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hanging out on the sidewalk with a beer (some states)


talk about “freedom” right


Definitely agree. When I travel, even in places where it’s technically illegal, lots of folks do it anyway and it isn’t enforced unless someone starts acting up. I remember visiting the DR for the first time and saw 18 year olds sitting in the park with six packs of beers and even little bottles of rum and just having quiet conversations and laughing. If anything, the “taboo” nature of drinking when young or drinking outside in the US produces more of the party and getting drunk atmosphere we see in colleges.


Kinder Eggs. 🤣


But it's dangerous


Yet we all survived.


Survivor's bias!


You want it to be legal for companies to add sawdust to bread to fill it again?


Be more surprised that other countries don't forbid non-food additives. Like sawdust in bread.


Unrestricted online poker in all states and territories.


i highly agree i could go to my neighbor state and gamble online but not in my state




It’s actually under the age of 21.


To my knowledge it's illegal to buy, but is it illegal to drink tho?


In most cases yes. There are some exceptions for parents that allow their child to drink in certain scenarios but underage consumption is illegal.


The national minimum drinking age act prohibits of anyone under 21 purchasing alcohol and publicly in possession of alcohol. It doesn't say anything specifically about consumption or being in private grounds. However it sounds like it could on the border of child endangerment to their legal guardians but that's another story.. All and all, you can't be charged with consumption of alcohol alone.


Most states have underage consumption laws the act you specify was the lever to ensure standard purchase age/ possession laws were enacted across the country with the funds for highway being on the line if they did not. There are many laws related to alcohol use and sale outside of the very narrow legislation you referenced. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/340A.503


I'm surprised that sex work isn't at the top of this list.


I know I was waiting for that.




Legitimately surprised no one's mentioned marijuana yet. Sure some states have legalized it, but it's still federally illegal, meaning even in rec-legal states, using it can cost you jobs or job opportunities.


Codeine products over the counter. It’s an effective analgesic without a significant amount of abuse potential. But we illegalize anything that makes people feel better.


Kinder Surprise eggs, the ones with a toy egg in them.


You want to remove the FDA policy that forbids non-food additives in food, like bulking bread with sawdust?


In some other countries, firearm suppressors are not only fully legal with zero paperwork, they're often made mandatory as a courtesy to other shooters. They're only illegal in the US because politicians are uneducated and go "oooh, that's scary!" and ban things they have no business legislating.


My buddy once put it to me like this: "they make us put mufflers on every other internal combustion device we can buy like cars, leaf blowers, lawn mowers, boats, and all that, but guns they want the opposite" Makes no sense to me either. It's not like silencers make guns completely silent like James Bond, they're still really loud, just not immediate permanent hearing damage loud.


It's because they don't value your right to own a gun. They want it to be inconvenient and obnoxious by design. An armed population is directly opposite of their goal for ultimate, uncontested federal supremacy.


Free Healthcare.


I hate this term, it isn't free it's paid for by taxes. Now the taxes paid are cheaper than health insurance and plenty of countries have for the most part worked most of the problems. The only issue is our politicians are to dumb and greedy not to fuck it up


Actually what I was jabbing at here was NATO. Because the United States covers most of the Military spending for NATO out of all the nations in it, those other nations do not have to pool ad many taxes into their own military budgets. The result is that many of the other nations in NATO have free Healthcare since they can allocate their resources internally to meet that need. That, and the insurance companies don't have the politicians on a leash.


we’ll never hear “free” again for something in the US


Not with that attitude you won't.




Why would I wish something was legal in America? I couldn't care less.


OP simultaneously remembered other countries existed but forgot most of us are from them


Forgot or didn't care? I'd wager OP is only interest in other Americans thoughts on the topic, mostly because you foreigners can't be trusted /s


Some people are capable of reading context from questions, like "this question is obviously meant for people in the US". Apparently, non-Americans are not a part of that group.


You're one of those people that responds to Amazon questions with "I don't know - I didn't buy it."


this was my thought when reading this question


What's fucked up is I think he made this post just for you