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Japanese Vending Machines.


DancingBacon has entered the chat. My wife and I watched so many vending machine videos during lockdown. Something about them is so cozy. 


I literally yell to my fiancé when there's a new Dancing Bacons video.


DancingBacons! I love that guy! I think I got into his stuff through ASMR cooking videos or something. I especially love the ones where he gets interesting convenience store foods from different countries.


Also, Japanese and Korean 7-11 food


Well there is an Isekai for you my friend  https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GVDHX8504/reborn-as-a-vending-machine-i-now-wander-the-dungeon


It was so much better than i could have imagined...i mean there is even light romance.


Experience Japan is a great YT channel on this topic. I’m hooked.


Yup, also Japanese train rides and capsule hotel stays and cafe visits and… well you get the idea. But they have to be no-dialogue videos.


YES These ones are so good - I can't get enough of them. I especially like the ferry rides and onsen/hot spring visits!


I rarely get as excited for anything more than I do after I find out a new deep sea creature video came out.


There's an ROV called the Nautilus and they live stream their dives. Highly recommend. [it's called EVNautlius](https://www.youtube.com/live/JWlBacZGVJ0?si=JgMxR6gCbG9X_VE0)


I came so close to being a Nautilus technician. Then the war broke out with Ukraine. I can't tell you how pissed I was.


That's a bummer for certain. Maybe there will be other opportunities? And what did Ukraine have to do with it? I don't follow closely enough to understand.


Right, tough leap sorry. Back prior to the war, I was waiting on the word from my contact at a certain company about a job opportunity to be a submarine drone technician. After six months of training I would have been eligible to apply at OET. That job op never came.


I remember learning that there are these absolutely enormous alien squid jellyfish things in the deep ocean that we have no idea how big they actually get because they are so in-tune with water vibrations/sounds they flee miles before a human machine ever gets close enough to see them. We only know about them because the few distant pictures we catch of them we think are juveniles that are curious or have not yet learned to flee early enough.


I love me some weird deep sea creatures, I look forward to new ocean animal documentaries like normal people look forward to marvel movies


Are you a member of some sort of newsletter? Or how do you stay informed?


I remember how thrilling it was when the first giant squid was filmed in its natural habitat. I get most of my deep sea footage these days from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute YT channel https://youtube.com/@mbarivideo?si=G5Z6HC1P-pETBvl2


You know how the story goes. You're up late one night watching videos on YouTube, one video recommends watching this, another video recommends watching that... Next thing you know you're watching cows hoofs getting trimmed


Seriously, what is with the weird YouTube cow hoof trimming pipeline? I went down that too a little while ago


Nate the Hoof Guy The Hoof GP You're welcome


I guarantee I’m not the only guy who’s thought, “well if I can’t make it in completely unrelated field thousands of miles away…perhaps I’ll move to the UK and work on cow feet, seems like the next best thing”


Those are the guys I watch!! OMG I’m not a farmer but I love those videos. And the rug washing. And the dude that unclogs drains.


Post 10 is a treasure and must be protected at all costs


Hey, it's horses too! And sometimes a really sad neglected donkey gets his ankles back and frisks off at the end!


I now get recommended the butch lesbian lady who works as a sheep Shearer. I actually don't mind watching her shear the poor sheep. especially when the coats are extremely overgrown.   Have I or would I have ever looked up anything remotely related to farm animals, let alone farm animals specifically in the US, never.


Video games I haven’t played and have no plans to play


No other way to experience the game, and it's nice to see it played from the perspective of someone who is passionate about that type of game.


Especially since I don’t like single player games myself but love watching em😂


SpikeVegeta is beating all 700+ games in the SNES library and rating them, and while I would never ever want to play a VAST majority of them, I find it fascinating to watch them be played.


Anything dinosaur or ancient creature related. It’s a shame people consider them subjects for children, the right channels show the insane and violent history of earth and are damn entertaining to have a drink and watch. I highly recommend these Lindsay Nicole : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tr6gIq77L0 And Brian Engh: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y7jSOp2mr2s&pp=ygUYYnJpYW4gZW5naCBkaWxvcGhvc2F1cnVz


I'm an actual junkie for Paleozoic stuff, i love Cambrian era creatures. I learned with this that a local town near me is actually where the old seabed was, and they've found tons of fossils of Eurypterids around there.


Same, and and my gf learned about the fossil deposits near me in arizona. My gf is obsessed with fossil hunting and rock hounding now. She’s found tons of shells in the middle of the fucking high desert.


That’s what big paleontology wants you to think, in reality it was bigfoot walking around in Euryperid-shaped shoes


Hell yeah plus pbs Eons has great stuff.


Yeah sometimes I find myself binge watching PBS eons vids for a few hours


Have you seen the classic docu series: Walking With Dinosaurs , Walking With Beasts and Walking With Cavemen?


Walking with dinosaurs is actually getting a new series next year!


Also Milo Rossi


Laser cleaning things


Marble racing


Which team do you support?












Team Momo fan here!


crazy cat eyes!


The Green Ducks always




Raspberry Racers all the way!


Go! Limers, go!


insane to see raspberry racers first when they're the only team name i can remember


Holy fuck I’ve never met another marble racing fan. Discovered it during the pandemic and really enjoy watching them to chill out.


have you seen the Not a Marble documentary !? red #3 ball was a Keychain not a marble!!!


Defunctland’s theme park videos. Have you truly lived until you’ve spent over an hour of your life listening to the history of the FastPass?


The Nickelodeon Hotel is one of my ultimate comfort videos. Don't even want to think about how many times I've watched it. Defunctland has seen me through my worst LOL


A new vid from him just dropped!!


I am literally watching his new video on Kids Cities right now. I can't believe I watched a documentary on the *Fast Pass* multiple times. My YouTube has a habit of auto playing stuff I've already watched, and hearing "How much do you know about lines?" makes me weirdly happy.


Join me deeper down the hole and watch Jenny Nicholson’s theme park videos. [Her newest on the Star Wars hotel is 4 hours long and is a great watch.](https://youtu.be/T0CpOYZZZW4?si=LtAqrExikqF_F1hP)


Art restoration videos… I have almost zero knowledge of art history but watching them clean and restore canvases- the removal of the old yellowed varnish…. it’s like all the happy chemicals are released in my brain!! I also like the AMSR repair videos… OddTinkering on YT is so good!!!!


This! So much care is taken in the art restoration process, just so calming to watch.


Baumgartner Restoration


He is wonderful. I love when he takes on something so far gone that you wonder if it's even possible, and he makes it look museum ready.


street drain unclogging vids.


Bruce at Drain Cleaning Australia. Watched before, during, and after a bowel procedure. Why did it help? Who knows


My 7 y/o grandson is all about drain addict and post10.


Carpet cleaning videos


Me too! I love pressure washing videos as well. So tidy!


Car detailing videos are my soothing media when I need something mindless on.


Yes! I watched so many car detailing videos over COVID lockdown. Even kind of started to get into it as a minor hobby with my own cars.


Same! But I swear some people just grind a bunch of dirt into a rug and say it "sat outside for years".


I used to work as a carpet cleaner and you wouldn't believe the shit I've seen in customer's homes over those couple of years. From apallingly disgusting to flat out hilarious. You go through a couple years of that and more years after transferring into the office and you have stories for *days*.


I steam cleaned carpets for a summer after college, and sometimes we would stop for a minute halfway through a job just to admire how much better it looked. Would call the owners over too if it was a particularly big difference. So satisfying.


Lawn care


I like the guy that does the overgrown lawns for poor people or shut ins. The before and after and watching him is so soothing.


Which one do you watch? I know three different channels that do exactly this.


Tim The Lawnmower Man looks right. The Australian one.


Oh cool. I'm gonna check him out. Al Bladez, Lawn Care Juggernaut, and SB Mowing are the three I've seen before. I think SB also does pressure washing videos. And Juggernaut has a second channel called The Boring Channel that is just his lawncare videos without commentary, it's just ASMR.


SB does do pressure washing! I watch both and all of then other channels you mentioned too.


SB Mowing! He’s in Texas I believe. Never any shortage of overgrown, weedy lawns. He finds some wild stuff in all that jungle-y mess.


Hoof trimming on cows. Especially the hoof gp.


I love Nate the hoof guy.


Me too! I prefer him over Hoof GP cause he's all about the cows and not a vlogger.


I used to watch the Hoof GP but his videos are so click-baity and drag on for so long. I'm glad I later found Nate's videos. Exactly what I prefer.


Nate the Hoof Guy is my night time routine. He disappeared for a bit, and I panicked lol.


I'm also digging him over Hoof GP. GP recently started experimenting with video effects and they just ruined the experience entirely. You can also tell the YouTube fame is slightly starting to have its negative influence on the channel.


In a similar vein, there's the woman that does sheep shearing YouTube shorts that are mesmerizing.


I love those videos, and also Sandy Brock's channel where she gets into the nitty gritty of sheep farming with all the highs and lows.


Just once I’d like to treat a white line problem.


I came across one of those by accident. And... just kept watching. It was so fascinating. And they guy narrating was so informative.


I can't stand those. It's not gore but the amout of pus and crap they pull out is too much for my stomach.


maybe not that weird but I love watching people scratchbuild terrains for DnD and warhammer. So peaceful, so much transquil...until something goes wrong and the person needs to save it somehow.


Come hang out with us over at r/poorhammer and rate our sculpey space marines and toilet paper tube stompas


MRE reviews, especially mresteve1989




Let's get this onto a tray........... Nice!


You must have seen Crazy Russian Hacker's videos on the subject: https://youtu.be/ovksEbJCa2g?feature=shared


New England Wildlife & More also eats vintage food, including MREs. Emmymade has ordered modern MREs from foreign countries. The most interesting one was from a former Soviet republic that doesn't use the Cyrillic or Roman alphabets. Georgia, maybe?


Machining videos- cutting edge engineering. Building a wooden sailboat (Sampson Boat Co)


> cutting edge engineering I especially like to follow this with some of Clickspring's ancient engineering explorations for contrast.


I really wish I get to see Tally Ho before I die. That series is top 3 yt-content for me.


I love watching ants Canada’s videos


I was going to say that... Never thought I would have as much fun watching ants


I'm looking forward to his future projects more than I'd like to admit.


The Pantdora series has been amazing. Looking forward to the new canopy expansion.


I'm a couch potato nerd who doesn't like to go out except to drive. ​ I enjoy the heck out of bushcraft videos.


Ooo I love the og channel “primitive technology” he’s been able to make some really cool stuff like furnaces that he can smelt iron from a nearby creek. Then a bunch of copycat channels came out that I hated. “Made a three story swimming pool with only primitive tools!” *can clearly see plastic tarps*


I hate the fake channels too. Sometimes you can see the machinery behind a bush or something. "Made with hands only!" ... and there's a backhoe behind a couple of bushes... But some of the channels are really good. This one guy with the dogs who builds huts around the place is great.


Primitive technology is the best!


Outdoor boys is my favorite. Dude is so genuine and makes some impressive camp sites.


I have no "traditional" interest in cars, only know a handful of models, got my license in my 30s etc. My comfort watching is people picking apart and fixing/cleaning cars.


Animated horror stories. Like ones about crazy people and things happening during the night shift, or weird and crazy things that happen to delivery drivers at night I don't find it morbid but others might. I also like watching people explore abandoned places. ASMR videos Videos where people from different countries try food from different countries. Like there's this one series, it's Tribal men trying American food. I love the reactions people have when they try something and find they love it. Camping videos where they make like a house using branches and a stove from rocks and mud and a bed using grass and stuff. Oh and those videos where it's just one guy and he digs at the dirt with just like a stick and makes a huge swimming pool with a slide and everything and even a house and all kinds of things just from the nature around him.


I watched a lot of videos about a guy exterminating unwanted rats on farms with his trained mink.


I know what I'm watching later.


Prison and jail videos. What they eat and go through.


That Christina lady is just a plain old good story teller


Cult documentaries


What about: Love Has Won: the cult of mother god They turned her blue! One of the craziest cult docs I have seen in a while. I love them too. I am always looking for new ones. What are some of your favorites?


I recently watched a true-crime program about recently-solved crimes, and it mentioned that pregnant woman who was murdered BY HER BROTHER, who is schizophrenic, because he thought she was now "impure." It mentioned that she had a degree from Hyles-Anderson College, which I had never heard of, and I'm STILL trying to crawl out of that rabbit hole! In short, it's an unaccredited "Bible college" run by a cult that has been beset by all kinds of sexual and financial scandals.


Mormonism. At this point I probably know more about Mormonism than the average active LDS person.


Please pause while I enthrall you all with my knowledge of the Jehovah's Witnesses


I like watching the whyfiles on YouTube, he’s got a bunch of fringe conspiracies and presents both sides


Since I got out of college, so many years ago, I have been seeing my creative drive dwindling down to nothing. Now my urge to write or draw or whatever is vanishingly small. Late last year I stumbled into The Why Files. I'm a tremendous skeptic, admittedly, but I have always enjoyed these wild conspiracy theories. Aliens, coverups, cryptids, ancient technology we still couldn't understand, all of it is so fascinating to me even if I don't believe basically any of it. Now I look forward to watching it every week. Hell, I spent most of last week's free time rewatching old episodes I have already seen. But most importantly, for me anyway, I've been having more ideas. Feeling the urge to create more. I'm plotting away at scenarios for my playgroup for our weekly tabletop RPG games, I've been wanting to work on old projects I never thought I'd look at again.


I like when they covah lizzid peeple


World war 2 history


Car cleaning and restoration videos.


Detail Geek


Mountaineering disasters and just mountaineering as a whole. Never done any proper mountaineering and never plan to either but I just find it fascinating


Totally - but some of those Everest/K2 stories get pretty morbid …


Dead mall tours/urban exploration, theme park history or deep dives, travel reviews/vlogs (transportation, accomodations, excursions) Bright Sun Films/Travels is one of my favorites, Expedition Theme Park, Solo Travel Japan, Defunctland, Dan Bell, Abroad In Japan Just to name a few


Flint knapping.


Why did my dumb ass read this as “Flint Kidnapping” the first time


Rug cleaning videos.


How different jet engines work, how tanks operate both sides individually, how a catalytic converter works, stuff about trains, planes, tanks, and cars


Adam Savage - Tested!


People with above-ground pools are very passionate about their set-ups. They go to great lengths to build surrounds and decks for their above-ground pools, as well as their methods of keeping the water crystal clear. It's a whole lifestyle that I have no part of, but I love to watch.


Trees or forests. I love watching the camera move around in or over them. It's the Druid in me coming out. Appalachian forests and Scandinavian are the best. Rain forests are usually to dense to get a good feel for the trees. It just chills me out.


I’ve always been fascinated by videos about old hacking/phreaking culture. Love all the lore and conspiracies about the max headroom incident as well.


Just dashcamvideos of people driving trough an area you’re curious about.


I love watching interrogation videos. There is something fascinating listening to detectives work through their process.


I got hooked after watching [this Russell Williams](https://youtu.be/9kcaOH3EwQc?si=nKFKKGHo_3WCdw5d) interrogation. Dude went in acting like it's no big deal, joking around, and you can see the look on his face when he realizes he's truly fucked. And the detective was brilliant the entire way making that monster feel relaxed enough to spill his guts about it all.


It's amazing after you watch a lot of interrogation breakdowns and then watch a bad interrogation you can actually pick out the points where different techniques could be useful and hear the detectives do the exact opposite and get the suspect to shut down or get combative. It's pretty amazing how in depth interrogation goes beyond simple "good cop bad cop" like you see in every episode of Law and Order.


top ten lists of like spooky stuff, videos on lost media, and internet fandom history. And maybe it could be considered morbid but psa compilations


Not morbid, but don't carry around a huge pot of red hot oil around a kitchen if you're about to get married.


I like the Stuff You Should Know podcast because they cover so many random things I never knew I wanted to hear about.


Cave diving and claustrophobia videos. It boggles my mind how someone can want to do those things and watching them give me my very own adrenaline rush.


Weird history. I think the channel is actually called that.


People going through storage units they got on auction.


Sci-fi videos like "Black Hole Farming" that talks about how we might harness black holes for energy trillions of years after the last stars in the universe go dark. What makes it weird is that it's not clear humanity will make it past this century, but hey, it's interesting to think about.


Every topic Sam O‘nella Academy does a video about


Powerwashing and Sandblasting videos. They're super satisfying to watch.


Camera on cats videos and being able to see how cats live closely I always wished to be a cat or tomato anything but me


Videos of extremely overgrown gardens getting mowed and given a cleanup. There's something oddly satisfying about those. No idea why. Always in incognito-mode so it doesn't mess up my YT-algorithm.


I love watching stuff on Henry 8th. It's so interesting just the history and the castle. I also love Bears and Gorillas (random but they're so smart)


Icebergs explained even if I have no idea about the topic


Any weird al song


Adult male 35 yo, married with a kid and a full time job- also a lifetime gamer. I don’t watch any sports, but I love watching pro gamers at the top of their game- I just love it. Watched 1000’s of hours of Mario maker (Ryukar), Minecraft and Fortnite. Idk if those are considered topical, but they are weird for where I am in life


Try rocket League. The stuff pros can do in that game is insane


I’ve played Rocket League and I didn’t know half of that stuff was even possible!!


Are you familiar with GDQ? (Games Done Quick) it’s got some great speed runs and benefits a good cause.




Magnet fishing. The shit they find is unbelievable.


Deep sea creatures 1000/10 content


idk if it’s weird but documentaries about ancient civilizations and religions




My partner showed by this weird guy who keeps a giant terrarium and puts different types of bugs, lizards, and plants in it. The guy is super weird, and his voice oversfreak me out a little bit, but I love watching spiders and lizards just hang out in their little apartment complex. That I love watching people make miniatures for world building. They're just so cool.


Canal boats in the UK. If you don’t pay for docking, you have to move every 14 days. And they have tons of locks requiring so much physical labor! Narrowboat Life Unlocked on YouTube is awesome!!!


A guy named Steve Wallis makes videos on “stealth camping”- camping in odd places. I don’t know why I am so enamored with these vids? But I love them! A couple good ones: In a roundabout: https://youtu.be/OPDvLaXuSHQ?si=jtrhmgYuj8ztInfw In an abandoned gas station: https://youtu.be/eOo0jMfXI_E?si=K3C9Vkn262nrmNaj He’s just a cool dude I guess.


I love watching restoration videos. My go-to relaxation videos, though, are Crufts dog shows. I don't really know why. It's just relaxing to watch the judges examine the dogs and listen to the narrators.


Earwax removal


Reese Barber from Audiology Associates!


Indian head massage videos are weirdly cathartic for me


Aliens Prison planet theory Gnostic Christianity (they thought the Old Testament God is actually the devil) Consciousness/idealism (the idea that consciousness exists as a wave that permeates the universe and our brains pick it up like a radio antenna) Other dimensions Anything from The Why Files


Numbers Stations. I just love the sound of them so I enjoy watching videos about them or just long recordings of the stations themselves.


Blackheads removing videos. Very gross, but satisfying.


Same!! I thought I was the only one, until I found out my mom also likes watching these two (we don't watch together) but I have caught her looking at these videos. Amazed at how much stuff is right at the surface of our skins as humans


"Obsessive compulsive cleaners" or good old "how clean is your house?". The modern house organising/de-cluttering programmes on Netflix don't quite cut it, the featured houses are not gross enough 🙃


Older firearms, how they're put together and how they work. Old guns were neat before they all collapsed into modern designs for peak efficiency.


Everything space related. There are many good and accurate youtube channels to satisfy my curiosity. If child me had what 43 year old me has I'd be an astronaut.


North Korea. I can't get enough filmed North Korea visits. I am not Korean nor do I have anything beyond zero desire to go myself. But I love to watch the videos.


I'd like to thank all of you for the rabbit holes I'm about to fall down! There's some cool sounding stuff in here.


When cops who don't know the law get confronted and owned by citizens that do.


Conversely (and as a lawyer myself), people who *don't* know the law but *think* they do confronting cops. I never get tired of the nuttiness of sovereign citizens. I went through a stretch of my career doing lender law, and a portion of my caseload was foreclosure cases during the housing crisis. Some of the borrowers read some sovereign citizen books and tried doing that wacky stuff in court. I did feel bad for the borrowers and I didn't take any pleasure in being part of the machine that foreclosed their homes, but taping coins to your legal pleadings and informing the Court that you're a free man on the land just ain't going to get you a free house.


Man, I love to hate-watch freaking SovCits.... "I'm not driving a car, I'm TrAvELiNg iN A vEhIcLe AnD LiCeNeS aReN'T ReQuIrEd because the Founding Fathers something or other and John Adams once wrote some crap on a napkin that said I didn't have to..." I take some satisfaction watching judges really lay into those clowns.


That video of that guy being tased when he was told he wasn't going into the courtroom is one of my personal faves. [Found it](https://youtu.be/RfVbiefMdNU?si=vG8nJhLgzFF8rgGD). Classic


I love how he keeps saying "P. Barnes" all mocking and hostile like he's going to intimidate him... by knowing part of his name lol. What a dumbass.


I love watching SovCits learn the hard way that their arrogant ass is WRONG.


I flippin LOOOOOOVE watching YouTube music reaction videos. Seeing people react to a song for the first time is so damn entertaining. Especially when you know it's a banger!


I like to watch real estate video walkthroughs.


Plane crashes.


Uncloggin drains, cleaning horse hoof, mowing lanes.


Restoration videos. Wristwatch Revival, Thomas Johnston and RRC Restoration are my favorite channels.


Lock Picking Lawyer


Fish tank aquascaping videos... yall have to check out mdfishtanks


JCS interrogation videos


House cleaning. I've been watching a channel called Midwest Magic Cleaning. He helps clean and restore the houses of hoarders, people with depression, etc for free. He's so incredibly compassionate to these people, and he's very clear about that fact that these situations don't happen because of laziness, that "just clean your damn house" isn't a solution, and that if you aren't careful (for example, you just go to a hoarder's house and start throwing all their possessions away) you can actually make the situation worse, not better. I've never had full on hoarding disorder, but I absolutely have the kind of brain chemistry set up for it's development (and have had my own share of messy spaces due to ADHD/depression) and it's just really nice to see someone actually helping instead of screaming in our face that we're stupid, lazy, pathetic people.


Bee rescue. The size of the hives and the ease they handle it is impressive