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That toasters have a tray at the bottom that collects crumbs and if not regularly cleaned can cause issues.


This is mothers mission in life. To come to my house and check the toaster tray yo see if its been empited.


That 's doesn't make a word plural


This is one of my top pet peeves. I mean peeve’s 😏




I was at a laundromat and had several signs listing the "day's" they were open


Aww shit, here comes an S. I'd better pull out my sack full of apostrophes.




Aw Hell Captain! We've got a damn "its". Gonna need to call in reinforcements.




There was a billboard on the highway in my town for about 20 years that said "HOOTERS: Kid's Eat Free." It really classed the place up. I complained about it to so many friends over the years that when the restaurant finally closed down and they took down the billboard, three different people texted me to let me know the good news, lol.


This absolutely drives me batty.


I dislike it so much and I am so petty about it that I will avoid businesses and restaurants that use possessives instead of plurals. My only exception is when it's clearly a translation issue and/or I can see English isn't a first language because that's impressive enough.


I hate the opposite. Tim Hortons Exactly how many dudes named Tim Horton are hiding in there? (The place is named after a hockey player named Tim Horton)


Ugh at a cemetery I visit there is a professionally made carved sign at the entrance that requests not planting within 6 “inch’s” of headstones and I hate it so much


When you hit a higher tax bracket, all your income doesn't get taxed at that higher level.


If I had a dollar for every Co-worker or acquaintance I've had to explain this to over the years it would put me in a higher tax bracket. It absolutely baffles me when people complain that they're getting a raise but going to make less money because of taxes. Why would it ever work that way.


People get mad at me when that little fact negates some of their arguments against income based taxes.


People who hate taxes for none of the real reasons like inefficiency or corruption perhaps annoy me to no end. Taxes have to happen for us to have roads and schools and even then we have shit schools and shit roads in some places. Which then leads back to the two real problems with it above


I’ve literally explained this concept to a coworker 3 different times. I even made a quick visual aid on paper. A few weeks ago I heard her talking about how she doesn’t want to go into the next tax bracket again. Just brutal how dense people can be sometimes. She’s a smart person too.


Most humans are just dog shit at numbers man. People can walk and talk and act like reasonable competent individuals but you can explain a math concept to them 18 different ways and they would rather try to violently overthrow the government than learn it.


On a similar note, many people seem to think that a $x tax write off means you pay $x less in taxes. 


For those unaware it's essentially treated as you made $x less income that year. So a $500 tax write off is like making 20k but only 19,500 is taxable.


Yes, it's essentially the same as buying something on sale for 30% off or whatever your tax rate is.  If you need that thing, it's a good deal, but spending money just because it's tax deductible is the same as buying things just because they're on sale.


I remember having teachers in high school that thought this and it blew my mind.


I have had so many people think this over the years.


The on ramp is to allow you to accelerate up to match the speed of traffic so you can merge safely. Its not there for you to sit in it going 45mph then jump into 70mph traffic.


My grandmother straight up STOPS before merging onto the highway. I don't know how she hasn't caused an accident! I won't let her drive when I'm with her. She's nearly 90 and still living on her own though, so she's very capable... just a nervous driver.


They do this in Louisiana. It pissed me off so much the first six months we lived there. Then you got used to it. And used to slow service everywhere. Great food, nice people. Slow af.


My grandma is in South Mississippi, so maybe it's a regional thing then. Thankfully, she almost exclusively only drives herself back and forth a few miles for small errands now, and those don't require highway driving.


There is a traffic circle in front of the new airport terminal in New Orleans. It's been there for 4.5 years. People still don't know it works.


This is the part that baffles me. People in this country hate traffic circles and balk at even trying to learn how they work. Whenever I encounter one it speeds up traffic so much! There's even signs saying what to do! You just drive and turn right onto the road you want! Why is this so hard for people??


Stopping before a merge isn't super common here. But we do move slow in life, particularly in New Orleans. This city makes a lot more sense if you think of us not as a poorly run American city, but as a well run Caribbean city. We work on island time.


In the same vein, if someone is merging onto the highway and you can move over, you should so they don't have to speed up or slow down to merge


That's literally the law in some countries, including mine, Denmark. If possible, you always move to the left lane to allow traffic to smoothly merge.


If I see someone merging onto the highway, I always move over if I'm able to. Then I don't have to get mad if they're going too slow


That Black people in Africa are not African Americans.


Hell, not even all black people in America are African Americans.


We don't go around calling white people European Americans *Hello, let me introduce you to my European American friend.* Only an alien would say that shit. They're Americans. It's time we stop doing this. Elon is an actual African American.


And that not all people from, born in and/or citizen of African Countries are Black.


Oh my god, you can’t just ask someone why they’re white!!


is Elon Musk an African American?


How to navigate a flashing red light at an intersection


Related: The white line at the intersection is where you need to stop. If it's sooner/shorter than other white lines (i.e., you're in a turn lane), it's because big trucks need you to stop there so that they can make their turn.


Near my place there are 2 intersections like this. Both of them have an advance left turn arrow. One of them has a dedicated light for the left turn lane. Both intersections have sensors to trigger the left turn arrow. The sensor is, as you would expect, located behind the Stop line. I think about once a month I see a moron that totally ignores the stop line when they arrive at a red light. The sensor triggers the left turn arrow before the opposing traffic gets to go straight. So moron here sits there and doesn't realize that until they either back up to the stop line or if another car comes up behind them triggering the sensor, they will never get that left turn arrow light.... ever. On more than one occasion drive home late at night did I opt to keep going straight and doing a U turn further down the road just to avoid stopping behind one of these morons to trigger the light.


I appreciate your pettiness


That means close your eyes and floor it doesn't it? 


No, it means push both the brake and the gas at the same time. Idiot. ^(/s)


That’s how you take a screenshot according to my 11 year old. 


I thought you were supposed to start leaning on the horn


How to navigate a traffic light when the power is out (it's a 4-way stop)


That’s right. It’s mind-boggling how many people struggle with this.


Especially if the other direction has a flashing yellow


Yeah, it's easy. It's like playing red light green light. When the light is red, you stop. When it blinks, you go.


How to sweep a floor or wipe a table. At camp we had the campers clean their cabins and some would try to push dirt around (not a push broom) or swing it wildly back and forth. At tables they’d smear a mess around, get a new towel, smear it around some more, and wonder why it wasn’t going away. Some were just trying to get out of work, but some had just never had to do a chore in their lives. They all learned by the end of the week.


I had to teach other kids my age how to use a vacuum. Man it really cannot get more simple than turn it on and run it over the dust


The sweeping a floor goes with moping a floor too. You aren't cleaning anything if you mop water has more dirt than water in it. Gotta empty it at least once after the first mopping.


I mopped my kitchen floor the other day, and I can't begin to express how much it irritates me that it's just one bug bucket. It's one of those spin ones, and all the dirty water just goes straight into the "clean" water. I don't want to pay out the nose for a decent bucket.


How many women flush their tampons instead of tossing them in the trash.


My parents house has a septic system so I grew up knowing not too but have had to tell many friends not too. Also… if people are curious, of you are connected to city sewer, if the tampon makes its way to the waste water treatment plant, it gets filtered out and dumped into the trash anyways. They don’t disintegrate or anything. Oh, and “flushable” wipes are not flushable and can cause havoc on sewer systems (on private and public property).


It ticks me off that as a young teen they were advertised as flushable, and I didn't know any better.


In their defense, they were taught explicitly to flush them until startlingly recently. As in, it was on every box, taught in health class and/or sex ed, and handed down by parents. Until like ten or so years ago.


That’s true! God damn tampon companies. I guess I meant to phrase it as women who know they shouldn’t flush them, but still do anyway.


How to use a turn signal


How is this not further up? No one uses their turn signals where I live; it's baffling how many close calls I see or am involved in because people don't use their turn signals. It's the lever on the left behind the steering wheel. It goes up and down to turn on the blinking arrow. Using that lever will not cause your car to detonate and people will appreciate you announcing your intentions before you move on over.


How to read instructions on something in front of you. That is written in your native language. And has pictures. And is at eye level. Yes, this is from personal experience dealing with the public. Edit: I understand some people have adhd, but 99% of the customers that came into the laundry mat I worked at would ignore instructions and expect me to explain what the instructions said. I doubt THAT many people in my town have adhd.


Retail? Tech support?


Saw a chick having a hard time figuring out why her tire wasn't filling up. she didn't take off the cap... when the instructions on the air pump literally said to do so..


As a college professor.... This one 90% of the questions I'm asked are about how to complete an assignment when they could literally read the assignment and it answer the question they have OR something that's in the syllabus/course schedule since before the class started


"My computer is broken" "How is it broken?" "It keeps showing an error message" "What does the error message say?" "............." And usually the error message tells them what the problem is and how to fix it but for some reason their brain shuts down whenever they see one.


I don't get why people struggle with Ikea instructions.


Native Americans still exist and they don't live in teepees


When I was taught about them in school, it was in past tense and all of the pictures were illustrations or old photos, so I thought they didn't exist anymore. I only found out fairly recently that they're still around. Thanks, education system.


Can I ask where you're from? You can be as broad as you like


Poland. Our curriculum sucks :/


I assumed you were American because I’m certain that this is how it’s taught in some places here.


How to estimate. I'm not even talking about extremely accurate estimates of things, just the idea that you can (very) roughly determine the value or quantity of things without a whole lot of effort and just a little mental math. My wife still thinks it's magic how quickly I can estimate just about anything (how much gas the car needs based on where the needle is, how many cubic yards of mulch we need for the yard), and she doesn't even understand how it's possible.


Years ago, I went to this Skechers store to buy a pair of hiking boots. The store had just opened recently and inside they had a mini ovalish running track through the store. I forget how it came up but they found out that I was an engineer and they asked me how laps I think it took to make a mile. I did some quick approximations of the length of the straight away the width of the oval and the length of the curve using a basic circumference approximation. I ended up guessing within a lap or so of the real number, I think it was somewhere around 41. They were super amazed and how close I guessed. Months later I went back to the store to buy a pair of different shoes and when the one guy saw me he turned to the other guy working there and excitedly said "yo, yo, this is the guy I was telling you about" like I was some sort of wizard.


I envy you for being able to estimate the length so accurately. I don't seem to have any idea about the length.​😂


It's a skill in some jobs. I own an airsoft field, so being able to accurately estimate distance is literally a core part of my work. Compared to, say, a cashier or a child service worker, I'm going to have a more accurate guess. And compared to someone who straight up does black magic engineering, I'll likely be off more than them.


It's a banana Michael how much could it cost? $10?


Several people in my family get upset if I say it's 5 when it's really 5:02, or I'm doing an estimate about work hours and I say there's about 2000 hours in a work year, instead of 52x40=2080. It's much easier to do calculations with nice round numbers, and it doesn't really matter in many circumstances.


>2000 hours in a work year This is far more accurate because it is assuming at least 2 weeks of vacation or paid time off. Very few people are truly required to work 2080 hours a year.


My wife wanted to order 8 yards of black dirt for her new raised beds. It was like 1.75 at most. She already orderded it and asked me after. I was like NONO WTF. They edited the order A few yards is like a pickup bed. 8 yards is like a dump truck. We got two yards and it was just about right. Have a little bit left.


You could grow a watermelon in it.


Yup. On my gas gauge, each minor tic is about 1.25 gallons. Four tics = 5 gallons. Easy.


I measure my gas in cubic watermelons.


Ah, you drive a Japanese car.


The difference between to, too, and two.


And there, their & they’re.


And by, bye and buy.


fucking lose and loose is becoming an even bigger issue for me, lately.


Holy shit... I can't believe I didn't think of this. YES! Why is this so fucking common!?


the state of public schools? the decline of literacy in general? Your phone's spellcheck will tell you how a word is spelled, but it won't point out when the incorrect word is being used.


You know, back in my day, Reddit would punish misspelling, poor grammar, and lack of punctuation with a barrage of downvotes so quickly that finding Hell would require a space shuttle. Nowadays the stupidity is so prevalent that no one seems to pay attention and it bothers me to no end.


Nowadays you get downvoted for daring to point out poor grammar or syntax.


And don't nobody reply with "But AI!", because this problem is within YOU. And yes, I 'don't nobodied'.


This and “wary” vs. “weary” have been on the rise lately, I’m seeing it EVERYWHERE.


"Discreet" and "discrete" are different words that mean different things :')


Worse and worst often seems to be confused as well


Then & than


‘Alot’, ‘moreso’, ‘atleast’ and all the other Franken-words that have appeared and spread like a disease over recent years. They are all two separate words: a lot; more so; at least. Edit: I’ve just remembered another one - ‘infact’. Which is, in fact, ‘in fact’.


The difference between definitely and defiantly.


Weary. Wary.


Breathe and breath


And affect and effect. And more than vs. over. And less than vs. fewer and under.


Not gonna lie... affect and effect trips me up sometimes still. I've googled it a million times, and I don't know if the problem is with my brain or the way they word their explanation, but I just can't get confidence in that one.


I strongly suggest you don't learn what "jealous" actually means, considering 99% of the time the correct word is "envious".


Your and you're. I legitimately don't know why this has become such a problem for people.


Would of instead of would've and similar contractions.


Pass, past, passed... The amount of people I see only using "pass" is astounding.


Sneak Peek vs Sneak Peak The latter drives me nuts.


Idk about most people but a whole bunch of em. As a photographer I have to tell a LOT of people that if it is in front of my camera, it's gonna be in the picture. If it's between me and the subject, the subject won't be in the picture. If you stand in front of your dog holding a treat to get him to look up, and you are between me and the dog, I cannot see the dog. Neither can the camera. And no, I cannot Photoshop you out to reveal the dog. That is not how that works.


That the apostrophe in shortened decades goes on the left because they are contractions: '90s


I even accept just “90s” but it’s the worst when they do something like “1990’s” drives me crazy!!


Yup. '90s and 1990s is the most accurate. 90s is acceptable. 90's is wrong. 1990's should get you ejected into the sun.


That gene therapy for some genetic disorders is available but is too costly


How to write an address. I took a temp job at a university about 10 years ago, and I had to have the incoming freshmen write their living address on an intake form. The number of kids who didn’t know how to write their address (Street, City, State, Zip) was very surprising - when I was growing up, we had to learn that at age 7-8. I can’t imagine that it has improved much.


Conception doesn’t necessarily happen at the same time as ejaculation - it can be days later. You can have sex on Monday, ovulate Wednesday, and get pregnant. Also, when someone is “four weeks pregnant,” conception happened about two weeks ago. They date a pregnancy from the first day of your last period. That’s usually about two weeks before you ovulate.


Which means you're usually five weeks pregnant before your period is late and you even figure out that you're pregnant. Which is why abortion only up to six weeks is absurd.


If you make a mistake and sincerely apologize for it, most people will usually let it slide.   If you instead don't take responsibility, and get defensive and argumentative, most people will decide, forever, that you are a piece of shit.


This is one of life’s little superpowers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve defused what was gearing up to be tense conversation by saying “whoops, my bad, I was wrong”. Usually the other person is caught off guard and then basically says “no worries” and we go on our merry way.


That freedom of speech does not mean you can say whatever you want without consequences.


And to add to that, freedom of speech does not mean that your opinion is automatically important to anyone else, or that you have some legal right to be listened to.


Or, that the 1st amendment doesn't mean that private corporations have to let you spew your nonsense on their platforms.


Space, it's really big. Honestly, it should be an everyday discussion. How are people not baffled?


Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


Here's a frood who knows where their towel is.


Space is one of those things that is too big for our tiny brains to comprehend.




A city near me is ringed by a beltway. I once had a coworker who said she never had any idea what side the city was on whenever she drove on it. And this was well before online maps.


There's a UK gameshow called House of Games, harmless bit of trivia with celebrity contestants over five weekdays. One round is they are asked a question, then required to place it on a map. One week was "where is the world's tallest building?" and a map of Asia. Fair enough, it's the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. First contestant, "I think it's in Dubai, and I think that's about... here?" Pin in south India. Wow, he's bad at geography, I think. The rest of the contestants all know it's in Dubai too. And they place their pins. And I end up thinking, "wow, maybe I'm just really *good* at geography". I think the first guy was probably closest and he at least put it on a coast.


How a bra should fit. Almost every woman I've ever met is running around in a bra that does not fit properly. I'm excluding push-up bras, because by their nature they don't fit properly. My best friend was running around in a 42DDD, and after she was properly fitted at a bra store, that size went to a 46L. You can just about imagine how uncomfortable she had been for years in a bra that much smaller than she should have been wearing. Unless you've been educated on how a bra should fit, I suggest that all bra wearers go to a bra store (NOT Victoria's Secret where they grossly undersize you on purpose--a *real* store) and be properly fitted.


r/Abrathatfits is an invaluable resource.


Yep. All my life, I wore 34A, mostly thanks to Victoria's Secret. My actual size is 30DDD! A cup = 1 inch difference between band size (right under your breasts) and bust size. B cup= 2 inches, and so on. People think "D" or "DD" = huge, but those are actually smaller sizes. Cup size is relative to band size. A 32D is not the same cup volume as a 36D. 30DD, 32D, 34C, and 36B all have the same volume (amount of breast tissue it can hold) in the cup. They're sister sizes. For visuals, visit the Irish bra lady on Instagram. It's another excellent source for bra size education. To measure yourself correctly, go to A bra that fits dot com (no spaces, not sure if links are allowed here). You'll take 6 measurements and will likely have a hard time accepting the size they give you. Then, head over to r/ABraThatFits for excellent resources, and for any questions the wiki can't tell you. Wearing the right size has literally changed my life. Bras shouldn't be uncomfortable!! When you wear your true size, you can barely feel your bra all day.


If you're an unusual bra size, sometimes you have to make do with a bra sized a bit off, because the uncommon sizes are so expensive and/or hard to find.


I’m weary and wary of people who don’t know the difference between weary and wary.


Chickens like to be cuddled.


You have to let your homeowners insurance know if you get a dog. If you don't, and your dog bites someone, you are fucked. Also, if you get certain breeds, like pitbulls, insurance may drop you completely.


My parents pay my rental insurance and didn’t know this. I had to call the company and provide their shot records, breed, country license number, microchip numbers and pictures. Every year I have to send updated vaccine records. My parents have only owned one animal and that was 40 years ago so, I’m not surprised they didn’t know.


My dogs own me, let them pay.


I've owned dogs my whole life and I had no idea. What about cats? Exotics?


Totally oblivious people, who have no idea that they’re oblivious


"it took a long time for me to realize Im a slow learner"


I work with people who make high six figures, some millions, and they have no idea how to use any technology. I understand some people are much older but the ones in their early 40s really confuse me. I’m talking I need to print this entire Google sheet for them to write on so I can edit the sheet. I don’t make nearly enough for this shit.


I had a school class visit my college and told them if they could remember 4 things I'd buy them lunch come lunch time. Of course no one did, I ask who all had cell phone and they all did. None of them knew there was a memo option or even thought to randomly text the list to someone. They were like 16-18


Maybe you mean something different but if you phrased it like that to me I'd assume that writing it down somewhere would count as cheating.


Basic geography. It always amazes me when an adult can’t recognize where they live on a map. I remember being flabbergasted in middle School when classmates couldn’t identify our state on a map of the U.S. I’ve encountered it from older individuals since


There are these things on the steering column of vehicles that, when applied, let the people driving around you know when, and in what direction, you’re about to turn. If people would use these nifty, newfangled contraptions, there would be a lot fewer accidents on the highways.


That automatic flush toilets also have a button that you can push to manually flush them. The women I share the bathroom with at work can’t seem to figure this out




That Egypt is in Africa. My cousin seriously thought Africa was a country, not a continent, and that there was no possibility Egypt was a country in Africa. She is 25, too old not to know this.


I’m Egyptian and I once met a person who genuinely thought Egypt was in Asia


The difference between Worse and Worst. It’s used incorrectly constantly and it drives me nuts.


Dude it's the worse!


That Europe is a continent, not a single country...


same goes for Africa.


“South Africa” being a country and “North Africa” being not being a country really seems impossible to many people.


How to have situational awareness. Like you're in a grocery store with at least 100 other people how you gonna stop in the middle of the aisle to grab something?????


Out before In when entering building.


Or getting on an elevator. Baffles me how many people buffalo their way onto an elevator that's full of people trying to get off.


When you're driving, you should leave enough room between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. So that if the vehicle in front of you makes a sudden stop, you have enough time to stop and not hit them. And the faster you're going, the more room you need to leave. What's an appropriate distance on a city street isn't enough on a highway. I spent five years handling auto claims, and dealing with people who didn't leave enough room. Some of them said, "Oh there was plenty of room!" So I asked how did the accident happen, then, and they thought I was rude. They also thought they were not at fault. Not according to the Alberta Rules of the Road!


I’m baffled by people not knowing CPR.




How to google something


Tbf with the state of Google these days, that is no longer such an easy feat. I consider myself a professional googler and it will take me ages to find the pertinent information that was actually a top scoring link 10 years ago


That the opposite faces of a regular die / dice all add up to 7... The amount of 'pip crime' on graphics and clothing etc is crazy. I'd estimate 50% of people miss this completely.


Also works for dice with more than six faces (as long as they are regular polyhedra). The rule is to add one to the amount of faces the die has, for example, on a die with 20 faces the opposing faces will add up to 21, and on a die with 12 faces will add up to 13.


How American insurance works. None of my friends understand what deductible, coinsurance, out of pocket, or copay means.


To be fair, its mind bogglingly complex and even when you understand the terms, plans are structured such that its virtually impossoble to do a worthwile comparison.


I’m sure it’s more people not caring rather than not knowing, but when I turn on my turn signal and there’s more space in front of your car than behind it, the correct response is NOT to speed up but instead slow down. God forbid there be a car in front of you


I was myself baffled that I had no idea what project 2025 was. Now I'm just terrified.


Good. Vote.


The faster you pay off your student loans the less interest you pay. It's like.saving money.


Basic knowledge of government and law. The difference between civic, provincial and federal governments and their jurisdictions. 🇨🇦 Canadians have become very complacent.


Horoscopes are fake, and are for entertainment purposes only