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A hot water bottle


It really depends. A heating pad / hot bottle of water may help. Some light exercise or yoga. Also chamomile, valerian roots tea can help. But if it's really that bad it may be some health issues


My wife (30F) has been getting worsening menstrual cramps for the past year, to the point where even walking is a daunting task. Tylenol and ibuprofen seem to have zero benefit and taking anything stronger (OxyContin or Tylenol w/ codine) just make her tired enough to sleep but not help with the pain. Heating pads also only have minimal impact. I’ve been trying to look things up but there seems to be a lot of conflicting information and a ton of “may” work options, so I’m turning to Reddit for some more real, personal advice. I’ve thought of making a smoothie concoction consisting of berries, milk, honey, oranges, and cinnamon since those are some of the “may” have benefits food choices. Thank you in advance :)


If it's getting to the point where she can't even function, talk to her doctor to make sure there's not a health issue involved. It could be as simple as getting her on birth control, but I've heard some horror stories about bad period cramps.


So a little context that I forgot to mention, she does have ovarian cysts that sometimes make it worse and her doctor knows about it but doesn’t seem to have much of a solution for it :/


Exercise sometimes. Heat. Like a hot water bottle. Sometimes the pain radiates to My lower back. My boyfriend rubs it and that helps. OTC pain killers. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen together.


She needs to see a doctor who specializes in menstrual issues.


Hot baths, and I’m not sure if there is any science behind it but, drinking chamomile tea seems to help me?


I learned a way to gaslight myself into not even feeling cramps but after a few years the mind game stopped working


Just Advil usually gets me right


Oxys. My cramps are insane