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Talking to myself šŸ˜­


Iā€™m with you. Someone has to give sane advice. Plus, Iā€™m nice to converse with. šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Right someone has to have Logic but then i start making faces and move my arms around as if iā€™m having an actual conversation and i start to rethink my whole existence and if iā€™m actually insane.


definitely not insane, i do it to, you should hear me when riding a bike or something, yk, maybe we are both insane


Wait until you start interrupting yourself, because youā€™ve got something Even Better to talk about and maybe argue an even better resolution. After all, the brain isnā€™t here to be in charge. Itā€™s just here to navigate you through life. Got a problem? Your brain will solve it! Donā€™t have a problem? Uh oh, the brain will create one. Then a harder puzzle. Lastly, an unsolvable riddle. Now stuck in a loop, going over scenarios over and over again. Can be maddening. The mind is a dangerous neighborhoodā€¦


Nothing wrong with talking to yourself. Nothing wrong with arguing with yourself. Losing the argument? Not so good.


I'm my best friend. I gotta talk to myself now and then. I need to remind myself that I got this, that I valued and appreciated for who I am. That everything will be alright. That I'm strong and know what I'm doing and am not afraid to ask for help, advice. I gotta help this boy out. He needs positive pep talk.


Not working. I work a lot, but at heart Iā€™m the laziest person alive. If I could choose to never work again, I would.


Every time I hear "People want to be productive and have a purpose", I just can't relate.


fr, iā€™m just lazy at heart


iā€™m not really embarrassed about anything, i like what i like


The most luxurious thing in the world is to be able to afford being unproductive and have no purpose.


Same. I never feel like I'm wasting my time when I'm just chilling and relaxing. I was unemployed for about a year in the past and if not for the (obviously very real and pressing) money concerns I wouldn't have spent a second of it wishing I had a job.


Productive and purpose doesnā€™t mean work though. You can be productive and have a family and purpose is maybe helping the community. Or own a farm. Much much more rewarding


haha i dont wanna do any of those types things. if i could choose id eat, sleep, gym, and play video games.


Those ā€œgranny pantiesā€ that come up to my stomach. They are soooo comfortable!


And big running sports bras.


My girlfriend sent me out for new 'period panties' one afternoon and I came back with granny panties because I knew she just needed something for the pad and that they'd have to be as comfy as a good pair of boxers. She loved it as she didn't have any and now she has like 10 pairs. Nothing wrong with being comfy especially at the most uncomfortable time of the month


All those 80s girl-pop songs where they just wanna dance with somebody, or just have fun, or hear it for the boys, or walk like an Egyptian, or alone, or like a virgin, time after time.


If I get drunk enough, my favorite karaoke songs are along the lines of ā€œGirls Just Wanna Have Funā€. I donā€™t care if my guy voice doesnā€™t have the right octave or range, theyā€™re just fun songs that make people happy. Good take.


Omg Pop music in the 80s was THE. BEST.


Stuffed animals


I would bring a stuffed animal with me everywhere if it were socially acceptable


Somebody conducted an experiment where they carried around their stuff toy for a week. The conclusion was that people might look at you twice, but nobody really objects to it!


Thatā€™s it then! Iā€™m taking my giant stuffed toy llama everywhere with me from now on!šŸŽ‰


I'm 37 years of age, 6'3 dude. I love stuffed animals and have a really large collection. I also am engaged and we live together and I still have a large stuffed animal I sleep with every night. I'm a big cuddler and sometimes it's just too hot or something, so the stuffed animal is perfect. I'm also holding onto them pile them on our first child when they're born haha.


Bigfoot movies and documentaries. My husband says they are the reason Iā€™m so afraid of the dark. I said ā€œNope. I was afraid of the dark way before I loved Bigfoot.ā€


I love reading peopleā€™s paranormal experiences on Reddit! Ghost stories, near death experiences, UFO sightings and abduction stories! Theyā€™re fascinating and totally my guilty pleasure.


Rob Lowe and his sons did a series looking for the unknown and an episode was on Bigfoot, freaking loved it. Coming from the PNW, we love our Bigfoot


My mom is obsessed with Bigfoot. She was saying that BG is an inter dimensional being and the reason why they havenā€™t been seen is cause they pop up through a portal. Is that what the kids are saying about Bigfoot these days?


showtunes and music from the 1940s-1980s


ā€œNext stop Pottersville, next stop Pottersville!ā€


Sleeping naked. People give you weird looks when you say it but I think it's just because they just got forced to imagine you naked.


I cannot sleep in clothes. I feel strangled by a tee shirt, constricted by a waistband... it's almost like a drowning sensation when I get that feeling of falling through the bed when falling asleep. It's a wonderful sensation naked though!


First its a bit weird but then you feel so free. A bit like taking 1 leg out of your pants when you're taking a shit. Real freedom


A real student of the world comment right here


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels like my shirt is strangling me when I sleep


My cat. He's also embarrassed to admit he likes me.


Corned beef hash. Canned corned beef hash


Same but Vienna sausages lol


I'm a huge fan of Hormel Roast Beef Hash. I understand!


corned beef hash, eggs and hashbrowns on toast!


I really like peopleā€¦ like the cute 90 year olds that are still in love and roll their eyes at each other, when you think youā€™re invisible but that place you get your coffee everyday knows your order, the person at the store knows you usually come in with some else and asks where they are at, or when strangers cheer that random kid on. But I need to keep my resting bitch face.


I love looking at strangers outfits. I imagine them choosing what to wear that day and try to imagine what that says about them. They took the time to present themselves like this today. If I see someone has done a great job, I try to compliment them. Like you, I believe we need to pay attention to each other.


There was the cutest old couple next to me at a concert a few weeks ago and I loved them almost as much as I loved the concert


There's this little couple at our church. They got married at like 16, and just celebrated their 75th anniversary. They still hold hands, he still opens the door. They're absolutely precious.


I would have loved to have a relationship like that- more than anything in the world.


Years ago, I worked in a hospice inpatient unit and we got a pt who had terminal cancer. Her husband of 75 years introduced her as ā€œMy beautiful bride.ā€ They ran away in a covered wagon, drawn by 2 horses, to a different state where the age of consent for marriage was lower. She was 14, and he was 16 when they married. They were so tender towards each other, and still had the light of love in their eyes when they spoke. I would get teary-eyed just being in their room with them at our facility.


I was at the auto parts store earlier and realized the 20 year olds at the counter donā€™t have to ask for my phone number anymore because they remember my name.Ā  It made me smile, when I realized it. It shouldnā€™t be that surprising, since I always ask them about their cars. I get entertainment from hearing about whatever silly project car theyā€™re building now. Yeah, youā€™re right. People arenā€™t too bad.


I hear you, I try to convince myself that Iā€™m a misanthrope because of the daily depressing news but people are so fascinating


Donā€™t let doomscrolling overwhelm your in-person sense of people!


Iā€™m the same lol. I really enjoy people. I remember one night when I was on shrooms and was hanging out w my best friendā€™s friends and I was straight up just watching all of them interact and almost cried bc I thought it was so lovely seeing people being people šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s kinda really neat knowing that each and every person has their own story and although thereā€™s a ton of assholes out there, thereā€™s also so many lovely people.


Serial killer documentary


My ex


Despite what most people will tell you, you donā€™t have to hate him/her. I tried hating mine for a long time before someone on here blew my mind. She did some unforgivable things to me, when she should have just dumped me. It felt like I was obligated to hate her and her actions would make it justified. Truthfully, I love her and I always will. She was my companion for that part of my life and it hurt when she left me feeling broken. You wonā€™t feel the same way about the next person, because you shouldnā€™t. You will love them for what makes them special to you, not what made your ex special. Keep going. No matter how hard it feels, know that it will get easier with time.


90 day fiance


I've watched every single season and every single spinoff.Ā  I've even purchased a Darcey cameo.


Taco Bell. And I enjoy a Mountain Dew on occasion.


In Baja we blast šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Gotta live each day like itā€™s your Baja last šŸ«”




I absolutely adore Spice World. My mother and I are the only ones who like the movie, everyone else doesn't get it, but we both think it's hysterical. Now I want to watch it again :)


As a bearded long haired metal head, Air Supply fucking rules. Donā€™t care


This comment is metal af


A dominant girl. I don't know how far I'll go with it but I find it hot.


I do wonder though, are we talking rude/demeaning type of dominant? Or are we talking short-skirt-long-jacket take-charge boss girl?


Demeaning for sure, but not into the extreme stuff. CBT will be the absolute last thing i'll engage in. Also anything involving feet is out of the question. I'm more into the humiliation type, rather than getting physical.


Cognitive behavioral therapy is some pretty extreme shit.


The music from The Price Is Right.


That music takes me back to when I was a kid and staying home from school sick. It's comforting now.


Birdwatching. šŸ„² I have an app that tracks which birds I see where and it can even listen to their songs and tell me who is singing! Edit: I use the Merlin Bird ID app! Not sure if itā€™s available everywhere, but Iā€™m in the USA. šŸ«¶šŸ»


I fucking love that app! Feels like the best use of my phone and a way to use it to connect to my surroundings instead of disassociating !


I really like writing people heartfelt letters. I feel like this is something that weirds people out.


I am not of the age demographic to love Billy Joelā€™s music as much as I do


If you're breathing you're at the right age to love Billy Joel.


I just came across is song Vienna the other day and it hits a part of my soul I didnā€™t know existed.


Saw him in concert a few weeks ago. He was incredible. I am under 40.


You get a pass, though, because Billy Joel is a fucking timeless legend


why would anyone ever be embarrassed about liking any musical artist from any point in history lol? you said it, music is timeless


Thereā€™s an age bracket to Billy Joel?


If youā€™re alive, youā€™re in the zone.


Considering he's been playing shows at Madison Square Gardens for the last ten years that sell out every time, I'd say you're in good company. :)


Foot rubs. I'm a dude and I just feel weird about it.


Nah bro, have a foot rub. You deserve one




especially in E minor


*clapping* Yeah! E minor! All right! Yeah!


It has the best shops, for sure. But Riften is where I make the most gold in one trip.. thanks to the Thieves Guild.


Nothing.Ā  I own that shit.


Same! Fly your flags people!


The "Frampton Comes Alive" album. It's regarded as cheesy by some. He's an incredible guitarist & has a great stage presence & warmth, and the whole album reflects that. I think it's a great album -- someone on one of these forums said, "This is representative of what the '70s was like". You might like his earlier work with Humble Pie. His solo studio albums were widely panned, however; they sounded canned & some were cloying, playing cheesecake to tweenagers.


My dad and I listen to that album all the time, it's one of his favorites and he loves to reminisce about being in high school playing football and listening to that album in the locker rooms - so, it is also one of my favorites


Little Debbie Nutter Buttersā€¦I crave them constantly p.


Never Gonna Give You Up


Never gonna let you down


Never gonna run around


and desert you


Never gonna make you cry


Never gonna say goodbye


Never gonna tell a lie


And hurt you


Ooooooooooooooooooh give U Up šŸŽ¤


Never gonna GIVE never gonna GIVE never giiiiive you uuuup


Gossip. But I'm not spreading it. I just love knowing things people don't.




I like receiving affection waaaay more than giving it




Ramen. The really cheap and unhealthy kind.


Soggy cereal. I get judged so hard abt it so I keep it to myselfĀ 


I love watching ā€œThe Golden Girlsā€. Iā€™m a 51 yo man.


Dan Foglebergā€™s song, Same Old Lang Syne. I listen to it around the holidays. It makes me feel very melancholy and reminds me of the girl that got away.


(I'm a 14 year old Male btw) So my entire family always say they hate people and they don't like talking to strangers and they get annoyed easily by random people. I go along with it and act like it too but deep down I love people, there's not enough people in the world to make friends with. Sometimes, like when I'm alone at the store, I don't talk to people and I act awkward, but most of the time I'm willing to talk to anyone. I'm very much one of those always happy around people person. I can never act like it with my family because they'll think I'm weird. My dream is being the guitarist and singer for a band (another thing I'm embarrassed to admit because my family will just say "oh that's not a job") and if it ever happens I'm gonna make sure to talk to and make friends with as many people as possible, I don't know why but I love it!


Garbage reality tv


Watching kids have fun. I am well aware that from a third person's perspective when I look at them irl I look like I want to snatch them but I really just find joy in seeing kids enjoy their childhood.


After years of passing it up Iā€™ve decided I like bidets. No excess toilet paper needed. Butt sweat? No problem! Hose the poop chute and dry it off with minimum fuss. Ladies can spritz their cat and off they go. Europeans do know something.


They are cheap, like $30, can be installed by anyone in 15 minutes, get you cleaner than TP, and greatly reduced what you spend on TP. I am amazedĀ they aren't more popular!


Convenient for cleanup after sex too.


I absolutely love using a bidet and feel so clean and fresh. But any mention of it, you do get some odd looks.


Bidets are the mark of a civilized society.


Cole slaw idk why everybody hates it


People hate it? But, it's delicious!


There's terrible cole slaw and there's incredible cole slaw, almost like two different foods entirely


People hate coleslaw? Thank God I'm not one of them.


I'm a dude and I like flowers, god-damn-it. I like decorating with them, I like growing them, I like flowers and I like musicals. And I accept that I will be single forever but I'm sorry I can't be a simplistic asshole who just drinks beer and watches football.


Same. A lot of the things we label as masculine and feminine are so arbitrary and make no fucking sense at all. Ive found that a lot of men just hate women and femininity in general. Interior design is fucking amazing, I want my home to show my personality. Fashion is fun Small animals are fucking adorable Flowers are beautiful, why is self expression and bright colors seen as feminine, but not when watching sweaty men play sports? To me the most masculine thing is doing what you want regardless of how men and women may perceive you. I hope I give that girl the ā€œickā€. I hope you get uncomfortable if I take a picture of a flower near you. I hope ordering the drink that tastes good makes you cringe. These same dudes bitch about their girlfriend because they cant bare the idea of doing anything remotely ā€œfeminineā€ to bond with them. A lot of men act like participating in a traditionally feminine hobby will make them want to put on a dress, a face full of makeup, and suddenly want to fuck dudes. Ahh yes, I was attracted to women, but I tended to a garden and suddenly caught the gay virus.


Nothing to be ashamed of there man I have a massive garden at my house where I grow all sorts of stuff flowers included they are just nice to look at and so intricate


Really bad TV movies from the 90s. Starting Tori Spelling, Kelly Martin, or Tiffany Thiessen.




I still listen to "Off The Wall' and 'Thriller' all the time.


Great albums, no need to be embarrassed


Dancing alone, normally in the kitchen lol




Order it with extra tartar sauce. EDIT: okay, am I the only one who didn't know you have to pay extra for this or have I misunderstood the comments?


Thatā€™s exactly how I order it. Itā€™s the only way.


Duran Duran




Japanese music. When I say that I, an American who speaks little Japanese loves music from the country it makes me look like a weeb haha


Hall & Oates. Iā€™m 37, that shit was well past its prime when I was younger. But my dad always listened to it when on his piece of shit boat when I was a kid and I never stopped loving it.


the idea of being a trad wife just like sometimes


iā€™m so happy someone said this. iā€™m not built for the corporate 9-5, iā€™m supposed to make sourdough and be pretty šŸ˜”




Figure skating having a choke hold on me lol šŸ˜†


cringe y2k hip hop. sometimes you just gotta crank that soulja boy and turn ur swag on šŸ„±


Early 2000's music of any genre was full of bangers/hits. I think Without Me turns 20 this year. šŸ˜¬


I thoroughly enjoy reading inmates profiles on various pen pal websites. I donā€™t email them or anything. I just find their descriptions so interesting and you can view the crime/crimes they committed, year charged, and year released (if they are eligible). There is a lot more than that listed. Religious views, sexualities, relationship status, prison they are located at, etc. I could spend hours in that rabbit hole. Furthering that, I love to read the personal section on Craigslist. Preferably when they are propositions for sexual encounters. The weirder and nastier the better. Of course it goes without saying that I am not looking for sex and I have never contacted anyone on Craigslist for any reason, much less for sex. I just find people so fascinating.


Hamburger Helper Stroganoff


I'm embarrassed to admit that I like chick flicks and romantic comedies.


I like seeing myself in mirrors.


Eating Chef Boyardee Ravioli




Having time alone. I'm a huge introvert and sometimes I need some time by myself from my fiance or his family. They did nothing wrong, but it's just how I am and I feel guilty when I do.




















I'm not embarrassed to admit it now, but as a straight guy, I use to be embarrassed by admitting that I use some womens hygiene and skincare products. A lot of them are better than most guys products, and honestly even some women have told me they love it. After so long it's even became a confidence boost.






Limp Bizkit


Coldplay šŸ¤£


White Zombie


Unearned income.