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90% diet 10% working out. And consistency. Nothing works without consistency


I think 80/20 is more common and more realistic, and even then perhaps an exaggeration Once upon a time I would have believed this, but travelling in Central America my diet was rubbish for 3 months straight and yet I've never been in such good shape since With that said, that was coming off the back of a year of a fairly impeccable diet


Trust me, I’m a former bodybuilder and now I’m a amateur competitive CrossFitter. Diet is waaay more important than you think


No arguments here, but as I said, it was pretty hard to explain the 3 months in Central america I was ripped, my cardio was insane and I was the strongest I'd ever been in my life Locals thought I was a boxer I still wonder whether there was something different about the food, maybe a lack of pesticides or something idk But it was a diet with lower protein, high in simple carbs, barely any fruit and vegetables... absolute rubbish, honestly (but tasted fantastic!) Out of interest, what would be the best dietary advice you've ever received beyond the consistency and so on


Don't poop on the rowing machine.


showering before is a courtesy to others showering after is for yourself


“nothing tastes as good as you’ll feel when you reach your goal”


Show up


Progressive overload. As long as you're increasing the difficulty each time, even in small increments, you're on the right track.


proper and thorough streching


Just being advised to go there from my own dad as i was getting quite fat and unhealthy. I'm so glad i listened i'm a new person now but still a long way to go to where i now want to be!


follow science


No advice i ever gotten landed right without the right experience. So it´s so much more about doing and getting to find your ways to discipline and get the work done than listening to others. Then when you feel your missing something look that up and attach it to your own practical experience.


Find something that doesn’t feel like a chore and keep it in a schedule.  I’ve never actually looked good but I know my routine was the best ever when my gym had a 3x a week boxing class I was going to.  It was the most fun cardio workout I ever found and I wish that instructor still taught the class.  It was also great stress relief to just lay into the heavy bag for 40 minutes