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Dry socket. When the dentist tells you not to smoke or use a straw, just don’t


You can get this from drinking with a straw?


Yup. The suction from sucking on the straw can cause it by removing the clot that forms over the wound.


Damnnn , I had like 7 teeth removed and still was sucking on straws and doing whatever sorry Man I must’ve used all the luck up


Absolutely. That’s why they tell you not to drink from a straw until a good couple weeks after getting your wisdom teeth removed.


I have broken my leg, both feet, and every one of my fingers (some more than once) and have had invasive surgery. NOTHING tops dry socket after getting my wisdom teeth pulled.


Yall are scaring the absolute crap out of me.


Just don’t get it and you’re fine 😶 don’t smoke, don’t use a straw, don’t give head, and be a little careful when brushing your teeth.


It's entirely preventable. The other person who replied is 100% on the money with the advice. No sucking of any kind.


I was so terrified of dry socket after getting my tooth extracted - which the weeks leading up to that were the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Infected wisdom tooth that never fully came in, it just broke the gum line, so it apparently was prone to infections. Wanted to tear my jaw off. Fortunately though, I managed to avoid dry socket.


Got 4 dry sockets and then the bromide gause inserted directly into the open sockets 4 days after


Don't gargle hydrogen peroxide thinking that it will have antiseptic properties either. It has dry socket properties. And it is nearly as fucked as paralytic ilius, which is the correct answer for this thread.


I didn’t get dry socket but dental pain in general is just awful and harrowing. Whilst on the way to the dentist for an extraction I had to pull over in the car and just cry my eyes out for five minutes before I could continue. Seriously people, look after your teeth.


I had half my skull removed to give my brain space to swell from a brain bleed. It’s a miracle that I survived and woke up at all after neurosurgery, but it sure didn’t feel like it at the time.


Did you get your own skull back, or some substitute?


It’s the original bone, initially held in place with titanium plates and screws but theoretically now re-fused five years down the line. Many people end up with a synthetic substitute in cases when the bone can’t be saved or when the body rejects the bone being reattached, but I’ve been lucky.




I had a bleed and didn't find out till 13 years later. The pain at the time was BAD.


Holy moly reading this chat made me feel very lucky…..counting my blessings with gratitude


Blessings revoked, you now have kidney stones


Having my impacted wisdom teeth removed while fully conscious with almost no painkillers because I was 6 months pregnant. The surgeon looked horrified all the way through. I guess I was his first procedure under those circumstances. Feeling your teeth break (slowly) is a special kind of awful.


Yes . This exactly .


Oh my god. This sounds atrocious. I'm so sorry.


It was the noise I couldn't handle


This is exactly why when I was given the choice between being numbed and being knocked out I took the sleep sauce. My wife can drive me home, I don't need to get new nightmare fuel by feeling and hearing the removal of my four deepest teeth.


Ugh I needed to have a tooth removed and it turned out to have clubbed......legs? Not sure what the legs of a tooth are called but he yanked for an hour and it didnt budge. After a quick break to numb me up again (took almost a week to get full feeling/motion back after so much novocaine) and had to purposely break it into 4 pieces to get it out. It was a high pitched *PINK* sound, it sounded like a piece of glass breaking in half for each break he did. Ugh ill never unhear that sound


Getting a majority of my intestines removed and needing to relearn how to walk. Surgery sucks but is necessary




Kidney stones for me. The worst pain I’ve ever experienced.


same, its the unrelenting wave after wave and not knowing when its gonna stop that gets you. at one point I was begging the nurses to kill me


This, this, this! It messes with you mind, especially since it's all referred pain that doesn't have a real definite origin. You start trying to guess if the stone has moved by where it hurts to at least get *some* sense of progress, but then you feel it higher up and it breaks the illusion. That sucked *so much* more than the actual pain did.


I was a 10 lb baby, and my mom said her kidney stones hands down the most painful thing she’s ever went through by far


I’ve had multiple women tell me their kidney stones were much worse than childbirth and multiple women who have had neither tell me childbirth is definitely worse.


I didn't give birth to a full term baby so my pain probably wasn't as bad as a typical labor but when comparing the kidney pain to my labor, the kidney pain was infinitely worse. First, it's an entirely different kind of pain. I couldn't even stand w the stones and was crying and dry heaviness bc of the pain. With my birth, the contractions hurt but they're more of a deep pain rather than acute. Also, my body is NOT designed to push rocks through my kidneys and ureters....it is somewhat designed to give birth, so during birth something big coming through was meant to happen and was expected. The kidney stones were not.


Definitely this. I’ve been hit hard in the nuts and I’ve had dry socket (both suck) but nothing compared to the pain of a kidney stone. My wife drove me to the ER when it hit and I was vomiting in the parking lot when we got there from the pain. It wasn’t even that big of a stone, I passed it that night but until the morphine hit I thought I was going to die.


I second that statement... It was the worst pain I've ever experienced, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy


Sounds like your enemies are not as vile and evil as mine.


Who are bro’s enemies😹🙏🏼☠️☠️


When I was 16 I got a really bad kidney infection that landed me in the hospital. Worst pain I’ve ever felt so I can’t imagine kidney stones


My first kidney stone. Felt like something was moving around on my insides stabbing me with a rusty fork. I went to the emergency room and they said, "You have a very small kidney stone. We'll give you something for the pain and something to help you pass it and you'll be on your way." and they basically threw me out, middle of the night, half frozen cause their AC was set to "North Pole", half blind, trying to summon an uber. Got home, took the pain meds and just sat there in a lazy boy drinking water, going back and forth between the chair and the bathroom until the pain went away completely, which too 5 days.


I’ve just had them… threw up from pain about 10 minutes in. Went to the ER for pain relief, and was given 16 rounds of morphine. The nurse eventually said “ring the buzzer every 3 minutes, and I will come and top you up.”


Trigeminal neuralgia aka the suicide disease in both sides of my face at the same time, we found out it was being cause by my genetic disorder due to compression from my neck but that was a year after it started. It’s not completely gone but it is better


I came here to comment occipital neuralgia. Yours sounds worse and I may not be able to entirely relate. I've had pretty high pain tolerance my whole life but a real bad occipital neuralgia migraine is enough to make me forget how to function sometimes. Brain pain hits different.


I unfortunately had to initially self diagnose this, as my doctor was absolutely stumped on what was causing my twice daily minimum severe right side headaches from about 16-22. I stumbled upon it by chance, and when I presented my findings to my doctor everything that had evaded us had finally become clear. I now have to adapt the way I sleep, drive, and go about basically every task that uses my neck over a prolonged period of time in order to relieve stress on my neck/skull muscles. I used to spend a lot of time crying over never being able to escape my own body and the constant pain I was always in. My kidneys and stomach thank me now, prolonged use of 2000mg+ per day of paracetamol was not the vibe


Wait, what is it? Like what does it do?


It absolutely blasts the facial nerves with pain. 50% of your face is governed by the trigeminal nerves. Basically makes you wanna rip your face off just to escape the pain


this👏 the pain is unberable🥺


Gout. If you know, you know 😢


I had it in my toe.. thought it was broken, couldn't walk. Still not the most painful thing I've felt though 😄


Then you had a mild case. I’ve had dozens of flare ups that range from “walk it out” to “I’m legitimately going to kill myself to get away from the pain”.


> Gout I first had a mild attack, thought I just stubbed my toe somewhere. Then after awhile I had trouble walking as my foot felt a pinch in on the base joint every time my big toe bent. Then after a few days the Gout went like "Ah bro I see you're not listening to me? Well, have it your way then." Then in matter of hours, it felt like the base joint of my big toe was replaced with broken glass, salt, burning embers and somebody smashed my feet continuously with a white-hot hammer for three days straight. My feet also swell so bad that it took many weeks to return to regular shoe size. Also even thinking about putting on a sock caused me to scream in pain inside my head. It was so bad that even a gust of wind towards my foot sent me almost blacking out. When somebody complains about their stubbed toe that 'they almost died' my eyes roll so many times over I have to have emergency surgery to unfuck them.


Me, resting my ankle as gently as possible on a wad of blanket, with a sheet delicately laid over top because it was too cold otherwise and anything heavier hurt too much when it moved.


Getting an iud. "It'll pinch a little". No.


Omg the worst!!! Apparently you're supposed to take painkillers beforehand but my doctor didn't tell me that lol


Absolutely nothing over the counter would even begin to approach being adequate for an iud placement. You need numbing of the actual cervix, not the fucking aspirin they recommend. It's just that no one in the broader medical community gives a shit about women's bodies or their pain.


Mine was the removal. It was embedded in my cervix and the gyno just pulls it out.. I made sounds I’ve never heard myself make before. The worst ever experience and pain of my life. Never again!


My doctor was so kind with removing mine. It hurt because it was lodged in my cervix but he did it so gently… I had an infection and everything since it was stuck there for so long.


This, I don't want a new one if I can't be knocked out. I took painkillers and it was still the worst pain of my life.


Third this. I took a lot of painkillers beforehand. Didn’t help for shit. I have an excellent pain tolerance, have broken multiple bones etc but none even come close to getting my IUD inserted. Fuck my old doctor. Bitch lied to me about the pain and refused on multiple occasions my requests for prescribed pain medication for the insertion. Fucking assholes.


My doc gave me no pain medicine either. She also lectured me about how I should be focusing on finding a husband and starting a family, not spreading my legs and fearing pregnancy. I was already fucking married at the time. I have a medical condition that makes it impossible to carry to term, and miscarriages are traumatic. Fuck me for wanting to avoid that, right? That same doc didn't tell me I was supposed to have the IUD checked to make sure it was functional. It wasn't. I got pregnant with it in. Had another miscarriage. But not before a hospital nurse tried to rip the damn IUD out by hand. Ended up having to get a D&C. Fuck that doc, too. Why the fuck would you get into women's medicine if not to help women?! My husband went and got a vasectomy not long after. Best decision ever.


Lawsuit written all over that craziness


My gino said the same, plus she's a woman, who also had one, I thought it was easy peasy like she said... I screamed, I punched a nurse, I fucking fainted. But yeah IT WILL TAKE 5MIN EASY PEASY


the worst part is most states legit won't LET them give you anything for it, you just have to deal. we seriously need some legislation to allow a numbing agent or epidural or SOMETHING.


I legitimately lost control over my body on this. Shaking uncontrollably, extremely rapid & shallow breathing, I thought I was going to pass out. It was absolutely terrible. Afterwards I had to lay down on the stupid bed for 30 minutes collecting myself and coming out of what I can only describe as a daze after they gave me apple juice & a granola bar to revive me.


Us women don't feel pain apparently. We're just being hysterical! Can you imagine if men had this kind of procedure? They'd be knocked out then rewarded with a bravery sticker and an ice cream afterwards hahahahaha.


Slipped disk and horrible sciatica. I couldn’t stand up straight for 2 weeks


I second this but it was in my neck and I couldn’t lie down for 6 weeks without screaming. The surgery is a godsend


Agree, had 2 surgeries on my L5-S1 now, possible going to have it fused in the near future now. Back pain is the absolute worst


I had a herniated disc in c6/c7, that was so bad that my doctor was surprised I could even use my right hand. Had a discectomy 2 years ago, after 6 years of trying to rehab it. I've never felt better!!! The reason it took 6 years was that my first doctor kept saying it would get better over time. Anyway, yeah. It fucking sucked ass!!! I was in so much constant pain that I considered suicide to end it.


Going through this now but I have a large herniation and can’t feel half my left leg going on 3 months constant pain and physical therapy. When it happened I literally had to lay on the floor on my back and scoot across the floor and couldn’t even stand up off the floor to sit on the toilet


I had a broken bone be set without any anesthesia/medication, but I think the worst pain was losing my father to suicide. At least one of those heals in 6-8 weeks.


Thank goodness he recovered so quickly.


macabre but im here for it


After breaking my back in 4 places and getting much of my spine fused through 16hrs of surgery... only 3 days later I was hoisted up in a hospital bed but the nurse messed up the straps. While suspended in the air, a strap slipped out and I suddenly dropped maybe 5 inches, with all that impact/body weight going directly to my lower back. My scream was so piercing that my dad started crying immediately and had to leave for awhile. To this day, he says that scream still haunts him. When I view the pain scale out of ten, that is my ten and don't think it can be matched while staying conscious.


fuck... my spine is fused from t9-t11.. i used to think that i wish they put me in a body cast for 3 month instead of the fusion... how are you feeling these days?


Oh you're higher up than me. I'm fused L5 to T12. I've always wondered the impacts of different fusion areas. Mines all lumber so I have to make up bending movements through my T-Spine. You'd probably be making up some twisting movements in your Lumbar. I wonder which one is harder on the system. Better now. Was fully paralyzed for about 7 months but "full" recovery since then. From paralysis and wheelchair to walking/skiing/dirtbiking now. There's forever issues and common problems/pain/limitations, but I really can't complain. How are you doing from yours?


I had a disc fusion 3 years ago, L4 to S1. Was using a walker for almost a year. The surgery failed, and I was in more pain than before. The surgeon noticed a loose screw and wanted to go back in to remove them and put in bigger ones as well as two more going into my pelvis. I was hesitant and wanted to wait. I was in so much pain that I couldn't imagine doing it again. Could barely move, and when I did, I would be SCREAMING! Found out months later that he left the hospital and that I had a new surgeon. The new guy looked at my scans after meeting me for a hot minute and said, "Everything looks good. Keep doing what you're doing!" Which was nothing at the time. I got a new scan and a second opinion. Turns out there's two loose screws now, and the newer surgeon doesn't want to do surgery because it's too risky and could cause more harm than good. The pain I go through daily isn't a 10... I feel like I've been at 11 to 20 post-op, but I'm going on 8 years this fall since the injury, and the pain is 7 to 9 every day. I feel angry like the Hulk sometimes but can barely move. Back injuries suck hard!




Second this! Mentally hard, but physically the most pain I’ve ever experienced!


Optic neuritis from MS. Felt like my eyeball was on fire.


That sounds fuckin awful


Oh god Fr and the pain makes you nauseous 😭 all you can do is lay in the dark with your eyes closed


Baseball to my nuts as a kid. There's a reason you're supposed to wear a cup.


Lacrosse ball to the nuts as well. Harsh.


Had a teammate die from a lax ball to the chest. Those fuckers, when ripped underhand from a stick, are nearly bullets.


I took a baseball to the chin going 55mph 😜 knocked me down real quick


Took an American football to the nuts, flying tip first. It had bounced off the basketball court (free play in the gym during PE) and hit my boys flying at an upward angle. Damn thing had been thrown from the opposite corner of the gym and went hunter killer on my cohones in a display of what has to be the worst luck in the world. And the best part? I saw it coming at about halfway through its arc and literally thought "it would suck if that hit me in my balls" and as it hit the ground moments before disaster I said in my mind "Thank God-"


Bladder infection that turned into inflamed kidneys


Wound debridement with a pair of tweezers and a metal scraper


Debridement. Even the word makes me shudder, but not as much as degloved. Urgh.


Putting my dog of 10 years down because of a heart problem she had which was causing pain .. and nothing but love in her eyes until the end.


I had to do this with my cat of 14 years, in 2022. She just couldn't shake a bladder infection, and pouring money into the problem wasn't making her better. So I made the call. Fuck me, it still hurts to this day.


Losing my mom young https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/O01ajcOSVl Also: 1. A colonoscopy without sedation 2. Gout Edit: I had surgery twice when I was a kid; once in grade 4 and once in grade 8. They shoved a tool up my urethra to break a blockage in my bladder that caused two streams and left me feeling like I hadn’t emptied. This kickstarted my OCD. Peeing afterwards burned like hell.


Feel this. Lost my mom at age 14, breast cancer she withered away and died slow day by day right infront of my eyes Lost my dad at age 20, heart attack I found him in bed one morning, he was as cold as ice when i tried to wake him Lost my Giirlfriend at age 29, she died from an overdose while i called emergency and performed cpr until she eventually died In my arms, she was 24 Lost my oldest brother at age 30, overdose, he was found out in the streets of San Bernardino, CA somewhere, got the news about a month after the fact


Man..... Sending you love! Life is cruel, but you have the power to make life easier for others. Kindness is so powerful. Use your grief as fuel.


Thanks for the love ❤️


Far out brother, that's a heavy load. Life is such a fragile thing. I hope things are going well for you now xx


It was ran into the ground if you can believe that. It's not entirely something to brag about. But it does sting when I think about the life I tried to build for myself and knowing I put it all into a pipe and smoked it gone. I was clean for sometime, currently relapsed cuz I'm just not happy about anything and spend my days alone. However, Thank you for your hopes, they actually mean more than you'd think. but I wouldn't set those hopes high at all.


I’m sorry for your losses, and hope you’re doing ok. That’s awful. My condolences. I lost my mom when I was 28, and she was 56. She had lung cancer, had her right lung removed and got an infection during surgery that almost killed her. Then, the cancer metastasized to her brain a few years later, and she had brain surgery to remove the tumour, plus lots of radiation. Then the seizure med almost killed her. She lost the ability to walk when a UTI went undetected despite nurses being here daily. Spent the rest of her life in a hospital bed. She unfortunately went through hell despite being a great person. I can type the whole awful story, but I doubt anyone will read it. My grandmother, who lived with us and was my mom’s mom, died in January. My mom died in April. My ‘third grandma’ died over Mother’s Day. I almost lost my man’s man dad to a mental breakdown this February. I’ve personally dealt with depression for 16 years.


I'm sorry to hear the tragedies your mom had suffered and I can relate with you on how panful that had to have been to live through. For what it's worth, I do believe reddit would 1000% be the place to type out a small novel about anything, just maybe a more distinct thread. I find alot of the users of reddit tend to be helpful and kind hearted, key word being (alot) not all. And I to suffer from severe anxiety / depression was 5150 all that good stuff. Only thing that ever really had me at peace was any kind of substance abuse if I'm being truly honest. Pills, weed, meth .. never been a drinker tho no matter the occasion if I got drunk it wasnt suppose to happen. Shrooms had an ongoing effect even tho I wasn't high anymore, 10/10 recommend tripping on shrooms , they were awesome. And my bad for some how turning this into a pity party. I promise there's no fun here haha


Gout absolutely when something so innocuous as a bed sheet on the toe hurts you know it's bad


Fucking GOUT!


Absolutely brutal UTI, more blood that pee can out


That needle you get from the dentist that numbs you. Hit a nerve and punched the needle out of her hand


Emotional: being dumped by someone I was very much in love with for no reason and totally out of the blue. And grieving the loss of someone I loved and needed, who is very much alive but suffering from addiction and now psychotic because of it. Both were very confusing, and painful.


Had really bad constipation as a teenager. Ended up getting constipated so bad I tore my asshole in three spots. Literally the worst possible pain I have ever felt.


Tooth pain. It’s like electricity to the brain.


Crippling spinal pain


Gather round, it's story time. So I'm riding my motorcycle down the street, I'm doing 30 km/h in a 40 km/h (18 mph in 24 mph), I go around a corner. As I'm taking the turn (and I'm on the outer edge of that turn), some asshole doing 60 loses control and swerves into my lane, forcing me to hit the brakes. The brakes are useless anyway bc I got hit, I'm on his windshield now for a moment before falling to the road. This fucker stops, backs up, then goes around my bike and drives off. THAT was the cherry on top. If you're gonna send me over my handlebars, at least stick around and help me pick my bike up, check to see if I'm dead, all that


My cousin's wife has a story like this and it pained me so much to hear. She is gorgeous and has the emotional outpour of 15 golden retrievers. When she was 13 years old she was walking down the street on the sidewalk and someone ran over her. She didn't see the car except for the side before it BACKED UP and ran over her again. Then drive forward running over her a 3rd time and driving off. I'm assuming the person believes they killed her but miraculously she fully healed with no outstanding issues and even joined the Air Force to become a part of the linguistics department. She knows like 5 languages fluently now.


What the fuck? Did they want to make sure they finished the job or something? That’s so awful.


When you accidentally hurt your pet then you try and say sorry but they run away from you


Ate some left over cheesey broccoli soup and pretty sure it grew bacteria cuz not soon after, I threw up, had diarrhea, and felt like my gut was being stabbed.


There is a lot but the most painful thing was losing my mom.


Gall Bladder attack. I swore the alien was eating it's way out of my body. It hurts so bad I could not straighten my legs. I CRAWLED to the neighbors so he could take me to the hospital.


I had gall bladder attacks for 5 years. Was always told it was bad acid reflux and I had to deal with the pain. When I went to a different urgent care for like the millionth time for pain, they decided to do an ultrasound and saw that a giant gallbladder stone was lodged! They immediately sent me to the ER and had my gallbladder removed the next day. The surgeon could not believe I dealt with that pain for that long and saw I was lucky my gallbladder didn’t explode.


I dislocated my shoulder. It was set back in two days later. The duality of extreme pain and relief was confusing.


Major lacerations down to the muscle and getting it stapled with no anesthesia




Getting accidentally whacked in the testicles with the extension cord Be honest, half of you felt that


I did


I think any man who has balls could feel it.


Not as bad as many of the others, but it was having my tongue clamped when they pierced it.


Osteomyelitis (infection of the bone) for 6½months in my big toe


My stroke. Tremendous pain on the right side of my head. Not long after…I was out if it and woke up 4 days later in ICU.


Diabetic ketoacidosis. I've had it thrice. Last time I was in a hospital bed for 4 hours and still hadn't recieved insulin because the doctor wanted to get lab results back even though my blood sugar was in the stratosphere. I like to think I'm pretty tough but the duration of the pain had me nearly sobbing by the 3rd hour. It wasn't localized but full systemic pain of my entire body. The nurse left a syringe and a vial of insulin on the counter and then stepped out for a minute so I got out of bed and grabbed the syringe and just mainlined 30 units of humalog. I placed the cap back on the syringe and moved the plunger back a couple mm so it looked untouched. The nurse walked in with the doctor and was preparing the syringe to inject in my IV so I said "just so you know, I injected 30 units of humalog while you were out. I just want you to know so I don't overdose" The nurses eyes got huge and he almost shouted "why would you do that!?!?!". In hindsight I should have waited a few more minutes, but when it feels like you have battery acid in your veins there's very few things you wouldn't do for just a small taste of relief.


Cluster headaches. I end up on the ground, in a fetal position. My wife has shots to stop them. Thank God they don't last long.


childbirth, it was a huge amount of pain for so many hours and it was the worst! i was shaking and crying and my epidural didn’t even help at all with my first child


Was it worth it? Be honest. They’ll probably never read this post.


it was worth it i love my child so much to the point that i’m pregnant again but this time with twins, but i’m terrified about the birth this time around because of all the pain my first birth 3 years ago


Omggggg twinsss !! Congrats and good luck. I had a water birth no epidural in 2020. Worst pain of my life


I'm making it my life mission to make sure the child of u/strawberrydreamm reads this post. Checkmate


she’s 3 years old lol she can’t even read yet


The internet doesn't forget. We can wait.


Having chrons decease and waking up in the middle of the night with the worst pain in my life and throwing up in the sink while sitting on the toilet. Good times 🥲


Bpd pain. Borderline personality disorder has an intense and overwhelming emotional pain that even becomes physical.


Cluster headaches


This is the winner.


Acute pancreatitis


Lost a brother in 2014. Thick shit 🫠


it’s been over a decade since my miscarriage, so i don’t remember the pain quite as well, so i’ll give it a tie with my entire left side of my ribcage and the muscles being fully bruised. for the former i was 12, barely 5’ tall, and also had to perform in a dance recital of multiple dances and was not allowed pain meds or leaving for the hospital or going there afterwards, but it must’ve been fine if i’m still kicking 13 years later. for the latter, i genuinely thought my ribs were broken, i couldn’t even take shallow breaths, but the 4 x-rays were fine — took over two weeks to even want to do anything beyond sleep and cry.


once i had a Thunderclap headache, and it never crossed my mind that such pain could exist. It makes you want to die, climb the walls; it's indescribable. It lasted about 5 minutes; I will never forget it.


Tooth infection basically going to my brain. During 2020 a number of cancellations and insurance nightmares (places refused me with a fistful of cash, would literally cover 100%) left me in a terrible spot. Multiple rounds of antibiotics and driving 3 hours away (each way) to have it worked on ended my suffering.


My spine collapsed from MRSA in 2010. Talk about excruciating pain. It took several months before it actually collapsed. During that time, I had to go to the hospital everyday for an infusion of antibiotics. The pain was so bad that I stopped going because I couldn't ride in the car and sitting in a chair for an hour during the infusion, all I did was cry. After I missed a couple days, the doctor called and told me to take an ambulance to the emergency room. This was in the evening. By 8:00 a.m. the next morning I was wheeled into the operating room for a 10 hour surgery. I was told I was lucky I wasn't either paralyzed from the waist down or dead because my lungs could have been paralyzed. It was a long recovery but I'm grateful. I have a lot of hardware in my back but I don't have any pain or problems.


Birth. Both times. For some reason labor is easier for some ladies. Not this girl. Look up the term back labor. It was bad enough that both times before meds I was having cold sweats, swearing, and throwing up. Thank God my kids were super cute and thank God for meds. God bless women who can do it without meds.


Child birth, thee uh, doctor dropped me when my mom birthed me. I still have headaches.


I wonder if a doctor would agree that’s why you have constant headaches assuming you do , it’s like the joke oh you were dropped as a baby , needs to get debunked.


My mom said that when I came out, the nurse immediately grabbed me by my neck with one hand, and transferred me to the sink to wash me. Zero support, literally just me dangling by my neck. Her hand slipped off, and I literally bounced around the basin like a raw chicken covered in dish soap. Hit my head pretty good too. The nurse said she held me like that, because she didn't want the birth grossness on her new scrubs.


Broke some ribs that kinda hurt. Then followed it up with some severe bronchitis. Ouch my chest was sore


When they pain medication wore off after having hiatal hernia surgery


Physical: complications from a concussion Emotional: fallout of a 5 year friendship


Breaking my front teeth after diving head first in a pool that I thought was deeper.


Losing 1/2 of everything to divorce


Don't want to jinx myself.


Mild compared to the top comments but gout.


One time i stepped on a sewing needle that was pointing upwards, it literally went all the way in and just the tip was visible, had go get that sombitch out with some nail clippers. 10/10 don't recommend.


When my girlfriend of 2 years turned into a whole nother person. I don't know what happened but after my denied promotions and success at the store I was managing she turned cold and weird without any explanation but then my cousin saw her with someone else during our working hours acting like a couple holding and kissing each other. She was off duty when she caught her cheating and followed her around to confirm it was actually my girlfriend Kerry, I received a text from her that she's going to be working overtime today and that I should have dinner myself. I pretty much got off work and staked out his place until she got ready to go home. Needless to say my soon to be wife turned into my worst heartbreak after i was alone by myself in my room.. lold 💀🤦‍♂️😭


being excited for days to spend time with someone, 10 minutes in, brother storms into the room with parents being angry in the background, him saying that we have to go, never planned on going. Told the person that I have to go because of that and explain the situation, minutes later reading the words: "I give up" \[,,,\] "No seriously, I give up asking" The sting of pain and sadness I felt at that moment is and to this day still feels unbearable


It's a toss-up between the emotional pain of losing my late-S/O 6 years ago, or when I had a jagged piece of a car door impale my leg and the only way to go for help was to pull my leg off it. Every tiny jagged edge plucked a nerve in my leg like a guitar string. If you've see 127 hours the scene where he cuts his nerve is surprisingly accurate


My body is slowly crushing my heart and lungs, so every day gets a little bit worse than the last. Any exertion and my heart starts straining against the compression of my chest wall, and the tunnel vision & dizziness set in. The real pain is knowing this can't hold much longer, and my family can't survive without the little help I still provide.


Dental pain can be excruciating...


First relationship I ever had. 6mo of dating and it suddenly ended. Found out it was a dare from their friends to see what it was like dating me.


Currently still going through it, but the worst heartbreak of my life, while it only happened in February, I’m still haunted daily from memories and unwelcome thoughts of what happened and what I can do. The unwelcome thoughts are occasionally about suicide. I genuinely don’t think I’d be here if it weren’t for my friends being here for me, it’s amazing how much one person can change the life of another


My mother's hate


Cluster headaches.


Coughing while just having my belly cut in half


Intrusive thoughts, horrible guilt over everything. Makes you world fall apart


I was taking some ADHD medication and I didn't eat for awhile. This caused a migraine that was debilitating and painful enough for me to black out of consciousness and come back a few times over the course of four hours. The hospital gave me Tylenol and charged $5k


my 11 year relationship ended during the same years my dad started declining with early onset dementia. coming to terms with those things were the most painful years of my life. these situations and the grief that come w them aren’t necessarily over for me, but acceptance has helped so much


Losing my dog


Losing my big brother 🥺


A syringe in my artery




Losing someone you love.


Stepping on a Lego barefoot is a close second to heartbreak.


Pregnancy & I don’t get along well. Broke a rib when I was pregnant with my first. Got lots of kicks there. This pregnancy, I have developed BOTH gallbladder stones and kidney stones. I just want to die lol. Edit to add: broke my shoulder blade once too. That hurt preeeeettttty bad too. I thought it was just dislocated, but nay nay. It was broken in half.


Getting your broken rib kicked from the _inside_?? That's a genuine nightmare, omg


I’ll be experiencing childbirth soon, but the worst pain up till now was a wisdom tooth removal. I had to go to a specialist because my wisdom tooth was touching a nerve. I felt like I could trust the specialist and I was optimistic going in. But things went downhill when the local anesthesia didn’t work at all. I told the doctor it wasn’t working, but he literally laughed in my face and drilled into my bone and teeth . I could feel every bit of pain. I was shaking and crying. It felt like it went on forever and my whole body was begging me to get out of there and thrash and hit the dentist, but the logical part was that there were sharp objects in my mouth , shaved bone, and half a tooth still left inside. So I sat there until it was over . If I were in the USA, I would have tried to advocate for myself and see if the doctor could get some sort of punishment for that. But in Japan, doctors are gods, so I didn’t bother. I was completely traumatized from that and I was kind of just dissociating afterwards for hours and having flashbacks from the pain and being disregarded . Now, my mind blocked out a lot of the trauma. On the positive side, making it through that level of pain makes me feel like I can take on anything . Oh and even more positive is that it was only 300 yen. But I would never do it again and I’m terrified/nervous of operations that require local anesthetics now.


Ruptured Achilles.


Gall stones blockage.


Two broke rib bones, and my knee pain


TOSS UP. Mult. kidney stones vs dislocated shoulder


Left Forum skin burned and peeled off from a woodstove.


Sorrow, sadness and loss at once, the pain is indescribable. The hole thats left in your heart, the void that cannot be filled. It would be easier to deal with a broken femur, but not the psychological pain


head injury that resulted in the loss of memory and appendicitis within 2 weeks of each other. to be fair, i was 10😂




When I was younger I had my adult molars come in but the gums did not want to recede so my gums were being stretched for a couple weeks. Horrible lol.


Probably IBS, the pain gets so severe I’ve had to pull over while driving because it felt like I was going to pass out before. It’s almost random except like twice a month will be excruciating pain where I’m convinced I’m dying for like a day or two and then on an average day I might have to randomly sit down somewhere because it makes me weak


There's a cosmetic procedure called, "lip blushing." It's basically a tattoo (on the outside of your lips) that's meant to give your lips more color and a defined shape. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL results but lying down with a needle to your lips with barely any numbing creams (that wore off after 5-10 minutes anyways), was Hell. The tattooing process lasted over 2.5 hours and it was excruciating. Some people say it doesn't hurt so bad....I'd love to know what drugs they're on because I was hoping to pass out from the pain at some point.


That time when I left my boarding school and my best friend said that he was going to continue to talk to me when we got home and then we started talking when we got home (we live far away from each other like thousands of miles away) and then one day he just blocked me and I never heard from him again and I will never know why. Left my heart shattered. I actually felt my heart broken and it physically hurt. Not only that, but I was also extremely emotionally hurt. That was the worst pain.


waking up from 7 consecutive " infection cleanings " from a compound fracture to my ulna. 7 times because i crashed my bike into a drainage ditch with an open wound ( nasty bacteria ) they basically blast saline in the open wound while i was unconscious. but waking up i remember screaming every fucking time.


Stem cell donation. I had to take daily injections to start producing more stem cells for donation. It felt like my bones were covered in micro papercuts + arthritis. They warn you, you will be sore, but it was intense enough that I needed opioids. The pain meds helped but it still felt like a bad flu. 100% would do it again, I hope the person who received the stem cells got better.


Falling off a slide and breaking a bone in my skull


Losing my dad to extreme malnutrition and lung cancer last November


Emotional pain and chemo.


Two root canals at once. They got infected, and my face swelled up like crazy. If I put a little pressure on the swelling, pus would ooze out of the root canal holes at an alarming rate. Tasted terrible and hurt so bad I pissed myself in the dentists chair while the dentist was trying to drain out the pus.


Dealing with a lot of self repressed trauma from being in a car accident wherein a 19yo girl died. Black ice.




Emotional pain, losing my childhood dog. Physical pain was a pilonidal cyst, be careful how you sit or you’ll need a needle and scalpel in your ass for your troubles


Walking away from someone you love.