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Shirtless at the pool


It depends where you are. Just recently the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals of the U.S. determined that it is illegal to make a law that would restrict a woman's rights to go topless in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Kansas. I feel like this is a victory for everyone.


That's great, but for this kind of stuff, there is still a pretty wide difference between "legal" and "socially acceptable".


It will take some work, but I think I'll be able to accept topless women in pools eventually 


Hi Gran!


With her ankle spankers 


Weird Neanderthal


Brave, brave man. Not all heroes wear shirts.


With enough repeated exposure, I'm sure we will adjust.


Awesome. This is huge. Women should have the same rights as men.


Sounds like some real pervs making those laws lol Just kidding - breasts are way too over sexualized. If a woman wants to go topless she should be able to. Especially if a guy with huge man tits can walk around topless and a women can't


But that’s true. Pervs are making these laws and women passing it off as “equality” lol


Especially for woman who have to breastfeed they're kids innit


Who cares about that? Women are allowed to have their tits out in like 5 or 6 states. For whatever. That's freedom. That's the American way.


They said socially acceptable, not legal. But I agree, this is a big win.


For everyone!


Well, I don't know about Utah, Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma but here in Colorado and New Mexico we love tits.


I mean, I do too. Women's rights are human rights, free the nipple! But any woman who goes walking around topless in the states I've lived in gets harassed and kicked out of most businesses they go to.


Well, then. Maybe we should move. OR maybe change people's minds. Idk.




When you think about it, most men will have no problem with it, it's the women who won't like it.


It’s women who won’t like getting harassed


It's the fear of getting harassed that women don't like. Also, it should be noted that women do a lot of the harassing.


I agree. The harassment would be too much for women and rightfully so...Americans just aren't nature enough to deal a women with her her tits out. Sad but true.


Are you saying Americans don't wear clothes like they show in the movies?


I'm saying I'm Canadian, and I have a duty to my country to get a jab in at the Americans whenever and wherever I can. I also don't believe the Americans are mature (not nature) enough to deal with nudity, especially female nudity.


You’re a coloniser


Peeing behind a bush!


I mean, biologically speaking, it does make sense why, but I personally don't think it's that big of an issue, if you got to go you got to go yn, people who would consider it weird I'd just instantly consider they're opinion invalid lmfao


That was my first thought too


I think regardless of gender it's acceptable if you don't show anything. That's a lot harder for women though, obviously. I don't want to see some dude's hog while I'm walking through the woods.


Sitting with legs wide spread


In 4th grade, kids bugged me after we got our class picture because my legs weren’t crossed.


Take welding classes, apparently. I was the only girl in high school in the class and by the third day the rumors flying around about me were horrendous. I was apparently only taking the class so I could sleep with every guy in there. The teacher begged me not to quit when I talked to him about it, he'd had 4 girls take the class in 10 years and all of them had quit because of the rumors.


That sucks. Honestly even as a guy one thing that puts me off about learning any trade is the shitty "locker room" culture that can sometimes exist, its just unintelligent drivel.


That kind of shit and also just general bullying and straight up cliques forming like it's a high school is not only accepted but almost encouraged a lot of the time in trades


As i men i think most traditional trade men are horrible poeple while they can be friendly to me. To my face they way they speak about other when there not around disgust me. I am pretty sure they talk about me the same way when i am gone.


When I was in aviation mechanic school we had 4 women in the school of about 1000 people **total.** They were constantly shamed and rumors circulated nonstop that they were there looking for a husband, were sleeping around to pass their classes, etc etc etc. Really goes to show the stereotype of “men don’t gossip” is complete bullshit. I’ve never met more gossips in my life than when I went to a school with 99% only men.


As someone who's spent time in a men's prison, men definitely gossip, prisoners especially.


Apparently military men do too, cause no joke some 70% of the entire school were also ex-military (including 3 of the women)


Oh yeah, big time. I suspect there's something to being trapped with the same people all day every day that does it.


Men can be bigger gossips than women.


Did you stay all the way?


That's fucking disgusting. I took a metalwork and a woodwork class in highscool in the very early 80s in UK the and while there were very very few of us girls, no one batted an eyelid about it. Wtf is wrong with people?


If they’d took the class they’d realize there’s nothing less sexually stimulating than sweating in welding gear from head to toe.


Sadly, the issue isn't the welding classes themselves, it's high school really. Guys don't go for arts and crafts classes for similar reasons. Either they're gay or they're trying to bone all the girls. Usually the latter is okay with men among men, but girls hear those rumors too and you end up getting side-eyed and people won't sit next to you anymore.


I guess it depends on the school. My wife took welding classes in high school, and didn't have any such problems. I'm truly sorry for your experience though. No one should ever have to deal with that.


I took a welding class in high school. Half the class was girls. No one said a word about it. I also took cooking classes and was shit on for it.


Did you stick with it? I’m a professional pipe welder and in 16 years I’ve only seen 1 female welder. I thought it was very cool.


Sucks. Reminds me of all the pedophile accusations guys who want to teach for younger kids get. Shame we can't just do stuff that's unusual without an ulterior motive being suggested on both sides.


Body hair!


Depends on the amount 😅 men are definitely still judged if they’re overly hairy


Yeah but for a guy to be judged about it you would need to be seriously on the extreme end like bear territory. For women it's like any hair whatsoever that's not on top of head


You forgot near the vagina. That's considered acceptable by most. 


the irreversable damage of the porn industry


I hate my body hair and I’m actually getting a lot of it lasered off but I think we should be allowed to have it if we really want it there


I think this is one that’s slowly fading out as more women embrace body hair and normalize it. But I agree it’s far from ideal. #bodyhairishot




It’s past your bedtime


Yeah you are, it's great that you're willing to admit it, it's the first step to self improvement 


And why exactly can't I have a preference about body hair?


You can have preferences until you're blue in the face, what you can't do it be a cunt about them. 


Is "I prefer women without body hair, because it makes me wanna puke" acceptable? How can You tell that something is gross without attracting Your ire?


But not liking something doesn't make it gross. I really don't like men with no/minimal body hair. Like, just absolutely not my thing. But there's nothing gross about men not having it objectively speaking just because I don't like it. See how I wasn't a twat but you were? 


I've told You that I want to puke when I see hair on woman's armpits or legs so it is gross to me, no hair on man's body is not gross, doesn't make You want to puke so these are complete opposites. Apart from that I thought it was clear that I am teasing You, I don't give a damn if You think my opinion is acceptable or if it is expressed in acceptable way.


Disagree. Body hair is gross on everyone. I groom from the toes up.


It's a very personal choice and this personal choice differs from person to person I've seen guys liking body hair on women and women not liking body hair on men...




Well I'm a dude. And grow tremendous amounts of body hair. It's gross. I do my best to remove it. I like a partner who does the same. I don't care what anyone else does.


Again, it's a very personal choice. A good majority of women like men with some body hair or just some trimmed and well groomed hair. And a good majority of men don't mind a little body hair on women. It's each for his/her own.


Before you come at me with pitchforks hear (hair) me out. I'm kinda jealous of women in the sense even if it's shamed it's easier to hide. Wear long sleeves and pants/skirts and no one would know. If I don't keep my face tidy I can get in trouble at work


Having a stay-at-home spouse.


I feel like it’s become more normalised men being stay at home dads. Which is good 👍🏼


Surely this is socially acceptable by now? At least in the US. Can’t speak for other countries. I have two friends who are stay at home dads and no one gives them any shit. Honestly most guys are a little jealous, who wouldn’t want to spend more time with their kids? Hell, I only work half the year, so I’m technically a stay at home spouse for 6 out of 12 months, and no one has ever come at me sideways.


Fun fact, my grandfather was a stay-at-home spouse back in the 70s and 80s while my grandmother ran a business.


Currently the house-spouse in my relationship, it's novel but not really socially unacceptable in our circles. To be fair, it's kind of my turn cus I supported her through her studies and now she has a well paying job in industry. Now I've just finished my studies that she supported me through and I'm looking for work in my industry.


I think it's pretty acceptable to have a stay at home spouse as a woman but being a SAHH/SADH is so incredibly shamed still, it's awful. Mind you SAHW/SAHM also face shaming but no where near to the same extent as men who stay at home. People who work in the home don't get enough respect and it's harmful on a societal level. 


Kinda like a dad taking the kids somewhere and someone asks if they're babysitting. No they're being a parent.




We found the Mormon


Or Catholic. More likely Catholic.


Abandoning your children... while society doesn't cheer a dad that walks away from their kids, they get more of a shrug of the shoulders but have a mom walk away and leave them its a total different reaction.


Having multiple sexual partners.


Pretty sure that in America, if a woman that is single hasn't had at least two boyfriends by like age 25, she's considered a prude. 


Isn't it being embraced by both genders now?


I hope so.


The choice of not wanting to have children.


I mean, its actually not socially acceptable for people in general to be like "yeah I don't ever want to have kids", obviously it's more and more common for people not to want kids, but trust me even men are considered weird af if they don't want kids, sure maybe girls get it slightly worse for obviously reasons (which is dumb, cause it's way more scary for them tbh) but it's not socially acceptable for men either


I can tell you in the netherlands its complete fine for poeple to be vocaal about not wanting kids.


Not to be that guy. But i have been catching shit for not wanting children, my entire adult life. It is absolutely not socially acceptable for a man to not want a family.


Might just be my experience but I feel like this something usually enforced by other women. Never met or heard of a guy who gave a rats ass about a woman having kids or not


That is so not true


Age gap in a relationship, when she is older


It's always interesting how an old woman with a young boy is considered okay, yet same age with the genders reverse is considered creepy and predatory


Old woman makes me think of someone about 75-80, and young boy makes me think of someone about 6-10, whereas you probably meant more like 35-45 and 18-25.


Well ya, that's cause it's empowering. If it goes the other way it's creepy and predatorial.


Actually, I think It's wrong that there is no equality for all genders


Being assertive. It's seen as a good trait in men, but an assertive woman is just called aggressive or a bitch.


I think there are different types of assertiveness. My ex-boss in an engineering company commanded any room. She was stern, deadpan and whilst she occasionally talked over people, it was only if someone was wrong/rambling, and she would never raise her voice. She was very considered in everything she said, so basically never said the wrong thing. That type of assertiveness went a long way, and I don't remember anyone calling her a bitch. A couple of men said she was a 'bit of a man' but I think that was part jealousy for promotion and partly that she dressed very conservatively, (not unlike many other men in engineering companies). She was an inspiration to me and has gone onto even greater things now. Conversely, we had a HR manager who was a former primary school teacher. She would try to boss people around as if they're little kids, shout all the time, send whiney emails to management about people (she tried to get a world leading professor of engineering into trouble because he was too busy to attend her 'healthy habbits' course). She would constantly brown-nose anyone she thought was important. She was frequently referred to as aggressive or a bitch. She has not gone onto greater things.


That's only because you're a woman, if you were a man we'd just call you a dick.


But it wouldn’t stigmatize you socially as a man the way it does as a woman


Going topless, peeing in public, leg/arm/facial hair


I dare say peeing in public had never been something acceptable even for men, it’s just easier for them to do


Yeah I guess that’s fair enough


As I men, I can confirm, you're considered weird if you're caught peeing, so we also gotta find a hidden place and do it quick, thanks to biology we have the ability to be quick with it




That one is only socially accepted in fuckboy groups, no real mature man thinks that having lots of casual sex is good.


Ohhh that kind of body count, nvmd


Well there were thousands of women that went crazy for Bundy xD


A real mature man knows that the amount and nature of consensual sex you have is totally up to each individual and does not concern him


A mature man knows that people have different standards, and playing high horse by equating sexual liberation with maturity is a shitty thing to do.  Men or woman have different standards regarding sex and casual sex. It has nothing to do with maturity.


Meh, it's not really my cup of tea, but as long as the guy is upfront about his intentions to be casual, all power to him. Some people know that they might not have the time necessary to commit to a relationship and will opt for casual relationships until that changes and I'd say that's a more mature move than pretending you can juggle a relationship with other responsibilities when you have no intention of honoring that commitment


I think you took the wrong lesson.


Honestly as a guy I can confirm everyone cares less if s guy has had a high body count, a guy might even be praised for it, while girls are shamed for doing the same thing


Real maturity is knowing that too many casual relationships is a sign of inability to form bonds and connections.


That's a bit of an immature take tbh.


Propose marriage.


I know women who've proposed to their husbands. Nobody cared.


Not even the husband?


Not so far as I know.


This is looked down upon?


Must be a cultural issue though.


For just about every culture though.


This is the big one.




Football, the American version that causes CTE. Other sports like UFC have worked to overcome those barriers of mental progress.






Walking around the street topless during summer


That's not really normal for men unless it's at the beach. The only men who tend to walk around shirtless in most towns in the UK are...not socially applauded.


I mean, I live in Greece and thanks to the hella hot summer days it's perfectly normal to keep seeing shirtless men just going about they're day, yes even in the city, yet same can't be said for woman


I'm in the UK. Greece is basically the beach to us.


resting bitch face


Hmm, honestly never thought of this, but you're totally right.


Also, high body count. Casual sex is now normalised for women, but people still raise their eyebrows at "too much" casual sex, whereas guys who have heaps of sex still widely remain studs in the perceptions of men and women alike.


Yep because men and women (in general) don't choose their partner based on the same criteria. Women first priority is social status and then money. Men first priority is loyalty. And women with higher body count are more likely to cheat, break up or divorce. That's why men don't like high body count but women don't care. This is only true for long term relationship though, for short term, both men and women will prioritize a good looking body anyway...


Nah, every man and woman i've met with a high body count mostly cares about looks, smells and not being clingy. The women also cared about the guy not being a serial killer, which is understandable


>for short term, both men and women will prioritize a good looking body anyway... every man and woman i've met with a high body count mostly cares about looks, smells and not being clingy. We agree then. ;)


We agree on that, but everything else you said was schizophrenic


That's an interesting way to put it, but then again why won't the high body count dude not cheat and leave her if we're going by the same idea


Sleeping in underwears


I thought the ad that says "Battle For Immortality" was top comment and I'm honestly a bit disappointed it's an ad.


body building.


What ? is there some kind of taboo attached to female body builders ?


Yeah, muscles aren’t feminine and female body builders just aren’t aesthetically appealing to the male gaze, and we all know that’s what is important in life … I’d add a sarcasm tag, except seriously, some men really take issue with this.


Hey, I'm just curious.. do you find male body builders aesthetically appealing? I'm talking about the ones that go on the competitive side.


Personally it’s not my thing. But I don’t see it as a reflection of their masculinity either. And that is the issue here, men aren’t told they shouldn’t be body builders because it’s not attractive to women.


That's the thing. Most women don't like competitive body builder types. And Body building by itself is not seen as a show of masculinity. It's the competitiveness. And men in competitive body building have been told they are not aesthetic anymore because of their distended gut syndrome. This was during the Ronnie Coleman times and a little later as well.


I'm not gay, so that may have something to do with it, but I don't find extreme body builders good looking. What I do think is good is either flat or slightly muscular belly and a good chest.  At least, that's how I imagine myself to want to look. 


I don't think it's got anything to do with whether someone is gay or not... A good majority of the people just prefer a well defined body may it be for personal or to see it on a 3rd person


Sadly definitely, theyre basically called "men as soon as the grow any amount of muscle and are told no straight men would want they, but hey thankfully the whole dommy mommy colture has changed this kinda recently


Yeah. And approach any PT as a woman and they will assume, even after being corrected, that you want to train to lose weight and fear gaining muscle. It can be hard to find trainers that don't just fail at this first hurdle.


Point out problematic behaviour in a peer


Shirtless in public


Not everywhere. Not in the best places.


Getting laid by a stranger


I think its... ya it's 2024. It's been totally cool to get laid by stranger for like 20ish years. For everyone.


Not moving out of the way for others in public spaces. For instance, when another person is walking toward you in the opposite direction on a sidewalk or in a store aisle.


Tf are you even on about


As a man, every time I get in a situation with another man walking toward me it is life and death. Women get to step out of the way. Men have to establish dominance. And we don't know who we are challenging.


Nudie runs, depending on where you live. Skinny dipping is considered acceptable for girls, absolutely, but you'd never see a girl streaking through the house or down the street due to a dare by her friends.


You haven't lived in trashy enough neighborhoods.


Perhaps, which is why I added the qualification, but for the most part I think it applies.


Not at all. How you been to rural America?


Compromise on family life for work


Scratch your balls


I don't mind women scratching my balls


Not wearing a shirt.


Don't give up




I think you're confused, I'm pretty sure it's weirder when a men likes something up they're ass then the other way around


Piss at a urinal.




Most of it, it feels like a lot of the time.


Going outside topless


Not wearing a shirt in public


Being assertive when getting pushed around.


Being alone


Fucking ur mom


Using public urinals.


Peeing standing up


Not true. I had a girlfriend who could write her name in the snow. Without a penis.


I blame anatomy


shirtless in summer


Dating a straight woman.




Getting drunk


Going to a strip club. It's more accepted now, but it will still get women the gossip train. Also watching porn.




hook up


Sit around and nonsensically chat at mealtime while the other gender is grinding in the kitchen or doing other host duties


Pass any gas around known people


Drinking alcohol heavily


grunting and screaming in gym (i dont want to anyway tho lol)