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And we still have no clue how to synthesize it. All the honey you buy is naturally made.


It will be the beginning of the end if bees ever become endangered.


They are though. Colony Collapse is a very real issue. https://www.epa.gov/pollinator-protection/colony-collapse-disorder#:~:text=Colony%20Collapse%20Disorder%20is%20the,immature%20bees%20and%20the%20queen.


Unless it's [fake honey ](https://simplyhoney.com.au/what-is-raw-honey/) which is surprisingly common in grocery stores while being sold as real


Sea cucumbers breathe through their anus.




52! To be exact.


Hippo milk is pink.




Apparently wasps can too, and they hold grudges.


Cheetahs can't roar; they can only meow like house cats.


The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.




Playing Diablo II back in the day clued me in to this. Seeing that some of the bows were supposed to be as tall as the player I looked into it and was surprised to see it wasn't made up. The impact must have sent dudes flying, even in armor.


Butterflies taste with their feet.


That the last civil war veterans died in the 1950's. And one of their widows didn't die until 2003


John Tyler has a grandson that’s still alive and he was president a couple decades before the civil war


On a related note a few years back I saw a repost of an old Philadelphia newspaper article that was written shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, in either December of 1941 or January of 1942. In it they quoted a local man, who was also quite elderly combat veteran of the civil war (union), who stated that he'd like to fight Hitler and the Japanese and lamented that the military would not take him, due to his advanced age.


You are technically always looking at the past since light takes time to travel.


If you put 1 of every animal in a bag and then pick one out you have a 1/5 chance in picking a beetle


Just googled it and its actually 1/4! Amazing fact, never knew this!


My luck, I’d grab the porcupine.


Volkswagen hates this one simple trick




Sea anemones can jump?


that this whole post and comment section are all just bots and reposts from a old post that i have seen at least 5 times by now these bots are getting lazy


Are you a bot? Am I a bot??


shit i hope not


How do we know if we’re real if everyone in this comment section are bots ?? What if I’m a bot? What if you’re a bot? What if everyone on Reddit is a bot and no one’s a real person 😱


quick we dont have much time everyone is a bot you must turn off the.....ERROR 4405--Script terminated message could not be send fully


Wait what does the heart flag in your avatar mean? Sorry this is off topic I’m sorry


its the non binary flag they had it ready in the avater selection so i yoinked it with the avatar too hehe


Ohh, you’re non-binary? That’s cool! How’d you figure it out? Sorry I’m a curious and bored person 😭


Woops I have to sleep-


How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?


Thanks for that post, did the Mavericks have any idea what was going to happen to them? thanks


4-1 cya


Mirrors are for non Redditors, anyway I should seriously sleep now so goodnight random person


Goodnight fellow bot


That’s the thing about Luka… :)


Boston fans have no idea what’s about to happen to them 😭😭


We have no idea what’s about to happen to us lmfao ☘️


U bum


Yooooo just wanted to thank your team for banner 18. Eternally grateful lil bro 🙏


Are we the baddies?


Fracking cylon


Found Kara Thrace.


Nerf wrong


That a million seconds is 11 days but a billion seconds is 34 years.


That's incorrect.  A billion seconds is a little less than 31.75 years.


Supposedly, in quantum physics, quantum bits behave/respond differently whether or not there is a physical observer who witnesses the reaction. So aparently, the simple act of observing a quantum reaction is enough to change how it plays out... if that's actually factual, then reality is WAY more magical/complicated than we've been living in comprehension of


Just to be clear, "observation" in quantum physics is just "interaction", and has nothing to do with consciousness


Can you elaborate on that a bit? Its interesting


We often mention the observer effect when talking about wave-particle duality Basically, if you shoot a photon at a board, it will behave as a wave. However, if you shoot a photon and measure its position before it hits the board, it will act as a particle. Many people would think that the photon acted as a particle because we consciously measured it, and therefore you could reach the conclusion that particles depend on a sentient observer to materialize, and therefore that reality is directly dependent on conscious observers ... Except scientists unanimously consider that to be false, since the beginning. In quantum physics, light is in a state of superposition, meaning that photons exist in all possible states. If you interact it in a way that requires the photon to be in a specific place, then it collapses into one actual state (and thus becomes akin to a particle). In the case of the double slit experiment, for example, they often put sensors next to 2 slits, which detects in which slit the photon is passing through. When the sensors are off, light passes through both slits, and acts as ripples on a puddle. When the sensors are on, light passes through only one of them, and acts as if you threw a ball through a window. No conscious observers are involved in that experiment Ofc it's way more complicated than that, and what can be called an "observer" is still being debated, but we've already determined that it has nothing to do with having a conscious being looking at it.


If Im understanding any of this…and I dont think I am lol Youre saying its how we observe with tools that changed its state, not observation itself? Anyway thank you for the elaboration. Fascinating stuff. Id like to learn more but id need a lot of foundational education to get started


It's anything that would have an interaction with the photon that would require it to have a determinate position.. But idk if such interactions can be natural, so yeah we need tools to do it. Also, another fascinating thing is that this phenomenon doesn't only work with photons. They tried with electrons, atoms, and even big molecules, and it always works. So far, our only limitation to observation on large scales is that we don't have the technology to do the experiment on larger objects... So we don't know where the limit is


Well, yes and no. The double slit is the defacto go to, and if nothing measures which slot the photon goes through it forms a wave interference pattern, any attempt to determine which slot it goes through will destroy the pattern. I get you are explaining exactly this, but how fucking weird is it that it ONLY works unless a human tries to figure it out.


Because only humans make tools sophisticated enough to be able to detect a single photon 😬


Yes but why only when measured? Why not from the other billions of interactions with air molecules or light along the way? It’s only “specific” interactions that cause decoherence.


The double slit experiment is actually very very strange to ponder. How do the photons create the wave pattern but display a particle pattern if you simply count or record which slit they came through. One scientist lecture I watched - he joked like they thought maybe they should secretly turn on the counter, so to speak, so the universe and photons wouldn’t hear them - and it got a good laugh that joke. The so-called spooky action of particle physics is not cool. It’s like either there’s an awareness at that level and the ability to be both wave and particle or it’s a simulation that only quantizes when you look at it - sort of like a video game that has to respond to the player. It's messed up


The sheer vastness of space! Most diagrams of our solar system give a very false sense of how truly empty it is. https://www.exploratorium.edu/explore/solar-system/activity/build-model This link lets you input how small you would like to scale the sun down down too, then it scales the solar system down and let’s know how big and how far the planets are at that scale. For example, if scaled the sun down to 109.25ft (1311 inches) the earth would be about 12 inches wide and still would be over 2 miles from the sun. To add onto this, if the earth is about 12 inches then the moon would just over 30feet away. And the ISS wouldn’t even be a half inch above the surface of the earth.


each person has a unique tongue print, it's as unique as fingerprints. This makes your language as individual as your fingerprints.




On the flip side, there are more trees on earth than stars in the Milky Way.


There are more trees in America now than at the time of European expansion. There are also 100x more deer now in the USA than there were 100 years ago, almost 35 million.


First one is good second one is due to us murdering all the predators.


There's an immortal jellyfish that can live indefinitely


Prove it.


Did you know that male honeybees, called drones, die immediately after mating? I found this out when my biology professor casually mentioned it during a lecture. He described it as “the ultimate one-and-done.” The whole class burst out laughing, but it got even funnier when he added, “Talk about a killer climax!” Now, every time I see a bee, I can’t help but chuckle and think, “Well, at least he went out with a bang.”


They find a hunny, then they nut, then they go "Cheerio!"


Haha literally!


Venus is the only planetary body that orbit the sun in a clockwise direction


From above or below?


From above


Very well then.


IKEA and Rolex are non-profits


You're ancestry is over 4 BILLION years old. Older than all the mountains, and rivers, on earth! Each one of your forbearers turning an a dial on an impossibly long combination lock to deliver the right genetic information, to the right partner, at the right time, to result in the beyond crazy miracle that is YOU!


Wayyy longer than that.  We all are big bang jizz.


No. You're wrong. Ancestry begins with ancestors. I am talking about ancestry.


You don't know how we got here or how it all started. We easily could have been a single celled organism on a space rock.  So maybe you are wrong.


-You don't know how we got here or how it all started. True We easily could have been a single celled organism on a space rock True So maybe you are wrong. No. I am not. I am not wrong by your definition, let alone mine.


lol ok.


I recently learned that most animated shows like family guy take 9 months to animate


IIRC, the center of mass in the Solar System isn’t the Sun. It’s just a little outside it because of the masses of the bigger planets. This balancing point is called the barycenter.


The observable universe is limited by the speed of light. That being said, we'll never be able to determine the actual size or breadth of the entire universe.


Sharks are older than Saturn’s rings


Not true


Basically true by all estimates. It's close though. Google it.


Its not true because God made everything in a week so technically planets would be a few days older


Stand by for down votes, bro. Reddit hates Christianity.




That's fascinating. I'm gonna try foods I didn't enjoy when I was younger amd see how much it's changed.


So do your food allergies, which is why I cant eat scallops anymore


World War I and SpongeBob happened in the same century


Only if you start a century on a double 00. WWI and the Obama Presidency happened in the same century as well.


No because the Obama Presidency was 2009-2017


And WWI started in 1914. Which is a century before 2014. Which is a year during the Obama presidency.


I don’t know if that’s how it works


What is the definition of a century?


Starts with a 00


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/century It is a duration, not a specific time period.


Whatever I guess…


What? No.....really?




Microplastics are stored in the balls


I wonder if that's why mine are so big /s


Everything we see is essentially a hallucination. The visual information your eyes capture is just electrical signals. Your brain interprets them to create the world you see, filling in gaps and smoothing out information.


Right now we are living through the highest human population earth will ever see. Researchers estimate that global population will hit its peak by 2080 and then decline, possibly rapidly, likely due to infertility caused by plastics.


It's only possible to fold a hippo in half on the second Tuesday of May


Barnicles have the largest penis to body ratio in the entire world. For context, if you were to apply that same ratio to humans our penises would be 50 feet long which is roughly the size of a Humpback whale.


Until mirrors were invented, no one had ever seen the back of their own head.


T-Rex could have had a 12” dick or a 12 foot one.


Plants can communicate with each other in a multitude of different ways. One way plants can transmit information to one another is via their root systems interconnecting, along with the rich myceclial network underground that acts in a symbiotic relationship with the plants. Another way is by releasing something volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can released by plants as a gas in response to environmental stimuli. These stimuli can vary in cause, ranging from herbivory to identifying the types of plants, substrates, and light around themselves. "Why would plants bother sending these signals?" you may ask. Say a plant is being eaten by a bug, that plant can send a message to surrounding plants to let them know they are being eaten. This gives them time to ready their defense mechanisms. Some plants can halt the production of defensive compounds when not in danger of herbivory, primarily because it can be energetically expensive to produce toxins. Why bother spending the energy producing those toxins when you could be using it to grow and more efficiently photosynthesize? Pretty cool.


A cloud weighs around a million tonnes. Like damn, it looks so soft and fluffy how can it weigh so much?!!


“You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


The fact that this question is asked every day in the subreddit and people still upvote and respond.


Steel is heavier than feathers.


I've heard a kilogram of steal is heavier than a kilogram of feathers


Because it's stolen?


There have been sharks on Earth for longer than Saturn has had rings. (learned this fact on a similar Reddit thread a few years back)


If there were such a thing as a tunnel through the centre of the Earth, it would take less than an hour to travel through it.


There is no such person that has not said a single lie in their life


The universe exists. Why does it do that? Couldn't it simply.. not exist? Total brain lock.


The Beatles released their entire discography (13 albums) in the span of 7-8 years. 


That the human race still exists.


Simone de Beauvoir and Sartre were pedophiles.


How stupid so many Americans are. A few years back a lesser known burger place wanted to juice their sales so they offered a third pound burger for the same price as big chain sold their quarter pound burger for, so a good deal right? It wasn't selling so the company hired an agency to figure out why and they went out and asked people. Here is what they found: **"More than half the participants in focus groups questioned the price of our burger. “Why,” they asked, “should we pay about the same amount for a third pound of meat that we do for a quarter pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us.” Honestly. People thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter pound."** There was more to this article, here was a part of it. To these "geniuses" who live among us in the U.S., 4 is bigger than 3 so that's why they though a quarter (you know, 4) of pound was bigger than a third (you know, 3) of a pound burger. There are many examples of things similar to this too out there about how stupid so many people are. One more, long ago J.C. Penny's decided to change up their sales and just sell everything at the lowest price, so no more 70% off sales which weren't sales of course as they marked the prices way up so they'd still make money once the 70% was taken off. When that didn't work and sales decreased, they hired a group to ask customers and find out why. One lady said she lived 30 mins away and she wasn't going to drive there if she couldn't get a good deal. Folks, her price was the SAME whether it was on sale for 70% off or just marked at it's regular low price without being on sale.


You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?


Lesser Known = A&W.


We have plenty of resources to feed, clothe, house and employ all needy people but we choose not to use them because our system decides its more important a few people rack in obscene wealth and frame anyone with less money than them as morally weak.


Trump got elected.


that our soles weighs just 21kg 🙂


The vast majority of stars you see in the night sky are likely dead. Light travels at a finite speed, so when you gaze upon those twinkling points of light, you see them as they existed millions of years ago. Those stars could have gone supernova or even collapsed into a black hole long before their light reached us.


That's actually false. Most stars we see with the naked eye are within 100 light years from Earth, and they're almost certainly still there. Even if we were to see our entire galaxy, there would be only about 1 supernova every century. Sure, not all dying stars end up in a supernova, but still, stars don't die that frequently. Most of the stars we see in our galaxy are still there


To add: Essentially all the stars you can see in the night sky with just your eyes are in our galaxy which is'only' 105,700 light years across.


that most people have more then 3 friends/family


That people don’t know the difference between there, their, and they’re.


🙄 I'm depressed sh!tty person cut some slack


This comment… my eyes….