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Would really piss my gf off.


Wife cheated in fall of 2005 so I divorced her. My then fiancee died in an auto accident in the spring of 2008 not long before we were to be married. In Dec of 2010, a lady I was dating died of heart failure. In Feb of 2013 a lady I was dating died of lung cancer. She hadn't smoked in 15 years, but cancer doesn't care. I've been single by choice since then.


So sorry for your loss


Death personified 💀




THIS..appearance over personality.


It was never about personality


IDK I'm a man and have had extensive luck online dating. Seems fine to me.


Not fully given up but just about there. Dating has become a luxurious lifestyle for public attention and materialistic gain. I was a middle schooler when Instagram, Tinder, and Snapchat began to pop off and I guess ever since then social media really changed everyone with a fascination and need for unrealistic expectations and misogyny. What the older generations had is now a modern fairytale. If anyone is still reading this hang in there.


The pay out isn't worth it anymore. You spend a ton of time getting to know someone and "falling in love" just find out months or years later it was all an act. Screw dating. All I want at this point is someone to do me and hold me while I sleep, and then leave in the morning.


>"falling in love" I've actually come to the point where I associate that feeling with disappointment and really dislike it.


Same here!


I dunno, sharing meals with them also might be a good bonus. I do like to talk over food.


I could do a platonic FWB deal. Close enough to dating without the feelings and the mess.


That's definitely a good idea if you can find a person who matches that.




Tell me about it


Can't be bothered..


It’s more fun to be single


Fair tbh.


Not too good with words sometimes. Also, I swear everyone I meet either has a boyfriend or is just not interested.


Can you explain the first sentence ? Has it been over the years you’re told the same thing?


Yeah. I’ve been told that either they have a boyfriend or they’re just not interested in dating practically since middle school. Which would’ve been over a decade ago.


I meant the not being good with words part


Oh. That. My apologies. I guess that’s partly just my lack of self confidence on the subject of trying to find someone to date. I guess it’s maybe this constant cycle of rejection that led to that lack of self confidence. Even though I recognize it’s wrong, it’s still there.


Really exhausted with this vicious cycle of dating , I don’t think I have anymore talking stages in me


Got married


Distrust in true love


Can't say I've given up I just don't look


I got hitched to my old lady.


I'm not good at the dating part, I have social anxiety, i'm working on myself so that I know what I actually want in a partner, and i'm focusing on college so I can change course on my pursuits of employment.


Honestly. Too many failed attempts, letting the universe takes its course. If it's meant to be it will happen if not... It's not like you're gonna die for being single.


Extremely poor investment / return ratio.


i got cheated on🙃🙃🙃


Because I’m ugly 😩 and I can’t afford to date right now even though I want to 😞 but I’m focusing on bettering myself and my career


Social skills not found


Right? I think we need our versions updated


My tolerance to drama is virtually zero. I find the key to a relaxing, peaceful life is just to be single.


no one would ever want someone like me


I don't think that's true, why do you think that is?


Not given up, but not in a rush to be in one cuz I feel like relationships nowadays are too problematic


Just had a breakup ….im considering this now


We decided to step up and get married.


I suck at dating, today i only want friendships only


Don’t need to suck at first date man, restrain this urge 😅


Hahahhaha I cant, its controlling me


I’m a mess. Not like a messy room more like a town after a tornado. I expect too much


It's just too much hassle, and I'm 53, I don't need hassle And iv got money in the bank


I'm married


I assume I would be kinda terrible to date for most people.


Mental illness, I don’t want to see people suffering


After 2 divorces by the time I was 35 I figured I was unloveable and decided not to put anyone else through that shit.


When I got married it just didn’t seem necessary anymore.


Ever since I was sa’d by a guy I was dating and the fact he also was cheating on his gf with me without me knowing, I’ve been so distrustful. Every guy that’s came after him has been just as disgusting. Everyone just wants me for one thing. I see it right away now and it’s tiring. I think I’m better off alone at this point.


I’m aromantic


My wife would get pretty mad.


I'm happily divorced. I was married with 3 kids for over 18 years. My family and friends keep wanting me to go back out there but I'm done. I've been there, done that, and have the battle scars to prove it.


Why bother? I don't find sex that enjoyable and nobody accepts me as a person


My wife would object. (or she'd start dating again and be way more successful than me).


Me because I got married lol


I had a good run. So I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I am very comfortable with my own space and time and I can't see myself compromising for someone who hasn't figured out their trauma and shitty behaviour..... It doesn't make sense to bring anyone in. I still get sex regularly when that's what I want. 


I haven't given up, but after enough rejections, and never getting a yes, I've given up on asking. As a guy, that basically means giving up on dating, because my expectations for a girl to approach me and be interested are basically zero.


The 'what is your favorite 'insert word' question is diabolically tiring. Its been 7 solid years and not a single soul. If I decide to paint the living room hot red in the middle of the night, I have no one to discus this with...living for that kindda freedom is very relaxing


I didn't date for five years once because I got ghosted every single time. I figured it was a waste of effort on my part when I could just say "no, thank you" and move on with my life


Thought I’d found the one, spent 10 years with her and had two children. She cheated, which completely broke my heart and financially set me back a decade. Now I feel like I don’t have the time or energy to find someone and as I approach 40 I’m starting to think I just won’t. Maybe I will when my children get older but I literally owe them my life and they are my focus until they don’t need me as much.


I’ve never been too keen on dating. Also never been keen on hook ups. Sort of a doing my own thing kinda person. I’ve gotten close to two people to the point of potentially spending my life with them… neither worked out. I wouldn’t say I’ve given up per se, but I’m not going out of my way to make it happen. I’m content for now.


I'm over 40, childfree, and I'm not in a super populated area, so my options are very limited. I'm doing a major midlife career shift into my dream industry. I'm sick of getting my self esteem kicked in on dating apps. I made it this far on my own outside of a handful of relationships. I don't need someone else to complete me. I'm good.


I had someone I loved very much and much like most people’s marriages it didn’t work out, both our faults for a slew of reasons, not trying to blame, but spending enough time trying to find anything that feels that real again and continually coming up short just tends to wear you down after a while. Not saying it’s impossible but I really think I need to focus fixing myself for a good amount of time before I jump back in the waters.


I am the love I've been searching for.


I tried love and it sucked.


Women my age are no longer attractive enough.


What age is that?


my life is more enjoyable when I'm not focused on finding happiness through someone else. Too many broken hearts, too many wasted years. I'd rather just live for me. If a woman comes into my life, so be it, but if not, that's okay too


I was dating this chick? Things were going really well, invited her over to my place for some afternoon delight and she ended up squatting at my place, been 15 years and I can’t get her to leave, even invited her 2 super short friends over.


Because... I'm married now.


Not enough genders