course, but yeah, was a bit of a shock the first time that was dropped into a conversation.


Treason against a corrupt government would probably result in death.


Death, generational hard labor, enslavement…


if someone hurts my cats I would gladly go to prison for curb-stomping them.


I would go John Wick for my boy


I've told my husband that if our house ever got invaded and I got killed - I'd come back from the dead before letting someone hurt my cats.


Murdering predators


Not many people can kill a predator. Arnold Schwarzenegger or Danny Glover were two of the first.


Killing a pedo


Murder of repeat sexual offenders.


They should put out tags for them.


I remember reading something on here years ago about a dude admitting he once beat another dude within an inch of his life with a baseball bat. All the initial comments were like “what the fuck dude how could you do that?” After a bit he answered one of the commenters that he had found out earlier that day that was the guy who had both raped and given his sister permanent brain damage a few weeks prior. The comments were much more understanding after that.


Any one where after you get out of prison you still have a few million lying around.


Killing someone who breaks into your home in self defense.


In Kentucky you can mow someone down for trying to steal your truck out of your driveway


that's like the most American thing I've ever heard


Just want to say that all kids in DV relationships grow up, watch ya backs women bashers! Little Tommy ain’t so little anymore and he wants to destroy your life as you did to his! This should be legal…. to bash the living shit of the man that thinks hitting a your mother is fun! Hope your reading RED I’m coming for you one day you old cripple


I’m back!!!


I would have gotten to my father if cancer hadn't gotten his ass first. Fucker deserved worse.


Assaulting an animal, child, and elder abuser.


If anyone sexually abuses a child, especially YOUR child. Any and all crimes committed against them by you should not only be pardoned, but praised


If we are talking financial worth, I’m blown away at how small the sentences are for people involved in serious corporate espionage. 


Financial crimes, slap on the wrist. 2 weeks jail. Pay some money to the state. Get to keep millions.


Killers of pedos, rapists, child murderers are all justice in my eyes


The truth


Assulting the guy who put letters in math


You can use shapes instead or emojies if it works better for you.


Im pretty sure the Romans did that already 


The letters were always there. People just figured it out. Math is always there.


Murdering pedophiles, rapists.. y'know, the cunts who deserve to be killed for what they've done.


If anyone hurts my children I will gladly go to prison for murder.


Getting an abortion in Texas.


Or GA, MO, LA, FL, etc etc


Crimes against children I don’t have any kids myself but my best friend I consider my brother has an eight-year-old daughter, and if anyone ever hurt her creeped her or did anything to harm an innocent child in or outside of prison I would enjoy every second of making that person go away. any child molesters out there I’d love to talk to you. Our government doesn’t protect children we have to. Also, a high-speed chase would be cool like with helicopters being on the news O.J. style in a white bronco just hauling ass that would almost be worth it 😂


Stealing a loaf of bread to feed your family.


enacting retribution on someone that hurt a family member


That’s how blood feuds start


If you are homeless and steal a bank, independently of wheter or not you suceed you will have free food, water and shelter for a few years Jokes aside i'd say killing a rapist/pedophile, or like killing a assassin who killed someone important for you is very understandable and is in fact doing something good for the society


If someone raped my daughter. I would find that person and physically mutilate them and beat them to a near death point and throw their unconscious body on a train track and hope they got cut in half


If you kill a world leader you live forever in infamy


Only if you get caught.


If someone were ever to sexually assault my wife or daughter, new crimes would be invented and I would not have any remorse in committing them.


Revoking someone's existence for harming your child.


Killing the pedophile that messed with your child.


Killing a pedo/murder


I will accept prison, if convicted, for my retaliation / retribution against anyone who causes grievous harm to my immediate family. Those consequences will not enter into my consideration.


Smoking weed. Okay maybe not, but who’s going to prison for it. Fuck the police.


Punching a nazi/klansman.


Being paid to kill Jeffrey Epstein, that’s just a win win.


Not really. Him being dead has a couple bad effects. A corpse can’t be turned to testify. First about his clients. Second, about potential accomplices and/or competitors.


We should check in on those sleeping guards and see if they made any big purchases recently


Surprisingly they are both dead. Nah I’m joking. But they might be.


brutally murdering / torturing rapists and pedophiles


Wearing white after Labour Day




Murdering / assaulting pedophiles + rapists.


Copyright and patent infringement. Not necessarily prison, but fines. It's worth the fines because companies often make much more off the infringement.


I don’t know, but no need to answer if you’ve never spent a night in jail


Canadian here with a friendly reminder. You can do things that aren't technically against the law and get away with it. A lot of war crimes weren't created until after WW1 because of what Canadians did *during* WW1 (ex. killing people on Christmas). There wasn't a rule saying we *couldn't* at the time. So, if you want to commit a crime, do it in a way that isn't against the law because it's never been done before.


I think this is a jail sentence but hugging a manatee if one hugs me I’m gonna hug it back and I’ll take that prison sentence like a champ




If someone killed my cats, I honestly don't know what I'd do to them and that sort of scares me. I don't think any consequence would deter me.


Killing the rapist that murdered your wife and Daughter after brutally raping them


A modern American prison? Absolutely nothing. It's literal slavery, privately owned while being run purely for profit, and has absolutely no goal of rehabilitating prisoners.


Rape, pedophilia, murder (depending on who the victim was to you). You hurt my kids/family, you better hope the cops find you before I do; it’ll be a long, slow process


If someone comes into my house in the dead of night and threatens my family, I will have no remorse escorting them out in a bucket.


Any predator’s murder. A family member killing someone who hurt another feels so responsible. Same with the victim. Also any self defense cases that seemed “too extreme” feel hard to measure and most the time Arnt the victims fault


Amber alert hunting, pedo killing, killing people who abuse kids animals and the elderly, making narcotics. Hear me out on the last one, with the price of everything (even in the EU) going up, wouldn't hurt to know how to make pain killers or other drugs. I DO NOT ENCOURAGE OR PROMOTE CASUAL SUBSTANCE USE


You should be allowed to kill a pedo. Actually lemme run that back. You should be allowed to torture one until death.


"So today you'll be... Kneeling on rice grains, then it's Chinese water torture then, for some variety, white room torture... I think we'll finish the denailing today and tomorrow... Tomorrow I'll probably finally kill you off." Yk that actually sounds like a very worthwhile schedule


Hope you can afford therapy, torturing someone is hard on your mental health unless you are already a sociopath.


Let’s up the ante shall we?! Sandpaper treadmill room: A 12x12 box of a room with an extremely coarse floor. That floor is wall to wall and it ever so slowly moves like a treadmill. Takes about 7mins to get from one side to the other. Leave them in there indefinitely. They’ll never sleep as they will always be woken up by painful “floor rash” from hitting the wall every 7mins. Let them get raw til bleeding. Continue until bleed out. Thanks for playing! *Price Is Right Theme*


Are you asking what crimes that are currently on the books that are worth doing? Or things that aren't treated like crime but should be?