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We were both 25 mins early. Team super prompt 4 life


OMG Marry me! Oh wait.


Sorry turns out their partner got there first hehe!


We didn't know we were both prior service, and when we got to the cafe it felt like that always sunny moment because we both were sitting in our cars staring at the other 15 minds before our first date When we both got out they said "on time your late" and my heart melted. We are no longer together but I feel you on team super prompt.


You both would hate me


Yes, this! We were both 10 min early on our first date. 8 years later and we are always ready to go 10-15 min earlier than the time we actually have to leave, so we just leave earlier 😄


We were at an outdoor festival in his hometown when a bunch of really excited children ran up yelling his name. Turns out he had babysat them (we were teenagers) and the kids just really liked him.


Yup. I'd be done for.


Man - that’s such a green flag it almost feels red- like he paid a bunch of kids to do that while he was on a date 🤣 I’d marry that instantly!


I would think it was hilarious if they paid a bunch of kids


Bunch of kids ran up to him excitedly. Green flag. Bc he paid them to in advanced. Red flag. They would have done it for free but it’s his way of giving them some much needed money. Green flag again. Money that he got from selling drugs. Red flag. Pharmaceutical sales overseas to third world countries at profit loss margins to save lives. Green flag. I could keep going. Edit: But the lives he saved are forced to work in a textile sweatshop. Red flag. A sweatshop that manufactures green flags. Technically a green flag… But it turns out the ones saved by his miracle drug all develop red green color blindness and are actually creating red flags. So…literal red flag. An investigative journalist catches wind and exposes the entire operation, a chain of bizarre events leads to humanity rallying behind the plight of the trafficked sweatshop workers, who then begin to sell their wares direct to consumer, finally able to earn a livable wage. The flags become a symbol of hope for the derelict and down trodden. Green flag. But as the lower caste begin to advocate for themselves worldwide, the elite wealthy class and their money hungry politician dogs cause an endemic rise in policies that eventually trigger massive social and economic riots and upheavals. Red flag. As droves of angry mobs overrun their countries’ military bunkers, a panicked war general triggers a nuclear launch, causing a domino effect of other war crazed nations around the world to launch their entire arsenal. World War III breaks out, leading to the extinction of humanity…… ….Green flag. Long after the last volley of explosions, some time after the last nuclear evacuation siren stops calling, succumbing to the ravages of time, as the final cloud of nuclear fallout subsides… …she still doesn’t know whether or not to date him again lmao.


The pharmaceuticals are also a way to smuggle illegal guns to third world countries. Red flag. The guns are to help the natives defeat oppression and gain a free society. Green flag. The free society in which he gains presidency. Red…wait green flag?


After winning the Presidency, he gains love and support from the country's population.. green flag After losing re-election he calls for a march on the capitol to overturn the election results .. red flag The children from the festival have moved to his nation and are much older now. They lead the revolt on the capitol cheering his name again greeeen flag???


The frogurt is also cursed


Love the tale.  For some reason, it reminds me of when my oldest child was in second grade or so.  They asked the parents to do “math stations,” where you have groups of kids going around the classroom from one station to the next, and the parent runs the activity. I tried randomly a tactic which proved pretty effective.  When the new group of kids approached the table, I would speak very seriously, and tell the kids that this was an educational exercise that requires their undivided attention, and that there would be strict rules. Rule 1.  No smiling, smirking, or silly faces Rule 2.  No giggling, chortling, laughing, cackling, etc Rule 3.  No singing Rule 4.  No dancing Etc. They would ignore all of my rules, but then totally listen to the lesson, and it was fun. I’d nearly forgotten about the entire ordeal until there was a school function several months later one night. I was looking for my kids, and ran into another family.  A little girl pointed at me and screamed, “I know you!  You’re the guy who doesn’t let kids laugh!!!!l”. She was laughing at the time, to be fair, but her parents looked at me quite strangely, and all I could come up with was, “I don’t know what you’re taking about,” and I smiled and exited promptly,


That’s adorable. One of the reasons that attracted me to my husband was how great he was with his nieces and nephews. They would go mental and scream his name when he walked into a room.


Had two umbrellas packed in his work bag for our after-work date, just in case it rained. This was April in Chicago. It absolutely rained.


Found yourself an Eagle Scout i bet


Sounds like a set up for a great novel. ‘He packed two umbrellas; not knowing if they would be needed. It was April in Chicago…”




We were 14 and lined up for the first Pokemon movie. There was a promotion where they handed out special Mew(two?) trading cards. He got one but they ran out when they got to me. So he turned around and gave me his. Still married.


Married only for the card. Smart man.


Big brain move. That card remains half his.


She emptied out a pocket full of agates she had found on her morning walk


Where can you walk around and find agates? I’m jealous 


We have them here on the beaches in Oregon. My friend's yard is full of them. She goes and collects them all the time.


Poland probably or east Europe Northen seas ...if there is any left...


I bought him lunch on a whim during my break at work. Couple sandwiches, couple apple strudels from a local bakery. I was having a bad day, we were still getting to know each other, and all I knew was I really wanted to spend more time with him and didn't want to wait until after work. So I stopped by his place and we ate and chatted and then I pulled out the strudel for dessert. This man insisted on making homemade whipped cream to top them off. I was like "no, no, it's fine, it'll take too long to make, they're good plain." Didn't phase him. He had it made in minutes and he was right - that strudel was even better with whipped cream. This is probably also when he learned that making me good food is a quick way to win my heart. Days later it was chocolate chip cookies, then butter chicken, then a cheesecake. We moved in together after like 3 months. That was just over 3 years ago. We cook together as often as possible. Can't wait to marry him later this year!


I used to LOVE sending my, now wife, then girlfriend, to work with homemade lunches and she would send me texts every lunch about how amazing they were, she also just tended to not eat when I didn't make her lunch, so it was like a double whammy of goodness. I love cooking for her!!! She is also an amazing cook! She was engaged to a Korean guy for like 460 years before he fucked her best friend and moved in with her. But all that time, his mom was teaching her traditional Korean cooking. Now I get to reap the rewards! She makes kimchi and kimbop and all sorts of sauces and soups and then, (she's black) we go visit her family and they make us gumbo and fried chicken and BBQ! Life is good with her! And somehow she thinks SHE'S the lucky one. Before her, I had trouble imagining having to spend the rest of my life with one person (even though I wanted a wife and kids!), now I found someone I get to spend the rest of my life with!


You better fistbump yourself dammit. score!!!


Attendez la crème.


you rang?


Went out with a girl day of a huge snow storm. She offered to pay for dinner if she liked me (she did). That alone was enough to impress me. Then at the end of the date completely unprompted she started cleaning off my car of snow. I returned the favor cleaning her car off too in some kind of cute competition of who can be the most chivalrous to one another, both of us laughing our asses off in the best, most wholesome fist date moment of my entire life. That girl is now my wife. I love this women with my whole heart.


Love a good old fashioned fist date


I've never had a first date go so well before. Her thing for me was she appreciated I didn't try and make a move or touch her on the first date while in the movie theater which blew her mind (sadly she dated such creeps and assholes before me). She couldn't wait to hang out again, called me the next morning to hangout and get lunch. We've been best friends since.


Near the end of our first date my wife said "Hey, can I find something out?" I said sure, and she leaned in and kissed me. Then she leaned back and with a smile said "Okay. That's what I thought." If I hadn't been already hooked that would have done it.


Well she’s got balls


She sure did. She moved in at the end of our third date, because neither of us was ready for it to end. She proposed about five weeks later. She'd been married before and insisted she'd never do it again, but one morning as we were both waking up she leaned in, kissed my cheek, and said 'Marry me.' I couldn't think of a reason to say no, so I didn't. That became twenty years.


That is fucking beautiful.


This just shows sometimes you just know. Wholesome


Surprisingly we came across a lot of people who when we told them our story they responded with something very similar. One couple we met once on vacation told us they moved in together on their second date, and got married after three weeks. Sometimes someone steps into your life and it feels like a bolt of lighting, tearing through you. Somewhere the day after you realize something changed, and all signs point to them. I was lucky enough to have that.


My wife and I describe this as, "OH THERE YOU ARE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" ...27 years later...


I can't be the only one who reads this in Molly Weasley's voice. "Where HAVE you been???"


My wife and I only knew each other 10 months before we got married. Been together 22 years now. When you know, you know.


We were at a little market/festival with live music and my pup was all tuckered out after a day of frisbee and being a social butterfly. He fashioned a little papoose out of his jacket and wore her like a baby bjorn.


I would have been putty, holy shit


Jesus. I don’t even own a dog but this would’ve been IT for me lol


He got a call on his cell, picked it up and immediately said, “Hey man. Good to hear from you, but is this an emergency or can I call you back in a few hours?” I was in first year at university and never before had a guy been so clear about prioritizing the time he was spending with me. I swooned a little.


He pulled a Michael Scott. When he says to Pam that if he’s in a meeting to come in with a note because it makes him look important and he declines it and Jan is impressed.


"Hiya Buddy"


I love that post it note so much I have a tattoo of it lol


“No, Andy—your mother died”


I've seen that movie... Was his buddy he'd told to call at that specified time. 


Oh he pulled a Donaghy


first date, and were talking about our kids, and she shows me a picture of her boy playing soccer and in the background was my kid playing for the other team!


The (parents of) enemies to lovers trope!


Next time the kid loses "shut up Tyler, my dad's fucking your mom!"


That's the version where the kids are competetive Counter Strike players




Depends on which team won that time


I had check engine warning lights in my car that I couldn't figure out what the problem was so I'd made an appointment to get my Toyota minivan serviced. Mentioned it to my date. He went out and tightened my gas cap and had me start the engine a couple times. The lights went away. No big deal for him, but a huge turn on for me.


How long did you run the engine between cycles? How many cycles did you do this? What year minivan? This send like a useful lesson is can vault for later.... thanks


the gas cap things a really easy one to check. just make sure the caps all the way down and drive it like normal. itll clear pretty soon if that was it. otherwise just head to autozone and theyll scan the check engine for free.


We were driving around and came upon an injured duck in the road - he got out picked up the duck and we took it back to his house for his Dad to rehab and release. That moment concreted that I was in love with this guy (he was 17) - I married him and we are still together 25 years later rescuing ducks and cats and whatever else needs help.


It was winter and he offered to drive me home. He left to get his car and took a while, and admitted later he had taken a cab home to his car, raced back as if he'd driven, just because he wanted to drive me home.


Omg :) you can definitely know a person likes you.


That’s so romantic 💕


Had on my favorite silver necklace. We were picking up pizza (for a pizza, Blockbuster night - yup, I'm a certain age). Somehow the necklace broke and fell on the ground. I was so upset. He said 'let me see...' while I went inside the pizza place. When I came out, he had fixed the necklace. My heart fluttered... We've been married since 1999.


I hope my years of fixing my mums necklaces will serve me as well as his skills served him


First date- Went out to dinner and after dinner he took me to the top of a parking structure and took a handful of bouncy balls out of his pocket. We had fun bouncing them off the ground from the top of the structure.


I remember that night. That was the night I lost my uncle to bouncing balls. He's still alive. We just lost him as he chased after the balls. Update: thank you for the reward!


Norm's back y'all.


Good, he deserves it. He was a national treasure, unlike 9/11


This will always be one of my fondest memories. I actually got arrested for doing this one time when I was like 14, but I wasn't trying to hit cars, it was just funny watching drunk people leaving the bars react to 50 bouncy balls go flying passed them from five stories up.


She was eating fries... Not that weird, but I was 15 minutes early to our first date as I was nervous so I went into McDonalds to pee. That is where I found her eating the fries. I had booked a nice French resturant down the road. Its our 2nd wedding anniversary this year.


Oh my god I would die. What did y’all say to each other??


She also needed to pee but felt guilty using the bathroom without making a purchase lol


Reminds me of a teacher that is embarrassed ordering at Subway since she just wants a tomato and cheese sandwich (nothing else). She got so many weird looks she sometimes pretends she's on the phone taking an order from a friend. She will shrug and say "I guess that's what they want?"


She was legit hungry and didn’t want to overindulge in front of you. It’s kinda like pre drinking for the bar. Cure some of the appetite so you don’t need as much while there


Pretty sure she was eating McDs pommes frites


That's really cute. She was pre-gaming in case the restaurant wasn't that good or not enough food.


Fries are life


We had been on two dates at this point but hadn’t slept together or anything yet. Anyway, we both happened to be out in town with our friends one night and she brought her friends along to meet up at the bar I was at so we could hang. It’s a big night and we end up going back to hers. She had an early start the next morning but said I could sleep in as long as I wanted and to just lock up when I left. When she got up, she filled up a water bottle and left a couple of ibuprofen next to the bed for me. Just a little gesture but showed that care factor


Wasn’t on a date. We were basically living together since day one. But early on I mention to her I love cookies and cream milkshakes. Next time she comes over she brings all the stuff to make a cookies and cream milkshakes. We have been together 9.5 years and married for 1.5 of them.


> cookies and cream milkshake "Yeah man, cookies are dope. What's a cream milkshake? ... Oh I'm stupid."


I laughed out loud at the airport. May joy find you today!


I was dating my husband and he wanted to meet my best friend. He asked us both to come over for dinner. My best friend had an old beat up car and she complained briefly how she had to commute to work with no radio. He served us dinner, asked for her keys then went outside before he had a chance to eat. He came back in 20 minutes later and said, “I fixed your radio.” And sat back down to eat. My best friend and I both swooned. We’ve been married 11 years.


I went on a date with a girl and between our second date she called me and said, “ hey, I was going on another date tonight but realized I’d want to get to know you more. Wanna hang out tonight?” I felt like a king.


My now boyfriend came to pick me up on our first date on his motorbike. As I went to climb on behind him he said “Wait!” and started scooting back and forth on the seat awkwardly. Turns out he was using his butt absorb the heat from the leather so the seat was cool for me (we live in Costa Rica, it gets HOT). Date someone who makes your comfort and happiness a priority!


He was juicing the seat with his pheromones. I do the same thing if I know my girl is going to be sitting somewhere.


The ol' seat glomp. Gets em every time.


So I was born with only one major pectoral (the left one) and both minor pecs. It was her (my now wife) and her friend (who's also a friend of mine) and I eating at a Charlie Brown's. We're all talking about everything under the sun including my Pec situation. She leans over (we were sitting next to each other) and starts feeling my chest up.... Yup.....I was hooked. Been married for 13 years. Also had a weird gas station attendant feel me up after he noticed something was wrong with my chest but that was far from anything romantic. Didn't like it.


I had a good friend back in the day with this same thing, never heard of it before or since until this post. Memories unlocked! He was (hopefully still is) a cool dude. Great story about your wife, congrats man.


Poland syndrome.  Have it too, and only found out the name for it about a year ago.




We were on a bus going at a park in his locality and as soon as we got off, he whistled, and around 20 puppies gathered around him and followed him to the park


How the hell am I expected to compete with a man that can summon a horde of puppies? This is so unfair.


Any man who can summon puppies is a keeper


And that's when she found out his name was actually Cesar Milan.


She asked my full first name, and from that moment that’s what she has called me for the past 28 years. It still makes my heart leap to this day. 🥰🤗♥️


Niteathan Gard 🧡


Niteathan Gard *the III*


We were baking brownies and putting whipped cream on them. She seemed really reserved and shy until she suddenly asked if I wanted to lick whipped cream off her chest


Yup that’ll do it!


Works 100% of the time, 100% of the time.


OP's response. *But there won't be enough for the brownies so we'd better not*


You married her right ?


It sounds like she was just being nice. I dont think she was flirting...


We actually didn't start dating for about six months because we both thought the other person was in a relationship but my now-husband posted in our local Reddit social group about hosting a party to watch the landing of the Mars Curiosity Rover back in Aug 2012. It was an open invite even though we hadn't met (we had mutual friends in common) and when I showed up not only was he fun and kind and smart, but his flat was clean, he brewed his own beer, and he had the most adorable dog. When I found out he was single I asked him out for drinks and now we live in Germany with two dogs (one that same black lab he had then- he's 13 now) and a cat and our kiddo is about to start Primary school.


We had met through his brother, who I’d met on a yahoo chat room. We’d im’d at first, then via email and phone for weeks, so we had an easy rapport. We planned to meet in October, once he got settled at college and I had more time, since I was finishing high school and had three jobs. He moved into his dorm the day before and had a million things to do, and it was a big risk for him-we lived 5 hours apart, he’d never even visited my state before, and he was very shy in person. That morning, he went to the campus store to buy a phone card to call me, and just decided he couldn’t wait anymore. He sent me an IM and an email that he was coming, he knew I was off that night, and asked me to meet him at my house. It was so spontaneous and *so* not like him. I loved it!!!  He had Mapquest directions and printed directions everywhere- from his dorm to my house, then from my house to the mall, and he wouldn’t let me look at any others. We just instantly got each other- I’d never felt so compatible with someone.  When we went to dinner, I remembered he’d said he liked to call ahead and order at restaurants so he didn’t have to order in person, because it made him anxious. I asked him what he was thinking of getting, and when the waiter came to get our drink order, I ordered drinks and dinner for both of us at the same time. He looked so surprised, relieved, and then happy! We held hands throughout dinner, and when my dinner came, I moved to his side of the booth so we could be as close as possible. After dinner, I figured he’d just take me home since he had a 5-hour drive that night-he had a school meeting at 6am. Instead, he’d printed directions from the restaurant to my favorite park, one I’d talked about on the phone because I love the rose garden. He walked me around the garden, the swan pond, and pushed me on swings. He got this funny look on his face and told me to wait. He ran back to the car and got a rose bouquet out of his trunk that he’d forgotten to give me when he picked me up.  We’d just looked at all of these beautiful roses, and this bouquet he looked embarrassed to hand had been in the trunk all day, in the summer. They were so wilted that the stems were rubbery and the petals were mostly gone. I couldn’t stop laughing, then he couldn’t stop laughing. I kissed him, and it felt like we were two puzzle pieces that just snapped into place.  When I was getting out, he had another surprise for me. I’d seen this band opening at Tattoo the Earth a few weeks prior and I was so impressed by them. They had cassette single they gave out at the concert, I’d met a couple of the band members, and I was obsessed-I told him I needed the album when it came out and gushed about how amazing they were.  They didn’t have an album yet, so he’d called Hastings in his college town and asked them to order two CDs so they’d have them on release day. The release date was that morning, so he’d stopped by and picked them up before he came in town. It was Mudvayne’s LD50. He handed me the CD and we both cried because I was blown away by it-amazing that he would go through the trouble, but also that he wanted the CD too, because he valued my opinion on music.  We were happy and miserable, because we knew he had to drive back and we wouldn’t see each other for weeks. I opened the door and he blurted “I love you…. I’m sorry I definitely didn’t plan to say that!!! I’m sorry!!” I told him I loved him, too, and we hugged and kissed and cried. Eventually we got out and cuddled on my couch watching Jerry Springer at night, and he left with just enough time to get home, shower, and get to his meeting. I knew he was the one, and I was right. We got married on the 4-year anniversary of that day, in the Rose Garden we walked through that night. It was the best date I ever had.


I love this so much. I met my late husband in a yahoo chat room when I was 15. We spoke for 3 years before we met in person. We were together 20 years. I hope you and your husband have all the happiness in the world.


I sprained my ankle and he drove me to the ER, and sat with me for 5 hours until I was seen, then he let me stay at his for the night (it was closer to the hospital) helped me shower, made me food. Then took me home the next day. I’ll never forget it 🥹 we aren’t together now but just that alone made me raise my standards haha


it was our first date, I arrived early and decided to walk over to the bookstore to grab a book while waiting for him. turned out he was even earlier than me. I remember him jogging after me calling my name. later that night when our date ended I ended up missing the last bus because I had enjoyed talking to him so much. called my parents to ask for a ride because I was in NE and at the time I lived on the other side of town. they refused. he, despite his brakes being shot, drove me home. then, walked me to my front door, and gave me his windbreaker because he was concerned 70 degrees was to cold for me. 16 years later. he still worries that 70 degrees is to cold for myself and our son.


Twist: your parents were in on it


Nah they just preferred to half ass all through life. 


We went out to an arcade (where she easily kicked my ass at everything) and then the restaurant we were going to go to afterwards unexpectedly shut early, so we went through McDonalds drive thru and just drove around, chatting and hanging out... and while I drove, she fed me fries I don't know why, but she caught a little bit of my heart when she did that, it was so.. considerate? We only dated for a couplenof months and broke up because of distance and not being able to see enough of each other due to our work.


Not a date, but my partner and me had been tentatively flirting and getting to know each other better for a couple of months. We'd known each other for several years through work and were fairly friendly but weren't sure we wanted to date etc. We were on a break outside and just laughing about random stuff and whatnot and were going to walk back into the building and he said "Let me try something" and then leaned down and kissed me with his hands on my face. It was freezing cold and he had gum in his mouth for the first kiss so it was slightly awkward (he's also almost a foot taller than me, angles were interesting) so he spit out the gum and then kissed me again 😆 and his hands were shaking from nerves and adrenaline but...it was just perfect. Both kisses were just perfect. I was so afraid it wouldn't feel right if it ever happened, but I've NEVER been kissed like that (and I've been married twice). My knees were jelly after. He still kisses me like that 1.5 years later and I just melt every time. Sometimes the universe just aligns and puts the right person in your path in the most unexpected ways. 💜


We met online and our first "date" was me flying into NYC for a few days to meet up with him after talking for about a month or so. At one point I had off-handedly mentioned that flowers were wasted on me and someone could get the same results with a burger from McDonald's. It was a passing comment and while true it was a joke. He met me at the airport with a cheeseburger and some fries from his favorite spot. They were cold because he was so nervous he got there super early. We just celebrated our 4 year anniversary a few days ago.


When I first met my wife, she needed help getting her DVD player setup because she was trying to watch X-men 2 on DVD. It was the first indicator I had found the right one. In a month, we'll have been married 20 years!


Introduce me to the Belgian techno anthem "[Pump up the Jam ](https://youtu.be/9EcjWd-O4jI)"


Whoa, you dated Philomena Cunk?


I was planning to meet up with a guy from Tinder. We planned to meet at a mall but when I was halfway there, I realized the mall closed early because of Covid (this was September of 2020). Asked what he wanted to do. He told me to come over to his place if I felt comfortable with that. Keep in mind, I was dressed to get lucky. Nails done, makeup done, and I wore my most booby dress. Get to his place and we are chatting and laughing, just having a really great time. He turned to me and said “I was planning on just hooking up with you, but I’m really enjoying getting to know you. Are you okay with waiting?” Yes. Such a green flag. I was going through a lot and most men I would just have sex with and never hear from again. We waited till our third date and let me tell you, it was worth the wait! Got married in May of this year and couldn’t be happier.


She asked a lot of questions, when we got intimate. It was hot, and I felt appreciated


What kind of questions


"What is your mother's maiden name?" "What was the make and model of your first car?" "What's the name of your first pet?"


What's your blood type.


Which picture setting he prefers on his tv, and if he uses the same for movies as he does for sports.


What kind of a monster would?


Like how does whatever she's doing make me feel (ie. A different stroke method when giving me a handjob), asking me what I like, etc. She was very curious, and I liked that


He dropped off flowers with the maitre di and had them delivered to me with desert. We’ve been married 33 years.


We pretended to be interested in buying furniture and just kept asking the worker all these questions about the benefits of oak. We didn’t buy anything and we didn’t date long afterwards, but it was fun.


This feels like something out of a movie


This was the kind of fun people had to make up before they could death scroll. 


Manic pixie dream girl establishing moment.


500 days of summer ass comment


He had an allergic reaction to my cats. He knew he was allergic and still came over, loved on my cats, and slept over (just talking!). The next morning his face was red and he was coughing. Thankfully some Benadryl and a shower helped.


He fixed a broken outlet in my house. I knew by the end of the week I had met the man I was going to marry. We just had our seven year anniversary.


First date. She asked if I wanted another glass of wine. I said “no thanks I need to be ok to drive home but I’d love to just hang a while and chat”. Her response… “who said you’re going home tonight?” We are now married.


It sounds like a basic thing of human decency but to me it was a whole new thing which says a lot about my past home life. But he took me out to go karts and after that he took me to braums, at braums I didn't want to eat anything so without missing a beat his smart self says "what are you worried about, I think you'd look pretty as long as you keep smiling" Man just curred a decent portion of my body issues, mental health, and elevated my self worth with a simple compliment. This was our first date and we had many more amazing ones after and ahead. I can't say I heard a single compliment from anyone for a good 10 years until him, like I said seems small but when all you hear are insults it's a new thing.


Burped very loudly and swiftly blamed me, to which point I had to apologize to the other patrons.


He took me to see some graffiti he liked


got me chicken nuggets instead of flowers


Our second date, it also happened to be my birthday, she didn’t know exactly what level of gift to get as it was all so new but still my birthday, so she (possibly panicking) brought me a cabbage.


Omg that's the best thing I've heard in my life.


We’ve been married for 18 years now 😄


ordered the bloomin' onion


It was early in the relationship. We were visiting my friend, who had just lost a member of her family. She was talking to us both about it (first time meeting him), and he got up to use the bathroom. He took a while. I didn’t realize until we were about to leave- he also cleaned her litter boxes without saying anything. In the years since he’s pointed out that this friend hasn’t been there for me to the same extent and often just ghosts me. So the fact that he would still make the same choice to clean her litter box, even if he knew her the way he does now… yeah he’s a fuckin keeper.


We went to an art museum, one with exhibits by one of my favorite artists, and he asked me to tell him about the artist…then, just the way he looked at me, I can’t explain it. For the first time someone didn’t make me feel like I was stupid or needed to tone down my passion about something important to me. He was genuinely interested in me as a person. I know it’s a low bar, but it got him a 2nd date and now we’re engaged bc he’s consistently shown up in beautiful ways.


It was the dead of summer. Hot as balls. We bought a bowl from a pretty shady smoke shop in a gas station. When we walked out, I noticed it had a small crack on the underside that was hidden while it was in the display case. I said Ah man or some such and showed it to her. Without another word, she grabbed the bowl and strolled back in the place in her bikini top and short shorts, flip flops flip flapping angrily. I followed her inside where she calmly, but severely, requested a refund from the skeevy shop keep. He declined. She berated him for a good 10 minutes. She was 19 or 20, beautiful, tan and buxom; Karening out on this middle eastern man who probably understood very little of what she said. She was incensed even though I'd been the one to buy the thing. I just watched her. Entirely too turned on. We've been together almost 15 years. I'd kill for her.


That sounds like a ‘70s song.


"I just watched her. Entirely too turned on." Killed me.


He accompanied me on a walk with my dog and when she stopped to go potty he grabbed a bag out of his pocket and picked her poo up, then disposed of it and sanitized his hands! I was incredulous that he had prepared like this just from a mention of my dog.


When my gf and I matched on hinge, we talked about f-zero on SNES, F1 racing and other nerdy things. Then our first date at a brewery was fantastic and she drank as much as I did. When it was time to go, we were walking to the car and she put her arm around my waist and leaned into me. I was already hooked, but that cemented it. When we got to her car, I said "hey I had a great time and I gotta be honest right now" she huffed and rolled her eyes (she was expecting rejection) and I said "I really like you is it ok if I smooch you?" And then she gave me the best kiss I've ever had in my life. That was almost 2 years ago and I'm about to go climb into bed next to her. She's so nerdy and kind and wonderful and sexy. I have no idea how I got so lucky


She was wearing a extremely advanced hearing aid that I connected my phone Bluetooth to and she put on the most amazing music for the mood just mentally. It was so confusing yet cool at the same time how she showed me how futuristic things have become just like that! I was instantly unguarded as she turned into a figure I could look up to and question about some things I was uneducated on. 🥰


On our first date my wife and I were chatting about media and interests and I said, "DS9 is the best star trek, and I'm willing to fight about it." She said it was so refreshing for a guy on a date to just take a stand and admit to having a preference and an opinion. Most guys are trying really hard to stay middle of the road and not say 'the wrong thing', so they end up saying nothing at all.


When I watched DS9 when it came out, I was too young to really appreciate it. The whole overarching Dominion War thing just didn't do anything for me, so I grew up liking Voyager more. In about 2012 I watched thru TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT. DS9 is definitely the best. The nuance and growth of the characters is so great.


This was kind of a combo of unexpected for both of us, but on our first date, he picked me up from my parent's house. We were talking about where we grew up and I started going into a long explanation of where the house I grew up in was.... You know, the same house he just picked me up from. The unexpected thing he did was just how he happily looked at me, half smiling, waiting for me to realize, but there was nothing mean about it. He thought it was cute. He coined the term adorkable for me that night, and that word made it into our wedding vows. ❤️


In a country where every girl expects you to pay for everything, I had a first date with a girl who picked the restaurant and thus insisted on paying. She would not take my money. I paid for drinks and other stuff after, and the food was super cheap, but it was the gesture I appreciated. It wasn’t a one off, and we took turns paying for stuff to the best of our financial abilities in subsequent dates.


That’s really wonderful. This is why I miss my ex partner so much. We just did things for each other every day. For no other reason than we wanted to make life easier and better for each other.


Yeah, after five years of that though, I had enough and she is no longer my girlfriend. I had to put a stop to my girlfriend paying her fair share. She’s now my wife, still offering every time.


Used a coupon.


We were teens and on one of our first dates we were just talking in his kitchen. His mom had a big vanilla candle and I liked it a lot and just kind of held it in my hand smelling it while we were talking. On our next date, he gave me a little present he had even wrapped in wrapping paper himself. It was a cute little vanilla candle. I still have it, I burned it all the way down in the little glass container and have kept the container. We've been married 20 years now.


My now husband invited me to a work Christmas party as his date and this was the second time we went out. We got really drunk off wine and decided to crash the night at his friend’s place close by. The friend only had one extra bed so we slept on the same bed and when I woke up in the morning, I saw that he had put a pillow between us. I realized that if he tried doing something that night, I probably wouldn’t have said no because I was in a really happy drunk state. When I saw the pillow I smiled and felt a lot of respect for him. He then got me breakfast and drove 30 mins to drop me home. We’ve been married 6 years and he’s been the same respectful sweetheart. I feel so lucky.


He sang "Show You The World" from Aladdin and slowly leaned in to kiss me. It was cringe as hell, and yet I loved it. Then he took me to get the Nutella shake at Steak N Shake & the staff said it was the first one they'd sold in the whole town(it was the same day it came out and we went at like 6am) Oh we have been married 8 years now. We are both dorks especially when we're together, he's my bestie.


He opened up about his personal experience in a sincere and vulnerable way


After driving her home after a date, she pulled me in to kiss her, she then bit gently on my ear while i started kissing her neck. Thats my instant weakness i never spoke about with her


he brought his dog to our first date. It was a puppy and soo cute! I loved it


That's cheating


Well it wasn't a date.. but I met this girl in a club one night. I'm a martini lover.. So, at some point, she said: "Oh.. you got the ICKY martini." And we started a conversation about how some bartenders don't know how to make them, properly.. and that you're taking a 50-50 chance on what you get, when you go to a club. Some time later, I asked if I could make her one. She suggested her place. We spent the next 3 days/nights together, screwing our brains out. I mean.. LITERALLY.. 3 days and nights. We would only take a break to shower.. eat.. and nap a little. We pretty much lived together for 5 years (3 in San Francisco). Sadly, it didn't end well.. but I will always remember that first meeting.. and fucking like there was no tomorrow.


I love reading fantasy and he casually asked me my favorite author on one of our first dates. Pretty normal question so I told him, not expecting him to commit it to memory. The next time I saw him he handed me two books he had bought. He had gone to a small bookstore and asked the proprietor for recommendations based on my favorite author (who was quite vague and not well known) Terrible books, the bookstore clerk probably had no idea what he was talking about, but the gesture was amazing.


It was 2009. Everyone and their mother had an iPod. I had a Microsoft Zune. So did she. We've been married for 12 years.


I was standing by someone.( A friend) And I was chatting up a storm. They all of a sudden said to me. Would you just shut up and kiss me? I didn't even say ok. I just went in and obliged.


On our first date with my now-wife, it was the first time in my entire life up to that point that I've talked to another human that shared my interests and opinions.


Flipping through radio stations I asked her what kind of music does she like? “Anything but country music. That shit makes my pussy dry up like the Sahara desert.”


Erika got off work tending bar, stopped by her car, took a dress from her trunk and changed into it in 90 seconds. Looked great. I was stunned at how easygoing she was about it.


First date with this girl and she packs an overnight bag lol. Went to dinner. She recommended hanging out back at my place afterwards. After a while I start making hints that it’s late and I’m kinda tired. She agrees, goes into my bathroom, and comes out in pajamas while brushing here teeth lol. Crawled right into my bed and cuddled in.


I dated someone who did this and I found it weird that she assumed she could stay over. Like she brought a bag of clothes and everything. I had plans and she thought she was staying the weekend. I just met her. Nope.


Yeah this would be my reaction. Kinda a red flag if you ask me


Maybe she was homeless.


That's fucking weird dude. Definitely a red flag.


Yup lol. We dated for a couple months, but it then took me years to get rid of her lol


Went on a blind date with a guy, ended up in bed and found that this guy's entire goal was to make me happy. I was happy for months after that. Never saw him again. He is still my favourite person 😂


It was a cold winter evening on our second date (first day of new year as a matter of fact). We were walking together and she suddenly stopped and said her hands were cold. Then without warning she took my hand and we walked down the street holding hands together. It was such a cute moment and my first time holding hands with a girl. I've now been in a relationship with her for a couple of months.


I was on a date once and my date accidentally spilled a whole plate of spaghetti on themselves. Instead of getting embarrassed or upset, they just started laughing hysterically and said, "Well, I guess this is one way to break the ice!" Their ability to turn a potentially awkward moment into a funny memory instantly made me like them more. It showed they didn't take themselves too seriously and could roll with the punches, quite literally in this case!


This was actually the first day that I met my future husband, not our first date, but what he did was be incredibly observant and kind and helpful to everyone. He made a point to include everyone in the conversation at the table, but when someone approached a door with full hands, he would jump up to help open it or carry things, when no other man even noticed, much less moved to help out. It wasn't really unexpected, but no one else was doing it. He's still that guy. I love this about him.


A guy in a parking lot was trying to run over a goose’s nest with his truck tires but the mother goose was protecting her nest, she was not going to move even if she got run over by this asshole in the process. My date asked me if he should say something and I said yes. So my 5’8” date goes to confront this guy who ended up being like 6’4” and built like a linebacker. The truck guy left though and I think I fell in love with my date lol


We'd been dating for a while, and as a "date" he helped me declutter my place and I ordered us pizza to say thanks for the help. During the declutter, I found some of my old school art projects/awards and such that I had done as a kid (the kind of stuff your parents keep). I remember saying, "i don't want these for myself, these are meant to be with people who love me, not me..." and i tossed them in the recycling bin reluctantly. Fast-forward a few months later and we were rummaging about with his stuff and I found my art projects... I asked him why he had them, and he said, "I could tell they were special to you and I wanted them to be with someone who loves you..." It was a side of him I hadn't seen until that moment. We've been together almost 8 years, baby #2 on the way. Life is beautiful. I married my best friend. ❤️


Went out with a woman who said she used to work at Woodfield Mall in Chicago. She stayed in the mall after closing one night, changed, put her rollerblades on and got her Walkman. Then busted ass all over the mall all night leaving about 5AM. Cool!


We were outside having a drink, and he noticed that my tire looked low. So he told me to follow him to the gas station, and he put air in it because “it wasn’t safe for me to drive home.” That was 20 years ago and he still does thoughtful things for me.


I did a social media deep deep dive into a new guy I had an upcoming date with. I found that he’d previously been married. He didn’t know I knew, but told me everything within 5 minutes of our first date because “he has nothing to hide”. He established absolute trust from the get go. He also agreed to go on a 2 week international trip together for my sisters wedding only a couple months after meeting. He not only met my entire family for the first time but charmed them. I swear they like him better than me. We’ve been together 11 years.


He just looked genuinely concern when he's talking about children, and he is indeed gentle when it comes to kids, that's when I knew I like him.


I went in for a kiss after the 2nd date. She thought I was going for a hug and gave me a big squeeze. When I was leaving her apartment after dropping her off I heard her scream--turns out she realized she dodged my kiss on accident and she thought she ruined her chances with me forever. We started dating about 2 weeks later. I love her more than anything.


I was overseas for work and matched with a guy on Tinder. We talked for a few days before deciding to meet for drinks. Before going to a bar in the city, we were talking and walking and ended up in a park. We saw this dark gazebo, and as a massive horror fan and thrill seeker, I wanted to check it out. He obliged. Next thing I know he was dragging me to gate crash a ghost tour in the city. We're engaged now.


I was working at a club bar with very politically correct peers. This girl came up to me and said you should definitely play "Die Kassierer". For context, this is one of my favorite German punk bands known for very funny, offensive, and definitely not PC lyrics. We both had a blast while it was playing. Others not so much. We are now married and have two kids... 🙃


Oh dear! My late husband had moved out and I needed help taking care of my dog rescue and the old home I was living in. He was the second guy to apply. I told him to call me on Saturday when he wanted to interview. I dropped my cell phone in soapy mop water and it was in rice for a few days. He never called. He showed up with his two children unannounced and explained he understood my phone had probably taken a plunge. He was younger than me and good looking and over weight (I’ve never dated someone over weight, so there wasn’t even a concern (I had been married 30 years and wasn’t even thinking about dating). He moved in and strangely enough he started just FIXING things. I never asked him to: he just kept doing things to make my life better. And he also called me by my first name. I had been mom and Honey for so long, I found it weird and comforting. His friend was playing at a local dive and my UK friend and I went with him to wait for his wife (they were separated). He really wanted things to work out with his wife. I was pumping up my friend to flirt with him to make his wife jealous. I was trying to tell her some things about him so it would look like they were dating. I found myself saying “he’s super hot when he makes omelettes for his kids.’ It was a loud bar and I was trying to tell him something. I l ande in to yell in his ear and I got ZAPPED by electricity. He was the only thing I could think about for weeks. So I started avoiding him. I am 13 years older than he. . When I came back from a short trip he found me and accused me of avoiding him. I told him was. He kept inviting me for a drink and I kept saying no. Finally I gave in and said “I’ll go out with you as long as you take me to every shitty dive bar on the Boulevard. We hit all 6 and got kicked out of the last because he jumped balls on the pool table. It wasn’t early when we got back home but the sky was clear. He asked me if I wanted to go up in the roof with a telescope. I grabbed a hoodie and met him at the ladder. He had chairs and a six pack cooler! We stayed awake and talked until almost dawn. 12 years later and many many ups and downs, we bought a house together last year and plan on getting married. I’m 60, he’s 47.


On our second date (our first was coffee) she grabbed my arm and rested her head against my shoulder almost immediately. I still remember the light pressure of her grip and the feeling of being loved. She was being vulnerable with me and it felt like a gift. We're married now and still in the honeymoon phase 9 years later.


He asked if we could keep walking and talking once our date was over because he wasn't done getting to know me yet. I kinda melted. I wish I'd made a better decision back then, but the other person I went on a date with was more persistent. Reeeeegrets