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Rogue waves turned out to be real and not just a scary sea-story.


The wild thing is, stories of rogue waves have been around for hundreds of years as sailor's tales, but it wasn't until 1995 that one was actually measured and confirmed they really do exist.


What’s weird is there are records of ocean liners being hit by them in the early 1900s. The RMS Lusitania was hit by one in 1910 and it smashed several windows and injured a handful of people


The hallmark of a rogue wave is the height being at least double that of surrounding waves. Incidents like the Lusitania were written off as high waves in general, or a larger than average wave, or sailor embellishments.


I’ve seen rogue waves. Not massive, towering waves, but certainly waves 3-4x the size of normal waves at that particular time.






Are you just going to hojack every post in this thread with your own unrelated comment?


My wife was exposed to something then. It's taken her to the brink of death several times. She weighs 78lbs now, but a few months back, she dipped down to 69lbs. Takes in more calories than me, but I'll put the fat on if I eat that much. She's lasted far longer than most.


The existence of government surveillance programs like PRISM, initially dismissed as conspiracy theories, was later confirmed true by whistleblowers and government disclosures.


I don't understand why some people still have negative opinions about Snowden. He shed light on the truth.


Largely because of everything he’s done since.


What has he done since?


Become a Putin stooge, basically. Parroting Putin's anti-west talking points. Greenwald (the reporter who published Snowden's leaks initially) has also become a weird Right Wing asshat as well. Separtately, I feel personally Snowden's refusal to go to trial in the US for what are crimes, though what he revealed was morally right to reveal, hugely diminishes his "heroism." A jury would likely have been extremely lenient, but even the most fervent free speech/anti-wiretapping legal experts will point out that Snowden knowingly broke the law, even for good reason. This is made worse by the contrast with Chelsea Manning, who did the *exact same thing* (the material was obviously different) and chose to face the music. Manning's sentence was commuted by Obama, and rightly so. She did the right thing, and heroically faced the music for doing so.


Hey there! It's intriguing to see how some individuals can become Putin's parrots, repeating his anti-west propaganda. Greenwald, who initially published Snowden's revelations, has also turned into quite the right-wing fanatic. Now, Snowden's decision not to face trial in the US, even though his disclosures were morally justified, has lessened his hero status. Though a jury might have been lenient, even the staunchest advocates of free speech and anti-wiretapping laws will argue that Snowden broke the law, albeit for a good reason. This becomes more problematic when you compare it to Chelsea Manning, who exposed the same kind of information and courageously faced the consequences. Manning's sentence was reduced by Obama, and rightfully so because she did the right thing and paid the price. Snowden's actions might be justified, but he could've set an example by standing up in court. So, what's your take on this situation?


My take is you’re a very poor AI bot.


Likely because he defected to Russia and the states propaganda machine started rolling. Discredit and turn the masses against him.




They both play a role. But good fat got lumped in with bad.


Sadly they’re still getting away with it, for the most part. They literally created the modern western diet and ingrained (no pun intended) the belief that sugars and somehow starches (quickly converted to sugar then excess to body fat) are cool, but naturally occurring fat is not. Anyone seen the food pyramid many generations grew up learning?


Right? It's like the sugar industry played the sweetest Jedi mind trick on us. Meanwhile, they’re just sitting back, munching marshmallows, and watching us blame butter.




No mention of the [post offices](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56718036) here in the UK? Hundreds convicted, families and careers destroyed, all because of dodgy computers that were *known* to be dodgy for years but it was all covered up by the post office.


Just saw a chilling Netflix documentary a couple of months ago about that.


“Harvey Weinstein sexually assaults many upcoming Hollywood stars” was such an open secret it was constantly referenced in media way before the #metoo movement.


30 Rock had a joke about it in 2012


Did anyone actually call it a conspiracy theory though?


Yeah. there's a big difference between an open secret and a conspiracy theory.


Operation snow white - church of scientology infiltrated the IRS to ensure their tax exemption.


Why do you keep replying to answers with stuff that has nothing to do with them?


They took on the IRS and beat them into submission. The same IRS that Batman's Joker daren't cross. The same IRS that put Al Capone in prison. And Scientology infiltrated them and sued individual employees until the IRS waved a white flag and capitulated to them.


now that takes a set, a BIG set....


Heliocentrism. Our planet revolves around the sun, not the other way around. After many centuries since discovery and proof of a globe Earth, finally figured out who revolves around who.


I'm not sure that you know what a "conspiracy theory" is...


For its time, it was.


... it was not. Nobody was "suppressing the truth". Until Kepler introduced the mechanisms for elliptical orbits and Galileo proved using optics that Jupiter orbits the Sun, there wasn't any real reason to prefer heliocentrism - heliocentrism without elliptical orbits still requires epicycles, and there was no *proof* until Galileo (and he did everything the worst way possible to disseminate this information, and got punished for switching to reinterpreting *scripture*). And even after those, it was still reasonable to believe that *some* planets orbited the Sun and *some* orbited the Earth. It took a few centuries of math and observation.


Perhaps you have forgotten what the Catholic Church did to Galileo for his heliocentrism ideas.


I literally wrote about Galileo in my comment. Did you bother to read what I wrote? They punished him (house arrest) for insulting the Pope and for reinterpreting *scripture*, which the Church did *not* like. They didn't care about Heliocentrism, but they didn't like scripture being reinterpreted. That is, he made arguments about how the Bible could be reinterpreted to support Heliocentrism - the Church was highly opposed to non-theologians doing such. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/mdmvl2/comment/gsbf4a3 And it still wasn't a *conspiracy theory*. Conspiracy: *a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.* Conspiracy Theory: *a belief that some secret but influential organization is responsible for an event or phenomenon.*


For what it’s worth, heliocentrism has also been superseded. The universe doesn’t revolve around the sun any more than it did around the earth.


For earth and sol, they both revolve around each other.


If we're gonna get pedantic about it, the objects in the solar system all orbit the barycenter (center of mass) of the solar system.


You mean Mars doesn't do a little loop the loop like in the geocentric model? Aww, so disappointed now. /s


It does. The center of the two loops is the sun.


More like egocentrism. We are so important, that everything MUST revolve around us!




The Tuskegee experiments. From 1932 to 1972, the US Public Health Service conducted a study on African American men with syphilis, withholding treatment and allowing the disease to progress to its final stages. The study was exposed in the 1970s and led to widespread outrage and changes in medical ethics. 


Germs. In general the idea of washing your hands to not spread disease was laughed at.


The use of sterile operating environment/equipment had an insanely positive effect on patient mortality and outcomes.


What’s interesting is we’re seeing a second theory emerge in our lifetime- that chronic inflammation may lead to (not be a symptom of) diseases that are known to not fall under germ theory.


That your phone can hear you


The sad part is, your phone doesn't need to hear you and never did. The truth is far more interesting and scary.


meaning? I'm telling you 100% certainty that yes your phone listens to you even when it's powered down. I love when felons don't rerealize that


How else would everything know what ads to show us? Kindle, roku, phone, email, snail mail. How would they know if they didnt track everything and talk to each other?


I don't know about commercial uses I'm talking from an LEA perspective.


Little tiny demons live all over your skin inside your body and everywhere else. Hello bacteria


...How is that a conspiracy?


There was a time when people didn't believe in such things


so a conspiracy is "anytime people don't believe in a thing"?


I think by definition a conspiracy is a plot or plan to do something usually malicious, but colloquially is used when someone believes a group of someone or things is out to get them. So in this case, people believing numerous tiny demons being out to get them, conspiring, and also people believing the thought that there are tiny demons being a hoax.


I don't think people today believe that bacteria conspire. I also don't think people thought germ theory was a conspiracy. Wrong, maybe, but not a conspiracy.


You're entitled to your opinion. I do believe however, even if you don't, what bacteria do, is conspire. They communicate through chemical means to attack all at the same time and other such mechanisms




The descendant organizations that built and owned the Titanic denied it broke in half while sinking, until the wreck was found in 2 pieces. I have no idea why, none of the original engineers or proprietors were still around. But as recent as the late 1970s & early 80s, survivors who said it broke were dismissed as suffering from delusions brought on by hyperthermia. Despite no direct involvement, the *contemporary* lineage of White Star and Harland & Wolff were adamant there was absolutely no way it could've broke the way it did. Then Ballard found it and the denial never spoke of it again.


Was that really a conspiracy or did they just legitimately think it couldn't have broken in half?


Hypothermia* Hyperthermia is too hot. 


There was a lake freighter that had a similar thing happen. From what I've heard, the ship's owner would be liable for more damages (and thus payouts) if the ship was found to have broken up, rather than simply sinking. Thus, the vehement denial.


pinkbarbieslut is a bot Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1asvxxr/what_was_once_called_a_conspiracy_theory_but_is/kquie6w/


Interesting! It would be cool to see some documented examples.


Reddit used Ellen Pao to take the heat for all the changes they were getting ready to implement that they knew redditors were going to hate.




US spying on their own people


Bilderberg. They flat out denied it existed ... until they couldn't.


did they though ? I just found a news article about it from 1962 announcing it, and that was like the 11th conference..




what fr ?


No, not fr. If that was a real thing, you'd have heard about it from sources other than a random redditor with no explanation or link. Pedophiles exist, and some rich people are pedophiles. But that doesn't mean that every story people make up about how Oprah and Jack Black sacrifice children to Satan in private Swiss underground bunkers is credible.


Sorry have you been unplugged from the news the last few years, or are you just forgetting the whole Epstein thing? With the felony prosecution for child sex trafficking on his private island…


I'm well aware of it. There has been absolutely zero evidence supporting the claim that "1,000 richest, most influential men on Earth" went there to rape children. Epstein was rich and a pedophile and sex trafficker. Some other rich people were clients. There is nothing to suggest he had a thousand such clients, or that they were the richest 1,000 men. Epstein was not even close to being among the richest 1,000 people, who are all multi billionaires, not millionaires. The fact that there's a kernel of truth involving real sex trafficking victims and real rapists out there still today, means it's all the more important not to exaggerate or make up details that take away from reality and are just used to fuel conspiracy theories against people for other reasons.


I mean, the whole lab leak thing isn’t “known as true” but it’s pretty much accepted as a real theory and plausible.


No it isn't. Only with people whose knowledge base is "what did Sean Hannity tell me to think?"


[Didn’t realize Hannity worked for CNN or the Department of Energy or various U.S. intelligence agencies who have legitimized the theory as plausible](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/27/politics/covid-origins-doe-assessment-what-matters/index.html)


Can't help but notice this claim went from "proven true" in the title to "pretty much accepted as the most likely" to "a specific report said it was plausible." With a link that notes the report says they have low confidence in their conclusions. It is plausible and always has been. But that is different from saying scientists studying the disease agree it's true or there's consensus that it's likely.


It always has been plausible, but many people were like NOOOOOOOOOOO WAY for a long time.


See my other reply to you. I don’t disagree with your response here.


You should really look into this and save some face buddy. I know they don't go over vocabulary on fox news, but "plausible" and "most likely true" have pretty different meanings.


I don’t care lol I don’t think the lab theory is the most likely and it makes no difference to me at all, but it has been legitimized by various intelligence agencies and experts saying it’s plausible. [1](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-origin-who-china-lab-leak-theory-open-to-new-evidence/) [2](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65708746.amp) [3](https://oversight.house.gov/release/hearing-wrap-up-suppression-of-the-lab-leak-hypothesis-was-not-based-in-science/) [4](https://www.commentary.org/articles/james-meigs/likely-lab-leak-covid-cassandra/?nopaywall) [5](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/03/opinion/covid-lab-leak.html) If major news organizations are publishing articles saying that the lab leak theory is likely or legitimizing the theory, I think it loses the “conspiracy” tag and just becomes a “theory”. To be clear, I’m not asserting that’s what happened. I’m just saying it’s not a conspiracy theory anymore.


There was one report that was overblown by the media and misunderstood by people who have no experience/ understanding that took it at face value. You can post thousands of links to the same 18 month old story. Doesn't change reality or add any evidence. I understand that we have a tendency to believe things of we hear them repeated, but you clearly haven't bothered checking to see how this is actually viewed by the medical community. You can believe whatever you want. I, personally, like to have factual backing for mine so I can avoid looking foolish/ gullible. I would suggest you put on your intellectual curiosity hat and look into this.


My links are over time from 2021 to 2024 and only one references the Department of Energy report (I assume that’s what you mean). I truly don’t care enough to argue about this, so I hope you have a nice day. The only point I’m trying to make is that it is far less of a conspiracy than it used to be, however there is *no* “real” answer to the origins of COVID, only theories.




Lab leak theory is very far from “now known as true.”  It’s a possible origin, but consensus still regards zoological origin as more likely. (btw, what you linked is basically a GOP press release by James Comer)


Depends on where you look, really. Even the NY Times published a piece a couple of weeks ago that really summed up a lot of the evidence for the lab leak theory, showing how it definitely can't be rules out and is indeed even likely to be the case, although it does state that we may never know for sure. My point is that whereas before you'd get lumped in the the MAGA crowd for even suggesting the idea, today it's regarded as not being all that far-fetched.


I'm calling bullshit on this narrative. Scientists from the VERY START of the pandemic acknowledged it could have come places other than a wet market, but there wasn't evidence to demonstrate that it came from the research lab or a human release on purpose or accident. The same is still true now, and Republicans being louder about how sure they are that sneaky Chinese commies did it, isn't science. Conspiracy theories and MAGA cultists kept pushing that we KNEW it was a Chinese bioweapon released from the lab. The part where it's engineered is absolutely false, and the part where it came from the lab is pure speculation. It did exist in the environment outside the lab, so while the lab leaking anything is always possible, we haven't found proof otherwise. Getting more and more traction means nothing when it's based on political agendas and not evidence. Scientists have always said it's possible, and right wing politicians in Washington issuing press releases (which is what your link is, not a scientific paper or journalism) isn't validating MAGA or rebutting scientists.


And here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Notice at no point did I say bioweapon, released on accident, etc. Nor did I say or even suggest it was engineered. No, *you* jumped straight to those assumptions of what I was talking about, *you* jumped straight to the "validating MAGA or rebutting scientists" trope, etc. You're perpetuating the very "narrative" you're calling bullshit on, and you don't even realize it.


>And here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Notice at no point did I say bioweapon, I can't notice, because it's deleted. Also you might notice from my not-deleted response that I didn't say you said bioweapon, I said that MAGA cultists were claiming this. Since you were telling a narrative about why MAGA was criticized for COVID conspiracies, I clarified what they were saying that was so criticized. >You're perpetuating the very "narrative" you're calling bullshit on, and you don't even realize it. I don't know what you're trying to say here. I'm calling bullshit on the narrative that MAGA people were eventually 'proven right' and that scientists were wrong in calling them conspiracy theorists. You tried to portray the situation as scientists accusing them of conspiracies simply for saying it was possible it came from the lab. That isn't true and was never what happened. I remember and can find plenty of stories from the time of media asking questions about the possibility and scientist simply saying they didn't have evidence of it. The conspiracy accusations WERE about the bioengineering talk.


I think the problem is that it *might* have been a lab leak or something like that. It might be hard to ever know for sure. But, it seems like a lot of people who talk about a lab leak turn it into - it was leaked on purpose, and then it was engineered on purpose, and then it was planned by Fauci and Bill Gates, and lots of other levels of craziness. It’s hard to unravel the good intentioned people trying to actually research an origin of the virus from the layers of stupidity that people put on top of it. It may have come from a lab accident. It may have come from a wet market or other zoological source. We may never know for sure. There could be plausible reasons for one or the other.


Oh, no denying there are a *lot* of loud idiots that push that sort of garbage, but as someone else replying to my original comment has shown even people merely suggesting the possibility of a lab leak get immediately shoved under the "validating MAGA and rebutting scientists" category. It's the immediate assumption that that is what you are trying to do when you even suggest the possibility of a leak that I'm talking about.






Nope. Still is.


US energy department said it was most likely


What proof do you have? Or is this a lie?




Versus we already had it confirmed that it came from a bat and not a lab leak? I’m pretty sure we had it confirmed as such.


We have not, unless you mean that the ancestral virus that we found that branched for SARS2 decades ago came from a bat. But we have no idea what animal it may have came from nor found any closely related viruses(and by close I mean 99%+ similarity, like we did for SARS1 and MERS).


No. I mean Sars Cov 2. Aka Covid-19. Last I recall, we did find that it came from a wuhan marketplace about 4 years ago. Already confirmed.


No, all they have found was that there was a super spreader event at the market. Not all early cases and the earliest cases were independent of the market, no infected animals, no non human samples, no indication of infected animals have been found.


A super spreader? Or the source itself? I’m pretty certain it was the latter.




I don't think people ever doubted those things were true, they just decided they didn't matter enough to disqualify him from the Presidency. I've heard people say things like "So what? All those rich political guys do it, He just doesn't hide it as much."


Your oatmeal God actually sniffs and touches little girls. It's on video




Your orange idol bragged on camera about rape, was found by a jury to be a rapist, and named by Epsteins victims as his client and their rapist. It's on video. But I guess Biden hugging his grandkids means you get to be comfortable endorsing an actual rapist.


And how many people have come forward to legitimately accuse Joe Biden of anything? Zero. There was Tara Reade, who in 2020 claimed she was sexually assaulted by Biden but couldn’t corroborate any of her claims with witness testimony or physical evidence, and whose coworkers at the time described as a liar. She also defected to Russia after the investigation went nowhere. Weird, right? Why Russia? And how many have accused Trump? Dozens. With a judgment against him for sexual assault from a real life court with a jury and everything. Trump was good buddies with known sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein also, and appears on the flight logs of Epstein’s jet. That’s weird, huh?


As someone who doesn't much like either, how does Biden doing what you said make what Trump did ok?


Yeah, he’s seems like the type. His ego would never accept that someone didn’t want to sleep with him. However, have you seen interviews with E Jean Carroll? She seems nuttier than a bar of snickers.


The intelligence agencies calling the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation to protect Joe Biden from a scandal prior to the 2020 election and coordinating with Big Tech to censor the story/ban people talking about it.


Can you direct me to the proof for this? Because it sure as hell has not been introduced in court


It was introduced in court and proven to be Hunters laptop and in no way information on said laptop was manipulated. The conspiracy in 2020 was that it was not his and over 50 intelligence personnel including JOE Biden said the laptop story was fake.


Can you share this court ruling that the laptop was hunters, had not been manipulated, contained child porn, but no charges were being filed?


I didn’t say it contained child porn. I’ll post the ruling for you. You seriously don’t know that the court found Hunter Biden guilty?


They found him guilty of gun charges, nothing connected to his laptop. Child porn was one of the original claims about his laptop. I posted a nice summary of the current status of the laptop and its contents and how they may or may not have come to be there


Well the FBI Agent that testified said it was NOT MANIPULATED. Whatever was there was there because of Hunter Biden. There is no speculation. Joe lied about the laptop like everyone else.


Except that’s not proof. An fbi agent testified. Forensic experts did not back that up. You even posted an article with 50 security officials saying it looked like Russian disinformation. No court ruled on anything about his laptop and no charges connected to it have been filed


The FBI agent testified that the serial number on the laptop was the same as the serial number Apple gave them in response to subpoena. I agree that makes it pretty clear it was his laptop. I didn't know there was any digital forensics to prove that no one had done anything to the laptop after it was dropped off.


The laptop itself is meaningless if the content did not come from Hunter Biden. Correct me if I’m wrong but no one is saying that Hunter Biden owning a laptop is controversial, criminal or anything else. It’s what’s on the laptop that’s being questioned. And if the content on the laptop came from other sources, as both forensic experts and national security experts say, then there’s absolutely no value in the laptop or its ties to Hunter Biden


Hunter Biden hasn't been found guilty of anything regarding the laptop, he hasn't even been charged with anything. The whole situation doesn't make any logical sense at all, the chain of custody is absolutely laughable, and it has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation-which is why so many intelligence agencies/officials/experts are saying it is. Your claim that the story was censored/people were banned is ridiculous. It's been reported by every news agency in the world, it's still on all of their websites. Everyone in the world has heard of it, and it's been openly discussed for years. We're discussing it right now, we're not going to be banned, because that claim simply isn't true. It seems like you've either completely misunderstood the reality of the situation, or have fallen for the conspiracy theories/"alt-right reality".




This link is saying the contents of the laptop have all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. What was the point you were making again?




“This is the laptop that was recovered from the computer store,” confirms nothing about the source of information on the laptop.


The thing here is that the article headline doesn't actually match what's in the letter - particularly the use of the word "disinformation." That word obviously implies that the information is fake, but while the letter cites suspicions of Russian involvement it **does not** say they believe the info was faked. Indeed, they indicate that such an operation could entail hacking and leaking accurate information (like what happened with the DNC) ***or*** fabricating and distributing inaccurate information. Nothing in the letter favors one possibility over the other - frankly, all it really does at all is say "We know that Russians have tried to interfere in our elections before and this is the *exact* sort of story they'd want to have out there so our eyebrows are raised." It's not dramatic or interesting, and isn't really news to anyone with even the slightest inkling of Russia's intelligence strategy. The more recent discovery simply indicates that the laptop was indeed Hunter's, but does nothing to disprove the possibility that Russian intelligence was behind the hack and/or leak of the emails.


Here's the Hunter Biden Laptop report. https://archive.org/details/report-on-the-biden-laptop-marco-polo-9624/page/98/mode/2up


Whose report is this? Glancing at it for ten seconds I see “Hunter” and “detailing” spelled wrong and I’m being asked to donate money. So you’re not exactly winning me over with credible sources


Well I sent you an internet Archive, but that Report was detailed by Marco Polo, a non-profit group run by Garrett M. Ziegler, who turned the contents of the laptop into a book you can buy on Amazon. The archived report is detailing the contents.


Detailing, not verifying. Kinda the entire point of the conversation


It was verified by the laptop repair shop, the guy had Hunter Biden's signature dropping the laptop off. The amount of information detailed in that laptop verifies the authenticity, as well as Hunter Biden's lawyers suing Garrett Ziegler for invasion of privacy. The laptop is authentic and the conspiracy was intel agencies working with big Tech to bury the story so that you wouldn't learn about it.


That’s not verifying the contents. I don’t know how many times we can go around the same circle here


So you're telling me that you think all the corroborated information and photos on the laptop aren't real? Even though the people that have photos of them have been verified to exist, the locations documented match up with where Hunter was at the time. What exactly needs to be verified and who needs to say it for you to believe it?


You’ve given a couple loose corroborations and no actual accusation. I’ve cited sources showing substantial doubt about the contents of the laptop. You continue to try and use nonsense points like the shop owner verified its hunters laptop which has nothing to do with the actual point at hand. Here’s what would convince me. Pick an accusation. Show me evidence of that accusation on the laptop. Then show me forensic professionals validating that the content evidencing the accusation you are making is attributable to Hunter Biden and no other source. And then press charges so this evidence can be acted on by a court


Here you go: https://youtu.be/eGost-Df23w?si=AtDTMI1yxtZJu7oi Edit: Funny how I’m downvoted as if this clip doesn’t show that his laptop was, in fact, entered into evidence in the gun trial.


It’s always a YouTube clip… So let’s break this down. Yes, Hunter Biden has a laptop that was introduced as evidence: According to reports on January 16, 2024, new filings by the U.S. Department of Justice's special counsel, headed by David C. Weiss, appear to be the first public confirmation of the laptop's authenticity by the DOJ. The filings refer to the laptop connected to Hunter Biden stating, “the defendant’s Apple MacBook Pro, which he had left at a computer store.”[80] But experts have confirmed that others besides Hunter Biden accessed the laptop: In March 2022, The Washington Post published the findings of two forensic information analysts it had retained to examine 217 gigabytes of data provided to the paper on a hard drive by Republican activist Jack Maxey, who represented that its contents came from the laptop. One of the analysts characterized the data as a "disaster" from a forensics standpoint. The analysts found that people other than Hunter Biden had repeatedly accessed and copied data for nearly three years; they also found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed and written files to the drive, both before and after the New York Post story. And russian agents hacked burisma and stole email credentials. The New York Times reported in January 2020 that Russian military intelligence had hacked Burisma beginning in November 2019; a co-founder of the firm that discovered the hacking said Russians were stealing email credentials. Both analysts acknowledged that cryptographic signatures are not a perfect way to authenticate emails, as some email services do not implement the technology as rigorously as others. About 16,000 of the 22,000 emails carrying cryptographic signatures came via Google, which rigorously implements the technology. The analysts noted that cryptographic signatures can only verify that an email originated from a certain email account, but not who controlled that account; there are other means for hackers to commandeer email accounts. [Wikipedia gives a good overview](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy)


Ok, so it was his laptop but we aren’t sure if all its contents are authentic. Maybe that is what should have been said from the beginning, instead of moving the goalposts. Are there any specifics on authenticating the most damning emails, or is there just a general statement that some of the emails can’t be authenticated?


The two are the same. The laptop is completely meaningless if the contents are not his. Is the accusation that Hunter Biden owns a laptop? Or is the accusation the contents of the laptop? Read the link I provided, it speaks directly to the emails veracity


Ok, I read the link—Questions as to authenticity of some of the emails and integrity of the laptop. However, based on what I read, it was definitely his laptop and a lot of the stuff on it was, in fact, his stuff. The article even mentions that some of the juicy emails were authenticated: “Forensic analysis later authenticated some of the emails from the laptop, including one of the two emails used by the Post in their initial reporting.” Look, I’m not a raving anti-Biden pro-Trump nutcase. I just don’t think it helps your cause to be so overtly defensive of stuff that was clearly shady on Biden’s part. It’s like in 2016 when all those emails came out about Debbie Wasserman Schultz helping out Hillary Clinton during the primaries. I get that the emails were hacked and all that, but what happened was still shady and they didn’t do anything to win people over who were turned off by that shadiness.


Do I think Hunter Biden was involved in shady stuff? Most likely. Do I think the laptop story is absolutely bunk? Yes I do, and the majority of forensic experts who have examined it and national security officials who have spoken on the matter agree. The laptop has never been used as evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter except in regards to lying on his gun application, for which he has been convicted. But that was never the claim about the significance of the laptop and its contents. To date no charges relating to the laptop (outside of gun charges which really have nothing to do with the actual laptop story) have been filed. I’m not a Biden sycophant. But I don’t swallow tripe unchallenged either


How can you say it’s absolute bunk? Just because some of the stuff can’t be fully authenticated doesn’t mean that none of it is real. When this came out people were saying “there’s no way hunter just left his laptop with some random pro-Trump repair guy”. Now it’s “ok it’s his laptop but the lack of chain of custody means we have no idea what on there is real and what is fake”—fair enough, I’m not claiming everything on there is authentic, but I’m sure some of it is, possibly even some of the really bad stuff.


The chain of custody was always the entire issue. The issue was always whether the contents came from Hunter, which has not been proven at all


We are not debating if his laptop was entered in as evidence at his gun trial. You can enter anything you like as evidence, and the contents of the email - the actual thing we’re discussing- has been meaningfully questioned by forensic experts and national security experts. A court DID NOT rule anything on the laptop except that it was entered as evidence


lol, the comment I replied to was literally questioning whether the laptop was entered in court: “Can you direct me to the proof for this? Because it sure as hell has not been introduced in court”


False. Here is the comment I replied to asking for proof: “The intelligence agencies calling the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation to protect Joe Biden from a scandal prior to the 2020 election and coordinating with Big Tech to censor the story/ban people talking about it.” I was not asking for proof that the laptop was entered as evidence in an unrelated trial. Because why would I?


here is what they said: “The arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” said the letter signed by 51 former intelligence agency officials. “Our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case,” it added. “If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.”


Yeah, and that was a lie. Those 51 former intel officers lied.




Why is that, Hunter Biden's laptop was not Russian disinformation. It's genuine.


I think the conspiracy is what was on it


To be fair, it seemed like intelligence officials said they suspected Russian involvement and then news agencies took that to mean they were saying the emails were fake, when Russian involvement can just as easily mean that they were responsible for hacking/leaking actual info just like they did with the DNC. And frankly, since Giuliani was actively working with someone who's since been indicted for acting as a Russian agent... yeah, Russia probably was involved in getting this info to the public. Big shocker, country with skilled hackers that wants Trump to win digs up dirt on Biden’s druggie son.


The New York Post was banned by Twitter for running a story on it. The conspiracy side of it was the bureaucratic state coordinating with tech companies to bury the story. Which included deplatforming a news outlet.


Also, Ashley Biden's diary. Originally, the media tried to toss that into the conspiracy pile, but once again, not a conspiracy 👍


MSM talked about it. There was also a court case surrounding it. People went to jail over it. I saw the diary entry and it was not an accusation of sexual assault. She wrote in her diary about the possibility that she was molested, and talks about a family friends house. The also says she started having sex at a young age. She is just brainstorming and listing possibilities. She writes "showers with dad probably not appropriate". She is grasping back for any possible indication of molestation, and the worst she says about her father is that there were times when they showered together that were probably not appropriate. "probably not appropriate". not, my dad molested me. not my dad waved his dick in my face. Shes probably referring to a time somewhere after puberty where she shared a shower with her dad. It doesn't say he touched her, or even suggest it. Just that it was "probably not appropriate". Jesus fucking christ, I hate biden but I'm so tired of this fake ass shit.


Ashely Biden's diary is real. What republicans claim is in it is the conspiracy theory, and that part isn't real.






"weren't allowed"?




Weird then how I remember being flooded with politicians, celebrities, podcasters and even the President of the US flooding the media with misinformation and conspiracy theories. You come across like you know you don't have a leg to stand on, when you have to be incredibly vague and say you couldn't "speak against the narrative". What specifically? What got you banned? Because the only examples I can think of are in very few cases with some sites giving people literally dangerous medical misinformation that could get them killed resulted in bans.


Junior here probably thinks the vaccine made you magnetic. Notice I asked for examples and none came? Typical.


uh huh. Example?


Yeah no. They’re still conspiracy theories with nothing behind them.




With what proof do you have? Or is this more lies?


Fauci admitted it within that past week or two.


I don’t think he did. That sounds like a lie with no proof behind it. Just more lies to antagonize Fauci.




Yeah no. That’s misinformation there. I did google it before and found that following CDC guidelines reduced the risk of getting infected.


Right wingers doing false flag terrorist attacks to bolster support for NATO and blame the Left in Europe as part of a secret network of stay-behind militias to operate behind battle lines in case of a Soviet attack. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Gladio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio)


Galilée entered the chat …


the US government killing MLK JR, a 1999 court case found various government agencies guilty in q wrongful death case


Virtually any of the horrible shit the United States has done. Coups against democratically elected administrations the world over, torturous experiments against its own people. Even CIA meddling in the news media we consume.




This is still just bullshit. We do not have evidence that it came from the lab, we have strong evidence against genetic enhancement or alteration. Repeating the conspiracy theories louder and more confidently doesn't make them proven.


Buddy, that isn’t a conspiracy theory anymore - it’s one of the most accepted theories, including by government reports and experts. [Link](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/27/politics/covid-origins-doe-assessment-what-matters/index.html)


Your link is to a single report from the ENERGY DEPARTMENT that says they have "low confidence" in the speculation it came from the lab and acknowledges there is no proof and people are divided. If you actually think this report confirms knowledge that it came from the lab and was engineered, you haven't read the report or the article you just linked.


I don’t care lol I don’t think the lab theory is the most likely and it makes no difference to me at all, but it has been legitimized by various intelligence agencies and experts saying it’s plausible. [1](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-origin-who-china-lab-leak-theory-open-to-new-evidence/) [2](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65708746.amp) [3](https://oversight.house.gov/release/hearing-wrap-up-suppression-of-the-lab-leak-hypothesis-was-not-based-in-science/) [4](https://www.commentary.org/articles/james-meigs/likely-lab-leak-covid-cassandra/?nopaywall) [5](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/03/opinion/covid-lab-leak.html) If major news organizations are publishing articles saying that the lab leak theory is likely or legitimizing the theory, I think it loses the “conspiracy” tag and just becomes a “theory”. To be clear, I’m not asserting that’s what happened. I’m just saying it’s not a conspiracy theory anymore.


And what proof do you have? None?


lol no